Namaskaara and welcome to our sequel of the blockbusting Loop Trilogy. Pete, Sam, Theja, and Bob went out to visit Charlie 1 and Charlie 2; I myself had the honour to spend five full days exploring Kerala with the lovely Tango 5.
We start with “Work hard, play hard” – Charlie 2, captured on digital paper by guest bloggers Kristian Clayton and Jude Whitburn.
Charlie 2 is most definitely in the running for a Raleigh world record in speed of completing the project. On the 4th day of work, only 1 hour in the morning was needed to finish the 11th cesspit and toilet foundation.
Welcome to the village |
Welcome to the camp |
And welcome to work |
The rest of the day was spent playing card games, waiting for the heat to fade away, and playing sports (Cricket that is) with the locals. With a fair share of overs and a pretty sweet innings by Sally, we showed that girls do indeed have a role to play on the pitch.
Jan in his role as day village jester. |
Our outstanding work achievements have been made possible by our team motto: “Work hard, play hard”. Groups of 4-5 members have been sent around the village of Kayuni to build separate pits. We’d like to believe our digging skills are improving, as pits are built quicker each time; however, our hubris turns into shame when the locals show us how it’s actually done. The other side of “Work hard” is defined by shifting copious amounts of sand, bricks, and cement all across the quaint little village, usually through the legendary “Raleigh Chain”.
The group is powered by food locally cooked by the community and everyone is enjoying the incredibly tasty and sometimes a tad spicy samba with either rice or Chapattis. Attempting the local lingo is rewarded with snacks like fried bananas, corn cakes, and rice patties, keeping us all fit for work. Chai has become the group’s most popular drink: Parents, buy sugar, as we will need it in our tea upon return!
Are these scones??? |
Anything on a banana leaf is defined as food. |
In the evenings, these treats are enjoyed around the campfire whilst playing the token game of Mafia accompanied by the group’s guitar players dramatically strumming Moldy Peaches’ songs.
Barney serenading Jonny. |
Campfire romance |
The new and improved Loop Trilogy offers a special treat to our dear readers: Every project left a short video-message to family and friends to prove they are alive and rockin'. Enjoy!
For Becky Massey Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteHi Becky,
Great to see the Charlie 2 blog this morning - what an amazing place you are in. Looks like you are all doing am incredible job and the hours of having to play cricket with your brothers might have paid off!
Dad set off at 5.30 this morning to do his mega cycle (101 miles) with Pete. I went back to bed! but after I pick up James (it was RocSoc last night) I will head up to try and catch him somewhere near the finish. Do you remember the day spent following him around the Ironman course?
Rachael's piglets broke out of the field again and launched an assault on the garden. They are so funny, about a foot long, very pink and when you go to shoo them out they try to stare you out and then turn and leg it squealing as though you are trying to kill them!
Laptop running out of battery....
Hugest love,
Mum xxxxxx
ReplyDeleteThis is for Rhian Tango 5 this is Lyndsay! Hello I hope you're having a great time, it looks very exciting!! I've just had a week off so just relaxing at Mum and Dads with Faith and Leo. He's being very cute at the moment, and we are going to bake some cakes now. Have a great trip love Lyndsay x
Rhian Tango 5
ReplyDeleteHi Rhian! Just saw the video clip, proving you are all still there. Looks amazing. Hope your feet are okay. The weather is quite nice here now, very spring like. Tom seems to be putting on weight, I notice that the man next door has got a saucer out on his patio so I think he is feeding him on a regular basis! Hopefully you will have some post when you get back to the base. Have a good time.
