Special Guest Blogger: Dr. Andy Gilbert
Hi there blog fans. Hope you're all well. Once again our lovely press relations officer Peta has gone off visiting the alpha groups. As such, the responsibility of composing the Raleigh blog has fallen on my shoulders. This week's blog will fill you in on all that's going on with the alpha groups, although sadly we haven't got any new pictures from them.
However, our expedition photographer Annie has been out and about around Mysore and we have some fantastic photos from her to bring you. Here's a little taster of some of some of the stuff she's captured.
( Pictured left:a local market trader)
Alpha 1 Misappuli Mala trek group: Alpha one are soldiering on and have recently been to a
puja and a festival in one of the local villages. Last seen was mountain leader Peter waving a red flag of material in the wind. They have also been swimming in the river and drinking chai on their rest day in Hiburia. Tjebbe and Mubarak cooked an amazing chicken curry eaten off banana leaves and the group have recently been celebrating Sarah's birthday. We can also bring you exclusive news that on this emotional rollercoaster of a trek, strapping young man James was the first to cry. Always expect the unexpected with alpha 1.
Alpha 2 Kalainhnahalla eco-sanitation project: Alpha two have recently been trying their hand at fishing on the local reservoir. Nets were put out the night before and in the morning a team including Chris, Esmee and Tom set off to reel in the catch. Local coracle boats were used and the gang managed a whopping haul of twenty fish. The rest of the group set about about frying the fish up for lunch and the meal was served with coriander and rice. Alpha two are going on a trip today to Bandipur national park. They will visit one of Raleigh's previous project sites and will be staying the night in an anti-poaching camp, where they will hope to see some incredible wildlife. They are a little intrepid at their first night without electricity! We wish them luck.
Alpha 3 Kappikadu tribal housing project: Alpha 3 are currently making their way back from Ooty having had a relaxing overnight stay in the YWCA. Yesterday they spent their rest day visiting the botanical gardens and St Stephen's Church. They recently had a big fancy dress party for Seb’s birthday and we were most impressed by some of their outfits. Seb the birthday boy was the guitar hero, whilst Ed covered himself in zinc tape and went as the 'blister buster'. Will was Mr Sars, the evil super villain and Zoe was the jungle girl. Tilly, Eveline and Petrina were the gypsy, butterfly and pants (on her head!) girls respectively. Annabel went as Zap, Felicity as herself, whilst Sri and Guna went as the king and the disco kid. Our PMs 
Caz and Lucy went as 'D and V' covered in loo paper. Last but not least Matt went as Mr. Pink. Sadly he had to wear pink buckets on his feet as he is still awaiting his slippers. It looks like Mark Ashby has been using them at field base but we are sending them out to Matt on the next loop! (pictured: Mark Ashby models Matt's pink fluffy slippers - the definition of comfort)
Alpha 4 Anaikatti elephant-proof fencing project: - The environmentalists among us are doing it in style – bin bag style. Not to be out done by alpha three these guys decided to have a bin bag fancy dress party. Among the star dressers were Charlie and Hobby, who went as ninjas, and Remi as a pirate. The Emilys went as 'salt and pepper' and Angel dressed up as a zebra. Emma was a 'trashy' novel whilst Rosanna went as a vampire. Mani was the forest man, Holly a bat, Edmee a water tank and Jenny a raisin. Tom was Mr Peanut Crunch (our venturers' favourite snack) but our prize for best outfit goes to PM Neil who went as a goth morris dancer! As well as partying, alpha four are making excellent progress with the elephant fencing and are going to spend today upgrading their camp sites.
More from Mysore
So that's all the news from the groups. Here at field base, things are once again nice and peaceful. Myself and accountant Paul have been to visit the beautiful Mysore palace. Dani, Julia, Peta and Annie have been practising yoga in between serious bouts of boot camp. (pictured left: Mysore palace by day)
Country director Gavin has been out on a reconnaissance mission for a new trek route in western Karnataka. Mark … well Mark has been wearing pink slippers and bohemian shirts. We think the chlorinated water has got to him (pictured right: Mark looks upset when told he will have to return Matt's pink slippers).
Last night we also had our second edition of Radio Raleigh. This weekly broadcast updates the alpha groups on all the latest news, sports and gossip. Mark also impressed us last night with a virtuoso singing performance. His rendition of Rihanna's 'Umbrella' has gained him a nomination for five Emmy's so far and wide acclaim from the Southern India music press. We wish him well in his new music career. (movie below: Mark Ashby sings 'like an angel')
So, as promised, here are some more great pictures from our resident photographer Annie. I hope you enjoy:
Pictured below (left to right): boy at river, painted stork and paddy field worker

Pictured below (left to right): herb seller, half the banyan tree and boy swimming

Pictured below (left to right): oxen, holy man and washing at river

Well guys, that's all from our blog for this time. Our PRO Peta and photographer Annie will be back at the end of the week. We should hopefully have some great new stories and pictures for you then. From all the team here - bye for now!
