Most of the groups are spending their last day packing up their kit and getting ready for coming back to Mysore. Alpha one are already on the bus back from Kerala and have an overnight stay on their way back tonight. We will let you know some of the things the groups have been up to this week. We have also got some great photos from Annie who has been visiting alpha two, three and four. Many thanks to Liz and Paul for alpha one photos too.
News From the Groups

(Below left: Hamish and Sarah at a tea plantation, below right: a well earned rest)
(Below left: sunrise during trek, below right: riverside camp)
(Below left: rafting, below right: the Periyar river)

Tom and Chris managed to cleverly capture this image with a camera, a flag pole and a head torch - good work guys.

(Pictured above left: Tom in an eco-sanitation unit (literally), above right: Sumith and Murgesh with a local child, below left: coracle fisherman on reservoir, below right: Alpha two group photo)

(Pictured above: Felicity washes her Raleigh T-shirt at the alpha 3 laundrette, below left: Gunar and Sreejith mixing cement, below right: alpha three group photo)

(Pictured right: Emily making Damper ,below left - letters from home: Holly, Emily and Angel open their mail, below right - alpha four group photo)

ReplyDeleteVery proud daddy well done
much love
Alpha 1
ReplyDeleteHi Thomas, received your letter a few days ago, great to read all the news and on the blog! Sounds as though you are all really busy. Hope you have received some letters from UK by now. Denise & michael, send their best wishes from Darwin! Love Mum & Dad
Loving the lightpainting guys, you should add it to this flickr group
ReplyDeleteLightpainting The Real Deal
Dear Becky,
ReplyDeleteFantastic photos of your last few days, especially the rafting! They looked amazing! You must be looking forward to getting back to base camp and a change of clothes. That yellow t shirt looked as if it had seen better days. We will be in Dorset when you get back so try us there. We are at Smarts tomorrow evening but I will suggest that Daddy has his mobile on just in case you manage to call. Had a lovely dinner last night with the Blackburnes, they send their love. Imo and Foot now in Rajastan after an amazing time in Delhi.
Everyone send their love but especially Daddy and I. Long e mail waiting when you get to Mysore,
Love and Kisses, Mummyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Congrats, Allie!
ReplyDeleteSounds like quite a trek - just like climbing Eagle Hill :) Well, we'll know who to turn to when all of the boats at Squam are on the fritz - nice raft!
Hoping all is well - enjoy the indoor plumbing!
Love you - Weezie, Uncle Jim & the Monsters
Hi Tom d
ReplyDeleteThank you for your letter. I made a nice fire with the wood that you got me in. It has been very cold in my home this week as I have had the Rayburn off because a new water tank was put in. Enjoyed reading the bloggs. Glad to hear that you are having nice time.
Love Grandma
Hi Nadine,
ReplyDeleteJe bent nu bijna bij het einde van je eerste fase, ik ben heel benieuwd hoe de volgende eruit gaat zien. Ga je nu aan de slag met olifanten? Hier in Nederland is in de media ook veel te doen over olifanten. De afgelopen week is er eentje geboren in de dierentuin in R'dam. En in een andere dierentuin is een olifant op 48-jarige leeftijd overleden, na een val. Ze zeggen dat die zelfs tranen liet voordat hij stierf. Ik denk dat het ondanks hun voorkomen hele gevoelige en intelligente dieren zijn. Vind je dat ik op een olifant lijk? Vandaag ben ik in mijn nieuwe werkkamer geweest waar ik 1 april start. Die kamer heeft uitzicht op de Voetboogsteeg, dus ik kan zo voor de lunch een vlaamse friet halen. Hoe gaat het? iedereen vraagt mij ernaar en dan zeg ik maar: geen bericht is goed bericht. Wel zag ik op deze site een leuke foto waarbij jouw groep in een rivier staat, jij staat uiterst links (voor de kijkers); ziet er gezellig uit. Hoop dat je veel fun hebt en tijdig je rust neemt. All the best en geniet, je vader.
Dear Emc,
ReplyDeleteMummy and I were delighted to see the photographs of you looking so happy. We hope the damper didn't burn. We knew you would end up in the kitchen. Can't wait for you to return... we've only had one cake in four weeks...! Please come home soon.
Not much to report here. I've been redecorating, Mummy will be writing a letter tomorrow and is hoping to get a letter from you. Al has gone to London for Lissie's birthday party tonight.
Tomorrow Gumps and Sheila return home so we are looking forward to hearing all about their trip to India.
Good luck with your next phase. We hope you get a good group and an interesting project.
Don't forget to take lots of photographs and keep that diary going.
Lots of love, D X X X
becky muz- well done! Enjoy the shower and the bed. You deserve it.
ReplyDeleteOn to the next phase.
lots of hugs nnppsyitmwtbganbgbilyou
D xxxxxxx
To Emily J
ReplyDeleteHi there, good to see smiley faces on the dam! Hope you have a great weekend. Wonder where you will be next?? Tom & Catherine off to Cape Town on Sunday to (tall) Andrew's wedding. They will be out there 10 days. Children going to Emer & Gary. We going to see Jay's new place tomorrow and Mr T doing a work out. He's got his first event on Thursday, fingers crossed all will go well. Love you lots, and miss you lots, Mum & Dadxxxxxx
hey jo
ReplyDeleteforgive me! wat wid travelling and deadlines i couldn't get online for a little while:D but im back! to annoy you and call you names :P :P
hope you are well and all i saw your message on facebook and felt super loved *this happy mood will last for aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages* i sent you some letters~! i don't know if you got any yet! but i'm gonna send you some more and i may try to include sweeties in them ha HA!
i feel the need to say hey!north indians don't have moustaches so much *stands up for north india* its just because you are smelly and went to the south, the part which is not inhabited by fantastical people like ME :D
you know i am proud of you but i will say it again so you can be embarrassed and this message can fulfill its cheesy sentimentalist expectations.i am proud!of you.yes.:D
take care of yourself, feel free to emotionally blackmail the people in your organisation so that they let you come and visit me before you leave:Dor delay your ticket so i can come and kidnap you for a while!or something.love you lots and lots and lots and lots and LOTS.
be good poopi, talk to you soon hopefully *huggles*
p.s.i wil try and send you a sim but do you have an unlocked phone:? i am making my enquiries atm.be good, beast!:Dxxxx
ooo oo i just realised that last message from Dimple:D was for johanna Davies! send her ma looooove pls:)x
ReplyDeleteTo Charlie,
ReplyDeleteI hope you're having a brill time! Mum says you look even thinner and orders you to eat more curries off banana leaves. ALSO i went to uni the other night and saw ali barker you says hello and hope you are having an awesome time. ITS REALLY BORING AT HOME WITHOUT YOU. Please don't stay there forever. I'M 21 SOON! Again i will remind you to bring me back a good present. xxx
Lieve Eveline,
ReplyDeletewat leuk om je 'even' gesproken te hebben, wat een verhalen...wat is het toch apart dat afzien (blaren op handen, flauwvallen van de hitte) ook ontzettend waanzinnig chill kan zijn....:) Kom lekker bij op het basiskamp en we zijn erg benieuwd wat je nieuwe bestemming zal worden. heel veel plezier en tot snel op het blog, op een foto of via een brief
xx Tanja
Hi Zoe, Ohhhh dear, we just picked up your message when you rang (8.15am this end) and unfortunately the phone was off. We'll send an email too though don't know if you are able to check this in Mysore. Must be nice to have a bit of relative comfort after Kapikadu - shower, real bed? How is the back bearing up? Mum and are are off to Witts End to do some clearing up to try and reduce the dust level a bit so that at least when the plumber and electrician go in, they won't stir up any more dust than necessary. Have a really happy birthday on Wednesday and we will be thinking of you a lot..not often you are not here for it...barring D of E.
