Here at Fieldbase, we have heard from all our newly-formed Alpha groups so here is the update:
Alpha 1 has trekked their first day after arriving by bus about midday. They are geared up for their first night setting up camp tonight.
Alpha 2 have reached Kalainahnhahalla without any difficulty and are sorting their kit out to start working on the next round of 15 eco-sanitation units tomorrow.
At the tribal housing site of Alpha 3, they have relocated the Raleigh campsite down the hill to be closer to the new worksite where they will start on the foundations of the next set of houses.
And at Alpha 4, they have started rebuilding their bamboo city and will today undergo "fence-fixing 101" lessons with project manager Neil, who learnt the ropes (or wires, as it were) during Phase 1.

We have also just posted all the blog response comments - and there are quite a few - so if you have been waiting to hear from someone among the Raleigh 09C cohort, click on the "comments" from the prevous post (called "When parting is such sweet sorrow") and you will see all the comments towards the end, posted by Raleigh India.

But now we have a special guest blogger! Ed Kneale (pictured left, in action on site at the Kappikadu tibal housing project) has written an update from site in his words. Read on!
Alpha 3 blog, the story so far..
I set out on this phase thinking "three weeks, that's a pretty long time!"
Not that I was apprehensive about being on the same project site for three weeks, more over I was curious about how the phase would evolve and vary, especially as we had been set the less-glamorous task of 14 foundations for houses in Kappikadu. Retrospectively, the irony of this thought is that I am writing this in probably the first "less-hectic" period of the community phase.
And our time spent in Kappikadu really has embodied everything that Raleigh envisages when setting up community projects. Whether it's knocking slip-catches to the village children, or watching them nearly wipe-out their mud-covered-death-bike (pictured below, with no pedals, breaks or tyres!)

The kids are great, but the acceptance and readiness to lend a hand shown by the vi

Matt's tent has not been the only thing for the elders to gossip about. At one stage, I thought it was only a matter of time before an exorcism was performed, as we were dropping like flies! At this moment in time, only Annie has avoided bying treated by super-medic Caz (pictured, with Felicity and community members). Everyon

The houses will make such a difference to this wonderfully isolated village. Tucked away high in a valley in the Nilgiris, Kappikadu is nearly 2km from the nearest tarmac road and yet the community is flourishing. Ask any member Alpha 3 and they will express wonderment at the skills shown by the villagers who have so little but live life to the fullest.
But building houses is only the day-job, evening activities stretch from superhero parties, enless games of pontoon and teaching Guna new juicy words from the dictionary all the way to shopping and dancing the night away with the elders around skin-drums and primitive clarinets.
(below: one of the village elders)

As I've covered work and evenings, I suppose free time comes next. Along with the occasional trip to nearby Gingalur (to stock up on AAA batteries for the temperamental yet essential iPod speakers), we've also gone for a dip in a local waterfall and had some earsplitting journeys in the "Bollywood Bus" (don't ask!). The highlight definitely was the overnight trip to the hill

Everyone was overjoyed to chill for a day, drink some coke and practice price-haggling on scarfs. All that was just a warm-up to the excitement of having dinner at the Savoy Hotel that evening. This was the subject of much hilarity as, after two-weeks of curry and porridge, we thought we had stumbled across Buckingham Palace! And, for the record, it's still a mystery to me where they managed to get beef for Eveline's steak!
There is a quotation board gaffa-taped to our shelter, which is where we stored everything from tennis balls to chapatti woks.
The quote reads: "Alpha 3 is like a box of chocolates." And it is with that thought I would like to end, whether it is the quality Street-like variety of day-to-day life, the caramel-melting temperatures or even the cocoa-like dust and dirt which coats everything.
Alpha 3 is like a box of chocolates, you just don't know what you're going to get.
From Kappikadu with love,
Ed K

