The whirlwind two days that was changeover is now over and the teams have all been shuffled around, packed up again and at sunrise yesterday they started boarding the buses to head out to their new project sites or the start of their treks.
So before we get onto the HUNDREDS of messages from the guys to you lot wherever you may be, here are the new teams for phase two...
I've just spoken to all the teams tonight during their updates and they're all well and happy in their new sites despite some of them getting a bit of rain which has been a bit of a shock to the system after not seeing a single cloud since arriving in India. So we've packed up any waterproofs that were left behind and sent them out on the first loop where Becca will catch up with Charlie 1 in the morning and then head out to see Tango 6 at their camp tomorrow night.
From Scott Rae
From - Kate Stacey
To – Everyone
From Wieger Van Rinkhuyzen
To – Home
Message 3 – Dear Mum, Dad and David, I’ve got new glasses! All set for next phase – trekking! Thanks for all your blog messages! Parcels are very welcome but not needed.
Lots of Love!
From – Lauren Smith
To – Jo
Message 1 – Thanks for the message! All is good here, I’m developing a nice t-shirt tan as we speak! In ten weeks all I’ll need is a can of Stella. On Monday I can email you some pics. Nice to hear from you!
Loads of love
Lauren x x x
Message 2 - Hey Jo, Yeah I am a massive douche! Everyone was taking the mick out of me for days lol! Thailand sounds amazing, will you go to the full moon party? I’ve heard it’s brilliant! Have fun.
Lots of Love
Lauren x
From - Lauren Smith
To - Dad
Message 2 - Hey Dad, Tell Tawnie she is a sulky sausage and massive hug from me! I tried to email everyone yesterday but had five mins in the internet cafe! I’ll probably email properly after Raleigh, Am on the case with the foreign exchange and I’ll ring when I get it. Tell Tara I said good luck with Scotland!
Loads of Love
Lauren x
From - Lauren Smith
To – Tar
Hey Tar, How’s it going?? Not sure what the deal with dad’s birthday is! If you email me soon I can reply next week. How’s Tawnie and Bacon? Hope all is well with the move! Hope you’re all good in sunny old Brighton J
Loads of love, hugs and kisses
Lauren x
From Kieran Armour
To – Jan
Message 1 - Hi Jan, we are having a great time. I saw elephants yesterday and we are digging trenches to stop the elephants eating the farmer’s crops. I go down to the local village every day to have a cup of Indian tea with the locals. Tell everyone I said ‘Hi’. Have you got my postcard yet?
Speak soon
Love Kieran x
Message 2 – Hi Jan, can you mum know I’m having a great time, the work is hard in the heat. We are nearly finished the first phase, digging elephant trenches and solar fencing, I will be doing trekking or a community phase next for three weeks. The locals have taught me some Indian and tell everyone I was asking for them.
Stay in touch
Love Kieran x
From Katy Star
To Janio Mooobrain Laurie
Alroit Moo! Please can you leave me a message on here letting me know of the dat/time/number of your flights (both of them please) and I’ll start looking at the lonely planet for joyous things to do, yaay! Dead excited mate! Love you x x x
PS. I’m asking you this early because I’m trying to be organised for a change... hahahaha!
PPS. Brain?
From – Louise Mohsen
To – Mum and Ben
Message 1 - Happy Valentine’s Day! I’m pretty glad I’ve missed celebrating the momentous day in England... I’ve been on a treasure hunt instead! I’ve been ill these past few days but not to worry as I’m on the mend now! I was adamant I had the strongest stomach ever but apparently not. Some of the other girls came down with it too. We leave this camp on Monday for changeover, It’s all gone so fast!! Looking forward to your letter, starting to miss home and all its comforts now... please send me some Lidl dates and chocolate!! Hope Ben enjoys Valentine’s with his gf!! x x x
PS. I now hate curry.
Message 2 – Field base delivered your letter today. I haven’t written before because I was waiting for it! Loved Ben’s valentine’s card. That’s nice R and G cooked you two a meal, I can’t believe you all get so tearful, very sweet. That’s nice so many people are asking after me, send my love to Nan too. My ipod has broken – very upset! And camera has run out of battery... very annoying as I was dressed in a sari last night! Will tell all in the letter I shall start writing to you tonight. Pass this link to Chiara please as I haven’t heard anything from her yet! Keep writing!
Love and miss you x x x
From Louise Mohsen
To Aunty Geraldine
That’s so touching that Alex likes to check it daily before bedtime. Fieldbase come about once a week to deliver blog posts/post/tuckshop and collect photos and collect photos/info from us. I saw some of the photos they put up on the blog of us and I found them very strange to look at as I’m not used to looking at myself anymore! Last night we wnjoyed a street party in the village, I had an amazing time. They dressed us up in Saris and gave us bindis. It was all so surreal. We are currently working on a music video and we’ve just finished filming some of it in the waterand I’m just drying off. Looking forward to your letter.
lots of love x x x
From Louise Mohsen
To – Benjo
Hello Ricky martin, I miss you very much. Mum has told me you’ve been sleeping in my bed, I hope you’ve been keeping it tidy! Thank you for my Valentine, I was very happy to receive it. Hope Lucy has been singing your goodnight song to you anc you’re not missing me too much.
Love you sooo much x x x
From – Louise Mohsen
To – Lucy
Message1 - Happy Valentine’s Day hubby! Having a fab time, wish you were here so we could have our bedtime talks. I regularly look at your letter and it cracks me up every time... ‘Baaaaberrrr’! I’m very pleased you wrote me it. Please write to me and send some Green and blacks chocolate and perhaps spray some Allure on it to... I miss the smell of us!! Please also pass this blog link to the Chiara as I don’t think she has it. Hope you’ve been checking out the photos, you’ll notice I have a ‘food baby’ everyday... good old crackers! I am currently on a no biscuits diet as there are copious amounts being offered (and eaten) everyday! I need you to do me a favour – please make my tagged photos private on my facebook! Thanks beautiful Lucypoo!
Lots of Valentine’s love x x x
Message 2 – Who’s party are you going to? Lol about Nichola, who the hell would have taken her invitation back? Send my love to Nic and Sin please! We had a party of our own last night. Spent the evening dancing in saris with the kids in the street to some great Indian music... I’m going to have to introduce you to some ‘choons’ when I return. Your taste has obviously taken a turn for the worst since I’ve been gone (mamma mia!). My ipod broke last night, not happy. Finished the elephant trenches now, we’re moving onto solar fencing tomorrow. I actually really enjoy digging, so much exposure to the sun is making my skin very dry though (picturing your face right now...). Hope the politics gathering satisfies the drama queen in you... can’t wait to hear about it! Take care big spoon x x x
PS JOKER for texting my mum...
From - Georgia Zervudachi
To – Granny
From - Becky Barnes
To – Mum
Hi Mum, Thank you so much for another parcel, what a lovely surprise, it’s such a luxury to receive new items and treats when everything I own is covered in mud! I hope you are well, we have changeover on the 21st and 22 Feb so I will try and be in touch then. It’s weird not being able to text or to skype. I am really happy – definitely facing challenges now and then but that’s what it’s all about. I’ve sent some letters and hope they arrive soon. Glad you like the necklaces.
Love you loads, Bec x x x
From - Becky Barnes
To – Ruth
Thanks for the blog message. I can’t believe you’ve been to Pai – I’m so glad you’ve visited it and love it too. Sounds like you’re having an immense time – I wish i could join you! Keep having an amazing time, I’ll email you soon.
Love you loads
Bec x x x
From - Elliot Leishman
To – Mum and Dad
Have just sent you a post card but will take a while to arrive. Hope you two had a good valentine’s day and very jealous you’re going to see penguin cafe orchestra! Don’t forget you can send parcels some sweets that don’t melt would be nice, like mentos! J
Talk to you soon,
Elliott x
From – Dan O’Flynn
To – Collette
HI Lettuce! Glad to hear your new job is already taking you to exciting places! Nearly finished in Basa Pura, we cemented in poles today, then I got back to camp and had a message from you – thank you so much! Miss you and love you lots x x x
From – Dan O’Flynn
To – Ma and Pa
Thanks you for your message, hope you both had fun birthdays! I look forward to seeing the cruise photos! Have fun at the party in Liverpool.
Lots of love
Dan x x x
Ps. Love to Molly!
From - Sean Cullinane
To – Everyone
Hi, I’m doing great and having a good time. Although it’s hard work doing the digging. Hope everything’s ok at home. We have had a couple of great days off though and please don’t worry if we don’t manage to reply to your blog posts straight away, we only get the change every week or so.
From Sean
From – Binika Liu
To – everyone
Thanks Mam, Briony and Tanita for the blog messages, definitely made my day! Only just got them all now! Thinking of you all! I’m having an amazing time, just finished my first trekking phase going to my community or environmental soon so continue your messages. Weather is sooo hot – so hopefully have a tan! Miss you all.
Love yas,
Binika x x x
From – Binika Liu
Hey baby! Thanks for all my messages, can’t believe you found the blog! LOL. Just got them all now! Can’t believe you’ve lost weight – is that before or after the promenade in Tenerife?! LOL. Hope you had a brilliant valentine’s day without me J We had loads of games around the camp fire – obviously not as good as your company! Definitely missed you on that day baby! I have a GREAT group, don’t know how the next group will shape up?! The crack is sooo good! I’ll tell you all about it though when I call. I love you so much sweety, can’t wait to see you! Wish you were here, I’m having such a great time! Hardest few weeks of my life – I better have abs of steel and the perkiest behind ever after this! You will be proud! Weather is fab! Soooo hot – yes I have a t-shirt, tights tan – very attractive! Miss you!
Love you lots,
Binika x x x
From – Ameze Simbo
To – friends and family
Hey Ya!
Last few days have been hectic and the days go so quickly, we wake up around 6am every morning and eat porridge under the stars LOL. We trekked up two of the highest mountains in the Western Ghats this week, never thought I would be climbing mountains so big! The one we did today was around 2000m above sea level and took us around 3 hours to complete. Pretty amazing especially as we live on cold rice bags (I hate cold rice!) and parle-g biscuits (most addictive biscuits ever!) when we got to the summit the view was breath-taking – we were standing above the clouds! I took some videos because my camera is still dead L we had another day of cycling this week, much easier than the last one! I can’t describe how amazing the views are so when I get a chance I will upload photos on facebook or something. I go back to field base soon so really sad to be ending this phase but also excited about doing something new. My group have been great (Tango 6 originals!) and the banter is awesome and I have a new love for bananas (mum, you will be proud!).
Oh and Kim – Thanks so much for your messages, they rally cheered me up today, you haven’t forgotten me! Yay! LOL, can’t wait to see you guys, seems like so far away got my tan on though so you guys need to catch up by April LOL! Kim, I’ve lost so much weight already my shorts keep falling down! G, I told you to behave while I’m away LOL Jokes, and everyone Loves the Africa pants! J
From - Sam Ummat
To – Joanna
Hey Joanna, how are you? Everything here is amazing. I literally could not be having a greater time. Everyone is so cool and I have done and seen I never thought I’d ever do. I wish I could stay longer. I miss you loads and it’s been so nice to hear from you in your messages and well done with your exams, that’s amazing!
Speak soon and miss you.
Love Sam x x x
From - Sam Ummat
To – Alice
Hey Al, How are you? Hope all’s good and you and mum aren’t arguing loads! I’ am literally having so much fun and have loads of amazing stories to tell you! Miss you loads.
Love Sam x x x
From Jessica Gibbons
To – Mum, Dad, Andrea, Carl, Francis, Christine and Simmie
Thanks for my messages! They were lovely and it was great to hear from you. The trekking phase has definitely been a challenge but really rewarding as well. I’ve got loads of stories to tell you when I can ring home. We’ve climbed at least 2 mountains which was amazing. I haven’t had any time to even start my book, Raleigh keeps us all very busy! Glad everyone is well at home I’ll speak to you all as soon as I can.
Loads of love from Jess x x x
From Sarah Churlish
To – Mum and Dad
Thanks for the blog messages and letters. The girls from field base arrived today after our trek up the highest mountain in the Western Ghats and delivered all our messages. It’s really great to hear from you all. I’m loving it here. We’re coming to the end of phase 1 now and there will be photos coming soon. The photographer has only been with us today and leaves tomorrow so there’ll be on here soon. I feel like it’s been ages but it’s going really fast at the same time, it’s really strange. Anyway, over the past few weeks with Tango 6 I have been trekking around 15k a day, arriving at a new camp at 3ish then either swimming/washing in a nearby river or lake. We’ve had 2 days of cycling, each around 40k a day and 2 chill-out days, one of them being a rafting day. OS i’ve been kept very busy and am shattered but loving it. I can feel myself getting fitter as well so as a group we’re getting better at the challenging treks. The views at the top are incredible – well worth the hard work! In terms of food it’s all very basic on trek. Pasta, rice or noodles for tea, crackers and cheese or rice for lunch and porridge for breakfast, We’ve had some great meals out as well and I’m mastering eating rice and curry with fingers – I’m going to get you guys doing this when I get back. Anyway, I hope all is well at home. I get back to field base in a few days so will give you a text. Missing you all.
Lots of love, Sarah x x x x
From Sarah Churlish
To – John
Hey ugly! Thanks for the message, it made my day dude. Didn’t think people as ugly as you could use computers, but nice try. Yeah I have an awesome Indian friend who casually picks up snakes haha, too cool for you though. Wow, impressive name badge news – but magnets? Really? That’s just so it can be easily lost and then can replace you so don’t get too excited. I’ve been trekking around 15k a day up crazy steep mountains – you’d be proud. And I’ve actually developed muscles so prepare yourself, I can punch hard and I have another 6 weeks to practice. I hope everything is ok at home, missing you loads. Say hi to the middle Churlish for me and get his ugliness to the blog too. You’d love it here – keep looking for the photos. Going to Mysore (the nearest town) in a few days so I’m going to try and get on facebook and you can see my impressive t-shirt tan, it’s white then whiter tights ha ha, Anyway speak soon – miss you all.
Lots of love Sarah x x x
From – Jonathan Williams
To – Family and friends
Thanks so much for all your messages! Please send them!
Love your ‘son’, ‘brother’ and ‘friend’.
See you around
Jonny(Note from editor - Jonny has since revived 2 messages and is over the moon! Keep them coming!)
From Philip de Koning
To Man, Pap etc
Heb jullie berichtjes ontuangen. Ook een van anonymous , Marijke misschien? Alled goed hier nog steeds. Phase 1 alweer bijna afgelopen. Hoop dat het ook goed gaat met jullie. Maandag de 21e ben ik op de computer, misschien spreek ik jullie dan maar ik weef hief hoelaat. Ik mail in ieder geval.
From Andy Jehring
To Judith Jehrong
Yay money! Everything is coming together! This is all awesome news, thank you. Just completed the trek which was absolutely amazing – took loads of pictures. Wish Grandpa happy birthday from me, I hope he for all he ever wished for. Anyway, I have to go and prepare my fancy dress costume now, I’ll blog you again when I can.
Andy x
From Andy Jehring
To The Tattows
Nice to hear you’re following the blog, I’m currently developing a rather grimy beard that will make it even harder to recognise me! There should be envy – we built a ‘loo with a view’ on survival day that looked out over the mountains, it was beautiful. I guess if Helen is enjoying them all and doing well then there is no need to drop any but if she’s struggling with one in particular then I’d drop it. I hope that vaguely helps, but now I have to bucket shower after a 200km trek.
Blog soon,
From Andy Jehring
To Serena
Yeah, the whole ‘get a phone out here’ plan failed completely... Blogging seems to pretty much the only way I can contact you, it makes a massive difference hearing from you J Ha ha, you wait until you read my journal, pretty damn emotional ;) It’s amazing out here and I have a beautiful t-shirt tan/bum lines to show off when I get back. It’s getting pretty desperate out here, all vegetarian food – gonna need some pork chops and a Nandos on return. Say hi to everyone at Atlantic point from me, I’ve met a guy from Liverpool who went to John Moore’s – he’s going to show me all the sights when I get back! I’m really enjoying this now but missing you a lot, I’ll blog you soon!
Love you Andy x x x
From Laura Oakley
To Mum, Dad and family
Got back to field base today and finally got all your letters and parcels! Still in the process of reading them but thank you so much! Tango 5 enjoyed the bubbly chocolate even if it was a bit melted. The compeeds would have been great on trek but I’m still blistered so I can get some use out of them. Finally had a ‘real’ shower and put on clean clothes which feels great! Loved Alfie’s letter by the way. Am still really enjoying myself and excited about next phase. Will write you a letter all about trek as soon as I can.
Love you all, take care
Laura x
From Genevienve McAreavey
To Ollie, Isla, Melissa, Marcia, Verity, McKay
sorry I have not been sending you loads of postcards, there is a shortage of stamps here. But will try and let you know what I am doing as soon as possible. MISS YOU GUYS SO MUCH and cannot wait to see you all when I get back. Please blog me if you get this.
Love you all
Genevieve x x x
From James Hollins
To Suzie Hollins
Just got back from a really good half day in Mysore, went to a pizza place and stuffed my face (no change there then!). Going to find out my next phase tomorrow, will be much easier as we have done the hardest one first, which will be good. Was good to talk to you today.
Lots of love
James x x x x
From James Bell
To Rachel
Hey Rachel! Finally got your letter today (17/02) and it was really nice to read. I promise to reply to it very soon to give you the lowdown on everything that has happened. I am still well (having avoided the camp illness) and have a few wounds to speak of from playing cricket etc but am still healthy. Also it’s really good that James got those tickets, I am so looking forward to it already especially the seeing them part. The other day we went to a National Park and go and swim in a waterfall and (sadly for you) we saw some wild elephants, mating snakes and lots of monkeys! I hope you are still doing well and your surfing plans sound good so stay safe and I will speak to you soon.
