Namaskaara and welcome to our sequel of the blockbusting Loop Trilogy. Pete, Sam, Theja, and Bob went out to visit Charlie 1 and Charlie 2; I myself had the honour to spend five eventful days exploring Kerala with the beyond lovely Tango 5. So here is what happened there:
When driver Big Manju played Biffy Clyro’s “Many of Horrors” in the Bravo (Raleigh for “car”) that brought us to Kerala, I knew it would be the beginning of a wonderful trip full of positive surprises. After a short stop for lunch and – important important – a birthday cake for Ramesh, we greeted a knackered group of trekkers, who wouldn’t even bother to get up for the promising, but misleading bag from “Domino’s Pizza” that carried the cake. It seems like I had landed at the right time: A rest day was ahead of us! Accordingly, the group was in high spirits, smearing cake and henna into each other’s faces whilst watching pokerfaced Abi win “The Question Game” with, in turn, questionable item/action combinations.
“Rest”-day in Raleigh means “Raft”-day, so we put on our life jackets and went down to the Pozhutana river, where the MuddyBoots trek guides waited with a bunch of bamboo poles and a lecture on how to build a raft out of it. After having utterly successfully implemented theory into practice, we row- row- rowed our boats gently down the 2 km stream, merrily enjoying nature and the clothes-cleaning effect of water. The next day sounded equally enjoyable with a 40 km bike trip - excluding annoying rucksacks - on the menu. Except it wasn’t: Steep and lengthy uphill phases and tricky, rocky downhill sections made most of the team not care too much about the beauty of the Indian tea plantations and Claude Monet painting-like lakes that they passed by. Getting off their bikes and pushing it the last metres to the next break stop, some even reminisced about the good old days of uphill walking, which now seemed to be the much easier option of mobility. However, capitulation is not a word in the Raleigh vocabulary, and definitely not in Tango 5’s. Arriving at the Banasura campsite – happy but with sore derrières and thighs, our guides had a lovely surprise for us: Just a five-minute walk (yes! finally! walk!) away was a reservoir in which we could cool off our stressed muscles! One has never seen a camp set up so quickly; and faster than Richard “Indiana” Jones can set a Trangia cooker on fire everyone enjoyed this perfect conclusion to the day.
Everyone still smiling. Still... |
Chai break |
Shaveh showing off |
Everyone’s prayers (well, maybe not those of bike-pro Shaveh and anyone Dutch really) for uphill hiking were answered the day after, as we shouldered our incredibly heavy rucksacks – packed with tents, snacks, and an unnecessarily high amount of breakfast oats – for a 15.5 km trek along the Banasura waters. During snack and lunch breaks by small rivers, the discussions revolved around what music would be sufficiently energising to tackle the steep forest paths and how clean Dan could get this glass of Nutella. Arriving knackered (the Chai break half an hour earlier did not do the expected miracle) at Meenmutti campsite, which we had all been looking forward to, we were slightly disappointed upon realising that accessing the toilet required another hike. We were furthermore slightly terrified, when it suddenly started raining for 3 minutes, but greatly rewarded with a beautiful view over lush forests in front of the Banasura waters. Our high-altitude home provided the perfect setting for a round of Mafia. Or rather THE round of Mafia, that would change the course of this game forever (for better or worse has yet to be determined) by shamelessly perverting the role of the little boy.
Group except highly efficient photographer Alex |
Lunch break |
I'd like to thank Ferrero for getting me through this... |
Alex kissing ground upon arrival. |
After 15.5 km, the 9 km trek the day after looked like a waltz on the map, with a steep ascend and descend right at the beginning and some ostensibly gentle flat strolling for the rest of the way to Panthipoyil. Except downhill trekking turned out to be a demanding exercise for body and brain, as dense grass lands made finding a safe spot to put your foot somewhat impossible and the promised 200 meters distance to the next break stop were either a horrendous arithmetic error or a cruel, deliberate challenge posed by our guides to push us to our limits (I suspect the latter). However, the sentiment changed into rather cheerful directions when when the relatively flat second leg of the trek made singing possible. Spirits slowly bubbled upon arrival at camp with the “installation” of an open air shower, then intensely simmered when watching a can of Milk Maid being downed in 1:37 minutes, and boiled over when the Loop (including Coke and Mars bars) arrived to spend the night – and the night trek with us.
Ramesh the engine |
That's what happens upon arrival to campside: Absolutely nothing for at least 30 minutes. |
After Caspar had been handed the meticulously carved day leader baton, he made sure to wake up everyone at 2am sharp to start our 13.5 km night trek equipped with head torches and dressed in Longs. Fatigue quickly vanished when the distinct advantages of this trekking form became apparent: Less sweating, complete ignorance of tricky gradients to come (if you don’t see it, it’s not there), and of course the chance to watch a beautiful sunrise.
After daybreak we used the energy saved during the night to face the way up the 1200 meters mountain of Kurisumala, a pilgrim centre for Christians in Kerala, offering stunning views over the region and breathtaking photo and video (!!!) opportunities: A motion picture group hello to friends and family from the top of the world
(we are sorry for being a bit brief, but the climb left us breathless and the view speechless)
After a rather tricky way down to the group’s next campsite, it was time for the Loop and me to say farewell. It has been an absolute delight spending time with you guys. Thanks for being my Phase II highlight. Love, your Quebec.
A small taste of Tango 5's dedication |
And now: Messages written with the scarce remaining drags of physical and mental energy:
From Abi |
From Alex |
From Caspar |
From Dan |
From Frances |
From Rhian |
From Richard |
From Roos |
From Rory |
From Sammy |
From Sofie |
From Venetia |
To Tango 5's Rory.