Lots of love, Mum xoxoxoxoxoxxoxo
To Marjolein Bender - Echo 3
ReplyDeleteHe lieve Marjo, hoe gaat 'ie? Gelukkig was er vandaag sinds een week (!!!) weer nieuws via de weblog. Tjonge, mijn geduld is wel op de proef gesteld zeg en natuurlijk zijn er nog geen beelden van jullie groep, maar het is wel erg fijn, dat er weer 'verbinding' is. Nog een week en dan komen jullie alweer terug van jullie 2e project. En je bent nu ook al 5 weken weg, dus op de helft van de totale expeditie. Hoop dat alles goed gaat met je en dat je een super gave ervaring opdoet daar aan de kust. Ben zó benieuwd hoe het slapen in de open lucht bevalt en hoe zit het met de 'beestjes', haha? Hier thuis alles z'n gangetje. Het begint wat lekkerder weer te worden, dus werk aan de winkel in de tuin etc. Vrijdag heeft Jip hier een nachtje gelogeerd, dus dat was weer leuk samen met Bengel. Heel veel liefs van ons allemaal hier en snel tot een volgende keer :)
Dag lieverd, I LOVE YOU!!!! xxxx Mama
to Charlie 2 Eline de Vries
ReplyDeleteHoi Eline, ik hewb van je moeder de gegevens gekregen van het webblog en ik kijk af en toe op juliie blog over wat jullie allemaal doen daar. Ik vind het echt super om te zien. Het lijkt me erg leuk om zo'n kans te krijgen om zoiets mee te maken. Een ervaring voor je hele leven. Ik (wij) wens(en) je nog heelveel plezier daar en ik blijf het ook volgen. Groetje van Krista (Hein en Janna) Lommers
ReplyDeleteJust got back from watching your sister hurl herself out of a plane at 13,000 feet three miles south of Banbury !! Tense day, on off on off weather, then all go. I think she is MAD and BRAVE! One of the comments she made at the end was "Tom would have loved it" ! Just thought I'd tell you! Lots of love mx
Hi Patrick (Charlie 2)
ReplyDeleteIt was fantastic to see your video message on the blog and to see you looking so fit, well and happy. Looks like they are a great bunch you are with. Also enjoyed looking at the photos and learning a bit about what you have been up to recently. Sounds as though the locals have really made you welcome and been extremely generous.
Took the dogs a walk by the river today and Major managed to find a dead fish to roll in! He absolutely stank in the car on the way home so it was the old tomato ketchup trick to sort him out when we got home. There is still a rather disgusting, lingering odour though.
Dad did another half marathon today. Not quite as good a time as the last one but it was a very hilly course.
Lots of love
Mum xxx
For Sofia:
ReplyDeleteDear Sofia,
Your bricklaying skills look very impressive!
We are missing you a lot,
Hoi Jules (tango 6)
ReplyDeleteHoe gaat het, we zijn zo benieuwd hoe je je verjaardag gevierd hebt? Een ding is zeker, deze verjaardag zul je nooit meer vergeten!
Heb je de kadootjes al allemaal uitgepakt, we zijn erg benieuwd wat je ervan vond.
Voor ons voelde het heel raar, je oudste kind dat de speciale leeftijd van 18 jaar bereikt en zover weg is. Wij zijn op jouw verjaardag gaan eten in een Indiaas restaurant in Breda om een beetje een Jules gevoel te krijgen.
We hebben helaas al lange tijd niets meer gezien van jou en jouw groep op de weblog
We hopen binnenkort weer iets van je te vernemen, we zijn ook erg benieuwd hoe de
trekking bevalt.
Bij ons durft het zonnetje ook al af en toe te schijnen, 16-17 graden ( koud hè )
Lieve schat we hopen dat je weer snel voorbij komt op de blog,
Lots of love, Pap en Mam.
Marjolein - Echo 3
ReplyDeleteLieve Marini!!
Hoe gaat het daar in het verre India? En hoe is het om met die kleine schildpadden te werken, wel heel bijzonder zeker? (Of bijten ze stiekem in je vingers haha?)
Jammer dat er nog geen foto's en verhalen van jullie groep opstaan, maar volgens mij is het onwijs gaaf!!
Een hele dikke knuffel van mij en have fun!!
Love you very much,
♥ Dorini
Hej Chacha,(ved ikke om jeg gør det her rigtigt??) Hvor er det bare fedt at se billederne af dig her inde og se din besked på face.. Du ser ud til at have det godt??? Håber også at du har det godt.. Savner dig utrolig meget!!!
ReplyDeleteKæmpe Kyssssss Tana.
