This blog is jam packed because that is how the last few days have been here and there is so much to tell you!
We welcome Host Country Venturers.....
We have the pleasure of welcoming, Justin, Sasi, Richard, Prajith, Rony, Girish, Sathish, Satheesh, Neelima, Rahul and Joe who arrive from the different states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Andra Pradesh. Collectively they are the Host Country Venturers (the HCV’s). Not only do they undertake the personal challenge of being a venturer themselves making a difference to their own home country but they will also help venturers to learn about Indian culture and liaise with locals helping with translations in the the villages.
( Lto R Sasi, Satheesh, Richard, Lucy, Girish)
Lucy meets Satheesh
Group love
Into town, a veggie patch and a spot of cricket .........
The groups head into Jayapura to meet the locals who greet the venturers with enthusiam. Garlands are placed in the girls hair, cups of chai are shared and the children as ever are fascinated by our western ways desperate to greet us and practise their already fairly polished English.
( L to R Harriet, James and Alan with the local children)
Returning to field base
Five parts sand, one part cement, a bit of water, some slight guidance from local masons and we are away building walls. It is actually very therapeutic and a wall goes up with the blink of an eye making the field base vegetable patch so that we can grow our own veggies whilst we are out here. It is in its early stages but as with most things I will keep you posted.
Hard at it clearing the ground in readiness for the veggie patch
.........and along with cups of chai, in India, there always seems like there is time for a bit of cricket.
Big Dave shows Bella his handywork with the cricket bat
Trek Training
It is hard, it is hot, we are carrying our kit but because we are strong we make light work of the 14 kilometre trek and make a camp for the night without so much as a grumble...well almost without a grumble!

( Lto R Laura Ruth Anna Phil Merel)
Shyam Shyam the Snake Man.....
Snake Shyam is so famous he even appears on Wikipedia. They conservatively state that he is known for his “personal flamboyance”. What an understatement for such a visual legend! He arrives at our camp, painted from top to toe with tattoos, wearing bling styley rings that even Puff Daddy would be proud of and is completed with a great big Crocodile Dundee hat. He has our immediate attention, obviously.
Shyam the Snake Man
( L to R Manju Prashanth Shyam and Sixty)
Shyam and Mark
The crowd goes quiet and we eye up the bags in front of his feet thinking “I know what you have got in there”. A girl who hasn’t quite caught up, plonks herself down close to the bags, a split second passes and realisation flashes across her face as she jumps up flinging herself to the back of the crowd. We laugh with her as the education from Shyam begins. He claims to have caught over 40,000 snakes in his snake catching career and tells us about the Big Four venomous snakes in India, The Indian Cobra, the Russell’s Viper, the Common Krait and the Saw Scaled Viper. He also talks of the King Cobra which is the one that we have all heard of and fear as it is the deadliest. He gets the first one out of the bag and low and behold chooses me to hold the slithering, wriggling snake. I get involved as much as not to humiliate myself in front of the crowd and also because I figure they are only going to get bigger.
Me with a fairly small snake
I am correct in my assessment as he gets the audience to hold bigger and bigger snakes.
A big one!
The boys all get involved with the big snakes!
He finishes by producing the cobra, no one gets to hold this baby and the mood changes as it hisses at the group. He controls the cobra by this crooked bit of equipment and doesn’t look even slightly phased as he pops it back in the box tapping it as he finishes to a loud round of applause.
What’s next? Oh yes .............Dinner!
Eight chickens are tied together, clucking into the parched ground as the last rays of the sun provide us with fading light. It doesn’t take a genius to work out what is happening next and the light hearted mood is replaced by a more sombre and serious vibe. We are asked not to take photographs out of respect for the chickens and Anna the expedition manager states that as she eats meat she feels that it is therefore only right that she can kill a chicken herself and that it is a good skill for us all to learn. We are told that we can leave at any time if we are in disagreement with what is about to happen. A few people quietly remove themselves from the group. For the remaining spectators we wait with morbid interest and learn how to humanely kill a chicken. The head is chopped off but the most shocking part, for me anyway, is that the body keeps moving for several minutes after the head has been removed. It is explained to us that the chicken is dead and is in no pain but because the chicken’s last thought process is to run away the nerve endings are still reacting. The chicken is then skinned and chopped ready for dinner. I watch with new found respect for the venturers who volunteer in each group to take the chicken to the block. Whatever your view point on this lesson if you are a meat eater no one can deny that dinner is finger lickin’ good!