ReplyDeleteHi Rory, it was great to see you and the rest of T5 on the blog today. Sounds like it is a lot of up-hill walking but, judging by the views in the photographs, it looks worth all the effort. Glad you are eating well! Nothing new here really. Spring is on the way and the garden is coming to life; maybe you could cut the grass when you are home?? Maya is well and is on her adventure trip this week too. As grandpa would say 'just keep putting one foot in from of the other!' much love and all that stuff Mum xxx
Natalie Tango 5. Great news and photos, what a motley lot you look! It certainly sounds tough, think how fit you will be on your return, I can barely get round Newbold Comyn. Sun is shining and blossom out.Love Mums and Smiley Buster
ReplyDeleteRichard Tango 5, Congratulations, hope the sale of your effects is successful, have fun, and I think your note from the trek will generate a lot of blogs! Smiley Buster
ReplyDeleteDear Helen (Echo 3 Turtles)
ReplyDeleteHope all is going well and you're working hard. Happy Birthday for Sunday! You'll need to rest up for the trekking part of your trip which will soon be happening. Take care, keep washing those hands and stay safe. We're all thinking of you and looking forward to seeing you again soon. love Mum and Dad xxx
For Rhian Tango 5
ReplyDeleteGreat to see the pictures and read the blog. It does look very hard work, but good too! Nice to get your message as well. Lindsay blogged you the other day, I will see if I can get Nan going again! Wendy sends her love and is very impressed with the breakfast menu - you will all have very low cholesterol levels apparently. Just off to do another interview so will blog again soon. Lots of love, Mum xoxoxoxoxox
Roosmarijn Groen tango 5
ReplyDeletehallo lieve ROOS, wat een leuk verslag heb ik net van je ge+lezen!! Zo te horen tlt de familie weer een India-ganger erbij. De anderen zijn alweer een tijdje thuis, maar nog steeds veel te vertellen.Ik ben ook benieuwd naar wat je allemaal te vertellen heb, hoor. Zijn je schoenen al versleten? Nou ja, een paar nieuwe slippertjes zijn gauw gekocht. Nog een maandje en dan MOET je weer naar huis!!! o, o, wat zullen er veel mensen hier weer blij zijn. Maar dan wordt DAT VAST HET VERDRIET VAN INDIA!
Nou Roos blijf goed je best doen en..... zal ik \jorrit even van jou fekiciteren ? een dikke knuffel OMA X
Marjolein - Echo 3
Als je terug bent gaan we naar Despicable Me 2 en Madagascar 3, oke?
Heb net de trailers gekeken en die zijn leuuk! ;)
Dear Frances (Tango 5), So happy to have more news of you from the trek. It looks as if it is very very hard work, but a happy group all getting on together well. What a view in the photo of you with the cross(!), though it looks as if you have a graze on your knee :(. I hope that gets better soon! Daddy will be very proud of your mountain biking - we're all hanging on every bit of news and cannot wait to see you when you get back. Glad the parcels arrived too, and quite quickly as well. Isobel comes home on Friday, or rather to London. House getting nearer to occupation by the day - the kitchen is being fitted next week, and the beloved Aga is already installed and set to "slumber" until we can cook on it. We've been keeping up with Ingrid's news too - they've posted a very cool lipdub video on the Borneo blog site with Ingrid singing in a tiara. Wolf is missing you, but is getting lots of walks, and loves being in the country. Off to London for a few days to meet up with Clare R at the Country Living fair. Just spoken to Daddy who's going straight to your blog post - he has just arrived back from Luxembourg, Grand Chamber, 400 people watching ... Keep well, and look after your knee. Will contact Sophie ... Lots of love, Mumma XXXX
ReplyDeleteDaniel Leigh Tango 5
ReplyDeleteHi again Dan. We have read, with a mixture of awe and delight, the details of your trek so far. (Days 8 out of 18). We were also pleased, finally, to see some photos of you which were quite clear and when you were not standing behind the tallest member of your group. However, what's with the bandages on both your knees? Did you fall off your bike? I was looking at your face but Nana went straight to the knees.
The trek does seem awesome. Physically, it must be truly exhausting, but the rafting seems fun,the scenery spectacular, and I'm glad to know that you have managed some solid beef eating.
Can't wait for the detailed reports when you come home. We sent you a long letter earlier this week and I hope it arrives by the time you return to your fieldbase. It tells you all about our visit to Cambridge last week.
Keep strong and healthy. Lots and lots of love.
Dan Leigh Tango 5
ReplyDeleteHi Dan
Trek looks spectacular from the pictures but they should have air brushed out your bandages. Did you come off your bike? Hope you're ok.
Next time we go hiking together I suppose it will only have "short stroll" status. I had a good time skiing but without you there was no one to blame when I fell over. Look forward to speaking when you get back to field base.
lots and lots of love
sofie van gessel tango 5
ReplyDeletelieve lieve sofie
eindelijk heb ik een bericht van je gekregen, zwaar maar ook een ervaring begrijp ik.
Hier alles goed, hanna is ziek en heeft SE's je begrijpt dat geeft veel stress. Chuck wordt groot en eigenwijs, heb nog wel geduld met hem, Nestor gaat als een zonnetje. Begint hier nu ook wat beter weer te worden en heb allemaal bollen voor de tuin gekocht.
Rob gaat voor het stedelijk museum naar NY maar ik heb besloten om niet mee te gaan.
Ben zelf druk met mijn eindexamen en vind het leuk!Ben ook alles voor de zolder aan het uitzoeken, bad kasten, jij kan je er waarschijnlijk niks bij voorstellen daar in ver india.
Ik mis je wel, jij bent altijd lief en fijn om om je heen te hebben. Ben wel super trots op je.
Hoop dat je niet ziek bent geworden en dat je het vol houdt. Lieve lieve sofie dikke kus en lach af en toe in de camera voor mij XXX josien
ReplyDeleteHi Roosje,
Zitten nu even in Doorn voor je broer zijn B-day!! Hoe is het daar?? Ik zie net de hopeloze fotos aaahhhh wat vreselijk voor je!! zit je daar nou echt bij te zijn??? nee toch??
Inmiddels zit je mams hier dronken naast mij, want die moest nodig uitleggen hoe dit werkt. Wel leuk om z`n verhaaltje naar jou te schrijven. Jij zit natuurlijk te hopen op leuk nieuws van hier...nou Friso is lekker stil, zit nog in een duur ziekenhuis in Londen op onze belasting centen en krijgt zuurstof....wordt niet veel meer.
