Here is an introduction to the events that will be taking place next week once the Venturers return.

Fieldbase – Phase Three
By Suzanne Leamy
Flares of excitement and moments of melancholy have been hitting Field Base as we await the inevitable end of expedition. Anticipation, exhilaration and eagerness are running through the veins of Field Base staff as we are frantically preparing for the venturers return so we can kick off all the activities that have been feverishly planned.
The Alpha groups will be rocking up to the base at approximately 10am on Wednesday 16th to collect some of their valuables and to off load all their kit from phase. They are then going on an adventure to the metropolis of Mysore with the Project Manager team to see some sights and go souvenir shopping, to make their back packs even heavier than when they first arrived – if that’s possible!
Over the next few days we will have challenge events, the expedition slide show, barbeques and the ever popular skits!
Friday night to end it all we are throwing a masquerade ball which all of the staff team have been busy with - eagerly preparing what outfits to wear and what kind of mask we are going to produce for the night. Our evenings have been hectic and last night Photographer Brian and DPM Tim Berriman joined the girls in pampering themselves by applying face masks – trying to make miracle improvements to trek worn man type hairy faces that I’m not even convinced Merlyn the magician could perform.

As a Project Manager for the previous two phases on the Environmental Project in Nagarahole National Park I’ve enjoyed the opportunity to work in Field Base on this phase and see how much planning and hard work goes in by all the staff in here to ensure that we have a successful, enjoyable and fun expedition here in the enchanting country of India. All that’s left now is for everyone to come back together for one last time. I’m pretty sure there will be lots of tears as we say goodbye to newly made friends but I’ll leave you with an Irish quote that sums what will happen when it’s all over:
‘Is milis dá ól é ach is searbh dá íoc é” (It’s sweet to drink but bitter to pay for)
For Monnie
ReplyDeleteDarling , as soon as you get to field base give me a call with the things you need as I am meeting Cesca and can give the stuff to her.
Can't believe its finally over - I bet you had the best time. Boys go back tomorrow - all rather sad.
Rushing at moment but will blog more later.
Love you loads.
Lots of love mummyxxxxxxxxxxx
For Sarah F
ReplyDeleteCant wait for your return, there will be a nice cold beer waiting for you at mine dont you worry. Love you lots Shay
For Georgia
ReplyDeleteNow you'll be arriving back at Fieldbase and its nearly the end of this adventure...(Sob!) but the new one's about to begin!(Hurray!) Hope the last phase went well, sounded amazing, I LOVED talking to you...your phone bill IS HUGE...its just arrived!! (but SO worth every minute!!). Everyone is off back to school this week, so life will all be back to normal - except in our house as we have the decorators here and we are in the middle of complete chaos - even Waffle doesn't know where to sit. She is sitting next to me doing that twitching thing! Ems went back to college this morning and Daddy arrived in from Thailand. I hope all our birthday cards and post cards arrive in time for Friday, it looks as though you are in for a big Raleigh party that night so it will be great way to celebrate - good timing! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DARLING FOR THE 18TH!!! Loads and loads of love, millions of huge hugs and billions of sparkly kisses!! Love Mummy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Message for Alice Tyler
ReplyDeleteBy the time you get this you will be back at base. I hope you are feeling better and up to the end of trip fun, and shopping trip. We are getting excited here and can hardly wait. I am having a busy week at work to prepare for my week off with you. Lucy is waiting for us to go to see her. Take it easy and rest when you need to but have fun as well. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Kirsty
ReplyDeleteWell... are you back at fieldbase yet? If not you must be arriving very soon, don't forget to let us know when you get back safe & sound. We're looking forward to hearing what your plans are for when Raleigh comes to an end... you know all the sensible advice about travelling, just make sure you follow it, and don't take chances... ever!
Bumped into Bryony whilst out shopping at the weekend, she was asking about all your news. She's off to Madagascar very shortly for a 10 week scuba diving course... presumably you knew all about that. She seemed very excited about it.
Expect Kate has told you her good news following her interview last week. Now she has some serious thinking and tough decision making to do. But she's a smart cookie and I know she'll do the right thing (whatever that is!).
Did you get your postcard from France yet? Probably not if you've been out in the countryside but hopefully it might be waiting for you on your return to Mysore. I took a look at the Mysore tourist information website a couple of evening's ago... looks like quite an interesting city, will you get chance to spend any time there before moving on (or are you just heading straight for the beach?)?
