We’ve also been to the Mysore art gallery and had a poetry night, which Dani opened with a quote from the Dead Poet’s society before reading Rudyard Kipling’s famous poem, If.
Our resident Scot recited a poem by Scotland's favourite son, Robbie Burns, Andrew got into a bit of Emily Bronte, I read the Banjo Patterson classic "Clancy of the Overflow" and Mark…
Well we think Mark read this "poem" by the literary behemoth that is someone called Ne-Yo.
And now, for a quick whip-around the Alpha groups...
Alpha 1 had a day off yesterday and went to the village of Nedumkandam where they picked up some chicken for dinner, ably-cooked by super- guide Aaron. The trekkers did get a bit on the damp side with a downpour shortly after deployment but fortunately they’ve been visited by Lucy and Vijay on the loop who took out a swag full of wet weather gear.
At Alpha 2, they’ve replaced a few plastic chairs that got broken at the school and have put in some requests for paint to decorate the Jagankorte school where they’re staying. PM Matt celebrated a birthday, and on that note, Fieldbase has received a loop request from fellow A2 PM, Liz, for earplugs as she's sharing a tent with Matt and apparently, he snores.
At Alpha 3, they’ve relocated the Raleigh campsite down the hill and yesterday took an excursion to a nearby waterfall. At a guess there was probably a bit of water coming down it because on their second night at Kappikadu, a couple of tents got washed out in a good bit of rain.
And at Alpha 4, the bamboo city is going well with the most recent addition to the Anaikatty camp being a super-sized teepee complete with fire in the middle of it to protect them from the downpours that have been soaking everyone. Today they've gone to Massanagudi, a nearby village, to have lunch.
And now, we have a special-guest blogger who has just returned from the trek loop! Thanks to Lucy Holloway for putting fingers-to-keyboard for this one.Hi everyone. This is guest-blogger Lucy here, standing in for PRO Peta while she is busily selecting pictures for the Raleigh magazine from the (literally) thousands taken by photographer Annie, and the thousands more taken by the Venturers. Although the photos look amazing, it’s a hard job, and I’m glad it’s not me that has to do it!
Vijay, 60/60 and I have just returned from a four day jaunt down to visit the trekkers in Kerala where we dropped off some much-needed supplies. I can report that the trekkers are getting on really well, despite some heavy rain that took them a little by surprise (Vijay and I made a lot of people happy by arriving with a bag of assorted waterproofs on Friday evening). They are all enjoying themselves, and even the rain can’t keep them down - the general consensus is that it’s actually better than the sun, as it makes walking uphill easier!
On Thursday, the trekkers successfully climbed the second highest mountain in India outside of the Himalayas. The day was made even more special as it was Zoe’s 19th birthday. She reported that it was the best birthday she’d ever had, having a bit of everything: fantastic scenery; great achievement; and even a bit of excitement and adversity, when she was forced to abandon her tent in the middle of the night due to the river that suddenly developed running through it. All was well in the end though, as she and her two tent-mates were able to sleep inside a nearby shelter, which remained dry (ish) all night.
When we met the trekkers on Friday evening they had just completed one of their longest days. Despite having been on the road for nearly ten hours, they all remained upbeat and were very pleased to see us. I am sure that had nothing to do with the fifty-odd bars of chocolate we were carrying in the car in the Raleigh shop. The trekkers reported that on their way to meet us they had seen an elephant, and nearly lost their guide and several members of Alpha 1 (including Angel and Rosanna) in the depths of a muddy bog. Thankfully all the Venturers were safely extracted from the mud, although the same can’t be said for Zoe’s and Murgesh’s sandals.
I awoke on Saturday morning to the sound of the whole of Alpha 1 (who were now used to getting up at 5 am in the morning) singing ‘happy birthday’ to Hannah. The day was bright and clear, and some of the more bloodthirsty members of Alpha 1 were already discussing plans to cook a chicken curry from scratch in honour of Hannah’s birthday when they reached their campsite later that afternoon. Sadly Vijay, 60/60 and I did not get to enjoy the curry, as we had to get starting on our two-day journey back to field base. We did, however, take a sneak peek at the campsite they were heading for (where they spent a well-deserved rest day on Sunday), and can report that it is lovely, and even comes complete with its own ducks.