Verder zijn Ron en ik lekker druk met bruiloft dingen, jajaja, wij gaan trouwen 14 sep. wist je vast wel, jou mams beweerd van niet.
Jou mams was net echt te grappig boos op Dotje!! echt hilarisch.....alleen maar omdat Dot haar telefoon niet op nam...Hallo waar gaat dit over zou je denken, tja ik weet het ook niet, beetje stom om zo tegen jou te moeten lullen.
Verder eten we nu lekker Chinees. Jorrit heeft leuke cadeautjes gehad, bon om uit eten te gaan met Paultje, en douche dingen ( hij stinkt denk ik) en van ons maar wat drank om gesmeerd te blijven. Van je mams heeft hij een mooie vaas, heel gaaf, dus die ga ik nog wel een keer jatten.
Lieve kleine stoere meid. Dikke kus Femke en Maron en je dronken moeder naast me
Hi Alex
ReplyDeleteReally good to see all the stunning photos of your trek but also so good to see you in the photos and read your message!We are missing you-still havent got used to the empty nest!You look very happy and in your element.So Welsh mountains and country walks in Kent hasnt prepared you for a Kerala trek!Its Dads birthday on Fri and we are seeing the Best Marigold hotel-film about India and supper after.Emily home next week.Lots of Love Mum xx
tango 5 roosmarijn groen
ReplyDeleteLief roosje leuk briefje. Leuk om een keer iets persoonlijke te horen. Bij de afgelopen blog sta je heel vaak op de foto het zit er echt ZOOO mooi uit, ben heel jaloers. Ik ging net jeugd sentiment ophalen met mijn huisgenoten en naar kinderen voor kinderen luisteren en er is dus een album waarin 1 liedje Roosmarijn heet en een ander liedje heet Groen, hoe leeeeuk. Ik moet volgende week afrijden helemaal leuk dus hopelijk cruisen we overal heen als je terug bent! kind nog van je track het ziet er zo mooi uit. Kan niet wachten tot je terug bent ik mis jeeee. xxx Sanne ps de puntjes blijf ik inkoppen hoor
For Steve in Charlie 2.
ReplyDeleteHey zeeb,
I am very annoyed. Blues have just lost 3-1 away at Portsmouth, after we had a player sent off and poor refereeing.
I am not happy. We are not on a good run.
No Villa news really to report. Apparent bust up between N'Zogbia and Mcleish, but they deny the rumours!
I went out with Glenn, Elliot, James Hull, Batesy and Alex zine last weekend, for our bday! VERY GOOD NIGHT OUT! Elliot and Glenn were very drunk. lols!
I hope everything is ok! On your video, you are not acting like a true zine. Be yourself zeeb zine. be a chikki bunraa.
Have you done the chikki face to anyone?
Miss you bro - will let you know the Villa score on my next comment.
Love you chikki - o and btw it actually finished 4-1 to Portsmouth. Great.
sofie van gessel Tango5
ReplyDeleteZo Sofietje , hoe gaat het daar op die luxe reis van je ? Laat me je vertellen in mijn tijd noemden we dit luxe vakantie ! Ha! Ziet er erg goed uit hoor . Hier alles goed . Buikje rond gegeten aan de paardenbiefstuk , Chuck verkocht aan Stevie Wonder ,kat spoorloos verdwenen,en jouw kamer verbouwd tot thuisbioscoop !
Plezier daar tussen de slumdogmillionairs !
Kus Rob
Venetia Matthews Tango 5
ReplyDeleteDear Venetia,
Wow that looked a very hard trek etc not surprised you are missing a comfortable bed!!!
The web site is great being able to follow your progress.
Dad called in last Monday, it was good to see him, he has finished lambing which seemed to go well.
I hope to go and see Kanga's foal soon.
I wonder what the next adventure is awaiting you.
Lots of love Granny
tango5 dan leigh
ReplyDeletefirstly a farmer,then a carpenter,now a boat builder!your talents are obviously unlimited and will stand you in good stead when you return home to tend the garden and do household is also obvious that you have become a keen cyclist.keep up the good work.
love papa and buba
Daniel Leigh Tango 5
ReplyDeleteHi Dan,
Just seen the pictures of your hike, Oh dear what happened to warrant all the bandages? Hope you're OK now & that you have still managed to enjoy the hike. It looked & sounded VERY challenging, certainly not a walk in the park!(or the heath - which Ben & I did with Katie for over 2 hours whilst Dad was away skiing!). Looking forward to hopefully speaking to you on 26th? (Dad's birthday). Thinking of you & trying not to worry too much - please no more bandages! Lots & lots of love Mum xxxxxxx
Sofie van gessel tango5
ReplyDeleteHey moppie, leuk van je te horen! Uit je briefje relateerde ik een lichtje oproep om je te schrijven, noubij deze dan.ik zit nu een halve week in Cambridge, het isvakantie hier dus erg rustig was aan het begin moeilijk om contact te maken want de residentie is zo goed als leeg en ik heb nog geen roommate.Volgende week word dat anders desondanks Ik heb hier mijndraai wel gevonden heb me aangemeld voor het voetbalteam en heb nu wel wat mensen ontmoet, ik heb ook2 brabo's ontmoet(ik weet ook niet heb wat met dat volk) en bendaar mee wezen stappe. Mooie avond gehad. Je tocht klinkt erg zwaar maar ik geloof erin dat je het kan! Gewoon even volhouden topper! Ik mis je nu wel maar ik trek het wel! Lieverd nog veel plezier en ik hou van je! X Jeroen
ReplyDeleteHi Al
Just thought I would let you know Bristol have offered you a place!Still nothing from Leeds or Southampton.I dont have to reply until you have heard from everyone.Ring me if you can at the change over.Keep on trekking..Lots of love Mum xxx
For Izi Carless - Charlie 1
ReplyDeleteBizza, I hope it is amazing out there, M&D let me know roughly what you have been up to, cleaning turtles or something…?? I am sure you are having a brilliant time, the photos look cool and Mum said you have met a load of cool people I am just handing in my massive dissertation for the end of Uni (10,000 words on Thursday…bricking it atm!). Make sure you FB me whenever you get near a proper computer, I would love to know, in more detail, what you have been up to.
