On 22-29 February, a high level Fieldbase delegation - consisting of Rhys, Simon, and me (Christiane) - visited three project groups to get first hand insights into how they are doing and what they do (à The Loop). Stay tuned for news, photos, and blog messages from sanitation project Charlie 2 (1 March), biogas project Echo 4 (2 March), and eco-sanitation project Charlie 1 (3 March). Our first stop was Charlie 2’s project site in Kadalakolly, a small tribal hillside village surrounded by Tamil Nadu’s lush tea plantations. I could talk for hours about the beautiful landscape, the lovely people, and the difficulty to get bricks down and well water up the (really, really steep) hill, but I’d rather open the floor to our guest blogger Victoria O’Callaghan:
Guest blogger and birthday girl Victoria |
Our story begins in Bandipur National Park with Thejas pointing out wildlife in every direction, while team photographer Jonathan snapped glimpses of trunks, tusks and feathers. We gazed in awe at the sheer beauty of the lush rolling hills and tea plantations – a significant contrast to the arid landscape of Fieldbase. The “Thunderous Thirteen” a.k.a. Charlie 2 munched on juicy oranges and bananas still not believing that they had first seen a wild elephant. It finally felt like we really were in India. After about five hours and lots of dozing, we turned on to a narrow rickety road, and there was the sign for our village “Kadalakolly”. We hopped off the bus and were greeted by CTRD Deputy Director Vijay and villagers handing us a flower each.
The group, their view, ... |
... their hillside jungle camp (with certain hazards), ... |
... and their shower with a Herbal Essences feeling |
After spending our first day setting up camp and sorting out the communal space – more commonly known as the love shack – we had a very early morning awakening to the rather shockingly loud noises of very chirpy cockerels and cows just in front of our tents. The first day was great fun, and it was our first try at using the tools “diggy”, “scrapey”, and “bandaley”. The past few days have been fantastic and the group already feels a great sense of achievement after each day. The highlight has been finishing the cesspits for all nine toilets. Besides digging, we moved vast amounts of bricks and gravel through our trademarked “Raleigh chain of people”.
Well introduced |
The cushdiest place to be |
Golddiggers |
Probably another one of Haydn's elaborate Camp-Cluedo assassinations |
A more relaxed highlight is being on “Camp Duty”, which comprises collecting well water, tidying up, and getting nice things from the town, like fizzy drinks, fruit, and haircuts. It is lovely to interact with the locals in town and see some more of India. Interaction with the villagers is mostly carried out through fun activities like cow milking, dancing, and playground clapping games; we have not dared to involve them into our rather dark and solemn, massacre-involving entertainment of Mafia and Camp Cluedo yet.
Today, on 25 February, we are off to visit CTRD and a tea factory. We hope for great insights into CTRD’s work and into one of India’s most important – and most delicious - industrial sectors. However, above all, we look forward to our first meat lunch in weeks. Charlie 2 out.
And now: Messages from the love shack:
From Helen |
From Mandisa |
From Tom |
From Victoria |
Charlie 2 - Victoria
ReplyDeleteHi Missy, We loved the blog. The photos were great, so we don't have to worry as you seem to be having the time of your life. We were v.pleased to read your letter. Thank you v.much for that and giving us an explanation regarding the loos. The mind boggles. Matt might need your help for building something similar if those all night gatherings (not parties by the way) continue. I wonder what he is not telling us.
We went to the cinema this afternoon. Beside us 2 there were 2 other people there. We had already told the girl at the desk that we wanted lights on after the showing as we did not fancy crawling out in the dark on our hands and knees again. We saw "War Horse"and I remembered the scary story you told us about meeting Steven Spielberg and his scary party when you were doing your D.o.E on Dartmoor.
So you have seen a wild elephant how does that compare with the wild deer we see near your house. How exciting it all sounds. I have been keeping an eye on the temperatures in Mombay. It is about 10 degrees warmer than Madeira. But our swimming pool is barely 16 degrees, so no swimming as yet.
Lots of Hotel Uniform Golf Siera s from O & Gp. xx We loved the flowers, very glamorous!!!
Dear Helen (Charlie 2), it was so nice to see your group's photos and an elephant as well! You all look very happy. What type of tea is growing on the plantation? Are you allowed to sample it? I think the vegetable curry sounds ok too - you are all so lucky. Wish we could be there too. Mum and Dad will just have to make do with seeing the film just released called The Marigold Hotel which is set in India (has Judi Dench and Maggie Smith in it) - it looks good.
