On Thursday morning Carolyn, Anna, Doug and myself (Christina) headed to Uluvadu to visit Charlie One. The mood in the village was brilliant, the group are all very close and welcomed us with open arms, eager to show us the houses they have been building and introduce the local families they have been living beside. It was Katie's 19th Birthday so we were lucky enough to celebrate with them and the locals with some drum and flute music (provided by the locals) and dancing (led mainly by all the girls!)
Katie & Amy |
The birthday girl |
Venturer Kim has written a description of their time so far.
Guest Blog – Kim Delamare – Charlie 1
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Kim with a few of the locals |
Charlie 1.2 arrived in Uluvadu armed with safety hats, goggles and gloves. Our challenge on this part of the phase is to complete the brickwork, roofing and hardcore flooring of five tribal houses. The village is tiered due to its position in this densely green Nilgiri Hills. The steep inclines and regular showers provide us with a daily challenge. The slippery dance the team has developed to move around the site is proof of Darwinian evolution at its finest.
The climate has however left us with some memorable moments. Amy slipping in the infamous long drop *(don’t worry - just up to thigh level!)* and showering in the rain with the locals are just a small insight into the daily episodes we have come to love.
The villagers are of Tribal decent. Their fun loving and quietly accepting nature has made us feel part of Uluvadu. Cricket has become a regular street activity, smiling eager faces await the boys as they appear with a cricket bat. Celebrations in the evening are a cultural exchange of musical instruments, songs and games. This interaction with the residents of Uluvadu makes the hard work more than worthwhile.
A trip to CTRD headquarters helped us to understand the importance of our work. A truly amazing charity, run by equally inspirational people. Their efforts to support and integrate tribal communities have helped not only their living conditions but health, sanitation and education. Our contribution is the first stepping stone to making Uluvadu a self sufficient and developing model village. Our hard work in moving two elephants worth of concrete blocks, three elephants worth of sand and four elephants worth of rock up through our village to the five plot sites, and seeing the houses grow over our time here is really quite moving; especially when they stand next to their current mud brick houses.
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Caroline, Kavita & Hubertus having a quick rest |
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Kim, Anniek and Katie |
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Completing the 2nd roof |
The heart-warming moment of seeing the three-thousand roof tiles that had made their way up a Raleigh chain, become actual waterproof ceilings for the people and their happy faces, was so inspiring. Again, the contrast from their current tarp/banana leaf roofs was stark.
We have been truly spoilt here in Uluvadu. The experiences we have gained, the astounding scenery and our spectacular chef Rama, who makes basic Indian food taste like the best Indian food, have all contributed to our community phase. Katie and Robbie’s birthdays were celebrated in style with sugary treats and cake.
Our visitors from Raleigh field base have given us an excuse to show off our village and work making us realise how far we have come from our rainy arrival all those weeks ago. Uluvadu is a special place with special people. It gives us great pleasure to have worked on this project and to connect with a community that has excepted our presence with no fuss.
Phase three are in for a treat!
Phase 2's Charlie One |
The newly completed roof became useful pretty quickly... |
Messages from Charlie 1:
From: Amy Gannon
To: Family and Friends
Hi everyone,
Thank you for your messages! Hearing my name sung to the A-Team tune was brilliant. Glad you’re well. I’m just ending 3 weeks in a tiny tribal village of 25ish people, building houses and carrying bricks and sand up lots of slippery hills! The surroundings are amazing and I am happy. Looking forward to TREKKING next for THREE WEEKS!
Love to you all xxx
From: Kim Delamare
To: Home
Sean! Wow that went fast, happy anniversary-ish too!
Daddy and Mummy, I love you and miss you. Love to the family!
Izzy, Steph, Harry, Thank you!
Love always, Kim xx
From: Kavita Shah
To: Mum, Dad, Deep
Hey all!
