All good things have to come to an end… On 22 - 29 February, a high level Fieldbase delegation - consisting of Rhys, Simon, and me (Christiane) - visited three project groups to get first hand insights into how they are doing and what they do (à THE LOOP).
After experiencing Charlie 2's busy village life and Echo 4’s star-spangled basher tranquility in Tamil Nadu, we headed back to Karnataka to pay a visit to our Charlie 1 community project in Ghandenahalli. In this rural village of 7000 inhabitants, the venturers and PMs set up camp in the local primary school, wandering off to build eco-sanitation toilets during school hours. Here some firsthand impressions of PM and Project Medic Cate with some help of venturer Natalia Robinson:![]() |
The Charlies |
Every morning crows and cockerels announce the arrival of the sun, interrupting the noise of the ceaseless prayers through the best damn PA system I have ever heard. Sometimes they play prayers over the top of each other resulting in an interesting mix (well, it sounds much better than Coldplay anyway).
The “watering holes” are not what we Westerners class as a watering hole; they are exactly what it says on the tin. The children make pumping the water look like fun, but after two jerrycans, I need a nap. Except a nap would be a deflating roll mat on the concrete floor.
Showering in a urinal is not that rank when your view is the glowing orange sun setting for the evening while you wash the cement from your body and hope the local children are not walking on the neighbouring wall trying to catch a glimpse of those weird white people. When walking through the village the shouts of the children’s “Hi, hi!” overwhelm you like a tsunami and their little bright faces just want to know your name and tell you theirs. And your father's. And your mother's. And your sister's.
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Headmaster bedroom |
Sunset shower |
Eco-plates |
Day off / sports: Rafting refreshment |
Day off / culture: Tibetian temple |
And now: Messages written whilst being surrounded by 1000 prying village kids:
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From Caspar |
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From Flora |
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From Marjolein |
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From Natalia |
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Also from Natalia |
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From Venetia |
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From Will |
nice guys... i am from tamil nadu only... its very interesting to read this post... thank u..
ReplyDeleteSteve Lovell Echo 3
ReplyDeleteHi Ste!
Hope this reaches you ok as I am aware that you won't be an echo 3 for much longer! Thanks so much for your e mail - so lovely to hear from you. I have been following the blogs and it all looks fantastic tho no turtle pictures yet - hope to see some when you all make it back to base camp.
Talking of photos have you taken lots? Hope so.
Not much to report here - raining at the moment. Do you remember what that is?? When will you learn what you are doing next? Are you uin for a mega rest now??
Everyone is fine here. Nanna is away for the weekend and nan is sorting out stuff - AGAIN!! Andy had a work night out on Friday, which no doubt he will fill you in on, and we had Rob and Carol for a meal. - they send their best wishes to you. As do people at school and my yoga ladies, who need regular updates1
Well 22 on Wednesday!! Happy Happy Happy Birthday - it will certainly be one to remember. Wonder if you will have an evil looking cake like we saw on previous photos? I hope you have told people - I know you!!
We all miss you and often ask what you may be doing. So glad all is going really well.
Love you lots and will be thinking of you especially on Wednesday. Happy Birthday
love Mum x
Hi Clairey, we think you'll be back to base camp tomorrow(Monday), hope the trek went well - looking forward to hearing how you got on! We went to Chill Factor to test our ski legs as we go to Austria next Saturday for a week - really looking forward to being in the mountains! We were both in London last week and went to see David Hockney at the RA - fabulous!Went to Birmingham and back last night with Grannie for Anne Crockers 50th party. All well here. Lots of love, Mum and Dad xx
ReplyDeleteCharlie 1 Marjolein Bender
ReplyDeleteHey lieve Pepi!!! Wat een fantastisch verslag hebben wij kunnen lezen over jullie project in Ghandenahalli en wat verrukkelijk om zulke leuke foto's te zien, waar jij ook op staat en dan ook nog je briefje....SMULLEN! Wat moet het daar geweldig mooi zijn en wat leuk, dat jullie tussen het werken door ook nog raften, tempels bezoeken etc. Ik verheug me er ook enorm op je binnenkort even te spreken, dus geef maar een seintje als het zover is.
Heeeeeeeel veel dikke knuffels van Mutti :)
For Steve in Echo 3.
just saying happy bday zine chikki, and i hope you have a great day. do these actually get read out? like if i put CHIIKKKKIII ZINE ZINE CHIKKI BUNRAA - will someone actually read that out?
