Following on from this morning's rather short post, here are more details on what’s been going on in the expedition for the last few days, and crikey, they’ve been busy!
Firstly, I’m happy to announce that we have eight new venturers that have flown over to India to join us from all different parts of the UK. Polly picked them all up from Bangalore very early on Saturday morning and after being shown around field base, they were straight into the jetlagged induction sessions.
Welcome to our new explorers.
L-R - Sheena, Georgia, Chloe, Karen, George, David, Lisa, Bryony. |
Today saw all the teams arrive back at field base and it’s been so great to see everyone again and welcome them back home, if only for a few days.
Echo 3 returning. |
Echo 4. |
Meeting up with old friends. |
Tango 5's tent cleaning session. |
They've cleaned their kit (and themselves hopefully!), caught up with old friends, compared dirty nails and tans and have now headed into the local city of Mysore for the afternoon before coming back for dinner and a few celebrations tonight where a quick skit depicting their last three weeks was in order, all in fancy dress of course!
Charlie 1 going all Jeremy Kyle on us. |
Charlie 2 tell us their fairy tale. |
Echo 3 sing us an amazing song about 'stare boy'. |
Echo 4 taking a cat nap. |
Tango 5 share their amazing banana song, love it! |
Tango 6 also tell their tale through songs. |
Now that the guys are all back we’ll be having a proper catch up with all the teams and looking at all their photos to see which ones are suitable for publishing on here! So while we filter through ALL of everyone’s photos (we could be here for a while) here’s a very brief update on how some of the teams plus some more photos of our loop visit to see Charlie 1 and Tango 6
Echo 3
Eleri popped over to see the guys in Huskurhadi for a few hours just as they were downing their tools from the morning’s work. The weather here in India is getting very humid as the temperatures rise so both the Environmental projects have had a tough job of digging in the heat but judging by their faces today, they’ve loved it! They’ve been back up to the local school a few times, and have also been working with the local villagers in the afternoons.
Echo 4
Polly joined the team in Basava Pura for an afternoon to catch up on how they’d been getting on. The digging was going well and the fences were up which is great so they were on to paining the fence poles. They’ve also continued to spruce up their camp and give sessions at the local school which has been great fun. 500m of trenches
Charlie 2
Becca headed out to catch up with the team in BD Munti at the end of last week to see how they were getting on in the closing stages of their phase. They’ve managed to get all the 15 toilets built at the individual houses which is fantastic, and they were in the middle of painting them when Becca arrived. They were all then looking forward to the opening ceremony that the village was planning to celebrate the team’s hard work, nice one guys!
While all that was going on, Kathryn, Una and I were out for four days to catch up with Charlie 1 and Tango 6 neither of which we’d seen since the very start of the phase so we were looking forward to seeing how they’d been getting on for the last two and a half weeks, which is a long time on expedition.
Charlie 1
After a quick overnight trip to see Vijay our project partner at CTRD again, it was time to head over to Vellary, just within the borders of Tamil Nadu, to catch up with Eeva, Stuart and the gang in their beautiful camp to see how the building work was taking shape. They were all having an amazing time and making the most of the beautiful surroundings by doing early morning runs into the tea plantations and playing the local village football team each night down at the nearby field in the evenings. And in between these games, they’re building boi-gas units and a house from 9am – 5pm each day so they’re working and playing pretty hard.
It’s clear to see they've become very close with the families they’re working alongside and it was lovely to see the young children who had once shied away from the team now running up to them and asking to play. We were keen to meet all the animals they’d named in their last update and did get to meet Jeremy the goat and Zachery the very cute puppy but alas the prawns weren't at home when we popped by, shame.
They gave us a tour of the camp and proudly showed us what they’d been building which was pretty impressive for the time they've been there.
Dharmendra and Fieke show us the wall of the biogas cow shed they've built and added their names to. |
The cow shed the team have built which now just needs a roof. |
Back row L-R - Stuart (PM), Kannan, Dharmendra, Scott
Middle row L - R - Rachel, Clare, Ben, Eeva (PM), Ed, Danielle
Front row L - R - Sam, Laura, Philip, Fieke |
They've installed a bio-gas unit which involves building a cow shed as well as digging a huge hole in the ground behind it and building the bio-gas dome within the hole. It was great to see that the village cockerel that has been keeping them awake at night even got in on the building action as his foot prints were clear to see in the cement slabs they’d prepared.
They've also been building a house for one of the village families as theirs was washed away in monsoons some time ago and they haven’t yet been able to afford to build a new one. So with some help from Raleigh, they’ve been helping the team to build their new house which was also coming along nicely.
Showing round the house they've been working on.
L-R - Kannan, Ben, Fieke, Ed, Stuart (PM), Danielle, Phil and Dharmendra. |
As we left them they were all set to get painting on the cow sheds and continue working on the house, in preparation for a village party and opening ceremony yesterday so we’re keen to hear how that all went and see the all important photos! Everyone was really enjoying living in Vellary and working with the villagers and were going to be very sad to leave, especially when we said they couldn't bring the prawns back with them.
After a lovely lunch provided by the family they’re camping with, we set off on a three hour trip to Kerala to catch up with one of our trekking groups, Tango 6, at their camp near the Chembra peak which they had climbed that afternoon (2100m) following a night trek, serious stuff huh!
Tango 6
After a very bumpy drive through the tea plantations we caught up with them at the forestry watchtower that was the camp for the night. As they’d been up since 2am that morning we expected to be greeted by some very tired trekkers, however the thought of messages from home, as well as chocolate and crisps that we had brought for them, definitely had them in high spirits as the sun set spectacularly over the surrounding hills. After catching up on all the gossip over dinner, including a very long joke from Rob, and a few games it was time for everyone to bed down for the night in the open air roof of the watchtower under that night’s full moon.
View from the watchtower |
Sarah writing up her diary with the best view possible. |
So after a reasonably timed wakeup call of 6am it was time to head out for a day’s trek with the guys back through the tea plantation and forests and up to the following night’s camp on the side of the Ellembileri hills surrounded by two further peaks and forests below.
Looking back over the team plantations to the watchtower we'd just come from. |
Tango 6 have certainly worked out how to trek in style, with people singing all the way to camp (S Club 7 being my personal favourite – what harmonies!), various games to choose from (20 questions to guess the right celebrity or the ‘Friends quiz’) and darn quick walking pace which meant we were at camp before lunch. So it was bags down and tents up before tucking into the much loved combo of tinned cheese, crackers and peanut butter. After lunch and some tent cleaning in the scorching heat, it was off down the very steep hill to the nearby river too cool down and get a much needed wash.
