Tango 7 – Trailblazers
Crossing several nature reserves and national parks in the heart of south west India, the extraordinary trek facing the explorers of Tango 7 has never been walked before. So, in the true spirit of Raleigh, Tango 7 are seizing this opportunity to pioneer the route and navigate their way through some of the purest and untouched areas of the Karnataka/Kerala border.
Of course, with new adventures come new challenges and experiences. In the few days we have been trekking through the relentless jungles, deep gorges and vast hillsides of the Karnataka and Kerala State reserves, we have perceived to varying degrees the more primal side of rural India. Deeply terrifying calls of the ‘Man-Bear-Pig’ (...aka Monkey-Elephant...aka Giant Tree squirrel) which crept upon our campsite as we bedded down for the night chilled our hearts, the size of the creature notable by the sound of its thunderous footsteps heaving its massive frame between our canvas shelters. But don’t worry Mums and Dads, our wily Project Managers handled the situation with a cool, calm, unerring precision. So cool and so calm in fact that they managed the entire episode whilst sleeping soundly in their tents, allowing the Monkey Elephant to depart into the inky blackness of the midnight jungle (they obviously knew the beasts’ vision was based on movement which explains the passive ‘sleep through it’ tactic to deter our stealthy visitor).
Also, we encountered a particularly steep section of the route which we have dubbed ‘the Descent of Doom’ and have likened it to the descent into the lower levels of Hell...ok, maybe the Dante-esque analogy is a bit much but it was really steep and the sun was beating down on our backs and we had to use the rope to steady our progress. Hyperbole and literary licence are what makes these treks the stuff of legends!
But despite the adversity, despite the trials and tribulations, we have rallied together and overcome every obstacle. There may have been bumps and bruises, slips and falls (some spectacular, some just plain hilarious!), but as a team we have made it through.

So, although we have nearly two more weeks of unchartered terrain to trek and jungle creatures to outwit, Tango 7, Raleigh 10C’s own budding band of Shackletons, will persevere with a determined will, strong backs and a pioneering spirit.
We’ve learnt a great deal along the way; how fantastic it is to shower under a cascading waterfall, and how 5km or 10 minutes in India can sometimes translate into 10km or 50 minutes, and how despite the difficulties we have faced we’re still trekking and we’re still together.
The first half of Tango 7’s adventure has been tough, but we look forward to reaching our destination; a swim in the pool, a relaxing lie on the beach, a shower (whatever we look like now, after a good wash we’ll look amazing!), and the night train back to Field Base. And we’ll know that even with the scale of the challenge in our heads, we went out there and we did it.
The first half of Tango 7’s adventure has been tough, but we look forward to reaching our destination; a swim in the pool, a relaxing lie on the beach, a shower (whatever we look like now, after a good wash we’ll look amazing!), and the night train back to Field Base. And we’ll know that even with the scale of the challenge in our heads, we went out there and we did it.
Hi Mum & Dad,
ReplyDeleteI am having a really good time despite my appearance in photos. They tend to capture me at stressful times! I am trekking through the jungle now. This is one of the hardest things I have ever done. My group has been selected to ‘pioneer’ this trek as it has never been done before and the Indian guides seem to think we are superhuman! Trekking an average of 15km per day. Yesterday we had to walk down a vertical slope into the jungle – it was soooo scary.
It was hard but feel glad I faced my fear. I now bathe with frogs and leeches. I lost my pants that were drying on the outside of my bag. There have been several hilarious moments! Made some good friends already. Give my love to my sisters, Rich, Ben and Mia. Keep me updated and also tell Sarah to use the blog.
Love you all lots
(Don’t worry, I am laughing 90% of the time :o) )
P.s Happy Mothers Day
Hi everyone! (especially mam and Aunty – the only people who blog me!)
ReplyDeleteTrek is hard. Its amazing but unbelievably hard going. We have slept in ‘bugsville’ which has made me not even bothered about creepy crawlies anymore. And heard strange noises in the night which we think was a possible elephant/monkey/bear thing. Exciting! Mountain views unbelievable. Day 3 trek was the hardest day, through mountain and jungle, on the night after we arrived I did get upset, but that was only because I had nothing left after such a hard day. And, it’s seriously worth it, it’s made me stronger and if only mam and dad could see what I’ve trekked through/over/under you’d be so proud! Send my love to everyone, and I’m having a jungle party for my birthday.