ReplyDeleteTake care, keep washing those hands (you all looked a bit dusty) and watch out for the wildlife, including spiders. I can see you won't want to come home after this adventure.
lots of love from Mum and Dad xx
For Venetia - Charlie 1
ReplyDeleteHi Venetia
When you get this, you will be back from Phase 1-well done, one phase completed - great achievement. Hope you are having a good time and enjoy a couple of days back at fieldbase before phase 2. Good news - you've just been offered a job Olympic Volunteering (2 March). Call or text me when you can to discuss (will need your p/word!). Lots of love Mum xx
FOR TOM MITCHELL Charlie 2 aka the Thunderous Thirteen (?!)
ReplyDeleteFantastic to get this Blog from Kadalakolly, beautifully described by Victoria. Cant believe that you actually saw a wild elephant?! Smaller, cuter and less alarming than the ones in Il Ngwesi I should think. Great luck to see one though I imagine. Golly, your digging looks like hard work, should think you go to bed knackered every night. Fantastic pic of you in a dug out hole! The well looks interesting ... It sounds as if you have been entertaining yourselves with Ecrehous type games in the evening. So so glad you are having a good time. Do try and contact from Fieldbase. I think my Skype must be laura.mitchell33. Not sure and technologically challenged as you know. Great to get your note on the blog too, hope the D&V paranoia under control !! 8th March approaching, I feel like a rabbit in the lights, I do know what I'm doing, right?! Get results, have a think, communicate with you, dont have to make choice of uni for a few weeks, although we know where you want to go with what outcome. All straightforward. Will here at the moment, just about to go for a haircut, not brave enough to go to Dad's Iranian guy so off to Witney Lakes (boring)! We're going to have steak pies at the Maytime this evening, hope Tim remembers the steak! Poor Lottie - she had just completed a five page History essay, left it on her computer in her room at school, Ellie S. comes in and unplugs the computer to charge something of hers, thus losing the essay ... Lottie was practically in tears at the thought of having to write it again and not give it in this morning! Told her to talk to Dr. Moore to see if he can find it. Must stop rattling on and go and do the sheds. SUCH FUN to get the Blog, do thank the guys that do it. Lots of love from us all
FOR TOM MITCHELL Charlie 2 aka the Thunderous Thirteen (?!)
ReplyDeleteFantastic to get this Blog from Kadalakolly, beautifully described by Victoria. Cant believe that you actually saw a wild elephant?! Smaller, cuter and less alarming than the ones in Il Ngwesi I should think. Great luck to see one though I imagine. Golly, your digging looks like hard work, should think you go to bed knackered every night. Fantastic pic of you in a dug out hole! The well looks interesting ... It sounds as if you have been entertaining yourselves with Ecrehous type games in the evening. So so glad you are having a good time. Do try and contact from Fieldbase. I think my Skype must be laura.mitchell33. Not sure and technologically challenged as you know. Great to get your note on the blog too, hope the D&V paranoia under control !! 8th March approaching, I feel like a rabbit in the lights, I do know what I'm doing, right?! Get results, have a think, communicate with you, dont have to make choice of uni for a few weeks, although we know where you want to go with what outcome. All straightforward. Will here at the moment, just about to go for a haircut, not brave enough to go to Dad's Iranian guy so off to Witney Lakes (boring)! We're going to have steak pies at the Maytime this evening, hope Tim remembers the steak! Poor Lottie - she had just completed a five page History essay, left it on her computer in her room at school, Ellie S. comes in and unplugs the computer to charge something of hers, thus losing the essay ... Lottie was practically in tears at the thought of having to write it again and not give it in this morning! Told her to talk to Dr. Moore to see if he can find it. Must stop rattling on and go and do the sheds. SUCH FUN to get the Blog, do thank the guys that do it. Lots of love from us all
daniel leigh echo4
ReplyDeletewe were pleased to hear of your contribution to the indian cow herd's accommodation.we hope that you managed to avoid the cow dung.having stepped into a cow pat over here,many years ago,i know wots its like.sounds as though you are heading for a career in farming.keep up the good work.
enjoy. love papa. .
Charlie 2 - Victoria
ReplyDeleteHey Muppet! How are you?
