Blog comments have just come in from Alpha 1 (the trekkers). Check out the comments section at the end of this blog to see if there's a reply for you...
Welcome to your Monday blog double-whammy!
Today we've posted two blogs:
The first is a special report by Dr Julia Mitchell who, among other things, is developing a monitoring and evaluation programme for Raleigh India. This means Dr Mitchell is returning to previous project sites to evaluate the long-term impact of Raleigh's projects on the lives of people living in rural and remote India. Already Dr Mitchell has discovered Raleigh is fondly remembered by those who have come into contact with our venturers and volunteer managers.
The second is your stock-standard Raleigh wrap-up from the past few days of work out in the Alpha groups, featuring such tales as the Alpha 4 love chair, the Alpha 2 goat fiasco and the finals days of walking for the trekking group.
Read on!

By volunteer manager Julia Mitchell
Hey everyone, I am very excited to be able to tell everyone what I have been up to
I met with the small community of Hosekersunda, a rural tribal village situated on the beautiful Kabini reservoir in Karnataka, which is less than a 20-minute drive from Raleigh's current eco-sanitation project at Kalaianahalla. Raleigh constructed 30 eco-sanitation toilets at Hosekersunda as Raleigh India's debut community project in February 2008. Before Raleigh built the eco-sanitation units, the residents of the village had no access to proper sanitation.
When we arrived it looked as if the whole village had turned out to greet us and welcome us into the village school where we held our meeting. Sitting cross legged in a big circle, ladies on one side gentlemen on the other, I felt rather nervous armed with my many questions.
After going through the pleasantries of recording who was attending the meeting and being introduced – a custom fervently adhered to in India, signatures and names recorded we began. Before I could even start with my first question the community spokes person sprung to his feet and delivered a speech prepared by the community.
At first they admitted they were afraid of what it would be like having people from else where coming and living and working at Hosekersunda. However their fears were unfounded as they said once Raleigh arrived they could not believe how hard working, kind and open the Raleigh people were throughout all three phases. They said they were now using the toilets and said Raleigh had done a wonderful job in building them.
The women especially said they now had no anxieties while relieving themselves as the toilets were private. Previously when using the surrounding forest and fields, the women said exposing themselves to male residents was a constant worry. In addition all the villagers said they felt as if their village was cleaner and their health was better as a result of having the toilets.
As the meeting continued and villagers eagerly answered our questions, and one lady started crying. She said she was overwhelmed when remembering the people who had visited and worked in her village. She said she thought everyday how lucky she was to have the toilets and remembered the friendships she made. The whole village could not believe people from the other side of the world would come and want to help their community, live with them, eat their food and wear their style of dress. For them not to be looked down upon and scorned for the way they live. They said that when building the toilets, the Raleigh people became part of the community, part of their family and they would never be forgotten.
In meeting with the community of Hosekersunda I realised Raleigh had done some much more than just build toilets. They had changed the lives of people for the better, left behind memories and stories that will always be remembered and told, making the residents and the Raleigh participants global citizens.
Are you a former Raleigh venturer? Post a comment!
Excellent! What an impact!
ReplyDeleteWas very interesting to read how Raleigh is helping the villagers in India with the EgoSystems and that the villagers have benefited in many ways. How happy the villagers looked in the photo of seeing themselves in the literature about their village.
ReplyDeleteLieve lieve Clairetje!!!! een bericht op je blog! ik heb geen idee of je dit bericht uberhaupt gaat ontvangen maar ok.. heb je al een paar keer gemaild, maar dat schijnt ehm niet helemaal te worden daar. Ik hoop heel erg dat alles goed met je gaat en dat je aan het genieten bent van elke seconde. je zult ongetwijfeld al menig avontuur meegemaakt hebben. Ik zal je nu niet zo in het openbaar lastig gaan vallen met vreemde vragen en gooi al helemaal mn eigen leven niet op deze blog, gehe. dus laat me maar zo snel mogelijk weten wanneer je weer persoonlijk bereikbaar bent. geniet ervan zoveel je kunt! voor je het weet ben je weer hier. XXXXX Lisanne
ReplyDeleteTo PRO Peta (and whoever else types these up!)