Happy belated mothers Day Mummy bear!
Lots of love Paula x x x
P.s yes I was involved in the chicken incident!!! I held it whilst it was being ‘dealt with’ humanely. And thanks for Birthday messages! No letters received yet!
Hey Olivia and Abigail! I was so surprised to get your blog message, I read it with my head torch…yes I’m cool. All my chocolates melted straight away by the way, even though you told me it wouldn’t.
ReplyDeleteI’ve posted you both a letter but not sure how long it will take to reach you, also I don’t think it will reach you in time for your birthday so happy birthday! Miss you both so much!
And parents if you’re reading, I’ve sent you a letter too. And sorry Nitram I’ll miss your birthday too. But I’ll bring you some Indian tat home ha ha I know how much you’d appreciate that!
Love and miss you all x x
Hi Mum and Dad
ReplyDeleteHope you get this in time but wishing mum a great Mother’s Day. (Annoyingly this was the year I was going to cook you breakfast in bed, sorry about that). I’m trying to send you a letter but it could take up to 2 weeks. Send my best to Guy, seeing how friendly people are out here I’m looking forward to working for Future Hope sometime. Trying to get as many shots as possible but battery life could become an issue – don’t really have a lot of power points in a 19 day trek across India. As a final note, I think I may get lost in the beaches out here – I figure I deserve it.
Love you all very much, only 4 months to see you again x x x
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ReplyDeleteLieve allemaal!
ReplyDeleteI am writing in English this time because last time the Dutch words came out a bit weird…(They’re typing this over). It’s the fourth day of the trekking today and it’s very hard but that will make us extra proud once we’ve finished it!!
I’ve written a letter to you (Mum, Dad, Sanne and Isa) today which will hopefully reach you in 10 days or so?
I miss you a lot and I love you x x Pien
Ps1 Freddy thank you so much for your comment, speak soon x x x
Ps2 Sas, Claar, Lin, Han, I am not able to write more letters yet but I’ll try the next time!!
Miss you and thinking a lot about you. Hope you’re all doing great. Lots of love.
Hey ruth
ReplyDeleteGreat to get your message. glad you are having a good time despite the photos. It sounds like it's a bit harder than walking to the Mill and back then!!! fancy, you a pioneer eh! that will be something to tell your grandchildren!
we are all fine here. K,R B and M have moved in until the Corsham house is ready. it makes mornings pretty fun when we are all trying to get out to work. this am the washing machine broke down, K got a phone call to say that B and Q delivery men were outside the house in Corsham trying to deliver a sink, Yer father was trying to arrange for someone to come and mend said washing machine and i was trying to get ready for work, make breakfast for the kiddies and hang out washing - chaos!! you are well out of it I can tell you!
have told Sarah to contact you via the blog but i think both she and yer father are sending you e mails so when you eventually get to civilisation you will have some things to read.
Anyway, keep smiling (especially in the photos, keep safe and keep in touch when you can
Lots of love
ps Ruth
ReplyDeletenever thought I'd hear you say that you have bathed with frogs!! Maybe you will choose the pond over the bathroom when you get home!!!
Hi Paula, just to let you know my letter is in the post, sounds like are all having an amazing time. Haha i love that you have brought Man Bear Pig to India
ReplyDeleteLove Chris B
Lidwine van der Heijden
ReplyDeleteHa liefste Pien! Wat fijn om iets van je te horen! Het klinkt allemaal waanzinnig indrukwekkend.Zal af en toe flink afzien zijn als ik de verhalen zo lees maar hoop dat het "heerlijke gevoel "I did it!" overheerst. (Waarschijnlijk niet te vergelijken met mijn gevoel als ik een keer 20 minuten op de spinfiets heb gezeten.) De spannendste geluiden die we hier horen zijn de pauw op de brink en een specht in het bos.We stuurden je inmiddels ook brieven, geen idee hoe lang die er uiteindelijk over doen om bij jou aan te komen.Heel veel liefs, mam
Hi Wenna Carlson,Received your fab poat card we where delighted to hear what a fab time you are having.Loved the high five picture and especailly the smile on your face.Seeing Mia at the weekend so will be taking the card to.Keep up the good work and enjoy this wonderful experience.Much love The Rees familyxx
ReplyDeleteHi Jo Duckett
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely surprise to hear your voice this morning (even if it was 6am!!). Can't wait to see you at the end of next week. I'll not post any more messages after this one as you'll be leaving before you received them. All is well here. It's getting warmer but nothing like your 40 degrees. Alfie's looking forward to seeing you ( he's missed being bossed about!!). Can't imagine how many photos you will have for us to see but looking forward to seeing them and hearing about everything. Lots of love. M D S GG&G
Message for Chiara Raine (Charlie 3)
ReplyDeleteHi Kiki!