Not sure if my Birthday message reached you or disappeared into the ether. I wrote it in the middle of the night so anything could have happened to it. If you didn't receive it, be assured that it was suitable embarrassing, if you did receive it I hope it didn't embarrass you too much! Being your favourite Aunt, it is in fact law to embarrass you (in an affectionate way)who else can you turn to to get the truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth, and have a laugh with.
I can only imagine why you are called the thunderous 13 - are you all really that noisy?
I am impressed with what you have been up to. O & G keep me regularly informed in the event that I miss the updates on the blog. I am thinking that you and Matt could start a grave digging business when you get back (as I'm not sure that there's a call for toilet cesspit digging here in the New Forest). I will of course do your website for a fee :)
I've never heard of chirpy cows, they sound pretty cool so will look out for those. Can you give some more explanation to “diggy”, “scrapey”, and “bandaley” I think I can work out diggy and scrapey but bandaley......?
I bet your muscles have been aching with all that digging, moving bricks and gravel. Matt had better beware that his sister might have bigger muscles than him when she gets back, by the way When is that? As you are always telling me "no one ever tells me anything" lol.
I do hope that the young man in the photo was allowed out of the pit or is that where you girls put all the boys when they misbehave?
I bet your mum will appreciate your lessons in "tidying" does this mean your bedroom will be a vision of loveliness on your return?
Its great that you get to play with the children in the village, do they think you are all a bit mad?
I am intrigued to know what your "mafia" game is - then perhaps its better not to know.
What is your weather like? Is it very hot? We are off to Cyprus in a few weeks to get the villa ready for the summer - its been very wet there, more rain in the last few weeks than they have had for years. It was snowing on the beach on Wednesday so we are hoping that it will have warmed up before we arrive.
Have been trying out some new web software as I've had a couple of commissions and Oma want to change her website - that will keep me quiet for 5 mins or so :)
Right shall end my ramblings now, am going to the pool for some exercise - I have now mastered how to use the noodles - much to my relief and the entertainment of the lifeguards.
Take care and remember I still love you to the stars, Moon, universe, the whole ocean, the complete atmosphere etc etc.
Gail send her love too.
Loads of love
Your Favourite Aunt
Ursula, Tango 6:
Just thought I would drop you a little message. I was walking back from lectures and the primary school was obviously on its lunch break. All the little kids were running around, but not in their usual uniform, they were instead wearing all different fancy dress and stuff. I then twigged that it was World Book Day today and got me thinking of our own days..... I literally could not stop laughing at the thought of you all dressed up as Wendy from Peter Pan! Anyway, not much other news from here.
Lots of Love Frances xxxxxxxx
Tom Mitchell, Charlie 2.
ReplyDeleteHi Tom, glad to hear that everything is well. It made me laugh at your realisation of how 'intense' it is. The first phase is always the hardest work, the other phases are usually more interesting because you get to finish off projects rather than build her foundations and dig the holes! Facebook me some tales when you next get the chance.
From Will
Victoria O'C - Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteSooo pleased to hear from you! It was great to read your blog and see photos of you and the rest of the group. I’m v glad to hear that the food is ok even if it’s curry EVERY day!! I loved the elephant photo and am very jealous that you’ve seen one in the wild.
I think you must be just over half way through the project so I expect you’re looking forward to getting back to base camp before you start the next challenge. I sent another package on 1st March and hope it won’t take too long to reach you.
All is well at home, Monty had a haircut today and looks very smart and also much thinner! I saw Lucy on Tuesday and she said Jack has phoned once and is really enjoying himself although the trek was very hard - something for you to look forward to!
Lots of love and miss you loads.
Mum xxxxxx ;)
COCOA NIBS!!!!!!!!! (AKA Mandisa) Miss you too lovely, and soooo proud of you ... looks like you're having an amazing time, dirt and all :)
ReplyDeleteWALTZ!!!!!!!!!!!!! (AKA Wolde) What's happening Wolde? Loving the pics of you on top of mountain.. hope you're enjoying trek...
CHYNA!!!!!!!!!!!!! Girrrllllllll.... you look like you are having quite the adventure. The photo of you and the iguana is priceless ...
SHAQUILLE!!!!!! Jump in some more photos please so we can see you in Bermuda... hope you're having a good time :D
So what's happening here? We had our camp on Feb 17-19 and it was really great... we have 18 people in the group, and they had a good time. We were over on Ports Island - did the painting again but jumping in the water this time was not AS warm as last time... BRRR... fun though...
