(Above, from left: Raleigh India 09C single-phase explorers Fiona, Annabelle and Lucy enjoy their last supper at the Fieldbase. They will fly back to the UK tomorrow and were tearfully farewelled by the Venturers who deployed for Phase 2 this morning.)
The Raleigh 09C cohort came, saw and went in a whirlwind this weekend.
The Alpha 1 trekkers returned from the southern State of Kerala after 12 days of hard walking and two of rafting, with all members successfully completing the task.
(Below, the new Alpha 1 trekking group with project managers Paul and Joey in the front seats deployed early this morning. For a full list of phase 2 allocations, see side panel on the right)

For Alpha 2, they finished 14 eco-sanitation units in their village in rural Karnataka and had made such good friends with community members there were tears upon departure.
Over at Alpha 3, the tribal houses at Kappikadu are coming along nicely after the tough work of digging foundations was finished and this project is scheduled for completion this phase.
The Raleigh 09C cohort came, saw and went in a whirlwind this weekend.
The Alpha 1 trekkers returned from the southern State of Kerala after 12 days of hard walking and two of rafting, with all members successfully completing the task.
(Below, the new Alpha 1 trekking group with project managers Paul and Joey in the front seats deployed early this morning. For a full list of phase 2 allocations, see side panel on the right)

For Alpha 2, they finished 14 eco-sanitation units in their village in rural Karnataka and had made such good friends with community members there were tears upon departure.
Over at Alpha 3, the tribal houses at Kappikadu are coming along nicely after the tough work of digging foundations was finished and this project is scheduled for completion this phase.
And for Alpha 4, their work on the solar-powered elephant-proof fence has meant the villagers of Anaikatty have already been able to irrigate their fields without fear of damage from wild animals.
The Venturers returned to Fieldbase on Saturday and had a barbecue that night, swapping stories over sausages before being given their new allocations for Phase 2 on Sunday (yesterday.)
The venturer group also brought back some creative genius, painting up two murals for the bare Fieldbase walls and uploading some "frame" photographs.

The "Frame" task is a challenge for venturers to find a creative way to make a photographic frame for themselves. Holly Gottleib took the light art idea and made this image with a

Today was a particularly sad day for our explorers Fiona, Lucy and Annabelle who are travelling on after their single-phase taster of the Raleigh India experience. They were tearfully bid farewell by their peers as the remainder of the group boarded buses and headed out for their next adventure.
We all wish them the best with their future endeavours, and also welcome Alexander (and his Australian accent...) and Juliette to the group for the next two phases.
Over the next few days, we will be posting full accounts of the Phase 1 adventures complete with photographs from individual projects, as well as updates on how the new phases are getting on.
(Below: The Raleigh 09C cohort nervously gathered to find out their new project allocations yesterday)

From the PR officer Peta, I'd like to thank Dr Andy for taking up the blog while I was away visiting the trekking group and I hope you enjoyed reading his updates!
Stay tuned.
To All Blog Writers
ReplyDeleteI thank & commend your updates; it is great to hear how all phases are progressing. I am sure we are all looking forward to the next with photos. Matt's Mum
G'day Matt's mum. Great to hear from you again, we took the pink slippers out to Matt on site at Alpha 3 but from what I've heard, they've not made it into his backpack for his new project at Kalainahnahalla so we might just wear them around Fieldbase. Again.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for posting!
- PRO Peta
ReplyDeleteI would like to send out a 'Happy Birthday' to Matilda, in the Alpha 3 group.
Good luck on your exciting trip.
From Helen, Alex, Iona and Calan.
Edmée, het was fijn even je stem te horen!
ReplyDeleteMooi dat het allemaal goed gaat en dat je het naar je zin hebt.
Heel erg veel plezier en succes met het volgende project.
Veel liefs, Boris
Hi Rebecca!!
ReplyDeleteIT was so amazing to chat with you on Sunday and now to see what project you are on. We will follow your progress closely and what fun to hopefully complete the housing project this time around. Good luck!
We have Jeremy, Wendy and Harriet round for supper shortly after seeing Emily off to Oz for who knows how long...There will be a few tears I'm sure so wel'll just have to ply them with food and drink and try and takes their minds off her departure.