To Charlotte Hendriks (Charlie 1)
ReplyDeletehoooiii lottie alles goed daar? we horen niet zo veel van je.. heb je mn smsje wel gehad op je verjaardag? je hebt niet geantwoord namelijk. ik hoop dat je het daar erg leuk hebt en er veel leuke mensen zijn! is het daar een beetje goed uit te houden? met slapen enzo? hier is verder alles prima toetsweek zit er weer op. nog heel veel succes en sterkte daar! groetjess van je lieftallige broertje.
hooi lotje, bij mij zit de toetsweek er ook net op, ging best goed. we zijn gisteren in bergen geweest bij roos en juul omdat dick jarig was, julia wil misschien ook zoiets gaan doen, maar waarshcijnlijk niet precies het zelfde. ik hoop maar dat het daar allemaal goed gaat, en je niet ziek wordt, nog gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag en ik hoop dat je hebt genoten van je chocolade mouse :) xx fiona.
Hoi Lottie. we miss u. now kums mummie:
Dat hierboven was dus van je vader - echt op universitair niveau. Gelukkig ben ik wel iets slimmer. We missen je wel een beetje (veel). Ben benieuwd wanneer we je weer op de foto zien. Zorg maar dat je er goed op staat!
Liefs en groetjes. Hanneke
Hi Will (ECHO 4)
ReplyDeleteIt was so good to see you on skype the other day and looking so well and happy.
Lots happening here. The boys broke up on Friday for the Easter holidays and last week of term was the art festival. Joshua won the poetry competition for Year 3 - he was thrilled to bits so so proud of himself Bless him he did us all proud. Thomas and Josh were both in the Variety Performance for all the parents on the night before they finished which was very entertaining and great performances by all the boys. So many people are asking after you and send their best wishes and regards: Harry Packenham, Tim Rammage, The Elk,and even Bernie!
Andrea and Luboz have had a baby girl a week last Saturday and called her Charlotte!
Grandpa wanted me to let you know that he is thrilled with your results and well done for finally being able to go off to Leicester. They left to go down to Luz for a few weeks yesterday.
Just got back at lunchtime from a couple of days in Athens with Melissa. Gosh we think we have problems. What a big mess that country is in. Maybe India is the place we should all experience because everyone looks happy and smiling. There is alot to be said for keeping thins simple!!!
We are getting ready to head in your direction on Thursday and off to Mauritius - the boys are so excited - nearly fever pitch. Not sure they will feel that same after the long flight!
Alot to be done before then though! What else - can't think for now. Except keeping my finger on the Chelsea pulse just to keep you posted and my oh my miracles do and can happen.
We are all sending you loads and loads of love and hope you are having the time of your life.
Love you. Mummy xxx
ReplyDeleteI've been catching up on the blog and looks like you are having a fabulous time!
I am so jealous but its great to see all the amazing adventures you have been having! A letter is in the post for you as we speak, i hope it gets to you ontime! But i cannot cannot WAIT to see you when you come back! dont stand too close to me with your tan! Nonnas and Chats at the York and Albers with apple mohitos isnt too far away!!!
Love you and see you soon!
Sarika xxxx
Roosmarijn Groen, tango 5
ReplyDeleteRooooosje!! Holy lord, je komt al bijna weer thuis! ik heb je brief gelezen hoor! duurde even voordat ik sommige lettertjes ontcijferd had, maar je kan natuurlijk heel lastig schrijven daar;) hihi.
Om even op al je vragen te antwoorden: Friso horen we niks meer over, die willen met rust gelaten worden, dus daar kan ik je niet mee helpen. Guus is nog steeds allemaal hetzelfde als voordat je wegging ;) haha en 18e ben ik helaaas niet thuis.. heb drukke week met colleges die week dus moet in leiden blijven. Maar dat weekend ben ik er voor ene mooie party in Deurn met Paultje voor de verjaardagen, MEUI! Nu ook weer een mega drukke tijd met tentamens, papers etc. etc. word er ongelofelijk sjaggie van, moehahaa!
maaar vind het geweldig wat je daar allemaal doet zus! mij niet gezien, maaaar dat wist je natuurlijk al!! Nog even een paar weekjes volhouden (haha) en dan kan je heeeeerlijk in bad! dat zul je wel nodig hebben!!
nou zus, ik wacht alweer op de volgende brief! dikke kus! xxxxx
ps. wil je geen rare dingen meer zeggen als: ik wil india niet verlaten? dat zijn niet de teksten waar we op wachten he;)
To Caspar Tango 5!
