Wow – the last couple of days have been packed with more things than you can fit in a trekking rucksack. On Friday our 10 week alpha groups had a brilliant surprise when Sham the snake man paid us a visit. Sham didn’t come alone and brought with him snakes of all shapes and sizes including a cobra and a python oooo!!!
Sham, Jayapura's snake expert |
Rajaswari backing away |
Elvis not looking sure about his new friend |
Tom and Sham |
Sham set about telling the groups all about the different breeds, which ones were venomous and which ones you could give a friendly cuddle to if you felt inclined to do so, we don’t recommend it however! Sham has year of experience working alongside his reptilian friends and was able to impart a wealth of knowledge to the group. The group got to see how a cobra behaved if it got out of bed on the wrong side that morning and he also gave the groups a chance to hold the friendlier of snakes. Teeja, despite a phobia of snakes, was brave enough to hold one of them.
Teeja, with Rohith looking on |
Sham can't scare Kat! |
The Cobra |
After the excitement the groups had a well deserved rest after all their hard work over the past couple of days while the field base staff planned a big surprise for them the very next day.
It’s not a true Raleigh expedition if you can’t get the face paints out and Jen, our DPM, will find any reason to whip out her own personal supply. The first excuse came when Lindsay (VM) came up with an inspired idea of how to reveal to our 10 week venturers which alpha group they would be in for Phase 1 of the expedition.
Field base ready to paint some faces |
Jen - our tribal leader
Any chance Andrew gets to make noise he takes with both hands! |
Field base painted their faces tribal style and ushered everyone into the classroom, Tim even provided drum beats to go alongside proceedings which went something like this: all the venturers had to sit down and close their eyes, the field base staff ran around the group and painted different coloured tribal lines on their faces to illustrate which Phase they had been assigned to. Once everyone’s face had been painted they were allowed to open their eyes and find who their fellow team mates were going to be for Phase 1.
The 10 weekers wait expectantly |
Tabby is put in the Tango 5 tribe |
Lauren give Roxanne support while she awaits her turn |
Roxy gets Charlie 1 |
Dwayne is joins Tango 5 |
Jason goes to Tango 6 and Tarik get Charlie 1 |
Najee and Dwayne realise they are in the same group! |
Amy, Kat, Manpreet and Celia seem happy with their groups |
Lousie, Emma and Chaitali all with Tango 6 |
Shaquille also goes with Tango 6 |
But the fun didn't stop there and the next big reveal was who their VMs were for Phase 1. All the VMs hid themselves and jumped out a pair at a time with their faces painted in the colour of the group they were to be with.
Lindsay and Lou will be off with Echo 3 |
Sarah and John revealed as the VMs for Tango 5 |
So here are the groups:
Charlie 1 will be with Susan and Ana and they will be deploying to Kotapadi to work on a community project building toilets and working on a new house for a family in Kotapadi
Charlie 1
Echo 3’s VMs are Lindsay and Lou and they are off to build elephant fences and trenches in Basava Pora.
Echo 3
Next up is our first trek group Tango 5 and they will be striding out with our VMs John and Sarah.
Tango 5 |
Lastly we have Tango 6 who will be trekking with VMs Tim and Catherine.
Tango 6 |
Even our drivers, Little Manju and Big Manju couldn't escape the face paint! |
All the groups seemed happy with their allocations but there is no rest here on a Raleigh expedition and now the teams had to organize all their food and equipment for Phase 1 as deployment was the following day (Sunday). On Saturday evening our lovely Host Country Venturers, our group from Bermuda and some of the girls from England gave us a dance performance to teach everyone some moves from their home country – nobody was safe though as after each performance everybody got up on the floor and had to have a go themselves, with a special performance by some of the VMs with the help of our more rhythmic Bermudians (especially Dwayne who gave a demonstration of how to pull off the Pelican).
Sunday everybody here at field base were up nice and earlier to sort out last minute bits and pieces and making sure all belongings were on their bus. Here are a few pictures of their last few hours at field base for 19 days (sniff, sniff).