(Alpha 3, in no particular order: Matt, Caz, Lucy, William, Guna, Sreejith, Petrina, Zoe, Felicity, Annabelle, Ed K, Sebastian, Tilly and Eveline)
To Ed K Alpha 4 ex stalwart Alpha 3
ReplyDeleteCheers Ed, that box of chocolates with all shapes, flavours and surprises is delicious. Thanks. Matts Mum.
Hey super-medic Caz!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is a brilliant blog and it's awesome seeing you on the pictures as I miss your beautiful face sooo much!!
Thanks so much for the postcard, me and Jimbob loved it and it all sounds so amazing.
Tim, J&G and me are going to see the killers tonight...
Thinking of you everyday and will also write you a long email now.
Big love, Emz x x x
Hi kennedy scott took time out to see how u getting on..loved the piccy of u in water with the gang..your man..was great to hear ya voice saturday u sounded different and u say u gained weight thats sends his love hes behind me lol
ReplyDeleteso wots the next project you on love..hows all the hackney crew..all well i hope..
well i gotta dash i send u another mail soon..
love ya all out there doin a fantastic job.
Hey Ed K! We love your recount of first phase- brings back memories!! Lots of love, Lucy and Rich x
ReplyDelete(posted as Elizabeth Beach-MacGeagh)
Hi Zoe!
Just thought that i would send you a quick message to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY for tomorrow whoop, whoop!! Wow what a fantastic place to see in being the grand old age of 19 (it's only down hill from here) you lucky girlie! Think of me in the library reading 9am-10pm every day....make the most of freedom while you have absolutely everything!! I was so so lovely to chat to you the other morning, sorry i was slightly comatosed!! Will post a letter tomorrow telling you all that is going on-i am just trying to get a few goodies together!?! Be excited!!
Much love as always
Liz xxxxx
PS I apologize profusely if you get this after your birthday...the thought was there!
Hi Becks,
ReplyDeleteHadnt been on the blog for a couple of days and now there is so much news and new photos! I cant believe you are already well into your second phase!
I sent you a parcel on Monday. M says this is not a good idea because it might get opened at customs so I'm going send you a letter as well just in case, so you may get 2 letters the same!
Just off to the library..:(
Love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Hi Zoe
ReplyDeleteHappy 19th Birthday to you! Does this mean you get curry Birthday cake? Your birthday will no doubt be a memorable one on your Trek, the scenery on previous blogs looks amazing.
Sounds as if our letters etc are taking a while to catch you up - but 'enjoy' when they do Loved the blogs so far - what a cheery group Alpha 3 sound. Everyone here sends their Happy Birthday love and best wishes as of course Dad & I do.
All best love Mum xx
Holly dearest (Alpha 1)
ReplyDeleteAs you can imagine I'm a bit rushed off my feet at the moment what with the BIG ONE coming up!! Got your letter this morning and my little pressie - it was delightful the way you put it in context!! Anyway I was really touched so thank you! Will see what I can do about your requests. Spoke to Sue Wells who told me she is a big Holly fan and hopes you do well tomorrow with your results. So watch this space....
Love you loads too.
Mum xxx
Happy Birthday, Zoe, from Mum, Dad, Meg and all in Marlborough. This will reach you sometime during your trek (as long as the Loop can find you!) but by now you should have got your birthday card from us all (cross-fingers). Looks like some messages have not got to you (Blog Meister!!!)so Mum has had a touch of labyrinthitis (ask the Doc) which affects the inner ear (balance wobbly) so can't drive at the moment hence hot cross mum!! Much improved now but has to play it safe for now. The caravan is to use whilst the house is in bits (and still looking for a suitable one - so far.....yukkkkkkkk!). We will soon be buried under plumbers, electricians, damp course guys, builders, BT engineers, uncle tom cobbly and all. We are having a ball!!!! Maybe we will need your newly aquired building skills when you get back! Take care, fizz and hope to hear from you soon (saw and printed off the flower frame picture). Lots of luv from us all at Witts End (literally and mentally is on the horizon)
ReplyDeleteHi Hannah, Just received your second letter. I have posted messages with Lottie and Danni and also sent Emma a request to contact you. We are so happy you are still enjoying yourself, and the blog is great to keep up with your progress.