ReplyDeleteCaspar mein geliebter Sohn, ich freu mich, endlich nach Tagen wieder ein Bildchen von Dir zu sehen. Irre war sicher tolles Erlebnis und diese Aussicht!!! Oh ich beneide Dich um diese Zeit. Hier alles roger, Dein Bruederchen war gerade 2 Wochen auf dem Bauernhof und jetzt ist ja Nichte Antonia hier noch für 4 Wochen und macht Praktikum bei einer Tochtergesellschaft von Rickmers und er ist natürlich vollends im Glück. Ich habe eine Idee für einen ferienjob für Dich ( wenn Du wiederkommst hast Du ja noch Luft zum Geldverdienen bevor Dein Studium beginnt nicht wahr!) Ende April öffnet hier der Abercrombie Store....Hab Dich dolle lieb! Mamutschka
Hey Kris..
ReplyDeleteHow are you doing? India looks incredible, although disappointed at your lack of tan. I am golden brown currently (thanks to a spray tan!) =)
Don't know how much mum has updated you on this end. Guess what.. I FINISHED MY DISSERTATION TODAY! Wahoooo! So i am getting that bound tomorrow, what a relief! On the 31st March, mum, dad and i are off to Malta for a week. Needed a holiday. Mia is in Cornwall with nanny judy and Kate is up in Bolton so no-one around!
The weather is starting to pick up. Mum, Nanny, Mollie and i went to Worthing yesterday, back to the Sea Lane Cafe. Poor Mollie didn't get much of a sea walk though, but she loved it anyway!
Glad you're having such an incredible time. You deserve it! Not long at all until you're home now! Very exciting!!!
Love you loads Beth xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteHi Lulu!
This is a very happy mummy here - at home would you believe and feeling SO much better! Even enjoying Dad's cooking! I love the blog - it is just so annoying because the internet in the hospital just basically does not work so it has been very difficult for me to keep up! You can imagine how cross that makes me!Cannot wait to hear more and hear about the community project - just relieved those trips to the gym helped with the hike....! Love you loads mxxxxxxxx
Hey Kris!
ReplyDeleteGlad you're having an amazing time! Where is the tan though?? Mum's worried that you're all skin and bones! Snacking on fried bananas isn't going to help that either!
Today... I FINISHED MY DISSERTATION! Wahoooo! =) So, tomorrow i am off to get it bound and handed in. Finally!
Dad, Mum and I are off to Malta on the 31st for a week, and back Easter Saturday before the troops come up and stay. We all needed a break, and we have used our points. Dad is off thurs and fri this week too, so he can crack on with some garden chores!!
Mum, Nanny, Mollie and i had lunch at the Sea Lane Cafe yesterday. Mum and nanny then went to watch War Horse!! I say in Cafe Nero for that time, using their free internet to do my work!
Glad you're having an amazing time! ONE MONTH TIL YOUR BIRTHDAY! And you'll be home then. Horray! Cannot believe how quickly it's gone. Shocking! Take care and keep eating those curries!!
Love you loads, Beth xxxxxxxxx
Hi Patrick (Charlie 2),
ReplyDeleteJust watched the video message and you are looking well. Not much of a tan yet though! Disappointed! Looks like you are having a really good time. We will miss you at Grandma's birthday party at the end of the month but will all be thinking of you.
Hope you continue to have a great time.
Love from Sarah and Fraser xxx
For Sally Tuson, Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteHey Sal,
Love that there are now some pics of you stunner with a book on your knee, cheeeeeeeeeeky!!
Okey dokes I will double check with your mum about the 20th if I see her, can't believe how soon now till your home!! Just watched your video on the blog page amazing to see your happy little face (happy little head) you look so well and super brown!! Glad to hear you're touching up those tamil skills you'll have to give me a run through when you're back think I've forgotten almost all of it! Ben working at joules the last few days which has been really fun actually..gets me out the house! Hope you manage to finish your project on time, sounds like you're doing some amazing work out there and fingers crossed for the final phase, the turtle conservation sounds incredible so hope you get the chance to do that! Miss and love you so much, Jess x x
Hi Jonny C, Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteGood to see you're alive and well! Nobody here has died recently (apart from a few crumblies , who were allowed... (nobody you know)).