Amy, Will and Celia ready to trek |
Emma and Chessie |
Tom looking like Indiana Jones |
Charlie 1getting on the bus |
Lauren got all the kit she needs for Kotapadi |
Charlie 1 |
Yasmin looking like she is on her trek already |
Elvis, Oli, Dwayne and Tabby - Tango 5 |
Not quite sure why Susan has a guitar but.... |
luckily fellow VM Ana has the med kit |
Charlie 1 ready for the off |
Tango 5 were 2nd to leave |
Bye Devon!! |
Manpreet and Alex |
Ashley |
Lindsay gets Donks to carry her stuff - cheeky girl |
Bye, bye Tango 6 |
Tim and Catherine - Tango 6's lovely VMs |
Manpreet's bag is almost the same size as her! |
Michaela and Donya pack up Echo 3's van |
Echo 3 ready for the off |
Bye for now guys we'll miss you!! |
Since their departure we've heard from all the alpha groups and they have arrived safely at their various destinations. We'll be back in the next couple of days to let you know what they have all been up to.
To Claire Fletcher
ReplyDeleteLooks like you are all having a great time, and loving all the photo's, hope to see you soon
Love the northern Dunn's x
For Celia Craven
ReplyDeleteLove the face paint - 19 days of trekking!! You'll put Charles in the shade.
Hackett's conservatory being hacked down today so all go in CLG.
lots of love,mummy
Celia Craven Tango5
ReplyDeleteI hope you get this; I've been sending messages to 11E which may have gone somewhere else. There can't be too many Celias out there though. Can't wait to hear about the trekking - what do you cook en route? Do you carry tents or sleep outdoors? How do you cook rice and curry on a trangia? love, murphyxxx
ReplyDeleteReally nice to see some photos of you. Hope you enjoy the expedition, looks like your having fun
love dad & michael .x
Hello Dwayne Robinson (Tango 5) - it's ya Aunie Syb. I see some black stuff on your chin, looks like a goatee??? lol. I see Shaq is in Tango 6 - oh no, how are you two gonna manage with out each other? Poppa and nana said to tell you hi and they love you and to be safe. Okay my 'Olah' make the best of your time there, gain as much knowledge as you can. Have a great time and I look forward to more intersting pics. I will keep you, Shaq and the other Bermudians in prayer. Luv you lots kiddo.
ReplyDeleteFor NAJEE CLARKE - Tango 5
ReplyDeleteHi Naj we MISS you SO much - it is good to see that you are having fun!!!! Life minus one child is not the same :) love you X0 mom
Hey French Fries & Cream Cheese <3 <3 I love you so much i really hope you are enjoying yourself and wish you the best of Luck Miss You and Mae Mae misses you 2but shes not here (at work) - Ebony & move to the front of the pics please! (Seriously) Muah
Tango 5 Elvis
ReplyDeleteYour "new friend" is so wonderful~WoW~
How's the feeling when your new friend creeping your body? HAHA~You look funny!
Andrew and Jen,
ReplyDeleteYou guys look great with your face paint on. Best wishes to the rest of the gang.
Andy (Doc) xx
to thomas leggat- charlie 1
ReplyDeletehi thomas, love the photo's we are soooo pleased you are having a good time.
love you loads mum, paul & all the kids xxxxxx
Ashley Johns 11e echo3
ReplyDeleteLooks like your having fun already bairne thought you were meant to be working lol,dont you go hiding away from the camera I want to see lots of Photo,s ,missing you loads. Pie,s took over yer room and Stinkies missing his mam.
lots of love Mam Jamie and Bill,p.s can you hear Bill in India
Chaitali Desai - India Tango 6
ReplyDeleteHi Chats, Saw your pictures with the face paint, looks as you are having fun. You have been selected to go tracking so lots of walking and sore feet but you will get to see some amazing views. Best of luck, we all miss you. Everyone sends their love
Hey Najee In Tango 5 your father misses you bunches. It is gald that you have this opportunity to meet others from all over the world. Plus make an impact and give selflesly of yourself Daddy is proud of You. Pemember your my first child and I love you.
