So like a whirlwind the 11E expedition has whistled through Fieldbase and left us all lonesome again. Our lovely Comms Officer, Fletch, has been taken away to the Demon Trek, so in her absence I (DPM Jen) am attempting to fill the information void and let you all know the latest news.
It’s been a frantic few days of reunions, cleaning, packing and showing off Oscar winning acting skills. On Thursday morning we welcomed the safe return of all the groups from far flung corners of Southern India...just to have them duck out on us again shortly afterwards. After just a couple of hours of kit cleaning and project debriefs at Fieldbase, each team spent one last day together frequenting the shops, internet and pizza joints of Mysore City.
Back to Fieldbase that evening, in time for dinner (although I suspect after the pizza there was little room left for curry), we had a taster of 11E’s theatrical talent with an evening of skits (comedy sketches). Each group had been rehearsing hard out on project and performed their hearts out to the judging panel i.e. the Fieldbase team. The standards were high and results were hard to judge with phenomenal creative writing, rapping, dancing and singing. Unfortunately, Fieldbase were declared of unsound mind and unable to pick a winner after it emerged that they had spent the previous day running around with yellow faces.
Would you trust yellow faced people to pick a winner?
Friday morning was a bright and early start as we all trotted off to the local Shiva temple for our expedition photo. As the sun decided to make an appearance, we also made the most of it and revealed Phase 2 allocations while we were there. Fieldbase staff like to keep everyone on their toes so we introduced an element of competition....each individual had to spell out (phonetically of course!) the name of one other person in their group, go find them and repeat the process until the team was complete. All of the teams got there in the end, but let’s just say some may need to brush up a bit on their phonetic alphabet. So, without further ado, here are the allocation results...
Charlie 1
PM Susan returns to Charlie 1 in Kotapadi to carry on the great work of Phase 1. With her is PM Lou and lots of enthusiastic amateur bricklayers!
Charlie 2 |
Brand new for Phase 2 only.....Charlie 2 is off to Thirukapatra (yes it's bit of a mouthful) but that won't stop this keen lot from building 16 toilets in just 19 days. Guided by the capable hands of PMs Sarah and Catherine.
Echo 3 |
Returning to Huskarhadi is PM Lindsay accompanied by PMs John and Julia. The team are keen to expand and improve upon the existing basha city, get a good workout with daily trench digging...and also to sample Doug's amazing banoffi pie!
Tango 5
Last, but never least, our trekkers Tango 5. Leading the way are PMs Andrew and Claire (Fletch). Smiling as the sun is out....lets hope it stays that way for them!
Friday afternoon was spent organising food and kit.... and perhaps most importantly getting to know the new friends they will be living with over the next three weeks.
So early Saturday morning we said goodbye once again to our intrepid travellers as we sent them out on their next great big adventure. Just like you, we can’t wait to hear how they are doing and we’ll keep you posted.
See you all later then!
Emma Williams Echo 3
ReplyDeleteHi Emma,
Lovely to see you looking a lot cleaner on the photo's - hope you enjoyed the shower and hair wash :).
Trench digging next! Hope it's a little easier than the trek. Had a message from Andy and he seems ready for 'Raleigh Borneo'.
Have posted you lots of messages on the blog but not sure if they are getting through as I can't see them!
Have started packing for Menorca and looking forward to a nice long rest :).
Hope the weather is kinder to you in Huskarhadi. Enjoy this phase and remember we're all thinking of you and hoping you're having an amazing time.
Love and miss you loads,
Mum and the gang. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
See the photos from blog, your face looks good.
ReplyDeleteHow long will the new adventure last? Hope you enjoy and experience the new things. :)
For Lauren Hopkins Echo 3
ReplyDeleteHope the trench digging goes well - you look like you're having a great time. We miss you a lot. David has returned from France early and is off to see Lisa in Bridlington. Jenny and Ciaran have moved to Bracknell. Take care of yourself
Nick Williams, Charlie 1
ReplyDeleteAha! Found you at last! So now they've got you on bricklaying duties, I hope you don't get the deluge you had on the trek, or how on earth does the cement ever dry!? Also, not quite sure how on earth these new skills are going to translate behind a desk in mid September in London, but I'm sure you'll think of something! Believe me, it'll come around all too soon...
House is much too quiet now that Claire has gone away with Laurence. Mind you, we've two more tiles fall off the roof, and it certainly clatters in the middle of the night. We've now had them replaced, so there's no leak luckily, or else we'd be asking you for your professional advice (ok, roofing isn't quite the same as bricklaying but it's very similar in my book!)
We're not planning to take too much hols while you're away apart from a long weekend to Ditsum mid August. We're all looking forward to your next email. It was great to hear all your news.
Enjoy Kotapadi and look forward to our next catch up. If you can download some photos, that would be great.
Package on its way...
