I am sure all you avid blog readers want to know the latest news from the Alpha groups. Well, don’t worry, we will get to that in good time. However, first of all we need to fill you in on the events that have had all of us here at field base biting our nails in nervous anticipation. Yes: our fledgling owls are learning to fly.
As far as we can make out, one little owlet (pictured, left, with Amanda and Andrew) fell, jumped, or was pushed from the nest early yesterday morning. It spent the day gathering its strength in one of the vines in the field base quad, psyching itself up for a flight in the evening. Despite some serious encouragement from CPM Mark (in the form of imitation owl hooting, some carefully positioned pillows, and the threatened use of a big stick) it couldn’t be persuaded to take the plunge.
Finally, after Mark and his stick had left, the owl decided to go for it. This was, of course, after we’d all given up watching it, and gone away to make dinner. When we returned half an hour later it was on our dinner table. It wasn’t keen on sharing our dinner though, or the tin of tuna Amanda opened for it, and instead hopped away to explore the quad. We were a little concerned that it didn’t seem to be able to fly high enough to make it back home. However, it’s pretty safe here at field base, and owly successfully survived its first night in the big wide world without being eaten by the Chamundi leopard. This morning its brother or sister has decided to join it, and so there are now two sleepy little owlets hanging out in the quad.
Anyway, now that I’ve bored you all with the latest from Bill Oddie’s Owl Watch, perhaps I’ll get on with telling you what the alpha groups have been up to. In fact, they’re all now in their final few days of phase 2, and will be back at field base for a shower in only two days time.
(Felicity, Hannah, Sumith, Murgesh and Hobby, perhaps excited by the prospect of getting properly clean)
The good news is that Alpha 1 have completed their trek, and should by now be rafting down the Periyar River on homemade bamboo rafts. Photographer Annie and PM Ivan have just returned from the final loop visit to Alpha 1 and can report that the trekkers are still in good spirits despite the odd leech bite and blister (right, Medic Caz taping Holly's feet for one last day of walking).
Alpha 2, who have been ahead of schedule with their toilets all the way, are now putting the final finishing coats of whitewash on their 15 eco sanitation units. Despite finishing early, they have not been idle, and have been filling their spare time with teaching in the local primary and secondary schools, organising a sports day and music lessons. They have also managed to squeeze in a cultural evening and a casino night. I am told that Hamish is the undisputed poker champion. I seem to recall that Hamish also acquired the werewolf crown whilst in Alpha 1, so I must remember not to play betting games with him in future.
There is no rest for Alpha 3, on the other hand. They are still working hard (work is even proceeding after dark now) to finish the tribal houses in time for their inauguration on 27 March. The loop is on their way to visit Alpha 3 as I type, and rumour has it that a bin bag party has been planned for this evening. Hopefully all the FB staff can live up to the impressive costumes Alpha 3 are known for engineering.
Finally, Alpha 4 are apparently so ahead of schedule that they don’t need to bother with work: they spent yesterday having a massive mud fight. I suppose that’s one thing to do when it’s raining. They also had the inspired idea of a fairy godmother day – each person has an anonymous ‘fairy godmother’ whose task it is to make that person’s day a little bit nicer in whatever way they can. Lots of cups of tea were made, I understand. Perhaps lots of muddy clothes were washed too...?
In only two days time all the venturers will be back here in field base, receiving their allocations for the final phase of the expedition. In between learning our role as owl parents, we at FB have been planning lots of good stuff for the venturers at changeover, including a Mexican-style party for Saturday night. More news on that, and a final update on phase 2, will be posted by Peta next Monday.
Have a nice weekend! (We will :)
Well done Hannah and all of Alpha 1!! What an achievement. I hope you are now enjoying yourselves on the river.
ReplyDeleteVery excited to hear all of your news Hannah, and you will have seen the postings of your friends who I managed to contact. Do put your phone on when you get back to field base and at least text us (spend the 40p why don't you!), but it would be good to talk before you go away on your traveling. I was in Mumbai earlier in the week and asked about accommodation in the crew hotel. You don't have enough money!! By the way, have you sorted your bank card yet? Remember it is blocked until you speak to the bank.
We are missing you very much, and looking forward to your return. I have managed to get the day off for your arrival in LHR, so will be there with mum to see you home.
