The first is PM Matt who is at Alpha 2 in Kalainhnahalla. Rumour has it Matt’s mum (a regular blog poster) has sent young Matt something to match his pink tent and slippers. So happy birthday to Matt.
We also need to say happy 19th birthday to Zoe who is trekking on her birthday, and to Hannah who will celebrate her birthday also whilst tackling the Kerala terrain with Alpha 1 on the 14th.
But finally, we have a special birthday wish for someone who is with Raleigh India in spirit, if not in body.
To Holly Gottleib’s mum, we write this note from Holly:
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY you old hag!
Thinking of you and missing you loads and loads. Hope you’re having a good one,
Love you xxx
p.s. Elastic band?”
And now, for the news:
The Loop vehicle with Lucy and Vijay is en route to catch up with Alpha 1 down in Kerala where they will no doubts be celebrating birthdays left, right and centre. Alpha 1 made the top of the mountain on one of their most challenging days of trekking well before lunch and have been walking really well.
For Alpha 2, they’ve finished setting up their camp and have got started on the eco-sanitation units, and Alpha 3 is in a similar situation, having relocated the Raleigh camp down the hill and started work.
At Alpha 4, things have got a bit interesting as everyone has been making their camp a home. At last count, they’d built a “city hall” and dining table, with work underway on a full kitchen!
The last thing we have for you on todays blog is a few thoughts from PM Joey who spent his first three weeks at Kalainanhalla with Alpha 2, but is now trekking. He wrote:
“Kalainahnahalla in my heart
Early morning rise and the mist has descended upon us. Kalainahnahalla in all its glory and natural beauty is hidden away under the blanket of thick mist. As the sun rises and evaporates the morning dew, Kalainahnahalla comes alive with its breathtaking views!
Kalainahnahalla forever in my heart,
PM Joey"
(above: Joey with one of the school students in Kalainahnalla)
As for us at Fieldbase... it was Holi day on Tuesday so we got into the bright coloured paint and some of us are still trying to dislodge pink powder from our ears... and hair... and fingernails. Although no one got quite as painted as Facilities Manager Deepak (pictured) who got ambushed on his way out of the building by driver Girish. We also saw a string quartet from the Vienna Chamber Orchestra who were performing in Mysore during a tour of India.

Stanby for more news from India when the Loop returns from Kerala!

Stanby for more news from India when the Loop returns from Kerala!
To Holly (Alpha 1)
ReplyDeleteI love you too smelly! Thank you for that sweet greeting! However the nicest birthday news so far is that you got a really good A in your maths which is fantastic! I'm really proud of you - well done! I know you want the details so here goes: Core 3 = 99/100 (WOW!) + 25 marks; Core 4 = 78/100 + 23 marks. Overall 508/600 = 84%. As you predicted in Classics your mark remains unchanged - 462. Have emailed Edinburgh with info so you'll just have to be patient! Don't be too disappointed if you don't get in, it means you still have four others to choose from!!
Elastic bands will be posted shortly!
Lots and lots and lots of hugs and kisses,
Mum xxx
Hi Em (W)Hope you are enjoying your eco sanitation phase! Do you want me to definitely change your return ticket to the 11th or will you do it when you get back to Mysore in 3 weeks? The kitchen is now being decorated by Dad so Alex and I have temporarily moved out!Lots of Love M
ReplyDeleteTo Alpha 2
ReplyDeleteI hope you managed to sneak some pink powder, as it will perfectly match the tent, slippers,(which fieldbase need to forward by elephant carriage), card and the pink garland, (ask Matt); just thinking of more to add to the theme. Watch this space. Have a great 3 weeks. Matt's Mum
Dearest Jo/Chinu
ReplyDeleteyou did it you clever girl! look out everyone in 5 years time with Dr Jo on the loose.
Big hugs and congratulations from everyone back at home.