Stay safe and don't do anything I wouldn't do (that probably doesn't fill M&D with a lot of confidence)
Lots of Love,
Hen xoxo
Tom Mitchell ECHO 3 Turtles
ReplyDeleteHi Tom - Today is World Forest Day, so I hope you are not far from one. I met the First Minister of Wales who said he supported the idea of saving an area of rainforest the Size of Wales. That's 2 million hectares. So they have this plan to raise £2 million to do it. How? I suggested a sponsored walk around the Wales Coastal path - 1027 miles - or linking hands all round, or a mile of 10p bits at Cardiff Arms Park where Wales won the Six Nations rugby last Saturday. Maybe Echo 3 can put 10p in a pot for every turtle saved! oh Well hope you are thriving and your are having a fabulous time on the beaches with Olive and friends. Tilly is irritating me by trying to leap onto my lap as I type, claws very painful. Beautiful evening in Swinbrook and survived the slopes without broken limbs. William no doubt descending at speed on the white stuff as we speak. Amazing to watch Lottie last Sunday leaping out of a plane at 13,000 ft to raise money for a Zimbabwe school. I think the family risk profile is looking a little thin, so tread carefully! Hope music in Kerela is interesting. lots of love from M & D.
For Rhian tango 5
ReplyDeleteHi Rhian, hope things are well with you and trek continuing successfully. I have been in Chester today. Wendy got a long service award from the University, and was presented with a silver photograph frame with the University crest on it, which of course makes 20 years of marking all worth it!!! Dad has seen the photos on the blog - he texted me about them and said they were very good. I don't suppose you have seen them? There is one of you doing some very serious looking walking! I have just managed to get the spare bed out of your bedroom, it has been there since my birthday, so you can now actually get in there, a big improvement. We went out with Gillian and Paul last night. They were interested to hear news of you. Apparently Lyndsay has had an interview for a job in Dubai but I don't think she is very keen. the cats are both well. S brought in a baby pigeon last night unfortunately. We cut the bottom corner off the gate so they do not have to jump over any more with their old bones - can't remember if we had done that before you went? Anyway, I will stop wittering now. Lots of love, Mum xoxoxooxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxxoxoxox
Probably the most important message of them all to be radioed, semaphored or drummed to Barney in Charlie 2 as a matter of utmost importance. Just back from Maine Road where City kept up the pressure with a well earned 2-1 win over Chels. 0-0 half time with City doing everything but score. Deflected goal with Chelsea's first shot saw us one down. Enter Carlos, a slightly lucky pen put away by Kun, the a sublime flick from Carlos for Sammy N to finish with aplomb. A nerve racking final few minutes. But all good. M6 shut on way home, but no matter. Good to speak today Barnes, hope it keeps going well.
For Daniel Leigh tango 5
ReplyDeletefirst of all why didnt you tell me there was a way to contact you - i could have been annoying for weeks. second of all arsenal are now ahead of spurs in the league by 2 points so you suck. thirdly whats up with your knees - looks like you had scars on them and shit. fourthly joes back and hes changed. fifthly lps back and he looks way too much like seth rogen and sixthly i got a girl pregnant and dropped out of univeristy - i now work at shaketastic to support my ever growing family
lots of love
tango 5 Daniel Liegh
ReplyDeletefirstly why the didnt you tell us about this glorious website - i almost didnt know about this hole nuttella incident. secondly arsenal are 2 points ahead of spurs HA. thirdly what happened to your knees man and also did the hole im gonna shit off my kindle thing every work out?. fourthly joes back and hes changed (he got thrown off a kibbutz for not working hard enough - now word of a lie). fifthly lps back and he looks way too much like seth rogen. sixthly i got a girl pregnant and dropped out of university and now work at shaketastic to support my ever growing family
lots of love
Lieve lieve Sofie,
ReplyDeleteJeroen kwam met deze site waar je blogs kon schrijven en toen kon ik het niet laten om ook een klein berichtje achter te laten. Wat super leuk om jou brief en de foto te zien, tje je zult het idd wel erg zwaar hebben maar vast ook heel leuk!
Even een kleine update van mijn leven: op dit moment ben ik een kluizenaars leven aan het houden, heb namelijk volgende week tentamens en heb nog weinig in de boeken gekeken. Het is hier namelijk ook echt super lekker weer en dan is het toch wel erg verleidelijk om even een klein terrasje te pakken, maar ik hou me erg goed in! Verder gaat het met Maartje ook beter, haar SE's zijn afgelopen en kan nu weer eventjes goed chille, ik zou ook tegen haar zeggen dat ze hier berichtjes kunt schrijven. Dus je wordt waarschijnlijk binnenkort gestalkt door je oh zo lieve Amsterdam vriendinnetjes!:)
Eigenlijk gaat het hier gewoon zijn gangetje niks bijzonders, jij bent toch gewoon voor koninginnedag terug?
Lieve schat, geniet heel veel daar, zo iets maak je maar een keer mee! En ik ben erg benieuwd naar al jou verhalen!:)
Heel veel liefde van Fa! <3
Lieve lieve Sofie,
ReplyDeleteJeroen kwam met deze site waar je blogs kon schrijven en toen kon ik het niet laten om ook een klein berichtje achter te laten. Wat super leuk om jou brief en de foto te zien, tje je zult het idd wel erg zwaar hebben maar vast ook heel leuk!