I envy the trekkers immensely - Kerala really is beautiful, and the mountains they are trekking through are simply stunning. I am not sure I envy them their food however, which consists mainly of tuna and pasta, tuna and noodles, or tuna and rice. And porridge, of course.
(Above: Guna, Angel and Zoe with... well, we're not entirely sure.)
To Emily J Alpha 1
ReplyDeleteThis is to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY darling Ems on Wednesday 18th!! You may not get this message till later, but we all at home are thinking of you...LOTS of love from Mum & Dadxxxxx
Nadine, Alpha 1
ReplyDeleteHey Nadine, ik schrijf nog maar een berichtje nu ik dit nieuwe verslag lees. Jullie zijn goed bezig zeg, bepaald geen luiervakantie! En dus lekker nat geworden...? Het lijkt me een fantastische ervaring, zou zo met je willen ruilen! Heel erg veel plezier en veel liefs, Monique
Hi Zoe, your rapidly aging Dad here!!
ReplyDeleteI see from the last blog entry that you celebrated your birthday in style with:
- glorious views (dead jealous)
- high achievement (would leave me comatose with exhaustion)
- midnight flooding (you can keep that!)
....oh, and how come you and Murgesh were wearing sandals in a bog?????
I see that the guest blogger, Lucy, snuck in a preview of where you would spent Sunday (yesterday now) complete with ducks - wish I had known before as I have this nice little recipe, tailor-made for high mountain trekking.
Citrus Roast Duck recipe
1 1/2 lb (2.3 kg) duck
1 lime, halved
2 tbsp brandy or Grand Marnier
1 orange
To garnish:
orange and lime rind and slices, watercress sprigs
1. Prick duck all over with a fork. Place one half of lime
inside the duck.
2. Roast the duck on a wire rack over a roasting tin at
Mark 4 (180°C) 350°F for 20 minutes per lb plus 20 minutes.
3. Remove duck and leave to rest in a warm place for 20 minutes.
4. To make gravy, pour away all but 1 tbsp of the fat from the
roasting tin and scrape juices into a saucepan. Pour brandy into
tin to remove any deposits. Add to saucepan with squeezed lime and
orange juices. Simmer for 5 minutes.
5. Serve gravy separately. Garnish duck and serve.
Serves 4
Best wines to go with it could be an Australian Shiraz, Chilean Merlot
or if you insist on a french wine maybe a Fronsac or St Emilion wine. Check out your friendly local Kerala wine mechant
Or am I, as Mum would say, living dangerously!!!!
Loved the pic of you, Guna and Angel with the "whatever it is". (yeah, what is it anyway? Any budding experts out there?)
We are really proud of you and love you lots. Keep enjoying the experience as much as you seem to be.
Mum and Dad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey Han (McLaren), im sooooooooooooooo sorry that i havent been on this before but you know what im like with technology- abit of idiot if the truth be told! anyway apology over, happy er late birthday again sorry didnt realise there was a way to contact you until a little bit of facebook stalking happened! So anyway hope all is well in india and that you are having a great time, im so jealous and also a wee bit proud! hope this satidfies your need for contact from home, i know it must be hard but after this going to uni and being a way from home will be really easy! not a lot of gossip here really, things are pretty much the same although i finish for easter at the end of the week so looking forward to a little reunion although you're not gonna be there! :(! cant wait to see you when you get back, missing you loads hun! take care, ill leave another message soon, yay i hear you cry, well tough! you're getting one! lol! come back soooooooooooooooonnnn! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteNadine, Alpha 1
ReplyDeleteHi Nadine, weer even een berichtje ... Nadine, Alpha 1
Hi Nadine, weer even een berichtje uit Amsterdam. Hoorde dat je het enorm naar je zin hebt, maar het is niet 'even' een tochtje lopen...;) Lijkt me vermoeiend in die temperaturen, maar natuurlijk prachtig en fascinerend wat je allemaal te zien krijgt. Ik ben enorm benieuwd naar je verhalen als je weer terug in Nederland bent. Hier gaat het langzaam maar zeker lente worden, overal weer groene blaadjes, en 's ochtend licht als je opstaat, heel fijn! Max is hard aan de studie in Delft. Je moet van hem ook heel veel groeten hebben. Geniet van alle bijzondere ervaringen en veel succes en plezier met alle nieuwe 'ondernemingen'! Veel liefs, Monique
To: Zoe's Wrinklies
ReplyDeleteFrom: PRO Peta
What a great blog post! I'm sure Zoe and the trekkers will love the recipe, although don't know how they'll go procuring a lime. The recipe and blog will go out to Zoe on the next loop, which is in the last week of this phase.
