The teams have not long been gone and it was already time for a few of us to head out on the first loop visit to see how they’re settling in, hand over their blog messages and have a good old catch up over some chai. So Julia, Becca and I packed up the Bravo and headed off on Friday morning to Tamil Nadu as our first stop was the village of Vellary to see the guys from Charlie 1.
After saying our farewells to the group, we headed over to the offices of CTRD (The Centre for Tribals and Rural Development Trust) where we’d be staying for the night. The setting of the offices is just stunning with a view out to the ‘dolphin’ mountains.
We then traveled on to Kudimery, another beautiful tribal village in the mountains where three bio-gas units were installed last September.
We all stayed at the camp and said cheerio at 6 this morning as we headed back to field base for a quick stop off before we head back out tomorrow to see Charlie 2, Echo 3 and Echo 4 over the next three days. I’ll bring you all the news from them when we return.
On the way we had a very exciting moment as we saw a group of three wild elephants whilst driving through the national park, an amazing sight.
A mother with her two young children. |
The drive through to the village of Vellary was just stunning, as was the village itself. We all attended the opening ceremony where Vijay from our project partner, CTRD, introduced the team to the villagers.
Vijay introducing the new Raleigh group to the villagers. |
Outside one of the village homes where they were drying coffee beans. |
Charlie 1 raring to go Back row L - R - Stuart (PM), Dharmendra, Danielle, Ben, Kannan, Philip Front Row - L-R - Samantha, Laura, Rachel, Clare, Ed, Fieke, Eeva (PM), Scott. |
The local villagers that we'll be working alongside. |
Fieke and Ed get down with the kids. |
Scott, Ed, Fieke and Danielle are welcomed into one of the homes. |
Stuart looking out over the river near the camp. |
The villager and the land next to his house where we'll be installing the bio-gas system. |
After saying our farewells to the group, we headed over to the offices of CTRD (The Centre for Tribals and Rural Development Trust) where we’d be staying for the night. The setting of the offices is just stunning with a view out to the ‘dolphin’ mountains.
The next morning, we headed out with Mr Ranganathen, who set up CTRD in 1988, to their new hospital for tribal villagers that was built by a Raleigh group from Singapore and opened in 2009. It’s run by one doctor and a group of nurses and other medics that volunteer their time.
It was then time to head out to a few of the villages that Raleigh have worked in previously to see how the projects are being used.
First stop was the tribal village of Ealamanna where Julia and her team had worked in 2009 for a few weeks installing 32 toilets.
Passing the tea plantation on the way into the village |
Julia and Becca walking into the village. |
One of the toilets built by Raleigh in 2009. |
Julia with one of the families she worked alongside in 2009. |
We then traveled on to Kudimery, another beautiful tribal village in the mountains where three bio-gas units were installed last September.
The Raleigh cows in their sheds that were built in September still showing the remains of the opening ceremony decorations. |
The slurry from the cows goes from the shed into a bio-gas unit next to it which then produces four hours of gas a day for the family house to use instead of having to build fires within the home for cooking.
One of the villagers showing us how her biogas cooker works as she cooked up some rice for lunch. |
Some of the other tribal villagers in Kudimery who now have biogas units at the back of their house. |
After leaving the kids hanging up the tree is was time to start the three hour drive to meet up with Tango 6 at their camp at Thirunelli in Kerala.
![]() |
Some of Tango 6 enjoying dinner cooked by Alex and Phil. Round the table from L - R - Clare, Jonathan, Jessica, Alex, Sam, Maddie, Simone, Thatte, Sarah, Binika and Rob |
Stuart (PM) tucks in, we're still not quite sure what he was eating though... |
Thatte and Ameze |
Driver Manju and Becca logs with the three trek guides from our project partner Muddy Boots. |
Here’s the news of what Tango 6 have been up to over the last couple of days courtesy of their team member Binika Liu...
T6! T6! T6!
T6! T6! T6!
Everyone is agreed that being chosen to be part of T6 with PMs Stu and Susan is a privilege! Our team spirit and enthusiasm is second to none!