I understand that you having a great time. Since my last message - Blues have lost 2-1 at home to Nottingham Forest and drw 2-2 at home to Derby - it has not been good.
However Villa did draw 1-1 away at Blackburn - its all swings and roundabouts..
hope you have a great day zine, cant wait to hear all about it on your return.
stay safe bro
Marjolein Bender - Charlie 1
ReplyDeleteLieve Marini,
Wat super leuk om jouw briefje te lezen en alle foto's van jullie te zien. Je staat er goed op hoor ;)
Jammer genoeg is het bij mij niet elke keer gelukt om mijn berichten naar jullie door te sturen, dus heb je tot nu toe alleen die van mama gezien.
Staan de meeste wc's ondertussen al?? Jullie hebben nu nog maar één week daar en dan ga je natuurlijk alweer terug naar het basecamp! Wij zijn benieuwd wat je daarna gaat doen en hopen je nog wel even te kunnen spreken hoor!!
Heel veel succes, veel plezier en thumbs up!! ;)
❤ Dorini
Caspar Charly 1
ReplyDeleteLieber Sohn, das klingt ja alles ziemlich genial!! wir warten immer auf neue News von Dir! endlich gab es gestern den Bericht. wir beneiden Dich alle! Luisa ist ganz aufgeregt. Und Valerie wäre auch lieber nach Indien gegangen :-) . Mariposas Tochter ist geboren. Sie wäre fast gestorben. Victor habe ich geschrieben.
wir vermissen Dich sehr. auch Claudia und Rosanna, und Santiago finde jetzt auch, dass du lange genug weg warst. Dein Dich liebender Vater
For Steve in Echo 3.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Steve!! Hope you're having an amazing time.
From Alex.
This is for Steve in Echo 3.
ReplyDeleteHi Steve,
If you get this, it means I was able to unscammble your brothers cryptic message on how to contact you, if not, Im sorry haha.
Just read the message you sent out to everyone, sounds like you are having the time of your life. First off, Happy Birthday! I'm sure all of your family, especially Andy are missing you extra today, but we're all really proud that you are doing something so amazing right now!
Maybe when we are both in England again, we'll find a way to celebrate all these birthdays that are going to pass by. In Grump Lovell years you are nearly 100, how does that feel you old man?
Anyway, keep working hard and keep that journal up, I want to hear all about it when you are home! Happy Birthday again mate, we miss you!
Love James and Kelly!
Message for Jules ( charly 2 )
ReplyDeleteHoi Jules, als we het goed hebben ben je nu bijna klaar met je eerste project, we zijn erg benieuwd wat je volgende project gaat worden.
Uiteraard hebben weer genoten van de foto's op de blog, zelfs je haar zit nog goed en die spierballen komen goed van pas.
Hoe bevalt je uitrusting, heb je alles bij wat je nodig hebt?
Vive is momentel heel erg hard aan het leren voor haar PTA , verder gaat het hier zijn gangetje. We are so proud and love you so much!! Papa Mama Vive
To Joost van Berckel(Tango 5)
ReplyDeleteHa die Joost,een nieuwe poging je een berichtje te sturen, wie weet komt deze bij jou. Ben zo enorm nieuwsgierig hoe het met je is en wat je allemaal voor waanzinnig gave dingen aant doen bent. kHeb je een keer op een foto met je groep gezien, maar verder is er nog geen reportage/nieuws van jullie trip voorbij gekomen. Ik hoop zo dat we gauw wat te zien/lezen krijgen met wat foto's van jullie. Hier alles ok. We hebben een heel gezellige minivakantie met zn allen in Schotland gehad, met als hoogtepunt van alles rondom Gordonstoun; Altyrehouse, ontmoeting met vrienden, matrons, DrMacEwan en tutor, lakerace, danceshow, concert, gesprekken met leraren, lunch en diner en rondleiding. Ontzettend leuk iedereen uit Pieters leven daar te ontmoeten en alles te zien. Als je terug bent in de zomer ga je gezellig ook n keer mee. Over 2 weken wordt Bomp 90 jaar dus daar worden nu voorbereidingen voor gedaan. Opa verhuist volgende week naar Amsterdam. Verder met iedereen alles goed, ook met Noenoe. Veel succes met al je missies en heel veel plezier! Dikke zoen, XX mama
hope everything's going fantastically frances, love you lots, so proud and miss you and good luck to you and all your team you're doing such an amazing thing which will benefit so many others, biggggg hug!!!xxxxxx lots of love katie
ReplyDeleteFor Steve in Echo 3
ReplyDeleteIt's a Zine birthday! Zine is 22! Happy birthday zim zam. Lots of love, the Zine gods.
