It’s all happening down in Chapanthodu!
This news is brought to you thanks to our special guest correspondent, Hinesh.
12 November 2012
Hello again, real world. I must apologize for the timing of this long overdue update of Charlie Two’s adventures, but time is, quite frankly, flying out here, and it’s somehow it’s already been thirteen days since we left our comrades at Fieldbase.
I’m happy to inform you that all of our Venturers and lovely PMs are happy and healthy, albeit a little frustrated at the progress of our work to date. Since we last wrote to you, we have completed the digging of the foundations and cesspits of all eight houses, and cemented seven of these foundations. In addition, we have built the walls and bricked the cesspits for five of the toilets with two sets semi-constructed.
However, a serious unfortunate incident regarding the delivery of the materials (i.e. they haven’t shown up yet) has meant that our progress has slowed considerably. Regardless, the ever optimistic Charlie Two team are still hopeful that, with the addition of a second mason and some more materials, we will still complete the work in time for the inauguration ceremony this coming Saturday.
Luckily we have plenty to keep us occupied during this lull in doing toilet building we have had. We’ve received two visits from the lovely Loop, for whom we laid on an elaborate murder mystery event. This was based on the tragic demise of the fictitious ninth Venturer Gertrude Jones, from Bangor in Wales at the hands of one guilty member of Charlie Two.
Gertrude seemed to be a very abrasive character, with the investigation unearthing potential motives from nearly every member of the group. In her short time with Charlie Two, Gertrude apparently managed to get embroiled in a love triangle, break up a ‘bromance’, and drive PM Jenny to supposedly scream profanities and expletives at her for all to hear. Also involved were a pair of high-heeled flip-flops and a broken mirror.
The teams on the Loop had to question, or interrogate, the individuals to try to find the killer, location and the weapon used, in true Cluedo fashion. Points were given to the teams for the style and depth of the investigation, and the winner will be announced at the next changeover.
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Is the 'assailant' one of these suspicious-looking people? |
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Loop detectives Anna and Ruth think they've found the culprit (with the help of super sleuth Graham - that's me - behind the camera) |
Well that’s about it so far. Tomorrow (Tuesday) being Divali means no work, and so it seems to be the ideal time for our day trip. We’re off to explore some caves in the morning and then are going to spend the afternoon in Sultan Bathery to try and buy some extra supplies for the final phase and some souvenirs for a lucky few at home.
We send all our love to everyone at home, and especially to Becky who didn’t actually make it on to phase. We hope you’re recovering quickly and I’m personally very jealous of your business class flight home. Till the next time …
Note: CTRD (Centre for Tribal and Rural Development Trust) is an NGO working to develop tribal communities on the borders of Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. It is Raleigh’s local partner on this project.
Watch out for more news for the other teams as it comes in...
Hi Hinesh,
ReplyDeleteJust read your yet another entertaining and informative blog. Looks like your group has done a lot of hard work. Hope you get to see the finished product.
We all want to wish you a very happy diwali. A totally new experience for you. Will miss not having you with us for Diwali.
Will talk to you when you return to base camp.
Lots of love mumxx
Hi Hinesh
ReplyDeleteHappy Diwali and wishing you a prosperous New Year. It will be sad not to have you with us, but it seems you are continuing to have fun and being highly efficient with the building project. Looking forward to speaking to you and explaining what is happening in London. An outstanding blog again but did not fully comprehend why everyone was lining up behind you!
All the best - miss you very much
To Carline Mohr Charlie 2
ReplyDeletelieve carline ,Heel wat uurtjes zit ik achter deze machine,om jou wat leuke minuutjes te bezorgen ??De borrel Zondag was erg gezellig en iedereen vond het leuk om elkaar weer te zien .Mam en Hugo hebben geweldig geholpen en ook na afloop hebben ze geholpen met opruimen, een heerlijkheid voor mij !!!! Papoesch was best moe na afloop en we zijn toen met ieder een bord suikerbrood in bed gekropen en naar Boer zoekt Vrouw gekeken .Maandag was weer vroeg op (6.30 uur)voor de dialyse ,enfin dan zijn we s'middags vrij......Nu net hebben we bericht gekregen ,dat jullie niet verder kunnen ,omdat er materiaal en mankracht mist (of zoiets ,we begrepen het niet helemaal),zodoende doen jullie nu spelletjes en houden elkaar bezig met griezel-verhalen???????? Van morgen gingen we nog even naar Arnhem,om wat ontbijt spul voor P te kopen.Ben heeft net voor de laatste keer voor de winter,het gras gemaaid,dus dat is ook weer klaar.Nu wachten we nog op een flinke storm die de bladeren van de bomen doet verwijderen.Wat waren jullie foto's en filmpje leuk ,we hebben het wel 3x bekeken.Volgens ons zit de stemming er prima in,.Ook zagen we nog een heel klein riviertje aan de zijkant van de foto lopen, lekker handig om je modder handen en voeten in af te spoelen.Jouw verhaal erbij was overduidelijk ,we zagen jullie in de modder ploeteren en glijden!!!!!We hopen van harte dat je al onze mailtjes krijgt.,want dat is wel de bedoeling!!Lieverd dit was het voor vandaag,heb nog veel plezier met elkaar en we hopen voor jullie dat de zon nu een tijdje blijft schijnen !!!!Dikke kus Papoesch en Mamoesch,
Hi Hinesh
ReplyDeleteJust got this link from your Dad who seems to be missing you very much. Great to read of your experiences and to see that you are getting into the swing of things - so much so that everyone else in your gorp seem to be hanging onto behind you ( just thought I'd answer your Dad's question!).