Stay safe,
Dad xxxxxx
Hi Ricardo,
ReplyDeletehows it going over there in HOTLAND...lol
its cold here brrrr
thankyou for me letter for mums day was fab..heard u goin on homemade rafts. rather you than me...glad u gained weight now thats surprised me does that mean more new clothes? lol u gotta lotta readin to do on your arrival we bought ya thursday reads for each thursday.
well im off to school now hehehehe chat again soon take lots of care n i love ya loads ok.
i no i keep saying this but im just so proud of you.XOXOXOXOXOXOXO
Hi Hannah darling.
ReplyDeleteYou look very well in the recent photo posted on the blog site. I do hope that your feet are OK after all the trekking and you don't have too many blisters! I'm really looking forward to, perhaps, having a conversation with you in the next week or so when you leave the field base and head out for your 'big adventure' with Felicity.
It's very Spring like here with lots of flowers coming out in the garden. Finch and Ginge are both well and Finch past his eye-sight test the other week which is the first step to deciding whether he is suitable or not to become a father. I think Zoe's owners are quite keen on a match! The girls broke up from school last Friday and Tom arrives home today. He is growing. Beware!! Granny and Granddad were over last weekend and send their love. Kiloran has been put on Iron tablets as she is anemic. She was not allowed to give blood the other day and has been feeling tired and 'draggy' for a long time now. Maybe you should be tested on your return.
We all really miss you, my darling, and can't wait to see you again next month. Enjoy your last few days/nights with Raleigh, I know you have had an absolute ball and I'm sure you have gained a lot of knowledge from this trip. Take special care when you set out with Felicity though because you girls will be on your own with no back-up so just remember if something appears too good to be true then it probably is!! Lots of love and kisses, Mum xxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Becks,
ReplyDeleteThought I'd be first on todays blog! Glad to see you've brought some Musgrave dressing up to the Raleigh Party (I assume this is your doing or at least heavily influenced by you!). Cant believe you've just about finished your second project with one more to go and then a months travelling and then home! Its a shame you cant stay out there longer. When you're all that way away anyway it seems silly not to make the most of it. I realise that it seems a bit risky to stay on without any Raleigh friends but I promise you'll meet other people especially in the backpackers paradise of Goa! Have a think about it if you havent already booked your flight.
I am currently in dorset cracking on with my essays and fighting a chest infection at the same time-fun! Yanse and I came down yesterday and are eating, drinking and supposedly working. M&D are down on Friday with the Higgins'. Really hope we can speak over the weekend. Love you lots xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteLooking up in wikipedia, the Owl is associated with wisdom and prosperity. Also the Barn Owl is a vehicle of the Goddess Lakshmi, and is considered lucky if an owl resides near a house.
I am fearful that Humpty Dumpty was pushed, so rely on FB to do what they can & look after these beautiful birds. Matts Mum
Hi My Darling Angel
ReplyDeleteHow are you doing Darling, I’m really missing you. I know that you are enjoying this unique experience. I am really proud of you because you made a decision to achieve a goal and worked hard to make it happen. The Lord will Bless you sweetheart as He is doing right now.
I see that your change over will take place on the 28th March, which will go into your final three weeks. WoW! Continue to grow in wisdom and knowledge as you are presented with all that life has to offer in this second, savour the moment and absorb into your memory pictures of delight and fasination that captivate the mind, hold on to them with charm, embrace them and ask them to accompany you as you continue on your journey of life. For within these moments are riches that money cannot buy, that time cannot take from you but which the mind can bring to you at the blink of your eye as you reflect back and look forward. We are all looking forward to seeing you so you can tell us all about your experience and show us pictures (I hope you had the opportunity to take loads of pictures). It’s Youth week of prayer and Moses will be playing his violin, the Joseph video theme song “If you believe”, I am sure you know which song I’m talking about – Yes –that’s the one, we’ve seen the video once or twice or maybe three times ha! ha! OK maybe more (we love it!). The weather here is bright today and the air is fresh – very fresh. We were going to France for my meeting but we changed our mind. Angel, remember the important things of life and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy and always Give Thanks. We continue to pray for you and your fellow team mates and those you meet on your journey.
Nanny has also written to you a few times, I hope you received all our letters. The Church family also sends their love, they ask about you every week. Lots and Lots of love to you from me my "pum pu dum" (yes you maybe 19 but you will always be my baby. Love you!