For Frances Anderson Echo 3
ReplyDeleteHey Frances!!!! Hope you're having an amazing time in India! really loved your message and glad to hear you've finally made friends!!! (well done). We were missing you earlier while reminiscing about your antics with the durrells... (we hope you explain this to your group). make sure you moisturise those legs or you'll be peeling like a snake! again... We're all currently luvin lyf 2k12 in the alps and missing you big time lil gurl. In all seriousness we really hope you're enjoying yourself out there. Lots of love Sophie and Libby (and matt) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
For Frances Anderson Echo 3
ReplyDeleteHey Frances!!!! Hope you're having an amazing time in India! really loved your message and glad to hear you've finally made friends!!! (well done). We were missing you earlier while reminiscing about your antics with the durrells... (we hope you explain this to your group). make sure you moisturise those legs or you'll be peeling like a snake! again... We're all currently luvin lyf 2k12 in the alps and missing you big time lil gurl. In all seriousness we really hope you're enjoying yourself out there. Lots of love Sophie and Libby (and matt) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
For Frances Anderson Echo 3
ReplyDeleteHey Frances!!!! Hope you're having an amazing time in India! really loved your message and glad to hear you've finally made friends!!! (well done). We were missing you earlier while reminiscing about your antics with the durrells... (we hope you explain this to your group). make sure you moisturise those legs or you'll be peeling like a snake! again... We're all currently luvin lyf 2k12 in the alps and missing you big time lil gurl. In all seriousness we really hope you're enjoying yourself out there. Lots of love Sophie and Libby (and matt) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dear Will (Charlie 1)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your lovely letter with all your news. I am sooooooooooo envious wish I was out there doing what you are doing. Can't wait to hear everything when you get back (mind you will probably won't be able to remember half of it). What's happening here much of a much ness. Granny & Grandpa have just been to stay. I locked myself out of my car on Friday morning with my keys phone, bag,even the old marlboro all inside the car outside H'rods Carpark Not funny - had to get Dad to send a bike courier with the spare key to rescue me. God help me if I was let loose in India!!! Boys were finishing school at 1pm because it was Exeat. Granny & Grandpa were stranded on Pall Mall what a mess! We went to Mikado with them on Friday night and then yesterday a little trip to Bicester. Today quiet day and we have just come back from the Cinnamon Tree for a little Sunday buffet!!! We thought and talked of you. Next week another busy week not building loo's but would trade our experience for yours any day. Love all the photos and reading the Blog. Just seeing the odd picture and hearing all that you are up to makes us all very happy. Results this Wednesday. God willing all will be good. We miss you and love you very much. Take care and just keep working hard and having a blast, Much love from us all. Mummyxxx
Message for Marjolein Bender (Charlie 1)
ReplyDeleteHa Marjolein,
Af en toe kijk ik op jullie blog nadat ik dat van Willemijn heb bekeken. Vanavond zag ik een stukje staan over jouw project. Lijkt me best zwaar werk dat bouwvakken. Hoop dat je het naar je zin hebt. Wat een fantastische ervaring moet dat zijn om een paar weken deel uit te maken van een Idiase community. Geniet ervan! Willemijn heeft het heel erg naar haar zin in Borneo. Ze is nu halverwege. Na fase 1 heeft ze gebeld. Het was fijn haar weer even te spreken. Ze had een fantastische tijd in Danum Valley (tropisch oerwoud) en zit nu in een dorpje waar ze een watersysteem aanlegt.
Nog veel plezier, liefs en groeten,
Venetia Matthews Charlie 1.
ReplyDeleteI like the photo. I would have written before but could not get the comment bit up so had to ask your Mum.
We are well here, Grandpa is pleased as Ivan won his race at Warwick the other day,
We are waiting for Kanga to have her foal.
Do hope you are enjoying yourself, it looks great fun. All love Granny
For Steve in Echo 3
ReplyDeleteHave an absolute birthday but remember, It's not all about you, so don't be so selfish.
