It was Raleigh India’s most precarious endeavour. Fieldbase staff were nervously crossing fingers until the last minute. The moment we heard the magic words “Hello darlings, how are you?”, joy, glee, and – most importantly – relief were overflowing. After handling numerous means of Indian transport like a boss, overcoming culinary and entertainment obstacles in Mumbai, and juggling Communications with Fieldbase in his well-know maverick-ish manner, our Monitoring and Evaluation Officer Joe DID manage to find his 1000 km way home from the Echo 3 turtle conservation project in Velas.
In his hands, he held the golden Echo 3 Blogbook, in which venturer Stephen Lovell compiled a comprehensive account of events from Raleigh India’s most remote project. And now, the moment we’ve all been waiting for:
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Echo 3 Breakfast Club including author Stephen (4th from left) |
Echo 3’s venture started off with an experience that none of us will ever forget: A 12-hour ride on one of the infamous Indian sleeper trains. Our group of 14 was separated into air-conditioned and non air-conditioned coaches, and - as you may have guessed - the latter team got the better story to tell. Sharing the trip with a train full of Indians made peace and quiet somewhat impossible (although Frances managed to nod off now and again). However, the highlight was definitely Charlie making 20 new friends after the first strum on his guitar, who consequently would not leave his side. In true Charlie-style, he powered on for the remaining 11 hours 59 minutes, playing numerous card games whilst being photographed like he was David Beckham.
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Apparently they stopped at One Tree Hill train station |
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Charlie Strummer and friends |
After another coach journey, we finally reached Velas, being warmly welcomed by our project leader Bushan and taken to the families that would host us for the next two days. Their generosity puts our “travel lodges” to pot: Massive food portions left not even the heartiest eater hungry, despite the restriction to eat without cutlery and with only your right hand. These two days were used to set up our own home for the next two and a half weeks.
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Cutlery is cheating! |
Building a camp by the beach certainly is a fun task, but don’t be fooled; it’s not an easy one! However, with sheer determination, creativity, and hard graft we created a little jewel that blew previous Echo 3-bases out of the water. We are particularly proud of our basher-arrangement, the free-standing 3-bowl-system, and our sunset/sunrise-lounge equipped with hammocks and inventive seats – an environment that triggered out-of-this-world-cooking-skills, Charlie’s continuous guitar strumming, numerous games of “Mafia”, and extended sessions of star-gazing.
However, most importantly we came here to work and support the locals in protecting the threatened Olive Ridley Turtle, which lays its eggs on the beach. The eggs then hatch and the baby turtles make their way back into the sea. Since 2002, the village has set up a trust to protect these turtles, but funds and manpower are limited. Enter Echo 3! We have been given the task of developing the path which links the village to the beach; during our phase we focus on the erection of steps that used to get washed away, and on creating a series of signs to inform tourists about the species and remind them to keep the beach clean. So far, the biggest challenge has been moving the large 35 kg bricks down the 1 km path from the village to the beach, but thanks to Eline’s great idea, we also mastered this task.
We were also able to visit the local school and talk about our work, what they can do to support their community, and the importance of not littering on the beach.
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Casevacing bricks |
Last but most definitely not least, we learned a lot about turtles, for example how to find the eggs. However, Dan and Suraj were not impressed when they dug for 40 minutes in search of 60-80 eggs, only to realise that they were being teased and just found a ping pong ball. Throughout our phase, we have been extremely lucky to see baby turtles hatching. Those small creatures making their way back to the sea is a remarkable thing to watch and to cheer for.
As you can see, our time here has been jam-packed since the minute we left Fieldbase and we are looking forward to more.
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Adorable baby turtles in bag |
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Adorable baby turtles on their way to the ocean... |
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... causing a scene. |
And now: Messages written just before falling asleep to the sound of the Arabian Sea:
Hi Jonny (Tango 5)
ReplyDeleteI hope that you had a great trek ! As I write this must be your last night before returning to Fieldbase tomorrow? Back home its a grey wet Sunday afternoon - a complete contrast to where you are !!