It was lovely to hear your voice this morning although it did give me a bit of a jolt! We don't normally get calls so early in the morning - before the alarm has gone! - and I immediately thought something dreadful must have happened. We mothers!
Glad to hear you are enjoying it. Have been watching the weather so know you must all be struggling in this heat. Those lucky groups by the water! Perhaps you'll be going there next?
Managed to get the stuff you wanted into the post today and caught the postman in the post office just as he left. I sent 2 small parcels rather than 1 large but there is the same in both. Do hope they get to you in time. Have to dash now to go & collect Dad (it's 6.05 pm here). Will blog before we go tomorrow night. Love you. Mxxxx
Happy Birthday little sis!! hope you are having an amazing time still! im busy working hard still, but it's our last lecture tomorrow which is crazy, time has absolutely flown by! Went down to london on mothers day and met up with mum, dad chris and jo, was nice to see everyone. We went to the aquarium, was funny walking round, mum was moaning about her back aching and jo was bored after about 5 mins! plus it was a bit cheeky cos the main tank was the same but they get you to walk round it so all you are doin is seeing it from a different angle!! We went to TGI's too, used jo's loyalty card (joke) but im pretty sure she is a bit of a regular there! lol, anyways hope you get a birthday cake and stuff, one of my mates made me one and brought it in to class which was fun, although it looked like she had had a few issues baking it! still tasted nice though, anyways i gotta go cook some dinner before playing tennis tonight, love you lots, hope you are havin fun and looking after yourself
ReplyDeletePat xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Sarah,
ReplyDeleteHave read about your trek - sounds very exciting and tough.It's just as well your not easily scared - not for the faint-hearted.!! Hope your feet are ok.What with killing for dinner etc, you'll have a whole new set of skills when you come home.All well at home and we're all missing you. Have posted a letter with all home news so hope you'll get it soon.Love Mum and Dad xxx
hello aunty ruth
ReplyDeletewere the frogs and other things in your bath friendly? lots of love from Ben
Paula poo (Tango 7)
ReplyDeleteI have so blogged to tell you about your niece/nephew from the scan. And the fact i cannot cope with the pressure of being the only daughter in the UK the parentals dont stop calling. You sound like your having the most amazing time out there im very jelous and very proud of you lil sis. Joe just got a promotion to mortgage adviser and i think based on Eoin's facebook he survived paddys day. Nothing else really exciting is happening at the moment.Going to Eddys wedding next weekend i will say a big hello from you i would have a drink or 2 for you but i get the feeling dad and joe will watch me like a hawk on that front.
I have finished my letter to you and will post soon so i can bore you some more i have kept a scan picture for you (it was so amazing by the way i cried lots wish you could have seen it)
i love you lots miss you more look forward to seeing more blogs Amanda Panda xxx
to Benn Hitchen
ReplyDeleteHi there. Glued to all the news coming through! Exciting times! Really looking forward to the pictures of your trek. Rory and Hannah home next week and thank goodness we've finished rounds looking at Unis. Everyone asking after you and send their best. Milder at last here and the sun has come out - wonderful - hard to believe I was in 2ft of snow up north 2 weeks ago! Must sound odd to you baking away out there. Letter on its way. Lots of love Mum and Dad. Missing you. Take care.
Message for Paula Brocki,
ReplyDeleteHi Sweety,
I was so happy to see your message and so glad you are ok and enjoying the experience. I am so much happier now that i have heard from you. I think i could see a corner of you on the photograph lol. it sounds as though you are experiencing so much and you know how proud i am of you, as i always have been and am enjoying telling the family and my friends what you are up to lol, wait until i tell them about the Elephant/Monkey/Bear thing.
I have sent 4 letters and am sorry you havent received them, you will probably get them on your return to uk lol at least we have the blog to keep in touch and that is really important.By the time you get this you will be into the last week of the trek and am positive you will have many stories to tell on your return and cant wait to hear them all. Take Care of yourself sweetheart and hope to hear from you again very soon.