Bye for now. Hugs and kisses
Mum and Dad xxxxxxx
Hi Dwayne Robinson - Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteYou look good in your photo. India seems to agree with you. Shaq is in Charlie 1, he looks like he is enjoying himself also. You have a group of good looking people there. Enjoy your second phase. Make sure you are in all the photos.
Love you, Mom.
Alex Jackman Tango 5
ReplyDeleteGreat to see you in the photos thought you might have a beard but seems you have lots of hair on top!! Hope the trek is going well it sounds amazing a bit tougher than Lakeland fells but sure you'll be fine.Just had an amazingly hot weekend ,Red arrows flew over the house part of Windermere Airshow,Dad got sunburnt(again!!)and Mattie is whooping us all at croquet,badminton and tennis-nothing changes. Thinking of you lots of love DAMS xxx
Catherine Playfair Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteDear Catherine,
Charlie 2!!! Brilliant. Hope you enjoy it as much as we did on Charlie 2 in BD Munti. Gosh can't believe you've finished trekking - I'm sure this phase will be slightly more restful than the last. Hope you're enjoying the new group and not missing the old crowd too much. Would you believe I was in Cornwall dancing to Banghra music last night - brilliant, but it made me miss India A LOT. You'll have to enjoy it for me. I'll tell you more about Cornwall in your next letter (being written this evening :)) Have you received the others yet? Hope you're still having a lovely time! lots of love xxxx
For Alice Bayfield Foxtrot 1
ReplyDeleteWell my lovely, it's getting really near! Harry said it's only 4 more sleeps till we can see your wonderful face again I CAN'T WAIT !!!!!! Hope you enjoying your last week in India and having the time of your life. We are so looking forward to Friday and planning the meals -we shall be cooking non stop. Have a really safe journey home and come home to us safe and sound. LOVE YOU XXXXXXXXXXXXX See you Friday xx
Message for Emma Williams
ReplyDeleteEm! Hope you are enjoying it out there. I posted you a letter today. Hope it reaches you. Lots of news to tell you (all in the letter anyway). Missing you so much, looking forward to girly times when you get back. You are not really missing much here so make the most of your trip!
Lots of love, Jen xxx
Debbie- enjoy your holiday :-)
Message for Eddy in team 11F
ReplyDeleteHi Eddy!
Hope you are having an amazing time! Hope you are taking lots of pictures so you can show us when you're back.I will come and pick you up from the airport. Can't wait to see you!! Enjoy your last week in India,
Lots and lots of love
Becky xxxx
Alice Bayfield Foxtrot 1.
ReplyDeleteHello Wombat.. Haven't heard from you for a while, but I know you are having fun.. We can't wait to see you... I need some help building haa haa..
Don't worry I have done the toilet....
See you Friday . Lots of Love DAD x
For chelsey Lee 11 f,hi chelsey,counting down now the last few days till your home!can't wait to see you and hear all your exciting tales!just back from a weekend in the camper van,Ethan loved it,he is really missing you now,only 3 more sleeps he said this morning!doing a roast dinner for your return!as requested!will be picking u up with dad and Ethan,imagine your journey home will be starting soon!make the most of your last few days,will bring your phone,has been buzzing constantly with messages!love u lots,safe trip home,mumsy,dad Ethan and Tilly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeletefor PM Sarah Echo 3
ReplyDeleteHope your feet are recovering well, thinking of you often out there having fun x
Beautiful PM Catherine, loving the blogs and wow itsounds all brilliant and what a fab delight to touch base with old ground with new spirits. Aah the schoolkids are gonna love you even more for coming back so soon. Big hugs to all and biggest hug ever to you, take care and enjoy. love mona xxx
ReplyDeleteHi Luce (Foxtrot 2 11F)
ReplyDeleteNot heard from you for ages - hope everything is ok. Can't wait to see you on Friday. All the Folkies are arriving in town already and the campsite is pretty full! Can't to see you on Friday Ma & Pa!! xxxxxx PS Majorca a week on Saturday - can't wait
Message for Julia Selby (Jelby)
ReplyDeleteHiya, hope you're having fun eating parota and getting fat! Well, if you're digging trenches, I suspect you'll be burning off those calories. Not much new is happening here except I've joined your gnat bite club in east London. I got bitten nine times the other night. Big fat ones too. One massive one on my chin that's swollen up quite nicely. I look like a mong. As you can imagine, I'm haven't won any gnat-slaying awards. Yet!
Oh and I met my 18 year old half-cousin from Canada. He stayed with us for a few days and now loves me to bits and thinks the sun shines out of my ****! Such a sweetie though, he's about to start a degree in astrophysics.
Anyway, as always, miss you loads.