I enjoyed my hedge laying course yesterday at Wimpole - you should have seen me sawing, axing and banging in stakes etc !! Now I know what is involved and I can see that our project is big job and definitely needs a chain saw !!
I spoke to James today - he wanted to know how you were and so I have directed him to the Blog - you might get a message ! Grandpa is practicing hard on his ipad - I got an email from him this week - he sends his love !
Enjoy your week at Fieldbase ..I shall look forward to seeing which project you are on next.
Love you loads Mumxxx
For Steve in Echo 3
ReplyDeleteIt looks like you're having an amazing time! Very very jealous (which is probably a first in our friendship...) and can't wait to catch up with you when you get back so you tell me all about it. And then I can bore you with all the non-events going on in Lancs and depress you about the football. Winning deal, yeah?
Have a fantastic birthday on Wednesday! It'll probably be your most dignified birthday yet, to be honest, but we'll sort it out so you can come and visit when you get back and relive all your past birthday glory up here...
Miss your face.
Lauren (or, because it's your birthday, Lozza)
P.S. Hope you've managed to avoid all the spiders...
Steve Echo 3
ReplyDeleteHave a great birthday - you should get a good curry!
See you soon
Sally and Bill x
Jonny C Tango 5
ReplyDeletehope you are still having fun out there. A bit of snow here this afternoon - thought we were over all that.
guess it won't be long before the others arrive so if you get back into techno land let us know if you need anything sending out.
looking forward to you making usa mean curry on your return.
Hi Steve,
ReplyDeleteBirthday Greetings for the 7th.
Glad you are enjoying the venture, hard work I gather.
We will celebrate when you're home - I have got a bottle ready.
Take care
love Nan x
Hi Natalie, Eko 3. So glad you all made it, what an experience, the train journeys alone sound like a challenge, and I would like Charlie on my team!The sewing kit must have found a new home. Exciting having livestock tapdancing on the bottom bunk, my mind boggles as to how you all found each other scattered on the train. I understand what you mean by dirty, you make Buster look clean after a muddy walk, great photos and report. No room for a basher or long drop in the garden! The Venturers must be brilliant saying you are neat and organised, well there you go. Just had a happy bday lunch with Liz and Pete and drank a toast to u. Ma x x x
ReplyDeleteFor Venetia - Charlie 1
ReplyDeleteHi Venetia (sun evening 4 march)
We loved seeing the photos and reading the blog, including your letter, from Charlie 1 out on the project. It all sounds fantastic and you are all obviously doing sterling work. we'll try and find you a nice bricklaying job for when you get home, so you can practise your new found skills. I wonder what you will get up to for Phase 2? - but it all sounds like a lot of fun - (as well as hard work of course.) The photo of you all rafting looked wonderful fun - I hope you didn't get burned though. The temple you visited also looked pretty amazing...
Anyway, news here - we went to team chase today near newbury - but it snowed!+ became terribly slippery and horses couldn't see properly + were falling in the open, so was abandoned before we had Mucky even out of the trailer. A non event. Lambing has started + so far, so good (fingers crossed it stays that way). So far 2 x triplets, 1 x twins - just 12 to go!
I went to the Hockney exhibition on friday with Heather - it was wonderful. I've bought the book with all the pictures so you can see it when you are home. I must get your gcse picture out!.... I didn't know but he had done lots of pictures just for the exhibition - huge ones to display on the specific walls in RA, and even done loads on an i-pad. He draws every day on an i-pad - amazing! Also went to see Wildlife photos (natural history museum)- saw the one of the mother & 6 cheetah cubs, & lovely flamingos taken in Kenya near where we stayed at christmas.
Crufts is next weekend - fingers crossed all goes well for G,G + A. I'm going to help/watch. I think we have decided to call the puppy Bertie - cant wait to have him on Easter Saturday - not long now, just about 5 weeks away. All other animals are fine. Jamie is recovering & nearly off his crutches.
