Hello avid blog followers!
Today Country Director Gavin Shelton returned to Fieldbase after scouting out a new trek route for future Raleigh programmes, which took him and PM Ivan Phillips through the Alpha Four campsite.
"I have to say, the Alpha Four campsite is just amazing, they have really put in a lot of effort and it looks wonderful," Gavin said.
"I have to say, the Alpha Four campsite is just amazing, they have really put in a lot of effort and it looks wonderful," Gavin said.
"It was really wonderful to see some of the fields within the boundary of the fence becoming green and growing well now they are protected by the fence," he said.
(picture: the mess tin tree at Alpha Four and below, the Alpha 4 basha-based campsite)
The group is also reinforcing the fence by digging some lengths of elephant-proof trench, as the fence repairing project was going so well.
"They have also been getting involved with the local community which is great to see," he said.
The next loop vehicle with Programme Administrator Lucy, Country Programme Manager Mark Ashby and photographer Ann Taylor is due back later today, so there will be more tales from the projects in the next couple of days.
In the mean time, Alpha 2 is set to visit the monks at the Golden Temple, at Alpha 3 rumours have been emanating about a fancy dress dinner, and at Alpha 1, they've done amazing times with their trekking and pitched in to hire a dorm room for a night so are no doubts feeling a little more refreshed after a real bed and wash.
Standby for more news from the Alpha groups
(Above: PM Peter leads Ed, Parthi, Eveline, Sreejith and the rest of Alpha Four to work)
Hi Petrina - do hope that you are well and enjoying yourself. I miss you - big teas and pootling!! It is lovely and sunny here, blossom is coming out everywhere, bulbs are up. Enjoy the elephants - what a brilliant time you are having! Am enjoying being back at work - not.....
ReplyDeleteLots of love Rosie
To: Mum and Dad (posted March 14, 23.05)
ReplyDeleteFrom: Charlie Howell
"Hi Mum and Dad,
Shame I missed you the other day, I should be able to call at some point after this phase, which ends on the 28th. Thank you so much for your help on the return flights, we'll talk about it soon. I'm having an awesome time, I love it. Speak to you soon,
Big love,
Charlie (Alpha 2)
To: Mum, posted March 12, 18.09pm)
ReplyDeleteFrom: Emily W
"Hi Mum!!
It was so great to talk to you all on the phone on Saturday. It was really nice hearing all your voices. Eco-sanitation loos are going really well, I'm really enjoying it. No, I think I will change my ticket, unless I tell you otherwise. I would just like to know the times of the flights. Why have you been redecorating??
Keep sending lots of letters/blogs etc
lots of love,
Em xxx"
To: Uncle Ray, posted March 14 15.11
ReplyDeleteFrom: Emily W
"Thank you for the message Uncle Ray! I am having a really great time in India. I'm working on eco-sanitation loos at the moment which are really fun. Hope you are all well.
Love Emily xxx"
To: Explorer Fiona
ReplyDeleteFrom: Hamish
"FIONA! Glad that you have written something about me! HAHAHAHA! Anyway, just want to say how much I miss you but having a great time building the toilets. The kids and the villagers are sweet! I'm going to...."
(Editor's note: Hi Fiona, Peta here. At a guess, Hamish got halfway through writing you a note then got cut off for some reason, but thought you'd like to know he wrote something!)
To: Explorer Lucy
ReplyDeleteFrom: Hamish
I am so glad that you have written to me as I was hoping to get something from somebody. Also: I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO GLAD THAT YOU SHOUTED AT THE AIRPORT. I absolutely love the village and the kids are sweet! Can be quite annoying about the camera situation! Anyway, I just finished building about four toilets to far! How are things back home? Cold? Having lovely hot weather but a couple of times it rained :(
Love you million and zillion! Oh and plus more than Tom does! :P
To: Dimple
ReplyDeleteFrom: Jo D
"OMG you're moving again? Where is your indian instinct to root and stay? Anyway I hope you are well, I am getting into my work, so much that yesterday I said "yay work" with no sarcasm in my voice. My attempts to grow a beard to blend in with the locals have stalled and failed, after three days and no hair in sight (sadness). I have not received any letters from you so I will ask again (can you?) but instead will imagine you fangasm reply to any question I assume you will ask me. I have almost finished 10 houses and have begun on the last four. (Foundations ahoy). I'll write when I get back to Fieldbase.