When you come back we'll have all the India banter to exclude the others from, as we are cultured, refined & well traveled individuals, whereas your brother is a westernised pleb-a-saurus rex.
Lastly, I'm gonna be in your house on Saturday night & I'm going to be touching all your stuff.
That is all.
Birthday handshakes from, Elliot Morgan aged 22 & 1 month from Solihull.
To Caspar, Charly 1
ReplyDeleteBrüüderlein, du siehst so mager aus! Du sollst die Toiletten bauen, nicht so viel benutzen!!
Ich beneide dich so sehr, wäre gerade echt gerne bei dir. Ich hoffe ich habe dir nicht zu viel versprochen, und du geniesst es und hast tolle neue Leute kennengelernt. Bin gespannt wie die adventure phase wird :) muahaha
Wir vermissen dich ganz doll!
Deine dich sehr doll lieb habende Schwester
For Steve in Echo 3.
ReplyDeleteSomeone is VERY popular on this must be somebody's birthday! Hope you're having an amazing time in India and can't wait to hear all about it when you get back! Saw some of the pictures of you and you're not very tanned. We expected you to be a bit browner, but you're not!! Never mind. Looking very pale.
Anyway, hopefully this will be read out on your birthday, if not, soon after.
Happy 22nd Birthday! Have a brilliant day!!
Love Alex and Nicola xx
For Steve in Echo 3
ReplyDeleteHAPPY BIRTHDAY STEVO! I bet you are having an incredible time over there, hope the spiders haven't got you and remember that the last golden apple tree always gives the best gifts to the men of the land who are born in the month of March.
I will see you when you return and can't wait to hear about all your adventures!!
From Wimby aka Suzy Wimbourne.
"for Steve in Echo 3" (goodness knows what that means)
moet dat zijn om een paar weken deel uit te maken van een Idiase community. Geniet ervan! Willemijn heeft het heel erg naar haar zin in Borneo. Ze is nu halverwege. Na fase 1 heeft ze gebeld. Het was fijn haar weer even te spreken. Ze had een fantastische tijd in Danum Valley (tropisch oerwoud) en zit
Hope you are having a splendid time, we can't wait to see you when you're back, iv got the jelly mountain ready don't worry.
(P.S. I hope you havn't built up a "cool" reputation with the people in India, because we may have all just destroyed that ;)) stay cool :)
ReplyDeleteDear Flora,
ReplyDeleteloved seeing your letter. The village sounds wonderful.I hear you are now off to your next project with the turtles - how amazing.
Papa and I are back from Africa. We had a fantastic time. We walked 120 kilometres, identified 150 birds and ate the most delicious food. We were walking with 40 camels and 20 samburu warriors, who were great looking and wore masses of beads on their faces and danced and sang much of the day.
Off to see Connie today at Millfield playing hockey - she is on great form and still with Rory.
Dunc has been living the high life in Bristol and sound on good form as well.
We are all missing you and looking out for messages.
Love Mum
Jenna Winstanley Charlie 1
ReplyDeleteHi sweetheart,
It was soooo good to hear from you yesterday. It seems to me that Raliegh are certainly getting the most out of you and the volunteers. You sounded well at rudely shattered, but it's good to know that you are enjoying the experience. This new project you are about to embark on sounds interesting, you will be an expert when you return home on all Eco friendly systems!
Nothing hugely to report on, as said yesterday the garden is now finished and I think they've done and a good job and I am pleased with the overall outcome. We have taken ownership of a new car - an Audi A1, which I have got to drive for the first time today. It's not quite as quick off the mark as the mini, but a comfortable ride and hopefully should be a little more economical to run.
We are going over to see Paul's mum this weekend, it
For Becky Massey Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteHi Becky,
Soooooooooo good to talk to you last night, it was fantastic to catch up with your news and to hear you! We have all been watching the Tango 5 video - it is absolutely brilliant, so funny and amazing to see you all, it must have been such fun to make.
Can't wait to hear about your next phase - you are going to have incredible muscles - Dad is planning on getting you to dig an eco-loo on Heir Island, it would solve a big problem, do you think you can get any volunteers to help you?
I will send more news soon
Massive love from all of us at home
Mum, Dad, Imo and James
ps I will look into how to change your flight
For Steve in Echo 3
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Stevey Steve! Sounds like you are having a great time - we are thinking of you back in Lancaster! Keep up the hard work!
