By now the bucket showers are luxury
No-one is ever in a hurry
Our hot tired feet, step one by one
We wake up hours before the sun
Miles above the clouds we climb
Completely loosing track of time.
Each night we move our camp again
The end, is we don't know when
We laugh, we cry, we sing, we dance
Sometimes we walk along in a trance
Moments pass by, in a haze
But something new happens everyday.
We get closer together
Forget about the modesty
Especially love, chatting over a camp fire and tea.
Wild elephants, snakes, biscuits and chai each night
Sleeping under a starrey sky
This challenge is ours, a powerful fight
We push ourselves on with all our might
Not at the end, but along the way is where we will make happy memories that will stay.
By Harriet Parker
The story so far ......the route began in Kerala, in Silent Valley in the Erivikulam National Park.
PM's look casual but the boots are off at least for today
One foot in front of the other the kilometres are pounded away
The beautiful scenery is complimented by Jacaranda's the beautiful purple trees that light up the Kerala trek.
Pictures of the first night just outside Munnar
More Yoga lessons in the morning

The first days trekking
The group before they climb the second highest peak outside the Himalayas, The Meesapulimala Peak
Climbing down victorious!
Walking through the tea plantations in Munnar
Chilling at the lake - a well earned break
Wild elephants are spotted by the group
The first night getting dinner ready for hungry troops
Camp fires and singing
Beautiful sunrise over the lake
Hallo lieve Lottiedot
ReplyDeleteFijn om je te zien,in je nieuwe leefomgeving.
Het ziet er schitterd uit,de olifanten,
We willen hier allemaal wel een dagje met jullie mee!
Hier alles goed,hebben een fijne vakantie gehad.
Het is leuk om even bij jou "om een hoekje te kijken"
Heeel veeel liefs xxxxx pap,Kees,Pia,Senna en mam
Hi David (Smith)
ReplyDeleteThe photos are amazing! I am so envious. Even the blisters must be worth it. Have a fabulous time rafting down the river. Much love Ma xxx
Dear Louisee,
ReplyDeleteLovely to see you in some photos at last!!
It looks as though you are really enjoying yourself.
The scenery looks stunning, we hope you are taking lots of photos too.
How is your kit shaping up? We think we have spotted your boots on a couple of photos!
Grandma and Grandad are here at present and are delighted to see what you are up to.
It really does look fantastic.
We are all missing you+++
Lots and lots of love, Mummy, Daddy, Jonny, Annie and Natty(SC)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Message for Merel Loonstra
ReplyDeleteHeeeeeey Meer,
Wat een verrassing die prachtige foto's op de site van Tango 6! Jullie hebben dus echt olifanten gespot. En wat lopen jullie door een mooie omgeving. Indrukwekkend. Hoe houd je het vol met die enorme bepakking joh. Er is een foto waarop we je van achteren zien en papa heeft de hele rugzak geinspecteerd en er een analyse op losgelaten van wat je allemaal bij je hebt. Hij is zo trots op je.
NOg een paar dagen te gaan en je hebt de grootste uitdaging in je leven volbracht..Hoe knap!Er is een dikke brief onderweg, dus met een beetje geluk tref je die net bij de finish van de trekking. Geen bloemen dus, maar toch een soort van omhelzing van ons!
Hoe is het leven zonder I pod eigenlijk? Wat zul je toch veel te vertellen hebben en anders in het leven staan.
Sterkte met de laatste loodjes. Je weet nu dat je het kunt. GO FOR IT! Dikke kussen van MAM, PAP en FLOOR
Hello Louise,
ReplyDeleteIt's absolutely brilliant to see the photos that are coming up on yout computer at home. Everyone thinks that you look very well and fit. How did the climb go? Good luck with the remainder of your expedition.
Lots of love, Grandma and Grandad. XX
heya louise or should i call you LB!
ReplyDeleteit looks amazing and i would love to be there espscially as there are the elephants
Its weird at home without you missing you lots Natty love you
For Duncan Sanders;
ReplyDeleteHello lovely (: Im so glad to see some pictures of you trekking away (: It makes me happy looking at pictures of you. It looks so lush! Im really quite jealous of you! Thank you for my email the other day, it really cheered me up! Also, im finally getting better now after the sicky bug which is good. Not much has changed around here, although there is abit of gossip..i'll explain in my next letter! Anyway, i'll stop rambling now. Its lovely seeing your face. And i really really miss you, its been hard not having you around. See you in about 7 weeks. I love you so much
JJ xxxxxx
Dear Theo
ReplyDeleteLooks like you are having an amazing time. Beautiful blue skies look particularly lovely when is grey and miserable here! Looks like a wonderful experience, enjoy! Miss you, Lots of love Tasha, Pete, Olivia, Barnaby and Charlie xxx
Hi Rich, it feels very comforting to be able to follow you, and really great to see you in some photos (surprised not to see you cooking!)I have had little contact with Dad, but send him anything I see on the Raleigh site concerning your group. I have your travel insurance documents, that will take you through to mid August and will send them out to the Fieldbase address, is there anything else you could do with? Vanessa will come home for a week at Easter, otherwise it is pretty quiet here, just me and the dog! Look after yourself, I look forward to getting an update from you. Mumxx
ReplyDeleteHi Hats, Just got back from Italia, it rained like you have never seen rain before! The valley filled up with water and people were stopping to see the Lago di Puglia!
ReplyDeleteI love the pics looks like the top of the world is right up your street! and the poem!!
Spring isn't here yet, but very soon it will burst, Dick is busy planting seeds!
Saw Debs today and going for T at the Bird on the rock tomorrow! She has been doing Yoga in Sri Lanka so she'll be glad that you are doing some too! Was at Ladies Day at the races at Cheltenham on Thursday , very interesting lots of famous people there!
Dunk is OK trying to get some essays in on time!
Am looking up at Orion and thinking of you sleeping under the stars! Love you Mum
For katie Radford
ReplyDeleteHi flower
its nice to see your lovely little face on some photos at last,india looks beautiful, hope you've got some good photos to show us when you get back,hope you enjoy the rafting,have fun,be safe,love you Mam xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Richard (Miranda)
ReplyDeletePleased to see you in some pictures! Hope you are having a fantastic time. Everything is fine here, it is almost warm enough to take my hood down. I have a two-week "holiday" before doing another placement in April. Hope you are managing all right on regular-person-sized meals! Stay alive love from Anna xxx
Hi Annie
ReplyDeleteElo arrived on Thurs to surpise Sam for their one year together anniversary ahh.... We told him he had to come down for a follow up with the person who Dad put him in touch with for the JL job. He didnt have a clue that it was a set up and his face when he saw her was priceless . He is working hard on finishing his dissertation but had a big boost on Fri when he heard he has been offered the CS job! Now he has to choose....
Dad and I went to a bably blessing today for Rachel and Chis little boy Jacob who is really cute and we are off to the theatre tonight.
Hope we get to see some more photos of your project soon although we think the first projects must be coming to an end this week?
Can you write on the blog ? If so would love to hear from you. My computer has now offically died so I'm using yours except guess who is purring all over the keyboard
Los of love
Mum xxxxx
Hello Theo I have been eagerly awaiting the photos of the trek and they are totally amazing. Well done and you must right now be getting ready for the kayak trip. I love the photo of the campfire, the elephants, the peak and the wave from you all as you are walking and in fact everything. Miss you loads but all can say is wow how incredible. Love always mum
ReplyDeleteHi Christina Sales How are you are you well'and working hard and enjoying yourself, On Friday night on televison they had a program about India,and how British and other people come over to help,it must have been last year,dont know if it was last year,but lost the beging,but it was so interesting and the pictures was lovely,very sad in some places were children was concerned,and what you saw the people do and were they live,then you saw a places that people had built when they went over there to help.So darling what ever you and everyone is doing must be of great satisfaction. I wished I was not to old and I could do same.BUT one thing I will get great joy from you.There is a little darling named Shanel that wants to give you this.I love you and here is a big kiss.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.All our love.Mum,Shanel.Martin,Nan.XXXX
ReplyDeleteFor Hattie P :)
ReplyDeleteHey you :)
It's so lovely to see some photos of you trekking and having fun. The scenery looks simply Amazing!! So amazing!! The weather looks pretty good too, not quite as good as here in the UK though ;) hehe :P
Lovely poem too, when I read...