Hannah and I have written to you so you should hear all our news very soon.
Take care,
Lots of love Mummyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To Fieldbase & Alpha 2
ReplyDeleteIn case Matt hasn't mentioned to all, Postman Pat should have delivered a card & a little pink something, cause " ITS MATT'S BIRTHDAY ON 12TH". Please give Matt all our love, Matt's Mum, Dad, Big Bruv Ryan, Suzanne, Agnes and Nancy xxxxxx
To Hannah McLaren,
ReplyDeleteI am missing you lots and wish you were here with us! I did my Lamda exam today and it went great!! Happy Birthday for Saturday and have a great day then!
I love you lots
From Flora
To my Darling Paolo Billett. Miss you loads darling, Brighton is just not the same without you. Stay safe and hurry home gorgeous. Ralph. x x
ReplyDeleteHi Tilly hope you have a very happy birthday. fron... Hi Tilly hope you have a very happy birthday. fronm everyone at Campebll Rd.
ReplyDeleteTo: Mo
ReplyDeleteFrom: Nadine
"Hi Mo,
Hartstikke bedankt caar het lerichtje. Nog maar een weekje en dan zit het eco-sanitation project er alweer op, Maandag gaan we 2 dagen naar een elephant nature park. Liefs aan idereen! xxx Nadine."
Editor's note: I don't speak Dutch, so please forgive any wrong typing!
To: Mikhail (posted February 27, 02.28am)
ReplyDeleteFrom: Esmee
"Hay mam en pap!
Jullie hebben de blog dus wel weten te vinden! Jullie kunnen een brief op de deur-mat verwachten met meer verhalen, weet alleen niet hoe lang de post erover doet. Stomme vraag maar ik hoorde iets over een motivatie gesprek voor economics + business. Zouden Jullie willen witzoeken wanneer dat is? Thanks! Denk aan jullie en veel liefs aan iedereen! Kus Esmee"
To: Mum, Jonboy and Ang
ReplyDeleteFrom: Tom D
"Kalainhnahalla is an amazing village! Such very friendly locals. We've pretty much finished building the ecosanitation units. My brick laying skills have come on in leaps and bounds; I'm already planning a fireplace in a new treehouse.
Chris and I killed and cooked three chickens for the fancy dress party on Saturday! Yesterday we went fishing and then gutted and fried two and a half fish. Everyone in Alpha 2 is lovely.
Keep posting!
Lots of love,
Tom x"
To: Mum and Dad
ReplyDeleteFrom: Ricardo
"Hi Mum + Dad
How are you both doing? I am really doing well out here, nearly finished phase 1 Yeah! Missing you both especially Thairell. Got a nice sun tan don't worry, been eating really well and having fun.
I lost my address book, can I have Thairell's address so I can send him letters? So sorry.
Can't wait to see you both,
Lots of love, from Ricardo."
To: Mum
ReplyDeleteFrom: Joey Maloney on Alpha 2
"Hello mum,
Great to hear that you've found out how to use the blog! Me and Alpha 2 are all good and we're well on target to finish the 15 eco-sanitation units aswell as building a playground for the local children!
Take care mum and send my love to the fambo,
Love Joey
From: Joey at Alpha 2
ReplyDelete"Hello lover,
Great to hear from you. Got another letter from you and Pat today! All is well with me and the gang (Alpha 2). Send my love to your Dad and Maria/Shaun,
Always in my thoughts
Love Joey
To: Andy Ashford, posted February 26, 23.01pm
ReplyDeleteFrom: Chris Ashford
"Hey team! Chill out on the "being proud" Dad! It's not that great :)
Happy mother's day for mum next week. I cut my right index finger badly, got stitches - send you a letter about it!
Take care - Chris"
To: Cousin Mavis (posted February 27, 10.53pm)
ReplyDeleteFrom: Holly Gottleib
"Dear Mavis,
Thanks for the blog comment, all have been very much appreciated! It's boiling here at the moment and getting very stinky.