Thinking of you always
To: Fiona
ReplyDeleteFrom: Frankie, Becca, Sarah, Roo and Ed
This is ex Alpha 1 trekkers from Alpha 3!! Thanks so much for your message it was so goot to get it.
We're having a fab time here in Kappikadu but missing your Rahness (plaaaastic and elaaaastic) so so much! We are all turning into butch lesbians here (including Ed) carting bricks around! Werewolf is still going strong but missing our key members (ie YOU). Roo and Sarah have named their tent Aliona (after your and Ali) and Sarah is turning more mental by the day which is keeping us all amused.
Hope England is treating you well - we've had a few thunderstorms here - eek
Missing you sooooo much and always thinking of you.
Happy Birthday for the 23rd!!
Frankie, Becca, Sarah, Roo and Ed
To: Boris
ReplyDeleteFrom: Edmee
"Lieve Boris
Je vestrekt over drie dagen! Ik ben zoa verheugd voor je. Ik wens je al het plezier en avonteur en doe de groeten dau Tos, Laurens, Tim en Barbana! Ik heb je brief ontvangen, ik staar niet terug aangezien je toch weg bent Ik mis je en nogmaals super veel plezier en geluk!
Hastalapasta darling,
To: Mum and Dad, Posted March 15, 09.37
ReplyDeleteFrom: Dr Andy
"Hi folks,
Hope all is well back home. We got the Hull result the day after the game - not great but at least we didn't lose. There is another toon fan on camp and we are both pessimistic. We had a few days of rain but none for 48 hours now. Fingers crossed. Building going well too.
To: Gerrit (posted March 13, 01.49)
ReplyDeleteFrom: Edmee
"Hey Gerrit
Hoe gaat het met jou?
Met my goed, ik moet heel hard werker, bastenen, cement en dakpannen verplaatsen. Fundamenten bouwen, ven heerlijke thee en curry pauzers nemen. Leuk dat je berichtjes plaats! Er is een kaart onderweg.
Je zuster."
Dag Eveline,
ReplyDeletewat een wilde beesten zitten er in je buurt, beer, deer, bisons en olifanten...slaap je wel een beetje??? en dan in die tentjes op bamboe palen, echt zo leuk...Vanaf nu deins jij hier in NL niet meer weg voor kikkers en muizen, ik weet wel wie ik er vanaf juni bij ga roepen...Regent het veel, en dan worden de olifanten toch actiever? Wij gaan overmorgen zelf een weekje weg..veel was, werk en chill plezier xx liefs
To: Mich and fam (posted March 12, 03.49)
ReplyDeleteFrom: Leanne
"Hey Mich and fam,
I was glad to talk to you too, spoke to Nadine on Monday, she didn't know who she was talking to at first.
Did mum enjoy herself? I can't wait to see you all and looking forward to my posh lunch.
Say "hi" to Mel and Anthony and give the kids a kiss for me,
Love you lots,
To: Moetie en pappie
ReplyDeleteFrom: Claire de Vries
Lieve moetie en pappie!
Jullie bericktjes syn nu, voor het eerst aangekomen misschien wekt het vanuit Grankryk of switserlandbeter, want ik he book niets van Fleur ontvangen. Goed om te lessen dat jullie het ook lekker hibben, doet me ook weer aan wintersport denken heer is het echt AMAZING: he been geweldig bed, hele leuke group in ook wel leuk werk…
Geneet not even wan jullie vakantie, mis jullie!
Xxx Claire
To: Mum
ReplyDeleteFrom: Tom de Wilton
To mum,
It's great to hear West Side Story went well, I would have loved to see it. Good old Mr Gale! Who do you mean by George?
