Our DPM, Tim Berriman has just returned from Alpha Three with all the latest news on how they are getting on in Kerala...
Life as the Deputy Programme Manager can mean a lot of time stuck at Fieldbase in Mysore, so I leapt at the chance of standing in as a trek leader for the mighty Alpha 3 for the first 9 days of their adventures in the Western Ghats. Since returning this morning I have been bullied into telling of our exploits for the blog....
Tim with PM Hana
After the controlled chaos of sorting the food and equipment resupply drops, personal stuff, maps, route cards and one hundred other jobs that need to be completed before deployment the 12 hour bus ride to Kerala was a welcome relief and time for some well earned snoozing. But as we entered the Western Ghats all eyes stared in awe at the breathtaking scenery and the size of the mountains. It seemed the tales told by the previous trek group of hours of toiling up never ending hills were not lies. Talk around the campfire that night was full concerns of blisters, rucksack weight and the impending 0400 wake-up call.
The first day did not disappoint, starting with a vicious climb up the winding roads of the Chattamunnar Tea Estate and then into the near vertical jungle above; surely at some point it would level out? Aching legs were quickly forgotten when we stopped for our first long break and had a chance to look out over the valley we had climbed out of, giving everyone a first real taste of the scale of the peaks we intended to climb over the next few days.
Thankfully the afternoon was a little easier as we meandered through the small communities of tea estate workers. Our arrival into each village was always greeted with shouts of ‘What is your name?’ and ‘Where are you from?’ from the local children, while the adults simply stared in amazement at the sight of trekking. As our guide, Shabeeb, said ‘they think we are mad, Keralan just people don’t do this!’.
Just as legs started to refuse to climb another hill and lifting rucksacks onto backs became almost impossible we caught sight of our first camp, the first arrivals greeting each member of the team with cheers as they collapsed onto the grass. Day One was over, but another 10 beckoned; could we repeat the performance tomorrow?
Day two quickly rolled into day three, the big one! Our task was to climb Meesapulimala at 2650m (or almost 9,000 ft), no easy feat with a small rucksack but with full packs it was going to take some doing. Alpha 3 were starting to motor at this point and fuelled by coconut sweets and peanut crunch we summitted at lunchtime in the mist, meaning a rest and a lunch of cold rice could be enjoyed knowing the afternoon was all downhill and our hardest day was almost complete. Unfortunately the weather gods had other ideas and unseasonal rain swept in causing a damp descent through the highest tea estate in the world. Still Alpha 3 made camp in high spirits and were greeted by welcome sight of piping hot tea from the campsite staff.
Day two quickly rolled into day three, the big one! Our task was to climb Meesapulimala at 2650m (or almost 9,000 ft), no easy feat with a small rucksack but with full packs it was going to take some doing. Alpha 3 were starting to motor at this point and fuelled by coconut sweets and peanut crunch we summitted at lunchtime in the mist, meaning a rest and a lunch of cold rice could be enjoyed knowing the afternoon was all downhill and our hardest day was almost complete. Unfortunately the weather gods had other ideas and unseasonal rain swept in causing a damp descent through the highest tea estate in the world. Still Alpha 3 made camp in high spirits and were greeted by welcome sight of piping hot tea from the campsite staff.
So with fitness improving and routines becoming established the days then flew by, each one had its highlights. Dawn boat rides across lakes; stunning sunrises following a night of watching thunderstorms over the mountains and lunches spent swimming in deserted waterfalls in the jungle. All too soon the Raleigh vehicle arrived to drop Jason with the group whisk me back to Fieldbase. In 9 days we had pushed ourselves harder than many thought was possible and still reached the end of each day smiling.
I can only thank Bella, Qathab, James, Josie, Thomasin, Maud, Arya, Laurie, Ali, Olivia, Georgina and Flora, as well as my fellow PMs, Hana and Claire for making it an unforgettable part of the expedition.
For Monnie
ReplyDeleteJust had a day shopping with Ruth - again - exhausted! Pick up boys tomorrow - Zak driving me and helping with trunks - then Amelas for 5 hours! Joke! No photos yet - please ask your PMs for loads of photos - not that I'm pushy - Jo wants photos too!! Daddy has just announced that he has a cold - TYPICAL - man cold I told him - he just looked at me and asked what that was! - really I didn't need to answer that. The house is very quiet without the dogs - I miss them so much - not as much as I miss you. Aunty Mads has been very naughty on her diet and put on 3 lbs. When I am away in Lech it might be hard for me to send messages so don't worry if you haven't heard from me for a while. Will send one last message tomorrow. Love you more than ever my darling - Big fat kisses. love mummy xxxxxxxxxxx
for olivia
ReplyDeletelol! what are you carrying underneath all of that! lol it looks bigger than you!
its nice to see you havin fun!
meliha x
Dearest Ali,
ReplyDeleteAtlast we've discovered you have a blog! Really enjoyed reading about what you've been up to after all this time. Quite alot by the sounds of things! Loved the pic, which will be doing the rounds at Easter - everyone is wanting to know how you are. sounds as if you are having lots of fun and fantastic adventures.
