Welcome to the official blog for Raleigh India 12I | July - August 2012

Welcome to the Official Blog for Raleigh India 12J September - December 2012.

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Happy Ugadi

Happy New Year/Happy Ugadi

Ugadi is the name of the Lunar New Year and is celebrated in India today. On Ugadi the first dish of the day contains a mixture of tastes ranging from bitter to sweet including jaggery, raw mango, neem buds, tamarind, salt and green chilli. This symbolizes that life is not a smooth journey and that all experiences, the bitter and the sweet, should be taken together as all experiences are meaningful. Legend also states that Lord Shiva's son encouraged people to decorate their houses in mango leaves to ensure a good crop and the decorated houses are seen throughout Southern India on this day. On the way to visiting the environmental venturer groups we passed swarms of people preparing for Ugadi and Anna and I were fortunate enough to be blessed by an elephant at a pooja.

A saddu (holy man) at the pooja

Anna is blessed by the elephant

So what has been happening at Echo 4?

Harriet Jones and Mat Haresnape have kindly provided their thoughts on arrival at Parasaratham the home of Echo 4

( Lto R Matt, Harriet J and Rony)

It’s strange, the quick, inquisitive transition from feeling completely lost, in a rural landscape you’re used to seeing in frames in quirky cafes, to feeling utterly enriched in a new appreciation for real life. Natural beauty and close friendships with what were once complete strangers.

From a rocky start, ridden in simultaneous, cultural confusion (in the hectic and bizarre Indian fashion we grow soon familiar with); we have arrived, in awe, at an oasis.

Our nights, we spend by the glowing campfire, playing charades, laughing and more than likely singing (somewhat similarly to castaway vagabonds). Our days, we spend washing, eating, learning, admiring, challenging, and comforting. The wide, bright eyes of the nearby village school children, in fascination by our crackers, headphones, sun cream, and tennis balls, is for sure an image I won’t forget.

How can two communities, in the same world be and live so different? And alongside this how can, 9 hours away, I have a chance of seeing a fox, and here an elephant? When you lie in your man made basha when the sun goes down, staring, thinking, dreaming at the beautiful and vast night sky, star filled, shooting, shimmering, and still, you realize how incredible life can be.

I won’t deny that the sip of ice cold sprite upon reaching a nearby apparent ‘holy’ village on our coming arrival to Parasaratham was beyond delightful, but out here, in the wilderness, you really start to realize that material things, thoughts and ideas in our everyday lives really aren’t as significant or perhaps dominant as we think they are. From a patch of bare land, to our ‘Echo 4’ home, from first shy glances at fresh faces, to genuine relationships, and ambiguous thoughts to complete confidence, you can truly appreciate life. I look forward to the coming 2 weeks and hope that the adventure and magic will persist, and my inner hippy will blossom more so. Bring on the solar panel fences and muddy well bucket showers!

By Harriet Jones

We hiked 9k today; the walk took us up a large hill/mountain that had some amazing views. The first thing that struck me as we arrived in the first village was a man sitting around. The guy was dressed in orange and was holding a long staff that made him look like someone out of an Aladdin film. He walked off and came back with a piece of paper explaining he was a spiritual leader of life. I decided to give him 5 rupees because I found him so interesting (or because of the way he was dressed) but he still let me have a picture taken with him. When we were at the second half of the walk we came to the brow of the hill and saw below an oasis of farmland. We had arrived!

By Mat Haresnape

Anna and I joined Echo 4 after their first week to see what had been happening. We were greeted with the news that the group were putting on a night of entertainment for us and that everyone would be dressing up. The paint came out and we were awarded head dresses made by the girls in the group and the first thing that struck me about Echo 4 was that there was so much laughter, singing and merriment that I was immediately happy and felt completely at home in the camp. 