How are you getting on with the local facilities? Are you following all the advise you got when we were all at your place last time eg having wellies on when going you know where?
To Jenny Charlie 2 Hello Jen. Very enjoyable blog from Hinesh. You all seem to be having lots of fun when not working hard. Hope you get the project finished this time. I know you'll be really frustrated if you don't. Looking forward to speaking to you again when you return to base. Take care, love and miss you loads.
ReplyDeleteHi Hinesh
ReplyDeleteSalmubarak! Enjoyed reading your blog. I really need more on the dancing on the hills with video if possible! You'll need to teach your young cousin some moves as he has unfortunately inherited his rhythm from his mum. With all the hard work you guys are obviously putting into your daily work I'm pleased to see you are finding some time to have fun.
Take Care Lots of Love Kukumasi
Hello Jenny Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteNow how did you get cast as the one shouting profanities in the murder mystery? Hmm...(I want that back...)
Everything going well here, I had a few leads in last week's paper and will hopefully have a few more this Sunday. I've been playing football for the six-a-side team which has been good and both my colleagues have started now too.
Mum has gone up another gear in her frenzied preparations for our trip to India, so you'd better get those toilets finished in case we end up out that way!
A mud fight sounds like great fun. The closest I have ever come to that was a chocolate gateau fight one Christmas Day which ended badly!
Looking forward to the next music video.
Speak to you soon love Ben
to Joris Moolhuijsen echo 4: Hoi lieve Joor, nog een paar dagen en gaan we je weer spreken op de basecamp. Vast lekker met een douche, winkeltje en een redelijke plek om te slapen. Je hebt vast weer enorm veel indrukken opgedaan de laatste 3 weken. We zijn ontzettend benieuwd naar alle verhalen. Annebel heeft heeeel veeel regen. Pap komt net binnen die heeft weer zijn km. op de fiets gedaan, en schenkt een biertje in. Niks veranderd hier ha ha. Haard aan en even op het blog of er nog nieuws is van jullie. Liev Joor, we gaan je spreken. Heel veel liefs en we love you pap en mam
ReplyDeleteHi Hinesh
ReplyDeleteHope you are well. Hope the second mission completes well. Just out for dinner. Look forward to speaking to you when you reach base camp
Best wishes
CEO Lucida
Hi Hinesh (bhai)
ReplyDeleteThis sounds awesome, you seem to be having a great time! Definitely going to be following in your footsteps in this case, building toilets FTW! No sarcasm intended...
Look forward to hearing about your adventures when you're back :)
Happy diwali, and saal mubharak!
Love from Purvi, et al.
p.s. your kaka says well done, truly proud of you for sticking it out - one better than your dad apparently. and now he knows where to come if he needs to build a house.
To Carline Mohr Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteHoi Car,
je bent nu weer in basecamp dus hebt het allemaal weer overleefd, wat goed van je! ik hoorde dat je de trek met free gaat doen, vet chill! Verder gaat het hier zoals gewoonlijk weer zijn gangetje, afgelopen zaterdag schc ab wat heel chill was en aankomende zaterdag een herendiner! Daarnaast fiets ik nog steeds op jou fiets:p maar ik behandel hem heel goed hoor;) Ja heel veel boeiender dan dat is mijn leven niet echt:p ik werk een beetje aan school en verdien wat geld en zo komen we er op het moment wel! Ik heb al wel weer zin in 19 december! Ben echt benieuwd naar al je verhalen enzo! Het enige waar ik niet zo naar uit kijk is om naar jou bruine kop te moeten kijken terwijl wij allemaal melkflesjes zijn... maargoed het is je gegund hoor carry:p
Dat was mijn zeer boeiende leven voor zover weer, heel veel plezier maar ook heel erg veel succes bij je trek!!
xxx hugo