Dad, Mum, Pete, Soph, Bea and Lola
Joe Maloney,
ReplyDeletenice bit of writing Joe, sounds like you love the place,carry on enjoying it and have fun, and i'll carry on blogging in the hope you get them, luv u loads from the fambo. YNWA,xxxxxxxxxxxx
Joe Maloney,
ReplyDeleteYou look like yor enjoying yourself Joe, saw your pic on the blog, hows the trekking going, our Dee said when she went the girls put on weight and the fella's lost it, it looks great there, and sounds like your with a good bunch, all ok here, luv and stuff, Mum & Kenny, Jo & ian, Karla Kev, Denise, Tom, Charli & Reyhan, and all the fambo.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
dag Eveline,
ReplyDeletewat een leuk verhaal van Ed K over jullie tijd in Alpha 3. Dat bijna iedereen KO was...We hebben vandaag je brief ontvangen, errrug leuk en lekker ouderwets! Anne heeft jouw brief nooit ontvangen...helaas, misschien ooit...Herengracht 98 c 1015 BS is het adres van Oma Elly. Wij vetrekken zaterdag 21/3 naar Djerba, komen zon 29 heel vroeg aan en zullen je dan pas kunnen bellen als jij weer op basiskamp zit...vlak voor de trekking! veel plezier met de olifanten Tanja
Hi Zoe, looked at the Messages yesterday to see if Mum had posted one - nope so I did and when I finished, lo and behold, a message from her had just been popped in so you got two - ain't you the lucky one! Looks like you have got a pile of birthdays in Alpha1 so HAPPY BIRTHDAY to one and all - were you all suitably serenaded at dawn or just thrown in the nearest water-hole (if any)? Looks like you going great guns in the trek so far - hope you are able to get some pics, you must have the most spectacular scenery.
ReplyDeleteThe electrician tested the house wiring yesterday and depressed me but it could have been worse, I suppose. Mind you, I'd like to get hold of the clown who wired one of the bedroom sockets to the lighting circuit...with thin lamp cable too. Like to have connected their unmentionables to the mains and made their eyes glow!!!
We all thought of you yesterday (11th) especially Meg when we told her you were on a mega-walkies - her idea of pooch heaven. Take care and we'll be watching the blog. Love Mum and Dad xxxx Now I bet Mum posts a message too
To Emily J Alpha 1
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing place to be trekking, and well done getting up your first mountain! I wonder where you'll be on the 18th! Good day at Tweseldown Mr T went well but no prizes. Nick has just flown over the house, Dad saw a hand out of the window! They are coming down for the weekend. Hope your feet aren't sore..look forward to seeing photos from Kerala.
Love you Lots Mum & Dad xxxx
hi Nadine,
ReplyDeletevandaag is je brief aangekomen. Geweldig om al die impressies te lezen. Misschien moet je in India je rijbewijs halen!
Hoop dat de tocht niet te zwaar is. Mama werkt hard, wicher en ik ook. Hoe is je gezondheid?
We hebben de verjaardag van Toulouse gevierd. En verder is Mats weer bij George geweest.
Liefs van ons allen. Je vader, etc
Hi Tom d
ReplyDeleteJust got back from Thursdays performance of WSS. It was just amazing. You would have been very proud of your bruv. The set is brilliant. Mr Gale has done an incredible job of transforming the hall into a New York street/roof top. George has been helping with the crew. He is off to Australia on Sunday. Hope you get to see Elephants and lots of cool wild animals. Loving your letters.
Mum xxxxxxxx
To Emily J
ReplyDeleteJust got your letter/note - and was very excited! Glad you have survived thus far, and are having an awesome time too by the sound of it. Just remember build the fence with the elephants on one side and the people on the other! :-) hehe! Im sure you're doing a brilliant job, and actually Im a little jelous and really want to be there with you!
Miss ya loads!
Lieve Claartje vanuit een internetcafe met frans toetsenbord toch een klein berichtje. Er is een brief onderweg. Het is hier prachtig winterweer heel veel sneeuw weet je nog wat dat is en veel goede herinneringen. Papa en ik zijn zo n beetje de enige gasten. Toch fijn dat het zo nog lukt je te bereiken. Heerlijk dat ik je even heb kunnen spreken. Vanf overmorgen nascholing geriatrie. Hele dikke kus mamma
ReplyDeleteLieve Edmee en Nadine!