I cant think of anything else very exciting to report here, just looking forward to some warmer weather. I mentioned earlier about Olympics, so it would be helpful if there is any chance of a call/text about it while at fieldbase. Hope you are staying well, and enjoying yourself. Have a great, great time on phase 2. Dad, Jamie, Granny, Grandpa & everyone else I speak to, and all the animals send lots of love & big hugs. Mum xxx
To Nat D (PM echo 3). Wow whats in the basket? Went for lunch with ma and pa today which was most fun. I did mention that a replica raleigh camp in the garden, with a long drop and basher, might be an interesting addition but they weren't convinced. Glad you're having fun. Hope you made it back to field base ok. Liz xx
ReplyDeleteFor Charlie Strummer (Echo 3)
ReplyDeleteGreat to hear exactly what you've been up to over the past 3 weeks - and brilliant to hear from you that you had such a great time. So pleased you're staying to the end ... We're having a superb holiday- and you'll not be surprised to hear that Dad and Tim found a bar in Phnom Penh where they could watch the Ireland v France match - superb game but irritatingly a 17 all draw!
Looking forward to hearing what the next adventure is.
Loads of love, Mum x
for Sophia Piergianni
ReplyDeleteJust a quick msg to let you know I'm fying to bangkok in 2 weeks and I'm been thinking about you everyday since you've been there and always wondering what mega cool abenteuer you been doing,
i 'm excited to see you soon,
ReplyDeleteEcho 3
Hi Danny great to see your pictures up at last looks an amazing place ! Looks like u were having
A great time hope that train journey was not to bad and your enjoying being back at your base camp for a few days until you move on to your next exciting project.I loved the picture Dan of you rolling a cigarette for everyone but not yourself as you have given up eh LOL.
All good back here chelsea have finally sacked the manager as they have been rubbish.
Loves & missing you.
Dad xxxxx
Eline - Echo 3
ReplyDeleteHi Eline,
Je ouders stuurden me de link naar je blog. Ziet er leuk uit! Keien sjouwen in de hitte van India! Maar wel een goed doel en zo te zien een leuke groep. Heel veel plezier, en groeten van Els, Niek, Floris Anouk en Thijmen.
For Sally Tuson
ReplyDeleteit was amazing to talk to you via facebook chat and I am so pleased you are having such an amazing time!! Lots of prayers for your next expedition!
We all miss you lots and can't wait to see you when you get are firmly in the diary for the 20th! Lots of love and prayers as always,
Jess x x
for Alex - Echo 3
ReplyDeleteSo fabulous to finally have some news! The turtle sanctuary sounds amazing and looks like you have done some hard graft improving access to the beach. I bet you can't wait a few modern luxuries. :)
Good see your having a fabulous time.
In other news, the weather here is improving. Although we had some terrible rain yesterday and the new roof leaked. Despite this set back,O is moving up to the loft next week all going well with the builder. :) Hope to hear from you soon. Missing you loads, Mum x xx
Hi Venetia,
ReplyDeleteLooks like you are having a fantastic time! I am rather jealous - perhaps your Mother and I should take a belated gap year?!!! All well here, new horse good.
Look forward to seeing more photos.
The Birdsxxxxx
Harriet PM Echo3
ReplyDeleteWell done, mock turtle soup tonight? Jack got the Ed Psyche job, Will started at the Curve today. NB mock turtle soup does not involve animal cruelty
Victoria O'C - Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteIt was so good to hear your voice this morning, just very sorry that it was such a brief call - talk about bad timing! It's really strange to think of you making a call from a phone box in Mysore!
You sound very well and happy. I'm especially relieved to hear that the food is not causing any problems. I'm glad your group is nice and hope the next one is too - I'm sure it will be! I bet it will be good to be back at base camp for a couple of days - it's probably the nearest thing to 'home' at the moment.
Can't remember if I told you that I saw 'The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel' last week. It is definitely an ad for visiting India so it's now on my holiday list! How about you?!!