And the Partieee......
Picture the debate amongst the Project Managers. How do we get 80 young people to have a party to remember without the aid of a good punch? The recipe is a lot of sugar, bin bags, music and people who aren’t afraid to make fools of themselves. That would be us PM’s! After the debate we are pretty pleased with our ideas and we are really energized by the concept. Doesn’t everyone look dashing? Ok it’s not quite black tie but it’s not a bad effort with the materials we have available.
Well done PM's
Holi .....We are going to have a Holi Party and the dress code is bin bags! Holi parties basically mean you get to throw paint at each other and it is traditionally a celebration of good over evil. There is a legend surrounding Holi festivals, and bonfires are lit to commerate the victory of Prahlad over Holika. The legend goes that there was a demon king by the name of Hiranyakashyap who commanded that everyone should only worship him. Hiranyakashyap felt betrayed as his son Prahlad had becpme an ardent follower of Naarayana instead so Hiranyakashyap asked Holika, Prahlad's sister, to coax Prahlad into a blazing fire. Hiranyakashyap, thought that his daughter would be safe as she had special powers that would protect her from the fire but it was Prahlad that survived the fire as he was saved by the God Vishnu because of his unshakeable devotion.
Anyway, back to the paint. If you wonder through any market in South India you see the beautiful spectrum of colours and paints that are sold on the market stalls.
We deviously purchase the paint with glee and dressed in bin bags set up an ambush for the venturers. All the PM's hide behind the wall and Anna leads the trusting venturers to field base for a talk on holi. As we hear them approach the PM's launch our paints! Hoorah! We aren't that cruel not to give the venturers amunition and soon the venturers are retaliating with bags of paint and we too are covered.
Jack and Duncan
Katherine and Anna
Juliet Alistair and Anna
( Lto R Anna Tom Katie Charles and Harry )
look at our dirty hands
What a group
David Ellie and Owen
Kev Jo and Kripa
Music is cranked up and we all dance the night away! Woop woop!
Dear Marge, Bio Stef, Jelo and anyone else reading
ReplyDeleteHaving a TIME OF LARVE! So hot and hard work but fun. Just found out I am on the environmental project first so leaving tomoro at 6.30 am to do that. We are living in the middle of a National Park and building an anti- poaching station. Not sure how much I will feature on the blog but will touch base on 25th March when we return for the next phase.
Over and out!
Peace, love and curry
Hello my love very impressed with your blog! Just found out that I am doing the environmental project first; digging elephant proof trenches around a remote village miles away from civilisation! Weather is so hot, but India is beautiful. Won't be back at field base until 25th March so write letters! Give my love to all.
ReplyDeleteLove always
Hi Hels
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday tofay on Saturday 6th March. have a super special day with your husband Jason; daughters Nina and Jade; and son George.
Happy days
Dad ( Big Dave)
Message for Charles Salmon
ReplyDeleteHi, Grandma, Grandpa and I managed to post a message to the blog ‘Lets Get this Party Started, Venturers are Here’ just as the new photos appeared so please look there for our message. Looks like you are lots of having fun. Emma xxx
Lauren Mcdonald - Good luck on your first project, will look forward to hearing from you when you touch base again. I will be thinking of you tonight as I know you have an early start so will send you wishes and hugs before i go to bed as you may just be getting up. We all love you and are looking foward to seeing some pictures of the project and hearing how you are getting on. Stay strong, keep safe. Lots of Love mum, dad, nats, shelby and big licks from layla. p.s That paint party looked fun lol and also looking at those snakes dont be getting any ideas for a new pet when you get home lol. xxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteMessage for Charles Salmon
ReplyDeleteHi Charles,
Hope you are well.
We have been following the blog and were really thrilled to see you in a number of the photos. It looks as though you are having a very busy time. Dad and I are in Aldeburgh at the moment. Thought you might be interested, we went to the Regatta last night and heard that Alex and Ollie have left to start their own restaurant in Framlingham.
Emma and Sophie had a great evening last night when they had their friends for supper. I am sure that they were pleased that we were not at home!
