Welcome to the official blog for Raleigh India 12I | July - August 2012

Welcome to the Official Blog for Raleigh India 12J September - December 2012.

Monday 24 March 2008

Quick Easter News Updates

All groups will soon be heading back to Mysore Fieldbase. Phase Two seems to have flown by and we'll be expecting all our Venturers and PMs back this Wednesday for Changeover.

We'll have the usual challenges, events and parties prepared for them, before announcing the new, and final, groups for Phase Three, which will begin on Saturday 29th March when the Alpha Groups will set out to their final project sites!

I'll be asking for more photos and news from the teams once they have returned and unpacked on Wednesday, so will update the blog as soon as possible after that.

Happy Easter!

Alpha One

Alpha One are close to completing the ten eco-sanitation units for this phase in the village of Hosekerasunda. All the structural work was finished on Friday and the group are now plastering stuck-in to the final task of plastering the outer walls.

Their Easter celebrations included 'Looking After An Egg Day' where they had to each protect a fresh egg from damage until evening and making special chocolate crispy cakes for all the school children with Miranda, our Finance Manager, who has spent the last week teaching in Hosekerasunda school. More details to follow.

Alpha Two

Alpha Two have been busy working on the elephant-proof trenches and were pleased to report on Friday that they had just completed a massive 8-post trench!

In their spare time they have been busy on the garden around the Inspection Bungalow and yesterday were brightening up the fence posts there with a fresh coat of paint.

Today, after some more physical work on another trench, they will be preparing for a party for the rangers, which is planned for this evening.

Alpha Three

Alpha Three are very close to the end of their adventure in Kerala. After eleven days of trekking through tea plantations and up mountains; two days of cycling; (mainly uphill) and two days of kayaking through the backwaters of Kerala, today is their third and final day of kayaking and therefore the final day of their trek. They will be arriving at the last campsite later today, which is located on a stunning beach and here they can relax a little and celebrate the end of their trek!


  1. For Monnie

    Hi my darlling - we are having the best ski holiday ever. I have never so much snow in lech. Just powder - no slush! We have a really wonderful guide - in fact he was Tori and Georgias guide - called Robert - so good looking - still love Christian though. He took me off for a 2 hour ski today - went off piest - such a joke! actually loved it. Seeing Ed Fairfax for drink tonight - dad was with him last night and is slightly hung over. John F is here too - he is on good form.

    Will you call me on daddies mobile and we can call you back as we would love to hear all your news!

    Hope the loo phase was good fun and you looked after your egg.

    Love you so much and miss you. Big kisses my darling. Love mummy.xxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. For Freya

    Hi darling, happy Easter. We had a big Brash gathering and toasted absent friends. Wall-to-wall diy while you have been digging trenches - can't wait to see more pics. A letter is in the post. Thinking of you lots, all love, Mum xxx

  3. Tessa:

    Hi knuf
    Er zijn weer wat briefjes onderweg naar jou, in de hoop dat jij ze krijgt voordat jij over 2 weken(dan al, time flies!) weg gaat dar.
    Heb je in dit project veel locale kinderen gezien? was het leuk?
    Pasen was hir koud met sneeuw!Thomas en Liseete waren thuis, Lisette werkt nu aan haar Thesis en gaat volgende week mt Mam naar Kiawah, ik morgen (woensdag). Thoams project is bijna klaar en hij gaat mischien een project in NY krijgen(!) leuk oor hem. Hij gaat met vrienden eerst naar Doonbeg, hard life!
    Have fun en mis jou, veel liefs Papa

  4. message for Alice Tyler
    Happy Easter my darling, Did you get any eggs? I hope at least a bit of Choclate. There is some waiting here for you which I shall keep hidden from Dad. We have had some big winds here with lot of sticks down in the garden. I spent the day yesterday picking them up, Finn thinks it is a new game. He never liked fetch but this buisness of putting them into the wheel barrow is brill! He does not like the wind so somehow this feels like getting your own back clearing up the patter it makes! 6 words for a bank holiday weekend, ' mad house, mad dog, pickup sticks' love you loads and loads Mummy xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  5. message for Suze:

    elloooo oh irish one.
    how's it going out there with the rangers?
    i read about the PM's winning the Bungalow Olympics haha >>> WINNERRRR! clearly continuing our winning streak suze when we came 4th out of 5....y'know, that's about the same!
    could you do me a favour please? could you take a pic of the monkey i painted on Barry, my pic of it came out a bit naff and everyone keeps asking me what it is....
    yeh im not impressed lol.
    hope you're having an absolute ace time!!
    ROCHE GATE still makes me burst out with laughter!! still!!
    lovelovelove Fritty xxxxx

  6. Hi Flora
    Just knew you'd have the time of your life!! We were so near you the other day it wasn't true. We head for Nagahole tomorrow but guess we'll be like ships that pass in the night! In a tiny village at the mo with v outdated computers but isn't it amazing how easy it is to find them! Enjoy the elephant traps as much as you've enjoyed the hike.
    All love Moxo

  7. For Georgia

    Hi my darling, you should be coming back to Fieldbase any day now. Do hope you really enjoyed your time on phase 2 - saw you did really well with the elephant trenches! I can't wait to talk to you, please call when you can. We're off to Thailand tomorrow night for a couple of weeks but will have my mobile and can always speak on the house phone. We've got the Hartleys & Penns staying, so it'll be really good fun and we'll get it partied up ready for you!! Em's will be here in London (sob!) She's starting at Conde Nast on Monday! Can't wait to hear all your news. Love you so so so so so much my darling, all my love always, Mummy P.S. Ems is sending you a message telling you all (??!!) about her skiing!! PSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  8. For Tori

    Hello from Brize hope you are enjoying India. I'm sure you will be in shock to hear from me! Twiggy is well not really enjoying the cold weather, Moss is well too. Wills is skiing with mummy I'm sure they will be having fun. I'm busy landscaping my garden by tennis court might resemble something other than a pile of mud by the time you return! Where are you off to after you finish with raleigh? if you have time drop a note to tell me how you are getting on
    Take care lots of love
    Nicky xx

  9. For Ati

    He hunbun, alles goed? leuk om je stem weer te horen!you sure have changed! nee hoor, maarja, ben blij dat alles zo vet was!benieuwd naar al je vette verhalen, dus come to paris asap.
    Zaterdag is het dan zover! can't wait...maar ik hoop dat je morgen nog even belt, wil je nog wel even spreken voordat je weeer 3 weken aan het werk bent.
    big kisses and one big hug for thou,

    ps. over souvenirs, neem niets mee, zonde van je bagage+geld. Bad news:heb ook niets voor je mee kunnen nemen uit aus, maar dat betekent dat we samen los gaan over een maand. LOVE

  10. for Flora
    HI darling - we are on the Kabini river for a couple of days, phone if you can I will have my mobile on all the time till you go off elephant trenching...
    Loveyou Moxo

  11. Hi Al,
    Sounds like lots of fun. Missed yu skiing. There was too much snow this year and we didn't make the Nederhutte on Thursday as it was full but all had fun there with the band on last day. Have shares party this weekend with Jackie jugh and Nicole over from Ireland so will tell them your news.
    All love from everyone,Mum
