Alpha Three - Chattamunnar Trek

30/3/08 - Weather is cold and cloudy. We've trekked 28 km and climbed 1300 m today. Reached the campsite in good time.

31/3/08 - Weather is overcast with rain. Trekked the 26km to Silent Valley. There are a few blisters in the group, but everyone is keeping positive. The mountain tomorrow...

1/4/08 - Weather is misty with possible rain and thunder. We trekked 17km up the second highest mountain in Southern India and reached the summit at 1200 hours. Tour of a tea factory planned for the afternoon. Morale is high. Plan for a lie-in tomorrow and then walk the 3hrs route to Lakeside where we can all enjoy a swim and a well-deserved wash!

Will, still looking happy

Project Managers Jenny and Sally enjoy a warming cup of tea
For Tessa:
ReplyDeleteHi knuf
Mam en Lisette zijn gisteravond ook hier in Kiawah aangekomen. Het is nu donderdagochtend en het onweert en regent.Lisette moet toch werken, so that is ok.
Tommie alleen in de UK, maar moet hard werken deze 5 dagen nog aan het eind van zijn project, Volgend weekend gaat hij voor 1 week naar Doonbeg met Tom en Chris, allebij uit NY. Leuk voor hem.
Kiawah is allemaal ok. Huis ziet er nog goed uit. Heb jij die foto nog gekregen die ik heb opgestuurd? Hoop dat jij het krijgt voordat je daar weggaat, kan je lekker meenemen op reis.
wij kregen net jouw brief hier! Gezellig.Zorg maar goed voor de Chelsea vlag, lekker licht en wie weet kan jij daar iemand daar heel blij mee maken straks!
Love you
x x x
bruno, ik heb aan je verzoek voldaan. Mocht je geld nodig hebben, dan kan ik een zgn. money transfer doen naar een postkantoor waar jij het geld een half uur later kunt afhalen met je paspoort. mocht dit nodig zijn, dan moet je me even bellen. ik kan dit niet op zondag doen want ik moet zelf ook naar het postkantoor. Leuke foto's!!! stoer zo in de mist... Ik hoop voor jullie dat het snel beter wordt. We houden je voor de komende zomer als bbq-pirate in het oog. Hier alles ok. tot horens, don't worry!
voor bruno
ReplyDeleteik zag nu dat ik zelfs online geld kan overmaken. In Mysore zijn verschillende banken waarheen dat kan. laat maar horen. kus mam
ReplyDeleteHi Kate,
Great photos for someone with shocking blisters, loved the flag, nice to see room for a bit of Kate stuff in pack!!!
Hope feet improve.
To Will Murray
ReplyDeleteHi darling Will
Glad to see you made the trek and you are still smiling! Looks like typical Dartmooor weather to me. We had fog yesterday (3rd April) and then the sun came out and wow! it was hot! We've got another hot day today and then snow for the weekend - ridiculous! The trek looks brilliant and with some clear sunny moments among the pictures. I bet it is a fitting end to the whole adventure. Keep up the good work miss you loads as always. By the way I presume you have checked your visa and that it is still ok for your extended trip around India? Speak to you when you get back to fieldbase. Lots of love from all here mum dad caro dada (enjoying the sunshine up at the Home!) mont and pusscats (lounging in the sun) xxxxxx
ReplyDeletehow's it all going, i hope your not too bored on environmental, and i wont be impressed if you see a tiger! its actually nice here in uk. looking forward to the wedding tomorrow, mainly to consuming alot of liquid!! its my dads b-day today, so we're going out for dinner, for guess what... curry! cant really remember what english ones taste like so i'll be able to compare. i havent got a job :0(, but i've managed to keep myself busy, i have some awesome photos! please say hello to the other aplha 3's (georgie, olivia) i miss you all so much, been watching bollywood films and listening to our song- bringing back good times. looking forward to seeing you all again, hope the rebellage is under control, tho i guess its not the same without me!lol! lots of love from your fellow f-a-duck friend thomasin x x x x x
party boys - james and laurie,
ReplyDeletehowdy, hope youve not sucumbed to the illness that community holds! hope its all going good, im just bored in good old england, i have no job and no money, so im stuck like a lemon! tho it is actually hot and sunny today! im trying not to notice my tan fade! going out for curry tonight! yum yum, havent had any indian food yet, really miss it supprisingly! not missing rice bags, tho tim kindly gave me one when he dropped me off at the airport. dont really know what to do with it but hey! i have some awesome photos, cant wait to see yours. please say hello to our orignal alpha 2's - bella and maud, miss you all loads. party girl misses her freaks! lol! hurry up and come home! lots of love from fellow party girl thomasin x x x
ReplyDeletewell done getting so far! how is it, is it as tough as you thought or better? hope the weather isnt crap - its actually sunny here today! i keep picturing what your doing each day, i soo want to be back with you! please say hello to the orignal alpha 2's - tori, kerala and will. miss you guys so much, loads of love thomasin x x x
Hi Josephine
ReplyDeleteI hope you are having a great time getting muddy!!
Did we tell you Martha has a selection week end for Sangem (India) this wek end?? Hope she gets it but it depends how many haven't had the chance to go elsewhere.
Spoke to Jo she is very excited about you staying with them soon. Charli has just had a birthday.
Tibet open again from May 1st so fingers crossed.
Love and miss you, tons of hugs and kisses mum and all XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
hi bro(aaron henshaw)
ReplyDeletehope everythink is ok out der wel everythink ere is ok bt gettin a bit nervour bout the wedding nw its only 3 weeks away an me flowers still aint sorted lol!! i went 4 me dress fitin yday an me dress fits me yipeeee hehe!! wel nt long till ya ome nw look after yaself
luv ya
love ya big sis Danielle xxxxxxx
Hi Kerala
ReplyDeleteHope those blisters have healed up by now and the boots are well and truly worn in. The weather looks amazing with all the mist and the scenery looks stunning. I hope you have had the chance to appreciate it.
Kathryn just keeps saying how impressed she is with you so you'll be able to keep her enthralled with stories.
Callum gets back from Lille today. He said the children loved him but it wasn't reciprocal. I reminded him of what he was like at 8 when there was someone new at school!
I think he's had a good week but I'll get him to write to you this weekend.
Lots of love
Mum xxx
Hi Jib
ReplyDeleteWell its really hot here so there. Oodles of snow still. Conditions as good at the end of the day as the beginning. Mum is very beetroot like as we didnt put any cream on. Mum is saying I have to say that I am also very red.
Argyle lost so all out of our misery now as probably cant get in the play offs.
Schneider is as good as ever. New Knee is good its just my hip, neck, arms and other knee that are complaining!!!
Hope you are seeing lots of elephants and digging lots of trenches and having a ball.
Love you loads
Dad and Mum
ReplyDeleteit is the last night in the Riffelalp and we have all put on 5 stone!!!! :) :) :)
carbonara especially good this year...mmmmmmm
no broken limbs or HEADS!!!!!
we have had a wonderful time but it is not the same without you :(
we will arrive home at about 7pm tomorrow. (Sunday) - mum not keen on cooking.... perhaps bengal berties will help us out. (jealous???? possibly not)
back to the bar for another sambucca.