All's well at home. Monty's struggling with his short hair cut and gets v shivery on his walks, poor old thing! We had a lot of rain yesterday so the river was v high. We're getting lots of ducks and pheasants in the garden which is nice but the squirrel is eating most of the bird food - might have to do something about that!
Enjoy your short break and good luck with the next project. Text me if you can and let me know if you get an Indian SIM.
Loads of love. Miss you!
Mum xxxxx:)
Hi Patrick (Echo 3)
ReplyDeleteGreat to read the blog and hear all about what you have been up to the last few weeks. Sounds like it has been a real experience starting, and I assume ending, with an epic train journey. The new born turltes are so cute. What a marvellous experience to watch them hatch.
It was good to get a message from you. I can't believe you are eating porridge! Although when needs must. I suspect you will return and vow never to eat it again like Peter and Will. I have to say on the photo of you at the school it looks like you are the only one not studiously writing away.
I have managed to get you on a course with the RA 29th - 31st May. Dates came out today so I was straight on it and they replied within 5 minutes. I was very impressed.
Grandma and grandad send their love. They are not quite as technically advanced as grandpa and grandma so haven't been keeping up with the blog.
Enjoy the next phase. Wonder what you will be up to next.
Lots of love
Mum xxx
Eline de Vries ECHO 3
ReplyDeleteLieve Eline
Hier een paar woordjes van Els.
Ik heb net de foto's gezien en je mailtje gelezen. Geweldig!
Heb vanmorgen een kaart op de bus gedaan voor jou. Ben benieuwd wanneer hij aankomt.
Wat ik allemaal hoor en zie op de blog gaat het heel goed met je. Houden zo! Nu weet je wel wat hard werken is he Eline!. Maar dat is ook wel weer leuk voor een keer.
Ik ben nu pasta aan het maken zoals altijd.
Alles gaat hier verder goed.
Ik ben benieuwd naar je foto's en verhalen als je weer thuis bent in april.
Hou je goed en een dikke knuffel van Els
France echo 3
ReplyDeleteHmph. So I heard manz bin takin the cred for me messages... I was like uh sorry wot! Just cos manz ownz a farm ting, dunt mean manz got no wit. Like owning livestock n ting dunt impede on manz ability to roflcopter, ya get me? Respek. Whilst u bin havin the bestest time, lyf here is becoming bare calamitous. So we needid 2 up our disabled employment quota (authoritees been sayin ma bayb fey- fey doesn’t count...r they stooped or summin?!) so I enlisted coleeflowah laydee. Seemed like a perfek solution init. Well turnz out not. The catastrophe begun wen soup of the day was decided to be cauliflower. Omg u can fosho guess wot happened den... fingers bein confused wiv ingredients n so chopping knife chopping up fingers instead of ingredients..was bludy carnage in there m8..she couldn’t understand y she felt a severe pain every time she diced up dem supposed cauliflower! Dat woz a sik ting, n dats sik in the pejorative sense ya get meh? Manz woz a bit apprehensive to tell u dis story incase u chunderblundered or summin in reaction to it but den manz thought shi’’ dun joke, ur stomach must b bare resistant now after eatin all those turtles n ting- they luk gr8 btw bring us sum back for the cafe if u can bbz coz I wann branch out our menu ya get meh.