Sarah, Ameze and Clare enjoying the freezing cold water. |
Maddy and Sam then knocked the team up a lovely dinner of pasta before they were all sat round the campfire to talk about how far they've come as a team over the last 18 days. As it was their penultimate night together, they were so proud of how hard they’d worked together to get to the top of so many mountains as a group and it was clear that the physical and mental struggles that trekking brings has clearly brought them very close as a team.
After a quick trip to possibly the steepest short drop toilet in the history of trekking, it was time for bed to prepare for their last day of this phase which started with the best possible wakeup call I’ve ever experienced. Despite it being dark, cold and 5:15am everyone woke up so cheery as Ameze played the ukulele and sang to announce that the porridge was ready, soon everyone was singing back from their tents as backing singers, brilliant!
Packing up to leave camp. |
Jen, Jonny, Susan (PM), Alex and Clare. |
We said cheerio to the group after a 2km trek back down the very steep hill to where they would pick up the mountain bikes they’d be riding that day to cover off the last 50km of the trek. Once the fetching cycling shorts, padded saddles and helmets were in place, it was time to wish Tango 6 farewell on the last stretch of their journey. I’d put money on the fact they sang and laughed all the way to their last camp fire of the phase.
Tango 6 on two wheels.
L - R - Sarah, Clare, Jess, Thatte, Susan (PM), Stuart (PM), Rob, Binika, Phil, Sam, Simone, Maddy, Ameze, Alex and Jonny |
Susan's bum before it was stung by a bee during the bike ride. |
We then headed back to field base to get cleaned up, meet the new venturers that had arrived and prepare for everyone returning today.
We're also saying a sad 'So long' to two of our venturers who were only able to stay with us for the first phase, so Dharmendra (Charlie 1) and Sam (Tango 6) will both be leaving us after changeover to head off on their next adventure. Both are great guys and will be missed, good luck guys, we hope you had a blast!
We’ll be back on Wednesday with photos and news of the end of Phase 1 as well as details of this changeover and the all important project allocations for Phase 2!
Oh, one final thing, I have LOTS and LOTS of blog messages from the guys to you lot back home so I’ll get these typed up and on here as soon as I can over the next few days.
to holly
ReplyDeletelove u love kate xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Hi Ed (Charlie 1),
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you're having an amazing time, it's been great reading the blog and seeing the photos - you look like you're really enjoying it. I can't wait to hear all the stories and see your photos. Well done for finishing the first phase. Dad said you're planning to travel on afterwards, get you - that's really cool. I bet the time is going really fast. Good luck for the next phase!
I've sent you a Birthday card with all my news so I hope that arrives on time. It's not the same in the house without you,
lots of love Jen xoxo
Sian (Echo 4)
ReplyDeleteHey, i've got your emails and had a look on the website. There is quite a lot of detail and a lot of options. Anyway, I think I have found yours. Clinical Biochemistry comes under Blood Sciences within division of Life Sciences. I am assuming this is the only specialism you want to apply for? The other options under blood sciences are
# Haematology/transfusion science
# Immunology
# Genetics
It breaks them down into training posts across the country and you can apply for four. Salford Royal is on there (they have 4 posts in biochemistry). So this can be one application. There is no Leeds option so I am not sure what else you want to apply for. The one's with the most posts or the nearest to home? There is a London Hospital with 7 Biochem posts. There is also one post in Preston. All other posts you would have to move away so I don't suppose it matters which one I pick. There a 30 Biochemistry posts in total. If I don't hear back from you I will just submit to Salford, Preston and 2 others with more than 1 post. More of a chance then eh? I will also have to check the assessment days on the advert as some are before you get back. Post back soon
For Lisa Akyol India project 11A
ReplyDeleteWey Lisa - good to see your photo on the Blog. Hope you now orientated and ready to get going. Enjoy yourself. Missing you lots. love Ma & Pa.
Richard Smith Tango 5
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Richard. You are having an amazing time and judging by the photographs you are improving your culinary skills. Looking forward to reading more of your adventures and seeing more photographs.
Enjoy your day Love Mum xxx
To Andrew Richardson Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteHi Andrew good to know you're back at base. Well done on phase 1, now onwards and upwards!Hope the kit and the suncream are all lasting OK. Amazed to see how much you are all achieving - hope it feels as good as it looks. It's quiet at home, we miss you but all's well here. Lots of love
Georgia Zervudachi India Echo 3
ReplyDeleteSo happy to get your lovely email. Dad and I responded quickly but I doubt you had time to pick up. And we have lovely well brown photos of a ukelele concert and amazing news of your projects. wow. I am in very damp Cornwall, Seamus rolled in Fox musk and although soap and water helped with the smell it's going to be a shower when I get home! wish me luck. Highest tides of the year so the Atlantic is booming over the cliffs.Half Term a great success. Katie and I send you so much love and congratulations on winning £25 on your premium bond! xxxxxxxxxxxmum
To: Bryony Wilde, new explorer (not sure which group number).
ReplyDeleteHello you absolutely gorgeous bean!!!
How are you?! I have been texting back but I don’t think my phone likes your India number! I don’t think they’re sending :’(! My phone never has warmed to you has it…!! Nightmare. Or now probably in denial that you're there! Typical. I am missing you a ridiculous amount!! I am checking the blog numerous times a day just to get a glimpse of some news of you. And to my delight saw a piccy of you when you arrived!! Stunning. My life is a shadow of its former self. Lets talk about me some more. I’m guessing you’ll get this (hopefully!!) when you get back from your community task? No idea how this works? Or whether they bring it to you when you’re there? I don't know why this is so important to me, I guess so I know how long I have to wait to hear from you. The unknown is a difficult thing. Where are you going next? Fill me in!!!! Cutting down from spending 24 hours in each others company to 2 hourly plus phone conversations twice/thrice..!! a week to this is TOUGH! I love you sooo much and thinking of you pretty much constantly. I hope you’re smiling chica!! . XXXXXXXXXX P.s Me and J-dawg have booked our holiday. AHHHHHHHH! xxxxxx
For Andy Richardson
ReplyDeleteFantastic to hear you loud and clear and sounding good this morning. I will keep posting on the blog and hope they get through. Well done for completing the first round, we look forward to the pictures of the second. Hope you find a hat! Lots of love
To Ellie Burton : Echo 3.