Still having the time of my life, I'm on "camp duty" today so staying back at camp to make stuff and be creative. I still haven't got your letter, but I'm sure they'll arrive soon.
Lots of love,
P.S. it seems we are allowed to receive small parcels (letter-box size). Is there any chance you could pop some zinc oxide tape (as I've lost mine) and some liner socks in the post? Thanks. x
To: Lucy Illingworth
ReplyDeleteFrom: Tom de Wilton
"Hey Lucy,
How are you? Settling back into English everyday life ok? It must be so surreal after travelling for soooo long.
Thank you for your comment, they read it out over Raleigh Radio which was really funny! Life in India is going well, the campsite in Anaikatty is fantastically beautiful. The stars are no where near as pretty though. We're almost finished the fence so we've started digging elephant trenches; back breaking work but very satisfying.
Your letter hasn't arrived yet but I've put one in the post with the loop.
Ello.. my original alpha 1s... sooo gd to hear from u all !!.. miss u guys so much!! ... Hamish ur note got cut off.. doh!!... so great ur all having a good time.. so jelly bags.. england is freezing!!... cant believe thunderstorms.. how scary!! Ha Ha butch lessers thats helarious!!.. bet Eds going to look like Schwenger... muscles galore!!Nice!!I apologise now for sarahs crazy /erratic behaviour!!.. but uve got to admit shes bloody funny!!
ReplyDeleteAliona!! i like it!! Tell me all ALpha 3!!.. Also James and Hamish tell me all from Alpha 2.. hows it going?.. sorry Hamish if uve already told me!!..
Keep in touch
Lots of lovingxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
SOPHIA. oi bizatch. wrote you an ever so charming letter today so look forward to that, i expect a reply pronto.
ReplyDeleteHope Raleigh is mentallllll and your turning into a butch lesbo she-hulk (i mean that in the most endearing way possible, by the way).
Write me soon, I want to hear all the Raleigh goss, how are you coping without fortnums food and living on raleigh rations?
2 more days of work left and 1 week and ill be in HK for the 7s, exciting stuff.
Miss you you crazy cat, speak to you soon
Milly xxx
He die Claire,
ReplyDeleteHeel veel lieve knuffels van Floor uit Costa Rica.
Hi Leanne,
ReplyDeleteMum said to ring her for the reference number. Mum had a great time on the London Eye. The lunch was too posh for her, you know I'm the only posh one in the family.
Have you seen any elephants yet? I know you must be working hard, but it beats washing up on a Sunday (even though you always get out of it :) Keep enjoying the experience. Love you loads Michelle.
Hi Hamish, how's it going? It sounds as though you are having another amazing time. All good here. We are off to HK on Tuesday for 1 week and Cameron is going on his cricket tour to SA on Thursday. Feels strange that we will all be spread over the world!! Have Nana & Grandpa's big dinner tomorrow night here so I hope they will enjoy that - 60 years is a LONG time! We have a meeting about Buguruni tomorrow & are going to meet Tori. Praygod sent us a parcel which was so sweet! I think Dad is going there in April so I've already got a large bag of things for them. As always, missing you heaps but thanks to all at Raleigh for keeping us in touch with you. I have a new implant for you but just trying to sort out how to get your old one back without having to pay import tax - it appears to be very complicated but you should have it next week - sorry for the delay. Take care and speak soon we hope. Lol Mum, Dad & Cameron xxx
ReplyDeleteLieve Luuuuuu,
ReplyDeleteHier Toov en Lusok...! Eerst het adres van Toov:
h. heijermansweg 19
HOE gaat ie metje? lusok heb me eindelijk uitgelegd hoe dit bloggen! en nu heb je mijn adres, dan wacht ik vol smart op je brief! en ik ben al bezig met een antwoord! oh my god, ik mis je zo!! we gaan nu met alle hagunesen zuipen op pinoke, en we missen je zo!! (bier 1 euro en satetje met patatties 5eurie! mooie deal of nie tdan? heb ik leuk getoverd)
nu lusok en toov samen! we willen heeeeeul graag een foto in je shining, glittering, fabulous and amazing looking badpak! je zal er wel magisch uitzien!
heeeel erg veel plezier de komende tijd en we hopen snel weer iets van je te horen!
dag mooierd!!! HELE DIKKE KUS
heel veel lululiefde!!
