Deepak and I then drove to Metikuppe, via his childhood home, where I met millions of his family members and drank lots of tea. Here we found Alpha Two at the Inspection Bungalow, who had been busy at work on the elephant-proof trenches. After a disturbed night’s sleep, caused by the resident grumpy male elephant crashing around nearby, the group spent the following morning back in the trenches again: digging away, posing for silly photos for Brian the photographer, who we had dropped off the day before. Deepak showed great promise as the bucket carrying boy. The activity planned for that afternoon of visiting the local school was unfortunately cancelled due to the children having to sit exams, so the group continued with the garden they are making, preparing the ground for the planting of lots of flower seeds.

I was also lucky enough to join the group on their safari during my visit. We drove to a nearby National Park, through villages and coffee plantations and stopped off at a waterfall where everyone took the opportunity to dive in and have a good wash! We saw lots of Samber deer, peacocks (the national bird of India), wild bears who played peek-a-boo around trees with us, spotted deer, snakes, bison, wild elephants and elephants that had been captured from the wild and were being tamed. The icing on the cake was seeing a wild tiger which was en route to a zoo. They are just the most awesome animal; so big yet so soft looking, until he yawned and you saw his teeth. We returned to the bungalow very sleepy after a long, hot but truly awesome trip, and enjoyed a dinner of rice, cabbage, tomato and sandwich spread stew, followed by chocolate brownies and custard.

Alpha Two were all in great spirits, and still talking about their Bungalow Olympics, which had taken place the previous morning, and whether the PMs actually won on merit or by cheating. The general consensus was that they cheated horrendously, and as we left them to return to fieldbase a heated discussion was taking place as to how they should be punished!
Great photos of you all surrounded by mud-so you must be well...
ReplyDeleteWow what a letter. Didn’t expect it at all. I’m shocked; not that you were ill, because you sound better now but that you are being deprived of international news. Well the polls have boris ahead just a week into the campaign but ken is in fighting mood especially since lee jasper has left the building under a cloud. Finance is occupying a lot of headlines plus a nine year old that was abducted for 2 weeks but found hale if not hearty. Heather Mills has been damning herself from her own testimony in the divorce court; she receives 24.3 million from paul mcartney but probably could have got more if she hadn’t sacked her legal team before going into court to represent herself. It’s 5 years since the invasion of iraq so that is being revisited. Some gurkas have returned their medals because the government won’t give equal pension and visa rights to the ones who retired before 1997; that’s being championed by nick clegg, the lib dem leader.
None of it is as colourful as your phlegm sadly.
Max is probably going to entertain Hannah here tomorrow, good Friday, but I’m not sure if pip and I don’t have to vacate the premises before she arrives; I’ve suggested he attends to his room but he probably has other ideas.- he has, he wants beer !
Pip has lots of work on because a producer\presenter has fallen ill and he has to pick up the shortfall so that’s 3 films in a few weeks. Tough so I’m there to help out - last week I worked with nigey on doing a repackage of a film on paul Raymond, the soho property magnate who made his money in the red light district before popping his clogs a couple of weeks ago, and met martin freeman who did the voice over, you know- he played Arthur Broadbent….
Junie fine, the op on her eye went well and she sends lots of love as do all the corns, even jake who is back there for easter hols.
Audrey and gwyn send lots too but they’ve got a new tv and are trying to get it going so they could be busy till you get back.
To accept the place on warstudies course I had to discount the two we hadn’t heard from so you will never know…..accommodation is varied and I hope I can wait for your import tho your cynical father thinks it will be my task in the end anyway !
Roared with laughter over your expressive words about Indian food – I know pip hoped you would come home a reformed eater but some things never change.
Enough! I’m sure that now we know you actually want to hear from us there will be more winging its way thru the airwaves. Try and stay healthy and have fun. Lots of love mum.
For Georgia
ReplyDeleteDarling R-- (because its Easter!)