We look forward to hearing what your first project is and we shall keep looking at the blog.
Mummy and Daddy
Hi Kevvy W,
ReplyDeleteGood to see your colourful face. The Ginger Menace has turned rainbow! The Holi party looks great fun. Smiles speak volumes.
Hope your managing the ol' sol, good veggie planting weather! ..... Strooth, frost and snow still feature in the Borders. love always , Mum xx
Hi Presh,purple and "sunburnt" red seem to suit you,jealous as a jealous person x x Dad
ReplyDeleteHey annie - I'm not sure if this is the right place to send you a message but I will write it here on the off chance that you recieve it! hope your having a wonderful time in India, miss you lots. Looks amazing from all the photos! This website is a bit confusing...I am trying to find your blog so far unsuccessfuly but I will keep looking! lots of love, camilla x x x
ReplyDeleteMessage for Chiara! Hey Kiki! So happy to see you in a couple of photos and great to hear what you're up to. Have sent you a txt re your pin no, but not delivered yet so maybe you don't have any reception? Look out for letters when you get back from your 1st project. Have bn logging on with obsessive frequency to find out what you're doing but much happier now that I know you've arrived safely and you look happy! Antony leaves tomorrow for Catterick but flight to A now on Tue. Love from us all but especially ME! M, D & A XXX
ReplyDeleteHi Katherine.good to read the news & see the photos. Sounds like your havin a busy time! Everyone here is fine. good luck with the you lots mum x x x x
ReplyDeleteHi Chris (sales)
ReplyDeleteYou found out today of your first project, hope you have fun. this is what you have been waiting for must be loving the weather to and you prob got a tan now..By the way, have you learnt any new indian dish's?
...look at me talking about food, its prob cause i'm training..
hope this message makes you feel a little closer to home and puts a smile on your face.:-) look forward to hearing from you when your back from your first project
Have a great time. stay strong, keep safe x x x
Shahed x X x
Hi Rahul ,good to see you in my old home .I've been following your blog for past 1 week and finally i got u.Best of luk to your project and i hope we will meet very soon in your project location.
Hi Harriet (J), get you - hanging out with the locals! No sign of you near snakes or chickens I notice. Feel lucky to see you in a photo - alive and well, oh and your hair looks great too! Had an all you can eat buffet lunch at Red Hot this lunchtime, followed by a trip to the gym - NOT a very good idea. Missing you lots - can I say darling, or is that too embarrassing? Keep going, you will have stories to dine out on forever!
ReplyDeleteMum xxx
Hi Julie
ReplyDeleteI also posted a reply to your message on the `lets get the party started venturers are here` comments list just as the new photos arrived. Looks like its been a very busy few days. Love Mam xxx
hi euan,hope you are feeling alright now?like the pic of you synchronised trekking!was that the back of your head covered in paint we spotted?!looks as tho you are all having a fab time.all fine at,rob and ali have been out for a long run today.harrie sends her love to you too as granma,lyn n roxanne do too not to mention everyone else.i'm not entirely sure where you are or which project you are taking part in but have a great time.thinking of you,keep well,lots of love,mum et al,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteyou all look to be having fun, good luck on the trek will be thinking of you all keep safe, hope the medic is not called on to often, I'm sure Tom will miss Helen but keep smiling perhaps we wil see a bit more of you on the blog.
ReplyDeletelots of love & missing you both.
M & D
Hi Lauren (Pegg), no photos of you on here this time (boo) so please try to get in front of the camera next time so that we can see what you are doing and try to see if you are enjoying yourself or not. By now you must have settled in nicely and made lots of friends. So what group are you in and what project will you be doing first? I have so many questions I want to ask you. Everyone here is fine and dandy. Lots of love, as usual, Duckie Mum xxxx
ReplyDeleteHi christina Hope you are ok? Good luck on your first project. I have been looking at the blog all the time hoping to see you.I have been showing shanel where you are and she would love to see a pic too. So i will keep looking. We all love you so much.So take care and hope to hear from you when you touch base. xxxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteHey Dunc - looking good in your paint. Must be hot - we've spotted your grey vest. The secret's out, you are now an official Patrick lookalike :)
ReplyDeleteLove Mum & Mel x x (Dad can't be with us as he's watching TV - what's new?)