May I say well done to Guest Blogger! Great way to start my Monday morning with your update. The thought of 'Salt & Pepper' made me chuckle, look forward to seeing photos. Hope you Emily J are doing well. Love you LOTS, Mum & Dadxxxx
ReplyDeleteTo Alpha 3
ReplyDeleteSo that's where my slippers went! I can see they are much in demand, matching the computer screen support and Mark's legs. I suppose they are being put to good use. Postman Pat is on his way; I hope they don't clash.
Mum Matt x
Lovely photographs, makes me wish I was there to take some myself
ReplyDeleteHi Seb
ReplyDeleteHope you had a fun birthday. Party sounded good I don't know how you managed dressing up with so little clothes with you? Sounds like you are all doing a great job. Take care ,miss you
Mum x
Sounds like a great party Mr Guitar Man. We always follow the blogs. So you've been to Ooty...that was where Granddad went to school, St Lawrence School - not sure what its called now - in amongst the eucalyptus trees. I recall there's a little steam train that runs up there from the plains.
Have a great time
Lieve Lu,
ReplyDeleteik heb vlinder vleugels gekocht!! dat moest ik even melden.. En je brief is dus aangekomen en die van mij komt naar je toe!!
kus Lusok
To Mr Guitar Man's Dad
ReplyDeleteLook at http://www.mapsofindia.com/ooty/education/lawrence-school-lovedale.html. Could this be the school you refer to?
Ha lieve Edmée!!!
ReplyDeleteAlles goed? Ik kom er pas net achter dat deze Blog bestaat.. kennelijk de enige manier van communicatie! Zag net een foto van jou waarin je naar een uitgeprinte versie kijkt? Hoop dat je het naar je zin hebt, begint de volgende fase al? Onwijs benieuwd wat je allemaal aan het doen bent, hoop dat ze je nog op het net laten binnenkort...
ik niet zoveel te melden, huis nu wel af en verder bietje druk met alles
X!! je broer ook liefs van Juliette
Hi Emma (alpha 4) got your letter today(2 march)sounds like you had good time last night at the fancy dress.We got back from Wales today, raining here!snow forecast for Scotland tomorrow.Ed got exam tomorrow at college,he says thanks for the ruler.Hope the bed you made is comfortable!Expect you will be going back to field camp soon.Take care,love you m&d ed and koko xxxx
ReplyDeleteTo Julia!
ReplyDeleteHope ur haveing a wicked time at field base - just read about alpha 1 haveing chai brakes at Hiberia and it nearly made me cry! miss India loadz - the swiss alps just isnt quite the same.
Hope your ok
Hoi Remi
ReplyDeleteHartstikke leuk om je te volgen op het blog.Het lijkt ons leuk en je hebt vast wel veel wild gezien ,niet alleen de olifanten die jullie veel werk geven.Is het erg warm daar?
We hebben je al een keer op de foto gezien met het laden van bamboe. Veel plezier en groetjes van oma en opa.
Alexandra, Alpha 1
ReplyDeleteHi Allie - hope this gets to you - all the way from cold, wet & windy Berrydown to hot, steamy(?), colourful Misapuli Mala - incredible. Hope all going well out there - I love the sound of the chicken curry on banana leaves; bring back the recipe! Hash had interview at Imperial last week - nervously awaiting their answer. Was rejected by Edinburgh...!
Love from us all, Melbel xxx
HI Ricci (alpha 2)
ReplyDeleteHow are you, cant beleive you been gone 3 weeks already! Weather was nice Monday, but grey and wet and windy today. Mum sends her love, Have you sent Thairell a post card. Hope that you are kepping the journal up to date. If you get a chance drop us a line. Did you enjoy your fish supper/lunch. The Bandipur National Park sounds amazing, hope you got some photos
Have you received the cards we sent to Raleigh
Field Base.?
Please write / blog us back asap.
Take care son
He Eddy!
ReplyDeleteWild feestje gehad!?
Heerlijk om weer even over je te lezen.
Volgens mij is het wel een melige boel daar.
Ik ben in een feest stemming, want heb ik vandaag ontslag genomen!
Had er helemaal geen zin meer in. Heb nu alle tijd om voorbereidingen te treffen.
