We are now coming close to the end of Phase One, with our three Alpha groups returning to Fieldbase on Wednesday. They will then have a few days to unpack, unwind and catch up with all the other venturers and staff who they haven't seen for nearly three weeks before packing their bags again, ready for Phase Two! They will then be put into new alpha groups and set off to their next project sites on Saturday 8th March.
Vehicle Bravo One is out and about again, on a short 'loop' to Alpha groups One and Two. See below for a brief update on Alpha One's progress. More updates and pictures to follow. Meanwhile, Bravo Two returned yesterday after a trip down to Kerala to check-in with our trekkers.
Alpha One - Hosekerasunda Community Project
The team are close to finishing the construction of their first ten eco-sanitation units; when Bravo One went out to visit they were still working really hard each day and loving the afternoon swim in the reservoir. They reported this morning that they have completed seven now, each plastered inside and out and finished off with the roof. These are just awaiting a delivery of doors and fittings, due on Monday. They plan to begin plastering the other three today and to finish them off over the next few days!
Alpha Three - Chattamunnar Trek
Idukki Reservoir - one of the many views for our trekkers on the cycle route
Tuesday was a much-needed rest day for Alpha Three when we arrived at their camp in Hiburia. The camp was situated next to a river at the bottom of the valley, where everyone was enjoying the chance to relax in the water and catch up on their laundry. After a 4:30am start on Wednesday, Brian and I joined them for their final day of walking, on a route that took us 20 kilometres, mainly uphill, through tea plantations and small, rural villages to a town near to Periyar Tiger Reserve. Even though the group kept telling me I was lucky enough to be there for what they classed as an 'easy day', I found it pretty tough and my legs were aching nonetheless!
In the evening some of the group went to watch a spectacular demonstration, an ancient martial art in Kerala which included jumping through rings of fire and sword-fighting, while others caught a Kathakali performance, a classical form of dance-drama from the region.
Shrikanth, Graham and Project Manager Dom enjoying one of the uphill sections
The boots were put to one side and everyone was happy to swap their 20 kilo rucksacks for a smaller 'daysack' and jump on their mountain bikes for the next stage of their trek. It wasn't an easy first day, with roughly 80 kilometres to cycle on some quite steep terrain. However the whole group found the experience an enjoyable one and were looking forward to getting on the bikes again the next day for a route that would take them down towards the coast. From here Alpha Three will begin their three days of kayaking through the backwaters of Kerala.
We left our photographer, Brian, with the group to record the final days of their trek, so we will be able to post lots of pictures here after the groups return for 'changeover' on the 5th March.
Hi Tess
ReplyDeleteWe just saw the first picture of you resting during the bike ride, with Brian on your back???, where is his left hand?
: )
You look ok, so that is good news, can t wait to hear from you, it seems that your first assignment was the most tiring one, but lots of fun as well.
Love you
hi will! happy mother's day! this is a message from all at mount folly+ leo. helen is definitely off to japan, and leo and dad are going to stuttgart tomorrow to pick up the porsche! lel is staying at home with cat. hope you're having an amazing time, only managed to pick you out in one photo! hope you've got a working camera so we can have a slide show when you get back! xxx
ReplyDeleteFor Monnie
ReplyDeleteDarling, Just got back from an amazing weekend in Paris - didn't buy any CL shoes but tried on masses! Daddy bought me a new handbag though!! Loved getting your message wishing me a happy mothers day - can't wait to talk to you on your birthday - will phone raleigh and ask when the best time to call you is. Went down to the kitchen at Pheonix to show Amonda how to blog - she will do it from my account as I don't know how to set up a new one for them! Everyone sends masses of love and we all miss you so much! They even got a letter from you - wheres mine! JOKE. John Hollings - the nice couple whos dachsund died from no 14 is now the new football manager for Weymouth! So they will be going down all the time to Dorset - such a small world. Had mothers day lunch in Zianis with no kids quite odd really - wanted to take the dogs but daddy wouldn't let me. Can't wait to see all the photos on Wednesday - hope your smiling in them as I know your having masses of fun! Love you more than 1,000,000,000,000 dachsunds! Lots of love. mummy. xxxxx
Message for Tommi:
ReplyDeleteHey Babe, Only just worked out how this thing works. Hope your ok and having fun. I'm missing you like crazy and cant wait till your back again. Thanks for your letter I recieved it yesterday. Hopefully you'll get mine soon enough.
Love you loads honey.
Speak to you soon
Adam xxx
Message for Chris Dravers:
ReplyDeleteI'm starting to get rather addicted to this website and constantly checking for updates like a creepily obsessed girlfriend! I just miss you soooo much! India looks incredible, there's one picture where the countryside looks stunning, I'm quite tempted to come out! I hope the last weeek is going well and that you're not too sad to go, I suppose the real adventure starts after Raleigh, just don't get ill when they're not there to look after you. I managed to spill sulphuric acid all over my hand this morning leaving it a lovely yellow colour, that's about the most exciting thing that's happened recently! It's soph's birthday today so we've eaten a lot of cake and are going out tonight, wish you were there :( Not much else planned really apart from Nikki's play and more work. Still haven't got your letter, I think the postcode was a problem or perhaps Indian postmen don't recognise Guernsey as a place. I don't know, I live in hope. Really hope you're well and having fun. Miss you loads, love you more and hopefully talk soon. Nats xxxxxx
Hi Tessa,
ReplyDeleteLove seeing you on the blog (just a shame we cant enlarge the photos, so we can actually see who is on the photos), looks like you have an amazing experience, although very tiring! Much more fun then boring old england! Will go to Holland tomorrow to see Oma and will see Mir and nicoline. Lots of love from everybody, Lisette is here and big kiss from her XX Mummy
hiya bro(aaron) wel ive jst seen ya pic on ere haha wot u like ur crazy person lol!! hope ur ok an haven a gd time wel it looks like u r n e ways!! missin ya an c u soon!! look afta yaself! love ya ur big sis (Danielle) xx
ReplyDeleteLooks like your having fun, I wish I was there. I bet your glad you did some bike training now arent you. Have fun in an unsteady boat and try not to get eaten :oP
Hi lieve Maud!
ReplyDeleteheb geen idee of ik het nu goed doe of niet, maar laat hier maar een berichtje achter... wat zie je er goed uit! Heb je het naar je zin?Ben ontzettend benieuwd naar wat je nu aan het doen bent. Het ziet er in ieder geval allemaal goed uit! Hier alles goed verder. Vandaag ben ik dan écht weer begonnen met de studie en meteen een lange dag achter de rug, maar dat komt verder helemaal goed. Verder heb ik vanavond roeitraining, we moeten nu echt heel hard trainen, maar heb er veel zin in.
Ik zal snel weer iets achter laten, veel liefs take care x