By Thomasin Lockwood
The three alpha groups arrived at Fieldbase on Wednesday after a trip into Mysore. We were reunited with friends and exchanged stories, gossip and advice about the phases.

A banquet had been prepared for dinner – a barbeque of chicken, sausages and all the trimmings.

Each alpha group had once again created another skit, but as we’d such a high standard at the first changeover, we had high expectations.
Each alpha team were unique and clever with their ideas, all received numerous chuckles from the captive audience and the judging panel.
Unbelievably, alpha two managed to win again in the skit competition, although the group was different members this time…

To round off the skits, bags of coloured powder were produced. We all looked on in bewilderment as they were placed in front of us in the quad and we were instructed to empty the contents over one another.
Within seconds there was a mass of multi-coloured people ducking and diving and trying to avoid yet another handful of powder.
This was in fact part of an Indian festival celebrated here recently called Holi Day and is a sign of friendship.

The music was cranked up and we danced the night away: a heaving mass of colours!

Unfortunately, this is where I end my adventure with Raleigh and return to cold, wet England; back to normality and routine. I have shared the most amazing experiences and challenges with a fantastic group of people, who I will miss greatly. I hope their time on Raleigh was as awesome and continues to be as awesome as mine was and would like to say a special thank you to Phase Two Alpha Three, who helped keep me motivated to the very end of the trek while having the most amazing time.
Hi Jib
ReplyDeleteBrilliant photos. Looks such fun.
Cant wait to hear about the Trek at some point
Off to the Bungalow and Elephants next then.
Painting each other- Back to scribble then.
We are off to Salts Mill today and the Haworth train.
Still loads of snow in Ober. Got a new knee brace. (Random that) Go next Friday.
Marthas first night today . We are going tomorrow. Haz home and coming with us today.
Dr Who starts on 5th April.Gripping stuff here compared to Trekking in India. (Rubbish)
Miss you loads
Tons of love
hi aaron
ReplyDeletethe pics r gr8 hope u enjoyed ya party last nite it looks like u did .James is missin ya and hes still been him self.Its the darby tomorrow hope we win.Me knees well sore its gettin me down wish never had it done.Hope u enjoy the next part off ya phase, have to go will speak soon luv u loades and loades and miss u to. xxxxxxxx mum xxxxxxxxxx
this is for tom b
ReplyDeletebut i am a technology moron so who knows if it will actually reach you?
hey hon, 'interesting' photos, saw one of you eating (thrill) and one that could possibly have been you, but might have been some form of monkey. in fact it probably was. anywaaaaaaay i am packing to go back to lond, and for goa at the same time. its a bit mad, only an hour to go, so not much to say except love you millions and we all miss you loads. hope everything is going fantastically. xxxx talk soon,
josephine (who else)
Hi will good to see you enjoying Holi day I remember reading about it in that huge book I read A Suitable Boy by Vikram Seth you'll love it now you've been to India! Hope your feet are recovering in time for the trek let us know if you can still go. Alan and Tracey are here tonight (Friday) so will catch up with them and show them the pics on the web. Have a great weekend TAKE CARE! lots of love as always Mum dad caro dada etc etc xxxxx
ReplyDeleteHi Charles -
ReplyDeleteGreat to catch up with you!! Also, brilliant that your first letter arrived, I was convinced it was gone for good. So pleased to hear you're in good shape and that all is well as you move into phase 3. Well done, kiddo! Plus, your post 4/19 travel plans sound terrific. We'll see about the camera.
Love you. xxx
To: Maud
ReplyDeleteLieve Maud,
Wat maak jij toch ook veel leuke dingen mee, zoals het piratenfeest. We dachten je achter een pilaar te zien en zelfs met dat beperkte beeld zag je er heel leuk uit, aldus een trotse vader. Wat wordt het volgende programma? Het tweede deel van de trek? Duco gaat morgen naar Parijs maar dat wist je natuurlijk al. Mama en ik dus weer à deux - moetwen we aankunnen.
Kan niet wachten je weer te zien.
xxxx papa
For Ati
ReplyDeleteHi lieve maudie, wat een onwijs vette foto's. Envy you a lot and understand why you're having such a good time.Ziet er erg gezellig uit, hoop dat de party dit x ook lachen was. Balen dat ik je niet nog even kon spreken, hoop echt that the komende 3 weeks ook vet zullen worden. Voor mij 1 night left and Ville lumiere. Can't wait to see you hun, eindelijk weer samen loesoe.
Enjoy the moment, zoen G.
Hi flora
ReplyDeleteHit base and met everyone - hear you want to go on the trek again - keep your eyes skinned for leopard, our final tally was 5!!!! Missed the tiger as didn't go out the afternoon they saw it!
Love you moxo
Hi Sarah
ReplyDeleteI hope this test message reaches you as our messages have been failing to go out. Mum and Dad XX
Maudje, hoe is het? Wat een leuke foto's! ik heb dit programma nog niet helemaal onder controle, vandaar dat je maar niets van me hoort. Ik begrijp er eigenlijk niets van, dus hoop dat dit goed doorkomt. Maar hoe heb je het?? Hier is alles goed! ben weer druk aan de studie en aan het roeien. Vanochtend om 7 uur opgestaan om een uurtje te roeien, het was echt heerlijk. Dit weekend hebben we trainingsweekend in Groningen. Gaan we roeien als een dolle, maar het wordt echt fantastisch. Maudje, ben benieuwd naar je verhalen. Maar als ik zo zie ben je alweer aan het eind van deze maand weer thuis. OMG, de tijd vliegt... Veel liefs take care, xxxx E