It is a stereotype but whilst the girls made the headdresses, the boys made fire and the camp was ready to go! If I am honest I was extremely flattered by the welcome that Echo 4 laid on and Anna and I were treated to some round the camp fire entertainment. As ever charades didn't dissapoint and we were left with sore sides we all laughed so much. The group continued to wow us and next came a song prepared by the group. The singing, which I had already learned was a continuing theme within the group was followed again by much laughter, another on going theme for the group

With all this fun it would be easy to jump to the conclusion that there was no work going on here. Let me set that one straight. Day 2 at Echo 4 was one of the toughest days labour I have ever encountered. The group rise at 5.30 am. The first task of the day is to go to the well which is a good twenty minutes away and jerry cans are filled to the brim with water and heaved back to camp. This is the first work out of the day and is tough. Next comes the clearing of the ground from all foliage and removing all the large boulders. The idea behind this is that nothing on the ground can make contact with the solar powered fence as it will prevent the fence from working. With break bars, sweat, some steely determination and a lot of graft we uplifted the rocks from their resting places. We made some impressive progress and it was fully satisfying everytime we successfully removed a boulder that seemed at the start of the day impossible to move. They have completed almost 100 metres so far and I will keep you updated on the progress.

Life at Echo 4 is summed up well by this poem by Sam and Layla

Art Deco 4

Elephant nightwatch with Echo 4,
Castaway party with Make-up and more,
Up at dawn, trek to the well,
Fighting the brambles, making them quell.
Restful evenings, fun and games,
Crawl into bashers and dawn is insane.
Dogs, elephants, and wild boar,
           Fear and excitement with Echo 4           


  1. Hi Small, hope you're having a good time, it looks like you're all getting stuck in. How's the Delhi belly? News back here very boring - all work and exams (yawn!). Didn't get my usual text from you reminding me about mother's day so inevitably forgot. Needless to say I am in the doghouse. Maybe mum will read this message and forgive me.

    Keep up the good work and say hi to the Saddhu from me (think I recognise that guy).


  2. To Lowenna.
    Hi Wenna,great to see the piccies of what you are all up to,and to finally see some pictures of you too! it looks amazing.Freya has just seen them too and says it looks awesome!! Dad is jealous, he has always wanted to sleep out under the stars, and shift rocks! - so he says...Fizzy is coming on, almost dry at night, but will continue her dog on the blog when she remembers her password....Hope you are having a great time.lots of love mum xxxxxxxxxx

  3. (to Harriet J)

    loved the post, that's what I was looking for! Some deep revelations your feeling there!
    Maybe you might be thinking about delaying your flights a bit????

    Take Care,

  4. Hello!
    Glad to see you’ve decided to start using the blog, I was very excited, to see your message as I really wasn’t expecting it! Also HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! I’m afraid that that the best I can d, considering im ages away from anywhere. We’ve started doing the project work now, which is hard in 40 degree heat but satisfying to be doing something productive. I now crave various types of food but other than that all is good and I’m getting a healthy tan and not too burnt. Speak to you soon.
    Loads of Love from Alice xxx
    P.S I did watch the chicken being killed and gutted and found it very interesting

  5. Harriet I miss you soooo much! I'm so happy to see that you're having a great time!

    Love you and miss you loads

  6. Happy belated birthday Mum and Lauren, and Happy Mother’s Day! India is incredible, I’m in Echo 4 if you’re following the blog. I sent Nan a post card and Uncle Clive a letter, more to follow, give everyone my love Baci xxx Anna Jeffery

  7. Hello dog on the blog (and Carlsons)! Glad to hear you are causing mischief – just the way I raised you!!
    I sent a letter to you yesterday but it’s already outdated, we have been clearing brambles for the solar fencing with machetes (which is way fun!) I’ve been sleeping in a basha which is really cool, especially watching the stars! Only hope it doesn’t collapse. I’m enjoying the noodles and the increasingly imaginative annotations of porridge. Views here are amazing it’s very hot. Groups brilliant too. How’s everything with you? Uni stuff ok? Hope your all well and HAPPY MOTHERS DAY MUM, I LOVE YOU!
    Love Wenna xxx
    Please could you post me a French mag (my right cupboard top draw) or rev book – need something to read! Thanks x

