Susan and Anna headed to Echo Three yesterday and this morning myself, Polly B and Doug are setting off to join them there for the day, before Polly B and Doug move onto Echo Four this evening.
Armed with blog messages and the tuck shop The Loop we will hopefully be a welcome sight. We're are all looking forward to getting stuck into some trench digging.
Check back on Monday to hear all about our visits.
All text by Polly Carpenter and photos by Polly Baldwin (unless stated otherwise).
Shanelle Ward ~ Echo 3
ReplyDeleteMy Darling Nelle
Thank you for your newsy letter. It was so wonderful to hear from you, you have no idea.
Things are not going well here but there's nothing you can do about it, so please make the most of your time in India. I was so hoping to see a picture of you. I scan the blogs every day, just in case LOL
I have so much to tell you. Don't ever forget how much I love you. Take care darling. I look forward to your phone call. :)
Mum and Jazz
Jack Phillips,Echo4.
ReplyDeleteHi Jack,we've just received your letter it was lovely to hear from you,sounds like your having a really interesting time. We keep checking your blog and love reading it. Hope the trench digging is going well,and it's not too hot.
Dad's sorted out the email you needed sending and that's all done now. Looking forward to more news on your adventure. Have fun. Love Mom & Dad
To Erdinch Yigitce (Tango 5)
ReplyDeletewe all send our love to you, we'e seen your pictures and Hassan Abi says " capuk gel Erdinc" is seni bekler Hassandan.....hes got a job lined up for you!!! hes seen the groups building houses (well done) we proud of you, see you soon
love from Hassan abi and Havva Abla and Ozum
ReplyDeletehi kane hope all is going well with your trek. havnt heard anything on the blog for a while so its difficult to know what your doing or how you are. all is well here kitchen is underway so its a bit caotic . i hope the weather is good there its pretty cold here.everyone says hi and hopes you are well.the walk to tesco wont seem so much of a mission to you when you get missing you always thinking of youx love always mum,matt,lauren,logan,kittyxxx
message for Simon Majtlis at echo 3:
ReplyDeleteHa siem, gaaf om de foto's van jullie werkzaamheden te zien,lijkt me zware klus in de hitte.Heb je ook al olifanten gezien, of zijn die niet in de buurt? hoop dat jullie ook een fijn weekend hebben ( ff niet diggen misschien) xxx Daan
From Laura O'R
ReplyDeleteto Christina Ambrose in Echo 3
Hey!! Long time no speak, I've been in the middle of writting you a letter for a while with little success, hence the new technology. How are you?? How is the environmental phase going? you having fun? You haven't missed much at home, everything is the same (with bad weather). Can't wait to see you, I miss you. Have the best time out there and let me know how you are getting on. XXXXXXXXX
Message for Laura Hulley -Echo 4
ReplyDeleteGreat to hear from you!! got yr letter on thurs 28th. Sounds like yr having a fab and interesting time. Dont forget to keep yr diary!! All well and ok here. Stay safe and well. I am missing you, i know its sad lol love Mum xxx