Day 1
Our first day began with a really fun bus journey to our trekking experience. Before arriving to campsite one, we had a trip by raft to an island in Kerala – we were well up for it – we all grabbed out water bottles and Parle G biscuits and we were off. We saw a variety of wild animals including elephants, deer and wild boars! Ending up swimming in the river - absolutely fabulous! We then just had to taste the local food which was served on the traditional banana leaf, amazing!
We arrived at our starting point, made our pasta and tuna for fifteen, then all lay on the grass around the camp fire with full tummies only to be greeted by a SHOOTING STAR - one word AMAZING!
Day 2 - ... Aint no mountain high enough!
Going into trekking with a bang – we were thrown right in at the deep end with an uphill climb through the jungle with our 20kg backpacks. We definitely as T6 had team spirit to go on and pursue the dream. However, when those thighs start burning, your thighs are burning!
Going into trekking with a bang – we were thrown right in at the deep end with an uphill climb through the jungle with our 20kg backpacks. We definitely as T6 had team spirit to go on and pursue the dream. However, when those thighs start burning, your thighs are burning!
We emerged from the jungle to some amazing picturesque scenes only seen on the discovery channel! After taking 50 million photographs, we arrived at the Demon mountain, or so we all thought, it was Demon’s brother! Literally a 90degree angle mountain. We braced ourselves and we were determined to conquer, grabbing on to plants, soil and stones almost grasping for the top – we arrived 1600meters above ground, we embraced the beauty of what was before us, breathtaking. The sense of achievement was overwhelming that every single member of our team reached the top of the summit, cheering T6, yes we had conquered.
Day 3
Porridge for breakfast, which was different you know, bit of sugar, jam and jobs a good one! Full of energy we began trekking through the long grassland for 3km then arrived at the cave!
This cave is nothing you have ever seen, you feel yourself looking in every corner, at every stone, meandering around each crack, behind secret hiding places. We climbed up and down wherever we could go and finding a bat cave, keeping quiet and sitting observing, it was amazing to see bats in their natural habitat – fascinating. Once emerged from the cave, we climbed on top of it and sat and ate, yes more Parle G biscuits and possibly also a few peanut bars. The view was spectacular. Almost got blown off by the wind but don’t worry we all managed to stay put.
Final note from Binika ‘The crack in T6 is IMMENSE’
So sounds like they’re having a whale of a time and, apart from a few blisters, they all seemed very well and happy last night.
We all stayed at the camp and said cheerio at 6 this morning as we headed back to field base for a quick stop off before we head back out tomorrow to see Charlie 2, Echo 3 and Echo 4 over the next three days. I’ll bring you all the news from them when we return.
Whilst on our trip I collected some more messages from the guys to you back at home...
From: Clare Evans
To: Penny Evans
Hi Mum! Hope everything’s ok at home. Currently on my first project where we’re building a bio gas unit and part of a house in a small village near the Kerala/Tamil Nadu border. Weather is amazing as is the scenery. Can you wish Jack a very happy birthday from me – there’ll be some letters in the post. Can you send the one for him onto him at uni? Hug the animals for me. Love you! Clare xxx
From: Dhamendra Patel
To: Mum and Dad
I sent you a postcard yesterday and I just got your blog message today but just in case you don’t get the postcard, yes I am loving it here! I know Amit must be getting so bored at home. Keep on looking at the blog. Tell Ba and Bapujee and Rupa and everyone else I said hello and I’m having a blast. Love from Dhamu
From: Samantha Anderson
To: Everyone
Thanks everyone for all your messages, I’m loving hearing from you all so keep them coming. Am now in Vellary in Tamil Nadu – will be starting on the bio gas units tomorrow. We have built the long drop and the shower and they’re looking good. Can’t write loads to each of you individually but I love and miss all of you. Glad Shelby is better. El – glad you’ve not replaced me yet. Nan and Grandad – the angels are doing their job. Tash – get your bum out here. Ish – what is a langur? Love you all so so much!! Xxxxxx Miss you all loads xxxxxxx