Don't forget to text as soon as you can Kirsty... still missing you lots. Love Padre xxx
For James H
ReplyDeleteGlad you have been bricklaying and plastering, look forward to you employing your skills here. We are all set to meet you in Cochin. We will try to check my hotmail when we arrive in case you want to contact us, otherwise see you at the hotel. Is there anything we need to bring for you? mum & da
for tessa:
ReplyDeletehey tessy thanks for the faceb...youll see my reply soon enough!! little worried about the dodgy indians you mentioned, hope you are ok! just went to the river course tonight for dinner, was v yummy! hannah (housemate) is on holiday in the hamptons (new york) so spent a while getting to chat to her this evening which was sooo nice. dads obsessesed with leonard long, so embarrassing. have tennis tom!
tommy's in doonbeg at the mo, with tom o'rourke (the other boy ccouldnt make it cos markets are bad and he might loose his job if he left his desk) but having a great time, great weather etc.
hope all the bbq's, skits, partying and mysore outings are fun. i wikipedia-ed mysore and looks beautiful...lots of temples and greenery, hope you get to see some of that too.
are you excited about thailand?! saw ur probs goign to koh tao first (faceb)...thats meant to be a fun island near koh pangnan, on the east coast. but if you can get to the west coast, phi phi etc, as its MUCH more beautiful, dramatic cliffs and jungle and beautiful flat beaches that go out for miles (where the beach was filmed).
VERY jealous of your year i cannot tell you, just talking about it makes me want to abandon my degree and jump on a plane to join you!
love youxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dearest Josephine
ReplyDeleteA fun filled and emotional few days ahead of you, I am sure you will have a ball. We feel very emotional here knowing that you are going to miss your friends in India so much and the wonderful people and countryside. (Dads throwing things at me! Don't worry he is as bad as me so I'm throwing things back!!!!!!!!!!!)
Have a wonderful time exploring Mysore and enjoy all the other fab sounding activities the team have planned for you all. Hope to speak or text before you leave for Aus.
Mountians of love hugs and kisses Mum Dad Harriet and Martha XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Namastey you crazy nutbags! hope you've all had an exciting tremendous mind blowing exhilirating time since i left you oh so long ago! i'm currently in rishikesh (yoga capital)where all i seem to hear is chanting and smelly travellers talking bout how like they "totally got in touch with their inner shakras man" anyways bout to embark on a royal enfield adventure to minali (himalayas) but will be making my way down to goa in a week or so where i shall hopefully be seeing most of you!miss you all immensly good luck to you all flying the raleigh nest . BIG juicy kiss x x x xx p.s did you receive the hindi hits cd i sent in post? thought it may go down well for final party!hare ram hare ram hare krishna hare ram......x
ReplyDeleteLieve Tess,
ReplyDeleteCant believe its nearly all over, must be so strange for everybody to leave and all go different ways. But I think you had a great time!
Exciting for you go to Thailand now, will be very different and so nice to see your friends. I am sure you will call us the next few days.
We are having the usual fun time in kiawah, Lisette is slogging away on her thesis, poor her!
Off to golf now , loads of love Mum xxxxx
for tessa:
ReplyDeletewas SO good to chat to you sausci!! call back soon so mum and dad can talk, they'll be v jealous of me! i remembered what i was going to say...were painting the house a dark brown (the outside) over here, i chose the colour...looking so much better already than the orangey brown! sarah k and livs photos from thailand are already up on face, looks like they are having fun and koh tao looks so pretty!
enjoy your last few days there, party hard, am even more jealous now than before-if that's possible!
love youxxxxxxx
Hi Flora!
ReplyDeleteAlice says to say she has pleurisy... No laughing when you get back, it hurts too much!!
Hope you enjoy shopping in Mysore as much as we did, shame you're not there on a Sunday night when they light up the palace, it's amazing, have some great photos, also of the racecourse from the temple. Dad and I planning our next trip - camel safari with Mandip perhaps...
Longing to see you, missing you too
All love darling moxo
Message for Alice Tyler
ReplyDeleteMy Darling getting very excited here, Just a quick note to remind you to try to check your things in all the way to Manchester and to get Jet airways to transfer you at Heathrow.
Even Finn knows something thrilling is happening and it is making him very anxious, the gobblins are even at him when he is trying to eat. Love you with all my hugs and kisses Mummy xxxxxxxxxxxxx
For Will Murray
ReplyDeleteHi Will
Glad to hear all is well. Caro loved talking to you. Please ringagain so that we can get all the info. I also have my footprints guide to give you tel numbers of places to stay as well as dos and dont's. The touristy places are very different from Mysore so be warned and take all the advice you can get beforehand. anyway enough from me speak to you soon have a great end of trip party. lots of love mum dad cao etcxxxxx
Tom B
ReplyDeleteYes, you can dump everything. Would prefer to see the sleeping bag, sleeping mat and Mum's case again though. Mum especially says she does NOT want your T-shirts back home. You'll need your net for Goa!
Would be nice to see the Alpha One Phase Three Report before the next Raleigh India Group starts ...........
No, there is no news from home. ALL the excitement is happening at your end.
M,D & D