Lost of love,
To: Nicky G (Mum + Dad) posted February 27, 19.42pm)
ReplyDeleteFrom: Holly Gottleib
Thanks Mum! (+ Dad)
Say congrats to Tom, good luck to Jess. Have you got my letter yet? Thank you for "the Week!!" - it was very much appreciated. All I can cook is noodles. Tough shit. Really really hot and smelly but really loving it here. Load and loads of love and happy birthday for next week in case I don't get a chance.
Love you all,
Keep writting letters etc
p.s. Please let me know exact marks for results etc."
for joooooooooo(D)
ReplyDeleteheyo honey:D
i read the side thingy woo woo you are now on da house building team right?
cool stuff, hope you have lots of fun! remember to sing 'bob the builder' as you work :P*ducks attack*
btw, it's holi today and tommorrow, i hope you are celebrating seeing as you are in india! if not i will save up coloured powder for next time i see you :D i have been secretly dropping waterballoons on passerbys from my balcony, with the aid of my neighbour and blaming it on the children that live upstairs hahahahaha:D but i think it's only fair, the amount of water baloons i've had to recieve on the face in the last week or so.Revenge! bwahahahhaha!
i've also dicovered how to fry highly dodgy chips on a thava(like a flat wok) and they even started selling heinz ketchup here from the last few months *heaven* besides that not too much happening. oo oo w8 i'm moving on the weekend i will send you all my new contacts in my next letter:)
hope you are taking care of yourself, be good sweetie~!lots of luv xxxxxx
To: Jess g (posted February 28, 02.40am)
ReplyDeleteFrom: Holly
"Dear Jess,
Sorry I didn't write to you before...
Leave Fletch alone and just do your maths. I'll try and send Mum a message but thanks anyway for the thought. I hope you had fun in New York. Missing you and Carla. How is Finn doing?
Loads and loads of love,
p.s. Don't cock up your maths!!!"
To: Grandma (posted February 26, 17.48pm)
ReplyDeleteFrom: Holly
"Dear Grandma,
Thank you for the blog. No elephants yet.. despite building an elephant fence, but very hot and stinky. Hop you're all ok, will get a better chance to email when I have finished Raleigh.
Lots of love,
To: Dingo and family (posted 22 February, 15.44pm)
ReplyDeleteFrom: Thomas M
"Dear Dingo and family,
I hope you're all having a good time and thanks for your comment. I'd definitely like to come out to Flims if we can. Maybe you could check with Mum and Dad? I'm just about half way through my time here and loving it sleeping in bamboo beds in the field and workiing on the Elephant-proof fence. I start the trek in about a week, then get back hom on April 1. Hope to see you soon,
Love Thomas."
To: Mum, Dad and Ollie,
ReplyDeleteFrom: Thomas M
"Dear Mum, Dad and Ollie,
We've nearly finished fixing our part of the fence and saw an Elephant just outside it the other day which was really exciting. Now we ahve a few days free when we might be able to ceach in the school and get dinner from some of the locals. Hope you had a good time in Dubai,
Love Thomas."
To: Gargie and Cuck (posted February 25, 01.31am)
ReplyDeleteFrom: Emmie
"Dear Gargie and Cuckoo,
I received your letter today, aswell as one from mum. It was so good to hear from you! Hope you are both well. Give Halle a cuddle and my love. Keep writing letters and on the blog.
Lots of love,
Emmie. xxx"
To: Mum (posted 22 February at 01.31am)
ReplyDeleteFrom: Emmie
"Hi Mum,
I got your letter today, it made me cry! But it was really nice to get. I also got one from gargie and Cuckoo. I hae written a letter to you both. Did Alex enjoy himself in London? Can you tell Auntie Jennie to write on the blog? Keep leaving lots of messages. Thanks for tidying my room! Lots of love,
To: Fav (posted February 25, 20.02pm)
ReplyDeleteFrom: Angel
"Hey Fav!
Yup, I've received your letters today (2nd.) Sorry about the pictures. I'll make sure to get in a few more :) You're right though, I'm having a great time. I knew you'd miss me more than you expected to, and as you should already know I am missing you very much.