Pete and Aaron
For Frances Anderson Echo 3
ReplyDeleteHiya frances!! hope you're having an amazing time. We all miss you back in england :( i hope you are getting enough good food and snacks (very important) and are making lots of friends!! although none will compare to us back home, of course...
can't wait to hear from you
love love love
Dear Frances (echo 3) - you must have changed as last time i thought it was delta sure Katherine has got it right though.. i hope thats Katherine Arthey above...
ReplyDeletemissing you loads here i always just want to pick up the phone and give you a ring.. but im sure you are having a brilliant time and im already looking forward to seeing you when im home aswell..that should be july 11th wahhh thats ages away!! i hope the weather is good :) and i hope your new group are all lovely too
(i know you read this out loud now soo heyyy echo 3 i hope you're all having a fab time..look after Frances please) haha
sooo up to speed on whats going on here currently iv just got back from work and John's having a party so the music is pretty loud uhh not getting much sleep tonight, I had a good birthday on wednesday :) and results went well on thursday :) life is pretty gooood... better stop hogging the comments now and get some sleep - work tomorrow all day wooop!
love you lots XXXXXX p.s. im 19 now woaahhh.
Hi Frances! (echo 3)
ReplyDeleteSorry it's taken so long to write, I am rubbish. More poor excuses are that until recently I'd been leading a selfish life that revolved around essay writing, and it also took a while to work out the website (iona linked us up and i can see lots of messages to you - hope you appreciate us all making you look popular).
But yes, I miss you, especially now I am home. Got back from the oxford bubble last weekend, shattered. Reached a new low work wise while you have been away and missed your rapid bbm replies (worked all night and then had a tactical four hour sleep the next night to wake up at three am and work. i hope this suitably terrifies all your new friends). Life is actually really good and fun in general.
MONTH TIL YOUR HOME TODAY WOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! Hope it's great enough that you don't want to come home because it's so much fun, but not so great that your gonna abandon home altogether and just become a traveller.
I hope your tanned and that your tan lasts when your back so that you don't feel compelled to have another summer experimenting with the fake stuff (as good as the streaky tan is...) And hope your keeping safe and using a mosquito net even if the malaria risk isn't that high. If you're near Madurai you should pop in and see Jim and Sharmila hahaha (say hello from me).
Miss you SO SO much and SO SO looking forward to you being back (please read this as if I am doing an impression of your over-enthusiasm. but genuinely, I mean it and I really miss you and your enthusiastic ways!!!!!!)
I have to be back at uni on the morning of the 19th at the latest, so may miss your return wahhhhhhh. But I'll come back quickly and see you, or you can come visit again anytime! cannot wait to hear all about it! hope you have taken a lot of photos for me to stalk.
Lots of Love,
p.s. saw catchie, we talked about how we missed you and were glad you were having fun!
p.p.s if your still doing the whole reading out thing, sorry to all of echo three that this message is so long. it's just: 1) i'm frances' number one fan and 2) i've become too used to writing essays.
for Frances're in echo 3 now? i keep hashtagging everything as tango 5, i hope you got the messages! stillllll hope you're having an incredible time, needless to say, i know you will be, and 3rd part is the trek if i'm not mistaken? beautiful views, i'm very jealous but also so proud of you!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletecan't WAIT to see you again, 18th is highlighted and underlined in my diary, i have alot of stuff to tell you, and can't wait to hear all about you're adventure
love you frankie, miss you, from you're pal katie :) xxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteFor Frances Anderson Echo 3
ReplyDeletewell i've heard that you only have a couple days left and i thought best i write on this blog or ill be told off when you're home and called the worst friend ever
from the sounds of it, it looks like you're having an amazing time, we tried to host a reunion in your honour but it wasn't quite the same without the main hostess, stella ate the pavalova and jeni got very drunk
i miss you terribly, i seem to be the only one back at uni and the only one to come back to uni without a boyfriend, the only accessory i seem to have at the moment is a double chin.
i am so proud that you've done this trip and more importantly that you've enjoyed yourself. have a safe flight home and i look forward to seeing you
ellie (clarke in case you've forgotten, but i imagine you'll realise from the great wit in this message)
all my love xxxxxxxx
oh god i hope you're not home already, i really am an awful friend
ReplyDeleteellie (clarke again)