From: Philip de Koning
Hee allemaal. Ik ben veilig aangekomen en na een paar dagen introductie aangecomen bij het project: oouw van bio-gas eenhewen. All-es is goew, moet nu stoppen. Liefs, Philip
From: Sam Ummat
To: Joanna
Having an absolutely amazing time! The views are soooo unreal! Already seen elephants and tiger tracks! I am loving it sooo much and made so many friends and I have never seen a more beautiful place! Climbed a 1600m mountain yesterday! I miss you loads, but Raleigh is amazing!! Love Sam XOXO
From: Sarah Churlish
To : Steve Churlish
Hey family, thanks for all the messages. It’s really nice to hear from you in amongst the hectic life here. I’ve just had the last one delivered today after a day of trekking and exploring bat caves! I’m exhausted but still having fun. It’s really challenging – all that preparation in Langley didn’t seem to make much difference – but my team is really good so all’s well. I hope you’re enjoying sunny Durham, its about 30c+ here. Tonight we’re actually staying in a building with beds AND running water. Keep checking the blog, I’ll be back at fieldbase in a few weeks so can get more messages then. Much love, Sarah xxxxx
From: Simone Slagboom
To: Ton & Bernadette Slagboom
Lieve Papa en Mama tiedereen die dit leest, ik kan nu een berichtje terug schrijven wat de PM’s zullen over typen. Maar hier gaat alles heel goed gister hebben we een hele lange eerste trip gemaakt van guur. We zyn van 800 meter naar 1600 meter geklommen en vandaag zyn we door een hele diepe grot gegaan. En elke avond kamp vuur. Hoop dat bij jullie alles goed gaat, ik mis jullie wel hoor! Heel veel kusjles ik hou van jullie xxx Simone
From: Sam Ummat
To: Mum, Dad, Ben, Alice and Max!
Hi guys! On the trek atm and it is unbelievable! The views are so so so unreal! Having the time of my life and made loads of amazing friends. Climbed a 1600m mountain yesterday and already seen elephants and tiger tracks! Miss you loads and thanks for all the messages. Raleigh’s amazing!! Love you loads Sam xxxoxxx
From: Meh/Amz
Hey (To my family and friends). It’s been a week now but it feels like a month! I am having so much fun and I’m doing things that i never imagined. The views are like something out of a travel brochure, so surreal and amazing. The weather is great and our food rations are... Interesting! (Porridge every day, then a lovely choice between noodle or cold rice for lunch). The treks are difficult, very long and energy consuming – but still great fun. (Never thought I would like walking so much) – My trek group is great ( Tango 6 – Woop!) So everyday so far has been exciting and filled with surprises. My backpack is still going strong but my boots have been slippery (slipped down the hill more than ten times!) Hope to hear from you soon. Take care of yourselves :> Love Meh/Amz P.S 7 days and still no diarrhoea!
To Wieger van Rinkhuyzen, Echo 4
ReplyDeleteLieve Wieger,
Volgens mij is er iets misgegaan met vorige blogs. Hoop alles goed met je en dat je met volle teugen geniet. Hier alles ok, maar saai in vergelijking met wat jij allemaal meemaakt, dus blijf nog maar even........Vandaag gaat brief onderweg naar je, ben benieuwd hoe lang die erover doet. Heel veel liefs, P, D en M.
Ha Fiek, volgens mij twijfelen meer mensen erover of hun bericht wel aankomt. Daarom kan ik het niet laten er nog eentje te sturen. We kijken vaak op de site, leuk om eea te kunnen volgen. Allesgoed daar? Ziet er spannend uit! Lieve kindern! Ben benieuwd hoe ver jullie komen in drie weken tijd... hier is de strom weer gaan liggen en wordt het al langer licht. Verder alles goed. Kussies, mamxxx
ReplyDeleteTo Louisa Mohsen
ReplyDeleteHi Louisa, India 11 - Echo 3
Posting a letter to you today. Hope you are enjoying your project. Am checking the blog every day. Printed off one of your photos (the airport arrival) and showed Nan, Ben and your Dad at the weekend. Yesterday Father Gerry said you are very brave.
Lots of Love from Mum and Ben xxx
Sam Ummat Tango 6
ReplyDeleteSam great to see you and to hear your news !
What a fantastic experience ... make sure you are still taking your malarials.....and remember those tigers are not cuddly !! btw Dad sends his regards to Sher Khan and Colonal Hathi!!
Alice had a great time in Paris at the weekend, Shaan's 3rd birthday today and Ben is running the Wokingham Half on Saturday ...England beat Wales in the first game of the 6 nations , Arsenal disappointingly only managed a 4 -4 draw against Newcastle having been up 4 --0 , nothing changes !!
Hi Meh (T6)
ReplyDeleteIts so good to hear from you, and wonderful to see a clear photo of you laughing. Kwasi was here yesterday for Sunday Lunch and so was Lucy and the girls. You have gone just a week and a bit, but it seems like months. Please look after yourself and work hard (laugh)
Love you loads.
To Fieke, Charlie 1
ReplyDeleteHa Fiek, net even met Willem naar de fotos gekeken. Vooral die met de kinderen maakt indruk. Dit is mijn derde bericht al, maar ik heb sterk de indruk dat de andere niet zijn aangekomen. Alles goed daar? Heb je E's bericht ontvangen? Prachtige omgeving daar. Heel veel succes en we mailen!! Kuss mam
lieve simone, leuk om je berichtje te lezen!toch nu al op trek, heftig!!heb je al een leuke indier aan de haak geslagen?heeel veel plezier met 1000 km lopen!wij zitten nu in zuid-afrika, heel mooi hier alleen claire is vervelend!daaaaaaaaaaaaggedraag je, liefs claire en fleur en de oudjes
ReplyDeleteHi Samantha (A)(charlie 1) got your message today the 7th everyone says hello,looks like your cheeks are getting tanned,wonderful what you can make gas out of,you seem to be making a differance to the locals life learning new skills,but dont try putting a cow in the garden when you return.How are you getting on with the early mornings?did you see the elephants? miss and love you loads xxxx
ReplyDeleteDear Holly
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to seeing the pictures of your group in the next few days. Thought you might like to know that I have got your Roskilde ticket. Hope all is well and that you are having a really fabulous time.
Much love
Hi Sian
ReplyDeleteHope you're settling in OK and making lots of new friends. I've been having a look at the photos, the scenery looks amazing. Have you managed to see any elephants yet and remember what I said if you saw a baby one ..... I'm sure your rucksack is big enough! ha ha. How's the trench digging going, can't imagine you with a spade,hope your hands aren't covered in blisters. Keep safe Sian. Love from Lorraine xx
To Stuart(PM)Tango6
ReplyDeleteGreat to follow your adveture via the blog. Looked as if you were enjoying the beans, pleased we're not sharing your tent! Group sound as if they're having a great time and team spirit is alive and well. We are excited about our trip to Cambodia with Global Care next week and have been given loads of gifts to take for the kids, love from Anne and Jonny
Florine - Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteFlooo! Red je het daar nog een beetje? Ben wel benieuwd naar een update. Hopelijk verschijnt er snel iets over jouw missie op de blog!
Kijk nu al uit naar het moment dat je weer contact hebt met de buiten wereld;)
Lieve Anne-Romee,
ReplyDeleteHeel hartelijk gefeliciteerd met je 19e verjaardag! Het zal vast heel speciaal zijn om je verjaardag daar met je nieuwe Raleigh vrienden te vieren. Veel plezier en geniet van deze bijzondere start van je @0ste levensjaar! Papa
Hey Scott (charlie 1)
ReplyDeleteJust distracted myself from studying by having a wee look at the photos of your expedition. So jealous of you right now - hope you're having an amazing time!
Take care!
Julia xxx
to anne-romee. E3.
ReplyDeleteheee anne-romeee, Happy Birthday.
super gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag! ik hoop dat het leuk is daar, ik ben echt super benieuwd allemaal. Overleef je alle spinnen en bloedzuigers haha? aah ik wil echt alles weten maarja! Ik denk dat je verjaardag daar vast ook een beetje gevierd wordt met je nieuwe vrienden. Ik vind alle verhalen van de blogs er wel heel erg leuk uitzien, ik ben echt jaaloeerss! geniet er van! ik mis je hier wel hoor! heeel veel liefs xxxxxx Julie
Samantha Anderson - Charlie 1.
ReplyDeleteHey Sam!! Sorry I haven't written sooner. I've been checking in and following the blog though. looks like your having an amazing time.
I'm getting very jealous of your tan, your going to be so dark when you get back. I might just have to fake up when you get back so I don't look so pale.
So how are you finding it? it looks like hard work you must be knackered the whole time.
Anyway I wont keep nattering on. Take care hun missing u loads, oh yeah watch out for those rabid tigers lol love ya x Jess x
Sam Ummat, Tango 6
ReplyDeleteHeyyy, soo nice to get the message yesterday!
and the package!!!! i absoultley LOVEDD it and it was such a surprize!! amazing!! thank you soo much :) have been wearing it since...but bod says he should have got it instead haha!! Photos look good, hows the food going ?? everyone looks soo nice in your group, so happy you've made so many friends :D the trek up the mountain sounds crazyy, and really impressed, i get out of breath walking up portland hill :s haha, must have been such hard work but amazing when you got to the top!! can't wait to see the pictures!!
gemma (old friend from rowing)starts on the costa rica trek with raliegh today aswell, so now have two blogs to follow!! crazy ehh, i told her what an amazing time u were having and she got soo excited!!
alsooo i got my exam results back yesterday; i got 67 in art and power, 66 in intro to art history, 65 in the greek world and 64 in classics and popular culture!!! sooo pretty happy as thats all high and solid 2:1's :) and strangely the best one is the one when u were up! clearly a lucky charm! i think my cw marks get added into that so should go up a bit!
can't wait to see the next blog!! hope you don't get to close to the tigers or snakes!!! and keep having a really good time, missing you loadsssss, love Joanna XOXO hahaa xxxx
Sam Ummat - India 11a Tango 6
ReplyDeleteHi Sam, Well done for making it into a photo with another sunny smile!Also amused to see sporks in action!Sounds like Raleigh and Kerala are living up to expectations and very glad you are having such a great time. I much envied you the rafting & river swimming - hope you enjoyed it!It is a beautiful day here today, making us think spring is coming. We are eagerly anticipating Joanna's grandfather's 100th birthday at the beginning of March & even he is cautiously optimistic about celebrating it! The biggest question is what do you buy some of that great age for their 100th birthday?!
Whilst in Nottingham I saw the outside of the house for next year and it looks good and is certainly in a very nice position, so it looks like a good choice. It was lovely to have Joanna home for the weekend;ref the hair cut mentioned -it is still comes to half way down her back!!
I do hope the that the next part of the trek is as good as it has been so far.
Look forward to seeing more photos. Take care Anne x
to holly peel
ReplyDeleteplease write back, missing u so much
hope it's fun
going to greece on saturday
i'll bring back chocolate oreos for u
got to do greece project
with lots of love katexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooxxxxxxxxxxxx
Voor Anne-Romee E3
ReplyDeleteLieve Jarige, zie dat je jarig bent geweest.
Van harte gefeliciteerd. Er zal zeker in verschillende talen voor je gezongen zijn...bijzonder. Ben benieuwd hoe het met je gaat. Binnenkort zie ik Winny en dan zullen we het uitgebreid over onze stoere meiden hebben.
Bente zit in een community project. Er moet een nieuwe kindergarten gebouwd worden, helaas is door de weersomstandigheden de kampung onbereikbaar en nu renoveert ze (zover ik begrijp) een verenigingsgebouwtje totdat het terrein beter begaanbaar is. Liefs Mieke
Hi Eeva, Charlie 1
ReplyDeleteWe have been following the blog and you do look like you are really enjoying it. It all looks so exciting!
Evan is quite interested in the projects (when he is looking at the blog); he'll be one day following your example!
He keeps asking when will you be coming back!
Molly has started to sleep on your jumper-on the settee!
The weather has been dull and windy- all is good.
Everybody sends their love.
Missing you
Love mum x
Dear Amz,
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you're having fun! Everything looks so amazing. I'm so jealous. I'm sending you a long letter soon and a care package. Oh and I just're wearing the Africa Pants in the photo! Yaaaay. Oh and I'm planning my own little adventure, probably in the summer. You won't believe who I'm going with :S (all will be explained in the letter). I miss you lots and lots. Take care of yourself.
Hugs and all that good stuff.
Hey Sis,
ReplyDeleteBeen a while - looks like you're having an amazing time and loving the blog! Any success on the tan front or are we destined to be pale no matter how much time we spend in the sun?! Glad you managed to see an elephant... I went to the zoo the other day but not quite the same. Anyway, will drop you an email this week - keep up the good work! Miss you x
Hya Sean C,
ReplyDeletehows u doing, have you got mums letter posted (31/1/11) have you sent your letter yet, have you taken any photos yet on your camera? missing you lots of love mum, dad and Colleen :) xx
Elliott Leishman Echo 4 India
ReplyDeleteHi Elliott Missing you lots seems like you have been gone months already. Glad to see your photos, hope you have acclimatized, and glad that you like porridge from the sound of other people's blogs. Your weather looks great ours is the exact opposite, and you are well out of it. Looking forward to the Yorkston concert and have bought tickets for the Penguin Cafe. If you get a chance send us a postcard and let us know if there is anything that you need. Everyone sends their love. Anita and Jim xxx
when are we seeing Tango 5 on the blogspot--getting slack over there!!
ReplyDeleteSam Ummat Tango 6
ReplyDeleteHi Sam ,
I hope the trekking and adventure have continued ... you are clearly still loving it ........Max has had a little adventure of his own with a big dog called Diesel who clearly doesn't like him at Dinton ..all is ok though maybe he will be a little more careful who he tries to play with next time !! Everything here is much the same just checking to see what you have been up to next and of course missing you loads and loads and loads . Lots of love Mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hiya Ameze T6
ReplyDeleteHow is everything going? The photos look good,you look happy,and everyone and everything I see makes me want to visit India more. In fact, I'm looking at the BM now, wondering how much webuyanycar will give me for it! A tenner maybe.....anyway, it was really great to hear from you, I'm still smiling about it, though of course it would be even more superb to hear from you again. If I got a pound for every time someone has said 'Kwesi, how's your girlfriend?!', double glazing my house would be no problem at all! people don't even ask how I'm doing any more, only you! and my dad has even started pronouncing your name correctly (sort of); only took him a couple of years too......Well, I think that's enough from me for the moment, you take care of yourself, and I'm looking forward to seeing you as soon as you get back.
Miss and Love you loads
Kwesi xxx
To Dan (PM, Echo 4)
ReplyDeleteHope all is going well on your first phase and that everyone is still in one piece!!
Been a busy week for me, with Geneva and Sheffield. Geneva was very exciting, sat in on big negotiating discussions, met lots of senior people, etc, so will jot everything down in a letter for you to read in 6 weeks' time!
Thinking about you lots and lots, love you loads!
Your Letts xxx
To Stuart Vincent (Charlie 1)
ReplyDeleteHiya Stu,
Couldn't resist making a comment about that photo of you looking across the river... there's gotta be a joke in there somewhere about your best side but it seems too obvious....
Looks like you're having an amazing time - the photos are great.
Am slightly confused about your comment in your group email about you and Dave at dinner on your day off...?
Nothing exciting to report here - the weather is miserable, which I'm sure is nice to hear when you're out there in the sun.
Anyway, keep up the good work, take care and have fun!
to: Sophie van Dorp
ReplyDeleteHoi fietje,
hoe is t daar? ziet er allemaal heel erg mooi uit! ben je al in de holy water??? wij zitten in de bergen, maar zijn maar met weinig dus volgend jaar moet je weer mee! de groeten van iedereen! we missen je wel hierr! wij hebben hier de vader van Philip (uit een andere raleigh india groep ontmoet)! grappig he! nou voor nu aju
tabee tot later
en heeel veel plezier daar!
gegroet, jezus (+jorrat) en ook een kus van papa mama
Message for FIEKE HAAK
ReplyDeleteHa Fiek, short message from your dad! How is it going? Utrecht played 1-1 against Twente, a very strong performance. It is raining cats and dogs and we all miss you. Your brother is working hard on his part-week.
Hope to hear from you soon, Tom
To Ben,
ReplyDeleteHEYYYYYYY! I hope india is fun and you're not getting too sunburnt! i have got you a birthday card but the post office is out of bonds but i guess i can break that rule to get you your card on time!
nice photo of you in the italian towel even though it was probably just an extra weight in your bag because i guess you can't really use it much!
hope you get your card in time... BAAAAAAYYYYYYYYEEEEEE! X
What happened to Tango 5?????
ReplyDeleteto samantha anderson charlie 1.
ReplyDeletei sent you a message 2nd day in but not sure you got it. wow it looks amazing and your tash beat mine. you look busy busy busy. i have to say other than the cold you are not missing alot. i found a rat on my drive was going to call it sam (joking) but called it ninja instead. hope your loving it as much as you look like you are. stay awesome and see you when you get back. xxx jason
Hui Little Brother (Sam Ummat Tango 6)
ReplyDeleteHow are you doing? Been reading through the blogs and it sounds like you have been having an immense time. I was particularly impressed by your group bring the first to leave. I don't think you have ever woken up before 8 before. Can't wait to hear about it all properly.
Things here are going fine, medical school is as hardcore as it has ever been and training is going well. Have the Wokingham Half this weekend.
Keep having a great time, I know you will enjoy it. Wish I was doing it again. Speak to you soon.
Love Ben
To Samantha Anderson Charlie one
ReplyDeleteSeen the latest blog over at Ron and Tinas.
Hope the smell is not lingering on you.(Poor Cows).
Uncle T T & J send their love. Love you lots.
Nan & Grandad.
Sarah Churlish (Tango 6) - Still following the blog with great interest. It looks absolutely amazing and more so each day, I think any doubts we had about you going have been answered, this is something that will stay with you for life. Its great to see your photos, its only been two weeks I know but missing you loads. Weather here still minging so we won't have a sun tan when you get back, well I might cos I off on my travels soon. Got your message thanks, great to hear from you, keep them coming when you can. I expect you are taking loads of photos. stay chilled and continue to have a great time. Loads of love D xxxxxx.
ReplyDeleteTo Jessica Gibbons (tango 6)
ReplyDeleteHi Jess, How are you doing. Hope you are enjoying yourself and working hard. I am at mums at the mo as carl is doing a race in sidcup on sunday. Got some good news. My boss quit and got a new one (yay) He is really nice. Had my works ball last week in Manchester. Was really nice and So what have you been up to. Have you made good friends yet. Message back when you can.
Love Andrea
Jessica Gibbons tango 6
ReplyDeleteHello Jessica its Dad. Just getting to grips with technology via andrea's typing. Hope you are having a lovely time. Simmy is really missing you as we all are. Are you keeping a diary and how is the Far Pavillions going. Weather here has been raining but it is warmer. (very
Love Dad
Ameze (T6)
ReplyDeleteAM-EASY!!!!! How are you doing my love?!?!? Georgie told me to check out this website and it looks like you are having an amazing time. Saw the good news of 7 days and no dehli-belly (YAY!). Make sure you take loads of pictures and absorb all of these experiences.
Flew back to London for a couple of days for an interview and went to Mitz's valentines date auction. Funnny should have been there man!
Anyway...hope you are having the bestest time ever and cant wait to see you when you get back. (you are going to be so super skinny!)
To Clare Evans, Charlie 1
ReplyDeleteOnly just worked out what group you're in! Read the blog and seen what you're up to. Looks fantastic. Have you seen any wildlife (Alice says)? Animals here are lovely but Mollie's been naughty - ripped the pond liner, so I'm going to have to rebuild the pond from scratch. Alice has scooped Molly up and given her a big kiss from you (any excuse - even though she's extremely wet!) Have a fantastic time. Lots of love, Mum. xx
wow this is a fine organization, I'm following Daan (Charlie-2). Looks happy and strong all the photo's. big kiss for every young person with a mission, xx Nicole
ReplyDeleteHi Phil Kay(tango 5 or 6 possibly!)
ReplyDeleteHow's it going? Pics on web look great. Need to know what you're up to. heck your email, have sent message about changing ticket.Hoping to see you 16th/17th in london for marathon. Your sister will be dressed as a flamingo, we'll all be there, hope you will be too. Safe journey home whenever it is!!
Lots of love, Mum xxxx