KUSSEN Lusok & Toov
Message for Emily J
ReplyDeleteHey gorgeous little sis. I really don't know whether you get to see any of my messages - just wanted to say that I hope you got my one saying happy birthday!!??? Hope you had a lovely day. Missing you loads and thinking of you always.
Lots of love Big sis Pips & little niece Pops xxxxxx
Joe Maloney.
ReplyDeleteHi Joe, hows it goin? hope all is well. just to let you know we got Chelski in the next round of the ChampsLeague, Manc U got Porto,Arsenal v Villareal, Barcelona v Bayern Munich,so the next round will be finished before your home,so hopefully you'll be here to watch us in the semi final, not much happening here, apart from a bit of nice weather, so you carry on and enjoy, Lots of Luv, Mum &Kenny and the fambo,xxxxxxxxxxxx
Lieve Eveline,het voorjaar is vandaag begonnen hier. Heerlijk. Wat hebben jullie je kamp lekker opgepimpt. Die mokkenboom ziet er wel erg leuk uit. Ik heb hier direct ook het keukengerei in de plant gehangen. Veel liefs 1000 X, Hanneke.
ReplyDeleteTo my sister, HOLLY GOTTLIEB - ALPHA 4
ReplyDeleteI hope this reaches you as I am having difficulty working out this website!
How are you? tanned and stacked i hope?! I miss you too and was so nice to hear from you on facey b...although im not sure your message to Jess was so appropriate! She's only 14 Holly!
Sorry I've been so rubbish - I have reasons but i suppose they aren't good enough excuses not to contact you! I am just rubbish!
Have had lots and lots of tedious work which probably isnt going to benefit me but its a bloody degree isnt it?.. Don't know if mum has told you but I've had the added stress of being in a dance show (don't laugh until i finish the sentence)...im in a dance show, doing a hip hop routine (now you can laugh)!! Thursday was the first night, and im not going to lie - i was cacking my pants so last night i got a wee bit tipsy to calm the nerves but ended up missing part of the dance - woops! Tonight is the last night - thank god!....
Right, must make some calls - trying to book Benacassim but thought i would make my debut on your blog.....as Arnie would say - "I'll be back"...
Love you, keep safe xxxxx
ReplyDeleteLieve schat!
Heerlijk om nog even wat te lezen voordat ik vertrek (over 2 uur).
Ik heb nog geeneens tijd gehad de blog te lezen dus dat komt wel in BA.
Gelukkig is daar ook internet ;)
Bedankt voor je goede wensen en jij natuurlijk ook nog veel plezier en sterkte!
Zet em op bouwvakkertje :)
Dikke pakkert!
To Rebecca(Alpha 3) or is it Becca now?
ReplyDeleteGreat to speak to you again!!!Thanks for keeping in touch. Its so special just to hear your voice.
D and I are down in Dorset, weather glorious as is the new pond. May have to get a rowing boat and will expect you with your new muscles to show us how to do it! Or would you prefer a raft? Ireland and currently playing Wales to win the first grand slam since 1948. Fingers crossed. Sorry to hear about the bug, it cant have been great for you (or your mates ). No curries for a few days. Looking forward to sharing summer hols plans with you. Maybe next weekend when you are back in Mysore. Missing you lots but it seem to be going faster now...Love ya lots, take care, Mummyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Tilly,
ReplyDeletewe are following all Alpha One adventures on the Raleigh blog and website. We are so impressed that you have climbed the second highest mountain in India, outside of the Himalayas. What an incredible achievement!!! You must really be feeling so proud of yourself.
Lots of Love
Mum and Dad
To: Mum and Dad (posted March 19, 02.12)pm)
ReplyDeleteFrom: Emmie-lou-la-belle
"MUM! Stop embarrassing me! I love receiving your messages though, everytime the loop comes out to visit I have some, so thank you! Can you get Auntie Jennie to write on it and Carl as his internet's not working. Well done to Alex, he's doing really well in his exams. No, it's not going to make me any tidier! Why is Dad redecorating? Have you managed to sort out my accommodation at RH yet? I'm missing you lots and it was great to talk to you yesterday on the phone - say a huge HAPPY 50th BIRTHDAY to Dad on Monday, make sure he has a really good day and don't forget to give him my card and presents. Also, happy mother's Day for Sunday, Mum!
Lots of love,
Em x
To: Xand (posted March 17, 22.47pm)
ReplyDeleteFrom: James
"Hi Zand,
Great to hear from you! I am having a great time at the moment building loos for the local community. The weather is great and the locals are really friendly despite speaking no English. Don't revise too hard, maybe 2-3 hours a day. Please keep my updated on Southampton Scores and send my love to everyone in Shropshire.
Hope twickenham was fun,
Love James
P.s. wish Mummy a Happy Mothers' Day on my behalf."
To: Fiona
ReplyDeleteFrom: James
Hi Fiona,
Thanks for the message. Building loos has turned out to be great fun! We are living in a beautiful village next to a huge reservoir. We are also living in the school and I am now sleeping next to Larry. He told me that I am too agressive in bed and I think Hamish is getting jealous! The building work is not too hard and Shenola and I have been teaching our mason some gangsta moves. There is quite a lot of free time and things have been going a bit crazy, putting a goat in the shower while Charlie was in it was hilarious! How is life in England, still really cold?
I hope Billy and Oscar are OK and HAPPY BIRTHDAY on the 23rd. I am missing the colgan smile and keep me updated.
Love James xxx (of the eskimo-kind)
p.s. Getting ready for casino night, very excited!
pps. Also tried to sell Ella to a mason for 5000 rupees, he was having none of it!"
To: Fiona (I think, Hamish didn't say)
ReplyDeleteFrom: Hamish
Oopie... I did half of the message but somehow I ended up doing something else! This phase is great! BUT now I have to pass cement to the mason becasue they were plastering the wall, I tried to do it but ended up messing up the wall and unfortunately all over the mason! He told me that it would be best if I carry some cements to him which was quite embarrassing. Haha! Oh, the other thing I want to say is that I'm not sleeping next to James anymore, (thank God) but... I'm sleeping next to Charlie and Mani aove me! Well, Charlie did kick me in the face so as Mani but that's only happened twice, unlike James waking me up at midnight thinking it was 4am in the morning. I am missing you and come back to Raleigh NOW!
Love you millions,
(Hamish... in case you have forgotten)
To: Roberts family
ReplyDeleteFrom: Hamish
Nana and Grandpa - Happy 60th anniversary! Hope you are well and missing you heaps. I will make it up to you when I get back to the UK!
Mum and Dad - I am so so so jealous of Dad about going to Buguruni! Can he make sure that John is OK and is he working hard? Thansk! I can't believe that we are all in different countries next week! Anyway, I've been building toilets and it's nearly finished (quite surprisingly!). Can you send my love to everyone in Buguruni by saying "salamu!". I love you loads! I will call you when I'm back on the 28th!
Bye for now!
Cameron - good luck with the cricket and everything! Try not to get attacked by the elephant like it happened to me! Love you!
Hamish xxx
p.s. You can write letters to me as I am very jealous of people that keep getting letters from home. :)
To: Matt's Mum
ReplyDeleteFrom: Matt
"Dear Matt's Mum
You have become much more popular than me with your blogs. You are now quite famous in these parts. You'll be pleased to hear that a pink whistle has joined the pink pile by the way of a birthday gift. But please don't mention my old pink wendy house - this is a public forum! Everything is good here - I'm super-skilled in passing cement. Love to you, Dad, Ryan's family. Ps: Stay off the Shiraz!