ReplyDeleteGood to hear from you at last by texts (even tho' it was 5.30 am) and to know that you are happy and well!! The weeks have just flown by!! Just looked at the coming back to base camp photos and the party performances. You look really healthy and tanned, but strangely don't remember the array of fish on the sarong?? The snowdrops are out in force now up the drive and around the house, with the green shoots of the daffodils starting to show. Spring is on its way at last, although the trusty fleece is always to hand!!
All the family are asking about you, but unfortunately are struggling technically to post you a blog.
Hope the next stage of your journey is as exciting as the last one.
Keep safe.
Luv you always
to Fieke Haak, new Echo 4 Ha Fiek, leuke fotos! Handig die trekshirtjes!!! Fijn even met je smst te hebben, wens je hel allerbeste de komende drie weken en zie uit naar smsberichtje/internetcontactje rond die tijd. Geniet en hou je taai namens ons allen. Kussies mam
ReplyDeleteHya Sean C,
ReplyDeletehya Sean just seen you getting off the bus (with your back to us) hope you enjoy your bit of rest (your looking good from the back) get in touch when you can.
missing you and lots of love from mum,dad and Colleen :-) xx
To James Hollins Tango 5
ReplyDeleteHi James it was brilliant talking to you yesterday. There are so many questions to ask you about what you've been up to, I hope you are keeping a journal. I hope you get this message before you head off tomorrow on Phase 2. Opening Raleigh blog each morning and evening has become a routine, and its good when there is a new one, and brilliant seeing what you have all been up to. Ian has just sent you a message but not sure whether it went ot not. Let me know whichever way you can if you want me to send you anything, money on phone etc. Send us a message when you can, take care and enjoy the next phase - have fun. looking forward to speaking in 3 weeks time! Lots and lots of love Mum xxx
To James Hollins Tango 5
ReplyDeleteAre you getting in any rounds of golf out there? I hear India has everything a man needs! What about an elephant ride or bungee jumping? Weather here has picked up a bit – it only rains two days out of three. I’ve managed to dry out the blue car – no more steamed up windows – though I’ve removed the wellies from the boot. Your mother’s bashing on decorating Sarah’s room and I think yours is next. But I think I might get a lodger if you’re staying on to travel a bit. Hope you find someone to join you. Perhaps you might have to widen the criteria to include blonds!! Trekking done now? It all hard work from here on in. Digging in the hot sun Yippee!!
Have fun Ian.
hello Ross hope you are having a nice time in india and nice time in Echo 4. Been looking at pictures of you and the group making the makshift camp. nice smile in the photo of you showing the importance of washing your hands and the hand wash taped to the bamboo pole with gaffer tape.
ReplyDeletefrom Emma xxx
P.S. really missing you
Hi Ross i am realy missing you. We are on half term holiday at the moment. Before half term we went on holiday to France skiing with Isabel and Amelia. The weather was really hot and the skiing was excellent. Our skiing teacher was called Eric.
Hope alls going well with you. See you on your return.
Love Alex xxxx
Hi Bryony! Just so good to log on and see your group photo!!!!! It all looks so EXCITING and I know that you'll have a great time even though it might get tough!! Everyone looks so happy!!!!We're with you all the way!!! Have fun, sending lots of love, Ruth xxxxxx
ReplyDeletesamantha anderson charlie 1, asap
ReplyDeletehi just returned from the vets, l`m very sleepy and don`t want to talk to anyone, my stitches are all inside so i will heal quicker, not alowed out for long walks for 7 days :( but im going to be spoilt tonight because the vet said i have to have chicken and rice for dinner :)
big slobbery lick/kiss, your lovely little puppy xxxxx
To Holly Peel echo 4
ReplyDeleteHey holly hope your having an amazing time sounds like you have been able to
Do some very cool things already :)
Congratulations on parsons saw your mums post!
Im currently in tokyo which is very cool but pretty crazy just about to go to sleep in a hostel called the ninja in a pod!!! Have fun when you head out tomorow :)
Happy Birthday Richard! Looks like you're having a great time. The pictures from up the mountain looked amazing! Say hi to Rupa's sister for me too!
Sarah Churlish (Tango 6 soon to be Charlie 1) - Got through it then kido? Just lost you off the phone (assume you ran out of money). I will try and put some on tomorrow. It was great to hear from you and that you are having such a good time. If you do see any tigers see if you can get some souvenir fir for me, or at least a photo. Failing that some authentic indian elephant poo will do. Been trying to get Andy to blog but you know what he is like, now I have written him out of my will he might re-consider. Great to hear you are in such good spirits and enjoying it all. Roll on the next phase. Stay Chilled Princess, Happy days. Love D x x x x
ReplyDeleteTo Alexander Vostanis
ReplyDeleteHi Ganga, it was great to hear from you yesterday, I was so suprised I couldn't think what to ask or tell you. It sounds as though your'e really enjoying things there. Hope the sore throat is better. Kimon and Dad are due back tonight from Athens, I will talk to him about changing your flight and hopefully talk to you again soon. Kimons birthday tomorrow,i will give him your present. I have changed his bedroom around whilst he's been away, he won't be pleased! Take care lots of love Mum x
James Bell Echo 3
ReplyDeleteHi Jamesy! Hope you had a fantastic first phase you should be very proud of what you have achieved so far & I bet you can't wait for the next challenge! Time seems to be flying so savour every moment! Football:Uuhhh NUFC beat the Blues 2-0!But the good news is that it's only 4 sleeps until the league cup final! Arsenal were held Also the Blues are through to 1-1 with Leyton O in the FA Cup so there is hope for us! BCFC have also made it to the final 8 in the FA Cup! NUFC are playing really well with no strikers so you won't be relegated I am sure. Cricket: England today only just bt Holland!
The weather here is gloomy and cold (what's new!)& we are so jealous of you in the heat!Both me & your dad miss you loads, we have spoken to Rachel she sounds well & is also missing you loads. Will be reading the blog to see what you are doing next,pls try & get into more pictures as we want to know if you have lost any weight and so you like porridge yet? All our love as always Mom & Dad xxxx
Hi Louisa Echo 3
ReplyDeleteBeen too too long without a message from you. Nice to see your photos of return to fieldbase can't wait to find out where you are going next, and of course wish you luck with next project. Saw Sam on Sunday - she came round to help Ben on the playstation and she has written you a letter. I showed her the photos of you on the blog. Gave Rachel P your address but has its posted on your wall on facebook as Rachel, Jenny, Chaira and I posted comments that they were missing you on your wall (a bit of a ghost wall - writing to someone that you know can't read the messages!) that means other people can access it to if they look on your wall.
