The group have been working well alongside the families and masons and also getting in some fun times with the children playing games.
The group have been kept entertained on the work sites with Bollywood song performances from Kahar, Sulfee and the masons.
The group have made rapid progress on the work sites and are confident that they’ll complete their target of 15 Eco-Sanitation units by the end of phase 1.
In the words of Alpha 1:
The group have made rapid progress on the work sites and are confident that they’ll complete their target of 15 Eco-Sanitation units by the end of phase 1.
In the words of Alpha 1:
‘It is fantastic to see that we can make such a positive lasting impact and that these units will drastically improve the health of the villagers while also potentially enhancing the crop yield from the compost produced.”
Messages to Home:
miss everyone back home. Want to wish Charlie and Jane Happy Birthday.”
Sam: "Love you all!"
Thomas: "URGENT! Am on the wrong expedition, Spanish phrase book so far ineffective. Please send Rupees, Pesos not accepted. Hope people are getting my letters, if you don’t write back I might just stay!”
Sam: "Love you all!"
Thomas: "URGENT! Am on the wrong expedition, Spanish phrase book so far ineffective. Please send Rupees, Pesos not accepted. Hope people are getting my letters, if you don’t write back I might just stay!”
Hi Sam, Christine here (Katie's mum)
ReplyDeleteIt's great to see you and your team Alpha 1 are making such a difference to the villagers of Kebedura. The way of life for them is very diff to ours. Hope you are enjoying yourself, even though it must be very exhausting some days. I look forward to seeing more about your trip over the next weeks x ps Maragret and Michael send their love to you. x
Hey sam nice to see ur lil message!
ReplyDeleteGood to see your ok, and enjoying it!! You really are making a difference out there! Love and miss u! katie xxxxxxxxx
Hi Alex, hope all is going well. We look forward to hearing all your new and how you are getting on.
ReplyDeleteLots of love Nicky
Hello Jennifer.
ReplyDeleteIt's good to see you getting stuck into the toilets - hard graft at last!
Sunbathing opportunities appear to be rather limited judging by the photos and forecast - never mind, as David would say, "chin up".
Hope your mattress hasn't deflated yet!
Missing you lots (but not the mess).
Love Mum and Dad
Hi Amanda,
ReplyDeleteGood to hear that you're enjoying yourself. Keep using the sun lotions! I'll let CJ have a look at the blog site tomorrow and she'll be chuffed to see you've left a birthday message for her. Keep up the good work and have fun!
Love you lots
Hiya Alex, hope you are having an amazing time. Dying to get a letter from you. Dont forget it is biscuits birthday friday 24th Oct. love ya
ReplyDeleteHI sam
ReplyDeleteme again lol
Just to let you know i got your letter! :) made me smile
Speak soon!
love u
katie xxxxx
hey jade!! Hope im doing this right...got your letter today was so lovely hearing from you!! Missing you so much! glad your having a good time and everythings going well! cant wait to see the pictures and hear all about it...cant handle not speaking to you!! love you xxxx
ReplyDeleteHmmm, Thomas, we realized that you must have gone to the wrong gate at LHR when you mentioned curry 3 times a day in your letter...wot, no burritos?! If you can change your pesos to rupees make sure you get a decent exchange rate! Make sure you memorize some Bollywood numbers to keep us amused when you get back!!! Lots of love Mum.
ReplyDeleteHi Richard
ReplyDeleteJust checking in to see how you are, you must be off on your trek nice to see others are keeping up with your adventures, letters in the post even one from Sarah !!take care son
love Mum & Mark
Hi alex dont forget it is biscuits birthday friday 24th send her a message if you can
Hi Sam, I hope you are ok and having fun. It's amazing to see what you're all doing out there, i love reading about everything you've been up to and seeing the pictures. I miss you so much x
ReplyDeletelove you lots
much love
becca xxxx
ReplyDeleteHave seen you are on the wrong currency! Hope you are digging deep bogs, and don't fall down the 'ole! Will there be a charge for Hole usage?