Looks like you are having an AMAZING time and GREAT photos... You're looking good my darling and obviously well recovered! I'm so pleased. Fab photo of a black bear peeping around the tree...looks exactly like Waffle so you must be feeling at home?! The safari sounded very exciting and lucky to see so many animals. Pouring with rain here, you're missing nothing! HAPPY EASTER!! Wonder if you'll find any chocolate?! We'll be at the cottage in the rain thinking of you! Have fun! Love you more than the Easter Bunny....Ha Ha!! Love Mummy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
voor Bruno
ReplyDeleteHa, Bruun, leuke foto's! ik denk dat Thomas C. je wel kan gebruiken na die bungalow Olympics!!!De trenches zien er goed uit. Zwaar werk, lijkt me. Hier regen en stormachtig. jan gaat morgen naar Parijs en treft Nine daar. Ze hebben allemaal gezellige plannen: Tentoonstelling Marie-Antoinette, shoppen, film en natuurlijk lekker eten. Stanny is nog steeds niet fit. Lastig, omdat morgen de pw-week begint.Opa, Ootje en almelo kregen je kaart: waren blij dat je zo geniet. Hier wordt met Pasen sneeuw verwacht...Veel liefs en tot horens, kus, mam
Dear Guy boy
ReplyDeleteYour note was hoot…Ref your plea for news – of the outside world – here’s a quick summary, by no means comprehensive; Labour pushes the Lisbon treaty thru’. Tories could not muster enough numbers to defeat. Liib Dems defied Clegg who sacks many on this issue. (Not sacked for long there’s not enough of them!) Now onto the Lords. Speaker still in place despite calls to go. MP expenses row rumbles on. Heather Mills gets 24.3M from Macca. Makes rambling speech on court steps. Can’t help herself. Al Fayed day in court is pure farce. I have copious notes for you. Court room in uproar and gales of laughter…hard to believe he’d give pantomine performance after spending so much. Blair continues to look for more jobs to pay his vast mortgage. Cameron criticized for going thru’ red light on his bike. US banking crisis deepens. Billions £/ $ put in by UK/ US central banks to prop us all up. McCain is the Republicans choice – and mine - his chips are great..! Democrats are torn between Clinton and Obama. Looks like it will go to wire in Oct. Great fun. Medvedev is the new Putin; Raul Castro is in charge now. So no change there then. Taiwan voting today. Riots in Tibet - and spreading - seen worldwide. China in delicate position. On the obit front it’s farewell to – Arthur C Clarke, various interesting Wing Commanders Anthony Minghella and Paul Raymond – as you know…a quick hospital day out for the ‘blessed Margaret’ All is well now tho’. Weather - a cold Easter – hail yesterday. Snow today. Now I’ll never find those eggs…love Dad xxx
Hey Sararararahhh Frodsham!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm writing to say a very HAPPY EASTER to you!!!! I would have sent you an egg but my mum told me not to because she said it would melt! (I guess she's right!) I can't wait to see you now, hopefully (for me) it will go quickly!! hehe. It looks like you're having a great time, the photos are major mintage!! I went to Scotland and saw Benjamin, it reminded me of you and he still calls me 'Lorry!!' But he's still as mad as ever, maybe even more so!
I went to the edinburgh dungeon the other you can imagine it completely freaked me out, it was really dark and the man kept saying I had a 'powerful fringe' I didn't know what to say back and I certainly NEVER want to go back there!! I haven't seen anyone from shrewsbury so far so I'm afraid I don't have any gossip about this boring place!! My mum's cooking chicken and it's really smelly, I'm not impressed! Anyway my dear I will see you very soon; I hope you're keeping healthy :) and having fun. Many kisses Laura hehe x x x
Tom B
ReplyDeleteHad a fantastic time celebrating Holi with the Maharaja, now off to Udaipur for nore shopping. NOT raining here! Are you sure I got the right text - bring back spices? Food deprivation must be getting to you.....
For Bruno
ReplyDeleteHendrik! Remember me?! Think you know what I would like to call you but unfortunately this thing is censored. Today I had my first day back in reality in my office which was not fun and much rather still be out there with you guys. My couple of weeks travelling was pretty awesome and ended up climbing the highest peak in South India with another crazy dutchman! Got told on the way down that it was illegal though as we had no permit and could face jail for 3 months, which made things even more interesting but got away in the end. Anyway hope all is well with you, from the photo it looks as though you've kept your wood well. Good luck with the expedition and speak soon, miss you big guy. Chris
For Georgia
ReplyDeleteYou will probably laugh when you know I've just had my first day back in my office making the small talk. I think you were right but I am definately going to get back away as soon as possible. Travelling after was really good, especially having the independence, don't really know how to sum it up, so many stories to tell! Just can't believe it's over:(
Hope all is dandy with you though and this changeover is not as horrific as the last one! Looks as though you did well on the environmental, hope it was fun. Guess it's weird not having any competition for Uno anymore but maybe we'll rematch again when you're 30. I feel sorry to those being nosey and reading these messages, they will not at all understand what I'm writing but hopefully it has at least made you smile :) Chris xxx
For Guy
ReplyDeleteMight sound strange but I miss you voice buddy! Absolutely etc. Hope everything has gone well on the 2nd phase, look forward to hearing more about it. I'm back on my little island after returning from my travels on Sunday (Happy Easter by the way) Very strange being back to reality but skiing next week so not all bad. Send my love to everyone else as I should probably stop filling up this page with messages and hopefully speak soon, Chris
Hiya bro (aaron henshaw) wel it was gd 2 hear frm u 2day an also yday 2!! wel am missin u like mad an it wil b gd 2 get u bk soon bt i wnt b hear 2 spend much time wiv ya meslf cuz ill b off 2 germany like 2 weeks afta u get bk!! an dats goin 2 b hard 4 me moving away frm my family!! bt u no i love ya an always will an u can cum ova 4 a holiday lol bt it wnt b nothin on india lol love ya look afta yaself love ya big sis!! xxxxxx