Meanwhile, if you can get hold of it, can I recommend the Voyager Estate 2005 Shiraz for the dish... Voyager is my favourite vineyard from the south of WA (Margaret River region).
Thanks for a brilliant post,
(a now slighly homesick for Australian wine PRO)
Dear Jo
ReplyDeletethe sun has finally come out here, just as the rain starts with you! Dad has bought me a whizzy little open top car, such fun! Grass got its first mow and everything growing! Soph and Max are going skiing next week for a few days, still plenty of snow and great conditions. Cars still in bits, boys madly working on them as first race in two weeks. cant wait to hear from you!
much love Dad, Mum, Pete, Soph, Bea and Lola x
I'd send you a bottle of Voyager Peta if it was remotely possible. So I'll have to drink the bottle myslef, and you know I don't even like wine.
ReplyDeleteKeep having a good time
Hi ya ricci and (alpha 1)
ReplyDeletehows goes it son..i got ya letter son THANKYOU was a good day that day...hearing ya voice then ya letter and then the party was fab son..
missing ya but proud of ya heard bout the mud saga bet u loved it really and as for the choccy errrrr hope u saved some for me lol
i see your hair has grown..no lopping it off..ok it suits you. hows the beard growing..lol..did u like the trek bet ya did cos u liked dads n grandads treks..well you take care now and have lots of fun out there..thanks for sendin us som sun its now nice n warm ..
dad sends his love darling..
chat soon..
To: William JP Jaggard
ReplyDeleteFrom: Samantha A Miller
WILLL!!!!!! I just got your letter! I am unbelievably happy. Everything you wrote in there I feel the exact same way, nothing has changed.
I'm soo proud of you for what you're doing. You are so strong and so brave, I wish I could give you a big hug. I really hope you're drinking lots of water. Please don't get run over by an elephant..although it'd be a cool story.
I am fine and a happy little girl. I have so much to tell you about the silly life I lead. Xianzai wo ai ni TAI DUO LE!!!! I'm writing you a letter to tell you everything. Stay strong, think of Mowgli!
All my love,
ReplyDeleteHows it going. I break up tomorrow but not looking forward to the holidays that much, too much revision to do. But going to Twickenham whis Saturday which should be fun against Scotland but sadly England can't win the whole thing only Ireland or Wales who are playing each other. Southampton sitting 2 points of safety but with a game in hand. Spending Easter in shropshire. Anyway speak soon.
To Alpha 2
ReplyDeleteLiz, Matt is only the messenger; resonsibility and blame lies with his Dad. You think you have problems; spare a thought for me! I hope the rain holds, or you really will have flushing loos. And for all the veggies, Quack Quack, I'm ducking! Just finished a bottle of Shiraz, over and out. Matt's Mum
To Emily J.. Alpha 1..
ReplyDeleteJust a little note to say... HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Wednesday the 18th!!
Hope you're really enjoying yourself out there trouble!!
Well.... it's actually been sunny over here! I know shock horror! Ahh looks like you're having an absolutely fabulous time! Soo jealous and very proud of you little miss!
Missing you lots!