Love you as always
Message for Julie Egdell (Charlie 3)
ReplyDeleteHi Julie
We got your post card yesterday (3 days after Aunty Margaret). Glad to hear your having such a great time and have met some really nice people. Looking forward to hearing from you at the end of the project. Hope its still going well and you are in good health.
I`ve give Bonny a cuddle from you, but I`m afraid Kev has had to borrow Boris as the Shogun didn`t pass its MOT.
Will write soon.
Take care. With lots of love from us all
xxx Mam
Hey Geoff,
ReplyDeleteFinally proof you are out there, half a head on a photo!!! Well as you're trekking and probably stinky and covered in blisters, I thought I'd just let you know that we've just got back from Ragdale Hall so we've been massaged, facial-ed, manicured and pedicured, totally relaxed and pampered!! HA HA But to be fair Steve worked pretty hard last weekend wallpapering mum's bedroom. Other than that we've got our own nature reserve going on in the back garden as a duck keeps laying eggs under one of the bushes, oh and I've got a job on GP training for August. Anyway hope your enjoying yourself, love Ruth and Steve xxx
Hey Tom Saville,
ReplyDeleteSpotted you in some of the photos so I know you survived at least as far as base camp! (You've come along way since negotiating the perilous bus stop at Gaston Gate!)
Heard u were going off trekking so u must be pleased as pop. All good back here, mum's constantly asking to come up and see me because ur not around. I need u back here just to get her off my case!
Man United are on the march again, swept aside AC Milan and have drawn Bayern Munich in the quarters. In other good news John Terry broke some security guards leg coming out of Stamford Bridge, at 2mph! Hope ur getting good use outta the camera, keep thinking about composition!?
Anyways I know ur having a smashing time so just stay safe and enjoy! And if in doubt - MAN UP! HOOHA!
Oh yeah Tom Saville!
ReplyDeleteAwesome blog too! LOL!!
paula brocki's mam (tango 7)
ReplyDeleteYour being gay stop calling her sweety lol
amanda panda xxx
For Ruth de Sainte Croix:
ReplyDeleteHI BUN!!!
So i've only just worked out how to use this god-damn thing!! (Am i allowed to say 'god-damn'?) They don't make it easy do they?! Tiny weeney comments button at the bottom of all that bumph about delta-echo-brava when all i really want is to see pictures of my little sister looking all muddy and moody, and to have a good ol' chinwag!
So hows it going out there in the middle of nowhere? Are you having fun? It sounds like a 'challenging' adventure you've been assigned to! Have you got your Ray Mears shorts out yet? I bet you have - i bet you couldn't wait!
I could do with a little jungle action myself. I moved to Brazil with all these fond memories of jungles and rivers and beaches, but i've spent most of my time recently in an extreme air conditioned classroom, wrapped up in jeans and jumpers, or infront of a computer writing thousands of articles since my career as a world famous journalist took off ;-) I'm whiter than when i arrived!!! Crikey!
Anyway, now i've figured this thing out i shall write to you more often. When you get chance, write me a proper email, in which you divulge what you're REALLY up to out there, Okay 007?!!!
Hi Little Dude, Been blogging you regularly….. They have been posted but not on this page now that I have stumbled upon it I will post here from now on. Well glad to see its worth it, told when we talked about it last year it was a chance in a lifetime and not to be missed, I am so sooooooooooo jealous of your adventures makes me miss the old job…..When you get back to the hum drum of normal life you can day dream about these sort of days, and when you get invited to “teambuilding days” you can just smile to yourself. Hope the body is holding up, it’s amazing what it will let you do to it, remember failure starts in the mind, mental fitness is just as important as the physical but dont forget to look after your body … look at the state of mine now lol….
ReplyDeleteNews from here..
Not a lot going on here just normal things like work, which seems pretty mundane and probably is compared to your adventures did I say I was soooooo jealous. Aunty I is in hospital… she is fine just a water infection that makes her really old now, I will see her this afternoon and let her know how you are getting on. Yvonne and Holly send there love.
Finally hope your jungle party went well and you had a nice birthday.
And remember “ Weakness is in the mind not the body”
Lots of Love a very Proud Dad x
PS, You might want to tell your sister I can read her blogs as well LOL x
Message for Paula Brocki
ReplyDeleteHI SWEETY, (especially to irk Amanda Panda the unruly child, lol).