Lots of love, Pila xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Chessie Clarke (Echo 3)
ReplyDeleteHi Chessie, Love the latest photos - you look great (and clean!). Well done for making the most of the trek (hope the feet have recovered) but I expect you are glad to be on the next phase. It was great to hear your voice on the phone, and find out about your experiences. I now look forward to hearing about the basha building and those very deep elephant trenches. Enjoy the new challenge, my darling. Lots of love, Mummy xxx
Hey guys. We love seeing your smilin' faces. Hope you are doing well, and we look forward to seeing you soon.
ReplyDeleteShaquille Young and Dwayne Robinson/Foxtrot 1
ReplyDeleteYou look great,and we miss you.
Be careful.
Love you guys.
Elder and Sister Webster
For Claire 'Fletch' Fletcher, comms officer
ReplyDeleteHi Junior,
I hope you're having fun out on trek and that it's not been raining too much(!). Very impressed with your blogs and looking forward to the update after your trek. All good here, off out for a walk in the Lakes today, so like a soft version of what you're doing!
All my love,
For Andrew, PM Tango 5
ReplyDeleteThanks for looking after Claire for a while - I hope she's not too much trouble!!
S Duncan to
ReplyDeleteCatriona Duncan Echo3
Hi darling, you must be glad to get the goodie before you left for the new project. Any sign of the second parcel yet? Anyway how is the trench digging coming along? Any jombo come to say hello yet? Hope you will be able to send some more blog. Spicy, is as well as she can be
I think she is missing you she has been sleeping in your room for last couple of weeks now.Mum and Unc are well but Unc is very busy as
always.Thinking of you . Take care, LOLxxxmum
Message for Louise Shute
ReplyDeleteHope you're having a great time out there!!! Everyone's thinking and asking about you. No really, there's signposts and everything.
"what is this madness?" they ask. repeatedly.
miss you,
Hey Eddy....It seems that you had a real time fun and excitement all through your the journey. I am impressed with all the photos. Keep up the spirit and keep enjoying.
ReplyDeleteEmma Williams 11E Tango 6,
ReplyDeleteHey Em! Last blog from me before heading off to Malaysia on Saturday morning. I'm getting the coach to BKK tomorrow morning from KK so will have an evening there for the last repack but the bag weighed in at 16kg today so I think I'll make it!
Sent a letter off this morning so the next one will be from Borneo not sure how much longer that may take than the ones recently but will keep you updated. Got 2 nights in Kuala Lumpur Saturday and Sunday then one night in Kota Kinabalu where I've arranged to meet some of the other venturers so maybe see them the day before it all begins!
Doing a lecture to Mum's international students in an hour about placements, after it's been postponed for a month! So just doing my usual presentation run through at the moment (talking to a wall!) Had a pretty quiet week just taxiing Mum to work got my haircut ready for the jungle can't wait to see it longer after 6 weeks haha!
Our projects were announced last week so I'll be doing elephant trench digging or water gravitational feeds so plenty of outdoor work which I'll like I think :)
Looking forward to hearing from you miss you a weeny bit speak soon Plenty of Love Andy XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Catriona Duncan Echo 3
ReplyDeleteHey angel,
Hope life is treating you well. Still keeping up to date with your adventures, looking forward to hearing all about them when you return. I am very happy at the moment, everything is going well. Went to Chessington with Paige yesterday and had a whale of a time. Couldn't believe it on the way home Paige finished her dinner then announced she was going to sleep and that was that, think we wore her out! Taking her to Legoland next week, never been, so that should be interesting! Found lots of good jobs to apply to so am spending today jobsearching, catching up and cleaning out the kitchen cupboards. Went to see Horrible Bosses at the cinema last night and it was very funny! Anyway angel, take care. Lots of love Hannah xxx
For Katia Phillip TANGO 5
ReplyDeleteWell hello there.... you seem to be gettin on an absolute treat. Your looking nice and healthy in the photos. I hope the monsoon hasn't been to savage for you, even tho i'm sure you've got a healthy dose of sun already. Your looking nice and tanned i must say!! I'm hoping my letter has reached you, or if not then very soon. I've just got back from London, headin to the lakes 2moro, hoping the wheather will stay dry. I txt good ol Brigitte the other day to see how she was, to which I got a very warm and lovely reply. I'm still missing you lots and lots. Keep smiling my sweet. Love you xx
Ashley Johns echo 3
ReplyDeleteHello bairne how are you doing been telling everyone about your adventures even told a lady at the booty,lol she said its rainy season there .It looks like hard work hope you are bending your knees lol.yer dad says hi and jamie and Michael.all go here hope you are still enjoying it,love you loads yer mam xxxxxxxxxx
Katia Phillip Tango 5
ReplyDeleteHello young lady..... How do you do?? HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!! I hope you managed to keep my card dry and safe, and I hope the wheathers been kind for you. Keep smiling.............. BIG UP THE KGP!!!
Love you lots.