Lots of love James x x x x x
PS could you send me more photos mwah x x x
From James Bell
To Mum and Dad
Thank you for your message! I can’t believe Carroll left, I can’t picture him being in a red’s shirt and Martins was a good signing. Huskurhadi (where we’re living) is so nice, last night we had a huge village party with lots of music and dancing, it was amazing and the other day we were playing cricket with the kids – the community is so accommodating! I am getting a nice tan and am all healthy so I am having a great time. Keep me posted on everything inc NUFC. I hope everyone is well.
Lots of love James x x x
So before we get onto the HUNDREDS of messages from the guys to you lot wherever you may be, here are the new teams for phase two...
Charlie 1 – Community phase building bio-gas units in Vellary
Project Managers – Ros and Dave
Charlie 2 – Community phase building eco-sanitation units in Boredevaramunti
Project managers - Mona and Kat
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Back row L-R - Andy, Alex, Jonny, Sachin, James, Kieran Middle row L-R - Mona (PM), Georgi, Lauren, Ellie, Bryony, Simone, Maddie, Georgia Front row L-R - Alice, Lisa, Kat (PM), Anna. |
Echo 3 – Environmental phase building solar fences and elephant trenches in Huskurhadi
Project managers – Eeva, Susan and Una
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Back row - Philip, Daan, James, Guy, Richard, Lottie, Louis Middle row L-R - Eeva (PM), Jess, Thatte, Sophie Front row L-R - Laura, Susan (PM), Sheena, Karen, Una (PM) |
Echo 4 – Environmental phase also building solar fences and elephant trenches in Basava Pura
Project managers – Kate and Stuart
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Back row L-R - Andy, Ben, George, George, Alex, Philip Middle row - L-R - Stuart (PM), Kate (PM), Binika, Clare, Lucy Front row L-R - Genevieve, Danielle, Rachel, Fieke |
Tango 5 – Trekking phase in Kerala
Project managers – Dan and Eleri
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Back row L-R - Book, Dan (PM), David, Felix, Sophie, Sunil, Kannan, Nic, Ross, Eleri (PM) Front row L-R - Daphne, Flo, Katy, Becky, Louisa, Laura. |
Tango 6 – also a trekking phase in Kerala
Project managers – Stuart, Naomi and Polly
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Back row L-R - Chloe, Rachel, Emily, Anne-Romee, Sam, Holly, Sean, Ed, Lauren, Chris, Wieger, Sian Front row L-R - Scott, Naomi (PM), Stuart (PM), Polly (PM) |
Before they headed off with their new friends, we showed them this slideshow below put together from all the photographs we'd collected from the teams as well as some of Kathryn's as a little reminder of what they got up to over the last three weeks, and to let them see a little more of what they could expect over the next three weeks...
Now that you all know where they've headed, here's an update on what they thought of Phase 1 in their own words many people provided me with messages for you all back home. Apologies that some of these are now out of date as you may have had a chance to catch up with them over changeover, but it took a fair while to get all these typed up, I hope I've got names right and typed up the Dutch messages without too many mistakes!
From – Samantha Anderson
To – Mummy
Happy Birthday for Thursday! Hope you have an amazing day and get lots of lovely things. Thinking of you all. Love you millions and missing you x x x x x x
To – Mummy
Happy Birthday for Thursday! Hope you have an amazing day and get lots of lovely things. Thinking of you all. Love you millions and missing you x x x x x x
PS. I’m on TREK!!
From - Sam Anderson
To – Mum, Dad, Tanya and Shelby
Can’t believe you’ve bought another jukebox! Well I can, and looking forward to seeing it, but seriously dad you need to stop! Good luck to Shelby! Why was the date changed? Phase 1 is nearly over L have loved it here. Glad you got my post-card! Thank you for cleaning my car J Dad – what’s it worth now? What colour is the new smart? Missing you and love you loads x x x
From – Sam Anderson
To Nan and Grandad
Love you both! Glad you’re keeping up to date with everything I’m doing! You can send me longer messages if you want! Say hi to everyone for me, can’t wait to come and see you! Miss and love you loads. Munchkin x x x
To – Mum, Dad, Tanya and Shelby
Can’t believe you’ve bought another jukebox! Well I can, and looking forward to seeing it, but seriously dad you need to stop! Good luck to Shelby! Why was the date changed? Phase 1 is nearly over L have loved it here. Glad you got my post-card! Thank you for cleaning my car J Dad – what’s it worth now? What colour is the new smart? Missing you and love you loads x x x
From – Sam Anderson
To Nan and Grandad
Love you both! Glad you’re keeping up to date with everything I’m doing! You can send me longer messages if you want! Say hi to everyone for me, can’t wait to come and see you! Miss and love you loads. Munchkin x x x
From - Sam Anderson
To – Alex Dima
Alex, sweetie you’ll be pleased to know that I have very much tickled your hippy side today, I had a shower outside! Completely starkers within our tarpaulin shower held up by trees, with the sun and sky above me. Thought of your message instantly and it made me chuckle! J Love you, puffa x x x
From Sam Anderson
To – Everyone
There’s now a queue for the blog book so it’s another general one! We’ve virtually finished the bio-gas unit and built the house, just need to paint them now. Am becoming at one with nature - baths in the river and everything! Hope your weather improves at home and wishing sun for all of you.
Ellie, miss you! Hope you’re alright and haven’t replaced me yet! Glad you’re having fun you need to quit smoking – it’s not good for you! Didn’t understand the bit about you and jack, what’s going on there?
Jess, glad you’re keeping updated and don’t worry about the fake tan! I’ll amuse me to see the comparison.
Keri – yes, got it after your birthday – hope you enjoyed yourself and got my blog message.
Jason – hope ninja is ok, glad you didn’t call it Sam!
Sam, thanks for your message – was lovely to hear from you.
Can someone let me know how Phil is and what he’s doing – and get him to message me! Hope you’re all ok and managing without me! Miss you all and can’t wait to catch up when I get back! Just over 2 months left guys and girls!
Love to all of you x x x
To – Alex Dima
Alex, sweetie you’ll be pleased to know that I have very much tickled your hippy side today, I had a shower outside! Completely starkers within our tarpaulin shower held up by trees, with the sun and sky above me. Thought of your message instantly and it made me chuckle! J Love you, puffa x x x
From Sam Anderson
To – Everyone
There’s now a queue for the blog book so it’s another general one! We’ve virtually finished the bio-gas unit and built the house, just need to paint them now. Am becoming at one with nature - baths in the river and everything! Hope your weather improves at home and wishing sun for all of you.
Ellie, miss you! Hope you’re alright and haven’t replaced me yet! Glad you’re having fun you need to quit smoking – it’s not good for you! Didn’t understand the bit about you and jack, what’s going on there?
Jess, glad you’re keeping updated and don’t worry about the fake tan! I’ll amuse me to see the comparison.
Keri – yes, got it after your birthday – hope you enjoyed yourself and got my blog message.
Jason – hope ninja is ok, glad you didn’t call it Sam!
Sam, thanks for your message – was lovely to hear from you.
Can someone let me know how Phil is and what he’s doing – and get him to message me! Hope you’re all ok and managing without me! Miss you all and can’t wait to catch up when I get back! Just over 2 months left guys and girls!
Love to all of you x x x
From Scott Rae
To – Dad
Hi Dad, so nice o hear from you. Apparently there’s been a problem with the blog so your most recent post if the first I’ve received! Glad everyone is well at home. Having such an amazing time here. Completed community project and heading out on trek tomorrow, I’ve also posted a long letter home. Keep in touch, Scott.
From - Kate Stacey
To – Everyone
Thanks you all for your lovely messages, having an amazing time...incredible India it is! Five weeks seems like five months with so many adventures and experiences but still haven’t mastered the head wobble! The mini espresso chai’s are a welcome treat – detoxing well! Built 15 toilets and now off to dig 2 metre deep, 500m long elephant trenches with solar panel fences, now known as Echo 4. Keep sending the messages, they are loved.
Lots of love
Kate x x
Lots of love
Kate x x
From Wieger Van Rinkhuyzen
To – Home
Message 1 – Lieve Mam, Pap en David
Zit nu in bassava Pura O.I.D GPS N 11-55-308, E 076-20-375 Basha city is klaar, myn basha heet sandtmannlaan India. Project is gwewldig en zit in een hele leuke groep!! 21 Feb gaan we terug en in de middag naar mysore ik skype jullie dan! Heel veel liefs, Wieger
Message 2 – Lieve 3, vandaag brief gepost! Is geweldig hier, contact met locale bevolking is het leukst! Hoed was een grap, alleen heb ik myn bril gebroken. Lenzen niet toegestaan... Raleigh regelt iets tydens changeover! Project vordert goed helaas byna over ... kyk uit naar mysore! Grote kans dat het vroeg in morgen hier is de 21 Feb, 9:30 ofzo. Skype is onzeker. Ik bel ik wel op redelyker tydstip voor jullie! Lezen jullie deze berichten? Laat even weten! Smakken en veel liefs! Ik word trouwens achtervolgd door vlinders! Hartelyk dank voor valentyns bericht! Laatste nacht hier slapen we by locale bevolking velen hebben tv + mobile maar geen wc :) mis het auto-ryden haha. Trip gehad naar golden temple and zoo achtervolgd door apen to en ik snoepje opened ;)
Liefs en dike knuffel, Wieger
Zit nu in bassava Pura O.I.D GPS N 11-55-308, E 076-20-375 Basha city is klaar, myn basha heet sandtmannlaan India. Project is gwewldig en zit in een hele leuke groep!! 21 Feb gaan we terug en in de middag naar mysore ik skype jullie dan! Heel veel liefs, Wieger
Message 2 – Lieve 3, vandaag brief gepost! Is geweldig hier, contact met locale bevolking is het leukst! Hoed was een grap, alleen heb ik myn bril gebroken. Lenzen niet toegestaan... Raleigh regelt iets tydens changeover! Project vordert goed helaas byna over ... kyk uit naar mysore! Grote kans dat het vroeg in morgen hier is de 21 Feb, 9:30 ofzo. Skype is onzeker. Ik bel ik wel op redelyker tydstip voor jullie! Lezen jullie deze berichten? Laat even weten! Smakken en veel liefs! Ik word trouwens achtervolgd door vlinders! Hartelyk dank voor valentyns bericht! Laatste nacht hier slapen we by locale bevolking velen hebben tv + mobile maar geen wc :) mis het auto-ryden haha. Trip gehad naar golden temple and zoo achtervolgd door apen to en ik snoepje opened ;)
Liefs en dike knuffel, Wieger
Message 3 – Dear Mum, Dad and David, I’ve got new glasses! All set for next phase – trekking! Thanks for all your blog messages! Parcels are very welcome but not needed.
Lots of Love!
From – Lauren Smith
To – Jo
Message 1 – Thanks for the message! All is good here, I’m developing a nice t-shirt tan as we speak! In ten weeks all I’ll need is a can of Stella. On Monday I can email you some pics. Nice to hear from you!
Loads of love
Lauren x x x
Message 2 - Hey Jo, Yeah I am a massive douche! Everyone was taking the mick out of me for days lol! Thailand sounds amazing, will you go to the full moon party? I’ve heard it’s brilliant! Have fun.
Lots of Love
Lauren x
From - Lauren Smith
To - Dad
Message 1 – That sucks about the kitchen, hope it gets sorted soon. All is good here – it gets hotter everyday! Backpack is fine so far. I haven’t had to do much walking – I’m just digging trenches at the moment. I’ll be able to email next week. Stay well and hope all is good.
Lots of love
Lauren x x x
Lots of love
Lauren x x x
Message 2 - Hey Dad, Tell Tawnie she is a sulky sausage and massive hug from me! I tried to email everyone yesterday but had five mins in the internet cafe! I’ll probably email properly after Raleigh, Am on the case with the foreign exchange and I’ll ring when I get it. Tell Tara I said good luck with Scotland!
Loads of Love
Lauren x
PS – can you give Jenny the blog site so I can know when she has the baby?
From - Lauren Smith
To – Tar
Hey Tar, How’s it going?? Not sure what the deal with dad’s birthday is! If you email me soon I can reply next week. How’s Tawnie and Bacon? Hope all is well with the move! Hope you’re all good in sunny old Brighton J
Loads of love, hugs and kisses
Lauren x
From – Holly Peel
To – Mum
Dear Mum, Glad you got my message I was quite surprised when I received my first blog message from you, didn’t think your computer skills extended quite so far! I’m hoping to be on trek next, while environment has been fun I haven’t found it challenging which I assumed it would be.
Hopefully trek will be harder. Look forward to seeing you all in London. Received a package from Grandma today so will you thank her for me when you get a chance. Toothbrush is useful as I must have lost my original one when we went to the local school to teach the children how to brush their teeth. Give my love to Eds and Kate when you next speak to her.
Lots of love
Holly x x x
To – Mum
Dear Mum, Glad you got my message I was quite surprised when I received my first blog message from you, didn’t think your computer skills extended quite so far! I’m hoping to be on trek next, while environment has been fun I haven’t found it challenging which I assumed it would be.
Hopefully trek will be harder. Look forward to seeing you all in London. Received a package from Grandma today so will you thank her for me when you get a chance. Toothbrush is useful as I must have lost my original one when we went to the local school to teach the children how to brush their teeth. Give my love to Eds and Kate when you next speak to her.
Lots of love
Holly x x x
From Kieran Armour
To – Jan
Message 1 - Hi Jan, we are having a great time. I saw elephants yesterday and we are digging trenches to stop the elephants eating the farmer’s crops. I go down to the local village every day to have a cup of Indian tea with the locals. Tell everyone I said ‘Hi’. Have you got my postcard yet?
Speak soon
Love Kieran x
Message 2 – Hi Jan, can you mum know I’m having a great time, the work is hard in the heat. We are nearly finished the first phase, digging elephant trenches and solar fencing, I will be doing trekking or a community phase next for three weeks. The locals have taught me some Indian and tell everyone I was asking for them.
Stay in touch
Love Kieran x
From – Katy Star
To - Aunty Sue
Hey Sue, Thanks for the messages! Very hot as you’ve probably gathered... Toothpaste has completely melted, didn’t realise that was possible! Digging lots of trenches but haven’t seen any elephants yet L Eating lots of curry...
Lots of love,
Katy x x x
From – Katy Star
To – All my flangetastic friends! Eg Bobs, etc
Hiya boys! The highly organised person that I am, as you well know, I have forgotten to bring your addresses...Oops. Please blog them on here if you want to receive awesome mail from me or even better, send me a letter and include your address! Please tell other Bob that don’t check the t’interbob often. Hope you’re not having too much fun without me! Love you Bobs x x x
PS. Send my fondest regards to Cohn Treborbe!
From – Katy Star
To – Dommer
Message 1 - Happy Valentine’s day lover! Cook me a romantic meal when I get back yeah? As long as it’s not curry! Love you loads x x x
PS. Please take pics of the daffodils and tulips etc when they bloom! Sad to be missing our new gardens first spring... Get thinking of some summer plants!
To - Aunty Sue
Hey Sue, Thanks for the messages! Very hot as you’ve probably gathered... Toothpaste has completely melted, didn’t realise that was possible! Digging lots of trenches but haven’t seen any elephants yet L Eating lots of curry...
Lots of love,
Katy x x x
From – Katy Star
To – All my flangetastic friends! Eg Bobs, etc
Hiya boys! The highly organised person that I am, as you well know, I have forgotten to bring your addresses...Oops. Please blog them on here if you want to receive awesome mail from me or even better, send me a letter and include your address! Please tell other Bob that don’t check the t’interbob often. Hope you’re not having too much fun without me! Love you Bobs x x x
PS. Send my fondest regards to Cohn Treborbe!
From – Katy Star
To – Dommer
Message 1 - Happy Valentine’s day lover! Cook me a romantic meal when I get back yeah? As long as it’s not curry! Love you loads x x x
PS. Please take pics of the daffodils and tulips etc when they bloom! Sad to be missing our new gardens first spring... Get thinking of some summer plants!
Message 2 – Thanks for the letter hurray! Hope you receive some of my post soon! Love to bob and brian... if they get too annoying just lock the cat-flap with them outside! Love you loads x x x
PS Please could you contact the bobs to make sure they’ve read the blog messages I left for them, especially Jane! Thanks xxx
PS Please could you contact the bobs to make sure they’ve read the blog messages I left for them, especially Jane! Thanks xxx
From Katy Star
To Janio Mooobrain Laurie
Alroit Moo! Please can you leave me a message on here letting me know of the dat/time/number of your flights (both of them please) and I’ll start looking at the lonely planet for joyous things to do, yaay! Dead excited mate! Love you x x x
PS. I’m asking you this early because I’m trying to be organised for a change... hahahaha!
PPS. Brain?
From – Louise Mohsen
To – Mum and Ben
Message 1 - Happy Valentine’s Day! I’m pretty glad I’ve missed celebrating the momentous day in England... I’ve been on a treasure hunt instead! I’ve been ill these past few days but not to worry as I’m on the mend now! I was adamant I had the strongest stomach ever but apparently not. Some of the other girls came down with it too. We leave this camp on Monday for changeover, It’s all gone so fast!! Looking forward to your letter, starting to miss home and all its comforts now... please send me some Lidl dates and chocolate!! Hope Ben enjoys Valentine’s with his gf!! x x x
PS. I now hate curry.
Message 2 – Field base delivered your letter today. I haven’t written before because I was waiting for it! Loved Ben’s valentine’s card. That’s nice R and G cooked you two a meal, I can’t believe you all get so tearful, very sweet. That’s nice so many people are asking after me, send my love to Nan too. My ipod has broken – very upset! And camera has run out of battery... very annoying as I was dressed in a sari last night! Will tell all in the letter I shall start writing to you tonight. Pass this link to Chiara please as I haven’t heard anything from her yet! Keep writing!