Missing you loads and cant wait to talk to you, and i know you will definatly not come up for air when you do as you will have so much to tell, and i cant wait to hear all about what you have been experiencing.
The family send there love and best wishes to you.How was the jungle birthday party lol?
I bet there wasnt any Jack Daniels though, however i am sure you will make up for the lack of it on your return.
Very rainy today here(better than the snow though) and bet its hot in the jungle.
How fast has the time gone you have been away for almost a month!!
Anyway take care and keep on trecking.
Love you always.
For Paula Brocki....Hi Little dude, Just a quick update. Had my ballon ride today 21 Mar. It was fantastic, we flew from Witton Castle to High Shincliffe and we flew over the old house. Did you know Rachel's Mams house is up for sale.. We could see the for sale sign in the garden.
Dad, Yvonne & Holly.
Lidwine van der Heijden
ReplyDeleteHa lieve Pien, heb je net geschreven en dan heb ik al schrijvend het gevoel dat je even dicht bij bent! Erg benieuwd naar je brief want tot nu toe geen idee of je geniet of alleen maar aan het afzien bent!Hier alles goed met iedereen, we missen je maar vertrouwen er op dat je geniet van alle nieuwe en spannende ervaringen! Dag lieverd, maak veel foto's!
heel veel liefs,
Hi Tom,
ReplyDeleteBig weekend, Obama got health legislation through and, more importantly for the future of the world, United moved to top after beating Liverpool, with Chelsea drawing.
All good here, BIG 60 celebrations this weekend!!
Clive (tango 7),
ReplyDeleteI hope you all is going well and no one is causing you too much trouble. I hope you havent managed to get everyone lost too!
Thomas and Gemma came to stay at the weekend - spot of walking, stolling, eating and drinking. Kithcen 95% finished and looking good. Portsmouth won a football match! Daff's coming out.
Love J + K
Message for Paula Brocki
ReplyDeleteHi Sweety,
Just your mammy again lol. I am not sure if you have come to the end of the jungle trek if not it must be very close as i am sure you said 19 days when you started and suspect you have very tired feet. so the next excititng installment of the adventure commences soon, i wonder what you will be doing next?
Not much happening at the mo here, had the chance to go to spain at Easter with Uncle Mart and Helen at the villa but cant get the time of work so will have to go another time if not this year definatly next for the wedding. I went out in the rolls royce last sunday for mothers day with Helen's mum and took nan and grandad and nan thought she was the bee's knees lol it was funny, they both enjoyed it which is the main thing.
I hope you are taking care of yourself and cant wait for you to come home, however after this experience i get the distinct feeling you will be off trecking elsewhere very soon.
so just to say love you loads.
For Paula Brocki.....Hey,Hows the trekking going? Your getting the most attention on this blog so that will please you. No news here much! Mammy & Daddy C are asking after ya! Ive sent another letter detailing all the excitment here, work, sleep, eat, you get the picture! Paddys day was the highlight. Hope Your having a good time and that people have told you to breath while you speak...Talk to you later Eoin xx
ReplyDeleteHi Tom Saville,
ReplyDeleteI finally managed to get hold of you slacker,
while you travelling the world as a wandering back packer. I got hold of your bro the other day and he's still trying to convince me that footy isn't all bad. So i gave it a go, watched the Man U v Liverpool game and I'm definitely sticking with the Rugby.
The photos are making me uuber jealous buddy and I wish I'd done something like that on my gap life. It's a hard life being away from home, relaxing in the sun with no responsibilities, exams...rain but I'm sure you'll cope somehow. It's great you've got the blog to stay in contact though having a laptop in the jungle does seem a bit wierd.
Anyways bro, until next time, take it easy and if you don't think you can do it - do it anyway.
ReplyDeletehope your having fun times, the meerkats are missing you! lisa doesnt know what to do with herself! she quit her job last week, im sure she will tell you all about it in her letter.
im sending mine very soon, my laptop broke and i lost what id written, bad times!
id like to give u kudos on the insect/spider thing cos if that was me id have retreated to the featal position and cried till they went away... also happy belated birthday! hope you continue to have fun, i loved the picture of you with the snake, so not flattering! anyways im off, gotta get to work... with my sprained hand haha
love craig x
Ellie Hayward, i see you are Tango 7. i have no idea what this means and it took me long enough to find you!