"Especially love, chatting over a camp fire and tea"
...I wondered whether you had written it and you had :). Sounds like you guys are having such an amazing experience! :)
I noticed you playing cards in the one photo too, what games are you playing? Hope you're not doing any tricksy magical winning :P ;) :D
I can't wait to speak to you, hope the rest of your trek is as fun as it looks to have been so far. Enjoy the rafting too!! :)
I love you :)
Matt :) xxxx
Message for Merel Loonstra
ReplyDeleteMeisje, dáár ben ik nog nooit geweest. Wat zie je veel. Wel olifanten, maar gelukkig nog geen slangen(?)Zittend aan de tafel in Hilversum geniet ik van de beelden uit India en speciaal van de foto's met jou, hopend op heel veel reisverslagen als je weer terug bent.
Liefgroet, Oma
Hi Alistair! Dad here. Lots of really trivial news here (Johnny and co still alive but pump died, Fred had a row with Dougie yesterday and woke up with a four-letter word writ large across his forehead, Jelz back from uni with a large smile and an even larger midriff etc) but really glad to see your pics. Will fastfret your guitars (which are gathering dust) soon - they're missing being played. Looking forward to anything you can tell us - when convenient.
ReplyDeleteLots of love from all of us! Dad x
Message for Dunc Sanders
ReplyDeleteHey Dunc - in case you don't get to the Internet, you have a place at Manchester to do Biology!!!! We are drinking champagne tonight to celebrate. Have a celebratory beer! We need you to confirm you want it asap, either by e mail or blog. I'll put details in a letter. Photos look great, so jealous. I love elephants. (But we still have the apples).
Mum et al
Ha lot,
ReplyDeleteSpectaculair hoor! Tussen de olifanten....ook al tijgers ontmoet? Hier alles ok, de lente is begonnen! Laatst lekker buiten in de zon gezeten tegenover je oude werkplek in Leiden, samen met Freek en kids. Tot snel, liefs Han
Hey lot,
ReplyDeleteAlles goed? Mooie foto's van de olifanten, bergen etc. Zal er zeker wel warm zijn? Wij zijn net terug van vakantie en ik ben weer begonnen op ACTA. Veel plezier nog.
Hi Theo
ReplyDeleteAm totally addicted to the blog and watching for photos of you. Really hope to hear from you when you get back on Friday and would be great to speak to you somehow. Love you.Mum
ha die lieve Liselotte, eindelijk een berichtje van je oudste vriendin uit Baarn, ik bedoel Senna natuurlijk, want ik ben nog zo piep.
ReplyDeleteGraag zou ik even bij je om de hoek willen kijken, het lijkt me allemaal zo spannend.
Ben benieuwd naar al je verhalen straks.
De foto`s heb ik natuurlijk ook goed bekeken,je staat er prima op vooral die yogafoto.
Vorige week met je oudjes en je broer een week in Oostenrijk doorgebracht, je begriijpt na zo`n week moet je eigenlijk meteen weer op vakantie zo zwaar was het, nee hoor het was hartstikke gezellig!!!
Ik heb vandaag ook een kaart naar je gestuurd.
Tot weer m`n volgende contactje, houd je goed.
Voor jou een dikke Indiaase zoen(weet niet wat voor zoen dat is)van Pia
Hello Neeli,
ReplyDeleteI see you are having ( u dont have to be too cocky). I cant wait to see you and hear all about Raleigh. It was indeed the best summer i had and i hope its the same for you.
There aren many potos of you thou...nxt time just jump into the frame when some one even thinks of taking a pic :)
Hi Rosie, What an unbelievable experience for you all. Great to hear how you're doing and see the brill piccies. Will think of you at the Priory Ceilidh. Teach your new friends a dance or two whilst you're out there. Sheila, Ward and Grant x
ReplyDeleteHiya James,
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing experience you're all having. I couldn't see any photos of you, so I've no idea what exactly you're up to. It's good to see you'll be back at base for a rest on your birthday - what better present could you have. Have a great and memorable birthday and make sure you take plenty of photos, or ask someone else to take some of you on your birthday. Happy Birthday and love from us all here in Sheffield. G, Bryan, Zoe (in France) and Anna (at college) XXXXXXXXXXx
Hey Annie,
ReplyDeleteI just looked at all the photos, you look like your very happy and healthy! I hope your having a lot of fun!! Very jealous!!
Sorry that this message isn't with rosie again, i bet u really enjoyed the last one! ;)And i hope u were able to understand it?
