Welcome to the official blog for Raleigh India 12I | July - August 2012

Welcome to the Official Blog for Raleigh India 12J September - December 2012.

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Slide Show by Sam Mellish


  1. Ha Guus-Willem,
    Ik weet nog niet goed of je alle nieuwe berichten ziet ook al heb ik ze in een oudere blog (anti poaching camp opening) geschreven. de laatste schreef ik onder de nieuwe foto's die ik zag, hoewel ik jouw er niet bij heb gezien, maar toch, je zult het wel krijgen, hoop ik.
    Dus nu heb ik niet veel te zeggen.
    daag, veel liefs mamma

  2. Great song to start the slide show! Hi Em, PJ here, talking of good vibes, went to the Kraftwerk gig at Auckland Town Hall last night - simply amazing how 4 guys standing more or less motionless dressed in black in front of keyboards and laptops can generate this aura. Behind them was a huge cinema style backdrop that displayed cool computer graphics and / or film relating to the track. Pocket Calculator (I'm The Operator with my Pocket Calculator!!) and Radioactivity were the stand out tracks. For the encore, when the curtain came up there were 4 robots behind the keyboards moving in time to..."We Are The Robtots".. Then they came back on in different suits, in black but with fluorescent yellow webbing (sort of like Spiderman)which was stunning and the packed audience went mad. Stunning stuff.

    Ryan Adams is playing Auckland again in Feb at the Powerstation when you will be in Europe

  3. Way to go Sam! Fantastic slide show gives a real insight to all your experiences there, thankyou !
    Dont think our Richard will ever forget that chicken though ha ha and music choice was great except I was smiling at ' I will Survive' I know it was the song on the trek but some of us oldies mum and dads used to dance the night away to that one ! Well done have fun Lynne

  4. Hoi lieve Arend,

    Ik heb net naar de slides gekeken, en ik vond het heerlijk je te zien! Een paar hele leuke foto's waar je op staat, en die me doen vermoeden dat je het heel erg naar je zin hebt..
    In Nederland heeft het inmiddels zelfs gesneeuwd. Ik hoop dat je je amuseert in de jungle. Een heleboel kusjes van papa en mama.


  5. To Sam the Snapper, Fantastic slide show Sam, and even 1 shot with you in! Glad to here you're all safe out there and would be great to talk soon. Your parcel has arrived, many thanks will open it on Christmas Day. Loved the wrapping. Check your emails. Lots of love Mum & Dad xx

  6. Sam the Snapper,

    Fantastic shots, even one with you in! Glad to hear you are all safe & well. Your parcel has arrived, will save it for Christmas Day, many thanks. Check your emails, hope to speak soon. Lots of love Mum & Dad xx
