It's the final countdown!
It is time to give you a round up on how all of the groups are doing and I am certain that you will be as impressed as we are at field base with the outstanding progress that has been made by the groups at this stage on Phase 3. It's the last push before we can all let our hair down, congratulate ourselves, reflect on the differences that we have made to others and finally allow ourselves to feel proud of our own personal achievements.
Echo 4 and Echo 5
We arrive at Echo 4 and 5 with our loop visit and we arrive with the rain. There are a few locals who rush to take their washing from the lines and the children take cover in the porch watching us with suspicious but interested eyes as we dash about trying to keep ourselves dry. What struck me on the journey to the environmental groups is how green and luscious Southern India has become due to the early start of the stormy monsoon season. The parched, red, dusty carpet that I considered covered Southern India has now been replaced by greenery and the change in the weather is matched by the change in the scenery all around me.
The location of the Echo Groups is so remote that I could not help but feel slightly stranded as I waved goodbye to the Bravo. No vehicles are allowed to remain in this dense, mountainous forest; a handful of children welcomed us but it would be wrong to call this a village as there are only three houses in sight and it is truly serene and calming to be here.
The rain does not stop activities for long though as waterproofs come out and the camp craft continues.
It is wrong of me however to deal with these groups together as despite their close proximities there is still a hint of rivalry and although there is friendly banter and sometimes an odd meal which is shared between the groups there is still a fierce competition which keeps these two Echo Groups distinct. Therefore I shall deal with each in turn. (See later references to chickens.)
So Echo 5 First!
I have not witnessed anyone as grateful as Harry when he received his guitar in the loop visit. We were then treated to his talent for much of my visit and the music created a group spirit that not even the rain could dampen.
There is definitely a male bonding in this group and the boys are well, they are boys and there is rolling and playful wrestling!
And then, well then, there are the chickens! Please meet Paul and Barry!
They have had what some call a "day trip" to Echo 4 whilst others prefer to call it a "kidnapping" by Echo 4. Who knows what the truth is behind their mysterious disappearance but they have now been safely returned to their pens. What I have witnessed however is that Paul and Barry are the only thing that cause a group divide within Echo 5. Some members want to eat them and skewer them with a break bar to make a lovely chicken tikka curry whilst others would guard these pets with their lives and want to gift the chickens to the children in the local village. All I do know is that they are yet to lay an egg and their lifespan may be lengthened if they could perhaps just produce at least one yolk. Perhaps it is best if I don't keep you updated on the chickens at Echo 5.
I should also mention that they have been working hard. They have cleared the 450 metre area and the fence posts are all concreted in. They have started painting and are all set to finish on time which means that they have earned their trip to Ooty on Sunday. I hope they have as much fun as the field base team although this is unlikely as we are generally hilarious here at field base.
Which brings me swiftly on to Echo 4.
I am informed that the Badminton trials take place over the weekend in England, well never ones to be left out, we have our own slightly different version of the Badminton trials out here too but I think we have the edge in terms of entertainment.
Henry and James battle it out. I have to admit I can't remember who won but take my word it was on the edge of your seat stuff!
Some of the group preferred a good book..... in various positions........
Some passed the time with a good old fashioned catch up. I think I was informed that Sam was roped into reading Glamour magazine but then again it could be misinformation so I am reluctant to put my name to it.
So apart from chilling out, playing sport, gossiping and chicken stealing what else have the group done I hear you ask. Well despite this seemingly casual approach the group are well ahead of target and they have cleared their ground, the poles are firmly cemented in with fence wiring happening over the weekend. With an Ooty trip to celebrate on Monday I have nothing else to report for the time being.
Charlie 3
MYKAPS have complimented Charlie 3 several times as they are way ahead of their schedule. They have already dug 9 out of the 10 trenches that they are targetted to dig and the foundations for the rain water harvesting tank are as you can see well under way!
The trenches will protect the crops and prevent the topsoil from being washed away during the monsoon.
The group have been swimming in the lake to keep cool in their spare time. There has also been time for some reading and merriment in the afternoons.
The bond with the villagers is also strong and the group have organised face painting sessions, a sports days and a whole range of activities to interact with the villagers. This is to be topped off by the large party to which the whole village is invited to at the end of the phase. Field base are flattered to also be invited and we will bring you the photographs and stories from this end of phase party at Charlie 3.
The group are off to Bylakuppe on the weekend which is one of the first refugee camps set up in South India which housed thousands of Tibetens who fled Tibet following the 1959 invasion. The area's highlight is the Namdroling Monastry home to the jaw droppingly spectacular Golden Temple presided over by an 18m high gold plated Buddha.