ReplyDeleteLots of luv from
Mum and Dad and the the soppy spaniel
hey well done on the trek it was good to talk to u today and i hope we will talk before ur next part of the trip
ReplyDeleteHi sebby, its your favorite brother. sorry bit late but happy birthday anyway. You've stolen some of my t-shirts. but i dont mind. Rachel says hi and hope you're having a great time.
ReplyDeleteBye bye
Hi to all on the expedition. I was staff on Belize 01f and Chile 06b, so know what you're all going through! Just wanted to say hi to all at FB and the Alpha groups, and especially to PM Neil in Alpha Four, as he was in my Third Phase group in Chile as a Venturer. Hope you're enjoying life in a basha, Neil, and that you built it better than my first one in Belize, which collapsed in the night! Hope Phase One went well and good luck for redeployment and Phase Two. All the best, Tony.
ReplyDeletelieve Eveline, weet niet of mijn vorige bericht is doorgekomen. Erg leuk om even wat verhalen van jou zelf te horen...TÃs wel afzien geweest, begrijp ik....flauwvallen, blaren op je handen, butsen op je been...en dat in combinatie met dat je het erg leuk vindt! Grappig he...leuk afzien..
ReplyDeletebenieuwd wat je volgende project zal zijn...x Tanja
Happy birthday Tilly We hope you've enjoyed your last day as a teenager.We see from the blog that you and the alpha 3 team are now experienced bricklayers! and probably enjoying a well earned rest back at the base camp with the luxury of showers and laundry facilities. I expect saffy and olive will be celebrating, as usual with a mouse pie, with twenty candles! we sent on some cards from people, so look out for the postman! Sounds like great fun having a barbecue under the stars and with all that fantastic scenery.Have a great day, lots of love and kisses, Mum and Dad
ReplyDeleteHey em!!
ReplyDeleteThe pics look great!! i bet ur havin a great time - btw thanks i hav now found the remote :D. Hows the trip going i hear ur going to be make some toilets - tht sounds fun :s but hopefully u'll enjoy it. Do u get 2 ride elephants on the trip or do u just make fences 2 keep them out ??
erm bac home dads painted the bathroom ( the colour is terrible =[ like a orange-brown). Mum and i are moving out to live with gargie and cuckoo!! dw though its cause dads gunna be paintin the kitchen for a few days lol. I've gt my spanglish oral in 2 weeks =s and the nxt day the spanish persons coming. on friday i went up 2 london cuase liss was having a rave XD - yh there london parties r sooo much bettr thn ours so i gunna try and 'scrape' 2 a few more :P. i heard u also had a party - which u dressed up as salt or pepper lol !!
Btw i hav also found out why the apple juice disappears so fast and its not me!! its actually mum she drinks gallons!!
it looks like ur lovin in out there,
lots of luv, ur fav bro,
Alex xxx
Hey Tom D W
ReplyDeletesounds like your having an absolutly awsome time out their. I knew you would...pretty jelous to be honest could do with some of that hot weather down here!
Spoke breifly to your mum the other day and she mentioned this blog to me so if yoy get a chance to speak to her then please thank her for me! theirs not much going on down here just cold weather and lots of work to do! booring!
i'll keep lookin out for photos etc
i gotta go weve finally got some customers in at work :P
take it easy and have fun!
Jack T
He Clairetje moest hier even een berichtje van mama opzetten want dat had ze zelf al 2 geprobeerd maar dat is blijkbaar mislukt, ik ben maar fan van hotmail :) dus heb je net een mail gestuurd!... Gaat alles goed? Leuke foto's! Papa en mama zijn nu aan het skien, ik ben weer terug in NL, mis Nepal wel! Hoop dat ik je nog kan komen opzoeken in India maar moeten even kijken of de studie het toelaat.. Genier er nog van, we mailen snel! xxxxxx Fleur
ReplyDeleteHeya Hannah (McClaren)
ReplyDeleteHows u? I see ur avin loads of fun, ur in the eco group, so great, im sooooo jealous, lol. ur avin the time of ur life and im sat here in wet old england, hehe. well just to say im missin you, lookin forward to when u get back. keep safe.