ReplyDeleteIk heb eindelijk de doorklik naar de comments gevonden!! Echt suf dat ik die over het hoofd had gezien haha :p Maar anyway hoe hebben jullie het nu?? Hoe bevalt het nieuwe project? Dientje is the tracking fysiek zwaar? En Edje hoe gaat het housing project?
Naad ik heb trouwens je brief ontvangen!! Echt super lief! Ik zal de kusjes en knuffels doorgeven! En heel erg bedankt voor het mooie bloemetje :)
Ooh ik vond het zoooo leuk om jullie even te kunnen spreken!!! Ik hoop dat ik niet voor een te hoge telefoonrekening heb gezorgd :S Maar ik mis jullie dan ook zo ontzettend! En ik baal er nu des te meer van dat ik niet meer kan komen :'(
Lieverds, heel veel plezier en succes met de projecten en ik blijf met veel plezier jullie foto's en de blog bekijken! Jullie staan nu al op wat meer foto's en Ed je bent echt poepie-bruin!!!
Heel veel liefs en knuffels en kusjes van iedereen hier! Het is niet hetzelfde zonder jullie!
Liefs, Daantje
Lieve Esmee en Evelien!
Ik hoop dat jullie het ook heerlijk hebben en ik wens jullie ook heel veel plezier toe vanuit ons kikkerlandje!!
Liefs, Diana
Alpha 1 - To Tom Mills
ReplyDeleteHi Thomas, Hope all going well on trek, really look forward to seeing all the photos!!The countryside sounds incredible...we are very envious! Pretty busy at work, Bryony off to Australia next week, Paul just back from Sweden,Rajan off to India. Ollie finishes next week, with a match at Queens on Thursday.All OK here, but missing you!!! Lots of love Mum & Dad xxx
Dearest Jo/Chinu
ReplyDeletehope the trekking is going well, i imagine it is fantastic but extremely tough.
Your replacement camera battery is on its way to field base. Your sailing job has been withdrawn, no clubs are operating in Turkey this summer - problems with work permits i think. Perhaps this is no bad thing as medical school starts on 1st sept and it also means you are not flying off so soon after returning from India.
Text when you get back to field base if you have a campus preference at Exeter. So exciting!
much love Dad, Mum, Pete, Soph, Bea and Lola
Dear Ricci (alpha 1)
ReplyDeleteMum got your mothers day letter, she was really over the moon and sends her love. How the treking going? Have you written to Thairell? Seems that you got lots of bithdays in your group.. did you have one mass celebration
Hope to see more pics on the blog soon. Orient won again on Tuesday night and lets hope they do ok tommorrow (sat) So how was the first mountain and do you have many more lol Weather starting to improve here Autie Edis sends her love and so does in the rest of the family. weiil keep eye on the blog for more news of your and alpha ones adventures take care som
lots of love dad
Lieve Eef,
ReplyDeleteEindelijk is je brief er!! Er was iets fout gegaan met de post in India dus hij was weer teruggestuurd naar behind the olives.. Maar uiteindelijk dus goed aangekomen! Leuk om te lezen allemaal. Ik ben wel een beetje het spoor kwijt in welk alpha ding je nu weer zit, maar ik begreep van Tanja dat het iig gezellig was en dat je nu met een aantal 'dutchies' zit. Hier alles nog steeds ok, gaan misschien een huis kopen maar dat hoor je wel als het echt duidelijk is. Verder druk maar het eerste lente zonnetje is al een feit.
In die zakjes zit spul tegen uitdroging, dat betekend dat ze ook goed werken als je flauw valt, dus daar kan je ze ook voor gebruiken! Dan heb je ze niet allemaal voor niks meegenomen.
Sterkte met al het werk! en geniet ervan,
kus je grote zus.
Darling Hannah,
ReplyDeleteA Very HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY on the 14th. We will all be thinking about you, and miss you very much. Much love, Mum, Dad, Kiloran, Tom and Floss xxx
Holly your so stupid why did you get 99 thats a ridiculous mark where did you lose the point (i'm very upset with you, hahahaha). that shouldnt of happened. but still thats an amazing mark.