Mum *x*x*x*x*x*x
Hey Johaana(alpha 3), saw the photo from the fancy dress party. glad 2 c that u r still managing to have fun in between all the hard work. hopefully u have received the letters that i sent. missing you more each day. counting the days till i see you again, Love Russell
ReplyDeleteJust thought i would send you a little message to say good luck on the trek next week!! It will be amazing and im sure u will love it!! Hope u have enjoyed the environmental phase? Been cooking anymore chickens?....bet it wont b the same without me being there to chop all the veg!! There isnt much happening here, its very cold and my tan is fading very fast. I keep hearing Beyonce's song - Single ladies on the radio and think of u singing and dancing!! Makes me smile everytime!! I've got some Hollyoaks goss 4 u....nancy, ravi and chris are all in a relationship....TOGETHER!! and i think that Ste and Amy are going to get bak 2gether, she has her baby this week!! also sarah kisses Lydia!! its all going on!! Hope ur having an amazing time!!
Lucy xxxxx
To Emily J Alpha 1
ReplyDeleteDarling Ems, Wow... you've made it to the end of the trekking section, hopefully your knee has not been a problem and the boots have kept your feet relatively blister free, I hardly dare ask!!! I hope the rafts got you all down the river safely, by the sound of things it has all been well worth the exhaustion for the stunning scenery you've all been walking through, long to see photos.
Dad & I are at Gatcombe on Sunday morning watching Mr T then on to M5 north for 9.5hrs to join Frank & Marianne for a week.
All well here, Grandpa J 92 on Apr 4th, Deia 8 on 5th, Theo 1 on 8th, Granny J 90 on 18th and you will be home for William's 3rd b-d on 22nd! I shall be quite busy on the cake making side.
Well I hope you manage to rest up a bit when you get back..you obvioulsy are very tired. Thinking about you lots and lots and missing you.
Enjoy your 3rd phase.
Tons of love Mum & Dad xxxxxxx
Hi Ella,
ReplyDeleteAnother phase down,hope it is not going too quickly for you.Great to talk to you the other day, try and ring again or we can ring you.
It sounds like it will be party time this weekend so have fun. Are there any letters on the way? All well here, everyone sends their love.
Love from Mum
Joe Maloney,
ReplyDeleteYo Joe just seen a new foto of you, you look like you've lost some beef luv, or does the camera lie?, but you still look happy enough, no doubt if your on the mexican night you'll get stuck in, hahaha, carry on enjoying it luv and take care, Luv Ya, mum & Kenny & fambo.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hi Zoe,
ReplyDeleteBy the time you read this, I guess you will be wallowing in the lap of FB luxury with your feet in some seriously cool water having had a seriously needed shower (I hope!) and swearing never to wear a backpack again. Well done on the trekking, by all accounts it was real challenge. There should be an email in your Hotmail shortly with more details of home etc. We are waiting agog to see what you do in the next and last phase. The phone at the cottage STILL isn't working so me and BT are going have words again! Trouble is that I speak to a different person every time who hasn't a clue what the problem is so have to trot out the whole saga again! If you are able to ring use my office no and it will divert.
Enjoy the brief rest, love you lots and lots and bunches too.