  8. Mummy, thank you for your message and Happy Mothering Sunday, I hope the boys remembered and you’re having a lovely day. Love to all the family and letter on its way.
    All my love, Hatpin xxx

  9. Matt, great to hear you’re going home and hope the tideway isn’t too creepy. Beautiful views and adorable cows and remind me of Switzerland. Mum should be forwarding you a letter soon, forgot your address. Hope you are better and taking it easy every now and then.
    Heaps of love H xxx

  10. Chipmunk and Wirly - Loving the comments, please keep them coming, they’re making me ( and my group) giggle! Xxx

  11. Hello from Parsalnatham village, which is in the middle of nowhere up a mountain. We are building elephant proof fencing and sleeping under the stars in bashas, which are mambo/hammock beds. It’s really incredible watching the sunrise and set over the mountains and sitting by the camp fire at night. We are yet to see any elephants but there is hope yes as elephants and tigers have been spotted in the area! Have met some amazing people but am missing you at home. Happy mother’s day.
    Lots of love Sophie

  12. Oh Man, Hello, So good to hear from my family and friends – I had no idea any of you knew the blog site, what with me being so disorganized before hand and not informing you!
    Parsalnathaw has been a rollercoaster thus far but it’s been an adventure. It’s hard to believe we’re only been here for a week, seeing as in this time we’ve befriended the beautiful community (specifically two little Indian children – of who were FASCINATED by the genius that is my iPod) trekked uphill 14k, build basher, dominated ‘night watch’ for 2 nights on guard from wild animals, Sang along to the lion king in good harmony as a choir, had line art sessions (projected by me) and more.
    The stars at night are so beautiful, and despite the crying goats, and mucky well water to wash in, the scenery and surroundings are pretty much stunning. I have some incredible photos . Although im missing my luxuries and this can’t be denied, I can gradually feeling myself getting more and more hippyish, which is great! Screw washing! (joke)…. In all seriousness, Im going to try and make the most of everything. I’m loving it so far. It’s nice we have such a tight team, and I really think the solar power fencing will be a great start to something super beneficial here. Insane amounts of love those special to me. I am missing you. Being out here is really making me realize how lucky I am in my everyday life at home. Stay awesome.
    Love you
    Harriet (red haired)
    PS Happy Mother’s Day, Mum!

  13. To Stiffy, Bliss and the Burns Street Crew and it additions!!!
    Hell my loves, having a fantastic time in the crazy remote village, camping in hammock things made out of bamboo aka shipwreck stylie. Haven’t seen any elephants as yet but i've made a few friends with some holy cow and i'm washing in a frog pond so all is good!
    Missing you all heaps, don’t have time to write loads of letters but good things come to those who wait! Will cheek my emails in about 10 days but would love a sneaky sneaky bit of snail mail.
    Happy birthday Big Bird, Lukas and Bliss
    Love you all load, Layla xoxoxox
    Ps Well done Steffy with Rankin! Keep me posted if it becomes permanent, and stun them with riding the ostrich! x

  14. Have looked at your group pictures on the blog and am stunned. Talk about remote and living close to 'nature'! The place looks incredible and I am very jealous of the extraordinary time you are having. It looks tough though and the culture shock must be enormous but I do hope you are having a great time and I look forward to hearing about all your adventures when you come home. If you decide to stay on a week or so I have got contacts in Bangalore. Grandad sends his love and hopes you are having a great time. No doubt, he says you will return to India in the future. love GS

  15. For Sam Downes

    Hi Sam - can't tell if you're getting these messages or not, but two reactions: how amazing and get your hair cut! You look quite the hippy. What a contrast; from Glasgow to a remote village in Southern India fending off elephants and camping under the stars? Looks tough work, but what a great project. Hope you're not getting too freaked out by the bugs and the strange noises at night! (There's nothing like sleeping out in the bush to remind you of our place in nature's pecking order.) Very proud, loved the poem and missing you lots.

    love and hugs Dad x

    PS - I cracked your UCAS log in, so keeping an eye offers. Nothing to report so far.