Even een kleine update van mijn leven: op dit moment ben ik een kluizenaars leven aan het houden, heb namelijk volgende week tentamens en heb nog weinig in de boeken gekeken. Het is hier namelijk ook echt super lekker weer en dan is het toch wel erg verleidelijk om even een klein terrasje te pakken, maar ik hou me erg goed in! Verder gaat het met Maartje ook beter, haar SE's zijn afgelopen en kan nu weer eventjes goed chille, ik zou ook tegen haar zeggen dat ze hier berichtjes kunt schrijven. Dus je wordt waarschijnlijk binnenkort gestalkt door je oh zo lieve Amsterdam vriendinnetjes!:)
Eigenlijk gaat het hier gewoon zijn gangetje niks bijzonders, jij bent toch gewoon voor koninginnedag terug?
Lieve schat, geniet heel veel daar, zo iets maak je maar een keer mee! En ik ben erg benieuwd naar al jou verhalen!:)
Heel veel liefde van Fa! <3
Lieve lieve Sofie,
ReplyDeleteJeroen kwam met deze site waar je blogs kon schrijven en toen kon ik het niet laten om ook een klein berichtje achter te laten. Wat super leuk om jou brief en de foto te zien, tje je zult het idd wel erg zwaar hebben maar vast ook heel leuk!
Even een kleine update van mijn leven: op dit moment ben ik een kluizenaars leven aan het houden, heb namelijk volgende week tentamens en heb nog weinig in de boeken gekeken. Het is hier namelijk ook echt super lekker weer en dan is het toch wel erg verleidelijk om even een klein terrasje te pakken, maar ik hou me erg goed in! Verder gaat het met Maartje ook beter, haar SE's zijn afgelopen en kan nu weer eventjes goed chille, ik zou ook tegen haar zeggen dat ze hier berichtjes kunt schrijven. Dus je wordt waarschijnlijk binnenkort gestalkt door je oh zo lieve Amsterdam vriendinnetjes!:)
Eigenlijk gaat het hier gewoon zijn gangetje niks bijzonders, jij bent toch gewoon voor koninginnedag terug?
Lieve schat, geniet heel veel daar, zo iets maak je maar een keer mee! En ik ben erg benieuwd naar al jou verhalen!:)
Heel veel liefde van Fa! <3
Lieve lieve Sofie,
ReplyDeleteJeroen kwam met deze site waar je blogs kon schrijven en toen kon ik het niet laten om ook een klein berichtje achter te laten. Wat super leuk om jou brief en de foto te zien, tje je zult het idd wel erg zwaar hebben maar vast ook heel leuk!
Even een kleine update van mijn leven: op dit moment ben ik een kluizenaars leven aan het houden, heb namelijk volgende week tentamens en heb nog weinig in de boeken gekeken. Het is hier namelijk ook echt super lekker weer en dan is het toch wel erg verleidelijk om even een klein terrasje te pakken, maar ik hou me erg goed in! Verder gaat het met Maartje ook beter, haar SE's zijn afgelopen en kan nu weer eventjes goed chille, ik zou ook tegen haar zeggen dat ze hier berichtjes kunt schrijven. Dus je wordt waarschijnlijk binnenkort gestalkt door je oh zo lieve Amsterdam vriendinnetjes!:)
Eigenlijk gaat het hier gewoon zijn gangetje niks bijzonders, jij bent toch gewoon voor koninginnedag terug?
Lieve schat, geniet heel veel daar, zo iets maak je maar een keer mee! En ik ben erg benieuwd naar al jou verhalen!:)
Heel veel liefde van Fa! <3
for frances tango 5:
ReplyDeleteMISS YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!! but looks like you're having an amazing time, keep it up doing so so so well, looking through the photos and one boy has matching trousers to bear grylls! #true trekker! you got a tan yet??? you would love exhibit D in charlie 1, VERY cute puppy!!!!!!! got a job on the farm feeding lambs this summer, so visit as soon as your back please, pierre misses you aha! REMEMBER A BRACELET PLEASE! can't wait to see you, enjoy the last part so much xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx katie archibald
Hiiiii I''mmmmm Daaannn Leigh
ReplyDeleteLove Alex (LP)
Hi I'm Daaan Leeeigh
ReplyDeleteLove LP
Lieve lieve Sofie,
ReplyDeleteJeroen kwam met deze site waar je blogs kon schrijven en toen kon ik het niet laten om ook een klein berichtje achter te laten. Wat super leuk om jou brief en de foto te zien, tje je zult het idd wel erg zwaar hebben maar vast ook heel leuk!
Even een kleine update van mijn leven: op dit moment ben ik een kluizenaars leven aan het houden, heb namelijk volgende week tentamens en heb nog weinig in de boeken gekeken. Het is hier namelijk ook echt super lekker weer en dan is het toch wel erg verleidelijk om even een klein terrasje te pakken, maar ik hou me erg goed in! Verder gaat het met Maartje ook beter, haar SE's zijn afgelopen en kan nu weer eventjes goed chille, ik zou ook tegen haar zeggen dat ze hier berichtjes kunt schrijven. Dus je wordt waarschijnlijk binnenkort gestalkt door je oh zo lieve Amsterdam vriendinnetjes!:)
Eigenlijk gaat het hier gewoon zijn gangetje niks bijzonders, jij bent toch gewoon voor koninginnedag terug?
Lieve schat, geniet heel veel daar, zo iets maak je maar een keer mee! En ik ben erg benieuwd naar al jou verhalen!:)
Heel veel liefde van Fa! <3
Alex Wilton Tango 5
ReplyDeleteHi Al Pal! It was so lovely to see you in so many of the pictures on trek and in the video. I can see that you are having the most amazing time and really enjoying yourself. Congrats on the Bristol offer, that's really good news.
Term finishes tomorrow (fri 23rd) but I don't have any lectures on a friday so I have now officially had my last ever lecture at uni and never have to hand in another essay ever again!!! Its so good but a bit scary at the same time. Now for the revision :(
I am going home next week for 4 days and I'm really looking forward to that although it will be very strange without you being there, at least I have first dibs on the car!
Also I don't know if you have planned anything much in Thailand already but if you want to go to the fullmoon party in july, the accommodation goes quickly so you need to see if your friends back home can sort it out for you.