Alison and I both managed to stagger round the Cambridge 1/2 marathon a week or so ago. The Volvo is on it's way out and will be replaced with.... guess what... wait for it.... another volvo!! (but a smaller one this time). Am taking Chess to Legoland this weekend with friends for her birthday. Looking forward to skiing next week!! X Dad
Hi Jonny!
Miss u soooooo much that i dont think u can remember my name from the video, I quote: "Molly, the girls and...!" GRRRRR....!
Am looking forward 2 my b-day 2morrow but not as much as 2 or 3 years ago because that was when u last came to my b-day: Katy Perry, India. I cant remember what it feels like anymore!
No silly, or rude things or movements this time on the video. (not saying i want any!)
Bye love u absolutely LOADS AND LOADS AND LOADS.
Chess xxx
bye. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi jonny! not kept up witht he blogs for a day or two as been Peter's birthday and my dad's 80th and now Ellie and Chessie's b'day so quite hectic. My run is going well- we have 170 entries now so i ma keeping fingers crossed we can fill it up. Girls both say hi- Ellie rushing off out the door as i type. Molly has just finished mocks so waiting for results now. Need to book in some uni open days over the next few months. Doesn't feel 5 mins since you were doing that!
we miss you lots but are so pleased it looks like you are having such a good time. Your team on Charlie 2 all look lovely!
Jack and the crew have gone so won't be long before you all meet up. Jack should have a letter for you if he remembered it!
take care
Alison x
For Stephen Lovell
ReplyDeleteHi Steeeve!
Looks like your having a great time. We've been looking through your photos and reading your blogs. Glad to see that your still alive from the video, you have lasted longer than we expected! Looking forward to seeing you again when you're back.
Mr Goodchild has been successfully teaching in a school. Stu is fat. No other news.
Miss you Steve!
From Aaron and Pete
P.S.....Nice helmet!
For Sofia Karasinski - Charlie 2?
ReplyDeleteI love the film you're in! It made me so happy to see you looking so well and beautiful. And, your hair looks great, honey! Looks like you're having a great time.
I'm off to Verbier tomorrow with Helen, Mika, Daphne and Pippa whom I've never met before. I can't wait to ski! Do you remember Magdalena from Park Slope? She and her daughter, Klara, are visiting as Pico is in a play at the Globe theatre - pretty cool, eh? Klara has the same Ikea sheets as you, she's sleeping in your bed. Papa is going to the play with them tonight - I've been so busy packing for this ski trip etc. I decided to stay in and cook up our favourite quorn bolanaise dinner for when they get back.
Max is off to Amsterdam to visit Chuck on Monday - it will be a good break for him. Let me know if he is supposed to buy those concert tickets - he's been tied up with school, but by the end of this weekend, he should be done for Easter. (He should have been done today!)
Tony is fine, but Cleo's liver is acting up, but I'm not surprised. I have her back on the steroids which perk her up.
Are you interested in going to Tortolla this summer with Jasmine? I figured when you get back you can find a job, but this would be something to look forward to.
Love you to bits, Sofia. I'm missing you!!!
Muummy (Catherine Hays Karasinski)
For Kris Clayton, Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteSorry for being slow to blog. I've spent two days digging in blistering heat (about 17 degrees!), and my body is feeling it. Can't imagine how you are digging in 35 degrees, but it all sounds fun. I know you are looking forward to the trek - hope it goes well. I had a cold that seemed to go on for weeks, but it's finally getting better. Saints are top and looking good for next season - hurrah! Beth had a curry this evening and we talked of all the curry you've had. Find out what makes a great curry and learn to cook it properly. Miss you, but glad you are doing something better than Fat Face.
With much love, Dad
For Patrick Low, Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteHey Paddy,
Looks like you're having an awesome time, only slightly jealous haha. Glad you got to save the turtles :P
Edinburgh is rainy and uni is hell, as ever! Whoever invented summer exams is evil...
Also, you said i had to blog you if i wanted a postcard, 17/4 Marchmont rd. :) Me and Helena want one to add to our collection! (I know post offices are possibly impossible to come by, but that's no excuse.)