Love and miss you x x x
From Louise Mohsen
To Aunty Geraldine
That’s so touching that Alex likes to check it daily before bedtime. Fieldbase come about once a week to deliver blog posts/post/tuckshop and collect photos and collect photos/info from us. I saw some of the photos they put up on the blog of us and I found them very strange to look at as I’m not used to looking at myself anymore! Last night we wnjoyed a street party in the village, I had an amazing time. They dressed us up in Saris and gave us bindis. It was all so surreal. We are currently working on a music video and we’ve just finished filming some of it in the waterand I’m just drying off. Looking forward to your letter.
lots of love x x x
From Louise Mohsen
To – Benjo
Hello Ricky martin, I miss you very much. Mum has told me you’ve been sleeping in my bed, I hope you’ve been keeping it tidy! Thank you for my Valentine, I was very happy to receive it. Hope Lucy has been singing your goodnight song to you anc you’re not missing me too much.
Love you sooo much x x x
From – Louise Mohsen
To – Lucy
Message1 - Happy Valentine’s Day hubby! Having a fab time, wish you were here so we could have our bedtime talks. I regularly look at your letter and it cracks me up every time... ‘Baaaaberrrr’! I’m very pleased you wrote me it. Please write to me and send some Green and blacks chocolate and perhaps spray some Allure on it to... I miss the smell of us!! Please also pass this blog link to the Chiara as I don’t think she has it. Hope you’ve been checking out the photos, you’ll notice I have a ‘food baby’ everyday... good old crackers! I am currently on a no biscuits diet as there are copious amounts being offered (and eaten) everyday! I need you to do me a favour – please make my tagged photos private on my facebook! Thanks beautiful Lucypoo!
Lots of Valentine’s love x x x
Message 2 – Who’s party are you going to? Lol about Nichola, who the hell would have taken her invitation back? Send my love to Nic and Sin please! We had a party of our own last night. Spent the evening dancing in saris with the kids in the street to some great Indian music... I’m going to have to introduce you to some ‘choons’ when I return. Your taste has obviously taken a turn for the worst since I’ve been gone (mamma mia!). My ipod broke last night, not happy. Finished the elephant trenches now, we’re moving onto solar fencing tomorrow. I actually really enjoy digging, so much exposure to the sun is making my skin very dry though (picturing your face right now...). Hope the politics gathering satisfies the drama queen in you... can’t wait to hear about it! Take care big spoon x x x
PS JOKER for texting my mum...
From - Georgia Zervudachi
To – Granny
Thanks you very much for your message, it really made me smile. Yes there is a bug going round. I’m very lucky to be here so I’m taking everything in my stride and making the most of it. Tonnes of love as always x x x
From Georgia Zervudachi
To Mum
Glad your presentation went ok and well done! I’m loving the cooking and the digging of course! No solar fencing yet... everything is done Indian time! Got your parcels... you really don’t need to send them weekly, calm down! What’s going on in the world!?! Lots of love x x x
From Georgia Zervudachi
To Alex
Yes, I got ill but no I didn’t do what Nathan did! I’m having an amazing time (I sent you a postcard) last night the village threw us a street party and we all wore saris! I love you tonnes and have an amazing time snowboarding, I’ll be thinking of you, lots of love x x x
To Mum
Glad your presentation went ok and well done! I’m loving the cooking and the digging of course! No solar fencing yet... everything is done Indian time! Got your parcels... you really don’t need to send them weekly, calm down! What’s going on in the world!?! Lots of love x x x
From Georgia Zervudachi
To Alex
Yes, I got ill but no I didn’t do what Nathan did! I’m having an amazing time (I sent you a postcard) last night the village threw us a street party and we all wore saris! I love you tonnes and have an amazing time snowboarding, I’ll be thinking of you, lots of love x x x
From Georgia Zervudachi
To Dad
Evaristo poli pour ton petit note – j’ai vous envoyer un postcard (a Geneve!) loving the kitchen, the digging and the whole experience . Gros bisous as always x x x
From Georgia Zervudachi
To Aunty Kate
It’s incredible! Thank you so much for your message! It’s great to hear from you. I hope you’re feeling better. Everyone’s lovely. The work is hard but I’m having so much fun! Fingers crossed for Egypt working out. Tonnes of love to everyone x x x
From Georgia Zervudachi
To Jamie
No skips but there is the fanta that would be illegally orange and sweet in England. I look forward to it J Love Georgia x
To Dad
Evaristo poli pour ton petit note – j’ai vous envoyer un postcard (a Geneve!) loving the kitchen, the digging and the whole experience . Gros bisous as always x x x
From Georgia Zervudachi
To Aunty Kate
It’s incredible! Thank you so much for your message! It’s great to hear from you. I hope you’re feeling better. Everyone’s lovely. The work is hard but I’m having so much fun! Fingers crossed for Egypt working out. Tonnes of love to everyone x x x
From Georgia Zervudachi
To Jamie
No skips but there is the fanta that would be illegally orange and sweet in England. I look forward to it J Love Georgia x
From – James Bell
To – Rachel
Happy Valentine’s Day! I am still going really well having avoided a bug that is going around camp (whoop) and am thinking of you lots and lots so I hope you are all okay! Miss you, lots of love James x x x
To – Rachel
Happy Valentine’s Day! I am still going really well having avoided a bug that is going around camp (whoop) and am thinking of you lots and lots so I hope you are all okay! Miss you, lots of love James x x x
From – Lauren Bell
To – Mum, Dad, Robs, Ems and Amber
Missing you all! In my last 5 days of my first phase – cemented two solar powered poles into the ground today you ll would be so impressed by my manual labour skills! Can’t believe Emma is stretching her 9-4 working house! She must be exhausted, is she in bed by 8 nowadays instead of 9 J Well done Rob with driving hope you’re looking after MY car as well as I did! The afro is blossoming and Emma would be so disappointed with my hygiene skills! Hope you aren’t working too hard mum and dad and aren’t missing your favourite daughter too much! Keep writing and will be able to call you on the 21st Feb.
Lots of love
Lauren x
To – Mum, Dad, Robs, Ems and Amber
Missing you all! In my last 5 days of my first phase – cemented two solar powered poles into the ground today you ll would be so impressed by my manual labour skills! Can’t believe Emma is stretching her 9-4 working house! She must be exhausted, is she in bed by 8 nowadays instead of 9 J Well done Rob with driving hope you’re looking after MY car as well as I did! The afro is blossoming and Emma would be so disappointed with my hygiene skills! Hope you aren’t working too hard mum and dad and aren’t missing your favourite daughter too much! Keep writing and will be able to call you on the 21st Feb.
Lots of love
Lauren x
From - Becky Barnes
To – Mum
Hi Mum, Thank you so much for another parcel, what a lovely surprise, it’s such a luxury to receive new items and treats when everything I own is covered in mud! I hope you are well, we have changeover on the 21st and 22 Feb so I will try and be in touch then. It’s weird not being able to text or to skype. I am really happy – definitely facing challenges now and then but that’s what it’s all about. I’ve sent some letters and hope they arrive soon. Glad you like the necklaces.
Love you loads, Bec x x x
From - Becky Barnes
To – Ruth
Thanks for the blog message. I can’t believe you’ve been to Pai – I’m so glad you’ve visited it and love it too. Sounds like you’re having an immense time – I wish i could join you! Keep having an amazing time, I’ll email you soon.
Love you loads
Bec x x x
From - Elliot Leishman
To – Mum and Dad
Have just sent you a post card but will take a while to arrive. Hope you two had a good valentine’s day and very jealous you’re going to see penguin cafe orchestra! Don’t forget you can send parcels some sweets that don’t melt would be nice, like mentos! J
Talk to you soon,
Elliott x
From – Dan O’Flynn
To – Collette
HI Lettuce! Glad to hear your new job is already taking you to exciting places! Nearly finished in Basa Pura, we cemented in poles today, then I got back to camp and had a message from you – thank you so much! Miss you and love you lots x x x
From – Dan O’Flynn
To – Ma and Pa
Thanks you for your message, hope you both had fun birthdays! I look forward to seeing the cruise photos! Have fun at the party in Liverpool.
Lots of love
Dan x x x
Ps. Love to Molly!
From - Sean Cullinane
To – Everyone
Hi, I’m doing great and having a good time. Although it’s hard work doing the digging. Hope everything’s ok at home. We have had a couple of great days off though and please don’t worry if we don’t manage to reply to your blog posts straight away, we only get the change every week or so.
From Sean
From – Binika Liu
To – everyone
Thanks Mam, Briony and Tanita for the blog messages, definitely made my day! Only just got them all now! Thinking of you all! I’m having an amazing time, just finished my first trekking phase going to my community or environmental soon so continue your messages. Weather is sooo hot – so hopefully have a tan! Miss you all.
Love yas,
Binika x x x
From – Binika Liu
Hey baby! Thanks for all my messages, can’t believe you found the blog! LOL. Just got them all now! Can’t believe you’ve lost weight – is that before or after the promenade in Tenerife?! LOL. Hope you had a brilliant valentine’s day without me J We had loads of games around the camp fire – obviously not as good as your company! Definitely missed you on that day baby! I have a GREAT group, don’t know how the next group will shape up?! The crack is sooo good! I’ll tell you all about it though when I call. I love you so much sweety, can’t wait to see you! Wish you were here, I’m having such a great time! Hardest few weeks of my life – I better have abs of steel and the perkiest behind ever after this! You will be proud! Weather is fab! Soooo hot – yes I have a t-shirt, tights tan – very attractive! Miss you!
Love you lots,
Binika x x x
From – Ameze Simbo
To – friends and family
Hey Ya!
Last few days have been hectic and the days go so quickly, we wake up around 6am every morning and eat porridge under the stars LOL. We trekked up two of the highest mountains in the Western Ghats this week, never thought I would be climbing mountains so big! The one we did today was around 2000m above sea level and took us around 3 hours to complete. Pretty amazing especially as we live on cold rice bags (I hate cold rice!) and parle-g biscuits (most addictive biscuits ever!) when we got to the summit the view was breath-taking – we were standing above the clouds! I took some videos because my camera is still dead L we had another day of cycling this week, much easier than the last one! I can’t describe how amazing the views are so when I get a chance I will upload photos on facebook or something. I go back to field base soon so really sad to be ending this phase but also excited about doing something new. My group have been great (Tango 6 originals!) and the banter is awesome and I have a new love for bananas (mum, you will be proud!).
Oh and Kim – Thanks so much for your messages, they rally cheered me up today, you haven’t forgotten me! Yay! LOL, can’t wait to see you guys, seems like so far away got my tan on though so you guys need to catch up by April LOL! Kim, I’ve lost so much weight already my shorts keep falling down! G, I told you to behave while I’m away LOL Jokes, and everyone Loves the Africa pants! J
Mum and Lucy – I’m so glad you guys are ok, I miss your cooking so so much! Can’t believe Ava is at nursery already, hope she is enjoying herself and is talking loads! And I bet Ava will be so big when I get back, hope she remembers me! Good shout on the bottle-milk front, about time! With the package, I just need more cream LOL.
Kwesi – thanks for the messages and the letter was really nice, you obviously typed it at work, tut tut LOL. I’m ok I’ve gone so dark and feel so much fitter. Thanks for going to Mum’s for Sunday lunch, hope you have been visiting her loads LOL. Please tell me what is happening in a) Eastenders b) Being Human c) Jersey Shore (If you can handle it, LOL, season 3 on fast pass tv) hahaha snort J can’t wait to show you my landscape photos, I took 250 photos on the first day and ran my battery out! Say I should take up photography. Missing your lame jokes and your car metaphors, hope the BM ain’t causing you too much trouble! Don’t forget to brush your hair, I know you haven’t since I left “) will text you in a few days.
Kwesi – thanks for the messages and the letter was really nice, you obviously typed it at work, tut tut LOL. I’m ok I’ve gone so dark and feel so much fitter. Thanks for going to Mum’s for Sunday lunch, hope you have been visiting her loads LOL. Please tell me what is happening in a) Eastenders b) Being Human c) Jersey Shore (If you can handle it, LOL, season 3 on fast pass tv) hahaha snort J can’t wait to show you my landscape photos, I took 250 photos on the first day and ran my battery out! Say I should take up photography. Missing your lame jokes and your car metaphors, hope the BM ain’t causing you too much trouble! Don’t forget to brush your hair, I know you haven’t since I left “) will text you in a few days.
Wow – I have written way to much! Missing you guys so so much and loving the messages, they keep me going J
Hugs and kisses all round,
Love Amz/Meh/Am-easy x x x
From - Sam Ummat
To Mum, Dad, Ben, Alice and Max
From - Sam Ummat
To Mum, Dad, Ben, Alice and Max
Hi guys – how are you all? Thanks so much for all the blog messages, but getting pretty slated for all of them! I miss you loads but am having an amazing time! It’s so beautiful here and everyone in my group is so cool and I wish I could stay for longer. We woke up and left at 3am this morning and climbed a 1900m mountain and saw a fresh tiger kill! I have seen some of the most amazing things ever and can’t believe how unbelievable it is here.
Speak soon,
Love Sam x x x
Speak soon,
Love Sam x x x
From - Sam Ummat
To – Joanna
Hey Joanna, how are you? Everything here is amazing. I literally could not be having a greater time. Everyone is so cool and I have done and seen I never thought I’d ever do. I wish I could stay longer. I miss you loads and it’s been so nice to hear from you in your messages and well done with your exams, that’s amazing!
Speak soon and miss you.
Love Sam x x x
From - Sam Ummat
To – Alice
Hey Al, How are you? Hope all’s good and you and mum aren’t arguing loads! I’ am literally having so much fun and have loads of amazing stories to tell you! Miss you loads.
Love Sam x x x
From Jessica Gibbons
To – Mum, Dad, Andrea, Carl, Francis, Christine and Simmie
Thanks for my messages! They were lovely and it was great to hear from you. The trekking phase has definitely been a challenge but really rewarding as well. I’ve got loads of stories to tell you when I can ring home. We’ve climbed at least 2 mountains which was amazing. I haven’t had any time to even start my book, Raleigh keeps us all very busy! Glad everyone is well at home I’ll speak to you all as soon as I can.
Loads of love from Jess x x x
From Sarah Churlish
To – Mum and Dad
Thanks for the blog messages and letters. The girls from field base arrived today after our trek up the highest mountain in the Western Ghats and delivered all our messages. It’s really great to hear from you all. I’m loving it here. We’re coming to the end of phase 1 now and there will be photos coming soon. The photographer has only been with us today and leaves tomorrow so there’ll be on here soon. I feel like it’s been ages but it’s going really fast at the same time, it’s really strange. Anyway, over the past few weeks with Tango 6 I have been trekking around 15k a day, arriving at a new camp at 3ish then either swimming/washing in a nearby river or lake. We’ve had 2 days of cycling, each around 40k a day and 2 chill-out days, one of them being a rafting day. OS i’ve been kept very busy and am shattered but loving it. I can feel myself getting fitter as well so as a group we’re getting better at the challenging treks. The views at the top are incredible – well worth the hard work! In terms of food it’s all very basic on trek. Pasta, rice or noodles for tea, crackers and cheese or rice for lunch and porridge for breakfast, We’ve had some great meals out as well and I’m mastering eating rice and curry with fingers – I’m going to get you guys doing this when I get back. Anyway, I hope all is well at home. I get back to field base in a few days so will give you a text. Missing you all.
Lots of love, Sarah x x x x
From Sarah Churlish
To – John
Hey ugly! Thanks for the message, it made my day dude. Didn’t think people as ugly as you could use computers, but nice try. Yeah I have an awesome Indian friend who casually picks up snakes haha, too cool for you though. Wow, impressive name badge news – but magnets? Really? That’s just so it can be easily lost and then can replace you so don’t get too excited. I’ve been trekking around 15k a day up crazy steep mountains – you’d be proud. And I’ve actually developed muscles so prepare yourself, I can punch hard and I have another 6 weeks to practice. I hope everything is ok at home, missing you loads. Say hi to the middle Churlish for me and get his ugliness to the blog too. You’d love it here – keep looking for the photos. Going to Mysore (the nearest town) in a few days so I’m going to try and get on facebook and you can see my impressive t-shirt tan, it’s white then whiter tights ha ha, Anyway speak soon – miss you all.
Lots of love Sarah x x x
From – Jonathan Williams
To – Family and friends
Thanks so much for all your messages! Please send them!
Love your ‘son’, ‘brother’ and ‘friend’.
See you around
From - Clare Evans
To – Penny Evans
To – Penny Evans
Hey Mum! Good luck with the pond – molly is so cute! We have a puppy where we are camping, he lives next door and comes to visit often. We’ve called him Zachery and he can only be about ten weeks old. I’ve sent a postcard with an itinerary of animal sightings – no elephants yet but we’re not in the right place at the moment. Finished building the biogas unit and cow shed (pretty much) and the house we’re building just needs roofing and plastering though we won’t be here long enough o see it completed which is a shame. Weather is amazing (Alice would be so jealous!) and even am tanning slightly. Hope you’re all well, how it grandma? I forgot to ask in my previous message, I hope she is feeling better. Send her my love and carry on giving the animals hugs from me.
Love Clare x x x
From - Laura Bryce
To – Lisah Laurie
Hey Babe! All is good J how’s things at your end? I’m having a blast and the weather is amazing! So hot! Miss yous all like mad but three weeks gone already I’ll be home before you know it! Send my love to everyone. Yours is the first blog message I’ve had so far J Been down GX lately? Tell Julie and that that they better message me pronto or we’ll be having words when I get home, I’m dying to know what’s been happening! Heard from my mum or that? Speak soon gorj <3
Love you lots x x x
From Danielle Sharpe
To Mum and Dad
Hello! I got your message today which was nice, I have sent you a letter telling you about everything my end so that can be a nice read for you on return from America. Just wanted to let you know I’m ok and having an amazing time! Hope you are enjoying America!