Keep doing your thaaannnggg =P
Lots of love
Steph xxxxx
This is a HUGE HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY to Emily J for tomorrow (Wed 18th March). Just wanted to say that we miss you loads and are thinking of you always. Hope you have a fantastic birthday - even if you might not get birthday cake - they'll be lots at home when you get back - I'm sure mum will have different ones for you to try aswell what with having to practise for Charlie's wedding cake!!!! ;-) Hope this finds you well. Miss you. LOTS AND LOTS of love and hugs - big sister Pips & little niece Pops xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteHi Zoe,
ReplyDeleteWhen you get back from Phase 2 and if you get a chance to call, use my office no as it is on divert to my mobile and IT WILL BE TURNED ON - honest. We do have a new number for home but not active yet but maybe in a few days so if so I'll send it direct to the Fieldbase for you to get on change-over.
Why such a sudden move, details will be in the post!
We have bought a caravan!!!!!! To use whilst the house is sorted - it's got room for you too when you get back as I doubt all the essential work will have been completed!! Roof, electrics, doors, damp course, alarm/fire alarm systems, redecorating etc etc....wanna job??
Lots from luv and kiss's
Mum and Dad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To PRO Peta
re duck stuff
Getting lime is the least of their "problems" - who in Alfa 1 will have snuck a bottle of Grand Marnier into their rucksack, carried it through Phase 1, up the 2nd highest hill in India outside the Himalaya's AND kept it a secret from the rest of the trekkies!!!! No worries, we'll hear the rumbling stomach's from here.
HOWEVER I do have an issue - Voyager Estate 2005 Shiraz - this is 15+ smackers a bottle here in UK!!!!!!!! Tesco plonk it will have to do!!
Pass on my best wishes and gratitude to all you guys supporting the Venturers though I do wonder about the obsession with "pink". Those pink slippers seem to have started a trend.
Zoes Wrinklies
Hi Andrew (medic)
ReplyDeleteHow are you? Haven't heard from you! You look well in your photo. I am back from phase 2, community. It was fab. I have sooo much to tell you. I am going back to the same project for phase 3 which is super.
Spoke to miserable boss lady today. She wasn't expecting me back! She was surprised that I was phoning to confirm my shifts. I am back to work on a day shift on 24th April (i think). Passed that silly course with 70% but failed the ICU interview...! What do they want BLOOD!?
Let me know how you are doing.
Speak soon
Anna (CR)
To Andrew Cox
ReplyDeleteNice to be in contact on Sunday, didn't know you were in to poetry. You must give us a reading sometimeTake care love from Gran and Grandad, and greetings to all from Devon.
Hi Peta
ReplyDeleteGot your card....just thought I would say hello and hope you are well.
Not quite the same without you
Paul xx
Hello William,
ReplyDeleteJust thought I'd dash off a note to you before I leave for London on Frdiay 20th. I'll be back in HK on the 31st but Daddy will be in Singapore! Funny to think that we will all be in different countries at that particular time. I know you are having the time of your life - it must be so exciting to be doing the stuff you are doing. Al wishes he could be doing the same instead of exams!
We had the RAS Bhutan dinner last Saturday. I did cook rice, dhal, rougaille prawns, cabbage & spinach. Everybody loved the dhal & the prawns. You'll soon be home before you know it! Irene brought cheese from Paris and Mei Wah very sweetly offered to come earlier to help with the cooking. She thought you would be around. It was a lovely evening and we all missed the absentees.
Grandmother from MRU was in London and Al was invited to meet the family clan as she was having her farewell dinner before returning home. Al said it was quite an experience and thoroughly enjoyed himself. He said he needed a break and it was nice to get out of Brum. He's asked me to get him his sauces and I shall be going up to Brum to see his digs and then he'll be coming down to T Wells to spend the weekend before I return to HK.
He's applied for an internship here in HK and we are keeping our fingers crossed that he gets it. It means he'll be here from mid June to mid August and then he has to get himself sorted out for his year in Paris. All very exciting stuff. Needless to say that Daddy is extremely of both of you.
Next week is 7's weekend. If Daddy gets a ticket, he'll go but it's not the same without the family together. I couldn't persuade him to go see Coldplay. Only the very expensive tickets are available, so he'll just stay home and blast the apartment with his faves. Good job I won't be around! Al had his last DJ for the term last Sunday but it was on at 5am HK time. We did wake up for it and it was nice to hear him. As it was still early in the morning and quite cold, we snuggled up in his bed and listened to the show before having to get up.