Of course, mafia, spoons etc was on the menu, and skits.... we had a blast... they are rockclimbing now weekly and preparing for the next camp which is March 31 - April 5.
On a personal note, lots happening! I bought a bookstore, SUPER EXCITED... also i was asked to be a celebrity to get locked up for the PRIDE fundraiser, so I have this whole skit planned ... we'll videotape it so you can see it... if it's turns out to not be as funny as it is in my head, then yeah, i won't show you :)
Anyway, that's all for now... can't wait to hear your stories, and see pics...
Miss you, Love you
COCOA NIBS!!!!!!!!! (AKA Mandisa) Miss you too lovely, and soooo proud of you ... looks like you're having an amazing time, dirt and all :)
ReplyDeleteWALTZ!!!!!!!!!!!!! (AKA Wolde) What's happening Wolde? Loving the pics of you on top of mountain.. hope you're enjoying trek...
CHYNA!!!!!!!!!!!!! Girrrllllllll.... you look like you are having quite the adventure. The photo of you and the iguana is priceless ...
SHAQUILLE!!!!!! Jump in some more photos please so we can see you in Bermuda... hope you're having a good time :D
So what's happening here? We had our camp on Feb 17-19 and it was really great... we have 18 people in the group, and they had a good time. We were over on Ports Island - did the painting again but jumping in the water this time was not AS warm as last time... BRRR... fun though...
Of course, mafia, spoons etc was on the menu, and skits.... we had a blast... they are rockclimbing now weekly and preparing for the next camp which is March 31 - April 5.
On a personal note, lots happening! I bought a bookstore, SUPER EXCITED... also i was asked to be a celebrity to get locked up for the PRIDE fundraiser, so I have this whole skit planned ... we'll videotape it so you can see it... if it's turns out to not be as funny as it is in my head, then yeah, i won't show you :)
Anyway, that's all for now... can't wait to hear your stories, and see pics...
Miss you, Love you
For Isabel Carless (Echo3)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your lovely email. So long and so informative. We've been looking at pictures of the turtle hatchlings on the SNM website and they look so cute!! Granny will be pleased her purchases are working so well. I've forwarded your email to everyone. Sleeper train sounded fun(not)but at least you now know what to expect later on. All the other groups seem to be having an equally amazing time (we read the blog regularly for news , not just about your group but all the groups) so we look forward to hearing about your next phase. We shall really enjoy reading your journal with you when you return, hopefully with some pictures as well!!??
Dad is off skiing with the Thompsons on Wednesday and I am going up to London on Friday to stay with YiaYia and see a few exhibitions. I'm taking her out to a swanky restaruant on Friday and then we are babysitting Jamie and Eddie on Saturday night. Hen home on Sunday for a few days. We all send loads of hugs, kisses and wufs (truffle,obviously!) Continue having fun and experiences. M&Dxxx
victoria o'callaghan charlie 2
ReplyDeletebirthday pics are great and I loved the flowers in your hair. it all sounds amazing and I am glad you are having such a wonderful time
Take care
Much love
Lou x
Haydn Fraser - Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteHi Haydn, That's an amazing 6 pack! Looks as though you have been working very hard. It was great to get your email last week - take it you'd moved on before getting my reply. Brick laying could come in handy Bob said you can start work as soon as you get home. How amazing seeing wild elephants not so sure about the leopard though! You'll probably be back at field base when you get this message having a well earned rest. It all looks so amazing I'm so pleased that you're having such an great time. All's well at home Millie and Chopin are a little bit bored as it's pouring with rain today.
Miss you loads love
Mum x x x
Hi Ollie - Charlie 1 Great to see you on the blog, looks like you are working hard and also having fun. The local people seem wonderful and welcoming which must be humbling.The rafting looked fun too- you seemed to one of the few that was wet!! Hope you are staying healthy.Left messages on your phone for when you return to fieldbase, if you can do send us a text. Shrewsbury drew yesterday so are now in 4th position, but play on Tuesday again.. Everyone fine here, but miss you! Love Mum and Dad
ReplyDeletePS Many thanks for the photos and great information from all the sites, you are all doing a brilliant job!