missing you more than warm ciabatta :) and hope you are having A LOT of fun
speak soonsies
For Georgia
ReplyDeleteGreat photos of you all on the blog, looks exhausting but very beautiful, not much fun in the rain though but everyone still smiling! Love the interesting pink and orange hair! Hope the backpack isn't too big & heavy...looks as if you needed help getting out of a ditch but you're still smiling?! and how are the blisters? I'm flying home tomorrow morning for the funeral and then will stay in London. Daddy will come back here as we have friends staying but the main thing is we're getting things sorted out now. I've just been to look at a guest house near here with K Joy for the boys, its very basic but fine and there are 6 double rooms with shower & dressing area. BHT 500/day (£7/8)plus BHT 200 for a bike. Not really walking distance but no main roads to get to us, so should be fine. Can't believe its nearly your birthday, hopefully it'll turn into a big end of raleigh party too!! Big night!! Sounds as though you're still having an amazing time, it'll be sad when its over. Sending some cards now, hope they arrive on time. Longing to hear your next news update. Masses of love from us all here in sunny Thailand. All our love and love you more than my rum punch & massage Love Mummy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
For Kirsty
ReplyDeleteHi Kirsty... sorry about the lack of messages over the past week, no internet access in Courchevel but now safely returned. Had a great holiday, brilliant snow conditions for this time of year and a fair amount of blue skies & sunshine... perfect spring skiing, suchg a shame you couldn't be with us. Poppy & Lewis seemed to enjoy themselves but obviously they'd have loved to see you there too.
Sounds like you're enjoying your conservation phase? You must try to let us have some more details when you get a chance but in the meantime keep smiling!!
By the way, Jellybean passed MOT but needed new wipers and battery... so should be all ready & waiting for you when you get back.
Will send more messages his week. Keep in touch when you can. P xxx.
My dear boy
ReplyDeleteGood to see you made it to the top of the mountain; must be all that Jager-like trekking we put you through. And good to see you in centre of photo – I assume you’re being held up either side?
News-wise – be grateful you’re not coming back through the new Terminal 5 – which has turned out to be a terminal disaster for BA. Thousands of bags piled high. Now going on lorries to Italy to be sorted. Go figures as Taki would say. Nick Clegg in GQ interview infers he’s has some 30 lovers. Presumably to better Blairs ‘five times a night’ claim years back. Tragic middle age crisis stuff? Zimbabwe elections seem to have tipped toward MDC party and not Mugabe. Next few days will tell. Olympic torch arrives in London tomorrow. Our great leader to receive it. (between the eyes?) ‘Credit-crunch’ US sub prime fears deepen. I’m told there some great – cheap property in Connecticut now. Lords claim immigration in UK has had little benefit. Great leader immediately claims it does. I head for Cannes tomorrow and four days of beach life. Well not really. Max claims Ospreys taking over Saracens.
Take care youngster. Will update more when I’m back. All love Dad xxx
hello sprog chops glad to see the impervious cornish skin was needed in those wet conditions. I'm hoping that you will be bringing back gallons of photos as the ones posted really whet the old appetite - talking of which Max has roasted us a chicken but he now thinks he might have a burger instead. If only we'd had a bacon sandwich for breakfast our cruelty would be complete. Now we have entered the month you return it all seems to have whipped past in a flash. Looking forward to seeing you.Love you. Lots.
For Kirsty
ReplyDeleteHI Kirst...sorry this is only the 2nd blog i have left you in months...but i'm sure you don't mind as i text you and i guess you're pretty busy out there saving India's elephant population etc etc. Can't even remember my blog name as it's so long since i last sent you a message! So now I'm anonymous! Hope you're enjoying the end of Raleigh - can't believe it's almost over, it must seem like it's gone so quickly! Where are you going to go on your travels? Let me know your plans and I'll email you some tips and places to stay etc etc. Everything's cool here, South Africa was incredible, had such fun with the girls. Got back from Courchevel yesterday and despite my texts ended up having such a fun time, made loads of friends in our chalet, all people our age, you'd have loved it! We'll have to go together next year. Got an interview day with Teach First on Wednesday, 6 hours long - i'm pretty terrified! I have to teach a lesson to some adults so have been coming up with a plan today. Off to London on Tues for that and will stay with Scarlett for a while - seeing our friend from South Africa who's moving over here, so we're going to pick him up from the airport! (We're bringing a massive banner to embarrass him, and going to play some african tunes on a ghetto blaster to make him feel at home!!) and seeing a guy I made friends with in Courchevel for a drink in London, who knows Joe Parry - small world! Anyway, I'm rambling, text when you can, stay safe, have lots of fun. Miss you LOTS!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx come back soon!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
For Tessa:
ReplyDeletehellooo sauscison! hope the last 'phase' is going well and you are a pro trench digger now. never know when that will come in handy! will it be weird to go? liv and sarah keep posting south africa photos on faceb, looks like they are having a v fun time, pot holing andbeahcing it etc - youll both have a lot to catch up on! helen (derbyshire) is literally going to thailand the sme day as you - shes travelling with emily prid - so you might see her, haha. add her as a faceb friend cos shes basically doing your SE asia route as well.