ReplyDeleteps love you old hag
Lieve Luschoen,
ReplyDeletehet is hier nu 5.19 's morgens. Lig in men bedje en mis jou!! Zou willen dat ik even met je kon LU-llen, maar helaas zal ik het nu even moeten doen met het engelboekje... Jij bent nu aan het spelen met dombo! imponeer die olifantjes maar met je badpak!! Blijf genieten he, Lumans, dan ga ik nog een biertje voor je doen!! dikke kus, Lusok
Emily W ALPHA 2 Keep working hard and enjoy . love from uncle Ray
ReplyDeleteLieve Claartje, op de valreep nog een berichtje omdat ik niet weet of ik vanuit geriatrie nog iets kan laten weten. Op dit moment is het hier bijna indiaas weer maar dan met sneeuw. Heerlijk om toch snel wat berichtjes over jullie wel en wee te lezen. Brieven zijn onderweg. Ik hoop dat net zoals bij Fleur de brieven lekker ouderwets heerlijke blijvende herinneringen zullen waarborgen. Hele dikke kus ook van pappa Anne
ReplyDeleteJoe Maloney.
ReplyDeleteRead carefully Joe,
MAN U. 1. LIVERPOOL. 4. 1-0 down, then Torres, Gerrard, Aurelio,Dossena,,Woooo Hooo,
Be Happy.xxxxxxxxxxx
To Hannah McLaren,
ReplyDeleteHAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAREST! Hope it has been an amazing day out there, I miss you terribly, the GYC hasn't been quite the same without our beloved sex kitten. I hope everything has been really good and that you're really enjoying your time and doing some good. Can't wait for you to come home and tell us all your stories, so make sure you make some good ones. Good luck and keep going, i feel like a proud mum of you! Lots of love,
Beckie aka Enshula
Charlie in Alpha 2! Sorry we missed your call - Em says you sounded really upbeat and we're pleased it is all going well. We miss you lots and can't wait to hear your news in person. Call/email when you can re return flights etc and we'll try to help. Loads of love as always, Mum and Dad xxx
ReplyDeleteTrekking - Alpha 1
ReplyDeleteHi Thomas, Hope the trekking is going well!We were at win coll today and saw OTH win 6's, surprise loss I think. Ollie's 15's drew!We saw Richard A and he was interested to hear about you.If you have time to get in touch with S & J, contact is 2 Culver Lodge, Win, Hants SO23 9LX. I am sure Kim & David would really love to hear from you. Granny, Pa & Nan were really pleased to get all the news. Warmimg up here a bit now...Much love Mum XX
To Jo Morton from the Musgraves
ReplyDeleteJust read your Mum's comments on the blog! Fantastic news about med school!! Well done. It must have been the paint in the hair at interview that did it as well, of course, as your superior intelligence. Hope you're having an amazing time at Raleigh!!
Alison M
ReplyDeleteHello from Kew!! Still waiting to hear an update on your project but hope its fun. Great news about Jo getting into med school (must have been the paint in her hair!)All well here, several letters on their way with lots of news including plans for the summer. Thinking of you all the time.Lots and lots of love, Mummyxxxx
Sup becky, im just round at your house for dinner with the rents and ive quickly come up to write on this blog. ive been told its all public so i wont mention anything rude!
ReplyDeleteI was looking through the photos, looks like a fantastic time and i cant explain how much id love to be out there! Plus, looks like there are some major hotties in your group aswell!! Things are quiet back here as per usual. My work is pretty slow atm aswell, but hopfully stuff will pick up soon and ill be working on some more interesting sets. met some awsome girls the other day in richmond, been hanging out with them loads recently. Oliva knows imogeon from her old school,small world hey?!
This is kinda wierd becuase i cant actually ask questions as you have no means of replying, so just write me all the news when you next get to a PC. I hope everything is going well, the team is bonding and your having a wicked time. I look forward to hearing from you when your next in town, nothing will have changed this end so write me up OK! Very much feeling a madagascar 2 sesh when your home!