For Tom Mitchell - Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteTomo!!Thought I'd drop you a quick message to say I've been following the online blogs and seen some snaps of what you've been getting up to, and it looks amazing! Hope you're enjoying all the projects and have some interesting characters in your group, as it certainly looks that way! I trust Deli belly has taken its toll, but hopefully not too harshly! Can't wait for our jaunt to SE Asia as it's getting quite close now, and I'm getting my jabs and equipment ready in an attempt to avoid a last minute frenzy beforehand. I have also spoken to Paddy and the guys and they're going to the May 5th full moon party, so am not sure how that ties in with our plans... but it looks like we may be able to meet with them in Bangkok as we're both there at the same time. Wanted to wish you the best of luck with your results as well - although I'm sure you won't need it! Keep up the hard work but try not to develop too much of a beta tan! See you in Siam Square then bro, Hoooowwwlll!!
Jonathan D -Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteHi Jonathan, got back safely from skiing, though Gill chipped a vertebra on the ski lift and we had to inject her with painkillers to get her home. Poor Wendy, not sure what she'll do for staff.
At Ian's now, getting ready to go on my birthday trip, just enjoying your photos. Are you doing all the washing or just your own? Thought I recognised your pants! Doesn't look like you've had time for a haircut yet, still looking like Karate Kid 4.
Really miss the sound of your voice . Would love to know if the experience is all you were hoping for. Please e mail when you get time, I think it must be changeover day today. Love Mum, Ian and Thomas xxxxx
Haydn Fraser - Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteHi daaaaaaaarrrrliinggggg - i miss you! Wow that's some digging in a hole I've just read about on the blog. How were the jeeps in town?
In other news, I found my wedding dress - but Mum says it's TOP secret, SOOOO much wedding planning at the mo. Marcus says hello.
See you soon, and lots of love Dom x
Victoria - Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteHi Missy
Now would I be right in thinking your whole group is dying to have a nice hot shower or a long soak in the bath (ha,ha,ha) as well as having a manicure when you arrive back at fieldbase.
I must say I like the eating arrangements, having just emptied the dishwasher, banana leaves and hands only sound a jolly good alternative. Particularly as we are surrounded here by banana plants. (How are the left handed people managing to eat?) Do you have any ideas on how to also do away with pots and pans.
Your cousins in Holland are also following the blog.
I emailed them a group photo and they recognised you straight away.
Have a lovely time, hugs and xxxxx Oma & Gp.
Do you know any rude Dutch words yet?
Victoria - Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteHi Missy
Now would I be right in thinking your whole group is dying to have a nice hot shower or a long soak in the bath (ha,ha,ha) as well as having a manicure when you arrive back at fieldbase.
I must say I like the eating arrangements, having just emptied the dishwasher, banana leaves and hands only sound a jolly good alternative. Particularly as we are surrounded here by banana plants. (How are the left handed people managing to eat?) Do you have any ideas on how to also do away with pots and pans.
Your cousins in Holland are also following the blog.
I emailed them a group photo and they recognised you straight away.
Have a lovely time, hugs and xxxxx Oma & Gp.
Do you know any rude Dutch words yet?
Hi Mandisa, Wolde and the group:
ReplyDeleteMalcolm would have been following your journey and he would have been very proud of you all. Looks like you
are all having lots of fun. I wrote earlier, but I dont see it, hope this greeting gets to you all.
Continue to do well. Malcolm's mom
Jonathan - Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteWow boy's been busy, and washing his knickers - dont suppose there Armani's.
Sounds like you guys having a blast, hows the snakes , food and weather, time for a tan?.
I assume the last 10 days was the bio project which looks pretty well put together and very worthwhile - whats the next project?
Missing you lots, keep in touch when you can. Lotsa Love Elaine x
Lieve jan, via telefonische hulp van je moeder zit ik nu ook op de blogg.we hoorndat het allemaal goed gaat. Wat een fantastisch evenement maak je mee. We leven hier allemaal met je mee. We zijn best jaloers. Aldie exotische planten en vruchten doen mij denken aan mijn jeu gd. Geniet en ga maar lekker aan het werk. Veel succes daar
ReplyDeleteHier is alles prima.
Liefs oma
Hi Haydn..
ReplyDeleteAfter following your activities through the Raleigh Int emails for the last few weeks I am thrilled that, thanks to Dom, I am now able to make contact myself. Just to let you know your actions are being followed with great interest and excitement. It all looks like much hard work but with huge job satisfaction. Well done. Spring has finally sprung here and it's good to see colour in the countryside again. Although we've a way to go yet before temperatures match yours! Meanwhile, lots of love, Auntie Trish xx