ReplyDeleteLove Daddy xoxoxoxo
Hi Alex (11E) got your text.Good to hear that you are having a 'crazy' time !We all hope you are ok as you go off with your group.Mattie is on camp and we have just returned home from Edinburgh..raining here what's new!! Have sent letter with parcel to follow Love you
ReplyDeleteSarah Mattie Mum Dad x
message pour PAMINA :
ReplyDeleteas tu reçu mon message précédent ?
j'ai lu ton message à Patricia alors cela me donne une impression de ton aventure.
si j'ai bien compris tu creuses des tranchées pour protéger les éléphants des cafards ???
je ne vois pas de photo de toi sur le blog ???
j'ai eu un mail de Cambridge qui demande des dates d'audition fin aout, j'ai donc dit le vendredi 26 aout ou lundi 29 ou 30 ou 31
dis moi vite sir c'est ok pour toi.
hier il y a eu le concert de jazz : musiciens géniaux, 55 personnes ravies, il faisait beau, c’était bien, il ne manquait que toi.
pleins de bizzzzz parisiennes,
For Alice Bee Bayfield 11F
ReplyDeleteKeep smiling darling XXX
Tango 5 Dwayne Robinson,
ReplyDeleteSaw the pictures of you & Shaquille (tell him we say HI!) Hope you're having the time of your life. What a blessing to explore God's Great earth & creatures & Serve his Children. You young people have such amazing opportunities today (Beth is off to Iceland this week)
Wishing you all the best on your adventure!
Isabel Foster(11F/Foxtrot 2)
ReplyDeleteGood to hear your news.How is the weather at the moment? Are you keeping dry? He still says I look awful! Hopefully the weather will be O.K on Saturday. Looking forward to it. Nana and Grandpa send their love.Take care.Have fun.Lots of love Mum xx
11F James Glenn-Craigie Foxtrot 2
ReplyDeleteLoved seeing the photos. Hope you are having a good time and making lots of new friends. Still like curry? Oliver has gone out working today in Oakley road. Went to the Bisgoods for supper. All well here. Lots of Love Andrew, Jenny and Oliver
Celia Craven Tango 5
ReplyDeleteKarin wants to commission more brownies as the boys keep going to the freezer looking for them. They all love them frozen. She and Alex off to look at Oxford colleges today, leaving the jackhammers behind for the rest of us. Stephen next door bashed his head on the radiator, ambulances out at 1:30am, having fainted after a championship squash game. He's fine now - bandaged head - looks a bit like Basil Fawlty. Hope you are managing to keep
Hi Dwayne Robinson - Tango 5
ReplyDeleteHow are you making out on the trekking. Tell me all about it. Show them your cooking skills. Wait, do you know how to make rice (LOL). Anson is putting all his wrestling moves on his parents. Your presence is a miss. Godpa Mervin says hello and enjoy yourself. He is proud of you.
Love you Mom.
Alex Clarke
ReplyDeleteHi - we miss checking here for two days and it seems that everything in India is moving on and is action-packed! It's all fascinating and we love keeping up with you. Enjoy it all, love Mum and Dad xx
Najee Clarke - Tango 5
ReplyDeleteHi Nijee, its Tydee, I was just here at work with my coworker showing me a picture of his nephew(Dwayne Robinson) and to my surprise, I saw a picture of YOU. Hope you are having a great time with new friends and different experiences. May God continue to guide and protect you and all the rest. I look forward to seeing more pictures of you. Love you.
For Sally Orange...
ReplyDeleteHi there, hope you are still enjoying yourself and having lots of exciting adventures. Things are busy, busy, busy here. Take care, thinking of you. The oranges xx
Celia Craven Tango 5
ReplyDeleteTorrential rain here last night - hope you are staying dry. Off to the theatre with Simon tonight for his Sondheim evening. Had lunch with Mary in 16CLG yesterday. She has even more paint samples than we did in preparation for her hall and landing. Long email from Rosemary from Ulan Bator in Mongolia. Says she couldn't live there but an interesting place short term. Meets Arthur for lunch every day as she can't find good food in the markets so has to resort to eating in restaurants. Tough!? How is your food? How are your feet and back? Very very quiet here. xxxxMurphy
Chaitali Desai E11, Tango 6
ReplyDeleteHi Chats, so you have finished you 11k walk. Hope your feet are not so sore. its good that you are now going to do some rafting. You have always wanted to do this so you will have so much fun. I am looking forward to seeing the pictures.
Laura came to return your dresses, she and your other friends sent their love. They all miss you and are keeping up with the blog too.
Clare, Amit, Alex and Mayank all send their love too.
I will write soon,
Love mum
Tu Wei 11E foxtrot 2
ReplyDeleteHeard it rained today. At least you get a days` rest and it cools things down a bit. But you need to dig the trenches again! Hope you are hanging on there. Sis came back from Taiwan a few days ago and bought you a couple of nice things! Mom says she misses you and ask you to take care of yourself i.e drink lots of water and eat lots of green and don`t forget to berak every day. Actually we all misses you and counting down the days you will be coming home
Malaysia boleh so can you!