  16. Hi Hattie Way

    Hello darling,
    Absolutely lovely to get your message, thank you, and see the photos of you, to know you are looking fine and having a great time, dressing up - just up your street!! Thank you for my lovely Mothering Sunday card, an overenthusiastic partner indeed!! Benjie cooked fabulous lunch and C's blog comment noted!! Take good care of yourself, love you, Mummy

  17. Aunty Margaret & co16 March 2010 at 16:57

    Hi Jules glad to hear your having a fantastic time, got your PC this am, if this is the right place to put this we'll right more! bye for now you take care Emma'z buzzin she should be there with you! who know's what next year will bring!love you loads from the Hedley crew hxxx

  18. Dear Benn - No news is good news.Reading the other messages we can see everybody is having a fantastic time. Uncle Ali's B'day today (57).Mum and i just off to pick up Rory for visit to Ox Brookes tomorrow. Weather glorious dry and sunny.Work busy which is a good sign. Have fun enjoy ' Live long and Prosper'. Love Mum and dad.

  19. Harriet Jones
    This update was worth waiting for! Really good to hear that you're enjoying yourself and to see some evidence! Nice also that you've got some mates. It sounds like a proper adventure and I'm glad to hear that you understand the importance of making the most of it. I never seem to realise things like that until I get home.
    Life carries on here; spent the weekend with Grandma and Grandad who send their love. Spring seems to have sprung here finally. The blackbirds are busy in the garden.
    Well, I've managed to bore everyone at work with tales of your trip, so I had better go tell them about this latest episode.
    Mum x

  20. Message for Paula Brocki

    Hi Sweety,
    Missing you lots, another letter in the post tomorrow for you. Keep on trecking.
    love you always

  21. Jessica Carlson17 March 2010 at 01:07

    Hey Wenna!!

    So good to see some pics and hear about what your up to. Work is going well, had a very busy week....but it's ok....off to Egypt at the weekend so will be a welcomed rest...plenty of time in the sea with the snork on watching the fishies. I will be half way between home and you once i'm there! Fizzy is behaving well and Molly Continues to wind her up. Keep having fun and shifting those boulders....dad will be jealous of boulder shifting activities!
    Miss you lots, so exciting to hear all your news.
    Lots of love from your big squish!xxx

  22. Layla bean. (layla testi)

    I'm ever so enjoying reading the blog, ive starting checking it as much as faceyb!
    The last post on what all echo 4 is doing is great!
    The fact they say your camp is full of laughter is nothing of a surprise,
    probley just laughing at your tiny sandals.
    some great photos of you too, high-fiving that kid is defo the highlight of my day.
    I un-fortunately didn't get rankin after the trial day ,
    now working at the factory in loughborough! haha
    saving some moneys.....so i know what labouring and 5.30am wake ups are like like you but im not in india!
    Wrote you a letter, havnt posted it yet waiting to get some photos
    back to send u a cheeky few.
    All going nottingham this weekend for norton's and beccas weekend
    you will be sorely missed. I might even try to recreate your
    new years eve costume in homage if so will send you pictures.

    miss you lots honey bee.
    imglad this blog is up so i can see your alive safe and having fun.

    Carry on having the expirence of a lifetime


  23. Message for Anna Jeffery: Hi, of course I'm following the blog and importing loads of pics of you celebrating holi and all other echo 4 adventures. Are you in the same group as Cat? Thanks for birthday and mother's day wishes. I'm still busy at school and at long last the weather is warming up a bit here and it's starting to feel spring-like. Sounds like you're having a fantastic time. Lots of love, Mum xxxx