Charlie 2
The work that Charlie 2 have done for these tribal villagers is staggering. I returned on the loop visit with Sophie Cragg, our finance officer who spent a phase at the project, working as a Project Manager. The villagers rushed out to greet her and it was overwhelming to see the welcome that she received on returning to the village. Strong bonds with this village have been formed and life changing refurbishments to their housing have been created by Raleigh here. The groups from both phases should be very proud of what they have achieved here.
On a lighter note Bella shows me the goats and makes me laugh!

Guess where Charlie 2 are going on their trip? Hmmm its not hard as it's not very original. They too are off to Ooty. It is good there though so I will let them off and who knows they may have come up with the idea first.
So that leaves me to tell you about the trekkers. I am afraid there are no photographs as yet. It takes a day and a half to reach the trekkers and Claire our photographer and Sophie are not back from their visit until Monday. I promise therefore to deliver photographs then. In the interim I can tell you that Tango 7 did 22 kilometres in the heat yesterday and were resting up at Lakeside today in readiness for the raft race tomorrow. I have just this minute heard that it has been raining for the last 4 hours and the groups are battling with 5 inches of water. Some of the members have taken advantage of the tree house accommodation to shelter from the rain. Tango 6 have been on a trip at Kumili today and have been drinking chai, resting and having fun in preparation for their 18 kilometre trek to Hibuai tomorrow. Both groups are going strong and are injury free save for a few blisters and tired limbs. As I said earlier it's the final push.
Here is a photo that Kat Thomas took at fieldbase whilst she was waiting for the volcanic ash to clear.
The monsoon and storms have arrived in India!
Finally we are running a half marathon and a 10k race at the end of the phase. I will be producing the list of runners and more details tomorrow so log in and have a look. It is going to be so much fun. Bye for now
Dear Christina sales
ReplyDeleteI did the bank for you and you are very welcome to it.I love you so much and miss you lots to.Its not long now and you will be home with all of as.Hope you are ready for all the huge and kiss.Im looking foward to the long talk at night i have miss them too.Im so happy that i will be seeing you soon. Take care with all our love Mum,Shanel,Martin and Nan
PS you are luck you are not here this weekend martin is going out on sat and sun night so that will be fun. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey James Hutchinson,
ReplyDeleteLooks like you are having a fab time, wish i was with you. Have you encountered any spiders?
Will is on Hockey tour in Amsterdam arghhh, and I have been informed i'm in the hockey team magazine cringe.
I'm going for a curry tonight and a house party.
Cant wait to see you on in a few sundays.....have you missed me : p
Love you lots
Heather xx
Message for FieldBase
ReplyDeleteOnce again, great write up and fantastic photos. However, prize has to go to the final one from Kat Thomas. Definitely one for the album. Looking forward to the photos from the Trekking phases but delighted to catch up on the progress made at Charlie 3 and the Echo phases. Many thanks for keeping us all involved; this blog has been a lifeline for me personally.
However, I don't hold out much hope for that chicken!
Message for Chiara Raine Tango 6
ReplyDeleteHi Kiki,
Don't expect you'll get this till your return as the latest blog says the FB team will be visiting you this weekend. It was so lovely to hear your voice today, once again it was like receiving one of your special hugs. It made me feel happy all day and I probably annoyed everyone by singing "it's gonna be, a lovely day" for the rest of the day. My boss was quite happy for me to leave at 3!
Hope you've managed to sort your flights - will be anxious till I know it's done. We will be delighted to see you whenever you return and will pick you up from LHR, probably both of us! If you do get a flight on 25th you'll be here at the same time as A Pat and I've got a few days off that week too.
Will email with more news as had letter from Ant. Big hugs and kisses as always, Mxxxx
Message for Chiara Raine Tango 6
ReplyDeleteHi Kiki,
I have just typed a message but lost it after I put my name down, so sorry if it's duplicated! I just wanted to say how wonderful if was to get your call this morning, it was like getting one of you extra big hugs when I'm least expecting one! It made my day so much that I annoyed everyone by singing "it's gonna be, a lovely day, lovely day, lovely day..." etc etc. My boss suggested I leave early at 3, anything to stop me singing. Must try that one again! Hope you managed to sort your flight - if you get this before you return to FB, perhaps the FB team would let me know? Either way, Dad and I will be there to meet you at LHR whenever you arrive - we just need to know when! The week of 25th is when A Pat is with us and I have taken a few extra days off work to take her to Windsor etc.
Will email as had letter from Ant.