Love you lots x x x
From Dharmendra Patel
To Mum and Dad
Love Clare x x x
From - Laura Bryce
To – Lisah Laurie
Hey Babe! All is good J how’s things at your end? I’m having a blast and the weather is amazing! So hot! Miss yous all like mad but three weeks gone already I’ll be home before you know it! Send my love to everyone. Yours is the first blog message I’ve had so far J Been down GX lately? Tell Julie and that that they better message me pronto or we’ll be having words when I get home, I’m dying to know what’s been happening! Heard from my mum or that? Speak soon gorj <3
Love you lots x x x
From Danielle Sharpe
To Mum and Dad
Hello! I got your message today which was nice, I have sent you a letter telling you about everything my end so that can be a nice read for you on return from America. Just wanted to let you know I’m ok and having an amazing time! Hope you are enjoying America!
Love you lots x x x
From Dharmendra Patel
To Mum and Dad
Hi, got two blog messages from you, one on the 3rd Feb which I already replied to and one on the 7th A lo fog people blog so that’s what there are lots of messages. I also sent you a letter on 2nd Feb. I am loving it here and don’t want to come home but looking forward to seeing you all.
From Fieke Haak
To Mum
From Fieke Haak
To Mum
Hee Mam, geen zorgen ik krijg al je berichtjes. Hopelyk lees je dit! De zie heb ek tijd om te mailen dus dan sms ek wel als ik op de computer ben. Hier goat alles goed! Heb ook je brief ontuangen! Groetjes aan indereen, dike kius!!
From Philip de Koning
To Man, Pap etc
Heb jullie berichtjes ontuangen. Ook een van anonymous , Marijke misschien? Alled goed hier nog steeds. Phase 1 alweer bijna afgelopen. Hoop dat het ook goed gaat met jullie. Maandag de 21e ben ik op de computer, misschien spreek ik jullie dan maar ik weef hief hoelaat. Ik mail in ieder geval.
From Stuart Vincent
To All
Hi everyone, lazy as ever doing one message to all. Helped build my first biogas unit and walls of a house which is fun. Learning other basic skills like washing clothes on rocks in the local river. Community phase has been awesome although not sure they fully get the British humour.
All the best to everyone back home, I’m looking forward to another few months in the Indian sunshine.
From Guy Scott
To everyone
Hi everyone, hope you’re all well at home. Great to speak to you and sorry about interrupting the skiing!
Hope all is well and love you all very much
From Martyn Parry
To Mum and Dad
Hey mum and dad, trek went well, I’m still ok.
Speak soon.
Martyn x x
From Georgi Tandy
To Rupert
Heeeey Rupert! I got all your messages at once so it was super confusing! Where are you to send post to? Got back from trek today and I bet I’m winning our fitness competition! So, you ok? I just got your letter so I haven’t read it yet but it’s sitting on my bed.
Write soon
Georgi x x x x x
From Georgi Tandy
To – Dad
Cool! Hope you’re having a good time. Finished trek and it was pretty amazing! I can’t wait for the next bits. Write soon.
Georgi x x x x x
To All
Hi everyone, lazy as ever doing one message to all. Helped build my first biogas unit and walls of a house which is fun. Learning other basic skills like washing clothes on rocks in the local river. Community phase has been awesome although not sure they fully get the British humour.
All the best to everyone back home, I’m looking forward to another few months in the Indian sunshine.
From Guy Scott
To everyone
Hi everyone, hope you’re all well at home. Great to speak to you and sorry about interrupting the skiing!
Hope all is well and love you all very much
From Martyn Parry
To Mum and Dad
Hey mum and dad, trek went well, I’m still ok.
Speak soon.
Martyn x x
From Georgi Tandy
To Rupert
Heeeey Rupert! I got all your messages at once so it was super confusing! Where are you to send post to? Got back from trek today and I bet I’m winning our fitness competition! So, you ok? I just got your letter so I haven’t read it yet but it’s sitting on my bed.
Write soon
Georgi x x x x x
From Georgi Tandy
To – Dad
Cool! Hope you’re having a good time. Finished trek and it was pretty amazing! I can’t wait for the next bits. Write soon.
Georgi x x x x x
From Richard Smith
To Mum, Anne Smith
Birthday tomorrow, where is my present? OS can you phone my work and make sure I got paid please, check on google for the number. Other than that, moving on to the next phase in the morn.
To Mum, Anne Smith
Birthday tomorrow, where is my present? OS can you phone my work and make sure I got paid please, check on google for the number. Other than that, moving on to the next phase in the morn.
See you soon
Richard x
From Andy Jehring
To Will Jehring
First of all thanks for telling everyone about the blog, I’m just sorry your still an awful person. In an odd chain of events, Trevor has become God-king after a tribal revolt. Pfft New York, after a bucket shower and relentless servings of porridge I have no time for that place. Slightly worried about what pictures are up, But I’m sure it’s just a bit of ‘character building’. Anyway, happy 21st and I hope to blog you soon.
Yours, Arsey J (long story)
Richard x
From Andy Jehring
To Will Jehring
First of all thanks for telling everyone about the blog, I’m just sorry your still an awful person. In an odd chain of events, Trevor has become God-king after a tribal revolt. Pfft New York, after a bucket shower and relentless servings of porridge I have no time for that place. Slightly worried about what pictures are up, But I’m sure it’s just a bit of ‘character building’. Anyway, happy 21st and I hope to blog you soon.
Yours, Arsey J (long story)
From Andy Jehring
To Judith Jehrong
Yay money! Everything is coming together! This is all awesome news, thank you. Just completed the trek which was absolutely amazing – took loads of pictures. Wish Grandpa happy birthday from me, I hope he for all he ever wished for. Anyway, I have to go and prepare my fancy dress costume now, I’ll blog you again when I can.
Andy x
From Andy Jehring
To The Tattows
Nice to hear you’re following the blog, I’m currently developing a rather grimy beard that will make it even harder to recognise me! There should be envy – we built a ‘loo with a view’ on survival day that looked out over the mountains, it was beautiful. I guess if Helen is enjoying them all and doing well then there is no need to drop any but if she’s struggling with one in particular then I’d drop it. I hope that vaguely helps, but now I have to bucket shower after a 200km trek.
Blog soon,
From Andy Jehring
To Serena
Yeah, the whole ‘get a phone out here’ plan failed completely... Blogging seems to pretty much the only way I can contact you, it makes a massive difference hearing from you J Ha ha, you wait until you read my journal, pretty damn emotional ;) It’s amazing out here and I have a beautiful t-shirt tan/bum lines to show off when I get back. It’s getting pretty desperate out here, all vegetarian food – gonna need some pork chops and a Nandos on return. Say hi to everyone at Atlantic point from me, I’ve met a guy from Liverpool who went to John Moore’s – he’s going to show me all the sights when I get back! I’m really enjoying this now but missing you a lot, I’ll blog you soon!
Love you Andy x x x
From Laura Oakley
To Mum, Dad and family
Got back to field base today and finally got all your letters and parcels! Still in the process of reading them but thank you so much! Tango 5 enjoyed the bubbly chocolate even if it was a bit melted. The compeeds would have been great on trek but I’m still blistered so I can get some use out of them. Finally had a ‘real’ shower and put on clean clothes which feels great! Loved Alfie’s letter by the way. Am still really enjoying myself and excited about next phase. Will write you a letter all about trek as soon as I can.
Love you all, take care
Laura x
From Genevienve McAreavey
To Liz and John, Quinn, Rhiannon
Heya, missing all of you guys so much. Dad I am getting your messages and I am loving them so please keep sending blog messages and letters they are keeping me going and are something to look forward to every time mail comes through. Will send you guys a long letter soon telling you how it’s going. But just to say India is amazing and I am having a lot of fun. Oh, please could somebody send me some strawberry laces please, am craving them so bad. Miss you and will contact you soon.
Love and kisses
Genevieve x x x
To Liz and John, Quinn, Rhiannon
Heya, missing all of you guys so much. Dad I am getting your messages and I am loving them so please keep sending blog messages and letters they are keeping me going and are something to look forward to every time mail comes through. Will send you guys a long letter soon telling you how it’s going. But just to say India is amazing and I am having a lot of fun. Oh, please could somebody send me some strawberry laces please, am craving them so bad. Miss you and will contact you soon.
Love and kisses
Genevieve x x x
From Genevienve McAreavey
To Ollie, Isla, Melissa, Marcia, Verity, McKay
sorry I have not been sending you loads of postcards, there is a shortage of stamps here. But will try and let you know what I am doing as soon as possible. MISS YOU GUYS SO MUCH and cannot wait to see you all when I get back. Please blog me if you get this.
Love you all
Genevieve x x x
From James Hollins
To Suzie Hollins
Just got back from a really good half day in Mysore, went to a pizza place and stuffed my face (no change there then!). Going to find out my next phase tomorrow, will be much easier as we have done the hardest one first, which will be good. Was good to talk to you today.
Lots of love
James x x x x
From James Hollins
To Sarah Hollins
Yes I can still smell you from India. I have a party tonight, going as Rambo as it’s an ‘R’ theme. Seeing as I just talked to you today I have run out of things to say other than ‘You massive geek!!!’
lots of love
James x x x x
From Anne-Romee
To Sarah Hollins
Yes I can still smell you from India. I have a party tonight, going as Rambo as it’s an ‘R’ theme. Seeing as I just talked to you today I have run out of things to say other than ‘You massive geek!!!’
lots of love
James x x x x
From Anne-Romee
To Coebergh Famile
Lieve allemaal, heel veel plezier in Dienten! Vind het heel jammer dat ik er niet bij kan zijn, maar geniet hier volop! Hard werken ook maar vooral nievwe mooie ervaringen! Gisteren een feest in echte sari gehad! Gedanst met groep en belvoners van liet dorp waar ons kamp is onder de sterrenhemel. Uniek en geweldig! Paste zelfs in de saris ondanks dat ik 3 koppen groter bend an de mensen hier, dus echte Indian Style! Maandag of dinsdag kan ik bellen waar schijnlyk, dus dan horen jullie van me Mis jullie! Heel veel liefs!
Lieve allemaal, heel veel plezier in Dienten! Vind het heel jammer dat ik er niet bij kan zijn, maar geniet hier volop! Hard werken ook maar vooral nievwe mooie ervaringen! Gisteren een feest in echte sari gehad! Gedanst met groep en belvoners van liet dorp waar ons kamp is onder de sterrenhemel. Uniek en geweldig! Paste zelfs in de saris ondanks dat ik 3 koppen groter bend an de mensen hier, dus echte Indian Style! Maandag of dinsdag kan ik bellen waar schijnlyk, dus dan horen jullie van me Mis jullie! Heel veel liefs!
xxx Anne-Romee
From Anne-Romee
To Mieke, Jolanda en Peter
heel veel dank voor jullie berichten! Superleuke om iets over Borneo te horen, jammee van het weer daar! Doe heel veel liefs aan Bente en Bobby, ga proberen zee en bericht te sturen maar weet niet of dat lukt. Veel liefs x Anne-Romee
From Ellie Burton
To – Jeannette Burton
Hyaaa! Woah, Can’t believe there’s snow forecast for the UK (actually, yes I can...) Early starts haven’t been a problem as we tend to be in bed for 9! Shock horror. Weather is getting hotter by the day just as the long drop is getting smellier! A happy belated Valentine’s to you also, I’ve not been too well this week but the medic came and worked her magic so I’m healthy and happy again! Yep, biceps ahoy! Don’t get your expectations up too high, they’re still the most pathetic in the group! As for emails, those from jobsite and facebook can both be deleted, ta. Still no new camera as we’re miles from anywhere, on the upside I saw elephants!! (Though couldn’t photograph them) and lots of snakes too! Ssssspeak soon, hope you’re well and at least you’re sorted grit –wise for the next dump of snow!
Missing you x x x x
From Ellie Burton
To David Burton
Hiya! How’s it going? Didn’t get your other blog but thanks for checking in. Echo 3 is the best! They’re a terrific bunch and a very supportive team (even at 5:30 in the morning over breakfast). Now completely acclimatised to sleeping under the start listening to crickets and elephants! My basha is very comfortable although it’s often cold at night. Incredibly hot during the day so we take to the shade in the afternoons and crack on with the creative projects (we’re making a music video at the moment). The tribal community we’re working with are fantastic, so dynamic, friendly and eager to learn. Have taught at the local school, been dressed in saris and taught some exciting wobbly dance moves! Enjoying every minute of the experience and will keep you updates x x x
To Mieke, Jolanda en Peter
heel veel dank voor jullie berichten! Superleuke om iets over Borneo te horen, jammee van het weer daar! Doe heel veel liefs aan Bente en Bobby, ga proberen zee en bericht te sturen maar weet niet of dat lukt. Veel liefs x Anne-Romee
From Ellie Burton
To – Jeannette Burton
Hyaaa! Woah, Can’t believe there’s snow forecast for the UK (actually, yes I can...) Early starts haven’t been a problem as we tend to be in bed for 9! Shock horror. Weather is getting hotter by the day just as the long drop is getting smellier! A happy belated Valentine’s to you also, I’ve not been too well this week but the medic came and worked her magic so I’m healthy and happy again! Yep, biceps ahoy! Don’t get your expectations up too high, they’re still the most pathetic in the group! As for emails, those from jobsite and facebook can both be deleted, ta. Still no new camera as we’re miles from anywhere, on the upside I saw elephants!! (Though couldn’t photograph them) and lots of snakes too! Ssssspeak soon, hope you’re well and at least you’re sorted grit –wise for the next dump of snow!
Missing you x x x x
From Ellie Burton
To David Burton
Hiya! How’s it going? Didn’t get your other blog but thanks for checking in. Echo 3 is the best! They’re a terrific bunch and a very supportive team (even at 5:30 in the morning over breakfast). Now completely acclimatised to sleeping under the start listening to crickets and elephants! My basha is very comfortable although it’s often cold at night. Incredibly hot during the day so we take to the shade in the afternoons and crack on with the creative projects (we’re making a music video at the moment). The tribal community we’re working with are fantastic, so dynamic, friendly and eager to learn. Have taught at the local school, been dressed in saris and taught some exciting wobbly dance moves! Enjoying every minute of the experience and will keep you updates x x x
From James Bell
To Rachel
Hey Rachel! Finally got your letter today (17/02) and it was really nice to read. I promise to reply to it very soon to give you the lowdown on everything that has happened. I am still well (having avoided the camp illness) and have a few wounds to speak of from playing cricket etc but am still healthy. Also it’s really good that James got those tickets, I am so looking forward to it already especially the seeing them part. The other day we went to a National Park and go and swim in a waterfall and (sadly for you) we saw some wild elephants, mating snakes and lots of monkeys! I hope you are still doing well and your surfing plans sound good so stay safe and I will speak to you soon.
Lots of love James x x x x x
PS could you send me more photos mwah x x x
From James Bell
To Mum and Dad
Thank you for your message! I can’t believe Carroll left, I can’t picture him being in a red’s shirt and Martins was a good signing. Huskurhadi (where we’re living) is so nice, last night we had a huge village party with lots of music and dancing, it was amazing and the other day we were playing cricket with the kids – the community is so accommodating! I am getting a nice tan and am all healthy so I am having a great time. Keep me posted on everything inc NUFC. I hope everyone is well.
Lots of love James x x x
To Lauren B Tango 6
ReplyDeleteFrom Mum, Dad, Em & Robs
Lovely to see you in the Tango 6 group photo and to get your blog. Yes Em needs to retire to bed early these days now she's extended her working week. She's actually doing a shift tonight until 8! I'm expecting you to use your new found practical skills in the garden & around the house when you get back. We could do with an Amber proof ditch around our house to keep her in not out! Robs is just back from Devon, she's had a great time with Chloe. Emma & I dropped into Ipanema for lunch today. Thay all asked after you & Rachael & Caroline have written. I also popped into Apicus, Faith sends her love. She's looking very trim & sporting a new hair style. Hope the advenure trek is going well. Blog all about it. Love you lots. xxxxxx
to philip de koning india 11a, echo 3
ReplyDeleteheeeeee philip! dank voor je mail en gaaf dat ik je kon bellen!!!! ben benieuwd hoe je phase 2 gaat beleven! Was met R in Antwerpen, was erg leuk.
Het blog met alle foto's geeft het gevoel dat ik het hier een beetje mee- beleef, leuk!! Hier alles oke, schrijf je snel weer. heel veel liefs en dikke knuffel
To Richard Smith Echo 3
ReplyDeleteRegarding your birthday present,sent you a birthday message is that not enough. Seriously I have sent you a parcel but not sure when you will receive it. They told me 5 days to get there. It is not much but it is the thought that counts. Some birthday messages for you on Facebook and folk are all asking how you are doing. You did get wages on the 3rd Feb. Your account is ok just now but remember you need to get an expensive souveneer for me lol. Dont know if you will get any more wages next month. Hope you enjoy your next phase and see some elephants.
Love Mum xxx
Georgi Tandy (Charlie 2)
ReplyDeletechris n chastity are here.....
she says hello, n then kissed chris.....
her head is now by his crotch and she misses you a lot hope you having a good time, trinity says tic tacs make good instruments and think you should try it and speed
from chris n trinity typed by rodger
to sean cullinane
ReplyDeletehi ya sean just seen a photo of your new group tango 6,glad your having a great time every one back home is ok i'll send another message soon
from everyone back home xx
To Katy Star Tango5
ReplyDeleteHi Katy I hope you can enjoy your trek in Kerala. I watched a programme The Spice Trail about peppercorns in Kerala. They showed the villages which grow and harvest them. We had bags of black and white ones in the shop withe phots of them growing so it all looked very familiar,so if you see any you can think of us all in Fruits. It is great to see all you photos and read about your adventures. Thankyou to all concerned. Take care of your feet and back. Thinking of you lots. Lots of love. Auntie Suexxxxxxx
To Louisa Mohsen:
ReplyDeleteBABE!! It made my week getting my messages from you! Has the letter I sent you arrived? I sent it the same time as your mum sent hers. Also, I don't think my most recent msg on the blog appeared. I'm so, so glad that you're having such an amazing certainly looks like you are on here. I spoke to your mum briefly earlier this evening. We were interrupted by your fire alarm! Lol. So will give her a call tomorrow. Also babe, have discovered a fabulous new hair product, though you won't be impressed by the price....hehehe. BABE, you MUST look after your skin!! Protect it from the sun. Dehydration causes lines. Do you have an intensive moisturiser? Oh babe, it worries me, the thought of your skin in the sun, unprotected, makes me shudder. Not happy. Remember to drink plenty of water.