Misschien ook wel leuk om even door te geven is dat het goed gaat met Aischa, ze is nu aagekomen in Paramaribo. Ik zou haar blog kunnen kopieren naar deze, maar als Raleigh het dan zou uitprinten, zou al het door jouw handen verrichte 'environmental progress' weer ongedaan worden gemaakt ;).
Hoe is het met jou? Met mij goed.
Ik zou je toch wel erg graag even willen horen en zien!
Heel veel plezier, geniet van al het moois.
Hi Zoe, made an executive decision on your behalf and you are booked on a flight to Tenerife on 15th May with Emily, Tom, Simon and Rob. Think Emily is sorting lift to Puerto Tenerife. Reason is that the price is a good one (well spotted, Emily) and Emily's mum has agreed (conned?) to take you all to the airport. Love Mum and Dad xx
ReplyDeleteLu (Alpha 3 - one of the 'leaders')
ReplyDeleteHope you've enjoyed the manual labour and the hard work. Your hands (and arm muscles) will be nicely in shape for climbing when you get back!
The Hen do was much fun - Rachel bought me a Tufted Duck RSPB toy at Coombe Abbey, I suspect she got fed up of me squeaking her Robin all weekend. I conked out on the sofa in Rachels lounge on Sunday afternoon and missed a number of people leaving. After perking up, I helped Rachel make a number of wedding favours. We went to a bad buffet restaurant in Coventry on the Saturday evening - maybe we'll go once your back.
Hope all is well, much love
Kimberley x
Lieve Pino,
ReplyDeleteVan Hanneke mochten we je zo niet noemen op de blog, maar ik kon het toch niet laten.. Het ziet er allemaal echt super mooi en gezellig uit.Tanja heeft al gekeken of het ook niet voor volwassenen is zodat ze volgend jaar ook kan, maar helaas.
Heel veel plezier! doe voorzichtig (jaja wond op je been is gevonden hoor).
Liefs je zus
To the person who sent me the link to Lawrence school Lovedale.
ReplyDeleteMany thanks, yes it is the school.
Hi Allie(Alpha 1)
ReplyDeleteIt was great to get both your letter and email, sounds like your having a wonferfull and challenging time. We cant wait to hear from you when you get back to base at the end of your trek. Am just back from my own mini operation Raleigh, I was sailing in a 1000KMs offshore race from Antigua with Simon (and 14 other crew)last week, hard work but fun. I will be flying over India on Sunday on my way to Singapore so will give you a wave! The work on the house is progressing well, the walls, ceilings and stairs should be finished by the middle of next week and then they will come to put in the new flooring. Jeremy has started rugby training and is off for his second session in Nyon this evening. We had the first signs of Spring early this week but it has started to Snow again this morning, we still have the snow on the Saleve that fell in 2008!
Lots of Love
Hi Holly (Alpha 4)
ReplyDeleteRead about your choice of fancy dress. A bat??? Obviously playing it safe after your last experience with black bin liners!!! Spoke to Kathy briefly before she left for Delhi - they should link up with Foot and Imogen for a bit. Meeting up with Fionna for lunch today to get more news and then I think she's seeing Muzzy's parents tonight! Will save all the other news to go in the long letter I'm writing you. Haven't seen any more recent photos of your group on the blog yet but I know you're all keeping busy - keep up the good work! I guess you'll be back at fieldbase this weekend - text if you can. Has the Week arrived yet? - I think the address may have confused them! Really looking forward to hearing from you...
Love, Mum and Dad xxx
Lieve eveline!!
ReplyDeletewat een topverhalen en foto's! ziet er echt super uit! geniet er van en pas goed op jezelf!
dikke kus Annegeer
To Charlie H in Alpha 4
ReplyDeleteHope it's still going ok. Waiting for more news (should we be sending you a nail mail letter? I notice some other folks out there sem to be getting letters from home - I'd hate for you to get a reputation as Charlie "No Mail!" Howell..!
Sorry to hear your elephant-resistant fence get trampled by elephants last week, although we probably saw more of the funny side than you did.
How is the food? Lack of jaffa cakes and Doritos must be very trying but I'm sure you're coping.
Everyone is well here - all working hard and putting up with the wintry conditions (it snowed this morning!). Several people at work have asked how you're doing so I point them at the blog - you may yet hear from them.
Can you reply using the blog? Would be great to hear from you - hope we see you in one or two of the next batch of photos.
Love from us all as ever, Mum, Dad and Emily xxx
My dear Johanna D (Alpha 1).-
ReplyDeleteAfter 3 weeks still missing you terribly and not a word from you. I know, no news are good news. Still take a bit of time and write us a message. We think you are probably very exhausted from all the walking, new experiences and getting up early!!! Well, I will be flying this Saturday. Your dad & I saw Karen & William on Sunday and had a nice lunch in Wacamamas, that, in St Albans, was full of babies and small children (It is this new McDonalds of your generation?!)At least they will better fed.
