The spectacular Irupu Falls marks the beginning |
Just six days ago I deployed with Tango Six on the brand new Demon Trek, so named not for its nastiness but rather for the local name given to one of the several peaks the group will summit over the 18 day phase.
And they are away
The Demon adventure circumnavigates the region of Wayanad in the north of Kerala. Known for spices and its incredible scenery, Wayanad is a well kept secret of this popular tourist state. In fact, Muddy Boots, Raleigh’s project partner, are one of the first adventure companies to begin working in the area and as such we are visiting places few have seen before.
Sam lends Jen a helping hand
After an incredibly intense packing session where Tango 6 were tasked with packing 3 weeks’ worth of pasta, noodles, porridge and peanut crunch, we headed out in the early hours of Sunday morning. First stop was the Kuruva Islands, a 900acre collection of some 64 islands in the Kabini where we practised our river crossing skills no less than 7 times. A delicious Keralan lunch served on banana leaves and we were on our way to camp before heading up over the Western Ghats.
The Western Ghats in all their glory |
The first day was tough, our packs were at their heaviest, our bodies at their least experienced, it is to the credit of the team that we made it to the top of Brahmagiri hill, a peak of 2100m. Monday was also our first taste of leeches, an animal which despite having 32 brains failed to win the admiration or respect of Tango 6. The very fashionable leech socks did however provide protection and we continued on undettered, crossing over the grasslands and ridges before dropping down through the forest to Kerela.
Regu takes a time to enjoy the view |
No view but still happy to have conquered Brahmagiri |
An early morning wake up call for birthday boy Kane was followed by a Hindu blessing at the 1500 year old Thirunelly Temple, before we began winding our way through the stunning paddy fields and coffee and banana plantations. Lunch by the river followed by a steep uphill brought us to our campsite and our birthday celebrations began around the campfire.
Birthday boy Kane - an 18th celebration he is unlikely to forget |
Post lunch siesta |
Ian receives a blessing from our Muddy Boots guide (hero) Ram Paddy fields are plentiful in India - second biggest exporter of rice.....fact!
Camping amongst the coffee |
Preparing to carb up - Anna, Reg, Liv, Sarah and Dr Phil |
And then came the cycling, and wow what an amazing experience. Begining in the paddy fields, we continued on through the most stunning forest, the tough uphill rewarded by some incredible down hills leaving everyone on a high. A taste of Indian townships an incredibly spicy lunch and we finished our final section deep in the heart of tea country. Amazing!
Practically the Tour de France
Anniek, Katie & Phil
Jen in the jungle
Mikheil shows his skills on the corners
Sarah, Liv and Phil
I may be gushing, but I am still bouncing after my mini adventure. I have lived in India for over a year now, and yet the beauty of this country never fails to take my breath away. Equally, I have worked with countless Raleigh groups and the determination, team work and sense of achievement displayed by each and every person never fails to inspire me.
Full credit to project managers Olly, Phil and Rachel who are doing an excellent job in supporting what is a remarkable group of venturers from four different countries. Tango Six supporters you should be very proud of your people, they are doing brilliantly!
Katie enjoys a well deserved local lunch |
Olly - mountain leader and allround great guy |
A massive thank you to Polly who was not only a brilliant member of the trek but also took over 2000 stunning photos.
Anna - Guest Blogger
All photos by Polly Baldwin http://www.dynamicpictures.co.uk/ (unless stated otherwise).
ReplyDeletehi kane nice to see you are famous at last!!! lol so good to see pics of you celebrating your birthday you must be really enjoying enjoying yourself it all looks truly amazing and we are all really proud of youx kitty is being baptised on sunday and father chris is letting grandad stand in for you as you are in india so you can still be her godfather and your name will still be on her certificate. good luck with the rest of your trek. can i spot you growing a beard?lol love always mum,lauren,logan,kittyxxx
ReplyDeleteSarah Ward: TANGO 6
ReplyDeleteHey Sarah, looks like your group deployment will give you maximal use of your gaitors yes? So glad! And nice to read that they're useful in the fight against the leech army. Also, camping amongst coffee plantations!? Jealous! I'm going to start buying coffee from Kerala so I can say my friend may have slept on the beans. Leeds is getting COLD. The winter coat theme this year seems to be large and furry ( I've bagged myself something yeti-esque) I'm missing you quite a bit, and 2nd-year ThunderMafia dinners at Wrangthorne. Lots of love and cheeriness! Greensmith
Katharine Studley - Tango 5
ReplyDeleteHi Love,
Hope the trek is going well and you are not too footsore. We are all missing you lots and thinking of you every minute of the day. Your Mum has posted a letter to you, but not sure how long it will take to reach you. Great to see the pictures of you on the website. Looks like you are having a wonderful time. Seeing your smile warms our hearts no end. Have read the blog about Tango 6's trek, so we're hoping to read about your's soon.