Remember, when in Rome do as the romans do!
Bye for now... Mom,Pop and Sis.
Bye.. Mom Pop and sis.
To Jason Rhind of Tango 6:
ReplyDeleteHope all is going well Jason. We assume that no news is good news and that you are having a great time. Leaving Brckenridge, CO tomorrow to head back home. Drop us a note when you get a break.
Cheers, Mom & Dad.
To Amy Donegan - (Tango 5)!!
ReplyDeleteTo update you - exams are on separate blog - they are really good news - marked secret and secure please - you are also now officially moved into the house. Saw Harriet yesterday. Keys given back and you have door key to the house and room. Uni room all clean. I have given Harriet your blog details so she may be in touch as well. I hope you are enjoying your time. Enjoying all the photos. Trying to envisage you trekking in all weathers. Must feel like you did in Vietnam - there for a purpose and getting on with the job. I am sure you will take a great deal of your experience away with you so keep the journal active and keep taking the photos as memories fade. Hope to speak to you again soon with an update on everything. Have you given away the pencils yet? I have so much to convey but would rather save for another blog. Take care and appreciate every second.
Lots of Love and Hugs. Mum XXX
To Amy Donegan (Tango 5) - Hi there, I think I may have missed your last postbag, but have checked out your emails and you have one from Lucy Simmons who said for you to have a brilliant trip and asked if you got a chance to take a photograph of yourself "all ready to go" with your Oxford Notebook. There was also a message from Eleanor Miller leaving her address for you to send a postcard. You also had a few messages on Facebook. Do I send a global response in your absence? Will blog again soon. I hope your boots are still comfortable and you are not running out of dry clothes. Thinking of you. Lots of Love. Mum XX
ReplyDeleteKatia Phillip ECHO 3
ReplyDeleteMs KGP.... So happy to see that your epic Indian adventure is all that you hoped it would be and then some. You are being missed more than you know, but you are feeding that soul of yours even more which makes me so proud. I look foward to hearing more when you next get a chance. The face paint is lookin fresh...... I LOVE YOU LOTS AND LOTS!!!! Speak to you on 21st i hope. Not that long till your birthday now!!! xxxxxx
Hiii!!! Kai!!!! Echo 3
ReplyDeleteWe miss you sooo much!!!
Zac asks for you daily and Svana has miserably parked herself on the couch watching Adventure Time marathons trying not to think of you.
It looks like your having a great time and even though we miss you terribly we're happy your having fun.
Love you and miss you,
Mommy(Mother), Svana and hhgvdgh (Zac)
For Celia Craven Tango 5
ReplyDeleteWe went to a Handel celebration of Vauxhall Gardens last night with Big Celia,Simon, Barry and Davina(who are over from Melbourne for Lucy's wedding). It was very good - much better than the Sondheim. I had no idea the Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens were around for two hundred years.
We drove the car down to Bristol for Charlotte and took the train back home. She wanted to go to the sausage restaurant in Clifton; it was a good choice on a cold, wet July day. She seems happy at the moment, even though her last exam was a bit traumatic.
We went around to the Hacketts on Friday night to inspect their building work. Alex and Edward at a rock festival at Knebworth.
lots of love, mummy
For Manpreet (Echo 3)
ReplyDeleteFrom Mum & Sandy And Rest of family
Hey Mandy
Looks like you had a hard time trying to carry your backpack lol. Hope you are having a great time. Mum misses you she nearly cried looking at you struggling to carry your bag lol. Everybody here misses you let us know how things are going mum said you got a nice 'tan' you coping with the heat hope your not moody if you are good luck to everybody with you.....
Love you loads sis try and get in contact soon if you can esp with mum and nani they wont stop worrying xXXXxxx
Hi just seen pics;looking like you having good time.
we all missing you! No india sim yet?Hope you looking after yourself?Keep away from that ugly snake; OH one look at you and it will run.Ok phone when you can take care love you lots xxxx
To : Jade Cassidy (11 E Expedition)
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Jade,
Glad to see you made it there ok, i seen Yalda had asked your dad on facebook. How are them feet of yours? Fingers crossed you get hold of this,
Take Care,
Hola Tu wei foxtrot 2,
ReplyDeleteHow`s everything over there?