Hi Natalia (C1), great blog and good to see all those years of nagging you about table manners have been put to good use. Fingers it is from now on then.... News here: I now have W walking to heel OFF THE LEAD (albeit with no distractions). Progress!!. Ma now back to normal and swimming kilometers. Ben is well and finalising the school french magazine which he wants to call "A French Letter" (Ha Ha) ...I am of course working incredibly hard as normal but have managed to get my RT handicap down to 35 which puts the rest of life in perspective. Love from us all. xx
ReplyDeleteTOM MItchell - Ex.CHARLIE 2
ReplyDeleteHi Tom, Mum said it was great to hear your voice today. Sounds like the project was quite an experience and that the spirit of Raleigh is as I had remembered it still. I am very envious and hope the next project will be just as good an experience! Seems like my Blog of a week ago did not upload, but have been flat out with UN meetings in London, looking forward to Lottie's parachute jump and William was down this weekend. Off to the snow next Saturday for a week with Charlotte Rowe. Garden overrun with rabbits, Tilly fat and furious, Bugsy watching for the Spring. Love Dad XX
Frances - Ex Echo 3
ReplyDeleteHi Sweetheart, Just come back from seeing Catriona, who's taken on Rupert as well as David now. Rupert's sweet, but doesn't like Dennis ... David seems quite happy to have a companion and does not mind at all. It's freezing here - cold, wet and muddy, and Wolf is reluctant to stir from his big furry beanbag. We loved hearing from you at the weekend and reading this blog post and we've shared it far and wide. People say you look too much like a shampoo advert in your jungle cot, though, and doubt whether you are really doing much work. I put them right, of course. The train ride doesn't sound like much fun. Delighted to see that you are advertising Kings while you are out there, and Iso is much touched! She's loving her riding and there'll be a display at the end of the summer term for us all to watch. Actually had to choose hinges for the house last week - all still on track and you'll come back to it almost finished. It's been too windy for the builders to work on the roof. Daddy and Iso still boycott The Piggery, so it's quiet without you, but we've been enjoying London too. Mini-heatwave for two days last week with brilliant sunshine and everyone walking around in T shirts. Daddy's just finished a bit bit of work, so has been working v hard. Iso and Phi met up in London at the weekend - hadn't really seen each other for ages. We all miss you a lot, but are proud of you for taking on this challenge, and so happy you are enjoying yourself, and are loving hearing news of you whenever we can. A big thank you to the friend who loaned you their phone. That was very kind, and so good to hear your voice. And now you can keep up with everything at home on FB too :). Lots of love from us all, including Wolf.
Rhian Perry Expedition 12C, just arrived
ReplyDeleteHi Rhian! I have no idea if I am doing the right thing here, we shall see. Glad that you managed to meet up with people in Dubai. Hope everything is going well and that you have had some sleep. Everything is fine here. Going to see if this works now! Lots of love, Mum xoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxo
Patrick (Echo 3)
ReplyDeleteHi Patrick, great to read your letter and the blog from your group and see some pictures of you. Sounds like an amazing experience for you. It's been a bit strange visiting the flat and not seeing you there. You might be interested to hear my course at the Night O got the "Toughest of the Tough" trophy for Shooting Greens - it was horrible though!
Not sure when you'll get this but hope you enjoy the next challenge. love Dad.
hallo Sofie van Gessel, ben je er al ?
ReplyDeleteDon't know if this the way to post but if it is : He Sofie van Gessel ! How are you . Don't know your expedition name so please let me know .
Ursula; Tango 6
ReplyDeleteHi, so, obviously devastated that we didn't get to skype yesterday but Dad filled me in. I spoke to him FOUR times on the phone yesterday - can you believe it! He has never spoken on the phone to me so much and had to listen to all my gossip before - he does not do as much talking as I do. He mainly listens. I think he enjoys all the gossip. And I have to tell him everything in great detail to make sure Mum finds out everything!
I am officially now living AND working in Edinburgh! No more commuting is so delightful, and I had forgotten how much nicer Edinburgh is than Glasgow. I also wake up at 8 now! instead of 6:15 which just makes me so happy that I simply can't convey my happiness to you in this post. But imagine me smiling and that is pretty much how happy I am.
Anyway lots and lots of love, need to go and iron my shirt for tomorrow. Hatti xxxxx
Frances Echo 3,
ReplyDeleteSista, i saw the pictures of what i am going to assume is the "sunrise/sunset lounge", seriously pro work. Every time I look at this i am so envious but im finished in 2 weeks and I just wanted to tell you I got offers from London College of Fashion and St Martins both to read jewellery. crazy excited and so relieved. Was so excited to see you had been on fb, cannnot wait till you are back and we can hear all the stories. luv ya like you love those turtles xxxxxxxxxxxx
Alexandra SC - Echo 3
ReplyDeleteMATE, I miss you, come home already. Good to see you're eating, whatever that delicious looking meal is. I'm still working on a letter to send to you inbetween revision, exams next week shiet's serious yano. Got a lotta goss to tell you, so much has happened. Bitchez n boyz and the dynamics of the flat changing and medical-related crap (and stalkers who have returned, might have to be making that phonecall without you..). Apart from that, I've been pretty gooood lately. Great to hear you've been conservin' turtles, and having an amazing time. See you soon when you're all brown and muscly n that!