Thanks for doing all those things for me. Right now my future is in your hands. One more thing though, pleaes give me (Paps 2) Dad the blog details so he can let me know when the baby arrives. Thanks again. You're a real star. Btw, make sure you have the time of your life on your birthday and please write to me on the 13th so I can be part of the joy. Send my love to Dave too. Love you all day, everyday and everyday, all day!!! - Almost forgot, one more thing. I see this about once a week.
:) Angel"
To: Stephanie O'Leary (posted 25 February, 07.05am)
ReplyDeleteFrom: Emily
Sweety you are awesome. I love seeing the messages from you!
I can't believe that I have been here three weeks now, it's wizzing by so fast. I have got the worst farmers tan ever - and OMG I'm so excited for you, where are you moving to still linen?
*ED NOTE: handwriting smudged, can't quite read previous sentence*
Also, how did the joy interview go? When you get a change of address, tell me and I can send you a letter :)
Love you lots,
To: Momsy (posted February 27 at 10.49am)
ReplyDeleteFrom: Lucy Holloway
"Hi Momsy,
Thanks very much for your comments, they've really made me smile (especially when Ed read them out lout in front of all of Alpha 3). However everyone now thinks you're a cool mom after your mention of the Kaiser Chiefs and the Ting Tings :)
I'm not tired, it's just the shadow from my hat... Okay, the hard work is tiring but I'm having a great time. Hope you got my postcard and that all is well at home. Missing you and dad too! Lots of love,
To: Gordon
ReplyDeleteFrom: Lucy
"Hi Gord,
Where on earth did you find Mysore coffee? I've not even managed that! Thank you so much for the letter. It's lovely to get some pictures. Missing you. I've had to explain to Alpha 3 why you're known as Gonrod.
Lots of love,
To: Frank (posted February 22 at 12.13pm)
ReplyDeleteFrom: Petrina
"Hey Frank,
Haha! Now I'm moving sand and boulders, not really diggin' it. Went to Ooty on Sunday and ate pizza and ice cream! :) I'm really missing Ben and Jerrys. I also slept in a bed on Sunday night which was a niice change from the thermarest. The heat out here constantly makes me fall asleep which I'm enjoying and we're all going to be at like 9pm - extremely early compared with my bedtime at home. Work is exhausting but I'm soldiering on. Almost finished my first phase now.
Missing you both - thanks for the cards, was nice to receive them,
Lots of love,
To: Mum and Dad (posted March 6 at 14.25pm)
ReplyDeleteFrom: William
"Dear Parentals, all is fanabbytastic here in India. I went out to Kaapikadu to start building 14 new homes for them. It was good quality hard manuel labour but really good fun chilling with the tribe. They are poor but extremely content people living by farming. I sent you a postcard from Ooty on my day off so hopefully that'll reach you. I dono't have time for the internet mainly because I *indecipherable* to explore the cities and not sit in the cafe emailing but you and Al can write on the blog anytime and every week I can read and reply to them when I'm out on phase.
Love you all and hope all is well as it sounds,
To: Mum, Dad and Chandler
ReplyDeleteFrom: Jo D
"Jo is alive and her tan is ever improving. Wish a happy birthday to Karen and Sara and tell Chandler I miss him and his little kitty feet! Russell is missed and is to be told that there is a person who tells worser jokes than him, the ever-polite Sarah.
I have finished the trek and am now preparing to do some charity building.
Everyone here has a moustache."
To: Mum and Dad
ReplyDeleteFrom: Ricardo
"Hi Mum and Dad. Doing ok, my next phase is trekkinjg, I leave on Monday. Going ot be hard. But I could pull through this. I keep on writing what I'm doing through the day and having fun. Looking forward to hear your next blogs,
Lots of love
From Ricardo."
To: Dad (posted March 7, 03.20am)
ReplyDeleteFrom: Emc
Hi Dad! Great to hear from you! those photos were exspecially put up for you so I hope you appreciated them! I have been writing in my journal ever day! What have you been decorating? Alex soundsl ike he's having an amazing time at the moment, he keeps going to London!