  24. Hello Matt Hairsnape,
    We hope all is well out in India. We are in the middle of writing a letter to you so hopefully By the time you get back base camp it will be there for you to read.
    Mum and dad are fine, we are all still missing you loads though! Its only been two weeks and a half! We are already planning our welcome back party! It will be a blast! Hope you are being safe and having fun. Nothing new here actually. Surprised much! The most exciting bit of our days recently have been looking at the website to see if you are okay and if there is any new picture's and news! Sorry If we don't write a blog/ or it gets to you late because we are not very good at the website. Which is surprising for me and dad! (Dad knows how to use it now though, so hopefully we will be able to write blog's for you).
    We have given this web address to auntie Diane and Jennifer, so you will get them from everyone!
    Grandma's knee is apparently very good. She can lift it up, and is recovering well.
    Sorry if we mention the same thing in the next letter, but our life here is far less exciting then it is for you obviously at the moment.
    Hope all is well. Loads and Loads of Love Em, Mum, Dad & Bouncer. :)

  25. Megan Glassford18 March 2010 at 10:13

    SAM! :D

    I love this blog, everyone in your group seems lovely and the photos of you are FANTASTIC! Your hair has grown at least 2 inches since you left, but it's looking great. :P I received your letter yesterday. It was beautiful (apart from the bits that were totally illegible) and I wrote one back immediately after reading it. Maggie posted it today, so you should get it in a week or so. I put a few bits and bobs in the envelope to remind you of what I look like- just in case you have forgotten! JOKE!
    OH and THANK YOU for the piece of red string, it is currently wrapped round my wrist :)

    I'm glad we can write to each other, I've never had a pen-pal :( You are miles better than any pen-pal, I'm sure of it. Oh aye, Sam, please can you make your letters a wee bit longer? I mean I only get to talk to you once every 2 weeks or so, so a few more words would keep me more than merry :)

    Anyway, I really hope you continue to enjoy yourself and have an amazing time out there. I love you to bits!


    P.S. Nice poem ;)

  26. For Layla
    Loved the pictures of you.Looks like you all are having a fantastic time.Missed you on Mothers day, but we still had three generations round the table which was lovely.Grandma is in fine form and I am well.Claire has gone part time in her job and is very relieved the pressure is off and she can get her degree finished.She took Lilly to see the X-factor show in Manchester and on the Eye afterwards[bit traumatic ,they only could cope with one revolution despite Lilly's bravado].Sophie is alright and sends her love and Olivia is missing you.She heard me talk when she was in another room,thought it was you and spent ages trying to find you.
    We all love you and are so pleased to see what an amazing experience you are having.Looking forward to more news.
    Love Mom xxxxx

  27. hi jack lovely 2 c the photos letter on way 2 u take care and keep the good work up love u miss u xxx

  28. Layla!

    Awesome pics, Lilly & I have been having a gander :)
    Missing you lots but all going good here.
    Sounds like you're having an amazing time, I'm sure you've got the best singing voice in Southern India & that everyone's enjoying it! What is your postal address so we can write?
    Love you lots
    Claire & Lilly xxxx

  29. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATHERINE. Hope you're havin a great time & alls goin well.Lookin forward to seeing photos of your project. Lots of love & kisses mum x x x x x x x x

  30. hey annie!

    i hope you're having an amazing time. im sure you are, it sounds sooooo amazing! i really miss you and i cant believe im coming home next week and i wont be able to see you. keep on having a great time, im very jealous.

    love you lots
    gerrard rebecci

  31. Message for Harriet Way:

    Hey Hats,
    Loving the blog and the beautiful photos of you getting dolled up, glad to see you're having a great time and getting stuck in. The biggest piece of news I have for you is that the sun has FINALLY come out which is lovely, but quite sad that I have nothing more exciting to tell you about! Start my new job on Monday, eek! But have had a couple of days off in between which has been great.
    Bruges was pretty cool too, we were surrounded by millions of other British couples with wheeley suitcases looking for a cheap weekend away, was quite surreal! Very gorgeous place though, and we naturally enjoyed the millions of different beers.
    Take care little one, looking forward to the next posts from your team.
    Lots and lots of love,

  32. Annie!!

    Hope your having a very good time.
    I thought of you the other night trekking away in India as I watched an episode of Brothers and Sisters.
    I'm sure as your saving the world, it may all seem a bit trivial BUT what a cliffhanger the last episode was.