ReplyDeleteMum is concerned that your bank card expires before you get home because we have been sent a replacement. You had better check, but mum is sending out the new one with some instructions just in case.
We love hearing from you so please keep in touch!
Love Dad xxx
ReplyDeleteHAPPY BIRTHDAY for the 14th!!!!!!!
Love from us all
Mum, Dad, Kilo, Tom and Flora xxxxxxx
Joey Maloney. Yo Joe, Hope you heard the result from last nights match, best i've seen us play in a long time,brilliant,
ReplyDeleteHope alls going ok and your still enjoying it, do you still look like one of the locals,?, Nohj said he posted on here, so hope you get the messages, you take care and enjoy ,luv u.mum,xxxxxxx
Joey Maloney, 4-0, what a night.
Hi Hannah, The address you asked for is:
Quedam Centre
Vicarage Walk
BA20 1EU
United Kingdom
Over to Tom:
Hi Hannah!!!!
I don't have much to say but hi!! i hope everything is going reeeally well over there, not much has happened to me that would interest u much, i passed my weapons handling test today so i have a 'license to kill'..i like to think so anyway. iv been very entertained on Facebook as iv found out how to turn it into pirate language! anyhoo must dash!! have a great time!!! look forward to seeing u soon! love tom
Hey to all original alpha 1s!!!
ReplyDeleteIm back home ... missing u all!!! Roo i hope ur enjoying all sarahs tent entertainment?!!... shes a little odd but am sure ull get used to it!! Frankie and Becca keep smiling as u are truely funny!!... Ed i hope uve tought everyone wolf!! im getting withdrawal symptoms from the game plus from ur sexy french accent!! Soph i am sure ur having an awesome time with "Mr loverman"!!... James and Hamish i am sure ur relationship has progressed to the next level...Hamish i hope James hasn't harassed u too much during tent time?!!
England is still the same.. wet, cold and plain rubbish!!! hey ho!!
Miss u all loads
Have fun and enjoy!
Lots of love Fionaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey Leanne, hope you are ok. It was so lovely to hear your voice on Sunday. We took mum on the London Eye and had a posh lunch on Monday to celebrate her retirement, we all missed you, and I will arrange for us all to go out when you get back. Anthony and Mel both say hi. We are all really proud of you, so keep up the good work. Love you lots Michelle.
ReplyDeleteJoey Maloney, Alpha 1.
ReplyDeleteHi Joe Dont know where all the messages are going, cos I cant find them, but i'll still keep on sending them in the hope you will get them,all ok here luv and just booked a week in Turkey, we'll be able to take stuff out for the wedding, hope your enjoying yourself there, i'm sure you are, take care and luv from all the famvo.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
for jo D (Alpha 3)
ReplyDeleteheloh:D its super busy now with moving and all:0eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee hope you are looking after yourself and doing well you must have got stuck into da work by now!
i am most amused that you are only telling everyone about the moustaches of india. i see they have made a deep impression on you *shakes head*
also also also just wanted to ask, have you receieved any letters from me? i sent some ages ago but theres no way of knowing...o_O lols if you haven't pls ask the loverly moderator to put up the address again so i can check i sent it to da right place:D
be good and look after your other team members dumpling
love you lots and lots
p.s. remember to keep jumping in front of the camera so i can see your face and get comforted(or just scared)hahahahahxxxxx
Hey Tom!
ReplyDeleteHow are u? Hows life in india? All the same back in England, nothing changed since i left and its sooo cold!! Its really nice to be home but missing all u guys and wish i was back out there really! How is the elephant fencing going? Keep me updated on all the news!! Sent u a letter so hopefully u will get it!!
lucy xxx
ReplyDeleteI shouted really loudly for u at the airport....promise!! How are u finding life on ur new project? Do u love the village? Hope ur having an amazing time!! Keep in touch.
Lucy xx
To: Emily J
ReplyDeleteFrom: Charlie Jenkinson
Hi Ems,
I hope you're well and enjoying 'the Raleigh Experience' as much as I did!! We've hopefully found the bridesmaids dresses but i'll pop you a picture in the post and fingers crossed you like them!! The girls think they're pretty though so i'm sure they'll look great. Nick and Yogi send their love and i hope you're enjoying the trekking stage and that your legs are keeping up!! I'll write again soon but lots of love in the meantime.