ReplyDeleteFor the past few days i have wondered if you are alive.. this is the furthest we have ever been apart and for the longest time! im struggling.
Update- im in new zealand, got a job in a store that sells hollister wayyy (you can tell i like change). Jamie has a job in Cairns but is coming to fiji with me. Kayla and Sarah send their love, they miss you.
Funny story- Robs house got drug raided in the middle of the night! Turns out 2 of his house mates were dealers that are now in jail! brilliant.
update me :)
well, now i have your address the letter that has been pending will go in the post today.
love Ellie, i love you i miss you xxxxx
Message for John Campbell (Tango 7):
ReplyDeleteHello John, nice to see your pic on the blog. Your looking well. The trek sounds amazing!! Rainy Glasgow seems even more grey after reading. Just passing on a hello from all at the youth club. We're following the blogs.
Take care,
Catriona Pratt
Hey john
ReplyDeleteGlad to see your having such a good time, take it you will have loads to tell me when you get back. So hope your not missing me too much, ha. Take care and enjoy yourself.
Love Michelle.xxx
ReplyDeleteGot the battery. What's the address to send it to?
ReplyDeleteCan't send packages to Field base - spoke to Raleigh in London
Ha Pien,
ReplyDeletewas erg leuk om je stem even te horen en ook om te weten dat het goed met je gaat. wees trots op jezelf, jullie hebben iets gedaan wat nooit van jullie afgepakt kan worden.
geluk en liefs papa
For Lidwine van der Heijden
ReplyDeleteAllerliefste Pienie,
Wat vet wat je allemaal meemaakt, dat onder die waterval ook, wat coool! Het ziet er allemaal zo leuk uit! Ik ga je even snel een brief sturen heb het adres al gevonden op de site. Maar hoe gaat het daar? Is het zwaar het lopen en alles? Je ziet zeker wel echt super mooie dingen of niet? Dat motiveert je zeker ook wel om door te lopen en wat moeten jullie echt met enorme tassen lopen, echt niet normaal! Ik heb je al een keertje eerder een berichtje gestuurd, maar volgnes mij is die niet helemaal goed aangekomen(miss heb ik wel onedr verkeerde kopje gestuurd, want begrijp niet super veel van deze site, maar ik doe mn best) Maar om dat dus nu ook te voorkomen ga je snel even een brief schrijven! Sorry dat ik zo weinig van me laat horen, maar ik denk echt heel veel aan je hoe je daar in India aan he trekken bent enzo terwijl ik nog saai achter de boeken zit!!!
Nouja Pienie geniet daaar even heel veel van deze echt once in a lifetime experience en ik mis je echt heel erg
xxxxx Hanneke
To Benn Hitchen
ReplyDeleteHi Benn. Lovely to speak to you yesterday. Sounds as though you have achieved lots. Bet it's wonderful to relax. We are having April showers mixed with sunny spells and the daffodills are really out now. It's much milder now thank goodness. Told you about the car having gained 1000 miles! Lucky Rory. Grandma's birthday tomorrow -we'll pass on your congrats! Insurance people say we might be able to save the forres carpet so that is good news. House busy now your siblings have returned! And untidy!! Cheers Mum
Hi Tom! Wishing you a very happy 19th on the 30th! We'll be thinking of you and send lots of love. Just had a lovely weekend at Pedlar's Brook celebrating Dad's 60th-a great occasion and lots of fun. Your trip sounds amazing-looking forward to hearing all about it when you come home. Keep safe. XXX
ReplyDeleteFor Ruth dsc,
ReplyDeleteUrrrrm...mum said you posted a reply to my message but i can't find it for the life of me! Am i being a total fool or is this communication system not the most user friendly in the world?!
So i finished my portuguese course yesterday and my newspaper happenned to be having an anniversary party the same night so we stayed out til 4 am drinking caipirinhas hee hee! My article made the front page for the second time this month. Its a bank holiday this weekend and we were going to go to a paradise island but apparently its going to rain all weekend. What else...? Have met some really nice people lately just when its time for me to start thinking about coming home. Trying to decide what's the best thing to do about visas etc.
What are you up to? Hows it all going? You're gonna have to give me the lo-down personally coz its such a struggle to rifle through all this stuff and find whats new with you xxxxxxlove you lots