For Duncan Sanders:
ReplyDeleteHello again (: I said I would leave a little comment on each here we go! It looks amazing where you are, also looks like you're having a good time! Its nice to see some pictures of you, even if you are wearing a wife beater..joking (: That party thing you had looks so much fun, and that snake man looks amazing!! Nothing much has happened back home, me and Shelley took a trip to Oxford and got very lost. Experienced some fun driving from her aha. Anyway, I'll look forward to the next blog..I like that I can see what you're getting up too. Hopefully I'll hear from you soon, your letter should be with you within the next 3 days. Have fun on the project and keep safe (: I really do miss you, this weekend has been weird without my Duncan time ): I love you very much (:
JJ xxxxxx
Hi Catriona,I don't know what your first project is but I check daily for news.Your own veggie patch sounds good but the digging looked hard. Didn't see you holding any snakes what a surprise! As for the chickens were you hiding? The photos of india are beautiful I hope you're enjoying it. Look forward to seeing photos of you. Love you, sending lots of hugs and kisses Mummy xxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteHello Rosie, Dad here, just the usual early morning check on the log, and to say hello. Frosty night here in Lancashire, kittens had two hours out earlier on, but all the lawn and trees and ponds are frozen up, and Lulu and Bella are now curled up infront of the fire. I am on duty, just for a couple of hours later on, still a madhouse, even on a Sunday, and the 'up front' sales are rolling in, whatever I say. So take care, lots of love from Mum and Dad xx xx
ReplyDeleteHi Kate, It's great to see a couple of photos of you! But have you not got a hat yet? Nicola and Becky have tried to post messages to you but have been unable to do it - I will tell them how to. Lots of love Mum, Dad and VEG xxx
ReplyDeleteHi Dhwani,
ReplyDeleteLooking good. Love you. Papa
Hi little Laurie,
ReplyDeleteIt looks like you're having a great time! Not surprised to see you striding out on the hike. Everybody is well here, beautiful blue skies and a faint hint of spring to keep us optimistic of a long hot summer . Keep safe and learn all about the building techniques as we fancy an extension by Christmas. Love you loads and as always, very proud of you. Love Mother xxxxx
Hi Louisee C-hope you are still enjoying yourselves. You may have gone out on a project now but hope you might see this. Send us a text when you can. We are going to No 11 for lunch today. If you see someone taking photos don't be camera shy! Hope you are taking loads of phots too. Lots of Love Daddy xxxx
ReplyDeleteDearest Christina just seen the photos it lookes great hope you have settled in and doing everything you wanted to,please lets see you in the photos.we all miss you and very proud of what you are doing and wishing we were there to help,besides having some of the lovely weather. Mum,Shanel,Nan,Martin,sends all our love and deepest feelings,with great big huges and kisses.Shanel was asking if you was coming home now she thinks you have been gone long enough.We think you are GREAT AND SOMEONE TO BE VERY PROUD OF YOURSELF,AS WE ARE.We all cannot wait to see pic of you. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Mum,Nan,Martin,Shanel. PS please take care and look after yourself and stay safe.
ReplyDeleteHey Dunc. Was going to call you something embarrassing, but thought you prob wouldnt appreciate it. Looks like you are having an amazing time...cannot believe you managed to sneak the gangster pose into a photo!! Keep us updated. Lucy xxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteFor Katherine Mammone:
ReplyDeleteHey you!
Looks like you're having an awesome time - the orange face, bin-liner look is a good one! You already look like you're getting brown too. It was nice to hear that you've only got one mozzy bite! Good luck on your first project, take care and have fun. I'm looking forward to seeing some more photos soon. I love you and miss you bubs. x Tom xxxxxx
ReplyDeleteHope you are well and having an amazing time- it sure sounds like you are.
I am missing you so much, I am writing a letter to you as we speak.
Sending you so much love, can't wait to be able to speak later on.
I love you so much- have the time of your life,
Aimee xxxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteI hope you are well and having an aamzing time- it certainly looks as if you are.
I am missing you so much, and sending you so much love, can't wait to be able to speak.
