After a fantastic change over with softball, a fashion show and a masked ball the phase 3 Alpha Groups deployed to their new and final projects.
As the venturers all knew which project they were being allocated to - they had to hunt for their project manager team who were hiding around Field Base.
The 3 Alpha groups have now deployed and settled into their new project sites. As of the Comms Checks this morning, alpha groups are all safe and sound and getting to know their new surroundings. Alpha One have kicked into action in the community to begin building their eco-sanitation units, Alpha Two are moving into the staff quarters in National Park - this time building an Anti Poaching Camp in one Phase and Alpha Three are in Kerala getting ready for their first trekking day, accompanied by a little rain!!!
Alpha One - Community Project: PM Team - Ros Hook, Jo Harding and Nikki Curry. Venturer's - Andrew Taylor, Emma Jameson, Jagadessan, Jayesh, Joanna Hough, Karl Pinch, Manjula, Phillipa East, Thurairaj and William Coulson.
Alpha Two Environmental Project: PM Team - Dr Zoe Brummell, Ivan Phillips, Hamish Shepherd. Venturer's - Arend Van Haaften, Guus Kruseman, Jayshree Jadav, Jennifer Rosam, Krishnaveni, Murali, Richard Rankin, Rober Lee and Sivakumar.
Alpha Three - Kurangani Trek: PM Team - Julia Mitchell, Zoe Challenor, Robin Cashmore, Antje Haut. Venturer's - Alexander Gregory, Amanda Cormie, Amile Felton, Ayesha, Cara Meehan,
Caroline Hewitt, Gary Hutton, Jamie Fitzroy, Kahar, Sam Thorne and Sulfee.

Good Bye to our four explorers Lucy, Tom, Jade and Charlie.
Change Over Pictures: