Changeover Two
By Logs Sally Dalman
I spent the afternoon raiding the supermarkets of Mysore for porridge, and buying kit to replace that that had been broken or ‘borrowed’ by the villagers. The evening was spent chilling out and catching up with old friends; amazing after 2 months that we class each other as old friends already.
Wednesday started very early for the logs team as we had a bbq to prepare for. The bbq had been awesome at the previous changeover so we had to really outdo ourselves and better it, if we could. Can you better perfection? Ummm, can ya, can ya???? No of course not. We went to the meat market, which hasn’t changed in centuries and has resident birds of prey swooping around rather than the gulls and pigeons we are used to at home. It is also a great place to go if you are considering becoming vegetarian, as there is a lot of livestock squawking incessantly and being slaughtered on sight. We then spent an hour in Mannars Market haggling over vegetables and salad to get what turned out to be a 20p discount!
The afternoon was spent chopping the veg and getting more and more excited about the Pirates Party planned for later that evening. The fieldbase staff had been so excited about the party that they had spent the evening before changeover in their costumes playing with the plastic swords and drawing beards on each other. The bbq went really well, the chicken and sausages magnificently cooked by our resident ‘almost naked’ chefs, James, Laurie and Bruno, complete with chef’s hat.
The staff could contain themselves no longer and had to get ready during the bbq, and spent an extraordinary amount of time making sure their beards, gold hoop earring, leather belts and eye patches were in the right place and that all of our matching costumes still matched and generally having an enormous amount of fun. We then charged the participants in a mutiny on the bounty style, but they just stared at us with bemused looks on their faces, then jealous looks, and then finally, fear (as we did look very convincing and sounded very savage and pirate).
The skits that took place later were as good as ever, and amongst other things contained a Big Brother theme, singing ‘The wheels on the bus’ complete with actions, dancing, lots of shouting and a song about a girl from Bristol, that is far too rude to repeat, but Jason will be teaching everyone before they leave. Alpha 2 won the skit competition, and whilst I don’t wish to cast aspersions, the glamorous assistant on the scoreboard was an Alpha 2 PM, so I think we can draw our own conclusions!
During the week leading up to changeover a festival had taken place around India, called Holi, where everyone throws powdered dye at each other and no one is allowed to change their clothes all day. The fieldbase team had had such good fun joining in we thought it would be a great idea to attack the participants with dye. The plan backfired slightly, and we got covered from head to toe in bright pink, green, yellow, orange, purple and reds. They then helped us to wash the dye off by throwing us in the swimming pool that they had built earlier in the day, which was incredibly kind of them. We all decided to stay in the pool because as soon as we tried to get out we were thrown back in so we all took the opportunity to wash our hair. Everyone then danced the rest of the night away comparing dye splats and sword fighting.
Friday morning arrived too soon, with everyone sporting varying shades of yellow and green in their hair. Turns out that the dye is a lot more permanent that we had realized! After phase 3 project allocations the kit was handed out, whilst Thomasin (who was sadly leaving us on Saturday) and I spent the afternoon at Mysore Palace. We enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon, happily knowing that everyone else was really busy at work whilst we sat in the glorious sunshine and ate ice cream.
After a final dinner of curry (no surprises there!) most of the group chilled out watching the longest film in history, the Bollywood classic ‘Om Shanti Om’.
Whilst it’s great to see everyone again, it’s great to see them leave again and let the peace and quiet reign at fieldbase once more!
By Logs Sally Dalman
At ten to two the very loud music and singing coming down the drive announced the arrival of Alpha 3. Looking very tired, bedraggled, tanned, fit and smelling slightly they gave us a loud rendition of ‘Alpha Cool’, sung to the tune of ‘Daddy Cool’, to celebrate their arriving first at fieldbase and beating the other two groups home. Who said they weren’t competitive? Alpha One arrived 5 minutes later, looking slightly less tired, bedraggled but just as tanned and, if it is possible, with a stronger aroma. Alpha 2 arrived half an hour later (late as usual!) and everyone was welcomed by DPM, Tiny Tim, or as he prefers to call himself, Tasty Tim.