kisses, big sister Charlie xxx
Hallo Hannah,
ReplyDeleteHope you have a very Happy Birthday on Saturday.
Lots of love,
Granny & Granddad. xxx
Joe Maloney,
ReplyDeleteHiya Joe, hope i'm writing on the right blog, just to let you know i've sent all the details to Shell on the wedding info, so she's got plenty to read up on,i'm still recovering from last nights win,so all the prem teams are through now, booked to go to Turkey for a week at the end of the month, so i'll still be back way before you lol, you take care luv, and enjoy it, luv from all the fambo.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Seb
ReplyDeleteDon't forget take loads of photos on the trek. The rafts looked pretty basic , they are like the ones we made at Hengistbury Head,i can''t believe you have to use them to travel 13km .Take care. Enjoy!Please write!
Love mx
To Paul Billett, Alpha 1
ReplyDeleteHi mate, hope all is going well and you are enjoying yourself. I have to say the weight loss is not a bad thing!! Arsenal now finding a bit of form and are playing the CL 2nd leg against Roma tonight, and the FA Cup Q Final against Hull on Tuesday, we have Chelsea in the semi's if we win.
The golfing weather fast approaches so looking forward to playing a few rounds when you get back.
Spoke to Ralph who is a bit disappointed you never replied to the message he left for you. Mandy, Sam and George all say hi.
Hi Edmée!
ReplyDeleteHoe is het met je? Hoe bevalt het nieuwe project? Weer lekker aan het klussen geslagen? Als je weer terugkomt ben je waarschijnlijk super handig en kan je vanalles bouwen en repareren... heerlijk vooruitzicht!
Heb je al leuke foto's kunnen maken met je cameraatje? Ik heb een nieuwe gekocht, een hele mooie. Heb inmiddels ook een rugzak (volgens mij dezelfde als jij) en ben eigenlijk wel klaar om te vertrekken! Kon ik maar even via Kappikadu vliegen!
Veel plezier lieverd!
What a post. It's basically genius.
ReplyDeleteMissed you skiing! Sian xxx
Joey Maloney,
ReplyDeleteJust to let you know the messages are on the blog, so say thanks to the handsome doctor who's been doing the blogs, lol, I thought it was me not doing it properly,take care luv, will post again soon, Luv Ya, mum & fambo.xxxxxxx
Ha Edmée!
ReplyDeleteHoe is het? Hoorde van pap dat jullie elkaar gesproken hebben! Heb je Facebook bericht gelezen, onwijs cool om te lezen wat je allemaal hebt gedaan in de 'first phase'! Hoop dat de tweede fase ook leuk is!
Hier alles goed!
Liefs, je broer
Ed Motley
ReplyDeleteHope all well and rucksack hasn't fallen apart completely. Jo will help you sort out your card. Everything ok this end; be in touch.
Hi Ed K,
ReplyDeleteWe both enjoyed reading your blog, sounds like fun and hard work. We're both jealous as its pretty cold and windy here, in fact I'm just recovering from a spot of the man flu. Liz is busy revising and just I'm settling into another new job. We had a first nets session last week, the flash was OK as a venue and DB has got a little quicker. TTFN and keep in touch lots of love tom and Liz
Hola Johanna Davies,
ReplyDeleteThinking of you from Costa Rica. Your abuelita and Sarita send their love. I couldn´t see you in the Alpha 3 photo, where were you. Hope you are fine. Write a note. Lots of love,
lieve edmee, Ik begrijp dat je nu aan het funderingen leggen bent in grote hitte. Met ons is alles goed, behalve dat we je erg gaan missen. Je zult verbaasd zijn over westerflier als je terug komt. Het verandert er per dag!! Zitje wel in alpha 3 Ik hoop erg dat je weer eens op een foto komt. Just en Hans en Omi, waar rutger nu is, allemaal zenden je veel love, Jij een dikke knuf van je Mama
ReplyDeleteTo Hannah
ReplyDeleteHello my lover! I think I have worked this website out now, sorry for not getting to grips with it sooner! Thankyou for the tip top letter and facebook posts, it is SO good to hear from you. A letter is speeding your way from foggy Leeds, you should get it soon I hope.
As for me, I'm struggling with artistic angst and uni applications, but my foundation ends scarily soon so I'm trying to make the most of it while I can. Gus is having a personal crisis over his future career pathway (ha!) and has lost most of his hair (but only because I shaved it off at half term to use in my art!) And Saucepan pooed in my mum and dad's bed the other day - so much for house training...
Hope that gives you a glimpse of life back home! Sending lots of love, TOTS XXXXX