At 4pm this afternoon, Saturday 6 October, a coachload of Venturers stepped wearily off the bus at Fieldbase after a gruelling nine-hour coach journey from Bangalore airport. Their journey time had been prolonged by disruption due to a general strike as part of a dispute between the states of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu over water supplies.
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Jess greets the new arrivals at Bangalore airport |
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A tiring coach journey to Fieldbase! |
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'Great to be here at last' |
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Welcomes all round |
As soon as we know who’ll be going on what projects we’ll post the information on the blog.
In case you don’t already know, you can use this blog to communicate all non-urgent messages to your family or friends in the teams. Just post a comment below any post stating the person’s name and team and we’ll see that it reaches them as soon as possible.
More news shortly …
To Hidde Borstlap 12J India. Hi lieve Hidde, welkom in India!! Pfff, t was n lange busreis naar t basiskamp las ik! Hoop dat het fantastische weken worden, geniet ervan en heeeeel veel succes!! Liefs, mam XXX
ReplyDeleteTo Anna Richardson 12J Logs
ReplyDeleteHi there Anna, well now the logs 'fun' really starts for you!! The poor venturers - what a long bus trip for them - welcome to India??
Well the Windies clobbered us in the cricket, so should be a great final against Sri Lanka due to start at 15:30 local time. Simon Taufel, one of the umpires is retiring after this match, so that will put a bit more pressure on the small number of International referees. Both teams are quite sure that they are going to win!!
Good luck with all your organisation tomorrow for the venturers and their PMs.
Mum/Lindy Richardson.
Daniel Smout - 12J
ReplyDeleteHi Daniel
Sorry to hear about your nine hour bus journey, but it did make us smile! I'm sure you've already seen some amazing sights, with many more to follow.
Latics drew 2-2 with Everton yesterday, and by all acounts should have won.
Hope you have a fab time, lots of love, D,J,M,E & M xx (&A) xx
To Anna Richardson 12J
ReplyDeleteHi Anna,
Great to see the pics of the new ADventurers arriving!
The Windies won by 36 runs and the hundreds of poor Sri Lankans just sat in silence! And the Australian Women's Cricket Team won the T20/20 final against England by 4 runs!
Have a GREAT and BUSY few days.
Thanks again to Dave & Graham for the fabulous detail on the blog.
To Kanahaya Alam 12J
ReplyDeleteHi Kana,
Glad to hear that you've arrived safely despite the long hours to the field base... A nice welcome to India.. ! After your long bus trip, walking will be a pleasant change.. ;-)
Hope you make more friends and fun in the next couple of days and get ready for your fascinating projects and adventures.. !
Hugs and kisses,
Mum and Andrew
To Hidde Borstlap 12J India: Hi you sexy brother haha jaja ik weet dat iedereen dit kan lezen ;)! Ik heb je gelukkig net nog even kunnen horen maar we missen je al wel hoor! Laura is gisteren mee naar Antwerpen geweest! Heel gezellig! Maar mama was weer op haar shop missie hoor... ze heeft wel elke schoen gepast die ze maar kon vinden denk ik :) Vandaag ben ik maar weer eens men hockey talent gaan laten zien (heel nipt verloren hoor uhumm :D) Jij bent lekker op basecamp nog zeker? Nu zijn een beetje nog de 'saaiere' dagen maar ook wel leuk om iedereen te leren kennen (alleen die stomme zwemtest haha)! Het wordt nog zoooo leuk, oooh me SO jealous ;)!!! Ik hoop dat je teentje toch nog beter zal worden want dit wil je NIET missen :D!!! Zorg goed voor jezelf baby, goe u pillekes pakken en zalfke smeren zennneee ;). LOVE YOU xxx CAR
ReplyDeleteLoulibelle Sutton 12J
ReplyDeleteDearest Lou, lovely to catch up the other day, hope you have managed to get all your training done and now getting ready for your treking and cycle jolly.
We are all back to Cornwall now although we have managed to aquire a house full of furniture, which we had to transport back.
Been blowing old boots and the campsite is looking a right old mess, we need to get the blowers out get on top of things.
Just sent the party invites out for fireworks, i think it will be very low key this year.
The boys send their love, we've been loading a box up so hopefully it might be with you by the return of your first trip out. Stay cool and don't get eaten by anything!
Lots of love
Andrew, Nicky, James & George xxxxxxxxxxxx
Daniel Smout-12J
ReplyDeleteHi Daniel
Hope all is well with you. Had a look on google maps where you are staying, looks interesting!! Everyone is talking about you and asking how it is going out there. Not much different here. Uni application complete, Lorraine has done you proud.
Looking forward to hearing what you have been up to.
Lots of love,
Mum, Bernard and Eleanor xxx
PS. Grandma and Pompa have been trying to post on here too and now that I have found out how to , I will be showing them too- Eleanor xx
ReplyDeleteSorry to have missed chatting to you, how will you cope without an Iphone!!
Wet and miserable here so cant wait to get to Italy on Saturday. mum is in the garden all the time doing an autumn clear-up. Hope all goes well with your trek and you may have a chance to brush up on your dutch
Lots of love mum & DadsxxxxxXXXXXXxxxxx
Daniel Smout 12J
ReplyDeleteHi Daniel,
Sounds brill. Have a great time.
Weather very good at the moment. Coyle been sacked at Bolton. Just having chats with Eleanor, pest Alice and Grandma. Alice is missing u and hopes ur having a good time. Will keep in touch when we can. Grandma and Grandad. lul xxxxxx
To Angus Rochford
ReplyDeleteHi Angus
Hope all is going well and that you are enjoying all that veg curry and porridge. We are all missing you but excited for you too. Everyone is asking about you and wanting to know how things are going. Will write this week. Take care and enjoy every minute. Biscuit keeps charging into your room to see where you are so we think she misses you too. Lots of Love Mum, Dad and Elspeth xxxxx
To Adele Halsall / Tango 6
ReplyDeleteBiz! I am loving reading this blog, it's so good to be able to see what you're up to, I'm checking it every morning whilst I have a cup of tea. Hope you got there ok, just read about the 9 hour coach drive from the airport... that sounds horrendous but I'm sure the excitement meant it wasn't too bad :-) It's crazy to think that the drive was longer than our flight to Washington!!
Not much to report from here, Mum, Dad, Jay and Auntie Jean have all been looking at the blog too (it was Mum that told me about it, she's well down with technology now!), we all like you're Tango 6 group photo :-) Mum and Dad had a great time in New York and we did in Washington, so much catching up to do when we next see you!
Also, I didn't get my new address to you before you left. If you do get chance to write (no worries if not!) it's Flat 103, Smithfield Buildings, 44 Tib Street, Manchester, M4 1LA, United Kingdom. Then I won't have to wait so long to hear about your adventures!! Honestly, you've only been gone a week and a half and I miss you so much already!
Anyways, have an ACE time on your trek and be safe.
Love You, Dee XxX