I'm glad to see you are having a great time, keep up the letters and photos,
Lots of Love Em xxxx
Roosmarijn Groen
ReplyDeleteTango 5
Ha lieve schat
Begin je nu erg te missen ,hoor!
Wat ziet het er allemaal geweldig uit.En wat maak je veel mee.
Hier is alles heel rustig.Paul zijn engelandreis was geweldig.Hij vond Londen de mooiste stad ever.
Volgende week heeft hij set week,hgfgdtsyvryst
Jor zijn verjaardag was erg gezellig.
Dot heeft een geweldig leven ookal vindt ze dat ze nu erg hard moet studeren.Heeft een aantal tentamens.
Tussen jou en mij .....het valt wel mee.
Guus is nog geheel in de picture!
Jor zijn rijlessen gaan goed.
Had ik al gezegd dat die van jou ingepland zijn?
Ik denk dat je nog tot maandag aan het trekken bent,het is vandaag donderdag.
Dan gaat je laatste project in,he?Ben erg benieuwd wat het is.Zag net schattige babyfotootjes voorbij komen<dan wil ik wel ruilen.
Nou ga weer duits overhoren,en daarna lekker eten.
love you en ik hoop snel wat van je te horen
ps ik maak me niet teveel zorgen
Becky Massey - Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteHi Bexta
We so enjoyed your email. I don't know how many Venturers you are recruiting as we pass on your emails and the YouTube video you did. Even Granny R is becoming computer literate trying to keep up with what you are doing! The communication generally is superb and we feel we have a real flavour of it all (now this will definitely be published!). Of course we haven't at all and can't wait to hear about it all first hand from you. You seem to be planning to travel after the venturer phase - wonderful.
Ben is coming home tomorrow. He rang last night very chuffed that he had been elected presidential of the uni Aussie rules club. He clinched it by persuading a (attractive) girl on his course to agree to be the team mascot and got all the votes!!
Mum is excited about the chicken coup which is due to arrive tomorrow, and James by the prospect of a limitless supply of eggs for his fry-ups. Imo and James are working hard. Imo's teachers have suggested that she should go for Oxbridge so she is researching that. She has a French oral exam tomorrow. I had a great cycle last Sunday starting and finishing at Longleat. I was very pleased with myself until I realised the fastest guys, and girl, had gone round in almost exactly half my time!! The Donn beat too, so I have to decide whether to give up or do some secret training! You must be finishing your second phase soon and looking forward to a get together at field base. Take care darling and have fun. All my love
Dad x
Frances, T5
ReplyDeleteCounting down the days till you are going to be back, SO excited to see you and the non fake tan. I hope that you dont have to resort to using a sock again this summer....... Am finishing in 6 days, so when you are back i am going to have time to kill (probably will have to get a job but prefer not to think about that yet) but please can we have a trip to Easton, i would say i would drive but i got lost last time i ventured that far. so probably a bit risky. anyway, wanted to get that crucial event in the diary... Peace out, tons of love Iona
Ps. you look so cute crouched on that rock
pps. i am literally eating myself to death at the moment, im getting so fat. have had enough to feed an army and i hope you are loving those curries which im so jealous of. depressingly masterchef just finished however my all time favourite, Great british menu returns in April ... you know how excited i get
Sorry to the rest of tango 5 if they have had to listen to that, my only excuse is that i am desperately trying to avoid work and so am writing rubbish instead. Hope you all enjoy the last few weeks. peace
Tango 6 Helena Constantinou
ReplyDeleteI am sure you are having a great time .looked at all the blogs great fun -caught the back of you in the paint fight. Your not on the next blogs as they are not visiting Tango 6 or Echo 3 on this loop but sure we will catch up with you when your back at field base or on your next adventure. Maybe Echo 3! . Every thing looks amazing, your trek must be great fun . Any Elephants? Birds? Tigers??! must have seen loads! Rafting and trekking in the mountains! blister plasters! ?? Lots of Photos I hope :-) and Tea Tea and more Tea.:-)
Phils show has finished .and 2 nights at The Hard Rock Cafe were great fun. Nico and I caught up with Mark and he is all good. baby lambs. All good news on Nico's Hospital appointment and improvement on Eyes. The spring is lovely with lots of buds and blossom but no rain.
Thanks for the Mothers day FB wishes. Hope your ankle gets better!
Take care , enjoy, enjoy! enjoy!
Lots of Love
Mum, Dad, Nick, Mark and Phil xox
Frances Tango 5
ReplyDeleteHi Frances, just to wish you continued strength on your trek - anything else will just be a leg-stretch after that. Life in the Piggery has been a little on the grim side and your timing from that point of view has been superb. I have been taking down trees with John Smith that were undermining the church next to the new house. Still nothing from St Andrews - they must be running it down to the wire. Zobbo comes home today and wishes you could do a revision plan for her.
If you run into Patrick from Charlie 2, do ask him what the "old tomato ketchup trick" is - according to his mum it stops dogs smelling when they have rolled in dead fish. Such fun nosing into other people's blog posts. Much love Dada xxx
to Richard -tango five
ReplyDeletethis blog is for you, congrats on your news in your letter!
peter (natalies' father)
hey dan,
ReplyDeletejosh thought it would be nice if we all wrote something,
To Venetia T5
ReplyDeleteGreat to catch up on your adventures again. Didn't recognise you in the video until you spoke - your hair looked so blond !
All well here. Can't believe Hannah's been home a week - I'll kick her again about sending you a message. It's been warm and dry so hunting is more like glorified hacks in the spring sunshine. I have a set of your Dad's triplets to bottle feed along with 6 others, and we had a set of twin lambs yesterday after a 3 week gap.
I can't believe you're almost at the end of the second 'task' !
Love from all here.
Heather xxx
Jenna Winstanley
ReplyDeleteCharlie 1
Hi sweetie,
I was thrilled to see you on the video - you look so fit and well, and what a tan you are cultivating! You are going to make the rest of look really pasty when you arrive home. So pleased to hear that you are gaining new skills, should the loo ever need fixing I will know who to call!