Well, I had better go it's nearly 11.30pm here, and I have to pack for Bristol tomorrow. I finish work at 3pm, and am booked on the 4.30pm coach, you see, I've allowed time. Hopefully I'll have time for a spot of shopping too...pop into Lush. Wish you were getting the coach with me. I'm staying at Anastasia's. She'll be great at you know! Am getting a lift back with Charlotte in the afternoon. So I'll have time to do some shopping there too. Pop into Repsycho...may fave. Plus, Dutty Girl.
I'll let you know how it all goes and will definitely be posting a little something your way this week.
Carry on doing what you're doing (only, pay more attention to the condition of your skin, please).
Lots of love,
Lucy xxxx
ReplyDeleteFrom Louisa Mohsen's friend - Tango 5
Thank you so much for this wonderful blog! It's very much appreciated.
To: Ameze - Charlie 1
ReplyDeleteFrom: Dharmendra
Hi Ameze! I hope you guys are enjoying Charlie 1 as much as I did. I tried PG tips for the 1st time today and English tea doesn't even compare to fresh Vellary tea. I'm glad one of my former PMs (Eeva) gave us some of that tea to take home :) Have a great time!
To: Emily - Charlie 1
ReplyDeleteFrom: Dharmendra
Hey Emily :) Hows everything going in Charlie 1? I bet you're glad that you have a stationary home and you're able to wash your clothes (and yourself) any time you want :P lol. Once you get to know the kids (Nandu, Ashwin and co) they will make you laugh your heads off ;)
Take care love. All the best.
To: Ellie - Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteFrom: Dharmendra
Hi Ellie! I miss you loads! :'( Its good to be back home again but I still wish I had chosen 10 weeks instead of 4 :P
Anyway have a fantastic time :) Take care
To: Georgi - Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteFrom: Dharmendra
GEORGIIIIII!!! :D my life is so dull without seeing your bright red hair any more :(
I hope you're having a brilliant time. I miss you a lot. Make the most of it while you still can. Hopefully someone will organise a Raleigh Reunion when all of us are back in the UK :)
To Georgi Tandy (Charlie 2)
ReplyDeleteHeya, haha good you've been getting all confused then, is bad if i cant confuse you still =p.
Am in chelt this week, though will be in plymouth till the first week or two of march, will be in chelt after that for the rest of the year.
you will be winning as did spend yday at the drs n stuff. So am great apart from physically, will tell you more about that when i next see you then.
and!!! you havent read my letter yet? how rude.
and i send a letter every week by the way, email, and a few blog messages too, so dont worry bout me writing soon =p. ps true blood?????? why did you tell me to watch it?
To: Philip - Echo 3
ReplyDeleteFrom: Dharmendra
Wasup Phil. I hope you're enjoying Echo 3. One thing I forgot to tell you about good Indian restaurants. At the end of your meals, they will bring you a bowl of hot water with a piece of lime inside. This is for drinking.
Its actually for washing your hands in. You use the lime as a soap. It may be worth sharing this info with Ed once you see him at field base and anyone else travelling after the expedition. I hope your new group appreciates cocoa butter as much as our Charlie 1 group did :) Take care
To: Ben - Echo 4
ReplyDeleteFrom: Dharmendra
DUDE! I should have said my farewell before you went into town. No worries. We will probably bump into each other given that we don't live too far apart. Anyway have a wicked time on Echo 4. Make sure you give Stu as much grief on this phase as you did in Charlie 1.
Just kidding :)
To: Phil - Echo 4
ReplyDeleteFrom: Dharmendra
Hey Phil. Now that I'm gone, I'm relying on you and others to keep the dance floor alive back at field base ;) Have a fab time on Echo 4
To: Clare - Echo 4
ReplyDeleteFrom: Dharmendra
HI CLARE!!! :D I hope you're doing well. I presume there aren't as many trees on this phase compared to Charlie 1. That way your tan will develop much faster ;) Have a great time.
To: Danielle - Echo 4
ReplyDeleteFrom: Dharmendra
Hi Dani! :D I hope you're getting on well with your new group and things weren't as awkward at the start of this phase as it was at the start of Charlie 1 :P lol. Let me know when you have read the messages that everyone writes in your journal. Enjoy the phase! :)
P.S. I miss your clumsy mishaps. Puts a smile on my face every time :)
To: Fieke - Echo 4
ReplyDeleteFrom: Dharmendra
Hi Fieke! :) I'm so sorry I couldn't find you when I was saying my goodbyes :( I assume you went to town with Ben and others. I owe you by taking you out whenever you come to London :) Have a great time on Echo 4
To: Rachel
ReplyDeleteFrom: Dharmendra Patel
RACHELLLLL!!!! :D I miss you so much! I bet your enthusiasm has now reached new heights :)
I showed Krishna my beard on Skype and she freaked out! LOL. I couldn't stop laughing. I think it grew a bit too much for her liking :D
It feels good to finally have a shave (2 days after I got back to London). I couldn't find you on facebook so add me when you get a chance. My network is City University London. Have a great time.
D-Dog :)
To: Sophie - Tango 5
ReplyDeleteFrom: Dharmendra
HI RUDE BOY!! :D I miss you sooooo much! Ever since I left Raleigh, all I've been listening to is dubstep coz it reminds of you. I'm looking forward to our little get-together when you get back to London. Gonna party hard ;) This time with louder music and drinks. LOL
Take care love.
Your homie for life,
D-Dog :)
To: Rachel - Tango 6
ReplyDeleteFrom: Dharmendra
Wagwan Ray-Ray :)
I hope you're enjoying the trek as much as I would have. I'm sorry I didn't cry when saying my goodbyes. If its any consolation, I was in tears a few times on the way back home. Not gonna lie.
I would like to have done this trek next had I stayed in India.
If times get tough and you need some cheering up, just think of all the crazy shenanigans Ashwin use to get up to :D
To: Emily - Tango 6
ReplyDeleteFrom: Dharmendra
Hey there Emily :) Hows the trek? I'm sure you're having a challenging but fantastic time. I miss you loads. Take care babe.
To: Sam - Tango 6
ReplyDeleteFrom: Dharmendra
Hi Sam! :) I hope strapping your solar charger to yourself with zinc oxide tape is working out well for you :D Since you teased me for so long about going home, its only fair that I tease you :)
I loved my king size bed at the complementary hotel in bangalore. The warm shower! A normal toilet! BEANS ON TOAST as my 1st english breakfast back in London :D mwahahahaha! I could go on and on but I won't :)
I hope the group like my CamCaddy. Can't wait to see you when you get back home. Take care hun <3 (thats suppose to be a heart) ;)
To: Ed - Tango 6
ReplyDeleteFrom: Dharmendra
Wasup geeza :-) I just saw the slideshow from the end of the 1st phase and I've gotta's pretty damn good. That's how we roll :-)
When you see Phil back at field base, he will tell you something about Indian restaurants which I forgot to tell you guys about.
Have an awesome time on the trek.
To Laura (Echo 3)
ReplyDeleteHey you!! I've been looking at all the pictures that your sister has been posting on facebook. It looks amazing. And like really hard work! Check you out, Superwoman! Are you actually sleeping in a tent every night!? Or is that just for photo purposes ;-p Hope you are having a wonderful time and it's everything you'd hoped it would be. Proud of you! Can't wait to hear all about it (via facebook) when you get back! Good luck with the rest of the expedition. Make the most of every moment!
Lots of Love from Cambodia...Sam x x x x <3
To Georgi Tandy (Charlie 2)
ReplyDeleteIt's great to see you looking so good and happy. The treking looked fantastic, you will be able to do anything now! I have sent letters, but maybe they've not got to you. All ticking on as usual here. Jess missing you. She is sitting by the front door waiting for postie and growling! She no longer has a wart!! Can't decide what we should do for hols when you get home, any ideas let me know. The blogs are fantastic and pictures great. Have loads of fun. Missing you. Mum. xxxx
To: Scott - Tango 6
ReplyDeleteFrom: Dharmendra
Scotty! :) I'm relying on you to be the therapist (Graham) in case one of your Tango 6 colleagues loses the plot while trekking (touch wood) ;)
Have a blast!
To: Laura - Tango 5
ReplyDeleteFrom: Dharmendra Patel
HI HONEY!!! :D I miss you loads. Your jolly personality makes me laugh. I couldn't find you on facebook so add me when you get a chance. My network is City University London.
Have an amazing time on the trek. Take care
To: Alex - Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteFrom: Dharmendra
Hey Alex. Hows everything going on Charlie 2? Anyway I hope your voice has returned by now :) Enjoy the phase
To: Rob - Charlie 1
ReplyDeleteFrom: Dharmendra
Hey Rob :) My group set the bar when we were on Charlie 1 so you guys have to succeed our achievements. Make sure you don't get yourself involved in another truth or dare. Otherwise you will go home without any eye brows at all :P Haha. Enjoy the phase
Ellie Charlie 2 - Hello miss, it's just a quick one to say i've just received and read your letter :) it was epic indeed. It all sounds very exciting. I especially liked the young boys crazy coloured bus and talk of pirates. I'm relieved to hear that you're keeping in good health (know what you're like). I feel compelled to write you a letter now so off to Smiths i go for nice writing gear. I do hope my card got to you in the end. I hope phase 2 is going well. Big love, expect my letter soon x
ReplyDeleteto Fieke Haak Echo 4. Ha lieve Fiek, zit met Marianne in Vlissigen en hebben net het filmpje gezien, heel leuk. Mail link ook door naar Fleur. Heb net je bericht terug gelezen. Gaat het goed daar? Hoop dat je lekker slaapt in je hangmatje. Geniet je en is de olifantengreppel al klaar? Welke dag zit je weer op de basis? Heel veel liefs ook van Marianne, kussies mamxxxx
ReplyDeleteTo Dan - Tango 5
ReplyDeleteI'VE BOOKED MY FLIGHTS! Arriving in Bangkok on Sat 14 May (day before you) and have 3 weeks! Flying back from Bangkok, but we'll sort something out, i can get a cheap flight from Vietnam / cambodia with air asia. SO EXCITED!
Am going to see the Gays in Warwick today with Dan and Elle, looking forward but it'll be weird pulling into Leam and you not being there :-(
Hope the trek is going well, seen any more wild animals?? I got your postcard yesterday, was lovely! How's the Kannada coming along? (bit useless now you're in Kerala??)
Work is nuts, working 11hr days and had to write a speech in a day yesterday...booo.
Anyway, i'll see you in Bangkok baby!!
Love you lots and lots, your Letts xxxx
Louisa Mohsen India 11 Tango 5
ReplyDeletehi sis how are you miss you come home now xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx benjamin mohsen i see movie called drive angry got Niclas cage 18 going with Maryam today xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Robert Nolan C1
ReplyDeleteWe can see you are having an amazing time - not sure how you came to loose half an eyebrow but we can probably guess!
I will paste Kate's latest blog describing her ascent of Killi! She had a great time but it was tough.
Not sure if you got my last message at it didn't seem to register as normal. Great news is that Liverpool has converted its offer to unconditional!! Well done Old Boy!!
We are off to Vancouver this afternoon and back on 8th March.
Dear Holly,
ReplyDeleteGlad you are impressed with my computer skills!
Just dropped Kate off at a Harry Potter party. She went as Dobby the house elf.Then she is on a sleepover tonight at Julia's house. Ed's goes tomorrow, so will be very quiet in the house.The assembly last Wednesday went well. I think the trek will be pretty amazing, even if it does not challenge you 100% of the time. Did you get wet in the rain? How is the suntan coming along? Saw Jame's mum last week, here for half term with Edward. A few of us went into Copenhagen for something to eat. Nice to see her. Any way will write later as want to maximise time to study whilst Kate out at the party.
Love U so much.
Mum xxxx
To Laura Oakley (was Tango 5) now Echo 3
ReplyDeleteFrom Paula Oakley
Hey Loo, wow wow wow wow. We've got all your messages too, FB, Text....I'm Golden Grandaughter at the moment...earnt bumper Brownie Points taking Nanna to see Annie, well I had to sit thru 2 hrs of stage school screechers and Sue Pollard (you're prob too young to know this annoying actress "loose term"). It's rain here atm, hopefully the sun will come out tomorrow.
While you're out there doing some wonderful work I suppose in a way I'm doing my bit for community-family-services....LOL.
Enjoy digging those trenches for those elusive elephants, hope you spot a Dumbo soon! miss you loads, but not enough yet so you'd better stay there a bit longer. Forever your little big sister Poo :) xxx
To Florine Boer - Tango 5
ReplyDeleteFloo! Hoe is het op trek? Red je het allemaal een beetje, is het echt zo zwaar zoals je je voorstelde, of kan je het allemaal nog aan?
Ik ben afgelopen vrijdag met het bestuur verhuisd naar een andere kamer, dat doen we dus ook nooit meer.
Je krijgt nog de groetjes van heel je club en allemaal andere mensen die ik alweer vergeten ben, maar dan heb ik ze iig een soort van overgebracht:P (ik faal weer in deze!)
Zet hem op. Haal je survival trucendoos uit de kast, dan komt het helemaal goed!
xxx matthijs
To Wieger van Rinkhuyzen, Tango 6
ReplyDeleteDankjewel voor alle blog-berichtjes. Wat geweldig dat het is gelukt met de bril. En nu de trekking, dat was wat je het liefst wilde. Wat een ervaring moet dat zijn. Maak je ook veel foto's van alles om je heen? Vraag ook anderen met jouw camera foto's van jou te maken! En die vlinders, dat is toch bijzonder. Koester het. Nog steeds geen brieven van jou ontvangen, heb je de onze wel al? Volgens TNT zou het 5 tot 10 dagen moeten duren, maar daar maken de Indiase posterijen wel het dubbelen van. Nou ja, geen bericht goed bericht zullen we maar zeggen. Heel veel liefs van ons en tot de volgende blog. XXXX Mam
To Jess Gibbons, Echo 3.
ReplyDeleteJust read your blog to us and looked at all the photo's Raleigh has put on the web site they look good, lets hope phase 2 goes well.
I have your new bank card and pin but it says it has to be activated in a santander machine which I dont think they have in India ?, do you need me to send money via Raleigh, if I can and would £100. do, or should I not bother ? or could you just borrow some money ? anyway so many questions but you will have to let me know what you want me to do.
Bye for now. Mum x
Binika liu ECHO 4
ReplyDeleteHello my sweetheart!!! Read your message on the
Blog! And must say it cheered me right up as im really missing
You!!! I just wanna say how much i love you and that how
Much you mean to me! I really cant wait to see you!!! I hope your having
A great time!!! Its great looking at the blog every day and seeing what you and wveryone is upto! Wish i was there!!! Im soo pround of you binika!!!
Btw i cant believe how different you look! Youve lost loads of weight!!!
(without sounding cheeky!!!!) haha! You know what im like i have a way with words! Ull be pleased to no i no longer have a big belly!! Lol!
Im pretty sure ul like what see when see me!! anyway, keep fighting the good
Fight! Enjoy yaself!! Miss u loads! P.s i asked ya mam if i could go see them for
Tea - you know what she said? "make sure you bring a pack lunch!" haha whats she like!!!!! I love you soo much baby dont forget that!!! Forever and ever babe!!! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To Fieke Haak
ReplyDeletefiekje!!! gaat ie lekker? ben je met t tweede project begonnen? hier gaat ie goed, mn verjaardag was heel leuk en had lekker n weekje vakantie, deze week gaan we beginnen met bar klussen voor kriminele! moet je volgend jaar ook heenkomen :) ga nu even mn kamer opruimen want die is weer bijna net zo erg als die ene keer... hahah veel plezier!!! benieuwd naar al je verhalen!! dikke kus
to sean cullinane
ReplyDeletehi ya sean glad your having a great time, on your group photo you look as though your getting a tan,we are all ok back home,we will keepin touch bye from home xx
To Sophie Lethier
ReplyDeleteHello ma chérie!