ReplyDeleteApologies for Jess G's recent message to Holly which I gather, due to a rather enthusiastic display of affection, nearly crashed the whole website!!
I must say I salute your stamina for getting all these blogs typed and delivered - I think my fingers would have dropped off by now!
Thank you and well done for doing such a fantastic job.
Holly's Mum
Hi Holly (Alpha 1)
ReplyDeleteSeeing Nicky Gritten for lunch tomorrow although Mary can't make it because she's nursing Anna who's had an op on her shoulder. Will hopefully get more news about the others though.
Have had a phone call, a meeting and two emails from Fletcher within the last couple of weeks - will have to fill you in when I write but poor Jess is having a bit of hard time at the moment.
Decided to take my new toy out for a spin in the sunshine today on the way to meet the PM mums for lunch. More flowers and pressies - I feel totally spoilt!
Dad's got to go to the States soon to do with the recycling. All I can say is he'll be meeting some VIPs so we're all trying to tag along!
Looking forward to your next call - only a few more days to go...
Lots of love,
Mum and Dad xxx
Hey Nadine (Alpha 1),
ReplyDeleteHier weinig veranderd: matig weer, Toes chagrijnig en ik weer aan de tentamens. Vrijdag heb ik Stochastiek 2, waarvoor ik nu flink aan het oefenen ben met alpha's (die geven namelijk het zogenaamde significantieniveau weer), daarom moest ik even aan je denken.
Het voelt hier soms verlaten zonder jou, alhoewel ik niet precies weet waarom. Misschien omdat er geen enkel teken van leven meer van je kamer afkomt, omdat er nu niemand anders meer om 4 uur 's ochtends thuiskomt of misschien omdat er nu alleen nog maar oudere vrouwen over de vloer komen.
Wist je trouwens dat het ruimteschip in "Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Adventure Begins" ook Alpha 1 heet? Misschien omdat het International Space Station oorspronkelijk Space Station Alpha heette? Hmmm...
To: Mum and Dad
ReplyDeleteFrom: Ricardo
Hi Mum + Dad
How are you both doing I am really doing well out here the weather is up and down raining sunny really hot/cold. The trekking is hard up mounting every morning and eating porridge. Passing through lots of village and towns but camping is really fun. Keep sending blogs and letters. The view here every day is wonderful.
Lots of love from Ricardo
P.S. Say Hi to everyone and Thairell
To: Maryanne Mills (in response to post on 15 March 2009)
ReplyDeleteFrom: Thomas M
Hi Mum, Dad and Ollie
Thanks for your blog messages and good to hear everything is OK. We’re into the last few days of trekking now, having just had the longest day yet of 10 hours! Yesterday we camped beside a really deep river and had fish curry in the local house which was amazing. Good luck to Ollie for Queens and see you soon!
Lots of love, Thomas
To: Mum and Dad (in response to post on 16 March 2009)
ReplyDeleteFrom: Emily J
Hi Mum and Dad
I think I have just had one of the hardest days trekking ever! I’m just going to send you a letter when I get back to field base on the 28th because at the moment I’m knackered but loving it (typist’s note – I think!!) sort of. I had an awesome birthday and miss you so much.
Love you so much and I can’t wait to see you.
Tonnes of love from Emily
To: Steph (in response to post on 18 March 2009)
ReplyDeleteFrom: Emily J
Hey Steph
Thank you sooo much. I’m having a fab time. However can’t wait to see you when I get back. I will have to write longer messages when I get back from trekking. Seriously tired.
Lots of love
Emily xx
To: Ruth (in response to post on 13 March 2009)
ReplyDeleteFrom: Emily J
Ruth I love you!
I will write a letter when I get back to field base cus at the moment I need a little more sleep.
Thank you so much for your birthday message
Lots more love
To: Rhi and Becky (in response to post on 16 March 2009)
ReplyDeleteFrom: Hannah McLaren
Hey Rhi + Becky!