See you soon,
Flo x
Eline de Vries. Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteLieve Lien.
Nog even een berichtje uit Heerlen. Volgens mijn berekening zul je nu bijna weer gaan wisselen naar je laatste deel; de trekking! Spannend Je berichtjes via de mail, de berichten op de blog, de foto's en flimpjes, het ziet er allemaal zo mooi en gezellig uit!. Ik ben benieuwd of de vluchtomboeking nog gaat lukken. Ik hoop echt voor je dat het lukt om nog wat extra dagen met deze nieuwe mensen te kunnen doorbrengen in het mooie Goa. Hier is het nu prachtig weer ong 18 graden en zon.
Dit weekend was de familie Smit bij opa en oma. Papa en ik waren alleen zaterdagavond op een feest (Paul en Rafaelle waren 25 jaar getrouwd en allebei 50 geworden) in Leiden. Stijn en Hylke hebben een gezellige filmavond met Pieter en Freek gehad. Wij een korte nacht in Leiden. De klok ging nl vannacht een uur vooruit en vanmorgen gingen we nog even de skispullen ophalen in Delft bij Tim. Omdat hij vanmorgen weer voor het eerst een hockeywedstrijd ging spelen waren we al 10.00(zomertijd en zondag!) uur bij hem. Daarna thuis hebben we heerlijk met Afke, Fred, Pieter en Lisa en 4 honden!!(Tibbes logeert hier) gewandeld. Hylke gaat morgen met school naar werkweek in Eindhoven. Hij heeft een gezellig groepje waarmee hij in een huisje zit. Papa gaat donderdag voor een paar dagen naar Chicago en ik ga volgend weekend met de Lions naar Adenau (Duitsland). Je hoort het. We zijn een reislustige familie. Alleen Stijn is honkvast. We wensen jou heel veel succes met de trekking. Geniet van de mooie ervaringen en de prachtige natuur (de foto's van de trekkingen zijn echt prachtig). Heel veel liefs van mama , papa en je broertjes
Ollie (F-C),
ReplyDeleteNot sure if my last message came out or not...computers were never my strong point.
Anyway, we hear you're back from your trek and did really well, so well done! We're all very proud of you and cannot wait to hear all about it when you return to the UK. It really does sound like you are having a great time. It must have been such a great experience so far...I bet you can't wait to go travelling again!
In case you haven't had a football update lately, here it is:
Liverpool have lost their last 2 games and are becoming an embarrassment to Merseyside.
Chelsea, on the other hand, are the only English club left in Europe and are playing Benfica tomorrow night in the first leg of the quarter finals of the Champions League. Come on Chelsea!!!
STFC are doing okay, 3rd from top.
Anyway, there's not much change or news here really. Well, there probably is news to tell from your cousins, but I'd be the last to know.
We cannot wait to see you and hear all about your adventures in India. See you soon,
All our love, Mike, Aggie, James and Millie XX.
For Sally Tuson, Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteSalim! I couldn't have been happier when I heard that you got the turtle conservation being an animal lover and all that I know you will thrive! Joking aside it's great news and an amazing way to end your adventures.....bout time you returned to the West country, the weather is doing bizarre things in your absence I had one day in the sun yesterday and got well and truley tomotoed...severe sunburn comme d'habitude!!! Felt I had to make the most of it given that I was working through all the sunny weather! Just got back from a cheeky trip to the cinema followed by a romantic dinner for two with............get excited....mumma docherty!! Wooop!! have seen Dill this week and am seeing Katy tomorrow and Poppy the next day, exciting times! EVeryone's finally returning from uni, really frustrating everyone having different holidays! Canny wait to see you...3 weeks and counting...Love and miss you so much hun x x Love Jess x x
For Becky Massey Echo 4
ReplyDeleteHi Becky, HOpe you're realllyyyyy welllll and having an amazing time, we're all missing you like mad, including the chickens, i think... . I am doing my power boat 2 course in Poole its awesome nailing speed boats around, 150 hp!!!. looking forward to seeing you soon!!!
James xxxx
ReplyDeleteyou look like your having an amazing time - moved to London now so was hoping to see more of you, and you've only gone and buggered off to India!!! I hope we get time to catch up when your back
Love you lots
Spurgin xxxx