Comment ça va? Ton équipe à nouveau a l'air très sympa. J'espère que le trek n'est pas trop dur. On parle de toi tout le temps et on espère que tu n'as pas de pluie et que tu as vu des éléphants et pas de tigres!!!!! Ici tout va bien comme toujours! On t'embrasse très très fort,
Mam and Dad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Echo 3 Sheena
ReplyDeleteHey Sheena...looking rough though...looks like your having a wicked time...dina saw your photo up on the rayleigh site..thinks its brillant...
mum & Nita
To Sophie van dorp ECHO3
ReplyDeletezaterdag 26 feb
lieve fie, We verheugen ons er al op jou loopgraven te zien graven. Of worden elephant trenches juist door oliphanten gegraven? Ik wist niet dat olifanten oorlog met elkaar voerden??? Veel blaren? weer nieuwe fotoos gezien. fantastisch! Mamma probeert iedereen in de wijde omtrek de site te demonstreren en dan natuurlijk opscheppen over jou! De boot ligt bij van dam. Het regent. Henriette en omi hier gegeten.Ik heb deze week 5 dagen dag en nacht gewerkt. alle anderen op vacantie, beetje weinig geslapen. Geert word de 8e 65 jaren oud!! oud he?! leuk nog bericht van Annelot over jou. Hoe is het met de heilige koeien daar? De plek waar jullie zijn kunnen we op google maps niet vinden. bestaat zeker niet?? Nou de groeten maar weer
Jaov en Moeder en zus en omi
To Scott, Tango 6
ReplyDeleteHi bro
I'm so annoyed! I have sent you a message a week and have only learned today that you haven't got any of them! I am so sorry!! You look like you are having such an amazing time in India - the photos look brilliant and the blog entries are fab. Things are great here if a little boring compared to what you have been up to. Jamie is coming along - you will see such a huge difference when you come back - he's a big boy now. On solids. So far he's had baby rice, sweet potato, pear, apple, mango, parsnip, butternut squash and courgette and has loved it. Not so keen on peas it would seem! Must take after his mummy! We're having mum and dad here overnight for dad''s birthday. Nic was here for tea. I made soup from....da da da da.... the PUMPKIN!!! Went down so well. You would be proud of me. Nic was great and put Jamie to bed so that I could get on with my cooking. Jamie has been so good. A real wee happy boy. Misses his uncle of course :-( Anyway, warbling on here. I will send regular messages, promise. Lots of love and dribbles, Jen, Alan & Jamie xxx
To Florine Boer
ReplyDeleteHi Flo, leuk om weer een foto op het blog van je te zien. De eerste fase zit er op. Jullie hebben echt keihard moeten werken. Top wat jullie allemaal volbracht hebben. Ik begrijp dat het volgende onderdeel trekking gaat worden. Ben benieuwd. Hoor de de verhalen wel via Heemstede lees ze via het blog. Veel succes, zet 'm op en we denken aan je. Liefs uit een stormachtig Zeeland! Anke
To Lauren B Tango 6
ReplyDeleteFrom Mum
Hey Lauren hope the trek is going well and you weren't caught in the rain as you set out. I'm packing another box of goodies. Would you like more T-shirts & shorts sent? I know your pack is full so depends on whether what you have will survive your travels beyound India. Let me know via the blog.
Love & hugs xxxxx
Robert Nolan C1 (Rob?)
ReplyDeleteWe have arrived safely in Vancouver but its snowing and cold! Seems just like Christmas all over again! Saw you message on Kate's blog and I hope you are feeling better.
We are meeting up with Uncle Peter Karen, Jeremy, Tara and Maggie and William for brunch.
Have a great time on this phase of your adventure!
To Sophie Lethier
ReplyDeleteHi lovely!
Raleigh a mis un slideshow (with music) de 11A expedition sur YouTube qui est absolument génial, cela nous donne une bonne idée de tout ce que vous faites. Pour nous c'est formidable de voir tout ça. Tu as l'air si heureuse, quel bonheur!!! T'es sûre que tu vas rentrer un jour??????!!!
Ici TVB, on va à Paris cette semaine, yee!! On t'écrira de là -bas.xxxxxxxxxxxxx On t'aime hyper fort! Take care xxxxxxxxxxx
Mille bisous - M and D
To: Jenny and Kathryn
ReplyDeleteFrom: Dharmendra
Thank you so much for this blog website! I didn't realise how useful it was until I tried it for myself when I got back home. As you can see I became addicted to it :)
I fell in love with the Phase 1 slide show. I can't wait until our Eye of the Tiger video is finally out. Miss you guys loads. Take care.
P.S. Just to avoid any confusion, my message to Rachel dated 26 February 2011 at 06:26 is for the Rachel on Echo 4. Thanks again! :)
to Sean Cullinane,
ReplyDeletehya Sean just been looking at the sldeshow the photo's were great and so was the music glad to see that your enjoying your self we are all ok back home i'll keep in touch.
from us all back home xx
To Wieger van Rinkhuyzen, Tango 6
ReplyDeleteLieve Wieger, how's life? Hoe bevalt de trek? Is het te doen in de warmte en regen (?). Hier ook al hele weekend regen, lekker weer om binnen te klussen. Even een klein berichtje om je te zeggen dat de indeling van de tenniscompetitie bekend is. Je speelt in het 3e team met Bram, Martijn, Elko. Leuk hè? Jullie spelen 4e klasse. David zit in 4e team en spelen ook 4e klasse. Nu nog een beetje oefenen!! Heb je al cricket gespeeld? Tot de volgende keer, liefs van ons. XXX Mam
To: Sarah Churlish, Charlie 1
ReplyDeleteHi Sarah: It sounds like you are having the time of your life. The pics are great to see here but I am sure you will have more to share later on. The trekking phase sounded like a challenge but now that your fitness level has been challenged and improved some of the 'work' phases may be a bit easier.
The picture of you writing your diary on a mountain top at sunset is stunning.
And you have introduced me to blogging. :)
Keep safe and enjoy.
Keep safe an
To Bry charlie 2
ReplyDeleteWe really hope you are getting our messages and you are ok ?? Lovely weather here today,all of us outside doing various jobs. Marcs car had a birthday today as its going to the garage tomoz !! I have mustered some enthusiasm for the garden and been sowing seeds . Seems like you have been gone for ages . cant wait to hear your news .Love you zillz xxxx mum dad marc ell xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Andrew Jehring Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteDear Andrew,
Apparently my last blog did not get through. Don't know why! Obviously we are not computer literate like Jehrings. How are your pepparami pants? Are they still attached to your bottom? Hope you have washed them! How is the body beautiful? It is not the same without your muscular frame. Aunty Di xx
Phil - Hi, there is nothing more I want to say, apart from apologising for my mum's comments.
Rich - Hi Andrew, this is Rich Spalding. Hope all is well in India, Jason tells me he is out there as we speak so keep your eyes peeled. I've been reading about the experiences in this blog, if they're typical of your treks it must be mighty good fun! Everyone just seems to be laughing, all the time, to almost psychotic levels. Outrageous scenes. Anyway, hope you're enjoying it and that you're still wearing those pants and stuff. Love Rich xxxxxxxxxxx (p.s. There has been a fire at your house, we are not sure if any survived. Lots of love) He is naughty - I have just been on phone to your mum for an hour! Di xx
andrew, its tim here... hi
Hope your extreme style DoE is going well. England won against France which is awesome! I hope your well and enjoy it loads and learn some good curry recipes for us! :D
Tim xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ben on Echo 4, Just tried to post a message but I think the lousy kitchen computer crashed before it went through. So HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Tuesday. Hope you have a great day and you manage to stop digging for long enough to blow out those candles and pop the darned poppers! Will be thinking of you and really sorry not to be there with you - would be lovely to get away from the February cold and rain. Anna has just finished her half term - not a very thrilling one - no skiing and too much revision. Spent last night supervising Miranda's Year 8 disco - 220 13 yr old boys and girls but they seemed to have a great time. Try and let us know how your birthday went. Enjoy Phase 2. Love and hugs,
ReplyDeleteMum, Dad and all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Message for Anne-Romee, Tango 6
ReplyDeleteLieve schat, prachtige beelden en foto's op de video slide show van phase 1. Lekkere muziek ook! We zijn onder de indruk van de spannende beelden en jouw stralende gezicht op alle foto's! Wij zijn inmiddels terug uit de sneeuw en starten morgen weer het gewone leven. Voor jou blijft het spannend en misschien ook wel behoorlijk zwaar? Zet hem op! Veel liefs uit Laren, xxx P+M+J+E
To Sophie Lethier,
ReplyDeleteSoph my love... seems I've managed to post just below your parents, it gives me hope Im in the right spot. Hope everything is going fabulously, I miss you mucho, of course, but then what did you expect. So far no word from UCL, if they dont reply in a week I'll chase it up. How are you? Can you blog back to me. Dont worry if you cant. I just thought Id tell you a few things. Everything at this end is going well, patrick is all good. work, is as per usual slightly floundering but no matter. Also, I saw in a photo you are looking very tanned. I am looking (if you could see me) very pale. Are the people nice? (I appreciate you can't really answer this question but I thought I would ask you anyway...) I hope they are. They look nice, yes I have been stalking, but its only right, if these people are going to have the pleasure of living with you for however long that they are appropriately vetted. Enjoy and appreciate soph, it looks fantastic. love you lots and lots and lots xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
p.s. sorry if this comment is too long, I really have no idea what I should be aiming for. bisous
To James Bell now in Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteHi Jamesey - We're on our way! into Europe!!!Yes, the Blues BEAT the Arsenal, YES 2-1!!!!!!! and your man Martins scored the winner 89th minute!!! Wow what a game you missed, they were brilliant!!! I'm a happy bluenose & really missed sharing this special moment with you. Other news: Your Dad & Stephen are in Dubai at the food show and will be back at the end of the week, so I have some peace! Hope you have a good time in your next phase, love and miss you, Momxx
To James Hollins (Echo 3)
ReplyDeleteHi Jamesy wamesy thanks for your message, hope you enjoy the elephant trenches and solar whatevering haha. Nice beard, you look a bit of a gyppo so keep it up, although you may scare the elephants away, hohoho (green giant). Was the beard to keep up with your rambo theme or just coz you are a big lazypoo? Talking of smelling, whilst you can smell me from there (must smell like flowers and chocolate), theres been a funny smell lingering around and I've realised it must be you! (smells like elephants and dung!). Went to a spa on Friday, was very relaxing, got a lovely Indian head massage (ask one of the elephants for this I'm sure they'll all be trained). Anyway I hope you enjoy the next bit of hard labour and that the people in your new group are nice! Lots of love Sarah Warah xxxxx
To. Ellie Burton - Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteHi Ellie xx
So glad to see you looking so well on your arrival back to Base :0)
Your looking so well and your tan is coming along nicely . O love your beautiful fish dress looked so lush on you .
Good luck with the next phase of your expedition and looking forward to seeing lots more photos of all you guys soon ...
Take care love n kisses
Debbie and Ian xxx
To Louisa Mohsen: Tango 5
ReplyDeleteHi Babe,
On your request, I've adjusted your privacy settings so your tagged photos are blocked. I hope your trekking is going well and that you haven't been caught in the rain. I arrived back home at about 5pmish earlier today. Was very disappointed as both Repsycho and Dutty Girl were closed. There were quite a few new foody places on Gloucester Road. Chiara, Anastasia and I went to a new cafe, next to the Art Cafe in Stokes Croft. It was very nice, we had panninis with mozerella, parma ham and peppers, with a couscous salad on the side. And then we went to Shakeaways in the arcade and had a milkshake each, in your honour! I eve had your favourite flavour...cookies and cream! I loved being back and was so happy when I got off the coach. Will have to go on a weekday or a Saturday to go to the shops. Am going back in April for Charlotte's birthday. When I write to you I'll fill you in on all the details of the weekend's events.
I'm looking forward to when the blog gets updated so I can see how you're getting on. I check it every day. Only two months now until you come back to us!
Lots of love,
P.S. The party was, wait for it...Kathleen's.
To Ben Schroder Echo 4
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday Ben! Hope this comes through to you on time and that you have a great day.
We all miss you lots and envy you being in Kerala right now when England is at its lowest, greyest, flattest ebb.
Do let us know that this and Mum's previous messages got to you OK because they do not seem to show up on the blog that we can see.
Take care.
Lots of love, Dad
PS. Just seen Charlotte in Oxford and she love too.
To Daphne Koolen Tango 5
ReplyDeleteFrom: Mam
Lieve Daphne, Hoe is het daar? Trek je het nog een beetje? Nog geen blaren? Zoals ik op foto's van de andere trekkings heb gezien is het supermooi maar wel ruig. In ieder geval een onvergetelijke ervaring. Nadat ik jou verteld had dat ik Charlotte gesproken had lukt het me niet meer om haar te spreken. Noch bellen, noch sms, noch mail. Dat is dus al bijna een week. Ze zou me laten horen of het zou lukken om haar afspraken om te zetten.Ik begin me inmiddels af te vragen of het wel verstandig is. Dadelijk sta je daar op Bangkok Airport, is ze er niet en wederom onbereikbaar, je vlucht gaat pas twee weken later. Misschien een beetje riskant.
Het leek te gaan lukken maar nu begin ik erg te twijfelen.Hier regent het al dagenlang de hele dag. Het is donker en druilerig. In de wereld is inmiddels veel gebeurd. Mubarak van Egypte is afgetreden, de president van Tunesië, en burgeroorlog in Libië.In veel andere Arabische landen rommelt het. Ik zou het erg leuk vinden iets van je te horen. Geniet van de laatste weken India. Liefs, love you, mam
samantha anderson tango 6
ReplyDeletehi thankyou so much for my birthday card and my lovely presents,received your blog thankyou, hope your colds gone, and your not getting to tired,arms look tanned in the photos, phil is fine and not forgotten you,sent your note books hope they won`t take to long arriveing,everyone sends their love, missings you love you,blog soon xxxxxx
James Bell Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteHey Jamesssssss! how are you getting on with your new project? just watched a photo slideshow showing what everyones been up to... and there's one of you trying to have a shave using your mess tin (i think).. well done on thinking outside the box! its what its all about! just watched a video of otters floating on the water on their backs holding hands and its definitely a video you would have found on youtube and posted on my can only imagine my squealing hahah just read your mum's message about birm beating arsenal - well done on her behalf! thats just as much as i understand whats going on in the world of football! coming down with a fetching cough.. almost losing my voice in the process of reading this message out but im sure itll go soon! cant wait to hear from you soon. missing you lots, love rachel xxxxxxxx
To Ben, Echo 4
ReplyDeleteHAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Tuesday - will be thinking of you and will raise a glass in your honour. Wish we could be with you especially as it's freezing and grey here! Hope you have a great day and can stop digging long enough to blow out those candles and pop those wretched poppers. Have been trying to post a comment to you for nearly a week - sent off 3 comments in 4 days but none of them came up on the blog so I assume they didn't get through. Then taught dad how to do it and his comment came through first time!
Have just finished two weeks of different half terms for the girls - not very exciting because we couldn't go skiing so just went to Burton (still a ruin but getting better) and Dorset - beautiful but windy - and sat around in London. Am now cranking back into boring paperwork and a fun time choosing tiles, carpets and paint colours for BP - whoopee!
Do hope you got both my packages - will be thinking of you all day tomorrow. Much love and hugs from all of us,
Mum xxxxxxxxxx
James Bell Charlie 2
ReplyDelete.. in addition to my other message, im currently talking to your dad on facebook chat who's in dubai at the moment - you're both enjoying amazing weather and leaving me and your mum in miserable and cold england. thanks!! xxxxxxx
To Louisa Mohsen Tango 5 (Phase 2)
ReplyDeleteHi Louisa, thanks for your message. I saw a great photo of you in a Sari. It really suited you. Am dying to hear a rendition of your song! I hope you've recovered from being ill and that you weren't feeling too bad. I can remember thinking I would never want to eat curry ever again when I was in India, but the craving came back once I'd been back in the UK for a few days!
We are fine. Have written you a letter with our news in it so hopefully you should get it soon. Hope you enjoy the trek in Kerala as much as you enjoyed the digging. You are going to be at the peak of fitness when you get home!
Lots of love
Aunty Geraldine xx
Sunil Mistry - Tango 5
ReplyDeleteHi Sunil! First of all...sorry its taken so long to message. None of us have been able to figure out how to post, seriously! Immi only just figured it out and taught me.
Anyway mate, How is it going out there? What you been up to? Saw your pictures looks like you are having a great time! Make sure you carry on enjoying yourself and we'll have some chivas ready for you when you come back!
take care mate,
To Stuart PM - Tango 6
ReplyDeleteHi hun
I can't believe I missed your telephone call - I was at DCC renewing my taxi badge would you believe - the chances are incredible. Anyway it was great to hear from you. You sound as if you're really buzzing and have landed in heaven - that's great. After having such a good group in the first phase, pleased to hear that the second group appear to be just as good. The idea of rafting sounds wonderful, I'm not so sure about the biking - I need a bigger seat these day. Cambodia was good - but I really struggled with the shanty towns in Phnom Penh and Poipet - they really were worse than you can prepare yourself for. Still you do adjust and cope and am so pleased we did it. Anyway have a good next 12 days - will hear from you after that.
Love from Mam and Jonnie
To Wieger van Rinkhuyzen, Tango 6
ReplyDeleteLieve Wieger, kwam net thuis van tennis en er lag een brief van jou op de deurmat: DANKJEWEL! Zo leuk om jouw ervaringen te lezen en vooral de tekeningen zijn erg mooi! Waarschijnlijk krijg je dit blogbericht tesamen met de anderen, dus verder eigenlijk geen nieuws hier. David weer voor 't eerst naar school na gezellige crocusvakantie. Heel veel liefs XXX Mam
To Daphne Koolen Tango 5
ReplyDeleteFrom mam
Zojuist heb ik een mailtje gekregen van Charlotte. Ze kan niet naar Bangkok komen maar wel naar Phuket, een stuk zuidelijker. Als je dit wilt kan ik uitzoeken of dit qua prijs, tijd etc ook goed is. Wat vind je hiervan? Morgenochtend ga ik dit uitzoeken. Hier is het vochtig en koud. Liefs Mam
To Becky Barnes Tango 5
ReplyDeleteHi Bex - hope all is going well on your trek - I keep thinking of you! Good to get your message - hope the ones from your friends have got through to you. Am in Bristol for a few days with Heather and she sends her love. Take care and look forward to hearing all about it.
lots of love Mum xxxxxxxxx
to sean cullinane
ReplyDeletehi ya sean glad your having a good time and still having great weather, while we've got cold and rain(on and off) everyone is ok back here,i'll send another message soon.from every one back home xx
sunil mistry, india, t5
ReplyDeletedude...bad news, we lost 2-1 to Birmingham city, carling cup final. we lost cuz of a BIG defending lapse..... keeper and defender confused one-an-other and they scored on the 89 sad :'(.
any way high hopes as were going to camp-nou with a 2-1 lead in a few days so should be good.
To Bryony [Bobo] Wilde,..well travelled daughter from sleepy N Devon..
ReplyDeleteHey Bobo !! I am just going to attempt to look at your group photo after posting this.
We really are so pleased that you have arrived at base camp and are now off on your project.
We hope that you managed to do the 5 lengths of the lake !!!! butterfly..backstroke..crawl..breaststroke and finally ...the doggy-paddle.