kiawah is good, elly has been here since i got here and has left to go back to wofford this evening, so we have hung out a few times...the weather was great today but now am a little fried. oh well its nice feeling warm!! works going kinda slowly, having to step it up a gear now...aaaah. its soo weird being the only child here and especially not having you here - im so used to you being my work buddy in spring time! am playing quite a bit of tennis - almost every other day. and other than that its pretty much head in my thesis - BORING!
miss you so much and love you, not long to go now i bet is flying by! before you know it youll be packing up! so cute to read your letters btw (That arrived here in kiawah), and how much you value ours - so touching! and how your friend was dancing around dads random flag! haha.
anyway, love you love you -Lisettexoxoxooxoxo
Hi Tori
ReplyDeleteHow are things? Received your letter over the weekend so nice to catch up on all your news. By the sounds of things you are now trekking so you will have this on your return. Hope the trekking was fun the photos look good despite the fog! We had snow at the weekend it didn't lie for long but still enough to cover. I'm sure the dogs had fun having not seen snow before! It's Moss' first birthday today not that she noticed but we did sing her happy birthday! Twiggy is fine . Monnie loved her letter and asked me to say hello from her don't htink she will work out how to blog! I did see Wills in the distance on Sunday in his car with friends but I had the weekend off so didn't chat to him. I'm sure you will have chatted to daddy so he will have given you his news.
The daffodils are all out down the drive and around the house, all the trees not knowing whether to blossom or not confusing season one minute warm the next snow.. I will email you when you are on your next stage of your journey.
Take care
lots of love Nicky xxx
Hi Charles -
ReplyDeleteJust got back, and have had a great time. Good snow, once with avalanche warnings cutting off the route back to Riffelberg and Wills finding a brilliant alternative route. Weather was fine, though we found ourselves skiing through blizzards at times. Food and wine were perfect, Roland says hello, most of the staff still there, and we've taken to well earnt cosmos on the terrace for tea. Looking to rebook for next year, but at the same time thinking of Italy with G&B.
Didn't get the Olympus. Amazon had the 850 at 180 and the 1030 at 255. Airport prices no better, actually the about same. Geneva prices, add about 25%. No deal there. Might check out distributors in Bangalore.
You're going to be busy when you're back. D&S the 2nd w/e in June, then Sophie's b'day in b'deaux, then wake b'ding in hillside, then ny & b'ston. The beat goes on. Need to think ab't
Economy, financial markets and politics all in state of collapse. No news there. China protesters beating up on torch bearers running a 31m pageant through London on their way to Beijing.
Missing you. Keep diggin'.
Hi Jib
ReplyDeleteJust been night skiing off piste, Fantastic fun. Came a cropper but knee ok.It snowed all day (still fun)and then cleared after evening meal just in time for night ski, Brill. Back home tomorrow night after days ski. Hope the Bungalow is Fab. love mum and Dad xxxxxxxx
For Freya
ReplyDeleteHi darling, wie gehts with the brick-laying? The hall floor now in, it looks fab, just waiting on the 'red' room. Paul back next week to help get bedrooms done. kit back from rowing camp, lots of blisters but had a good time, Hugh on way back from Germany, he doesn't sound too happy. I am getting together your stuff for Dad to bring over-alas he is going through terminal 5 so be prepared for the bag not making it! Looking forward to hearing all when you get back to fieldbase.
All love, Mum xxx