Big hugs and kisses coming your way, Mxxxx
Message for Lauren Mcdonald - hiya babe how you getting on hope your really enjoying the last leg of this wonderful experiance you have had. I see here your having a day out i think that is where some of the fb team went on their day out and the pics look brill. Everybody here is getting really excited now about you coming home Harleys counting how many sleeps etc till your home and Mia just says watch out your gonna get the biggest hug ever and Danielle is just well overwelmed that you are now on your way back. I would copy and paste your new facebook messages like i have been but there are so many now, the nearer we get to you coming home, where everyone is soooo looking forward to seeing you, lol. Everybody here is fine apart from your dear old mum here whos freaking out because its getting near the holiday now and you know how much i hate flying. I am soo looking forward to seeing you and just holding you in my arms i have missed you sooo much theres been times when i wished you were here but would rather you be there doing this fantastic thing, I seem to just walk around smiling lol when i think of you and what you are doing, you make me so proud. Anyway im starting to get all soppy and its not good, lol, save all that for when your home. I will write again in a day or so, so as always keep safe and stay strong love you lots and lots xxxmumxxx
ReplyDeleteDear Louise (Echo 5)
ReplyDeleteHow are things my darling?
It looks as though you are still having a fantastic time!
Have you been joining in with the badminton, or have you not let on that you can play??
We can't believe that it is now nearing the end of your time out there, you did say that you wanted us to change your flights for you which we are willing to do, however we are unable to do anything about it until you give us some dates!!
Please think about it and let us know as soon as possible!
It is great to see you on some more photos- how are your photos coming along? - don't forget to take lots!
We are all missing you lots and lots and are looking forward to seeing you soon, with all our love
Mum, Dad, Anna and Natasa xxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you to all at fieldbase for all the photos, videos and messages, without which these last weeks would have seemed a very long time indeed!
Hi Kate,
ReplyDeleteThis is the 3rd time I have tried to post this message, I do not like this laptop and I keep pressing a button and losing the page. Eddie must have taken the other one up to his bedroom! He spends the nights watching Rom Coms and then sleeps all day!!! Anyway, I hope you are well and enjoying the trek? Everyone here is fine! Lydia is going tonight and I have been assuring Gemma that the time goes so quickly. I cannot believe that you will be back in 8 days! It has gone really quickly (I don't think that Nicola feels the same!) We are having a countdown on Facebook.
Not much news, as usual, the weather was nice but, as it is a bank holiday weekend, it is going to be cold and wet. Typical! Greg might not make it to be Gabriel's Sponsor (because they could not get back from America and missed so much school) so Verity will step in! Hopefully you will not be too tired? We have Amelia's on the 16th - we might go up with Nan and Grandad as Dad will be taking the boys to the Fleadh. Not sure what is going to happen yet and obviously it is up to you whether you want to go or not.
Anyway do not be too depressed about coming home - it will only be a couple of weeks til you are off to Glastonbury!
Speak to you soon.
Lots and lots of love Mum, Dad and VEGxxxxxxxxx
Dear Louise,(Echo 5)
ReplyDeleteWe have changed your flight now, your return flight is 17/05/2010 at 07:30am from Bangalore. Your booking reference is still the same as before. All is paid for!!
Hope all is well.
All our love
Mum and Dad
Message for Merel Loonstra,
ReplyDeleteHi Meertje!! Zag net de foto's van 'jullie project':voer je de geiten ook al? Misschien leuk voor achter in de tuin..?! Weer helemaal ok hoop ik en (bijna)klaar voor de terugreis. Verheugen ons enorm op de verhalen, maar het meest op jou zelf natuurlijk! Hier is alles ok, Koninginnedag, Floor A'dam / H'sum, stromende regen, kortom as usual. Mama begint maandag aan haar nieuwe project, zal wel weer druk worden. Geniet van je tripjes ( naar Ooty? ) en heb nog een fantastische laatste week!
kus Pap, mam, Floor xxx
Hi Kate,
ReplyDeleteJust got your letter. It was great to hear from you! Glad you are not too upset about coming home. We will chill a bottle of cider for you. What do you want Magners or Strongbow?
Lots and lots of love Mum, Dad and VEG xxxxxxxxx
Message for JULIE Egdell - Tango 7
ReplyDeleteHi Julie
It was lovely to get your e.mail the other day. Glad your still having a great time despite the blisters and sore shoulders. Just been reading the update on the blog. Hope your kit survived the heavy rain and you were able to take refuge in the tree house. Good luck to your team in the raft race today!
I have a message for you from Emma. She says she has got different malaria tablets to yours, which the doctor said were the recommended brand for India - Paludrine/Avloclor. She would have brought you some out but they need to be taken a week before you get to Goa. She was told that they are available over the counter in most shops in India. You may not be near any shops in the next few days but its worth mentioning just in case - get enough for your travels and 4 weeks after you get back. Emma will bring the Malarone out anyway but apparently if you were unlucky and got side effects, the other ones have less.
Its a bank holiday weekend here so I am going up to Mindrum with Bonny to do some gardening and painting so if you get a chance to phone thats where I will be.
