Raleigh have recently begun what we hope will be an ongoing relationship with a school in the small village of Jayapura close to Raleigh India’s Field Base.
Raleigh India has set up the relationship with school to introduce a programme of health education with the students so that the kids there stay fit and healthy while they learn.
The school desperately needs a new drainage system to clear waste water from the grounds which we plan to provide. The current system of an open drain runs down the side of the playground, and gets clogged easily with dirt and food waste. We also want to provide bins for the dinner scraps, so that they can be fed to local cows instead of blocking up the drains.
Longer term, Raleigh would to be able to improve facilities at the school and build more toilets for the pupils.
Additionally, for the 2010 Autumn expedition, a couple of initiatives are being introduced :
School materials donations
While text books are provided, students are in desperate need of notebooks, pens and pencils as family incomes often don’t stretch to cover these. Nothing fancy, just standard but good quality materials.
- Mess tin for flip flops
There are a lot of little bare feet in Jayapura which, given the state of the roads, is of great concern. There are also a lot of mess tins at Raleigh India Field Base – each expedition leaves us more to add to our collection. Why not pick up a pair of kids flip flops (new, any size) instead of a mess tin and we’ll swap them here!
Please take any donations with you when you head to India on expedition (don’t send them to Head Office) and remember, we’re not asking you to spend a lot of money – every little helps!