Love Mat
Ha Nadine,
ReplyDeleteDat ziet er allemaal top uit bij jullie, wat een leuke foto's. Jane en ik sliepen in 1991 in Torres Del Paine in Chili in een Raleigh hut. Wij hopen dat je een heerlijke tijd hebt en veel goed werk doet! liefs van de Diemonts uit Australie (en Cecilia uit Wales)
Hi Holly (Alpha 1)
ReplyDeleteIt was lovely to hear from you when we were in Milan despite nearly getting trampled by the riot police! I see your sister (with no name!) has written you a message although she's obviously a bit confused about your groups! She's off to Milan and Venice tomorrow to do a brief with the uni although there's been some song and dance about the cost. Good thing Dad remembered her passport was at home before she arrived at the airport! We met up for dinner last night with the Dean crowd as the Brocks were up from Cornwall. As well as our 21st anniversary (crikey!) it was a good excuse to get together to celebrate several birthdays and mother's day all rolled in to one! I definitely think I'm going to need a holiday to recover after it's all over!
Really pleased to know you're ok and getting so much out of this experience. I know in some ways the trek was going to be the biggest challenge for you so you should be really proud of what you've achieved.
Loved your last letter so keep them coming! Postcard and letter are on their way to you too.
Big hugs and kisses,
Mum xxx
for jo D(alpha 3)
ReplyDeletewooo wooo im sorry for my long absence i was moving. it sucked. there was an infestation of cockroaches and no running water *sighs* it's better now tho the roaches have subsided under a hail of mortein spray and the water is running happily, sometimes even when the tap isn't on (it's leaky and has a life of its own :D)
and um what indian sense of rooting and staying *i AM the indian nomad poster girl*lols
i am glad you are enjoying knocking down...i mean building up those poor villagers houses:D
i am proud of you and simultaneously relieved that you were unable to grow a moustache, because then we'd be competing *twiddles own freshly grown moustache*lols:P)
it sucks that you haven't got my letters. i believe i DO have the wrong address...i've looked everywhere for the right one on the website n all but i can't find it now either*why,why WHY?* o wel if someone were just to take pity on me and post it online *coughs meaningfully* lols
if not just feel ma luuuurve through these messages i guess.luuuuuuuuurve. lUUUUUUUUUUUUURVe!hahahhahaha:D
ok i must leve to cook and do boring household chores now *sigh*
but i will return with fresh news and even more love soon. take care of yourself my dahleeeng!o and my dad says hello and to be good! *stern look*hahaha ok ok lots of love and cuddles!*pats head*mwah
Hey james
ReplyDeleteWow sounds amazing!! so jelly bags!!.. Poor old Larry hope ur not too violent with him!! te he!!Im sure Hamish is secretly jealous!!How helarious i can emagine you and shenola busting your moves!! funny stuff!!.. My god a goat in the shower with Charlie ?!.. what jokers!!Ha Ha .. why did they not want Ella!!?.. ohh poor Ella!
Yeah oscar and billy are gd thanks.. bit of a disaster eventing yesterday..fell off got eliminated!!...but hey ho!!
Tis a bit chilly here!!So nice to catch up with my mates last night though...hang over not gd!!Thanks for birthday wishes!!Colgate smile is still going strong !!lots of eskimo kisses fionaxxxx
Wabish!!..How could i forget?!!oh you RETARD spilling cement!!ha ha!! only you could do that!! so you've now been demoted!?!
ReplyDeleteHa ha.. bet your glad not to be with James!!.. heard hes got a bit viscous with Larry now!! Yikes!! I know wish i was bk there.. england is rubbish!!Got to go.. lots of loving fionaxxxxx
Ola Edmee!
ReplyDeleteIk ben in BA aangekomen.
Ben nu met Tim en Robin(van Eva) de boel aan het verkennen. Zodra ik meer heb beleefd en meer tijd heb zal ik wat van me laten horen.