Well the weather here at long last appears to be on the turn. The sun is shining and the temperature is moderate. I have managed to pot a few plants in containers during the week, so the garden is looking quite pretty at the moment. Christ has just called and she is off to Birmingham with Todd and his parents, so she is happy. Paul has just come back from completing a duathlon in Mumbles. He sends his love, which he says he is having to do under duress, but it's not true as I know that he misses you as much as we all do. Still no contact with Tom, so can't say anything about him.
See you soon, lots of hugs and kisses
Mum xxxxxxxxxx
To Caspar Tango 5:
ReplyDeleteIch wollt nur eben sagen: wir freuen uns soooo sehr auf Dich!!!!!!
PS: was ist das eigentlich für ein T-Shirt auf Deinem Trekking trip????????
10000 Küsse von Maaaamiiii
Natalia (T6)
ReplyDeleteHi Natalia, greetings from Rome where victoria and I have gone away for the weekend. A little cooler and more churches than last time! I managed to find the vintage clothes shop but they had no more italian jackets...i will keep hunting but meantime everyone will keep on nicking yours. Ben is off on his tennis camp in majorca and is happy to have a break. Willow is doing really well and is as adorable as ever. Actually, she would have fitted in well here in Rome as a fashion accessory. hope all going well...we have been posting blogs and sent you a snail mail letter so hope they all get through. Love you, M+D xx
to Caspar Crasemann Tango 5:
ReplyDeleteMein Engel, kannst Du mir vielleicht einen schönen indischen Schal mitbringen?
Wir freuen uns dolle auf Dich Kuss Mamilini
Roosmarijn Groen- tango 5
ReplyDeleteschatje! haha ik reageer gewoon nog een keer op dezelfde blog. Wat leuk dat je op facebook was. Ik sliep nog echt zo stommm!!! Maar leuk om te horen dat je het zo leuk hebt:) sexy sandalen wel hoor! tot sneeeel xxxxxxxxxxxxx
For James Phillips - Echo 3:
ReplyDeleteHi James, lovely to talk to you on the phone today. So glad your having a great time. I've been following the progress you and the other groups are making on the website which is fantastic. You all do such great work. Lauren had a good 16th Birthday. Keep up the good work. Everyone sends their love. Love and miss you
Mum x x x
Venetia - Tango 5
Don't know when you next get access to fb so thought I'd leave you a quick (or not as the case may be!) hello on here instead. Thank you for your message, was very nice to hear from you. Sorry I've been so rubbish!
Anyway sounds like you've been having an amazing time though definitely don't think I'd manage walking that far! Hope it was worth all the hard work! Can't wait to hear all about it when you're back - will probably have to set aside a day or two!
Been back from uni for just over a week so adjusting to the slightly slower pace of life again! Strange you not being around especially when I've popped over to your house! Did 8 hours on Chico last Saturday having not ridden for 10 weeks - felt it a bit the next day! Was a good day though and had a few good runs. Chico was quite happy to be up front and jumping again! Wednesday was definitely a bit more of a nice hack in the sunshine though! Think I'm taking Mucky out on Saturday for the last day which should be good.
Was judging with your parents at the point to point yesterday which was fun. Was such a nice day to be out - don't think the weather has ever been as nice! Only had 3 in each race (2 in one) and the first 2 races only had 1 person cross the finish line! Made our life a bit easier though we did have a couple of close finishes to deal with as well!
Rowing been going ok although not been great for my back/shoulders! Hopefully got that sorted now though. Didn't do as well as we hoped in some of the races but hopefully next term will be better as I should be with a better crew. We've got 8 training sessions and a race a week though so it's quite full on and I'm having to learn to be not so lazy and get on with some hard exercise! Almost as bad as your trekking!
Also you should be proud of me as I've actually been doing some work this easter and have plans to do a lot more! I reckon in the last 2 terms we've covered about as much as I did in the 2 years of A level in all my subjects! It's quite scary really and don't know how I'm going to do the exams! Can't wait until the summer!
Anyway I will stop rambling now! Hope you have fun on your next task and enjoy having a break from carrying your big rucksack for miles!
Lots of love
Alex Wilton Tango 5
ReplyDeleteI love that I can stalk what you've been up to and where you are! And your cute little video and letter!
I'm so sorry I didnt get round to calling before you left, I am a terrible friend and I owe you Ben and Jerry's upon your return!
I though of you on pancake day!
Am home for easter now, weird that I'm not gonna see you :( You'll be happy to know me and Evie have been chatting this term and are good again :) Gonna meet up in the hols, will be thinking of you!
Hope you continue to have an awesome time. Have you seen Haydn yet?
Don't die!
Lots of Love Anna xxx
Alex Wilton Tango 5
ReplyDeleteHonk, yes unfortunately every time I hear a flaming goose which as you know is very often, it does remind me of you haha. I hope you're having an awesome time out there, it's really strange being home without you here, I have so much empty time :P. Well done on your Bristol offer! (I definitely didn't find that out from being a stalker and reading your sisters message, nah I did but only because I forgot how to address these things.) Everything in the bury is good, except for I have conjunctivitis which is not so fun, went to the beach the other day to attempt to catch some rays before tour but naturally it didn't work :(. Apart from that being home is fun, I've just been lazy and resting and it's lovely seeing the family again. Gracie says I hope you're having a really good time. Still not particularly sure of my summer plans, you got any more ideas? Hope my message was long enough to count as three :p sorry I haven't written before, I'm a bad friend haha
Evie :) xxxxx
Alex Wilton Tango 5
ReplyDeleteAlex!!! It looks like your having a pretty awesome time out there so far. So jealous and loving the blue head band.
Broke up uni for a month last week and went up to notts to see joe and chris, you were sorely missed haha. Also i am missing your organization skills for nights out and such, only managed one night in canterbury so far. Looks like i'll have to give it ago haha. But with you not here this easter, it gives me the chance to get better at dynasty warriors :) going to spain on tour next week so hopefully the weather will be nicer there than here in kent haha.
hopefully going to be booking my flights out to Thailand within the next few days so im pumped for july now, might even stay a bit longer and travel a bit more haha.