I spent the afternoon raiding the supermarkets of Mysore for porridge, and buying kit to replace that that had been broken or ‘borrowed’ by the villagers. The evening was spent chilling out and catching up with old friends; amazing after 2 months that we class each other as old friends already.
Wednesday started very early for the logs team as we had a bbq to prepare for. The bbq had been awesome at the previous changeover so we had to really outdo ourselves and better it, if we could. Can you better perfection? Ummm, can ya, can ya???? No of course not. We went to the meat market, which hasn’t changed in centuries and has resident birds of prey swooping around rather than the gulls and pigeons we are used to at home. It is also a great place to go if you are considering becoming vegetarian, as there is a lot of livestock squawking incessantly and being slaughtered on sight. We then spent an hour in Mannars Market haggling over vegetables and salad to get what turned out to be a 20p discount!
The afternoon was spent chopping the veg and getting more and more excited about the Pirates Party planned for later that evening. The fieldbase staff had been so excited about the party that they had spent the evening before changeover in their costumes playing with the plastic swords and drawing beards on each other. The bbq went really well, the chicken and sausages magnificently cooked by our resident ‘almost naked’ chefs, James, Laurie and Bruno, complete with chef’s hat.
The staff could contain themselves no longer and had to get ready during the bbq, and spent an extraordinary amount of time making sure their beards, gold hoop earring, leather belts and eye patches were in the right place and that all of our matching costumes still matched and generally having an enormous amount of fun. We then charged the participants in a mutiny on the bounty style, but they just stared at us with bemused looks on their faces, then jealous looks, and then finally, fear (as we did look very convincing and sounded very savage and pirate).
The skits that took place later were as good as ever, and amongst other things contained a Big Brother theme, singing ‘The wheels on the bus’ complete with actions, dancing, lots of shouting and a song about a girl from Bristol, that is far too rude to repeat, but Jason will be teaching everyone before they leave. Alpha 2 won the skit competition, and whilst I don’t wish to cast aspersions, the glamorous assistant on the scoreboard was an Alpha 2 PM, so I think we can draw our own conclusions!
During the week leading up to changeover a festival had taken place around India, called Holi, where everyone throws powdered dye at each other and no one is allowed to change their clothes all day. The fieldbase team had had such good fun joining in we thought it would be a great idea to attack the participants with dye. The plan backfired slightly, and we got covered from head to toe in bright pink, green, yellow, orange, purple and reds. They then helped us to wash the dye off by throwing us in the swimming pool that they had built earlier in the day, which was incredibly kind of them. We all decided to stay in the pool because as soon as we tried to get out we were thrown back in so we all took the opportunity to wash our hair. Everyone then danced the rest of the night away comparing dye splats and sword fighting.
Friday morning arrived too soon, with everyone sporting varying shades of yellow and green in their hair. Turns out that the dye is a lot more permanent that we had realized! After phase 3 project allocations the kit was handed out, whilst Thomasin (who was sadly leaving us on Saturday) and I spent the afternoon at Mysore Palace. We enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon, happily knowing that everyone else was really busy at work whilst we sat in the glorious sunshine and ate ice cream.
After a final dinner of curry (no surprises there!) most of the group chilled out watching the longest film in history, the Bollywood classic ‘Om Shanti Om’.
Whilst it’s great to see everyone again, it’s great to see them leave again and let the peace and quiet reign at fieldbase once more!
A special message for the lovely Sally who celebrated her birthday Fieldbase style last week...
Love Plop...
ReplyDeletewe are having a great time here in Zermatt but we are all missing you lot and lots and lots.
Willaim is doing very well in guiding and you would be proud :)
the food is fantabuloso and we have spoken to chef and he is planning to send out a red cross parcel of carbonara to India. Hope it isnt toooooooooo squashed!
snow is gggrrrreat but yan is missing you!