    I really think Kitty died at Justins wedding, she just kinda collapsed, it was rele bad and Rob Lowe wasnt there and apparently he's being written our of it too....

    Anyway love you lots babes
    and thinking of you xxxxx


  33. Dear favourite Nephew
    Love your hair - actually think you should go the whole hog and cultivate dreds while you're there! So glad to see you are OK and, I hope, enjoying the full on experience of elephants and southern India. Me and your Dad are very jealous and as air fares are so cheap we may come and visit. (Joke) Looking forward to next installment. Lots of love from us all, Auntie Julia

  34. Dear Katharine

    Hope all is well and that you are getting used to the curries. Daddy has gone to Switzerland on a business trip. Natalie spent the weekend training for a BUSA yacht regatta and has come home very bruised. I left a message on an earlier blog. Hope you saw it.
    I am enjoying reading the blog. I have posted a couple of letters which I hope reach you. Would love to hear more news.

    Lots of love, Mummy

  35. Hi Sammy
    It's Peev here , i've looked at the pictures of you , and a pony tail! Hehehehe. But you must be chuffed you can get the back-combed hair look without trying now ;). Anyways , I looked through your itunes the other day and looked at all your early stuff and found the scrubs soundtracks and red hot chilli peppers and listening to it made me miss you :( , I doubt your missing me seeing as you must be SO busy with all your work , and too important for your little sister stuck in glasgow in 3rd year. REPLY TO THE EMAIL I SENT YOU , you pie >:( , anyways, I'll see you in 7-8 weeks Spammy , I love you :)

  36. ello jack
    how u doing?
    hope u are having a good time mate...
    hows your tan then.
    lookin lovely in the pics i must say lookin like a tribal warrior. lol
    lookin forward to seeing the pic wit the curly locks in.
    see u when u get back with me pezzie :)
    love from lotty

  37. Aunty Margaret & co25 March 2010 at 11:17

    Hi Julie how are you doing kidda, your missing nothing here its wet wet wet, hope your still having a fab time Emma just cant wait for her jolly holly bobs:) take care lots of love from the Hedley fraternity and lil nana peggy of course xxxxx

  38. Hi Hattie Way,

    Hope you've made it back to Field Base OK and enjoying some 'Small' comforts? Looks like you are all having a fantastic time, can't tell you how jealous I am!

    No real news here except that Mum has turned your bedroom into a gym for Dad and all your possessions are with mine the garage - only kidding. Dad didn't use the gym so Mum gave Charlie a bedroom back, it was his turn.

    Everyone here is well, but missing you very much. Mum showed me your letters and we are all thinking of you all the time. Take care and enjoy - hope you've managed to take some photos to show us all, sunrise over the mountains? Look after yourself Little One. Loads of love,

    Benj xxxxxx

  39. JULIKA!!!!
    Strasvutye my friend!!! (its emma if you havent guessed by now)
    How are you? u have no idea how jealous i am, you're in india and im part way thru my dissertation with thooousands of words left to go. Never mind - just over 5 weeks to go!!! whoohoo! goa here we comes baby!! right now am off to read ur posts, if i can find them! this website is too complicated for my tiny brain!
    enjoy every minute of it , im toooo jealous!!!

  40. HEY LAYLA!

    Sooooo gutted i missed your going away party i'm sorrrryy!!!

    Just been checking ya blogggg cos i is web savvy innit?! Looks like you're having a swellllllll time. enjoy it man :) as you clearly areeeeee (specifically the photo of you high fiving very admirably). i've finished uni forevssssss n evs. ugh its not really over got bearrrrrr essays for may and a 20min doc on the changing face of east london! gonna call it made in mile end and its got bangladeshi subtitles hehe. eeeep i don't know what i'm doing! in the library now crackin on as we (i) type. hmmmm. gonna try and get WIIIIIIIISEEEEMANNNNN in on the action (exec producer role i reckon hehe)

    keeep making memories!


    Joshuaaaaa PRIoooooorrrrR XXX