Lots and lots of love and take care,
Mum, Dad, Michael and W&H xxxxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteHi kane you will be pleased to hear all went well on sun(kittys baptism) no tears at the font.matthew arrived and managed to make it as kittys godfather aswell which was nice and you are now officially a godfather.lol building works are about to start here this week so you are in the right place as its scheduled for 4 weeks : ( everytime we go to chuch logan lights a candle for you to keep you safe you are gathering quite a following up there and people are really intreagued with how you are getting on and what you are doing you will def have to go to mass when you get back and show them your picsx miss you lots hope you are safe and well love always mum, lauren,mat,kitty,loganxxx
for IAIN HOOD tango 6 Great to see pictures of you looks extreme ! Hope you are enjoying the challenge. We are really missing you at home well I am anyway have written letters dont know when they likely to arrive lots of love mum x x x x
ReplyDeleteHi Sam and the rest of Tango 6. It looks like you are having a brilliant time - I am very envious! Just to let you know, it is raining and miserable here at the moment. Good luck with the rest of your trek. Famille Mason
ReplyDeleteHallo Anniek.p...,
ReplyDeleteHet is inmiddels al weer even geleden dat jullie op de piek van de Brahmagiri zaten... natte boel - maar toch een fijn gevoel... ;-). Het fietsen ging je goed af... maar goed, zelfs met een éénwieler was het jou nog gelukt :).. We zijn erg benieuwd hoe je het allemaal beleefd. We hopen het gauw te horen, hoewel het blog best beperkt is... We missen je elke dag, maar vinden het geweldig wanneer jij je goed vermaakt !!
XXX Paps en Mams (PS na 14 oktober...nu weer bijna 1 november...!)
Joanna aka Mum,
ReplyDeleteto tango 6 Jennifer Rimmer
jenn im so impressed ive just seen youre picture on the trek you did it. looks fab were all jelous here
miss you so much india looks beautiful ive told everyone about the chicken and what you had to do especially with a blunt knife, well kaths flying to barli tommorrow saw her today i think shes more nervous than you were and shes staying in a 5 star hotel, well its trick or treat tonight for the kids so the little darlings dont really look that scary, but i do havent had a chance to do my hair...
hey jen, its danielle just thought id let you now the sock with the boots are très chic and the place ant to shabby, what a lucy girl you are but the chicken thing jen is well bad not sure i can every go their :s hope your getting are mail lots of love Xxx
Hi Rachel - Tango 6
ReplyDeleteHope your challenge continues to go well. i havent heard any recent news but dare say you're all working hard and having the time of your lives! (bites and all!)Look forward to some news, Autumn is really here with abundance, rain, winds and dark nights. the clocks went back last night.
wishing you well, have great time, stay safe with loads love Mum x
Lieve Anniek - Tango 6
ReplyDeleteik ontvang net je kaart!! super leuk ben er echt heel erg blij mee, dat ie uberhaupt is aangekomen ;) Ik ben net weer terug in Oxford na een heerlijk weekje thuis, beetje jammer natuurlijk dat jij niet in Teteringen was en het daarom onwijs doods was in ons dorp :) de super de boer is ook niet alles zonder jou daar haha oja en ik zag lucas nog vakkenvullen hihi en ik zag sjanneke fietsen naar de stad met haar sdb-zoon.
Ik heb al je blogs gelezen, en ben echt zo benieuwd naar je verhalen en alles wat je meemaakt!! Want hier staat natuurlijk laaaang niet alles in. Ik stalk je met mailtjes, sommige iets boeiender dan andere maar hopelijk kan je ze snel lezen!
SCHAT ik hoop dat je het super erg naar je zin hebt en dat de mensen leuk zijn ;) en ik zal niets zeggen hier haha
ik mis je en ik hou van je! hele dikke kus Maud
Lieve Anniek - tango 6
ReplyDeleteik heb net een heel verhaal geschreven maar door iets staat mijn comment er niet bij!! nog maar eentje dan, deze word nog langer haha. ik kreeg net je kaart!!! op 1 november haha, HEEL leuk!! thanks a lot. ik ben net weer terug in Oxford, na een heeerlijk weekje thuis in ons o zo dode dorp. De super de boer was echt niets zonder jou achter de kassa! ik zag lucas nog vakkenvullen en ik fietste achter sjanneke en haar sdb zoon naar de stad. dat is zo'n beetje wat ik heb meegemaakt haha;) de rest vertel ik je nog wel in een EMAIL, waarmee ik je trouwens echt stalk hopelijk kan je ze snel lezen want anders ben je wel eventjes bezig op 19 december! haha
schatje, ik hoop dat je heel veel vette dingen meemaakt en dat het allemaal niet te zwaar is?! Dat de mensen leuk zijn, ik zal hier niets zeggen haha..
Heel veel plezier nog en zet 'm oppppppp je ziet er stoer uit op de fietsfoto!! ;)
ik mis je en ik hou van je. MAUD
To Olly the mountain leader, you are a star! We're in Winchfield comfort amid winter snow and you're in another world, giving and accepting challenges beyond belief. Miss you loads but kbo and enjoy everything. Love Mumra et al xxx