Have a great time and enjoy!
Mum and as you call him "pheaches" will comment later.
As I type ellie has got her face in your photo.. via Marcus
blog again soon.
love Dad xxxxxx
This will get to you after [ It didn’t go the first time !!!] the myriad that mum has managed to send.
Alright Jonny mate, can't remember if i put a birthday message on here the other day cos i was hammered but if not Happy birthday lad. hope your having an amazing time and look forward to you telling me all about it. (im guessing mostly complaints about the insects, the sun and most of all the disagreeable food.)
ReplyDeletemiss you bud.
To Daphne Tango 5
ReplyDeletefrom mam,
Lieve daphne
Zojuist kreeg ik een mail van Charlotte. Was een week niet bereikbaar. Het kan alleen als jij naar Phuket komt (zuidelijk van Bangkok, toeristisch gedeelte). Dit kost totaal € 100 meer dan gepland. Je moet dan van Bangalore naar Bangkok, overstappen naar Phuket. Terug wel van Phuket naar Bangkok, Bangkok naar Bangalore, Bangalore naar Heathrow, overstappen naar Amsterdam. Hoor graag wat je daarvan vind.
Zal Astrid bellen wat de consequenties zijn voor Club Med voor Noord Afrika. Heel veel liefs mam
To Dave Prior.(PM Charlie 1)
ReplyDeleteHope you are having a great time. Hope Echo was good and you enjoy Charlie 1. Tango 6 next - weather looks good for it! It's cold here and Ferndown still stands. Miss India though - Back to work too quick and like i've never been away, apart from the odd egg curry and chai to remind me. Can't wait to hear your stories. Say HI to Mark for me. Enjoy the rest of you time. Lynne Cooper. xx
To Caz Gothard- Charlie 1.
ReplyDelete(From Josie) Cazzy I miss you! Glad you're clearly having an amazing time, hope this somehow gets to you haha. Can't wait to hear all about it as SOON as you're home and have sorted out skype and stuff. Really do miss you you're a total babe of a friend.
Keep having a great time :) xxx
To Ben
ReplyDeleteHAPPY BIRTHDAY! i hope this gets to you in time but to be honest i have been so rubbish about posting it that it might not... have a great day digging the trenchs! hope you get my card! mum tried to post something on sunday but wasnt sure if it went though but i hope you got it!
love Anna x
To Wieger van Rinkhuyzen, Tango 6
ReplyDeleteLieve schat, even een klein berichtje met groot nieuws: gister kwam er een letter of acceptance van IBA, je mag aan Erasmus komen studeren. Gaaf he? Gefeliciteerd. Binnen 2 weken moeten we reageren of je hun aanbod accepteert! XXXX en liefs, Mam
To Ellie Burton. Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteHyah sweetheart. Hope you are fit and eating well?
How is the'poo patrol'project going? Any problems with the septic tank at home and you services will be called on!!Dianne has again said she has sent you a message, but not sure whether the challenges of the world wide web have been to great for her! We are all glad that you have started to wear brighter coloured clothes so that we can all (with our failing eyesight) manage to spot you!!!How about wearing some Mickey Mouse ears???? Hope it was worth the extra bulk of packing the thicker sleeping bag, (and my fleece) for the colder nights, even though it is fairly hard to believe that after such sweltering days, the nights can get so cold!! I have had contact from Eirene, who is following your progress and 'journey' on the site, and says she is keeping busy with the house renovations....which in her words, is an excuse to listen to some music from her evergrowing library. Will write soon and update you further of her news and other stuff.
Take care
Luv u loadzzzz
TO: Bryony Wilde - 'Charlie 2'
ReplyDeleteBry!!! So excitied to see you out there in your beautiful Raleigh top :)
I hope that everything is going well and you're settling and storing up some pretty epic tales (can't wait to hear about your time over there!) Listening to Tarzan's 'You'll be in my heart' : pretty apt! Speaking of hearts, the Dr thing didn't progress, but at least I now have a firm friend :) Love you loads Bry, and, now i've figurd how to work this, I'll try and send you notes more often! Huge hugs, love Zoe xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Please pass this message to Daphne Koolen Tango 5 while she is trekking. She has to decide on her trip to Thailand afterwords. We have to arrange things on time.
ReplyDeleteFrom mam:
Lieve Daphne, De situatie is zo:
Je moet dan om 01.00 uur vanuit Bangalore vertrekken, overstappen in Bangkok naar Phuket.
Terug Phuket, overstappen in Bangkok, Bangalore (slapen op het vliegveld) en Heathrow voor A'dam. Een hele reis. Kosten € 500.
Oom Frans heeft op reis in India net een beroerte gehad en ligt in een heel goor ziekenhuisje ergens op een zaal met malariapatienten. Kan niet praten en lopen meer. Heel erg.
Ik hoor graag van je of Thailand geboekt moet worden of niet. Veel liefs mam
Sarah Churlish (Charlie 1) - LO Princess, just got your text. I tied to keep my response short as possible so it didn't go into two texts, which my phone has a habit of doing. I am in Portsmouth at the moment but will get a book out to you as soon as I get home. As always I am eagerly awaiting the updated Blog showing your group. Its a bit weird becasue we at home are getting a bit of an insite to what you are going to do next by reading the blogs from the other groups. You are obviously well into the swing of it now and as you said its seems ages since you left but at the same time its flying by. I am enjoying the blog loads and love to hear (and see) a little of what you are experiencing. Think of you at least once a day and always glance at my watch to compare times. Keep taking it all in and I'll let you take us all for a beer when you get back so you can spill the beans properly. Love you loads, D. xxxxx
ReplyDeleteTo Ben E4 - Happy Birthday from all the Smiths - sorry this might be a bit late but I hope you're having a wonderful time and enjoying the lovely hot sun. Looking forward to seeing some photos of your birthday soon (when I can work out how to check the blog)
ReplyDeleteWe're all very jealous of you and are thinking of you on your birthday
To Florine Boer - Tango 5
How's life? Ben je de ergste berg al over? Is het allemaal nog wel een beetje vol te houden daar, met je rug ook enzo? Ik ga er in ieder geval maar vanuit, lekker doorzetten dan komt het helemaal goed!
Vanavond weer een lekker avondje met de club, lekker naar de Beurs.
Als het goed is weet Suus en de rest van je club inmiddels van deze blog, dus die volgen je inmiddels ook!
Ik ben lekker aan het promo-en voor de Health Business Week die over een paar weken gaat beginnen. Lekker soepel wel.
Nou hou het vol, je kunt het en je weet: je kunt alles aan!
ik denk aan je,
Sunil Mistry Tango 5
ReplyDeleteHi,Hope you enjoying your trekking.Saw the u tube presentation, really good. Hope you get all the messages, not seen all of them on the blog.
All the kaki's say hi.
By the way Chelsea 2 Man utd 1
Arsenal we 1 game in hand, 4 points behind utd.
Maks sense!!!!!
C u soon.
Mum & Lofty
To Una
ReplyDeleteWe are very proud to see you doing a fine job in Raleigh India,Leon is missing you and I think he will be running by the time you come back.Hurry up and do let me know what you intend to wear in France as Mu's folks want us to be dressed in Indian clothes.So exciting to see you looking very well and enjoying yourself doing an excellent job.I shall keep somethings ready for mum&dad
Bryony Wilde 11a Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteHi Bobo,
Just a "quickie" to say I hope all's good and the project is on course, I imagine that the walls are up the roof is on and ready for can discuss the fixtures and fittings later!....probably whilst soothing your blisters!!!!
Seriously though I hope that you are well and picking up some "pals" along the way.
I can picture you..... having a sun-downer ....through a straw because the blisters prevent you from holding the glass, not really.
Hope to hear from you at some stage in the near future, take care.
love Dad xxxxxx
Hey Sunil (Tango 5),
ReplyDeleteHow are things? I thought I'd better post something so you didn't feel like such a loner!!!! LOL. Guess what, I'm walking proper again! Starting gym tommorow :D, still not gonna start taekwondo till after I see physio. Uni been good and I'm enjoying my new project. It's a robotic arm which sits ontop of a traxster, we're using a wii nunchuck to make move it. Effort programming tho!
Anyway, hope you're well, Tc.
Message to Ellie Burton, and also message to people who receive post on behalf of the teams.
ReplyDeleteI sent a letter recently to Ellie Burton, I doubt its reached you yet, but I wrote it a while ago and entitled it to “Ellie Burton (Echo 2)”, but since then the groups have changed and Ellie is now in ‘Charlie 2’ and it is to that team that the letter needs to be forwarded. I’m sure your all aware of this but I just want to make absolute sure that there is no confusion and Ellie definitely gets my letter!! :)
to Fieke Haak, Echo 4. Ha Fiek, iedere dag hollen we hier naar de brievenbus: weer geen brief! En dan zeggen we tegen elkaar: geen bericht goed bericht. Gaat alles naar wens en heb je al veel olifanten gezien (en er fotos van kunnen maken). Hier is alles zoals het is. Grijzig weer en school is weer begonnen voor W. We kijken uit naar een volgend blogbericht, liefst met veel fotos. Volgende vrief van ons is onderweg!!! Kussies en missen je. mam.
ReplyDeleteTo Anne-Romee Coebergh Tango 6
ReplyDeleteLieve Anne-Romee,
Ik had 2 dagen geleden ook al wat op de blog geschreven, kan het echter niet terugvinden, dus ik doe nog maar eens een poging.
Ben zeer benieuwd hoe de trekking je vergaat, zal wel heftig zijn. Wel leuk dat Wieger in je team zit. Kan je tenminste af en toe even "uithuilen"in het nederlands mocht dat nodig zijn. Maar als ik alle foto's van je zie, zie ik één grote glimlach!
Bente en Bobby zijn ook aan hun tweede expeditie begonnen, Bente : watertoevoer project, zij zit nu op de lokatie waar Bobby begonnen is en Bob is net als jij aan de trekking begonnen. Je begrijpt dat ik nu 3 weken weer niets hoor. Dat vond ik de eerste expeditie wel moeilijk, daarom was de ontlading groot toen we elkaars stem weer hoorden tijdens de change-over !!!! Dat zal je zeker herkennen.
Ik blijf alle mooie verhalen en foto's volgen, wat een enorme ervaring doen jullie alle 4 op en straks lekker dagen en nachten lang bijkletsen..... ben een beetje jaloers :-)
Liefs Mieke
Andrew Jehring
ReplyDeleteCharlie 2
Dear Andrew,
Looking forward to those rancid pants when you get back! Don't add 'D' to them. You mustn't be cruel about the unloved dog. Rich had a good 21st. Your Mum bought him a great piano tie which he is going to wear in Birmingham tonight. You didn't say how the body beautiful is.
Take care.
Love The Spaldings xxxx
Hi Una,
ReplyDeleteWe are thinking of you everyday doing a great job,may you fulfill all your wishes and get back to us so we can be together again to eat and watch Eastenders.I am sure you are working hard but looking lovely in the Indian sun.You must have come across some new fruits and vegetables which we do not get in UK.
Andy Jehring (Charlie 2)
ReplyDeleteGreat to hear your news. Hope the V hasn't been joined by the D especially since the loo block hasn't been built yet!!
Looking forward to pictures of you at the wedding. Did you get a shirt made? Also looking forward to a photo of you digging and building - we'll show it to Dickie and see if he approves.
We have grannys 80th in a couple of weeks and Dad is doing the spring challenge.
Dad has woken up the old iphone to see if it will do a circuit training app for me.
Love Mum and Dad xx
Did you get the 2nd or 3rd parcels? Don't get too excited !!
Hiya Scott
ReplyDeleteCan't believe you're half way through the adventure! On reading today's blog, I can't imagine how hard the trek must be with rain and leeches!! Ugh! My goodness, this is character building and we are soo proud of your achievements. In fact you should be very proud of yourself! We had a lovely weekend at Lanark and Jennifer cooked a fabulous dinner..We were well impressed! I'm going over there tomorrow with Pam so I hope its a nice day for pram pushing. I had fab day at cookery school with Gail last wk and learned how to make several curries and naan bread. Perhaps you will not want to see another curry for a very long time! Dad and I are getting ourselves ready for Antigua. We leave on Sunday. I'm soo hoping we get your letter before we go. I can't wait to hear more of your adventure.The gardens are beginning to have snowdrops, crocuses and daffodils in bloom so Spring is on its way! Take care Scott. With love Mum x
From Bobby
ReplyDeleteCoebergh en Wieger!!! Hoe is het? zie dat jullie in dezelfde groep zitten! Chillend, vind het altijd nice met een nlder te zitten hahah.. Hoe is het daar!? hier is het geweldig. Ben nu ook bezig met de trekking, maar doe trek - dive - trek en gaan morgen weg naar kota kinabalu en dan op naar dive island, moet allemaal heel mooi worden! dus word zeker mooi, ben verkouden! weet nie t hoe en waar ik bij anne moet posten..? maar goed, heel veel plezier en liefde, spreken elkaar snel weer! xxxxxxxxxxxxx
To Sophie Lethier Tango 5
ReplyDeleteCoucou ma Soso, je suis au bureau avec ta maman qui est à Paris pour le travail ah ah ah , je me marre, la grande avocate is back!!!!! j'espère que tu as reçu ma lettre avec les photos! Ici on se gèle ma puce, c'est affreux il fait 4°! Mon Vic a trouvé un stage d'un mois à Canal + football club, il est fou de joie. On s'est éclaté à Londres Top shop et compagnie, le bonheur. Je te raconterai, je te passe Maman. Je t'aime t'aime t'aime xxxxxxxxxx Salut ma chérie! On a eu de tes nouvelles par le blog, il nous tarde de te voir sur les photos! Ici TVB, je retrouve le palais de justice et mes vieux copains de fac, c'est sympa! Avec ton Dad on adore aller au cinéma tous les soirs, on rentre lundi 7 à Londres. Juju est en plein exams et sera avec Ellie et Eloise à la maison ce week-end.
Je t'embrasse fort. Je t'aime de tout mon coeur. Mam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Il fait froiiiiiiid!
To Georgi Tandy (Charlie 2):
ReplyDeleteHello my dear...i have another letter in my handbag for you =]...and wow ive finally figured this out =]
hello, how are you doing?? how is it all going?? I miss you very very much! but yh...emily is back from india and we are gunna try to meet up tomorrow...and ive finally requested a transfer at work and yh...HELLOOOO!!!!!
but yh...this is my weird a bit odd message to you...also sorry for the weird message from rodger...chris and i were over ruperts...and to clarify, my head was by chris's crotch as i was hugging him whilst i was sitting and he was standing and height wise my head was at upper theigh level...xD SORRY
I love you very much and miss you like crazy my dear
take care, be safe and dont you know...marry anyone without me =]
HiYA Darling ,missing you loads,but elated that you are having such a good time. Hope you managed to avoid the bugs so far ? Did you receive my letter and your tablets ?? I will write again ut waiting to see which group you are in next . When do you return to base camp?? I am just trying to sort out our trip with Carol and Hev to ideal home. Not going the weekend of the 26th as I have Nikky's do so hoping to go another weekend . Lovely weather here ,about time!! love you loads and will blog soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx mum xxxxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteAlexander Vostanis- India Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteWe are so pleased you are having such a great time! We saw your photos when dad was in Athens, so did Markos and Evi. Have a wonderful birthday and enjoy the rest of your projects.
Grandma Bessie and auntie Toula
Message for Katy Star!
ReplyDeleteALRIGHT MOO!!? sorry, only just got your message, because Morts had the good sense to pass it on to all of us. I have been trying to figure out how to see messages on here for ages, and then the same amount of time again in trying to figure out how to write one back....
anyway, i sent you a text the other day telling you my flights time, but i don't know if you will have gotten it. So anyway i arrive on monday 11th april to bangalore airport at 5pm. BE THERE BOB!
ps; hope all is well. I bet you're glad you're bald in that heat!
To Lauren Bell Tango 6
ReplyDeleteFrom Ali
hello :) hope ur having an awesome time trekking and ur t-shrit tan is even further improving! sending my hard copy letter in couple days, hopefully will reach you in time but will photocopy it and send one home for you to keep, uni is all good atm, lots of work, changed to organic labs this week and they are impossible, 3 page long proformas in for next lab session every time, naht kl. i got my first ever job :) so the £10 bet is irradicated i feel haha repping for rough-hill who do tigr tiger and revs, rele easy and get free stuff so cant complain! and pay isnt to bad especially seeing as we sell tickets to our house and make loads on commission, hockey is going well, got our cup semi final on wednesday so training this week has been brutal, hope your trekking continues to be amazing and i look forward to hearing your voice again soon please :) miss and love you lots,
ali xxx
Charlie 2 Alice Corby
ReplyDeleteLovely to get a message Alice , I will look forward to the news in your letter, I will continue my letter and post this weekend (do you need a parcel ?) tango cards arrived today, yippee . sounds like you might not need all that sun cream! but it was brurr shiver !! minus 1 @ Greenways this morning guess who didn't want to go out XX Hugs XX
Hey Elliott
ReplyDeleteHow is life with Charlie 1, what are you doing at the moment and what are your plans.
Everything is normal here.
Lindy sends her best.
To Georgi Tandy (Charlie 2)
ReplyDeleteHi how are you? I have been looking at your pictures, looks like you are having an amazing time! The trek looks like torture!(Trinity's words) but must be rewarding!!
What are you up to at the moment?
Missing you and look forward to hearing from you soon!