ReplyDeleteNu ik aan de andere kant van de wereld zit ten op zichte van jou vond ik het wel reden om even een comment te plaatsen.
Ik houd je avonturen in de gaten maar kan niet wachten jouw verhalen te horen.
Heel veel succes en ook heel veel plezier!
Joe Maloney.
ReplyDeleteYo Joe, Liverpool 5.Aston Villa 0,
doin ok are'nt we, Gerrard got his hatrick, we're 2nd now Joe 1 point behind Manure,
Had a nice mothers day with Karla, Kev and Tom & Charli, Kenny done a nice dinner,Hope everything is still going good thee for you, will blog again soon, Take care Luv Ya,mum & fambo,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey Tom!
ReplyDeleteThought i would write this on Sunday evening so it wouldnt get read out on Raeligh radio again! It's weird being home, feels like i never went away....everything is the same as when i left!! Want to go travelling again!! I guess u will get this back at field base, so i hope u enjoyed the last week of ur project and are looking forward to the trek now? I hope i get ur letter as my parents never got the one i sent to them, but my sis got her letter at school, and seeing as my missing parcels havent turned up i wonder whether our postman isnt very good at his job!! Hope ur having lots of fun, im very jealous!!
Lucy xxx
ReplyDeleteI sent some neighbours info in my letter to Tom so hope u get it, even though it will now be a few weeks out of date! Are you enjoying the environmental phase? Looking forward to the trek? England is cold and boring and im missing our Sparkles sessions, i cant bring myself to start a new book, its such an effort having to read for urself!! hehe!! hope ur having lots of fun.
Lucy xx
hi Becky (Muz),Sat 22nd mar, Man Utd lost 0-2 to tottenham having lost 0-4 to Liverpool. Sadly chelsea lost too!liverpool beat Villa 4-0 so are just 1 point behind Man U!!Leeds won again. Eng beat Scotland so were 2nd in the 6 nations to Ireland who JUST beat wales- a real nailbiter!Spring has sprung, we have a lovely pond, will get a little boat, Hannah is home, all missing you,holiday booked. NNPPSYITMWTBGANB,GBIloveyou.D xxxxx
ReplyDeleteHai Nadine (Alpha 1)
ReplyDeleteWe zagen je foto en ondanks de uitputtingsslag zag je er nog prima uit......Hoop dat je inmiddels brief hebt onvangen.Groet van Elbert, Noor etc
Veel sterkte met de laatste loodjes...Hoop je gauw weer te horen. Heel veel liefssss xxxx
Hi Seb
ReplyDeletePlease to hear that everything is going well and that you are doing abit of travelling after. This is something you will always remember. Mum wants you to look out for a nice hotel some where nice, maybe Goa that she can take the family in the winter holidays. Mimi is on her way back from Exeter for the Easter holidays.She is going to let Dom be her chaffeur, so that he can get driving practise. I've sent you a post card. Look after yourself.We all miss you Love nanx
hi sophia!
ReplyDeletebig sis here saying it all looks so awesome out there....hope you haven't been squished by an elephant thus far. v jealous at this end, although we did have a freak hour of sun yesterday, so it was tops off and lying in our sun trap to try and grab a few rays....luke burnt!
nell's bday today, and soooo forgot to get mum a mother's day card so probs not in the good books.
send my love to neil, stay safe.
george x
Hi Eveline, T en H zijn aan het tennissen - ik dacht dat ik jouw een bericht zou sturen om je gezelschap te houden. Man wat lijkt het daar leuk - kan niet wachten al jouw verhalen te horen! Michele wil heel graag in jouw voetstappen volgen. Het weer hier is nogsteeds koud, niet lekker dus geniet van de warmte. Heel veel plezier nog in de laatste phase van jouw trek! Diane
ReplyDeleteDear Dr Andy
ReplyDeleteIts looking very grim now.. I have sent you a Google Map of Deepdale in Preston for next season
Keep up the good work on the buildings Derek ssends his regards