I'm going to america in a couple of days which is very exciting. I might not be able to write to you for a week or so but i hope your doing well and i'll speak to u soon.
Love you lots,
Hi Louise,
ReplyDeleteThe pictures look great, what a wonderful place to be!
Saw your big bro' in Cambridge last week before your Mum picked him up. He's no doubt really busy revising now.
- hope you are having lots of fun.
Lots of love,
Ann, Brian and Ciaren
Ha die Meer! Zie dat m'n vorige bericht niet is opgenomen, bij deze nog een keer! Ben je al lekker aan 't relaxen? Warme douches...?! Zal wel een groot verschil zijn met de trekking, maar ook wel weer even lekker. Hoop dat je de mail kunt oppikken, brief 2 is onderweg!
ReplyDeleteHou je goed en pas op jezelf!
Liefs, xxxx pap, mam, Floor
hi euan,how are you?got your email,first challenge complete and on to the next?well done to you all.i will send some haribos- and licorice if i dont eat it first..take care,lots of love,mumxx
ReplyDeleteHallo Liselotte, wat een prachtige wereld waar jij je nu bevindt. Kunnen je voeten het wel aan? Al die klimpartijen maar dan ook weer lekker uitrusten of zwemmen in een meer. Ik zou zo met je willen ruilen maar jij niet met mij denk ik. Ik ben weer thuis en alles gaat goed. Dikke zoen van oma en geniet van dit avontuur.
ReplyDeleteFor Duncan Sanders
ReplyDeleteHey Dunc. We looked on UCAS and the offer for Biology with French remained as an unconditional offer, so we have confirmed it and rejected the others. We'll be applying for accommodation next - any preferences?
It's Nan's birthday today and Dad's on Monday - Mel busy in the kitchen. Dad had a trombone lesson from Huw (who?) - these boyfriends have their uses. Love Mum x
ReplyDeleteWas so good to hear from you! We're all missing you loads. Sounds amazing- 200km- I'll never call you lazy again! Enjoy the tribe and hope that tan's developing nicely- going to have to change your poem slightly ha! Anyway take lots of photos and enjoy yourself!
Take care- miss you lots.
ReplyDeleteWas so nice to hear from you! Everyone's missing you loads. All Sounds amazing- 2ookm- I'll never call you lazy again! Hope your tan's coming along nicely- may have to change your poem slightly ha! Enjoy the tribe and take lots of photos.
Take care, miss you lots!
Kayleigh xxxxxxx
Lieve Lot,
ReplyDeleteJeetje dat ziet er allemaal gaaf uit, zeg !
Wat is het daar mooi en wat een mooie yoga foto van jou. Ik zie dat je helemaal in balans bent, hardstikke goed ! Hier gaat alles goed, het is paasweekend en na veel kou is het opeens heel lekker warm weer. Kids gingen vandaag in het badje en ik op slippers in de tuin, heerlijk. Gisteren hebben we een wasberengevecht in de tuin gehad, gelukkig geen wilde olifanten... Heel veel plezier nog. Hou je een dagboekje bij, want ik ben heel benieuwd naar al je indrukken en verhalen.
liefs van de Lonkies en een dikke kus, Annette
ReplyDeleteHi Amy, hope your trek goes well, we've enjoyed looking at your pictures and following progress. Sent messages before, but haven't shown up on blog so you may not have got them.
Staying in Weymouth, picked up Grandma yesterday, she had first night on camp bed for 25 years and slept well. Caravan very comfortable. Meeting up with Ted, Ruth, Nick and Ben today. thought about you over Easter, hoping you got hold of the lovely Brown stuff.
LOL Aunty Sue and the gang.xxxx
ReplyDeletehi Amy,
Hope it is all going well,Grandmas very competative about the card games we have been playing,Luke is now teaching her how to play this game that he has longed to play called battle ship and she is still being competative now.We watched the new doctor who and he is not as good as David Tenant but I think the monsters are better than the last series.We are all missing you including conpetative Grandma,looking forward to seeing you!!!
from Megan xxxx
Hey Amy!!!!
ReplyDeletehear you are staying a little while longer!! sounds like you are having a ball and will have some fantastic stories to tell.....i want all the goss!! anyway not long now till your stay in a hotel room lol! Enjoy the rest of your time and treasure every minute babe!
love, hugs and kisses from Al xxxx
p.s. hope you got my last message!! miss you xx