Stay classy man and hear from ya soon buddy!!!
James x
Lieve Roos,
ReplyDeleteMijn vorige bericht is denk ik niet door de censuur gekomen. Maar daarin maakte ik natuurlijk mijn complimenten over jullie bezigheden en ik liet je toen ook weten dat ik blij ben dat de langste tijd er op zit en ik uitkijk naar je terugkomst. Natuurlijk hoop ik dat je er nog volop van geniet, het is toch allemaal heel bijzonder, maar ik mis je wel hoor.
Veel liefs, Louise
To Richard, Tango 5
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your romantic love affair in India!
I'll sell your belongings and write to you on the blog, but I want 25%...
Just been browsing for a house...
ReplyDeleteTo Sofie van Gessel, Tango 5
ReplyDeletelieve Sofie, we missen je..... ik kan me je helemaal trekking voorstellen en we zijn super benieuwd naar je verhalen. Het duurt niet zo heel lang meer.... Jasper staat in het weiland en mist je ook en natuurlijk vooral Muis! Is al die curry nog wel lekker? Hele dikke kus van Saar
Sofie, ik mis je heel heel erg. Ik hou van je Daan
Ik mis je heel erg en gelukkig kom je snel weer terug. Op de foto's ziet het er allemaal fantastisch uit! =) xx Jona
Lieve Sofie, ik mis je heel heel erg. Is het daar wel leuk? xxxxxxxxx Iesje
Hey Sofie, is heel fijn om je stem vorige week te horen, je leek wel onder de
indruk van alle ervaringen. Het einde nadert alweer, want vandaag is het 1 April.
1miljoen kussen, papa
Aan Sofie van Gessel, Tango 5
ReplyDeleteLief Sofje,
Avonturier van me! Ik ben zo trots op je dat je dit aan het doen bent :) Het lijkt me ontzettend zwaar maar wel een ervaring om nooit te vergeten! Zo sta je van het heerlijke leventje in Amsterdam, midden in het primitieve leven van India. Dit is een wereld van verschil, maar ook een wereld die je moet leren kennen. Daarom zo goed van jou dat je dit hebt ondernomen. Je bent een sterke meid en maakt goede beslissingen :) De foto's zien er spectaculair uit. Ik hoop dat je geniet van alles om je heen en dat je ook een beetje tot rust kunt komen ondanks de pittige trekkingen door de natuur. Ik mis je wel dus blijf tot hoelang jij wilt, maar kom daarna snel terug! xxxx Romee
Alex Wilton Tango 5
ReplyDeleteHey alex. Hope things in India are going well. Looking pensive in the photo haha. I have two bits of very exciting information from England. One Mr Ron Burgandy has announced that Anchorman 2 will be made. The next piece is that the greatest band in history Tenacious D have made a new album. I'm still in San Francisco at the moment but I'm sure when I get back it'll feel a lonely without anyone to organize anything haha. Hope to hear all the cool things you guys have been up to soon.
Aan Sofie van Gessel, Tango 5
ReplyDeleteAllerliefste Sofje!
Wat ziet het er enorm heftig uit wat je aan het doen bent. Ik vind het zo stoer van je dat je eventjes in je eentje naar India bent afgereisd. Ook erg fijn om te horen dat het goed met je gaat en je het zelfs naar je zin hebt. Echt lief dat je me even een berichtje hebt gestuurd. Met mij gaat het ook goed, SE week overleefd, naja eigenlijk eventjes een paar 'belachelijk' goede cijfers binnengesleept. Maar dat mocht ook onderhand wel een keer right?! Zelf word ik erg gelukkig van het idee dat je snel weer gezellig terug bent in Amsterdam, want we missen je wel hoor. Lieve Sof GENIET van je laatste weekjes daar. Tot snel. Dikke kus Maart
Alex Wilton
ReplyDeleteLooks like you've been tangoed...
Hey man hows it going!! Been keeping an eye on all yours and haydn's photos and videos and looks like you guys are having some fun out there, jealous dude. I'm back from notts now and home for easter until the 29th. Seen a few people since getting back last saturday which has been good- so many of our crowd are away for periods this holiday though (not literally obviously- that'd be gross)still feel like i've barely seen anyone! Sorely missing your's and your flip phone's organisation skills- being social is so much effort to organise! Um not really much else to say really, dunno if you've heard- me, james , anna and sarah have sorted tickets to go reading in august which i'm pumped for :) Think thats pretty much it man, life's pretty quiet back here so would hate to bore you anymore haha Hopefully hear from you sometime soon buddy- peace out, you stay classy san diago...
Clittle x
Hi Ollie (Echo 4),
ReplyDeleteHope the last stage of your adventure is going well. Shrewsbury now 3rd after beating Macclesfield 3-1 yesterday. Next match against Bradford at home on monday. Swindon going to win it. Between Crawley, Torquay and Town for top 3. Torquay keep winning 1-0.
Liverpool on terrible run in league but play Everton in semis of FA Cup. Chelsea play Barcelona in semis of Champions League after beating Benfica.
Jimmy Taylor signed for Nottinghamshire might play occasionally for Shrewsbury with Joe Hart!
Still not heard about Kent School obviously not keen to sell to us unless they have to. But have not said no yet! Off to France to look at two chateaux next week.
Looking forward to seeing you on the 18th. Enjoy your last two weeks.
Love Dad xxxx
Heyy Alex Tango 5,
ReplyDeleteHow are you going little panda?? Just watched your little youtube video and where you are looks so amazing :) What have you been up to this month? Seen any real pandas yet? It's Easter hols here atm so most people are back for a bit which is nice. Standard pool night tonight with Jen, James and Chris so I'll let you know how we get on...obviously the girls will win. revision is terribly boring and I'm very jel of you! Hope you're well, love to hear from you if you get a chance on your adventures :)
lotsa love from your little piglet and pals xxx