We are fine at home. There was a street rally in town a few days ago to pressure the govt. for a more transparent elections. Many businesses in KL have to close to avoid any trouble. We in PJ were not affected. The weather is still quite hot here and the neighbor`s renovations getting worse! If its any consolation, you are not around to bear with the noise and the dust! But we know that you are also going through a tough experience. Just another 3 weeks and you will be home. So hang on there son! If you have anything to relate, just use the blog. OK.
By the way, have you received a letter that we sent a week ago?
Missing you always..Mom,Pop and sis.
Celia Craven, Tango 5
ReplyDeleteLunch yesterday with Grahams and Rhodes. Roast lamb! Lettie was also home and in very good form. She used her money from Charlotte's party for Take That concert tickets. Just barely warm enough to sit outside for drinks but ate indoors. Bea in Barcelona singing with the Trinity choir. Still with Connie. Angus also in India at the moment with UCL friends.
Bridge tonight at Alice's house. Karin will be late as she is starting an oil painting class at the Gallery. Mary coming after her ballet exercise class at Jags club.
Hope you are well - we really look forward to hearing from you. Charles has been out of contact for over a week too so we are feeling a bit bereft!
love, mummy
muma,mumi,nani,lucky,sharon,ravi and rocky
ReplyDeleteTo Manpreet no one to carry your luggage eh and learning to do some DIY guess whos qualifying for number 1 TOMMY. Now you can deal with creepy crawlies even the garden will get done. So we are all missing you now !.Come back Trendy Wendy !
Siriphorn said
ReplyDeleteTo Catriona Duncan,Charlie 1
Well done Charlie1,the project is well ahead, you all must have worked so hard.Hope you have fun too and enjoyed the visit to the local village on your day off.Hope a suprise will be waiting for you on your return to base camp.
Take care, lots of love&hugsxxxMeah
Chaitali Desai, Tango 6
ReplyDeleteHi Auntie Chatsy! We're missing you loads, I have been walking all over the place without holding onto anything! I now have six teeth and have taken to chewing on mummy and daddy, they are not happy. I have also learnt how to blow raspberries on mummy's tummy (thank you Auntie Chatsy!)
You look like you're having an amazing time, can't wait to see you when you get back. Love, Alexander Jay Desai (almost 1 year old).
Hey Chatsy, its Clare - the pictures look amazing, have taken to blog stalking quite a bit!! Hope your having the most wonderful time - we're all missing you but to be honest all you are missing in the UK is a lot of rain! Oh and the fact that towie's Lauren and Kirk got his an her's nose jobs and then broke up.....just to keep you up to date!
Talk to you soon,
Amit, Clare and Alex x x
Hi Kat,(charlie 1)
ReplyDeleteyou getting a pet snake when u get home... hope build going well. T went to party last night, look so cute in the RL shirt & red shorts:).Think your tan is now better than his. He going to yours on Friday, on coach with mum. cant wait for the lye-in on Sat....
Take care
Jacob Rogers,Tango6, Hi Jacob,good to see the pics,you must have finished the trek, what was it like? We all want to know what you've been up to, Dan can't really believe that you dont have any access to a computer!! Anyhow all fine here,Alex did a solo performance on piano for assembly yesterday,Ruby said everyone sang along. Been having our own mini monsoon, hot and wet, so nothing new! Had our print group exhibition, I sold 4 prints, which was brill.How about sending us message, we all want to hear from you, Lots of love, Kate xxx
ReplyDeleteFrom Ish
ReplyDeleteDonya glad to see you smiling in your photos. Looks like your having a good time out there, glad to see you enjoying yourself. Iv been missing you like crazy, your pics have just put a big smile on my face (thanks!!). Make the most of your time out there hun. Its the last time i am gonna let you leave my side for so long baby love you soooo much xxxxx
For Jason in Tango 6
ReplyDeleteI could be totally wrong about this - but I'm trying to reach out to Jason from Bermuda? Hopefully this is him. so Hiii! This is Mahima or Makila or you like to call me. I'm back home and thought it'd be cool to find the people I met for one day and leave a message. Hope you're having loads of fun! I loved my time there! Really missed you sometimes though when I was stuck smoking the local brand of cigarettes! -Mahima
P.S. If this is the wrong person then just ignore this. omg I sound like a retard.
Najee Clarke
ReplyDeleteTANGO 5
Today July 30th I have started to look at teh photos. Yu are having the time of your life. Stay safe. And enjoy the time there.