Mum, Dad and the idiot spaniel XXXXXXXXXXXXX
Darling Johanna D-
ReplyDeleteI love your picture in the costume. Child of the 80's? You haven't been dancing with your dad's moves. (je je). I am back with the normal rutine of the office and Chandler decided to go back to his night expeditions, weaking me up as usual at around 2am. Cooking for one is not fun. I hope that now that you are an expert on building house's fundations, you could finally do the garden at home. I sent you the contacts on Wednesday, you may receive them next week. LOVE YOU xxx MUM
Hi. I hope your feet are OK (& all the rest of you). I see you called your mother an old hag. That's not very nice. What are you going to call me?! Together she and I had our centenary luncheon yesterday, at a Japanese restaurant. It was very lovely, though much commotion arose over the raw fish and various unlikely or untranslatable items. Julie (as in Julius) ate a pigeon from Trafalgar Square. Grandma and Mavis knocked back a potent apricot wine. Your mum did amazing floral decorations. Your dad complained of hunger throughout and was (justifiably) quite impatient with the waiters (eg they were too posh to just produce a simple knife when called for, but had to organize themselves into a relay team to bring a sort of scimitar-like object on a silver tray). Uncle Issy didn't want to leave after 3 hrs & was cross with the rest of us (esp Craig, his ride) for getting up to go. Now I must go now as our chickens Aretha & Martina are outside clucking like crazy & the neighbours may start complaining. I have to go and shush them! Loving hearing news of you - it sounds fab!! You're rafting on homemade rafts - blimey! (they've asked for a url so I've put Pei's which is a mite more interessante than mine). xx
ReplyDeleteGeat to hear from you the other day and know that you are really enjoying working with the Eco Loo's and the various school projects. I think you're back at the base this weekend, we can't wait to hear all the latest news. Mummy has just retuned from CT where she was seeing Grandma who is doing better than expected. Re your request I have organised it for you and will UPS it out to you on Monday, so it should arrive towards the end of next week. We are all missing you and sending our love Daddio xoxo
Ha Nadine,
ReplyDeleteBegreep dat jullie de trektocht hadden volbracht zonder veel problemen, behalve blaren etc. Gisteren waren we even in Fiftheen. Benieuwd wat je volgende project gaat worden, wlk.olifanten. Hier alles in goed.Morgen groot feest bij Annelies, we zullen aan je denken! Liefs uit Amsterdam, ook van Touse
xxx mam
Dearest Jo, can't believe you will be home soon! Well done for completing the trek,very glad to hear you are back safely from the rafting! Longing to hear all the stories - particularly about a snake in your tent! What a life-changing experience you are having! All well here, not very warm but cracking on with sowing seeds for the garden. Dad's car now fixed and both boys ready for the first race next weekend. Will keep you posted re:sailing jobs, and make contact again next week with Minorca- we think that would be the best company to work for if possible. I am sure something will turn up at some point.
ReplyDeleteSammy (or rather his partner) has had the baby, Sam had to deliver it in the middle of the night in the cottage as the midwife didn't turn up! All well with Mother and son. Phew!
Much love Mum, Dad, Pete, Soph, Bea and Lola xxxx
Hey Boss Blog,
ReplyDeleteAny chance of you opening a picture gallery with results of your own photos of the Alpha groups and any the Venturers may let you have? Not all of them (far too many) but a cross-section? The ones posted on the Blog are fine but they must be the tip of the iceberg (umm, rephrase that -talking India here - hot - tip of the elephants trunk then). Feasable?
Good luck with the next phase and a tip on the owlets - do not put your fingers too close, the little brutes bite...hard - found that out the hard way. Cute, yup!... cuddly, nope!
Zoes Wrinklies (dad type)
Ha lieve Juliette (Alpha 2)!
ReplyDeleteBericht uit Holland: het is hier erg stil zo zonder jou. Loco heeft bezit genomen van jouw kamer. Zij zit er dag en nacht. Regelmatig zet ik haar weer buiten, maar het duurt nooit lang: als je naar buiten gaat, komt zij uit de boom naar beneden dalen en eist zij dat zij naar jouw kamer mag. Jet is dit weekend naar Cambridge om Steffie te zien. Met ons gaat verder alles goed, maar we missen jou wel. Ik begrijp dat je maandag begint aan de trek. Heel veel sterkte daarmee, we denken veel aan je. Heel veel liefs van Jet (die er niet is), van Owen (ja, ook van Owen) en van mij.
XXX Roland
To PRO Peta
ReplyDeleteIn case you hadn't twigged the connection to 'the old hag' in the blog from Marcus this is intended for Holly. Marcus is her uncle but I think has omitted to address it to her. Hope that clears things up!
Holly's Mum
Dearest Holly
ReplyDeleteYou never cease to amaze us (and probably yourself)! It can't have been easy completing the trek but you've done it - FANTASTIC! I see from the photo Caz had the enviable task of taping your feet! Looking at the state of them I'm surprised she wasn't equipped with a peg for her nose! I should imagine fieldbase can smell you lot coming a mile off!
Really looking forward to hearing from you this weekend once you've had time to recover and chill for a bit. In case I forget to ask you, what date are you actually leaving Raleigh and are you still keen on Goa? You'd probably do well to chuck a lot of your kit and then send anything else you don't need home. I tried to find out about 'poste restante' but perhaps you could ask around and let me know how it works in India.