Love Mum xx Ben says hello beautiful! xx
Alice Tango 5 hope you have a nice time in town and a welcome rest from the walking, hope the knee has held out .. it has been lovely to see the pictures. All well here a letter will be in the post this week lots of love XX mum
ReplyDeleteAll of Tango 6
ReplyDeleteI have spoken to sam today...he is so sad to be leaving you all and has told me of the amazing time and fantastic friends he has made.
Thank you so much and good luck to all of you on the next phase .
To Lauren Bell Tango 6?
ReplyDeleteFrom Mum, Dad, Emma & Robyn
Wow it was so lovely to be able to hear your voice again! Everything sounds amazing. Dad & I had so many questions to ask. You sounded so enthusiastic about the trip so far we can't wait to hear your next installment. Very impressed our post got through in time for your return to camp. Emmaa said you'd been having a struggle to pack up your backpack. Hope that wasn't because of the extras we sent. Nana had sent a letter so hope that got to you too. Everyone from Carlisle sends their love. Dad & I will go up there on the 18th March and I'm popping to France to see Aunty Shelah on March 11th. Robs leaves for Devon with Chloe tomorrow for a few days. Emma moves back in on Thursday and Dad has left for Turkey today. Will write with more news again soon.
Love and hugs xxxxx
to Philip Warringa:
ReplyDeleteHeej Flippie,
Leuk dat je onlangs mailde, wat jullie allemaal doen is echt zo gaaf! Sorry dat ik nu pas wat van me laat horen, maar je kent me...druk, druk, druk. Hier in NL is het maar koud en jij bent al een neger, das niet eerlijk! Niet dat ik ooit een neger word, maar een rode tomaat is wel mogelijk, whaha.
Wat las ik trouwens, 6 uur opstaan...das nix voor jou! Ik ben benieuwd of je straks afgekickt bent van je ochtendhumeur ;) Geniet nog maar lekker van deze bijzondere reis, je bent echt een gelukspoepertje!
Liefs van je zus
To Philip Warringa:
ReplyDeleteHeeej Flippie!
Leuk dat je onlangs mailde, wat jullie allemaal daar uitspoken is echt zo gaaf! Ik kan me echt nauwelijks voorstellen hoe het daar is, maar dat hoor ik nog allemaal wel. Hier in NL is het maar koud en jij bent al een neger, das niet eerlijk! Niet dat ik ooit een neger kan worden, maar een rode tomaat is ook leuk voor de variatie ;)
Wat las ik trouwens, 6 uur opstaan...das nix voor jou! Ik ben benieuwd of je afgekickt bent van je ochtendhumeur wanneer je thuis komt. Geniet maar lekker van deze super bijzondere reis, je bent echt een gelukspoepertje!
Liefs van je zus
To Ed, Charlie 1,
ReplyDeleteHi Eddy, how are you? It looks like you are having an amazing time out there. I'm very jealous!! Looks like you have got a good tan too!! It's still Ugg and scarf weather over here. All the photos look great! I've got a couple of weeks left at work now, can't believe how much the time has flown by!! We had our first show on Saturday. Lib came with Adam, which was fun and they were able to come to the green room and mingle with the celebs which was cool. Missing you lots. Sent you a birthday card and a letter, so look out for that. Speak soon. Lots of love Catxxxxxx
I dont know if you are getting our blogs Bry but I hope so . Ruth has posted so hoping this willl get to you .Dad sent one as well. Off to have brand new baby cuddles later . have fun on the first expedition of building long drops!!! xxxxxxxxx
To Ed, Charlie 1,
ReplyDeleteHi Ed Hope you're having a great time. The photos look great i'm really jealous. I've sent you a couple of letters. Speak soon Lib x
To Becky Barnes (?Echo 4 - now trekking)
ReplyDeleteHello love. Hope all going well. Just saw Amy and Sarah in town and they send lots of love and say they can't wait to see you! Both very busy with CELTA but it's going well. I bet the mountains are so beautiful! Thnking of you lots and sending loads of love Mum xxx
Mum xxxxxxxxx
To Ben, Charlie 1
ReplyDeleteLovely to get your message via Charlotte. Have sent messages to you on your Facebook so do take a look if you get the chance. So glad you're enjoying the country and the people - that first project sounded really hard work - will keep up to date with your next project on the blog. HAPPY BIRTHDAY for next Tuesday - will be thinking of you and will raise a glass to you! much love from all of us Mum xxxx
To Louisa Echo 3
ReplyDeleteHello! Im missing you sooo much!! Can't wait to see you when you're back! I must say you are looking very pretty in these photos! And you are soo tanned im very jealous! I have so much gossip to tell you.. which i will write about in another letter to you.
Lots of love
Sammie xxxx
To Ellie, Echo 3,
ReplyDeleteHey Elbel, I'm going be brave and attempt to send you a letter!! I'm going to attempt the monster Q at the WHsmiths post office 2mo so wish me luck, I sincerely hope it gets to you on time! (How much longer u out in the trenches for now?) I've just written u a 2 page epic and its filled with mosty gobbledygoook and booooooze and the touching of Wood (which i shall require you to take most seriously!!) but I hope it makes you smile :D
Love and stuff from Mai xXxXxXXxxXxx
p/s sorry my camera let you down, its ruuubbbish!! I hope you've burried it in the sand and found an apt replacement for it :p
Hi George,
ReplyDeleteGreat to see your photo on the blog - really looking forward to hearing about your first expedition. Hope you're OK - we all miss you!
Love Mum
PS Annie and Maddie say hi - they are writing to you now. And Ralph and Dad send love.
To Daan, Echo3
ReplyDeleteTante Nicole was hier vanmorgen en heeft me geholpen jou te mailen. Ik ben daar nog steeds niet zo handig in en mamma is nu in Frankrijk.
Wij vinden het zo leuk je te kunnen volgen waar je nu bent.
We hebben besloten het familie-weekend pas te houden als jij terug bent.
Veel succes op je verdere tocht;
Heel veel liefs van Apa en Ama.
To Stuart former pm to Tango 6
ReplyDeleteHi hun
Sounds as if everything is going great - I think our backpack is now going to have to have an India label on it. The taxi is going OK. I had a day driving when Thuz went to Amsterdam for the weekend - it coincided with Mark's birthday - by the end of the two journeys I was demented with Mark singing/shouting and Owain saying nothing at all. I have decided however that I am not a taxi person!!! We're starting our journey home to the UK tomorrow - a 2 hr flight to Kuala Lumpar, a 4 hour stopover and then a 13 hr flight to Stansted - we have decided to stay over and drive up home the next day. Hope the next group are as good as the first and I have noted that the songs you downloaded seem to have been a hit with everyone. Love from Mam and Jonnie
For Lottie Verrall.
ReplyDeleteLottie i've had a look through the photographs with Nathan, we've been having a peek every week! i am so unbelievably jelous looks like you're having an amazing time! I've written you a letter but keep updating it every so often so you have lots to read when i eventually (work out how) to send it to you in India :)
Hope your looking after yourself, pretty sure you're glowing right now all the healthy food and sunshine. I still look pale and the sun's probably showed itself about 3 times in the past 3 weeks, very depressing, hopefully spring will be on the way anyday...
LOTS OF LOVE from ISSY xoxoxo
Bryony Wilde!!! Yay you have made it! I am dying to hear about your first few days on your own in India, at least i don't have to worry now you are with fellow raleigh people! It looks like its going to be so much fun, will you actually be building things?! Well im off to glasgow tonight to film Eggheads tomorrow, not looking forward to it, very embarrassing! Then going back to Devon for the weekend, Slick and Mads too, i am sad your not there! Well you will have loads of people to write back to when you finally get a chance so just do a big group email. Lots and Lots of Love, i am already looking forward to everyone being home for this summer. you just need to concentrate on this adventure first1
ReplyDeleteLove Liv xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
to sean c
ReplyDeletehi ya sean hope your having a great time its the first day for ages we have had sunshine we've cleaned the car it looks better,we are all ok over here missing you luv mum,dad and colleen xx
To Sian (Echo 4)
ReplyDeleteHey Sian. I spoke to John Kaine today (24/2) regarding the assessment centre dates. He remembers you and said not to panic about the dates yet. I'll have to get mum to ring next time then he'll know the whole family! haha. He explained that the centres are being organised at a national level probably in the West Midlands. He said he's going to be an assessor but the dates haven't been confirmed yet (they said they should be between 4th-20th April). He's not impressed they have not been organised yet as he has his own work commitments. He said to apply as advised when you last spoke to him. I remember now what you said about 4 different locations. Hope you get this soon and are well!
PS Mum is feeling much better and gone into crazy cleaning mode. All the kitchen cupboards have been emptied cleaned and organised. But you know mum and cleaning...she nevers finishes one job before moving onto another! Drives me mad!! hahaha
To Lisa!
ReplyDeleteHey man, how you doin?? hope india is good! pictures look well good! not much has happened in the burgh. Oh but guess what?! 'colin' from love actually plays 'lorenzo' in BBC's film production of The Merchant of Venice!! AWw man, he is so comedy!! but apart from that not up to much here!! hope ur having a good time!! miss u loads!!
Paula xxxxxxxxxxx (shayne and fi say hi!)
To Sophie Lethier
ReplyDeleteHello ma chérie,
On pense beaucoup à toi dans cette deuxième partie de ton voyage. J'ai posté les petites choses dont tu avais besoin. No news from les Universités. J'espère que tu n'es pas piquée par des insectes et que tu n'as pas trop de bobos. Ici l'actualité est chargée et nous regardons bcp les informations. La visite des Lutreau était géniale, ton papa et Vincent allaient très bien et Charles, Vic et Margot étaient adorables. Marraine un amour comme toujours et ils t'embrassent tous très très fort. Juliette attaque les mocks la semaine prochaine, elle s'est bcp reposée pendant les vacances et retravaille à fond maintenant. Les Patman vont très bien. Dr Mansour m'a demandé de tes nouvelles, il est tellement sympa. Ton papa a fait ses deux conf qui se sont très très bien passées.
On te souhaite de passer de merveilleuses journées dans la jungle. On t'embrasse très très fort. Les vioux, in very good shape!
M and D and Ju and the dogs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteCanny believe you have been gone for over a week!!! Bet you have seen amazing things and met amazing people ?? Just wondering if you are getting these messages. ANYTHING you need just say the word !! All fine here ,quiet without you
lots of love xxxxxxxxxxLetter in post xx miss you
To Jonny of the infamous Tango 6 I believe.
ReplyDeleteYesss mate. Just seen the picture of u with the bike helmet on. Looking pretty jokes there bud. I'l b honest and say my life has fallen to peices since u have left, noobody to chat rubbish to 50 times a day and the amount of banta i missed out giving u over the carroll saga is upsetting thinking about it. Went round ur house the other day, dropped some flowers and a card off for your mum but nobody was in so dint get to see anyone but your sister messaged me and said everyone is doing good and all missing u. But anyway mate in the hope of not boring u too much, i hope ur having an awesome time and everyone is missing u big time, except for me cos i havent reali noticed uv even gone. keep having fun mate and i thort it was impossible to look gd in a helmet and those slacks but u my friend are pulling it off.
keep safe man, much love,
Pep Corciola xx
Ps, if u get the time tell me all about it, and if im honest i just gambled posting this message somewhere i hoped u mite spot it.
to: Georgia Zervudachi
ReplyDeleteJust got your letter of the 2nd of febuary. It's only taken 21 days, although that may have had something to do with the fact that you didn't put the country on the envelope :P Maybe it's been to a few Guildfords around the world...
I'm going to write you a letter every weekend from now on.
I'm so happy to have heard from you (properly). I hope I can pull myself away from re-reading the letter enough to go to lectures tomorrow. This has made my month slightly.
I hope the next phase is as indescribably inspiring as your time so far. I look forward to hearing about it (and echo 3 for that matter) - in a month...
Still missing you,
Love, Jamie.
ReplyDeletehiiiii, SO good to talk to you, if only briefly, the other day!! miss you so much. i've started writing you a letter...its obscenely long and i haven't even finished it yet. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I CAN'T TELL YOU THINGS EVERY DAY!!!
anyway, the address here is - studio house, 9 st clement street, winchester, hants, so23 9hh.
look forward to hearing from you, hope you're having a fun friday!
lots of love, grey xxxxx
good day Bryony wilde
ReplyDeletethinking of you and have you dug those toilets yet ? raining here and dull and miserable . You must be baking !!! take care and big love from your family xxxxx
sunil mistry, india, c2
ReplyDeletedude were two days away from claiming our first trophy in 5 years.... gonna be soo good finally having somithing to put in the emirates :D. were also only 1 point away from leaders man utd in the prem as we beat stoke 1-0, things are looking good as man utd's next game is againt chelsea! :o gonna be a cracking game!
hope ur still having fun and staying out of trouble!!
whats ur next job and you've already built toilets?
lol, i never thought i would be writing that on a blog!
stay in one piece and see you soon.
hi,all would be nice to get some news on charlie 1 not everyone has the pleasure to speak to their loved ones some rely soleley on the blog i know your all busy just share a thought for worried mums and dads.
ReplyDeleteTo James Hollins
ReplyDeleteHi James hope you are ok and you are enjoying phase 2 whatever it is your doing, the blog hasn't been updated yet so I don't know. Thank you for your post card it was lovely to receive it and it only took 22 days to get here!! We are all eagerly awaiting some more photos and news. We are all thinking of you, take care, lots of love Mum xxx
(Sarah Churlish - Charlie 1) - You look super happy !!! you are going to come home aren't you ?? You are even starting to get a tan. Have to say I am super megga jealous now . . . stay chilled Princess. Load of love D xxxxxx
ReplyDeleteto laura and clair
ReplyDeleteheyy its chloe here i hope yous r having a greate time missing u so much laura cant wait to see yous both luv yous xxxxxx xxxxx xxxx ly
to laurab and clair
ReplyDeletehi hope evrythings going well thinking of u enjoy the experiance thinking of u loads love from uncle joe graham and princess xxx
For FIEKE HAAK: Hey Fieke: how is it going? William and I went to Ajax-Anderlecht yesterday, Ajax won with 2-0, but the match was boring. This weekend Ajax-PSV, so we have something to look forward to. Mum is in Flushing with Aunt Marianne, Liz is partying in Doorn and William is already on two ears. We would like to see some elephant photo's, can you take care of these? Pake's birthday was last Thursday, he is now 85! We are all very proud of you and we miss you. Keep going, greetings Tom
ReplyDeleteTo Scott Rae...Tango 6
ReplyDeleteWe are so enjoying following the blog. Its so interesting, funny, scary, exciting etc. The photos are amazing. Hope you're taking tons of snaps and are able to keep a diary. Jen, Alan and Dad all now a year older! Going to Lanark tomorrow with Dad and Nic. Jamie getting so big and eating solids now+++! Sorry to learn that you've not received all of Dads messages. He has been sending them! Honest! Going to Balgarth with Stuart and Annette on Mon.. Scampi and chips maybe! Had a great day at cookery school with Gail on Wed. We learned how to cook 3 different kinds of curries and naan bread!!! How's your food? Will be in touch again soon. Love Mum x
To Sarah, Charlie 1
ReplyDeleteHeyyyyy sis. The pictures (all 3 of them on here) look AWESOME! I need/must/have to go to india! Lancaster definately is India...Lancaster is cold, wet and lancaster so I am well jealous. But apart from the lack of sun and adventure Im havin a whale of a time here in englan. crackin on with my degree and uni stuff. Im doin a documentary about chinese culture so have been doin some filming around campus and town...and even went to manchester new year festival! We filmed the new year festival in the great hall and that was interesting....there werent any subtitles. A fairly vital floor to the plan. And it wasnt exactly a short celebration. there was a stand up act and APPARENTLY they were really funny...but obviously didnt understand a word of it so was just sat there like a nutter.
John's just been down to lancaster and that was eventful. him and the lads in the house had a 'man night' when I was at work. It consisted of steak, with a side of sausages.....and potato. They then played a bit of poker, drank some beer then played on the xbox. man times-galore.
Everyones askin after you here. They all pass on their 'hello's'.
Im missing you lots and lots sis. and hope to hear from you soon. mum and dad said you rang home and everythings good in your curry-filled life. im seriously jealous. get on the thai-pants!!! DO IT!!!
love you sis. Look after yourself and get loads of photos. ill keep on blogging and following the india tale.
Martyn Parry Tango 5
ReplyDeleteCould somebody kindly update us in which team
Martyn is in for phase two as no mention or photo in any of the teams.
Mum & Dad
ReplyDeleteWe are at stanstead after 14 and a half hour flight from Kuala Lumpur. We saw the worst poverty ever but the trip was a great success. Titus and the boys sent their regards. They still talk about the boiled egg. Hope Naomi and Poly know what they are letting themselves in for re next trek,
missing you loads laura from wee sis chloeee xxd lol
ReplyDeleteFor Andrew Jehring Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteThanks for your reply. Loo with a view sounds cool! Your trek looked amazing!We like the new bearded cousin look. What was the picture of you looking like Asterix? We saw Grannie and Grandpa yesterday in Stratford, usual pub. Grandpa had bought me a hammer and a Turbo Snake from Makro! What are you doing next? Thanks for advice for Helen. Steve didn't find the b'day champagne at Frisby as potent as the Bartlam vintage! I think he was rather disappointed!
Catherine Gothard Charlie 1
ReplyDeleteDear Catherine
Mum and I have been trying to post some comments to you but given our natural aversion to the technology we are not sure if we have been successful. Please let us know if you have recieved them preferably by pigeon or smoke signal but if you have to I suppose blog will do.
Lots of love
Alice ... tango 5 .. Charlie 2 ... you look great & happy .. hope your looking forward to the next stage .. .. im having a day around Greenways free e-bay i might try and have a go watch this space... just had some art work from James & expecting Tango tango cards any day .... hugs mum xx
ReplyDeleteHello gorgeous daughter
Hope you are having a ball. We have been to your fairy godaughters birthday party today and she was a shining star. She sends you big neck hugs and says thankyou for her presents!! She blew out her candles and made a wish and said " My wish for a lovely family who I love and they love me lots" 4 TODAY . Dave and Bet,Nick and Carly, Shaun,Gill and Wills all send their love and wish you good times . Jacquie will blog you is she gets time before baby arrives . Been reallly sunny today so out in the garden. Marc out with Darren ,Dad been painting . Big love to you and miss you heaps xxxxxxxxxxxxxMUM DAD MARC ELL XXXXXXXXXXXyes she is fine!!!
Sarah Churlish - Charlie 1
ReplyDeleteHey Sa-rah!
Just saw a pic of you in your new group and read all your messages on Faceyb sounds like you are having an amazing time and we are all really proud of you - god knows I am - can barely walk up a hill without feeling knackered can't imagine what it would be like trekking through the jungle! Anyway as always everyone sends their love and Yuri is absolutely jealous of you! Not much has changed here there's a bit of gossip but will fill you in when you get back - oh I'm now getting paid so our mate dates can be a little more interesting when you get back other than that same old same old. Anyway I realise that someone has to type this out so I'll keep it short! Much love Stef xxx
To Caz Gothard Group Charlie 1.
ReplyDeleteSitting here on a Sunday trying to keep up with your activities in India! Nan is down here with us and looking at the web site. Glad to hear you are enjoying your time. Love from Nan Gothard, Jon, Sue and Ryan xxx
Hi Chlo , Hope your having a great time ,Me , mum and the doggies are missing you loads , let me know what your up to , seen the photo`s should have taken flip flops , ha ha . love you loads Dad , mum XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
ReplyDeleteHi Chloe . Missing you loads , let me know if you get this , house is really quite without you , doggies miss you too :-) love you loads XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
ReplyDeleteTo: Ellie Gale (Charlie 1)
ReplyDeleteTo my gorgeous sis!! I hope you are having an awesome time! I have just been having fun doing some armchair travel looking through the blog. I am so incredibly proud of you. It sounds like you are doing some really valuable work out there.
What do you think of India so far? I loved our time in India so much and have a big soft spot for the country!
It is hard to imagine the sweltering temperatures you are experiencing. Tim and I went for a bike ride to the Turf Locks yesterday and it was ICY with a strong wind coming off the sea!! I am writing this lying on a rug by the fire, and thinking roll on Spring. Daffodils have appeared in the garden and signs of Spring are here. We are looking forward to when the clocks change and it will be light enough to go for an after-work pint in Topsham!!
Do you ever have internet access if I send you message on Facebook?
Life potters on here, and we fill our free time with as many lovely things as we can. We had a lovely long weekend staying with friends at Prussia Cove last week. We stayed in an old rambling manor house literally on the cliffs, and waves crashed and spilled onto the steps of the garden. It was very rainy much of the time, but we played games by the fire, ate yummy food, and went for cliff walks in between the rain spells. We then had a night at Patrick’s on the way back. It was great to see him and Aidan. He is busy writing his new novel at the mo. Tim bought a beautiful painting of some cheeky cows from Michael and June Hick’s gallery.
We had a weekend with Emily the other day. She was heavily pregnant, and had baby Samuel on Wednesday, so we are very excited about meeting him soon. She has now collected 3 sons, so we have some catching up to do!!
We are busy saving for our belated honeymoon to Bali this summer so not going out that much, but enjoying having friends round for meals etc instead and gong for walks. We are going to visit Dad in a couple of weeks. Tom is going down this week to help him get the house ready to put on the market and he is aiming to retire next year.
Work is OK although there does not seem to be enough time in my day. I am doing a post-qualifying award at the mo, and need to write 2 5000-word essays by May, which will be wierd as it has been such a long time since I have done any academic work!
Well, I am probably rambling on as usual so will let you get back to more important matters.
I will try and be good about sending you messages now and then. Is there an address I can send you a letter or little parcel to at all?
Heaps of love, your dotty sis Anna xxx
Tim sends his love too, and Pip sends an affectionate head-butt.
Sunil Mistry, India, T5.
ReplyDeleteHey Sunil!
How's it going out there? Sorry it's taken a while to write, been so busy here with work going back and forth to the US, am actually in the US right now. Not sure if you will get this so not gona write too much til u post back Varsha Ben xx
To Jonny - Tango 6
ReplyDeleteHi Jonny - Happy Birthday !! ...and what a brilliant way to spend it ! - Just saw the pictures of your trek. Mountain biking in India - sounds fantastic - I'm jealous ! Looking forward to reading more about your adventure.
Enjoy yourself & stay safe.
Much love - Dad.
For Sarah, Charlie 1...
ReplyDeleteHI SARAH CHURLISH! I can't believe all of the amazing things you've been doing, I am SO proud of you and also very jealous, I can't believe I didn't do it! India sounds incredible.
Saying that, I am also having an amazing time on my travels! I spent a week in Sydney and had a great time, met a few people in the hostel but also enjoyed my own company. My favourite day was when I went to see Madame Butterfly at the Sydney Opera House :-)
...but I am in New Zealand at the moment, and it puts Sydney to shame! Such a fantastic country, and SO much fun!!! The bus tour I'm doing has it's ups and downs, I have made some really good friends who I'm now travelling around with, but it sometimes feels a bit like a school trip and can be a bit limiting in that respect. It is also the most expensive thing I have ever done!!!! I just can't say no to all the activities! The skydive was incredible, never thought I'd do it but once I was in that plane I didn't have a choice, and it was all worth it. Such a wierd feeling, I was on a massive high afterwards. I did a Glacier hike yesterday!! My favourite day here so far was a hike I did through Lord of the Rings scenery (Mount Doom) - it was 19km and I did it on my own, the views made it SO worth it and I felt really proud of myself afterwards... it made me feel like I could've done Raleigh!! I think you can do anything if you put your mind to it, it doesn't matter how fit you are as long as you're determined, I'm sure you agree after your hardcore few weeks???
I have less than 2 weeks left in New Zealand and I'm spending most in the party town of Queenstown with a great bunch of people, so I will have a drink for you ;-) Then heading to Fiji for 9 days of chilling. I'm seriously excited about working in Canada now, and I definitely need the cash lol! Just waiting for my working visa to come through, fingers crossed. Have you decided whether to do some travelling after Raleigh?
Missing you lots and lots. Can't believe we still won't see each other for so long!!! So glad to hear you're safe and enjoying yourself. It's a shame I'm not there with you, but we still have plenty more time to travel together :-D and I think it has probably done us the world of good to get out on our own for a bit.
Love you loads, Bex xxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteNot sure if your getting these posts , let me know , missing you loads babe , hope your having a great time Dad XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Martyn Parry Charlie 1
ReplyDeleteHi Martyn glad you enjoyed the trek,and good luck with phase two, thanks for your message it's nice to hear from you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Friday 4th March the is one thing for certain you will always remember your 23rd birthday.Mum
was pleased to see you looking so well on the pictures and sends her love and she is going to celebrate your birthday with a large bottle of baileys(it's non alcoholic)LOL.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Love Mum & Dad xx
Dear Fe
ReplyDeleteI hope you got my letter with the details of 2000 trees and news from home such as it is.
I saw a picture of you down a hole! and hear your next phase is the trek which if it is anything like the last group should be amazing and challenging! at least you will have had time to get used to the heat. We are all fine. Drop us a line when you get a chance. Love Mum Dad Max and Casper xxx
Lisa Akyol, Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteLili! Hope you are having the most fantastic time ever in the land of the very spicy curry! SA was amazing, I have decided I want to live there because of the heat as well as the really cute tanned guys!
Not heard anything back from Northumbria yet which sucks but got an interview type thing at Galashiels on monday. Apart from that, nothing. Will let you know what happens.
To fill you in on life in the world... Colin Firth got an Oscar for Best Actor, Natalie Portman... Best Actress and King's Speech... Best Film!!
Anyway hope you are starting to get a cracking tan, then maybe we can start to compare tans!
Miss you too much, love you lots and lots
Annie Xxxxxx
Bryony Wilde....charlie 2
ReplyDeletehello my gorgeous niece,hope you are ok and not too tired with all this building work, Rich will give you a job for the summer!!all well here, babies due soon??(lambs from the 17th)and guess who else is pregnant???no im too old for that!(post me back one of those beautiful children) smudgey is due on the 17th April, if she is 2 days early i will name one after you!! omg PUPPIES! Take care, love You LOADS from us all.
Dave PM Charli 1
ReplyDeletehello you, hows the biogas project going? It looks really interesting and I imagine its great fun living in the village. Thank you for your congratulatory email last week and it was great to speak to you too.
We're all back from our adventures and Amsterdam was wonderful (if you exclude the part where my purse was stolen!!). It was bitterly cold the day we arrived and snowed in the afternoon which was a shock! Lauren was great company and we had a lot of fun. Sophie is back from skiing uninjured and she also had a brilliant time, so its back to reality with a bump for us all this week. How are the boys? I hope alls good with them too.
I'm at B'mth hospital doing an audit for two weeks which should be interesting and its not my usual commute which is nice.
Oh and spring has sprung!! the sun was shining yesterday and the daffodils are beginning to flower so in my world that is definitely the end of winter :)
Glad youre having such a great time and missing you loads
Karen xxx
Hi Binika Tango 6
ReplyDeleteIm so pleased i heard from u and that u loving it over there- well ur nearly half way thro and ull be bac before u no it - but i bet u want to stay longer - we all stil thinkin of u evry day and u can have ur car back now as its costing me too much in petrol its a thirsty buggar but lush to drive - briony goes to c justin beiber ont he 12 march she cant wait - tanita moves into her dads flat in may and leaving charlie behind which is best as she cant bare to live wiv her any longer - we r all fine and granma - esan gets married on the 13/08/2011 in florida to a guy she has only known for 8 months - ur cousin jamie is pregnant but in early stages and graeme is fine i think - he wanted to cum for tea so i told him to bring a packed lunch wiv him - he is missing u like mad - well i will go for now but u enjoy wot time u have left and write soon - take care MAM TANITA BRIONY
Sunil Mistry, India, C2
ReplyDeleteHey Fella,
Hope you're coping ok - the pictures look amazing (looking at them in the office and feeling a bit guilty... should be alright though as managed to get others looking too!)
I was supposed to be finishing this role then heading back up North in the next few weeks but on another London based project (d'oh) - good thing is that I will be about for a pint if you're up for it :)
Laters cuz,
Message for Rob Nolan, Charlie 1 (we think!). Just full of admiration for you and your Raleigh friends, the photos are great - doesn't look ALL hard work! Sorry you were a bit off colour for a while, hope it's ok now. Love and best wishes for your birthday. John and Rosemary xx
ReplyDeleteMy dearest Guy, It was so wonderful to talk to you last week, and we are thrilled that you are having a great time, very excited for you. I have booked you a test on 18th April and I also called UCAS. they said that as you have not heard from B'ham you will need to call UCAS yourself direct on 0044 871 468 0 468 to accept St A's. annoying but I could not do it for you as you did not have all your choices in.
ReplyDeleteall great here, i am missing you masses, and am off to Hong Kong tomorrow, to see Izi and Dad. I cannot wait! we had a lovely time skiing and missed you of course. Loveday had to be helicoptered off the mountain with a dislocated shoulder!! high drama. tons of love from us all, Mum XXXX
Hi Louisa Mohsen Tango 5.
ReplyDeleteHope you are surviving the trekking. Sent you a letter in a parcel today. Weather bitterly cold here. Ben said he and Dad tried to send you a message on Sun but can't see it on the blog. Louise Martin came to stay on Sunday night. Had to clean up your room so she could stay in it. (Major job). Love Mum xxxx keep smiling xxx Ben is missing you - he has a new gf - back with Daniella as of yesterday! xxx
ReplyDeleteLooks like you are having fun. I'm guiding my IT illiterate parents through Skype on how to send you a blog post from Newcastle. I'm in NYC Meg and I, and Mum and Dad send their best wishes. Do you not have a Newcastle shirt that you can wear from some of the photos???? (from dad!). Take care, The Scotts.
Hi Clare, Charlie 1
ReplyDeleteLovely to see your photo - looks like they've been working you hard. Hope the heat isn't too much. I sent you a letter some time ago - don't know if you've received it yet? Puppy's such a lovely animal! We've now rebuilt the pond that she destroyed - found 4 frogs in the rainwater at the bottom, so rescued them before starting the project! Enjoy the rest of your time. Missing you! Lots of love, Mum, xxxx
To Ellie Burton,
ReplyDeleteHi Ellie,
I have tried sending you messages but they're not on the Blog ???
Really good pic of you in the blue sarong, Neb said you've gone onto another project now so best of luck with that.
Trust this one gets to you.
See you soon
Difri XXX
Hello Jonny Williams, from charlie 2 i think.
ReplyDeletemate hope your having a quality time, thought i would jus drop u a msg while i am as lean as a bean really. pretty disappointed with ur lack of responses going on in this blog mate. here i am checkin this thing like a bleeding tart (in the accent) all day and there is u giving no responses. so if you get a second mate sort urself out and send a few responses before i give up with u, u waste of space. in all serious bud, hope ur having a great time, and miss u lots mate. ;) x
Message for Ross Conquest, Tango 5
ReplyDeleteHi Ross,
A quick message from Chambers Street ... the pictures look great and we can see that you're having a fabulous time - you always have a big smile on your face! The trekking sounds fantastic, but I'm not too sure about the 4 ft water snake!! Take care, enjoy the rest of your trip and we look forward to seeing you at the end of April.
Love Sarah and Aidan xxx