Hope you have a great last week with Raleigh and the rest of the trek is incident free. Looking forward to more updates and photos.
Take care. With love from us all.
Mam xxx
For Tom Saville
ReplyDeleteLooks like Raleigh having big impact on village where you are working. Guess you'll be running in half marathon if you have any energy left.
Election still exciting. GB called a woman a bigot on air so afterwards called himself a 'penitent sinner' which sums up state of politics. Would love to see biggest electoral shake up since 1923 but have a secret fear Nick Clegg is going to be v disappointed and people will end up voting for the toff or the nerd.
Take care,
Message for JULIE Egdell - Tango 7
ReplyDeleteHi Pet
Update on last message - Just had word from Emma that she`s got enough of the other malaria tablets for you both, the trouble being you need to start them the week before Goa and theres no way of getting them to you. She will bring both sorts next week. You may be able to pick up a few days worth if they do sell them everywhere!
Well I am going to pack up the car and take me and Bonny off to beautiful tranquil Northumbria. Kev is still digging his foundations for the extension, but might run out of skips soon - had another 3 delivered this morning.
Lots of love from us all
Mam xxx
Message for Tom Saville's Parents,
ReplyDeleteTom is aware of Thailand situation and will come up with an alternative plan and let you know when he is back in Mysore on Thursday.
Hi David (Smith) Charlie 3
ReplyDeleteWell done to all your group for getting ahead of schedule. The end of project party with the villagers sounds great. A lovely way to end the work you've done there. I look forward to the pictures.
Hope you enjoyed your trip to Namdroling Monastery and took pics of the Golden Buddha. Adam will be very envious.
Will send a final email as you will prob go into Mysore before you leave. You, and all your fellow venturers have done a fantastic job and, as you know, I share the pride that all their families feel. Everyone at Raleigh India has kept us entertained and very well informed so that we could feel part of your adventure, whilst feeling that you are all in the best of hands. Much love Ma x x x x
For Duncan Sanders;
ReplyDeleteHello lovely (: I hope you're doing well in your last phase! I cant wait to see pictures from your sounds very exciting! I cant believe its so soon until I can see you again..Im so excited (: And so is gorilla aha. I really miss you.
Not much has been happening around here, it was bank holiday weekend so the rents went away to Paris for their anniversary, bought me back some Carambars (yurpian candy aha.) I will maybe bring you some when I see you if Im feeling nice (: A couple of us went out on Saturday night which was so much fun! Then Sunday me and shells went myself some lovely purchases. We also watched Napolian Dynamite..I forgot just how funny it is! We have to watch it when you're back! Other than thats its just been revision. Got some exams tomorrow for my biology practicals, I really hope I pass! Also I have quite abit of gossip to tell you when you're back, how exciting!
Sorry about boring you with my life again, after exams I may become interesting again aha. Anyway, I'll stop talking now aha (: Keep safe babe! Enjoy you're last couple of days in India! I cant wait to see you and hear all about your trip. Im quite excited to hear about it, and see some lovely pictures. But of course Im most excitied to see you (: I cant believe how long its been since I've seen you, and in how little time I get to see you again (: I know I keep saying it but Im so excited (: See you soon babe, only 5 days.
I miss you so much.
I love you very much (:
Your JJ xxxxxx
To alice Tango 7.Hi Alice , have seen picture of the sky of monsoon India .Amazing ,though you may have other words for it as it seems you have been trecking through it plus the humidity. Now you have experienced all the climate India can offer! Here was in deep frost at 7 this morning!Wonder what party will be the gov. when you return!Thinking of you and all you are doing lots of luv ,mum
ReplyDeleteMessage for Lucianna Stefanou
ReplyDeleteHey Moose, not long to go now. can you believe it? it doesn't seem that long ago you were waiting to hear if you had got a place. I wish you were coming straight back to London so we can see you but no doubt you will have a fabulous time meeting up with sarala. I can't believe she is actually coming to India. Maybe the family will marry her off to nice rich boy - I think they will realise you would be too much of a handful for any self respecting husband so you will be ok. I hope the whole experience wasas amazing as it looked on the blog and that you have memories to cherish forever.
I miss you loads and cant wait to see you.
love Maya xxxx
For Ellie Hayward
ReplyDeleteHey Eeeee, hope you are ok and having fun :) Miss you lots here; the parents are doing up your room and have ripped up all the carpet and replaced it with wooden floor so nothing stains anymore! it looks really nice :) been checking out all the photos; you're as brown as a bear and you still look surprisingly clean which is good :) can't wait to see you and hopefully have you showing off your newly-aqcuired trekking skills in Sweden, love you lots and lots Olivia xxxx