Thank you for my birthday messages, really made me smile. Had had a really tough day, reached camp in thunder + lightening and the dark. Everything was miserable but your little noted cheered me up no end. Get the others on the blog! They need to get their a***s in gear. I’m gone in a week lol! Anyways, I’m having an amazing time and miss GYC times like mad. We’ll be hitting Chicago Rock like a snake with a stick when I return. Love you guys loads!! xHxxxxx
To: Mum & Kenny
ReplyDeleteFrom: Joey Maloney
Hi Mum & Kenny
On the last week of my 2nd phase. It’s been amazing trekking through Kerala hard at times but definitely rewarding especially on the ole figure front, lol! Anyway not long before I’m home and flying to Turkey for my hols with you guys trust me I can’t wait to get myself on that beach & do sweet FA except for lifting my right arm & hand to enjoy my first EFS (beer)
Love Joey xxx
To: Shell
ReplyDeleteFrom: Joey Maloney
Hi Shell got your 2 letter & card. That was a nice surprise thankyou! All good here on the last week of my 2nd phase (trekking) and the on to the finally yippee!!
Send my love to everyone especially your Dad, Maria & Sean!
Love Joey xxx
To: Yaz
ReplyDeleteFrom: Hannah McLaren
Hey Yaz!
I’m sorry this will be quick but we’re just about to leave. Thank you so so so much for your lovely message, meant so much to me. Hope everything’s going OK in England. Will have to visit you when I get back.
Lots of love! xhxxxx
Message to Edmée:
ReplyDeleteHa zuster, alles goed? Kleine vraag: zou je nog een kamp willen leiden deze zomer? Zoja, welke? Mocht je willen en in de gelegenheid zijn mij dat binnen korte termijn te vertellen, graag!
Heeeeel veel plezier daar!!
X, je broer
Hi Em (W)
ReplyDeleteGreat to get all the latest news and your messages.Kent more spring like but still cold.Dad had a great 50th birthday.Alex and I thought it would be too quiet with the 3 of us without you so invited the Hewitts and Lindsays and had a lovely evening drinking Dads present from me 6 bottles of a Burgandy wine! No not all six!He loved your present.Alexs Spanish exchange has arrived and they seem to be getting on well and speaking English ofcourse!Al has tried a few Spanish phrases but...Keep in contact and we look forward to hearing from you. All my love Mummy
Dearest Jo
ReplyDeleteguess you must be feeling very fit now. Have just accepted your Peninsula Medical School Offer, and had confirmation that you will be on the Exeter Campus.
No news from any sailing companies yet.
All well here, first race next weekend so frantic work being done on cars, Ausper having a few hiccups. soph and max off to ski for a few days next week, still plenty of snow. Peter is very busy with deadlines at work.
Have booked your haircut!
much love Dad, Mum, Pete, Soph, Bea and Lola.xx
Hi Leanne, you still need to phone mum to get your reference for the Western Union money transfer. Hope you are good. It will be good to hear from you soon. Love Michelle.
ReplyDeleteHi James,
ReplyDeleteHaven't blogged you for a week because I thought you hadn't replied because I only checked the page I blogged on none of the other ones! Start of holidays has been good a couple of hours of revision a day. Twickenham was awesome good game against Scotland and then went to see Ireland VS Wales in a pub which was awesome as Ireland just won and got the grand slam which was good as there golden generation of players like BOD and ROG had to win something and the Welsh are just annoying. England finished second which was fairly impressive. But in the pub at twickenham had these really annoying women screaming everytime a player made a break and chanting in high pitch tones which just don't work with a female voice. The world of football is very exciting. Chelsea playing liverpool in last 8 of chhampions league again. Title race is opening up a bit. Southampton got two big games coming up Charlton and Watford. We are sitting 3 points off safety but with a game in hand. Going to Verbier for a week which i hope will be good, then going to shropshire ( don't know how much work i will be able to do at those places?!!). I am going to start thrashing Daddy at tennis now and when you come back i will be primed and ready to brush you aside. And we had lunch on mothers day at Christoforos house with Granny and his children, which was a bit boring. Mummy was not amused when after my maths lesson with Hrry i had a game of FIFA with him. I am enjoying your room and double bed. Got my report today which was quite good although Nolan had a bit of a go at me about Field Game. Says i complain about the umpiring too much and foul too much i just say that every team needs their Roy Keane. I always do professional fouls when their going to score and you just take them out. Have decided am going to do medieval history spanish and english. I feel i have blogged you out now. Reply quickly because going skiing on Friday.
