Welcome to the official blog for Raleigh India 12I | July - August 2012

Welcome to the Official Blog for Raleigh India 12J September - December 2012.

Thursday 12 April 2012

Dear readers who worry...

... that group X or group Y will not be featured on the blog during Phase III: 
D O N ' T    ! 
It ain't over 'til it's over! And there are so many more stories to tell. Echo 3 and Tango 6 still didn't have their say, there are some upcoming opening ceremonies, which may be of interest for you, and of course you should not miss la grande finale: WASH-UP.
And besides: Did I ever disappoint you? (Maybe don't answer that...) I promise to keep writing until my visa expires, if you promise to read. 
Cheers, Christiane 

And to all the fans of Charlie 1: Please scroll down, in case you haven't seen it yet.


  1. Harriet Fairlie12 April 2012 at 12:46

    Ursula: (Echo 3 I think, but I can't quite remember)

    Hi Lulu, Hatti here. I am back from skiing, and back at work now...slightly less than convenient.
    Holiday was amazing - although on the last day I fell (2 backflips - unintentionally - down very steep off piste moguls). It was a spectacular one. I only sprained my wrist and slightly hurt my shoulder, although I hit my head too so thank goodness for our new helmets! Then all these gentlemen came to my rescue so all things considered it was not necessarily a bad thing. That is the silver lining.
    Anyway, must go to work now , but can't believe you are nearly home - I cannNNNNOT wait to see you.
    Hope you are enjoying the beach.
    lots of love xxxxxxxxx

  2. Steve - tango 5
    Hope all is going well on your trek and that you don't have too many blisters! We loved the short video and the pictures - the scenery looked beautiful.well not much longer now! I hope you manage to pack all your stuff again - I remember the trouble we had first time round! All are well here - just waiting to see you again. How brown are you? Beard? accomplished mountaineer? So many questions! I bet you are so pleased you did this - despite our reservations - yet again you proved us wrong. we are so proud of you. Look after yourself, enjoy the last stage and we will see you at Heathrow on Wednesday - yeh!! love you lots Muth, Didge, Bunny and Kiki x

    Hope you arent too sad Ralaighs nearly over.Hope to speak to you on Skype this weekend.Havent been able to access your nationwide account!Will accept Bristol as soon as you give me final go ahead!Need to apply for Bristol accommodation but not until early June.
    We are all fine.Am off to stay with Emily tomorrow-will be taking your Easter eggs as they wont keep until August!Gargies hip op is on Tuesday-food in Ashfood hospital apparently disgusting so shes expecting smoked salmon sandwiches!
    Really enjoy the last few days in Mysore and then your travels.Cant wait to hear from you.Lots of Love Mum xx Dad sends love too!

  4. Catherine Perry13 April 2012 at 13:16

    For Rhian Charlie 2

    Hi Rhian. Hope you are enjoying your last couple of days in the village and that you have got lots done. Can't believe you are nearly home! Went to see Nan on Tuesday, she is fine. Wendy is back at work on Monday so she is not happy. Nothing much else to tell you. So, see you soon, love Mum xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxo

  5. Tango 6 - Marjolein Bender

    Hé lieve Marjo, namaskaara! Het is vrijdagochtend 13 april en je bent op de kop af 9 weken weg! Nog precies 1 week en je komt weer terug. Ik ben heel benieuwd hoe je dat zelf ervaart, daar ver weg in 'the middle of nowhere'. Ben je lekker aan 't genieten en denk je 'hier zou ik altijd wel willen blijven' of 'het is hier waanzinnig, maar oh, wat heerlijk om volgende week weer naar huis te gaan'? Misschien is het wel een combinatie van beide. Van Heleen hoorde ik, dat Willemijn nu 'klaar' is en met 3 anderen nog een paar dagen aan het reizen is. Heleen gaat woensdag naar haar toe en dan komen ze de 27e samen terug. Ze vertelde ook dat ze in Borneo een groots afscheid met elkaar beleefd hebben. Allemaal filmpjes, acts, grote BBQ etc. Spannend, hoe dat bij jullie ingevuld gaat worden. Hoe kun je 'dag' zeggen tegen zoveel mensen tegelijk? Vanaf zondag/maandag verwacht ik in ieder geval weer een sms van je, dat je in base-camp gearriveerd bent. Wie weet gaan jullie dan ook nog een keer naar Mysore en kunnen we zelfs nog een keer skypen. Hopelijk zijn ook onze brieven binnen gekomen. In de mijne zit je e-ticket. Anders moet je toch even kijken of je 'm ergens kunt uitprinten. Ik zal de juiste versie trouwens nog even naar je mailen (wel zo handig, haha). En Jules werd aangeraden (jaja, wij lezen hier alles) om zijn vlucht telefonisch te bevestigen. Voor alle zekerheid geen gek idee, misschien. Nou, lieve schat, ik ga even met Bengel wandelen. Ze is dinsdag naar de kapper geweest, dus ziet er weer 20 jaar jonger en zeer opgefrist uit :). Heeeeel veel kusjes en knuffels en tot snel spreeks xxxxxx Mutti

  6. Dear Helen (Tango 5)
    Hope you have arrived back safely from your trek. I have looked up a change of flight cost and it is currently £75. We are all looking forward to seeing you soon (either this week or next).
    love Mum and Dad xx