...........off to bowling, the cow will be on the runway waiting. MOOOO
Ollie hopes that you are attending church on a regular basis, as he is!!!!!!!!!
everyone is missing you so so so so so so so so so so so much (especially blondie) and hope that you are having lots of funsies.
lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of love The Riffelalpinists
For Georgia
ReplyDeleteHello my darling! Sorry not to have sent messages for a while but am now back on track & able to do so from Thailand! Yeeehaaa!! Love the photos on the blog and seeing you dressed as a pirate (preeetty gaaal!!) and well done for winning the skit competition! After our sad news in London, it is pure heaven to be here again. We have had the most fantastic weather and been out in the boat a couple of times..we saw dolphins, so amazing! Lots of massage, manicures and made all the boys have pedicures too...very funny seeing them all sitting round in a circle discussing & almost convinced them they had to choose a colour.....!! Everyone I meet asks 'Where's Georgia' even the chef next door. They're all really sad you're not here too. (Just wait till June!!). We're taking Tom, Serena, Breena & Christoph to the 'show' tonight which could be interesting but have to go on the compulsory shopping trip first! Still seen your heart shaped fish and the little guppies have had loads of babies. The turtles are huge and a cat has had 3 kittens on our roof. K Joy tells me that is hugely good luck for the owners in Thailand if that happens! Yesterday I had to rescue a tiny kitten which had fallen in the pond, luckily I spotted it in time, hauled it out and gave it to the mother cat. Poor thing, but today it is absolutely fine and back with the others outside our bedroom window! We're having loads of rum punches and Daddy bought 24, we can't stop watching it! So pleased you are still having so much fun, hope the trekking goes well, it must be very beautiful up there. Off for my massage...tee hee! Will keep sending messages. Love you so much my darling and miss you masses. All my love as always, Mummy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
For Sally and Logs Team
ReplyDeleteHaving just returned from celebrating Holi in Jodhpur, the expert local advice we received on removing dye from hair (especially bad if you have highlights!) is:
1. Apply oil to hair
2. Make paste of maize flour and yoghurt and apply to hair
3. Leave overnight before washing off
4. Repeat as necessary
May sound crazy, but it works...
message for Alice Tyler
ReplyDeleteHello my darling hope you are having lots of fun and digging good ditches. I am leaving for France early in the morning for my long weekend and will not be home again till late on monday. I will be out of contact while we are there and so the blogs might get quite for a while. We have a fun trip planned with lots of eating interspaced with a few walks and some wine tasting. Nothing as exciting as the time you are having the last party at fieldbase looked fantastic. Have you seen much wild life ( not party animals), we are so looking forward to hearing all about your trip. You will have to hear all about my trip too! Continue having a wonderful time Daddy is at home if you want anything and lucy will be here till Sunday. big hugs and kisses with all of my love to my lovely girl Mummy xxxxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteHi Tessy,
It is 1.15am and I just got home from the office. Tomorrow night I have to spend the whole night working, and this weekend I have to be there all weekend too. the good news is I am back from switzerland and dont have to go back. Thank god since im pretty sick of fondue and raclette by now! Also brussels on monday is my last day on this project and then I'm done. still the work is stressful! The week after I'm done I'm going to Doonbeg with Tommy and Chris from Princeton and Tommy has never even been to Europe so it should be an interesting guy's golf weekend. Everyone else is in Kiawah for another 3 weeks so I am the only one here in england. Anyway, i dont want to write you another letter because it probably wouldnt arrive in time! I just got your second letter in the post, thank you so much. Made my day after a long one at work! Sounds like you are having a fantastic time. My sofa misses you though! So youre not washing much? That wont change things much, you smelled pretty bad before anyway ;-) Anyway poo I love you and miss you, hope youre having fun!
Love tommy xxx
I recognize those shorts Tomboy!!!! All your stateside fans are asking about, and missing, you!!! There really are NOT enough photos of you in the blog. Try leaping in front of the camera a bit more.............Am extending trip here by one week or so
ReplyDeletethen off to India....just kidding but oh boy do I wish!!!! How are the lions and tigers and bears? Yes, I do know there aren't lions!!! The 51's are waiting for you and a rematch! xxxxxxxxxxx