I am in a tribal village in the Nigiri Hills at the moment building houses would you believe it! The drive here was like our drive to Mussori when we went last time – round and round and round and up! We are very high up! I am having a good time – going to a tea plantation tomorrow. Hope all is well, miss you! Pass my regards to everyone. Lots of love, Kavita xxx
From: Caroline
To: Andrea
BON JOVI!!! GET IN!! So excited about it. Hope you are well and in the festive spirit. Feels a bit strange here that I havent heard any Christmas songs. Love you loads, Caroline xxx
From: Caroline
To: Ben
Hey Sweetheart, hope all is well out there. I’m counting down the day to your R+R.
I love you.
Caroline xxx
From: Anniek Akerboom
To: Thuis
lieve familie, fyn om te horen dat jullie nog aan me denken ;) ik heb een geweldige tyd hier in Uluvadu. Nooit gedacht dat ik een huis kou bouwen. Hopelyk komen er snel meer foto's op de blog. over een paar dagen zyn we weer in mysore dus dan kan ik weer emailen.
maarten, zou jy myn kamernet emails kunnen verwyderen? nog maar 4 weken in India, dus jullie hoeven my niet zo lang meer te missen en ik jullie. maar het is een super ervaring hier.
dikke kussen. hou van jullie!!!
To: Nick
From: Eira
Hey Nick, Thanks for a blog message – lovely surprise! The houses are going well, all walls complete and we have two roofs on!!! Speak to you in a few days – love Eira xxx
To: Danielle Frattinger
From : David
Hey Tootsie girl, its fantastic to hear about your volleyball and a little bit of publicity never hurt anyone. I am well and will get a phone call this coming Tuesday.
Food aka the enemy is fine, although shockingly i have pretty well become a forced vegetarian with chicken 3 times and tuna from a can 5 times in the whole six weeks.. on that note yes i have lost weight and have been eating all I can to ensure i don’t lose anymore, but it’s been fantastic and the stories with plenty of photos will abound. Good luck with your endeavours till I return home. David
All Photos by Christina Ambrose
Happy Birthday Robbie!
ReplyDeleteGood to hear from Charlie 1 - we thought you were "under cover"!
Lots of cards / messages / gifts here at home which arrived too late to forward. All well here. Looks like you're having a great time - keep it up.
Dad, Mum, Bill, Jamie, Lucy..
To: Katie
ReplyDeleteFrom: Mum and Dad
Hope you had a great birthday. Looks a bit different to your normal birthday celebrations!
Are you planning on using your new house building skills when you return?
Things here fine but weather getting quite wintery.
lots of love
Mum and Dad
to Kim Delamare:
ReplyDeleteAhhh Kimmi! its so nice to see photos of you! (looking great btw ;) hehe!) i am seriously missing you tons and cannot wait to see you my love! hope you are well!
love you lots,
your doting wife,
Harriet xxxx
To: Robbie Dwyer
ReplyDeleteGroup: Charlie 1
From: William Dwyer
Alrite robbie!!
Happy Birthday!!
hope you've had a really top day,
looks like your having a great time out there.
really jealous, would love to come out and say hello..and mayb catch up over a cup of chai and talk about the strange humps on the cows!
just checked your facebook and you've got a load of comments from people wishing you hb! lots of people looking forward to seeing you when you get home!
i counted 98 'x' (as in bye xx) on your wall today from different people, 7 of which from holly...none from mr hayday, although he did leave a message!! haha craig sounds like he's got something cool planed for you!!
lucy dwyer was sad you wasn't around today, she had an awfully long face!
don't forget to say namaste to everyone you meet!
take it easy, speak soon
To Caroline, Charlie One.
ReplyDeleteFrom Ben
Thanks for your message. You look great and I miss you. The birthday shamrock's growing but I don't think there'll be enough to go round the Battalion on Paddy's Day. Keep doing your amazing thing there, and I look forward to speaking to you on changeover.
Be safe. I love you too. Benjie
To:Kimberley Delamare; Charlie One
ReplyDeleteHi Kimberley, Just read your blog - looks and sounds like lots of hard work you are all doing - but what a great result! It must be a great feeling. Keep safe and keep having fun. All OK here, lots of love from all of us - missing you, Dad xx.