So much has been going on recently I will try to write it all down so it gets to you before you leave. Just off now to pick up Jess from Steel. Mrs Fletcher's now taken to giving me the evil eye as well....
Love you loads and loads,
Mum, Dad, Jess and Finn xoxoxox
Dear Tom de Wilton
ReplyDeleteI so hope you are keeping well. It is lovely to read about all that you are doing to help people less fortunate than ourselves. I hope you have received the three letters that I have sent to you. A week ago today I went down to the school and showed teachers and children how to make butter without a butter churn. They were all very attentive and had lots of questions. When I had finished some teachers spread all butter on slices on bread for the 63 children really enjoyed it. Last I had 24 students and 8 staff camping here from Magdelen College School as D of E's. Tonight I have 9 children and 4 children from Barnardos school, Woking doing D of E. It is a great shame it has got so cold at nights. Auntie Ann has gone with her husband Bill down to see her sister in Trowbridge for the weekend. It looks as though 18 people are going to come camping tonight. Last week Angus made some Flapjack, which was very welcome and he quickly sold out. Today I was asked if I would allow another Wedding Reception here in August. Sadly Neil had to have one of his dogs put down last week which of course made him very sad. Also one of Ron's dogs was run over when he was on holiday in America. Both of them are very distressed as you can imagine.
Tonight your mum gave me a lovely thank you letter from the children at school with a photo of me and the children making the butter. Earlier in March the afternoon club went to the BBC in London to watch the Alan Titchmarsh show. It was very interesting to see what goes on behind the scenes.
lots of love
Grandma xxxxx
Lieve Edmee,
ReplyDeleteHoe is het met je? Heb je het leuk met het project?
Met mij is het goed. Ben nu bijna een week in Argentinie. Het is heerlijk hier. We zitten in een ontzettend fijn hostel. Het weer is prachtig (ben natuurlijk snel tevreden met NL in mijn achterhoofd). Tot nu toe hebben we veel door BA gelopen, wat een stad! Heerlijk eten, heerlijke mensen, heerlijke sfeer. Ik heb Barbara ontmoet, aardig! Ze zou de volgende dag vertrekken, wat een timing! We zouden naar Pascha gaan, maar toen werd ik geweigerd omdat ik korte broek en slippers aan had! Vandaag een tweede poging en zal mn lange broek aandoen. Het is gezellig met Tos(echt goed hem weer te zien!) en Tim en ook met Eva en Robin. Moet vooral even wennen aan het ritme hier, 23.00 avond eten, dan chillen en dan om 3uur pas uitgaan...
Ik ben nog met Tim naar Uruguay geweest, prachtig plaatsje Colonia del Sacramento (werelderfgoed). Uruguay ligt maar 3uur met de boot van BA. Zondag vertrekken we van hier naar Mendoza (de wijnstad) en vanaf daar gaan we naar Chili om op 1april met Laurens zijn verjaardag te vieren in Santiago!
iig ik heb het naar mn zin, maar wat had ik graag dat jij er ook was ! Ik mis je.
Niet alleen zitten we ieder aan de andere kant van de wereld, volgens mij leven we ook op tegenovergestelde manier: er is nog geen dag voorbij gegaan zonder een biertje, een barretje. En jij bent daar hard aan het werk (althans dat las ik).
Heel veel plezier en succes en kan niet wachten weer wat van je te lezen:)
Dikke kus en heel erg veel liefs,
Lieve Edmee,
ReplyDeleteHoe is het met je? Heb je het leuk met het project?
Met mij is het goed. Ben nu bijna een week in Argentinie. Het is heerlijk hier. We zitten in een ontzettend fijn hostel. Het weer is prachtig (ben natuurlijk snel tevreden met NL in mijn achterhoofd). Tot nu toe hebben we veel door BA gelopen, wat een stad! Heerlijk eten, heerlijke mensen, heerlijke sfeer. Ik heb Barbara ontmoet, aardig! Ze zou de volgende dag vertrekken, wat een timing! We zouden naar Pascha gaan, maar toen werd ik geweigerd omdat ik korte broek en slippers aan had! Vandaag een tweede poging en zal mn lange broek aandoen. Het is gezellig met Tos(echt goed hem weer te zien!) en Tim en ook met Eva en Robin. Moet vooral even wennen aan het ritme hier, 23.00 avond eten, dan chillen en dan om 3uur pas uitgaan...
Ik ben nog met Tim naar Uruguay geweest, prachtig plaatsje Colonia del Sacramento (werelderfgoed). Uruguay ligt maar 3uur met de boot van BA. Zondag vertrekken we van hier naar Mendoza (de wijnstad) en vanaf daar gaan we naar Chili om op 1april met Laurens zijn verjaardag te vieren in Santiago!
iig ik heb het naar mn zin, maar wat had ik graag dat jij er ook was ! Ik mis je.
Niet alleen zitten we ieder aan de andere kant van de wereld, volgens mij leven we ook op tegenovergestelde manier: er is nog geen dag voorbij gegaan zonder een biertje, een barretje. En jij bent daar hard aan het werk (althans dat las ik).
Heel veel plezier en succes en kan niet wachten weer wat van je te lezen:)
Dikke kus en heel erg veel liefs,
To: Zoe's Wrinklies
ReplyDeleteFrom: Blog Boss (well, PRO Peta anyways)
G'day guys!
Great to hear from you again.
The blog photographs certainly are the tip of the iceberg, photographer Ann and I seem to spend an inordinate amount of time looking at the photos we have, resizing them for publication, editing them and laughing at them...
I'll investigate loading them up to Picasa as a web album which is possible, but we do battle daily with the technological behemoth that is the Raleigh India's server, which doesn't like the file sizes of the raw images so moving them around, storing them and editing them is a bit of a nightmare.
The good news is, the media packs will include a Raleigh USB drive with about 500 photographs taken by Ann from the expedition that all the venturers can buy and take home with them as a memento.
The venturers get back today (in fact, in about an hour from now so I'm madly typing out media pack order forms!) so they'll all find out about the photograph package shortly.
Leave it with me - I can make no promises on delivery, but I do promise to give it a shot!
PRO Peta
Ye Olde Blog Boss (oh I like that title!)
Hi Emma bet you are glad to be back at base again,hot showers!A party planned we believe.Wonder what you will be doing next, the trek maybe? Sent you an email and a txt, everyone back here ok,nan and grandad gone to spain today for 3 weeks,they send their love.Hope you are well and looking after yourself,miss you lots,look out for a small package,hope you get it in time for Easter.Take care,love you, mum,dad,Ed and koko xxxxxx
ReplyDeleteDear William Jaggard,
ReplyDeleteGood God it's been too long, life has been good to me in Australia but you can find more about that when I see you. In general there it's lots of work and i've been 'partying' and parting to an extent that you would be proud of. How is India, i'm sure your enjoying it! Lot's of work to do?
Tell me the dates when your in Hong Kong!! And also tell me all about your time there, I noticed your in an 'eco' group?
Take care old friend!
Dear Jo, You have a job offer from Minorca Sailing to start 27th april - end of june, possibly extending but not sure yet. If i haven't heard from you by end of this weekend i will accept for you. You are very lucky! good luck on the last phase, and look forward to hearing from you very soon. lots of love Mum xx
ReplyDeleteHi Becky
ReplyDeleteThank you for the e-mail - it sounds as though you are having a fantastic experience. We look forward to seeing some of the photos when you get home.
Everyone is very well here in NZ. Josie is very excited as she is off to see the Wiggles tomorrow! They are an Australian group who do children's shows and are VERY popular here. I'm not sure how much sleep she will get tonight!
The chickens are looking fantastic but no eggs yet - not helped by the fact that we are pretty sure we have 3 roosters!!!!
Uncle Colin is preaching his first sermon tomorrow!!!!!!!!! No he is not going to be a vicar! Our Church is going over to having lots of people preaching and he is the guinea pig tomorrow!
All the gang here send all their love.
Take care - Auntie Carolyn (and Uncle Colin watching the HK Sevens) xxxxxx
Hey to orignal Alpha 3's
ReplyDeleteHope you are all well and survived another phase!! Can't believe another 3 weeks has gone already!
Life is quite the same back at home, is really cold and windy so having to wear about 5 layers everyday! Can't get used to the coldness of England!!!
Can't believe it, managed to escape being ill all through travels then yesterday went eventing, fell off and got knocked out.. typical!!!
I have been reading the blog and sounds like you have made Alpha 4 camp site pretty luxury!!! Can't have been better than ours at Alpha 3, surely he he..!!! Ed how did you manage without the hammock?!!