Best wishes
Hoi Arend,
ReplyDeleteZo te zien doen jullie daar goed werk! Ik hoop zeer dat je het naar je zin hebt. Ondertussen zijn we hier volop bezig met Californië. Nog gefeliciteerd met je TOEFL-test: een erg hoge score! Het is hier erg leeg zonder jou; we missen je.
Liefs, Ton
Hi Alex
ReplyDeleteNext time the camera sees you please smile so we know you are having a good time! Friday night is not the same without you. Miss you lots Gran and Gramps
Hi Amanda
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear you are ok and having fun. I'm enjoying reading the blogs and seeing pictures. Hope you're putting on lots of sunscreen!!
Lots of love dad
Heee Aaaarend!
ReplyDeleteRemmert is hier - overmorgen jarig,zoals je weet - en doet je de groeten. We gaan morgen uit eten for his birthday, jammer dat je niet mee kunt! Goed opletten tijdens het maken van de wc's, dan kun je het zo meteen thuis ook.
Smeer je je goed in? Laat eens wat van je horen, mormeltje!!!
it is a worldwide set up. you look marvellous we had a good time yesterday and enjoyed laving the pictures the sun is shining t t f n xxx i love you Granny
ReplyDeleteHi Zoe ttfn= tata for now!
Hello Jennifer,
ReplyDeleteSo pleased to see the pictures of you, you look as if you are having a great time. Holly is helping me to do this. They all send their love. Keep up the good work! Thinking of you.
Love Grandma
Dear Thomas
ReplyDeletethanks for you comments. Arsenal 2:0 vs Westham, also beat Fenabache. Mummy and Helena safely in Seattle, but your car's battery compltely flat. Charlie in Ringshall - very happy to be there. I am in Newbury and D'dorf all week.
Lots of love we all miss you, but you are doing good work. New Pesos on their way - hope they work better.
Hi Zoe B
ReplyDeleteYou look very relaxed in the pictures your mum showed to Granny last weekend. We showed Granny the website and she typed this message
"You look marvellous we had a good time yesterday and enjoyed having the pictures the sun is shining t t f n xxx i love you Granny2
from Richard and Di
Hi Sam, It's great to see what your doing and where you are, the trek looks arduous but amazing and very wet, wet, wet! Every one sends their luv. Lots of love Mum & Dad. xx
ReplyDeleteheeey Arend!
ReplyDeleteik zie geen foto's van je, dus wat zit jij daar eigenlijk te doen? gisteren zijn wij teruggekomen uit Portugal en Femke liet haar vest op het station liggen en Floortje haar leren jasje in de trein. gelukkig vond Femke bij het zoeken van haar vest mijn zonnebril op de grond! toen we thuiskwamen had ze een surpriseparty van haar vriendinnen voor haar 16de verjaardag met rose champagne en sushi. van alle gedoe sliep ze pas om 5 uur in maar om 9 uur deed ze haar examen voor bromfietscerti en die heeft ze gehaald! dus nu mag Femke eindelijk legaal scooteren, roken en drinken. (deed ze allemaal nog niet daarvoor want ze is een heilig boontje). zet hem op daar in Raleigh! a big hug Yolanda
hi thomasss!
ReplyDeleteI didn't even think to comment here, my bad. I got letter from you today and yesterday! Thank you, they were wonderful!! Everything sounds amazing, I'm so happy for you! I didn't think you'd get my letters when you're off base so I have a stockpile that I've been puting off sending, but I'm sending them tomorrow, I'm really sorry! I love and miss you!! Hope all is well!
Sally <3
p.s. school is sorta boring, boring now, but I'll mangage. :)
Hey Julia!! Not sure if you get to see this, but I hope so! Have booked flights to India, and need to check it's all still hunk dory!?! Trying to get Visa, but proving difficult, may have to fly back to UK to apply, hope it doesn't take long? How did you get your visa? And do I need any jabs/anti malarials?!! Hope you're having an awesome time! Love jennifer xxx
ReplyDeleteHoi Arend,
ReplyDeleteWe kregen je brief vandaag. Erg lief! Wat vervelend van je matje, maar je vindt er wel wat op. Heeft niemand anders plakspul om het te lijmen?