David - charlie one
ReplyDeleteHey dear boy. I am glad to hear you are having a good time and the pictures seem to show that you are as well. We miss you very much (especially after a blizzard and with dad gone as well ... haha). Keep well and have a great trek. I am anxious to hear which one you get to go on.
Love, Mom
Aan Anniek Akerboom
ReplyDeleteCharlie one
Lieve Anniek,
Wij leven erg met jou mee. We vinden het fijn dat je het goed naar je zin hebt.
Veel liefs van opa en oma Akerboom
Aan Anniek Akerboom - charlie one
ReplyDeleteHoi zusje,
Leuk dat je nu kan metselen! Of heb je dat nou net niet gedaan?! We hebben heel lang niks van je gehoord, 2,5 week helemaal niks!!! Daarom dan ook extra leuk om wat te lezen en een foto van je te zien die ook echt vergroot kan worden :) Je haar zit erg mooi. Golvend. Deze keer ook een leuke groep?
Hier alles oke. Donnie is nog wel 2 weken geleden aangereden :( maar heeft het overleefd... (net aan?) Had een manke poot, geschaafde kin en nagels, dikke slokdarm en een longcontusie (schudding). Zijn longen waren het ergst. Nu gaat het beter, maar nog steeds lusteloos en eet/drinkt slecht....
Verder niet veel nieuws geloof ik.
Veel plezier verder zussie.
kus Leonie
Happy Birthday for yesterday Robbie! Stupid university internet wasn't working as per usual!
ReplyDeleteI presume you'll be getting in contact sometime this week, so i'm going to be waiting constantly!
Bills right in thinking you've got some amazing presents lined up from moi!
I only just realised today that you're going to come back massively tanned and beautiful, which will no doubt show me up even more over our christmas antics... (which are sure to be numerous)
I can't wait to try some of this tea you've got. you better not use it all before you get back!
You're missing the new season of armstrong and miller as well you total remtard!
Anyway! basically missing you a bunch, come back as soon as possible, can't wait for the stories! (and the tea)..
Happy birthday again! Have a great time! x
To Caroline, Charlie One
ReplyDeleteHi Caroline, you look and sound like you're having an amazing time! Utmost respect for all you're achieving. Enjoy every moment - which I'm sure you will!! Take care, Jo G x
Kim - charlie one.
ReplyDeleteKim!!! Only just figured out how to write a comment - seems like scrolling down was the answer!
It looks and sounds like your having an amazing time, so excited to hear all your stories. Building houses wow - does that mean you can build me a wooden house when your back??!
Miss you soooo much. Take care love, have an awesome time. Much love from the land of Kernow! xxxx
To Caroline Millar, India Charlie 1 - From Louise Olverson Costa Rica.
ReplyDeleteHey you! HOpe you're well. Sounds like you're having an awesome time in India and the pics look great. How many houses are you building and are you doing the same Community project for all phases? I'm sure it will be really emotional at the inauguration. THings are great here. I went on the turtle project in Phase 1 (Environment), just back from the new C Rica trek in PHase 2 and am heading out to Nicaragua for a community project for Phase 3. I'm really pleased to get each project that I asked for and I'm looking forward to seeing Nicaragua!!
I'm off to Columbia to meet my friend and housemate for Christmas and NY. Back in the UK around 12th Jan. Def want to meet up with you to hear all about your adventure and share our experiences!! Keep on having an amazing time you!!
Lou xx
hhhii uncle Liam, charlie One
ReplyDeleteI would like to see some elephants do you have any pictures?
it is verry snowy here, will you be home soon to see it?
lots of love,
damien( and Dumbo helped pressing the buttons too!)
Liam, charlie one
ReplyDeletepromise that your advent calendar has been purchased as promised, however the snow is impeding its journey to india at the minute, since i can't get out to the post office. Promise it will be on its way as soon as possible, along with a masterpiece by damien with lots of elephants and trees and grass! i'm sure it will be more fun if you get to open all the dooors at once anyway.
Thought I had lost Sarah yesterday couldn't find her anywhere, as it turns out she has learned nhow to crawl upstairs and was on her way into Damo's room when i found her! Hopefully i'll have a better handle on her by the time you get home.
Take care,