Love Alexander
Darling James,
ReplyDeleteJust discovered your response to Zand, who I am afraid was grumpy that he thought that you had not replied to him.... I showed him ur message!!!
He is revising as is William. Totty is preparing to fly out to India as we speak.
I spoke to Prudence who said that she was sad you weren't there for Lucinda's wedding. I am going to send them an album from you, as they all adore you so much.
I loved chatting to u the other day, although you sounded sleepy. Can't wait to go skiing. Am playing tennis tomorrow.
Love you lots, will be in touch especially as Victoria told me how much she missed not hearing from her familyxxxx
Darling James,
ReplyDeletepps: I now have a new phone, will call you this wkend.
lol, Ma
To Thomas Mills Alpha 1
ReplyDeleteDear Thomas, The trekking sounds amazing and great fun!Brings back memories! Hope you managed without too many blisters. All still OK here. Ollie home fridge is regularly inspected and emptied! Really look forward to talking to you and hearing about everything..Much love, Mum, Dad & Ollie
Joe Maloney, (the slim one)
ReplyDeleteHiya Joe, Up late here tonight, its windy and keeping me awake, but i'm made up cos I just got your message on here,Your looking well kidda,We're off to Turkey on Monday, i'm meeting Shell in town on Saturday to get the keys for Marias & Shauns,might even leave some bacon for you and Shell, if our Dee does'nt eat it all,hahaha, very good of them to let us stay there, hope you got the update on the reds ok,not long now before your relaxing on Surf Beach, or even Bayrams, all looking forward to it, and to seeing you, You take care luv, will blog again soon, Luv ya, Mum & ~Kenny & fambo.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dear Willie
ReplyDeleteGood God, I just got your postcard it sounds like you're having an amazing time! It took a while because my Mum sent it from Hong Kong to here (Sydney). I can't believe that those people's house are destroyed by rampaging elephants :-/
My time here at St. Paul's College is going pretty amazing, but I thought i'd share with you a particularly amusing anecdote. So, this place is the closest thing to a fraternity Australia has, except we have a 'warden' (principal) and a bunch of residential academic staff that eat with us and stuff. Anyway, there's a hierarchical thing going on here and as a freshman i'm the lowest of the low, in fact freshman aren't even allowed to write their names beginning with a capital so I have to write mAtthew cOrkhill so everyone knows i'm a lowly fresh even on paper. So, having said that, it's probably self explanatory why we show the senior students alot of respect and they treat us like crap. (Don't worry this is all amounting to something). So, a friend and I consumed a hefty amount of alcoholic beverage, in fact the cheapest/strongest on the market (as is my philosophy, like in BJ ;-) ). Following this I made my way back to my room but he thought it would a be a good idea to 'quake' the seniors' rooms. To quake a room means you go in someone's room, empty their laundry on the floor, tip over their chairs, tip their bed over, basically make it look as though an earthquake of 8 on the richter scale just occured in the small space of a persons room. So he did this to 6 rooms, and now he is paying the ultimate price...
Everyday at lunch and dinner they sing bad songs about him, he has to sit on the floor when we eat, he's woken up at 3am every morning by loud banging and abuse at his door, he is th unfortunate recipient of an average of 30 phone calls a day, and there is talk they're going to send him on 'walkabout', which is where a person is driven out like 8 hours into the middle of no where and left stranded with no phone or it will be interesting to see how this unfolds...
I guess its nothing in comparison to stampeding elephants and everything else in India, but I have a lot more stories and I know you do too! I'm not sure if you can communicate with me online but when do you get back? I'm still unsure of when i'm in HK but i'm gonna check and i'll tell you.
Take care and have a sick time!!