Ja, het is ongelooflijk hoe arm de mensen daar zijn, hè? Ik keek net naar het journaal en daar werd gezegd dat de gemiddelde Nederlander zoveel consumeert dat ie eigenlijk 2 wereldbollen nodig heeft om aan zijn behoeften te voldoen.
Ik hoop dat je veel plezier hebt,en ondanks de ontberingen lekker slaapt! Over 2,5 week ben je 18!!
Intussen ben ik druk bezig met Californië. Heb je al opgegeven voor de nodige vakken.
Het gaat hier goed. Veel kusjes van mij, ik mis je erg. Voor wie moet ik nou tosti's maken met chocolademelk?? Moeska stuurt je een poot. Lieverd, hou je taai.
ReplyDeleteEdo is sending his "best friend" a picture. Hope it gets there safely... Maybe I should get him to draw & cut out some rupees for you, no-one will ever know the difference! Lots of love, Auntie Lizzie
Hi Sam
ReplyDeleteHello from very cold sunny England. Hope you are having a great time and its everything you thought it would be.See the hair is begining to grow back. Letter on its way to you.
Well love to you
From Froggie and all at No.3 xxx
Hi Thomas
ReplyDeleteJust got back from Seattle to find your second letter - fantastic to hear all your news. We have sent you two letters, so hope you have got them or will get them soon. Will write another today/tomorrow. Daddy carved a pumpkin for our return! Mormor and Grandpa sound like they may not give Charlie back! I might have to kidnap him! Hope you are taking lots of photos. We miss you so much. Lots of love, Mum.
hello there amanda janet comrie i am bored out my nipple ends :( still skint, college still hasn't gave me my bursary yet better b in soon, nothing much been happening here, passed all ma college exams so far though :) anyway am sure your having a great time miss ye loads, andy xxx
ReplyDeleteHeyyyyooo Thomas
ReplyDeletehace mucho tiempo que estabas en india, no? y solo ahora diste cuenta de que los nativos no se habla espanol. ay caramba!
Mummy y yo regresamos de Seattle hoy de la manana. Fui a bush y todos ahi dicieron hola, especialmente Jack y Truman.
Tu coche esta muerto! Cuando Mummy fue al storage para cogerlo,la bateria estaba vacio. Tuvimos que alquilar un coche por la semana.
Espero que pueden solucionarlo antes de que vuelves a Seattle.
Leemos tu carta! Es una carta muy buena. Tu trabajo parece muy interesante y parece que estas divirtiendote mucho.
let me know if you forgot how to speak spanish and need a translation ;P
lots of love, Helena
hullo hullo gary, tried to post a comment there dont know if it worked though, so i'll just send the same again was only really telling you how bad man city are playing and how nacho novo might be gettin a scotland call up, apart fae that nothing excitin, just been sharpening my samurai sword to go on a killing spree at that college lol since theyve still no sorted out my bursary, anyway take care m8, andy x
ReplyDeleteHi Jade,
ReplyDeleteReceved your letter today, sounds like your really enjoying your time their.
Everybody at this end says hi.
Nan rang me today to let me know you had sent her and grandad a letter, they were chuffed to bits , you know what nans like, she will have told most of staffordshire by now.
Will follow up on camera and Laptop.
Parcel to collect, this could be the snowboard stuff.
Love you loadz and keep up the good work dad.xxx
ps. I Will write to you this week, i will dictate to mum as you can read her hand writing.
hi jade
ReplyDeletejust read your letter its so weird not speaking to you for so long, but as i read your letter i could hear your voice, spooky eh!! we are having christmas day on 30th nov when you get back so the sunday roast will be a great one. michael knows someone with snowboarding potential no prizes for guessing who it is? missing you loads luv you loads xxx mom