All missing you loads,
lots of love,
Mum x
ReplyDeleteglad your having a great time
no easter cakes from bettys this year but am sure you will make everybody there some nice ones .
they have given snow this weekend i am going to poole
and dont forget to make the easter hats want to see photos on blog have funlovr janexxxx
For James H
This is the Marlow-Stevens crew
we're staying in your house - eating your food and sleepin in your bed!
Its very nice here, the cats are missing you though.
Hows India? That walk looked soo tiring, well done for getting to the top! Theres a nice pic of you looking like you're asleep - were you?..
Granny Jean says hello too. :D
lots of love from
Alice, Elliot and Sam xxx
ReplyDeleteello ello my lovely!! :]
omg! iv seen some of the pictures that tim took of part of the trek and jeeeez! the places you've been to look absolutely amazing!!!
part of me is actually really jealous!
but what the hell have you done to your knee?!?!? in some of the photos you've got it strapped....
please tell me you're looking after yourself love. and you're raleigh t-shirt, which is looking er....far from pristine. a 10 Rp trip to the laundrette should sort that out good and proper...brrrruv :P
im missing you LOADS! england is experiencing some rather freaky weather! snow is forecast in the next coupla days....seriously. I. MISS. THE. SUN!
also i think my body is over-accommodating to adjust back to this arctic weather - i overheat badly whenever im inside for more than 5 mins!! maybe its just the menopause. hahaha.
love you lots.
take care. and il be seeing you real soon :] cannae wait!
Ranger Jimbo (james)
ReplyDeletesup boyo!!
iv just taken a peek at some of the pictures tim took whilst out on trek with you guys and......
YOU'VE SHAVED YOUR BEARD/GOATEE/MOUSTACHE (can't remember what stage it was at when you left) OFF!!!!
man! you look soooo much younger without it lol. id say you look maybe...12 .... bordering 13. pre-adolescent basically. hahaha.
missing you lots!
cant believe you still wont be home for an absolute age!
hope you're having an amazingly awesome time though! it definitely looks like you are!
take care jimbo.
lovelovelove fishy.
Hey Al,
ReplyDeleteHave just returned home for the holidays. Feel like an only child right now as Soph is in London. But it won't be quiet for long as the cousins are invading for Easter. Am trying to summon the energy for a weekend of repeated jokes and playing the witch game! Will be a nice excuse to set up an Easter egg hunt and gorge on chocolate though. I'll show them the photos of all your adventures. Have you had any encounters with dangerous snakes that i can tell them about?
Miss you lots.
Love Neesh xxxxxxxxxxxx
Happy Easter Flora
ReplyDeleteJust arrived Cochin in the rain!! 2 days houseboat - in the rain... Have yet to have a dry day something to do with a cyclone we gather and low pressure in the Arabian Sea.
Wow what a climb you must have had - it was pretty hairy in the car! You all seem to be enjoying yourselves however.
Waiting for our luxurious hotel room to be ready, the previous occupants have not yet checked out and it's gone 12.
Love you Moxo
for olivia
ReplyDeletehey olive hope everythings going well! thought id drop you a line on easter- i tried to figure out how to send an easter egg to you but it seems literally impossible! lol so maybe ill give you one when you get back or something!
hope you get this message
everyone sends their love,
we are all looking forward to hear about the trip wehn you get back
lots of love
meliha x
Hi Joesy.
ReplyDeleteDont know whether you got my last message. Had instrctions from your Mum how to send another...so here goes.
We missed you last week at St Aidans presentation evening. Will send your Mum photo of us [taken by Mr Hatcher]Jess is home for Easter, working at the Park, writing essays, and seeing boyfriend...she sends you her love.
We are all fine,love seeing all your photos.
You take care now....sending you lots of love.
love Dyane, Andy, Sophie, and Jessxxxxxxxxxxxx
Voor Maud
ReplyDeleteHai lieverd, ben net thuis van gemeenteraad en vroeg me af of je al weer aan een nieuw projekt bent begonnen. Hier alles goed. Opapa is vandaag jarig !Just gaat morgen met huis naar madrid. morgen voor Duco laatste dag. Is nu in Amsterdam bij Nina geloof ik. Zondag moet ik weer competitie spelen ( golf ). hoop dat de baan nog even dicht is, heb nl nog niet echt zin. ga morgen wel oefenen. OK lief, take care en hoop snel weer foto's van je te zien. dikke zoen H