From Emily
To Ellie Burton .. Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteHiya Ellie,
Sorry to hear you were poorly last week , but glad that your back to your happy self :)
Hope your 2nd assignment is going well and i bet your Tan is coming along nicely ( i'm sooo jealous ).
let me know if theres anything you want like pokkie's or something so i can send you some yummy things for you and the others :)
Keep well , Big kisses and cwches xxx Debs xxx
To Sophie van Dorp ECHO 3
ReplyDeleteHadie Fie. Beginnen je toch wel erg te missen hoor!! Even geen bericht gezien over Echo 3. Hoeistie. We zijn erg benieuwd. Morgen surprise voor Geert in de Kaagsocieteit. Ik zal je verontschuldigen. Gelukkig hoef je niet mee te maken dat ik drs P imiteer (de veerpont met een paar woorden veranderd) Daar ben je zeker wel blij om. Henriette isterook niet bij want die moest op wintersport met haar vriendinnen. Herkennen we je nog als je terugkomt? Op de fotooos nog steeds wel! Nou tot snel maar weer dan
jaov (en moeder tuurlijk)
To Guy Scott Echo 3
ReplyDeleteHi darling, I am back in Hong Kong which is fab, really good to see Izi and Dad. Izi has been working so hard, she did not get home from her shift til 1.30am today, but she is powering through and has the weekend off. Chris is here too to support her. everyone is asking after you, all the fam, the Applebys, Boyers and Botsfords. Dad and I are off to Elvis Costello concert tonight, dad is looking for his drainpipe jeans and skinny tie (OMG), bet you are glad not to have to see that. works start in Stoke mid next month so I am really busy with design etc. cant wait to see you, I think you are now half way through, hope you are still having an amazing time. Love you and miss you masses, Mum XXXXXXXXXXX
To florine, tango 5.
ReplyDeleteHe lieve flo'tje!!
Hoe is het? Kapot, al dagen niet meer gedouched, word je gek van je kleren, stink je al en heb je momenten waarop je denkt, waarom doe ik dit?
Goed zo, dat hoort erbij!!
Haha als je er maar wel van geniet. De trek was echt mijn favorite phase. Ik vond dat geweldig. Je bent straks zo trots op jezelf en wat je ziet is zo ontzettend mooi!
De momenten waarop je er door heen zit, neem je dan maar voor lief.
Heb je een leuke groep mensen, die je ook een beetje steunen?
Hoe was je skit, haha hebben jullie gewonnen? Ik vond dat altijd zo hilarisch!!
Hier is na de installatieweek weer een beetje de rust teruggekeerd. Maar vanavond ga ik al carnavallen, want het is weer die tijd van het jaar. Heb er echt super veel zin in!!
Jij heel veel succes nog. Nog even doorzetten en denk aan dat eindpunt. Zolang dat dichterbij komt, is het het allemaal waard.
Ik weet dat je het kan!! En er ook van genieten Flo!!
Hele dikke kussen en tot snel!!
To Bryony Wilde (Charlie 2)
ReplyDeleteFrom Imogen and Sam
Hello Miss Wilde!
Had a quick peruse of the blog and are glad to see you looking glamorous, you really make those walking boots work!!! Hope your having the most amazing time, even though it looks like you've had loads of rain!!!
We are in Indonesia at the moment, climbed a volcano yesterday and are hoping to get up another tomorrow!!!
Take care lover and look forward to catching up in June, its been far too long!!!
Lots of Love. xxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteHa Fiek, another week has passed and we miss you! I thought you would like a short report on how all the animals are doing. Here we go: first the bad news. Frits the hamster has not survived the winter. He escaped from his cage (left open by whom do you guess...), we heard him wandering through the house for several days but now it has become silent.
Fritz the cat is still going strong. She says hello and we sill send a picture by mail. The parrots have had a rough time. Lots of quarrels and we had to keep them apart for a while. We have not seen mice for a while, maybe they finally have become scared of Fritz.
OK, enough about the animals. Soccer: Ajax is in trouble. This week El Amdahouiehas been removed from the first team, as he has insulted Frank the Boer. Now Siem the Jong is the only striker left (and as you know he is not a real striker.
Take care, do not work too hard, greetings from all of us, including Fritz and Juut & Juul the parrots. Tom
To Bryony Wilde (Charlie 2)
ReplyDeleteFrom Imo and Sam
Hello you fit babe, i tried posting this already but it doesnt look like its working!!! Even if you didnt get the other post just know your fit and hope your having an amazing time!!!!
Lots of love, see you in june!! xxxxxxxx
To Sophie van Dorp, Echo 3
ReplyDeleteHaallloooo liefste fietje! hoe is het met je? iedereen vraagt hier de hele tijd naar je, ze missen je allemaal! ik had gister mn muziek praktijk examen, ging best wel bagger, maar suus gi eem flo bar lau en nicky waren er dus dat was heel leuk! verder gaat het hier zn gangetje, het is -80 en je ouders vragen telkens of je me nog gebeld hebt omdat je hun niet had gebeld haha! hoe heb je het daar? lekker tussen de olifantjes? t zal daar vast beter zijn dan hier, hier gebeurt geen ster.. maar we missen je allemaal en ik heb ontzettend veel zin in april als je weer terug bent!!
duizend zoenen en knuffels van Annelot ik mis je gek!!
sunil mistry, india, t5
ReplyDeletehey hows it going?
firstly, sorry if yuou havent got any posts from us till now but i think we sent it to the wrong group before because a certain someone (unnamed) gave us the wrong group:P
secondly, hope your having a great time and doing enough work to earn your keep:P
thirdly, ummm... thik of a thirdly... mum hopes your writing in your journal?
miss you!! lots of love curry kaka, crazy kaki, the short one and mushroom:)xxxxx
Hey Danielle
ReplyDeleteSorry only just realised i could write to you through this.
Just to let you know i got your letter, and hope you recieved mine.
Sounds like your having an experience of a life time and hope you stick to your word by the time you get back. (selling the bed and living in a tent in the garden ect) Really missing you back here, seems very strange, but time is flying and hopefully see you soon but hear from you sooner.
lots of love Samijo AKA partner in crime
Hey Clare, Echo 4,
ReplyDeleteGreat to get a message from you! And yes, your right, Alice is jealous! Posted another message to you at Charlie 1 so you might not get that - just to say we've finally rebuilt the pond, and had to rescue 4 frogs that had arrived in the rain water at the bottom! Hope you get to see some much bigger animals than we ever will - with trunks hopefully. Grandma is slowly getting better, but is frustrated at her lack of energy - it's her birthday on Wednesday (79 years old). Animals are lovely especially Mollie who keeps getting into trouble - chewed a wire and got a small electric shock the other day, then got her tag caught in the chinchilla cage (she shouldn't have been snooping in it!), and she totally panicked emitting a ghastly smell (they do that apparently when they're frightened). Also, she's gettiing spayed on Thursday, so think of the poor poor thing !! Glad you've got a puppy to cuddle. Enjoy the rest of your trip. Miss you. Lots of love, Mum. xxx
Hi Bobo,
ReplyDeleteI feel duty bound to tell you that we have managed to let your room out to 44 college students...I hope you don't mind !!
Mum thought it was a good idea because you will be away for so long, I said no but you know mum.
How are things ? hope you are getting used to the heat, still awaiting the postcard [which mum will cherish and frame].
The weathe ris very good back here, although change is supposed to be on the way...ugh, I have been working outside today [Sat 5th]Cleaning drive,mowing and edging lawns,cutting wood,trimming hedge 'til hedge trimmer died so half done, all the usual chores.
Marcus and I will be attempting to cure the car problem tomorrow,I think it might be a blockage in the radiator.
Mum will be sending a letter soon to bring you up to speed.
I would have sent you some money with this blog but can't get it in any of the drives...never mind maybe later.
Do you have access to coffee or just tea ? no doubt you have a fair assortment of tea or am I wrong again ! talking of drink I'll sign out now and make a cup, I've been sot down to long !
Looking forward to having the pic's uploaded so we can see what your doing out in BD Munti
Loads of love
Dad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Scott Rae...Tango 6
ReplyDeleteHello Scott
Well, we head off tomorrow for Antigua and I have spent all afternoon packing, unpacking and then packing again! You would think that we'd have this down to a fine art by now! From the blogs that we've read, I think you could probably burn all your smelly clothes. I bet the thought of a hot bath sounds good. I hope the rain has stopped and you've managed to dry out and rid youselves of the leeches! Are you enjoying/coping with the trek? Dad is taking a laptop away with us so that we can keep in touch. We are planning just to chill and I've even got two books packed! Everyone is asking after you and so interested to hear all about your adventure.Nic's computer is away being repaired but we've been keeping her updated. Glad that some of our blogs are getting to you at last! Lots of love. Mum and Dad x
Hi Una,
ReplyDeleteI hope you are enjoying the sun as we have not seen much of it here and it has been so cold, dull and miserable. I wanted to make pancakes but can't without you in the house as I will make them only when you were here.We are going to Ronnie Scotts to see you know who is singing.Ashok and Ru are coming with us but I will miss you as Mdeline always asks after her Girl Love you lots.
For Roberto!! (Robert Nolan of CHARLIE 1)
ReplyDeleteUhu Roberto!!....glad to hear you are working hard and enjoying all the new experiences...we hope you had an unforgettable birthday bash on the 4th....Molly Nolan is here whilst M & D are in Vancouver, guarding the window, barking at strangers and looking for toast crusts and bananas as usual! Sending you lots of love and a big hug, Angela & Stephen xxxx
To Jonny - Charlie 2 (we think)
ReplyDeleteGlad to see you're still having a terrific time. Although I've not been building anything as worthwhile as you and your friends - I did work hard in the garden yesterday - so I felt justified in having a night out at Universal to see Lynyrd Skynyrd. Gotta love the old geezer music. It's getting pleasantly warm here now - so your training in Indian temperatures won't go to waste when you visit.
Keep digging
Much love
Binika Liu Tango 6 (NEW ECHO 4)
ReplyDeleteHi Binika - still keeping tabs on u evry day - got a confession i put brionys blackberry thro the washer and we have been terrified to tell you but i thort i wud do it on line so u cant shout lol - she now got an ipone but she wudnt wait till you got home u no wot she is like - im so sorry but there u go iv told you now at a distance ha ha ha - the time has flown by and not long now till ur home iv still kept all the print outs for u and pics so u can always keep them - emily due about June and jamie due September around that time - well thinkin of you evry day luv u always enjoy wot time u have left - mam, tanita, briony LUV YOU
TO Ed Hadrill - Tango 6
ReplyDeleteHi Eddy, How are you? Still looks like you are having an amazing time out there. How is the trekking going? Hope you are taking lots of pics!!
I'm on the last week of 'Let's Dance'. It's the last show on Sat, which should be great fun. Jen and Lib are coming too which is cool. Starting on a new exciting job next week which I will tell you about when i see you!!! Can't wait to see you soon. Lots of love. Catxxxx
Jen (The blog Lady) - I am still enjoying the blog very much, I read it every day, sometimes twice, keep it up!! I will buy you a mars bar or two if we ever meet!! Many thanks.
ReplyDeleteto fieke haak
ReplyDeleteHa Fiek, er is een grote envelop onderwerg en ik hoop dat ie er is voor je trek! Het versturen was duurder dan de inhoud. Hier alles goed. De parrots leven nog, de muizen zijn weg en de poes doet het goed. We missen je en ik kijk uit naar je sms. Kussen mam
To Sarah Churlish, Charlie 1...
ReplyDeleteHello again you! It must be soo nice to get messages from everyone on the project site, just like good old-fashioned letters hehe! Is the work really difficult? Is it rewarding? What have you been up to in the past week?
I am certainly having an adventure but you are too - together we are very well travelled! Jealous that you get to travel India afterwards... I'm planning to do it in September (if I make enough money), and then you are joining me in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand in Oct/Nov/Dec yes? That's my plan post-Canada (whether I return to England in between is a mystery)!
I can't remember where I was in my last message! I've spent the past 10 days in Queenstown and it has been wild. Definitely one of the most fun weeks of my life! And I realise that is quite sad seeing as most of it involved alcohol lol. But it is such an awesome place!!!! I head to Fiji in 2 days which will be great, although I've heard there are storms at the moment. And then LA, and then I have to fly home because I have been taking "flip" the itinerary too much to heart and spent too much money, so now I don't have enough to support myself until I get my Canada visa. A bit sad I'm going home so soon, but it will be nice to see everyone briefly and re-pack my backpack (I'm bored of my clothes) for Canada.
I STILL MISS YOU LOADS xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteMissing you loads! Looks your having an amazing time!
Everythings the same old here just the way you left it!
Its cold here and Barrio's misses you.. :o) hee hee!
Let me know where you end up heading to next, and can't wait to here more about your expereinces when i see you!!
Sending loads a kisses and hugs!!
Sunil Mistry (tango 5)
ReplyDeleteHey sunil,
looks like your having fun out there. missing u back here, taking saagy out on friday up to oceana lollll im hoping it's going to be a good night like last time we went. will speak to you again soon keep up the good work.
take care
Immy and jayna
ReplyDeleteHa Fiek, hoe gaat het? Vandaag groot feest hier. Gelukkig speelt Ajax, het is nog 0-0 tegen Spartak Moskou. Elise is erg druk met haar studie, ze heeft bijna geen tijd voor andere dingen. Hou je taai, hopelijk is alle drop goed aangekomen. xxx Tom
to Bryony Wilde - charlie 2
ReplyDeleteHello my lovely Bryzer!
finally worked out how to do this blog thingy.
Woweee your trip looks truly truly magical! I am so pleased that you are having a lovely time. I am thinking of you as i sit in the library writing essay number 2 of 3 this week and your photos are providing fantastic procrastination if a slight nudge of jealousy, he he.
The girlies are coming up next weekend to visit, im not sure how my tiny house will handle all of them, it wont be the same without you.
Have exciting news for summer plans, how do you feel about a campervan trip... we may be picking you up from the airport in a graffitii covered dream machine!
miss your wonderful voice, all my lovin'
Rosie xxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteHello my love! How are you??
Missing you lots and lots, cant wait til you get back! I keep peering on here to see piccies of you but i wish there was more!! You must be well into the next project by now! bet your an outback goddess now! all tanned and slim. I'm fat and whiter than white hoo, can we go to Bali again?? hehe.
Did you get my parcels??? Hope you did.
Anyway, I'm sure your all settled in now and having a great time and adpating to your new life and not missing us! hehe, you know what I mean, i miss you though, cant wait to see some more pictures!
Love ya lots, big smooches! xxxxx
To: Ellie Burton charlie 2
ReplyDeleteHi Ellie ,
Hope your looking forward to your trek next week as i think you've been looking forward to this soooo much :) Bet you'll come across so many amazing views and some spectacular sites . Hope your still keeping well and and loving every minute of you time in India :) Keep taking loads of photos to bring back with you and share with your experiences xxxxx Take care for now and have an amazing trek <3 <3 xxxxxx
Loads of love and a big cwtch Debs and Co xxxx Mwah xxxx
Andy Jehring
ReplyDeleteMum copied your recent comments, so know you are having a great time, and probably staying on.
Watched International yesterday. A combination of good work by Scotland and incompetence by England made for a tight result, only sealed by a late penalty from Jonny W. Youngs and Flood were substituted fairly early. Croft came on, and was in the right place to score the only England try.
Bryony "Bo Bo " Wilde
ReplyDelete11a Tango 5
Hey Bo Bo,
It was so good to hear your dulcet tones yesterday evening,....but I must say I almost had "jowell cramp" when I hung up !! I could hardly eat tea [those last two words look odd!]
It's a shame we couldn't chat tonight [Tuesday] 'coz I've chawed gum all day in preparation...never mind.
I really do hope that all goes well with the amble that you are about undertake, but isn't it supposed to last more than 2 hours ?'s only a few kilometers 'aint it ?
All joking aside it'll be a fantastic trip I'm sure, Mum says your Rucksack was full before you attempted to put any of your gear in, perhaps you should have taken for each shoulder.....or maybe hire a donkey.
It's such a shame that the duration was only seven weeks...10 would've been more your style now you're in the swing !. I have heard that most of the group are still with you, which I think is nice.
If I carry on like this I'll have to start thinking about suing you for R.S.I. [riting silly information].
I must sign off now because I'm writing this with my toes [my fingers are down to the bone]... you really have got a lot to answer for!
take very good care of yourself, enjoy the stroll and I really hope that it finishes before you reach Pakistan.
Loads of love
Dad xxxxxxx
Bryony Wilde 11A Tango 5
ReplyDeleteHey Fry (Phry?)) Pheach Wilde here! How are you doing? I hope you are enjoying yourself under the hot Indian sun! Looks like you guys are pretty busy and being put to good use! Haha! Hope the toilet building went great! That wedding sounds amazing, custom made Sari too! The weather in Devon hasn't been too bad recently, frosty mornings and bright sunny days! Hope everything is well with you and the others in the team, I bet you're having a whale of a time haha! :) I know you wont get this now until after but I hope the trek goes well! Take it easy, I know you can do it. I hope the old Delhi belly doesnt return during the trek, that will be savage! Take care of yourself! It's a brilliant thing you're doing, really proud of you! I can't wait to see you when you're home. Was very nice to talk to you. Let us know when you're back after the trek so we can ring you! Love you loads!
Sunil Mistry (tango 5)
ReplyDeletehey sunil,
hope your keeping well and nothing is broken lollllll, we all remeber wat happened last time you went away!!!! I know your having fun out there, looking forward to when you get back so we can organise doing somthing for our birthdays.
take care and we will speak soon.
Immy and Jayna
Sunil Mistry (tango 5)
ReplyDeletesunil :)
wad up mistry, hows da india experiance treating u, u got used to releasing ur bowels in a hole yet? hope everytihings ok ova there and ur having a lot of fun.
everything heres ok, back in london right now cause i had my snout operation last week, its swelled up to like twice the size it orpiginally was (which im sure u remember was already pretty huge). it looks bare funny , i cant even see my own mouth.
make sure u take a day off this wednesday ye, india vs pakistan semi final :) dangerous times ey lol. well make sure to go on a massive bender wen u get back
sfe sfe soniyeeeeee, take care
Hello to Devon Nepeir...I hope you are having a wonderful time...looks like plenty of work...i had your pics on facebook so everyone can see how you are make out...did you get a pic with the snake? love you son....take care