Have the time of your life,
I love you,
Aimee xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Message for Paula Brocki
ReplyDeleteGot your message sweety,that you are off trecking for 19 days, i did text back and not sure wether you have received it. I posted a letter on saturday so hopefully you will get it ok.I dont think i would have been laughing as much as you holding that snake, it reminded me of the snake skin that you bought back from london and when you showed it to Jess she ran a mile. I hope you are enjoying your trecking in the jungle and know you wont get this message until you get back so a HUGE HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU FOR THE 12TH, and i will write another letter tonight and hopefully you will receive it when they do the food drop.
Talking of food we had a fab carvery today, roast beef, pork and turkey and all the trimmings, you will probably be dribbling when you read this lol, i promise to make you a lovely roast when you get back.
Bye bye for now and love you always
Love Mummybear
We want more photos of Lauren (Pegg)!!!! Hope you are keeping well my sweet...thinking of you.... JJ & Ian xxxx
ReplyDeleteHi Nick, The paint party looks wicked, how did you wash it all off?!! I expext you are at your new location now. You sound as if you are having a great time. We still miss you lots and are constantly wondering what you are doing and waht it must be like where you are. But we are so pleased for you to be there beacuse we know how much you wonted this, you worked so hard for it.So looking forward to hearing all your stories when you return. We will write to you, hope it wont be too boring!! Lots of love Mum and Dad xxxx.
ReplyDeleteHi Rich, I have a feeling that you would have been one of the first to volunteer to get the chickens ready for dinner! How is your body coping being meat deprived? It would be great to know what project you are on. Nan's birthday yesterday so 'all the girls' went over to no. 7. - You are no longer the only male in the family, your cousin had a baby boy on the 28th Feb. Miss you Mum x (haven't yet heard from your Dad!)
ReplyDeleteHi Kate!!
ReplyDeleteJust spotted you in one of the pics :) looks like your having the most amazing time!
Not much to report from good old harrow! Miss you lots! Take care
Sarah xxxxxxxxxxxxx
p.s. make sure your wearing all green on the 17th!!
Hi Philip (Hudd)
ReplyDeleteHope you are having a good time, just typing this message from your laptop :-)
Good to see you in the photo, hope you enjoyed your trek and your feet don't ache too much.
hope to hear from you soon
lots of love from Mel and Bill
hello kat! emily and pat here! we were looking at the blogs and saw a pic of u and we were like yeyeyey! tho it looks like u gone all that way to partay!? hehe only joking, we spoke to ur mummy and daddy tonight and they said u gne off on your first project for like 3 weeks so dunno when you'll get to see this, but we're thinking about you tons and hope your keeping well. millions of love xxxxxxxxxxxx em and pat xx
ReplyDeleteFor Katie Radford
ReplyDeleteHi Katie nice to see you in a photo,looks like the party was fun, I wonder why you picked purple paint to put on your face lol,you should smile whe you get you pic took lol,hope your getting a nice tan,still freezing here -4 this morning,dont think yo'll see this message if your off treking,enjoy yourself
love you loads mam
Hi Annie
ReplyDeletePosted your parcel this morning so hope ypu get it when you return from the project . Fine to change flights and your India Visa is valid to 14 Aug so no probs with that. Dad in Jersey, Sam home and getting lift back with Jonny tonight and I'm off to see Mr F and the taooist!
Great to speak to youa t teh weekend and hear your happy voice , enjoy. Lots of love Mumxxxx
..for Christina sales
ReplyDeleteHay B..
How is your project going? hope its more then you have expected and your having a bubble!... I'm constantly wondering what it must be like where you are. Hope your enjoying your trekking. Can't wait to be able to speak.. It is really wired not being able to txt an all that.
I was just listening to that "Keep your head up" tune and i thought of you, so B.. keep your head up...when times maybe down just remember me and your fam are here supporting you all the way. i'm so proud of you. You worked hard for this. So make the most of it including eating a lot of bhajiyas!..:-) You Love those..
Things are not the same without you around and i still miss you lots, more and more each day.. Can't wait till the day we get to meet again..