Lots and lots of love,
Sir Adam O R Goodall, Esq xxx
Hello Roo
ReplyDeleteI hope you are having fun. Just to say that I am collecting Wolfie tomorrow!! Well, I think you are calling him Wolfie but I will let you know when you have made up your mind! Daddy doesn't know as he is away til tomorrow night so he will be a lovely little surprise/shock. He is about 10 weeks old and looks just like Roly did when he was a puppy.
lots of love
Mummy xxxxx
Hi Tilly,
ReplyDeleteI hope the card and picture from Tegan got to you ok. Theres another (very belated!) card in the post. Hope you enjoyed your birthday.
Love Nicola, Ceri, Erin and Tegan X
Hi Nadine,
ReplyDeleteBegrijp dat je inmiddels de eerste fase hebt afgesloten en dat je nu aan het 'trekken' bent. De foto's zien er spannend uit en ik heb enorme zin om even te komen kijken want India is zo'n speciaal land. Ik zal deze link aan Merel en Gwen doorsturen zodat ze kunnen volgen wat je allemaal doet. Hoop dat je van dit avontuur kunt genieten en ik ben erg benieuwd naar alle verhalen, ondertussen zal ik deze site blijven volgen dus zorg dat je op de foto's staat. See you in Amsterdam,
X Renee
Dear Dr Andy
ReplyDeleteHope all is well and no epidemics.
Off to the Aletaster with Sam to watch the game. Im afraid it is a must win. Keep building those walls Remember Winston Churchill did it as a hobbby. The photos are excellent and I want a DVD of the pics when you get home
Love Mum and Dad
Hi ella,
ReplyDeleteHope the building is going well, you will need those gloves, I expect.
All well here , spring has definitely arrived now. Tom at home sends lots of love as does Iona and Dad. Text when you can.
Love from Mum
Lieve Eveline! Ik snap niks van hoe het systeem nou werkt, met deze blog en wanneer jullie ze lezen.. en wanneer je op basiskamp bent en wanneer niet.. Maar dat maakt niet uit! Ik blijf hier gewoon eens in de zoveel tijd een berichtje op zetten, hopen dat je het leest :P
ReplyDeleteIk ben zoo benieuwd naar al je verhalen!! Of je inmiddels niet al opgegeten bent door diersoorten waar wij in druilerig nederland nog nooit van gehoord hebben ;) Als je nog ooit dit leest en je mag iets terug sturen; zou je me dan het adres van t basiskamp kunnen geven zodat ik je een brief kan sturen? Ik heb geen idee of je al vrij snel klaar bent met het project; dus of het nog nut heeft.. maar ik geloof dat je nu met fase 2 bent begonnen? Dus dat duurt nog wel ff toch? Anyway, ik hoop dat je het nog steeds erg leuk hebt en dat alles goed gaat. Niet (teveel) heimwee enzo?
Lief eefje, ontzettend veel plezier en de eerst volgende keer dat ik je weer zie is op mijn verjaardag!! Daar hou ik je aan ;)
Dag lieverd, ik hou van je! Hele dikke zoen, Sara
To Jo Morton (Alpha 1)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on getting in to Exeter. The interview obviously went much better than you'd thought!! Bad luck though - it could mean you'll be seeing a lot more of Holly (and those lovely blisters of hers)!!!
Hello Hols
ReplyDeleteIt's been a bit of a whirlwind weekend so haven't got around to posting the bands yet - hopefully tomorrow. Apparently you can get some more hand sanitizer back at Fieldbase. Will write you all my birthday details as well. Great news about Jo getting in to Exeter. Still trying to sort you out with Edinburgh.
Hope your feet are holding out on the walk - I can't wait to hear from you when you get back to base.
Missed having you around this week. Love you loads and loads,
Mum xxx
Hey Frankie - just wanted to tell you how much we are mising you. Your dad is terrible. No hugs and not much food! hope you'll bring us back some nice indian tit-bits.... Katie and Holly meowww!
ReplyDeleteFrankie, been out to Spain for week end. Lovely weather - pity part of hill is moving downhill. Nothing too trajic. Mum in Hong Kong - back Wednesday - just me and the cats - arghhhh!