Love you mucho, shif xxxx
Roosmarijn Groen, echo 4
ReplyDeleteHoi greenie,
Ik zag net m'n vorige berichtje staan alleen was vergeten neer te zetten welke groep je bent, dus zet hem hier onder nog maar een keer neer.
Hoorde dat je clau etc had gesproken aan de telefoon super leuk! Fijn dat alles zo goed met je gaat en het allemaal zo leuk is. Gewoon berichtjes blijven sturen zeiden ze, dus dat doe ik dan maar. Heb op dit moment weer even een SOG momentje dus dit is een goed excuus. Morgen alweer tentamen, ben hard aan het leren voor m'n puntjes dus je kan trots op me zijn hehe. Je bent alweer een maand weg joh, gaat echt snel. Ben echt heel benieuwd naar al je verhalen!
Liefs, Merel
Lieve Roos,
Super leuk om een berichtje van jou te lezen. Klinkt allemaal echt heel vet, ik volg de blogs trouw hoor ben erg jaloers. Olifanten safari lijkt me echt heel gaaf, geniet ervan. Ben blij dat je het zo naar je zin hebt!
Haha en echt lachen dat je een Sanne dubbelganger hebt, ik heb in Nederland helaas geen Roos dubbelganger dus mis je wel. ;)
For Frances
ReplyDeleteHeyyaaa, so nice to get an inbox from you, sounds like you're having an amazing time! Missing you loads, not liking being the only child here and have all the focus on me ! So jealous you have sun, weather is rainy here and I'm starting to panic about all the work I'm gonna have to do over easter, wish you were gonna be there to help me with chemistry and PHYSICS, (got 20 percent in a practice test today..) Anyway the 6a just came round for lights out and Mrs Cocksworth is on duty so I better go, but miss you so much and can't wait to hear all about it, love you xxxxxxx p.s. flozza sends her love.
Frances Anderson - ex Echo 3
ReplyDeleteHEY FRANCES!! (genuine enthusiasm) it was so nice to hear from you the other day, it sounds like you're having the best time! the turtles look so tiny and cute, i can't for you to do impressions of them making their way to the sea as i know you like a nice animal impression! i also wanna hear about the sleeper train as that sounds so funny, especially if you were in the bit without air-con (as horrible as that would have been)!
last week i went to the King's vs UCL rugby varsity match which was so so fun because of the atmosphere in the crowd and the rivalry between the 2 unis! next week i've got the dance show which is exciting although it sounds like it's gonna be the most exhausting week ever especially with the socials after each show... i'm hoping they aren't similar to what you experienced at exeter as i don't think i'll be able to cope!
ok i feel like i haven't said particularly much but my message looks really long so i'm gonna stop but i will send you another one soon! keep enjoying yourself, miss you! lots of love, Lily xxxxxx
p.s. i hope your burnt legs get better! (please tell your friends about the can of olives/bucket of ice in barcelona as i feel that story really captures your true beauty)
Eline de Vries Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteLieve Lien
Weer een nieuwe groep. Ziet er ook heel gezellig uit. Je staat mooi als stralend middelpunt op de groepsfoto. Zo te zien heb je het erg naar je zin.
Is het pad bij de schildpadden nog af gekomen?
Wat gaan jullie nu voor iets doen. Ik las dat jullie naar een dorp in een natuurreservaat gaan. Spannend
Ik had gisteren mijn dag voor mijn verjaardag van de mutsen. Weet je wat we zijn gaan doen?! We zijn gaan skydiven. Echt heel gaaf en speciaal. Het ging best een beetje. Verder moest ik rondlopen met een sjerp met "sara 50" om en een grote hoed op, rondlopen. Het was een fantastische dag. We hebben veel gelachen.