Until then Stay STRONG, keep safe
Shahed x X x
For David Mahoney
ReplyDeleteHi Dave, this blog is amazing, really good to be able to follow what you are doing and see all the amazing things you are getting to do out in India. Hope you are well and getting nice and tanned, the weather has been amazing here since you went, maybe we could have a tan-off when you get back!! Went out with all the boys and girls this weekend for Amy's birthday, needless to say you were missed, by myself of course but mostly by Matt. He lost his phone in his drunken state, bless.
Keep on having a great time, and keep gettin on these photos. Will keep following what you are doing.
Lots of love Sarah xxxx
PS. Loving the hat Mahoney
Hey Ruth
ReplyDeleteLike the photo although you look mighty serious in it!! not like everyone else busy partying the night away. hope you were there as well but just not in the pics.
try to let us know where you are off to on your first project. i look at the blog a lot so let's hope it stays updated regularly.
had Ben and Mia for the weekend while K & R moved. pretty tired now although they were both really good.
Missing you lots
For Hattie Way...
ReplyDeleteHi Hattie, hope all is going well. Sorry about the other night - I was exhausted and am just recovering from being ill so was in a very deep sleep! Will have better luck next time. Anyhow life here is all engining and rowing as per usual. Just about to hand in one project, which I am looking forward to! I'm off to London for the weekend, which my Mum is very pleased about, to do some tideway training. It's unbelieveably cold in the mornings here but thankfully the sun is out so saltford has been really nice. If possible let me know what you are up to and what your project is - I can't remember if you told me during middle of the night!
Jerome and Michael have just run the Bath half, but am yet to hear how they did but will let you know. It was a great day for it.
Hope all is well, Love Matt
hi dhwani,
ReplyDeletejust wanted to say hello and was wondering how u were? papa says that its really warm !!! not that u can do anything about it but slop on the sun block---------- nothing yet from cardiff but feel that they will def respond this week so i'll let you know
love you and i hope your well .
Neal To Lauren McDonald,
ReplyDeleteGood to see you can take the raver away form home, but you can't keep her from practising her art !!Go baby girl !!
Katie Radford
ReplyDeleteHi Katie
Its Jayne.jealous ur goin to have a better tan than me, ha!! Seen the photos, it looks great. So pleased ur havin a gud time. ul probs not get this for ages as u r treking now. Hahaha read the bit in the letter bout u eating rice n not the curry. luvin the purple face paint, ha had to be purple of course!!! anyway speak to u soon. Missing u loads n loads, hav fun. love u loads. Jayne xxxxxxxxxx
P.S try n smile abit more wen ur getting ur photo takin, jokin!!
Hi Jo Duckett
ReplyDeleteWe're keeping up to date with all the news and pictures and hope you're still having a great time. Its a very frosty day here so we could do with a bit of your sunshine! Hope you are enjoying getting to know the local folk and working hard to get things done. Could'nt find you on any pictures this time so don't be too camera shy!! Everybody's fine here. I'm still busy with the decorating and looking forward to everything getting straight by bthe end of the week. Seems ages since you went now and very strange not speaking to you. We are all missing you. Keep having fun and blog soon!!xxxxMum Dad Stu G G & G
ReplyDeleteGreat to speak to you on Saturday. Hope all is going well for you on the project and India is proving to be everything you hoped for.
Had a great weekend with Clare in Sussex. You'd have found it very dull but we ate,walked and slept well.
Much love
Hey Kate,
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday for the other day....hope your having an amazing time...still no pictures with you in yet. Mum hopes your not too sunburnt because I told her that you were!!! Hope your really enjoying yourself,
Lydia x x x (and Gemma and Kurt) x :)
ReplyDeleteI lvoe the photo of you :D Your Hair is still looking very good, impressed!
Hope everything is going awesomly well, I am missing you quite a bit all the way back in England!
Stay safe, and stay awesome !!!
Hi JJ! (Jack Jarvis)
ReplyDeleteWow Jack - looks amazing!Love the photos - So glad to see your partying skills haven't gone to waste! The paint suited you but not sure if you had to wash it off in the river! - hope the wildlife is keeping its distance! All ok here - everyone asking after you and keen to hear your news - you'll have so much to tell us all. Stay strong. Love and hugs Mum and Dad
Hi Rahul(nani),
ReplyDeleteHow r u? All are fine here. Mom is keep asking about u. Nice to see u in this picture, Hope every thing is fine and i think u will gain something.Best of luck to your project. I'm leaving this month end to hyd.
yours lovingly
To lauren Pegg hope alls good and the anti poaching work your doing sounds great wish I was with you help the animals take care xx from uncle hang your keys up David
ReplyDeletehi euan,hope you are well and getting stuck in to the challenge.stil havent quite mastered this blog business(surprisingly..)but it was great to read your comment.the boys have sent you a message too and we all send our love as ever,mum et alxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteHey Louise!