Love from
Brian Adey
Hello Allie! Good job,,, wow,,, trekking and rafting just for starters.. Rac and jim and the boys are visiting - we all say hello, Just talked to Alexis and told her of your adventures.. Take care,,, love "the leibs"
ReplyDeleteHi Seb
ReplyDeleteYou looking well, not sure if its a healthy tan or just dirt! What's it like being back at the field base? All the projects look hard work but fun. Thx for text always good to hear from you. Just seen Uncle Alan and Fred who went to Lawrence school in Lovedale outside Ooty, they asked after you. Where and when are you going next? Take care. miss you Love m & d xx
Hi holly how are you?
ReplyDeleteis there anything you want me to get for mum?
the social was funny. I GOT FLETCH 2 DANCE.
ill tell you about it when you get back.
i no mum wants some recent photos of us so if you can try to post some more of you up. thanx.
lots of love
jess (aka your favourite sister)
Jambo Allie,
ReplyDeleteHow exciting to get some news. I think i recognized you in one of the photos; but they are a little small for'me eyes. Your family is so proud of your trekking to the top--amazing! What stories you will have and hopefully yu are keepin ga journal if time allows. We had a fabulous trip to Africa--darted rhino and ellies. All is well here. Take good care of yourself and enjoy these unforgettable experiences. Huge hugs from John and me, Baba oxox
Hola Johanna Davies,
ReplyDeleteI am in Colombia now. Love the photos of all of you rafting. It so much fun. Tio Ricardo is next to me and send you his love. Everyone here was asking for you and I am very proudly have been telling them of your adventures. Hoping to heear from you soon. Let me know if you got the glasses. LOVE Mum. PS/ Your dad is with Chandler now.
Blog for Edward Kneale
ReplyDeleteHi Ed I dont know what a b-log is but here goes: Weather awful/cricket rubbish/rugby worse but summer is on its way! Were expecting Ben Allyson Jake and Joshua for Easter and see you at latest in Palazzo Matteotti,Castel san Pietro in August Love from Grandma and Grandad
Message for Tilly on Kappikadu project...Happy birthday Tilly, have a lovely day & well done on all your adventures from Percy, Dot & Bethanie & Co xxxx
ReplyDeleteHi Shen Shenxxxxx
ReplyDeleteIt was GREAT to hear from you.......missing you obviously
Yes I received your letters, I read them over and over and re-plied to you e-mail yesterday, hope you read it and hope you have received my blogs and this one too
Shen I went out this morning and I treated myself to a box of chocolate Maltesers (of course it was reduced) got to the till but before I had to pay for it the lady kindly says to me YOU DO NO YOU WILL HAVE TO EAT THEM BEFORE THE END DATE(22 March 2009)......shen I couldn't tell her that the chocolates my not see tomorrow......so I just said to her thanks no problem.....I am eating them as I write this message
I shared your e-mail to Gran and she said it's nice to know you are fine, she said she will give you a BIG HUG when she sees you
Last time I saw Jakes was when he picked up your letter
I will check you place tomorrow after church (hopefully)
From Mummy and Gran
Love xxxxxxxxxx
Hi Tilly, I hope you are well. I hoped you enjoyed your day off yesterday it sounded like you deserved it after all of your hard work. We are all missing you at Campbell Rd. We have had a drugs workshop and a DJing sessions this week. We are hoping to carry on the DJing further if we can get enough interest. Chat to you soon, from Niamh and Kate
ReplyDeletehi ricci, (alpha 1) how are you, it was so good to hear from you, mum was so happy, ell i hope that you enjoy you time on the next phase with alpha 1, loved the group photo of you all in the river, orient and arsenal both won at the weekend, hope you have now been able to send thairell a card, will keep in touch Everyone sends their love and best wishes Take care
ReplyDeletelove dad