Dit weekend gaan we naar Tim voor zijn verjaardag en om een opbouw van een carnavalswagen naar Delft te brengen. Die gaan ze gebruiken voor hun bar bij het Kriminelenfeest.
Ik zal je nog een kaart sturen met wat foto's. Liefs mama
Frances Tango 5
ReplyDeleteThought Tango must mean "Toilets" but you've landed the trek with MTB, you jammy sodder, TROGs everywhere will be green with envy.
MPW have been in touch - good news on maths, not quite so good on biology, M will talk to Bristol but they would have to extend their original offer ... still at least you have a choice and St Andrews is still in the hat. Would wait till we knew more, but understand this will only just catch the post.
Lovely to see you looking so happy, have a wonderful wonderful time, so pleased for you.
Dada & Mama xxx
ReplyDeleteGreat to see you have arrived.Try looking at the camera!Emily has spotted you in 2 photos!House very quiet without you.Food bills massively down!Have a wonderful time....!!!We are all fine.No news from Ucas.Love Mum and Dad xx
Ha Jules, stoere neef! Zit je daar bijna 18 te worden in het verre India. Ik bekijk elke week de prachtige foto's op de blog, samen met Mick en Pleun. Ik begrijp dat je nu een trekking aan het maken bent met Tango 5, supergaaf.
ReplyDeleteWe zijn benieuwd nar je verhalen als je terug bent, en voor nu alvast van harte gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag. Kussen van ons drie.
Charlotte, Charlie 1
ReplyDeleteGefeliciteerd!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you!!! Etc.
Big Hug from all of us!!
Hanneke, Paul, Tim en Fiona
Lieve Jules, (Jules Cornelissen, Tango 6)
ReplyDeleteHoe is het met jou daar? We zien regelmatig foto's op de computer en vinden het heel leuk om jou daar op terug te zien. Het is een mooie ervaring. Geniet ervan. We wensen je daar een goede start van je 18e jaar.
Veel liefs van opa en oma uit Udenhout.
Natalie PM Echo 3 Just heard you are out there getting muddy and rescuing turtles in the sunshine. Beats the weather here by a long shot! Had a nice long chat with Vonx, and Peter gave me a tutorial on how to post a message for you.
ReplyDeleteLife ticks over here as normal. Walks with Holly (who according to family cryptology smiled twice today!) between showers. Toing and froing still to London, sometimes for the flat and latterly for medical appointments for Maurice who is slowing up a bit at 92. Off to Paris to visit an old school friend for four days next week, my first escape since the last IOM visit last year.
Longing to know what is in the basket and why your neck hasn't collapsed under the weight.
Looks like you are all having a fabulous time so enjoy it and know you are doing something wonderful too.
Lots of love
Cousin Sue
"for Steve in Echo 3"
ReplyDeleteHello hello I just wanted to remind you that you're late for the oven christmas!!! it will be ok though don't worry I have found a key.
I am going home from lancaster tomorrow to begin the easter hols (this term has gone soo quickly) and im stopping at suzys on the way so i shall say hi from her and you to you both!
I like your steve face carrying that wheelbarrow, but I wasn't pleased to see two mistakes in your reply letter, try to do better next time.
Looking forward to seeing you when you return (def come for extrav and grad ball if you wannt!!!)
Have a turtle on me.
"for Steve in Echo 3"
ReplyDeleteHi Stevo! just a little message to say I hope you are having an AMAAAAZING time. I just watched your fascination video, so many classic Steve dance moves in there!
Not long till you come back and you can tell us all about your adventures! Hope you haven't seen too many spiders, don't worry, you know what they say, they're more afraid of you than you are of them.
I'm missing you! You and Fawn will have to come to Manchester for fun zine times!
Over and out
Suzy Wimby