ReplyDeleteYour name made it all the way online to a single line in this blog, how special do you feel! I see you're in group Charlie 1 - the only question left to ask is how much gas you got gal?
Lots of Love
Tom + Mum
Hattie Way!
ReplyDeleteFrom having a nosy through the above posts it seems like you are not the only Hattie in the hood so just wanted to confirm the above message mentioning Lissie Len and David etc was actually from me and I haven't been abandoning you...
Really sad that Lissie's post hasn't gone up yet as was keen to read that but I think it goes through some sort of verification process first so will come back and read it later.
You're not missing much here, it's all very quiet without you - Lissie and I are going to Windy later this week but you will certainly be missed.
How is everything out there? If it's possible to write back would be awesome to hear how it's going. I see you're digging elephant trenches which is pretty exciting. Don't get trampled though and if you can, try and slip a baby one in your suitcase as they are pretty sweet. It can be our house mascot next year! Only joking... (sort of)
If you can, try and get a bit lairy and get into the front of the pictures as I want to see you in Indian attire (and also to check you did actually go to India and you're not just hiding from us for 6 weeks. That would be so not cool.
Missing you muchly and hoping you're having a splendiforous time.
From your very own Chipmunk xx
Hi Dhwani,
ReplyDeleteYour Cardiff offer has come through. It is unconditional subject to verification of your mark sheets. Great stuff. Hope you are doing well. Lots of love. Papa
To Misses Jones (Harriet)
ReplyDeleteHello my dear, had a look at the wonderful things you might be getting up to! Looks great. Do i now have a friend who can kill chickens with her own bare hands?? Man thats skill, thats gonna be something you'll never forget!! I no you'll be making the most of every cazy adventure that come your way! I'm posting a youtube vid on your wall fo you to enjoy...and who knows, maybe you can teach some of the villagers a little tap dancing ;-D xx
Love you always, send the elephants my love xx from Miss Natalie Baker
To Guy Newton,
ReplyDeleteGood results and RAC have said yes. Well done.
M,D & P x
Hi James, Your cricket party looked fun. hope all well with you and your biogas project. Everyone sends hello, Jean and Cyril are home and were asking about you. Spoke to Jonathan last weekend, he's well but not left bankok yet, i'll speak to him again tomorrow. Chamonix was amazing, the views are beautiful the mountains covered in snow were 4,807 feet high, I'm looking forward to a time when the four of us could go. Were of to Zermat Saturday am very early, will tell you all about it next week, one of my patients has painted the matahorn it looks so real, look after yourself lots of love Mumxx
ReplyDeleteMISS Jones!! (HARRIET!)
ReplyDeleteHarriet trust you with your wacky red hair! Miss you loads hope your having a hell of a time! Enjoy India baby!
I hope your eating all that chicken your killing.
Miss you home-ward-bound ;D
Heyy Jarv... Your pics look awesome . Glad it looks like you initiating some good bant! Have a wicked time lots of love xx
ReplyDeleteMessage for Ms Kat Mammone,
ReplyDeleteHello Katherine!!! I am missing you very much : )
I see you've been digging poo!!
Nearly your brithday, aaaaa!!! I hope you are having the best fun, its great to see photos of you dressed in bin bags!!
Lots n lots of love...
can you giess who, i'll give you a clue -
I'm a type of bear. I'm *** bear xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hola Kate,
ReplyDeleteHows things in sunny India....hahaha makes it sound like your in spain or something!! just a bit bored and thought i drop another message and say hi!!! I think when you come home i will have gone away so i wont see you for a while still but lucky for some i get to miss confirmations and your back in the nick of time....
well i hope your having a fab time and im still very jealous and inist you put up a photo of you in a sari all burnt like a little lobster...
speak to you soon
lots of love your favourite cousin....
Lydia x x x x:)