I'm sure we'll hear from you at changeover when you are back at base. Have a wonderful trek and look forward to hearing about the elephants and any tigers!
Lots of love
Hi Zoe,
ReplyDeleteJust a quick one today.
Great to get your emails earlier and I have been in contact with Hilary Steel from Leeds Uni about 25th April and she will keep us informed on it. As it's a Saturday, Mum may want to take you and have a sticky-beak as she hasn't seen the place....or do you want to go alone without aged P's around????
be on the blog again soon
Mum and Dad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sofa! Maudslay... Not sure which Alpha, but think its an elephant based one!
ReplyDeleteHope youre having the most OUTRAGEOUS time in India... Costa Rica is awesome. Just found out my last allocation.. its environmental.. going to a national park and rebuilding campsite, bbqs..painting etc..all quite near beach which should be wicked. Deployment tomorrow!! Cant believe its the last phase.. how crazy. If you can reply then would love to hear a bit of the old Mauds chat!
Big love to youuu, Soph x x x
Hi Emmie-lou-la-belle (alpha 2)
ReplyDeleteSorry had to be embarrassing as we have just got your second letter today and you told us not to be!So good to hear from you with much more detail. I cant believe you have been washing in a muddy stream and enjoying porridge!Do you think the trip might make you tidy?Dad now decorating the sitting room.Alex just heard hes got 3 A*s for his third Science GCSE module.Chem only just cos he missed the last page!Its got to be easier than for you as he only had to revise 25% of the course.Will write soon. Lots of love Mum and Dad. XXXX
Joe Maloney,
ReplyDeleteHi Joe, hows it goin? what have you been up to this week, bet its gone really quick over there,we actually had a nice sunny day in the Pool today,makes a change, everything okay here, I will get you a card for Karla's birthday,you take care luv, speak soon, Luv Ya, Mum & Kenny & Fambo.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteHi Joe,
I see you are ahead of schedule - Is that because they are all learning from the "Maloney School of Strolling"?! bet they are all exhausted!! Walk slower lover!
S xxxxxxxxx
Hey Seb,
ReplyDeleteGreat to receive your email. Yeh, I'd take advantage of travelling after, though I reckon travel south to Kovalam beach first, much better than any Goa beach (least it was 25 yrs ago) and take a back water trip from Allepey. If you're going up to Delhi, make sure you visit Rajastan, but May will be HOT, and the monsoon starts in June(ish). Oh and best way to get from Goa to Mumbai is by boat. Anyway ignore all I just said (you probably will anyway) and do your own thing.
love Dad
Hi Seb
ReplyDeleteNot sure my message got through. Please to hear you are actually reading the blog. Let me kniow asap if you want me to get a sunday glastonbury ticket for you. Please email. Where is it best to communicate with you? Keep enjoying yourself.
Take care
HI Ricci (Alpha 1)
ReplyDeleteWayne says he be in touch soon. I think he on his way next week so he hope to make contact with you soon. How all going hope you taken lots of photos for us to see. Everyone in the family and all the customers at the shop are asking about you
Have you written to baby? You should send a card to him soon saying you will be seeing him on the 25th of April. Cant wait to see you son
It seems you group are strolling at an amazing pace... Mum sends her love and we will be black on the blog during the week
Love Dad
Joe Maloney,
ReplyDeleteHi Joe, Heard your walking faster than Liverpool are scoring goals. LOL,Hope you and your crew are ok and still enjoying it,see you had some heavy rain too, not all sunshine and coconuts then,you take care and i'll keep blogging, loads of luv mum & kenny & all the fambo.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Angel Sweetheart, it was wonderful to speak to you this morning. It was so good to hear your voice. Email all the info so I can get on with sorting things out. You sounded so well. It's great to hear that you are having a brilliant time as I thought you would do.
ReplyDeleteStay Blessed Darling
Love Mum.x.x.x.x.
Oh High again Angel,
ReplyDeleteSaw your pics. I feel I haven't seen you for such a long time. You look well. Aunty Kim and Kyle send their love. Nanny and Grandad too. Your cousin Lisa also said to say high. Moses will blog you soon.
Love you Lots
Mum.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x. BIG HUG to YOU from ME.