Just found out I'm on the community phase next so building loos! Then trekking last. Pleaes give me info of what to see in S. India but don't go crazy with an intinerary. Keep writing the letters, I'd love on from you,
Lots of love,
p.s. I have now decided to stay on in South India for three weeks. Please let Carl know! So can look into flights coming home on Monday 11th May. We are going down to Kerala and South for two weeks then to Chennai and area for one week to go to St Georges orphanage. Thanks x"
To: Granma
ReplyDeleteFrom: Tom D
Dear Grandma,
Thank you for your nice comment, it was lovely to hear from you. I've just been assigned to Alpha 4; the environmental phase. So I'll be building elephant proof fences for the next three weeks. Thank you for your letter. Pleasel et mum know I can't get my mobile to work. India is amazing,
To: Mum and Dad
ReplyDeleteFrom: Emily J
"Hi Mum and Dad
Well I've just found out that I'm trekkinjg for the second part. So it's a mix of feelins, however it's mostly excitement.
Hopefully Mr T went well and Jay and Spencer are on good form as normal. Miss you so much and I love you all so much,
Lots of love,
From Emily xxx"
To: Simon and Catherine Hamersley, posted March 6 at 15.47pm)
ReplyDeleteFrom: Zoe Hamersley
"Hi Mum and Dad,
On the ment? What's wrong with Mum? Second caravan? Is this to live in?! It's now getting pretty late and I'm still pottering around preparing for trekking on the next phase! We set off tomorrow at 0600 on a 12-hour bus journey to the start of the trek. So it's trekking for the 11th where we plan to climb to the summit of a mountain (can't remember the name of it) with my 24kg pack! the trek is 200km long so fingers crossed nothing falls apart! Didn't manage to check my email though was sorry not to catch you on the phone but hopefully you get my message. Managed to speak to Liz and Gyles though so thanks for passing Liz the details. Great news about the flight and look forward to Mum's letter.
Lots of love,
Joey Maloney,New Alpha 1.
ReplyDeleteHi Joe got your message on the blog, thanks, Nohj said he's sent you a message ,but not seen it printed, are you bog building again?,just seen the pic of you and Paul on the bus, you look good,all ok her Joe, waiting for the match tonight, i'm keeping in touch with Shell too,anyway luv, you go and enjoy yourself, thinking about you,oh by the way Toms pc is getting fixed so he should get it back today,luv u, take care mum.xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dear Dr Andy
ReplyDeleteWe hope you are not inundated with too many cases of Bilharzia. The Toon looked more doomed by the day
I will try and post when relegation is certain.
Lots of Love
Mum and Dad
Hello Johanna Marta Davies Alpha 3
ReplyDeleteGreetings from Costa Rica. Mum and abuelita are here with me in the hotel. On Wednesday there were two earthquakes here but I didnt notice because I was on the phone. Its just like London when a train goes by and the ground shakes, nothing big. Ive been looking at the photos, why arent you in the last one - the group photo? Are you sick? Is everything ok? Write to us soon so we dont worry Love Sara Louisa Davies x x x p.s; today we visited a volcano - it was really smelly
hi lea lea. Alpha 2
ReplyDeletewots good in the Indian Hood.
I saw u in the group pic u look well, when i saw it i was like ahh my lea lea, i'm actually missing ya. i've just got back from mum and dads just finished fulling ma belly u know how I do, u missed a really nice dinner, never mind we'll put on a feast for ya when u come back. Every one is well and I got some of the church crew to write u a little note not every one got 2 say something as it was jades b-day and there was alot going on after Church. Yeah so u should get ur letters in approx 10-12 days. miss ya love ya ur BIG SIS Dionne xxxxxxxxx
Hi Seb
ReplyDeleteHow you doing? We're all good, Dom did well in his exams, still trying to learn to drive. Mimi was so please you left a note on face book for her , cheered her up, she's got exams next week.Hope you manage to change your flights.Let me know date of your return so I can ring work for you.Enjoy the trek. Miss you. Please write soon Love mxx
ReplyDeleteI just had a browse through your blog-it looks so amazing what you're doing! I was thinking of you on your birthday btw-wish i had known about this, i would have left you a birthday message. Hope you see this han, can't wait to hear all about it when you get back, hope you're having an amazing time, love always, em