Hope the trek has all gone well and you have survived!! Zoe! Is must be a family thing bringing out the disney tunes!! he he!!
Good luck to all those treking next, Petrina i am sure you will be ok, just keep going,don't give up!!
Hope you all have a great new phase!
Annie xxxx
Lieve Nadine,
ReplyDeleteZag dat eindelijk bericht overgekomen is. We kregen vandaag je brief die je schreef naar 4 dagen trekking. Wat en mooie verhalen en fantastische dingen die je mee maakt,geniet ervan!
Hi Nadine,
ReplyDeleteVandaag is je brief aangekomen. Het was heel goed om zo uitgebreid van je te vernemen. Heb je DigiD al een keer geactiveerd? Dit moeten we zsm. weten. Hier gaat alles goed. Sterkte met alles.
Hi Tom de
ReplyDeleteHope you enjoyed the rest of Phase 2. I expect you took part in the mud fight and I hope you haven’t got trench foot from all the mud. Just wondered if you have got any more of my letters yet. Not received any more from you yet. Maybe the posties are having a go-slow. Hopefully we will have one soon and here about all your adventures. The owls at field base look lovely – hope you get some photos of them. Went to a coffee morning today at the Marshall in aid of Sam’s trip to Morocco. A got best Actor at the WSS after show party last Thursday evening and he leaves for Naples next Thursday. Have you thought of buying a cheap phone where you are? Using the pay phone last time was a good idea but take more Rupees with you next time if you can. I understand there is a payphone quite near to field base. I know that you were particularly looking forward to the trekking phase of the trip so I hope that its fun and your raft manages to stay afloat. Charlie caught two small rats yesterday so he is very pleased with himself. Only one more week of school then I am on holiday for two weeks. Let me know if you need me to send you anything. J and I went back to dancing on Thursday, which was good. The bubbly at the break certainly helped our Tango along a treat! Have you learnt any dances? Love the Fairy godmother Day idea :)
Lots of Love and Hugh hugs - Mum, Dad and Ang. xxxxxxxxxxx
Dear Holly, How are you? Did the leeches get you? How was the trek? HOME-MADE BAMBOO RAFTS?! Oy vay!! Lots of love from Grandma
ReplyDeleteHi Seb,
ReplyDeleteCan you check your text messages or your hotmail for some info on the return flight asap. Or ring home asap. You shouldn't need to pay any more.
Have a great phase 3
dearest Becky,
ReplyDeleteGot your fantastic e-mail. You seem to be having an amazing, if challenging time. I am full of admiration, but that's nothing new.
Please avoid dodgy baked beans in future!
Have forwarded your e-mail to Uncle Mike, Edmund and Helga, so all in the loop! Noticed O.T. had received direct.
Love you, sweetie. Take care.
Aunty Ali xxx
Hi Emily W./Emsk
ReplyDeleteHow are you?It sounds like you are having a fabulous time and we were really pleased to hear that you are going to extend your trip by a couple of weeks to tour around India.Such fun!I do hope you will find time to come up and stay with us in London and tell us all about it.I had a look at the Raleigh website and the trips all look amazing.
Do visit Hampi if you get a chance on your travels.We stayed in nearby Hospet and hired a car and driver for the day and got to see the sun rise and set over the beautiful temples at Hampi.It was a very special,'out of this world'experience and I feel sure you would adore it.We also took a bicycle rickshaw in Hospet and felt like we were taking our lives in our hands, as we hurtled down their mud roads alongside antiquated lorries the size of buses!
Julie is coming up to stay tomorrow to atttend a course in town and I gather Al is enjoying having his Spanish exchange to stay.
Lis and Tt are well and Tilly was meant to be having puppies - we are not so sure now.Lis is pressing us to get a new kitten instead!
Give us a ring when you get back and hopefully we will see you and hear all your news before you take off to NY.
Lots of love and all the very best for your travels, Jennie, John ,Lis and Tt xx
Dear Emily Wilton, this is uncle John. Your trip looks fabbie. Hope you are not getting bitten too much by mosquitoes, or alligators , or people! Today is auntie Jennie's birthday and we all have to do everything she wants. Luckily she mainly want nice things. Dont you think that Indian curries in India are different to Indian curries in the UK? Hope you see lots of elephants. And tigers. From a safe distance. Love uncle John