LOVE & Kisses, MUM&Chandler.
Hello William,
ReplyDeleteWe know you are changing over this weekend and hope that the first phase has been good. Saw the plaster on your leg! No comment! Al is wishing he was also on a project instead of having to study for exams and handing in essays. This time of year we are busy with the HK Arts Festival and we are going to the last event this evening - something quite arty!
Next weekend is the RAS Bhutan dinner which we are hosting. Quite looking forward to that. All the HK people are coming. Daddy dragged me to see Top Gear - he told me I had to be an honorary "boy" for that evening. Only Clarkson & Hammond came, May was in Sydney. Stig of course was there doing his bit in the Exhibition centre. It was a lovely evening. The racing round the track was done by audience participation which meant shouting as loudly as possible in order to activate the computer by voice control. The louder the noise, the faster the car went and to turn right or left, we had to hold a red or green card which again activated the computer to turn right or left. Good fun! Cold Play is also in town but Daddy will be in India (Bangalore!) that week and I shall be in London. Too bad - I told daddy that would be an early Father's day presie from you and Al!
Rifa put Al in touch with a cousin who is studying at Aston. Al said it was weird but he has been invited to London to meet the clan as your grandmother is in town and this weekend is her farewell dinner before she heads back to MRU. I'm sure we'll hear quite lot about that.
That's all for now. Take care of yourself
Lots of love
Mummy & Daddy
PS Bumped into Mrs Pescod last night and she sends her regards. Her husband has been posted back to HK and she is going to be teaching at SI.
Dear Jo/chinnu
ReplyDeletejust returned from 4 days skiing with Julia. Not much sun but masses of snow. Knees are a bit sore, but great to have all the lifts open. The boys say they missed me, mainly because there was no-one to cook or do the ironing! Dad is off picking up his car which has had a silencer fitted - first run on Easter Monday at Goodwood.All well here, i expect you are having a bit of a party at field base now!
much love mum, dad, pete, soph, bea and lola
Hi Zoe,
ReplyDeleteWell, Mum and I went to look at another caravan yesterday and this time it looks big enough - clean as well! So I've made a bid on it - find out tonight if it is successful. Mum is on the mend but much too slowly for her and she is very very very bored. Meg is, well, Meg - daft! However she has decided to be an old bat with poor Bella, the Scholes Bernese pup. Bella has the ultimate faults ... young...bouncy!! Mum sent a letter off to you a few of days ago but that will arrive after your changeover so I guess it will get to you on the "loop". Lots of love from everyone - Dad xxx
Hi Zoe, two messages in one day!!! Well, if you get a chance over the w/e during change-over, check-out your Hotmail and imagine it's the 11th.
ReplyDeleteDidn't get the caravan (went for a ridiculous price!!) so still looking. Looking forward to finding out where you will be going next.
Straks just come back from a late skiing trip in France and seem to have had a good time.
Lots of love from us both - Mum and Dad xxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Shen Shenxxxxx
ReplyDeleteIt was GREAT to hear from you.......missing you obviously
Yes I received your letters, I read them over and over and re-plied to you e-mail yesterday, hope you read it and hope you have received my blogs and this one too
Shen I went out this morning and I treated myself to a box of chocolate Maltesers (of course it was reduced) got to the till but before I had to pay for it the lady kindly says to me YOU DO NO YOU WILL HAVE TO EAT THEM BEFORE THE END DATE(22 March 2009)......shen I couldn't tell her that the chocolates my not see tomorrow......so I just said to her thanks no problem.....I am eating them as I write this message
I shared your e-mail to Gran and she said it's nice to know you are fine, she said she will give you a BIG HUG when she sees you
Last time I saw Jakes was when he picked up your letter
I will check you place tomorrow after church (hopefully)
From Mummy and Gran
Love xxxxxxxxxx
Message for Tilly on Kappikadu project...Happy birthday Tilly, have a lovely day & well done on all your adventures from Percy, Dot & Bethanie & Co xxxx
ReplyDeleteMessage to the Expedition Leader in relation to Paul Billett. What have you done with the rest of him! He looks half the man he once was. Mum and Dad have told me about the famous gastronomic master of fine dining and wine that was Monsieur Billett. I was looking forward to meeting him and cuddling up to his large belly. It appears it may now be a less soft and comfy experience. Please send him more food rations. Love Ella Page (age 2 weeks)