ReplyDeleteLots of love Daad xxx
Voor Nadine (alha 1)
ReplyDeleteLieve Dino,
Alweer een week verder met je trektocht, hoop dat alles steeds meer meevalt. Dank voor je lieve brief. We hadden gisteren een goede doelen diner in de kauwgomballenfabriek, volgend jaar ga je mee!! Hoop dat geen last meer heb van ziektes etc. Veel moed en doorzettingsvermogem, missen
Hello Caz, we're all missing you but love hearing about what you're up to on the blog - sounds incredible! All is fine here. I had a quick chat to Will today to say hello - although I forgot he is in Val D'isere this week! He is having a good time and enjoyed watching England thrash France in the rugby this afternoon. I'll catch up with him again when he's back. The Killers was awesome. We're hoping to exchange on our flat in the next few weeks. Despite viewing 16 houses over the last month we haven't found anywhere new to buy, so will (fingers crossed!) be renting in Barnes by the time you get back - that or sleeping under my desk!! All very exciting. Thinking of you loads. Enjoy every second of your amazing adventure! Lots of love, Jules and Gareth X
ReplyDeleteJoe Maloney,
ReplyDeleteHi Joe, Glad you got the result through quick, dont know how you celebrated, the 4-1, but i'm still recovering, its all wind and rain here tonight,bet its not there,hope everything is going ok for you, Alice & Tina send there love,she's hoping to get another pub soon,Tom scored a goal in the footy yesterday, not much else going on here,you take care, blog again soon, Mum & Kenny, and the fambo.
lieve edmee Er is een brief naar jou onderweg. Het... lieve edmee Er is een brief naar jou onderweg. Het is heel goed met ons allemaal en hoop dat je meer detaills kan lezen in die brief. Je krijgt enorm veel liefs van tante mariet en haar fam. wij waren het weekend bij hen.Constance v.B gaat volgend jaar met raleigh naar Costa Rica.Ben erg benieuwd naar nieuws van jou. Dikke zoen je mama Wat was het een feest je stem te horen.
ReplyDeleteHi Roo
ReplyDeleteHe is called Hector! Hope you approve
Mummy xxxxx
(posted as Matthew Kneale)
ReplyDeleteFOR ED K
Hi Ed things are finally warming up here, grass in growing, Tom has been up to the cricket pitch and spread hundreds of bags of topsoil with a few of the team, and they have also been to the nets. We are busy decorating and and in the garden. Off to see Ben and co in a couple of weeks and then to Italy over Easter (works nearly finished). Margaret and J say hello, Floss thinks Monty is a cat (or a rat and there is a lot of lip curling doesnt bode well for peace and harmony in Groes!). Looking forward to hearing how things are going we enjoyed your blog. Mail on its way.
Love Dad
Hi Becky,
ReplyDeleteKeep following your exploits! Some really good photo's of you.
All well here. Edmund still busy fighting maluntrition out in South Africa amongst the babies, but enjoying life with Helga. Oliver on good form and playing rugby today.Saw Uncle Tim and the family last weekend, they are all well too.
Off for lunch today at Claude's, with the Sycamour's and Chelsom's as well. So that will be a gastronomic blast!!
Take care and keep smiling.
Lots of love, Aunty Ali xxxxxxx
(posted as Alex Rumsey)
ReplyDeleteTo Paul Billett,
Hiya Paul, you are so skinny, you are going to have to come round ASAP when you get back for some serious nosh. What you're doing looks incredible - and you look all tanned and lean and happy which is great. Enjoy the rest of your time there!
Love from Alex and the kids xxxxx
PS Am now a divorcee!
To Hannah (alpha 1)
ReplyDeleteHey han, loving ur sexy boots in the pick! Hapy birthday for saturday (see i do remember these things unlike u...just kidding!) They G.Y.C is missing you muchly! Keep smiling as i shall write you a letter sometime today with a bit of luck! Lots of love Rhi x
Hi Tom de W
ReplyDeleteGreat to have your call this morning. Glad you are having a good time. The last few days has been very sunny so it feels like spring. Angus is collecting a Biology award on 17th. Grandma and I are off to watch. Dad will be back on Thursday eve 19th. Off to KA's ball this Friday on Dads birthday. Ollie is 18 on the 18th! Sorry your phone won't work.
Hope you can phone again and I can try phoning you back. Hope the fence mending goes well.
lots of love
Mum xxxxxx