First news from Echo Three on-site comes thanks to Hinesh, who kindly wrote and dictated this guest blog to enable you to visualize their ‘home from home’ camp in Gandathur. Thanks, Hinesh.
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Hinesh - chilling out during trek training |
On the far left, facing the reservoir, we have the lavishly decorated kitchen / dining room area. These spacious rooms have been constructed by tying tarpaulins on to multiple bamboo poles to provide much needed shelter from the rain - and the cows that visit us on a daily basis. Inside this area we have several exquisite mats and even an inflatable rubber ring, serving the dual purpose of safety and comfort.
Moving to the kitchen, we have a portable gas stove and incredible (seriously) multi-purpose workstation. This is made out of – you guessed it – more bamboo, and serves as a hand washing, mess tin cleaning, vegetable chopping surface all at once.
Moving on to our own personal quarters, we have twelve extremely sturdy (apart from mine), often watertight (though Carline would beg to differ) basha beds. These have been constructed of more bamboo and covered in tarpaulin.
The next area of our camp is our very own personal hygiene area, consisting of a state-of-the-art longdrop toilet and a showering area. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term ‘longdrop’ it is just a hole in the ground – no flushing required - and you just cover up what you have done with dirt, to keep the flies away. The showering area is complete with bamboo flooring and requires one to two buckets of murky brown reservoir water, destroying the illusion that we are actually getting clean while doing this. Despite this, Shivam can often be seen emerging with a comb in hand, perfecting his newly crafted hairdo.
You parents may be gasping in horror that your poor children are being put through such hardship. With the gusting monsoon-type winds and thunderous downpours, surely your poor babies are being tested to their limits? Pauline for one was tested - after a particularly brutal night she was driven to vent her anger and cause havoc not only to her own basha but to everyone else’s in the vicinity! She’s okay now though. And even Sarah, who threatened that her dark alter ego may surface if times became testing, has remained as sweet and unintelligible (thanks to her wonderful kiwi accent) as ever.
Finally, we have our chillout area, fitted with a Fabian Wood original hammock and volleyball court (though the net has fallen over at the moment). Many an afternoon has been spent with hordes of young Indian children begging us to play volleyball with them, until Mangesh and Carrot finally give in and play, with Dan glowering disapprovingly in the background!
The mood in the camp has always been positive and amicable between the eleven of us happy campers, in part due to Emma’s continuous singing and fabrication of lyrics and Jocelyn’s ability to see the funny side in any and every situation.
All in all, aside from the occasional testing weather conditions (as I write this, the monsoon is just beginning again), our camp is simple but most definitely an excellent home to come back to after a hard day at work. For a full account of a day in the life of an Echo Three Venturer, stay tuned.’
Look out for more news and pictures from both Echo Three and Tango Five at the end of the week…
Jocelyn Echo 3
ReplyDeleteGood o hear from your camp, particularly as, in good Dunne tradition, you are always able to see the funny side of things! Sound like your abode is no less comfortable that the camp on hangover ledge St Martins IOS! Have fun mum et al xxx
Pauline Echo 3
ReplyDeleteLieve Pau, ben erg benieuwd naar jouw ervaringen met het weer en het leven in jullie kamp. Monsoon all over the place blijkbaar. Wij missen je hier!! Dikke zoen, mam
To Joris Moolhuijsen echo 1:
ReplyDeleteLieve Joor heb je je eerste post ontvangen? waarschijnlijk een dag voor je verjaardag. Ik kreeg veel telefoontjes over je blog. sommige krijgen het niet voor elkaar om iets te plaatsen. Bij ons lukt het wel!! Het weekend ga ik naar Warschau voor 4 dagen, ga ik het ook allemaal ervaren, wat jij natuurlijk al eerder hebt gedaan. Machek, kantoor etc. Hartstikke leuk en ik heb er zin in. Sip is helemaal van slag, loopt constant naar jullie kamers en weer te miauwen. Best wel zielig. En nu gaan wij ook nog weg! Frederique gaat vast goed voor haar zorgen. We hebben superleuke foto's gezien van je op het blog en je filmpje was super leuk op je verjaardag!! Je krijgt de speciale groeten van Andre en Joor een hele dikke knuffel van ons. Tot horens Cees en Iris (ha ha)
Hello Hinesh
ReplyDeleteExcellent Blog write up. Great photo - nice to see a picture of you enjoying yourself Well done and keep up all of the hard work. Everything is all well here. Grandmothers doing fine. We are looking forward to spain. Weather is miserable here.
Lots of love
Echo 3
ReplyDeleteHey Joc
Call that a downpour? Swimming in the puddles? No didn't thinks so! Paddling pool weather; good job the monsoons are over.
Sounds fantastic Hinbilly. M
ReplyDeleteHinesh 12J
ReplyDeletecc: Anna Richardson 12J
Hello Hinesh,
What a fantastic picture you have painted of Echo 3's campsite at Gandathur reservoir.
We really enjoyed reading about all the details of the set up (don't think I would be much good in a basha!!) and especially enjoyed reading about the venturers. Hope you continue to enjoy the Echo 3 project.
Kind regards,
Lindy Richardson/Anna's Mum
Hi Hinesh
ReplyDeleteWonderful write-up. Sounds like you guys are having fun as well as doing good. I'll print the photo and blog and send it to daddaji and Sumiba. They will love reading it.
Love Kukumasi
Hi Fabian,
ReplyDeleteLooks like you are having a great time out there, we are very impressed by your array of funky shirts in each photo. We are all very jealous of your adventure, it looks and sounds fantastic and we wish we could be doing it as well.
You will be glad to hear that England is rather grey and dreary at the moment so you are essentially living the dream. Basty and Theo are on half term and somehow bastys voice has broken which is quite weird. I (hugo) am back for a couple of days seeing the family and everyone wants to know what you are up to.
Continue to make the most of every day because you wont get an experience like this again, and please send us a group email telling us whats been going on because we would love to know.
Also in other news Chelsea are unbeaten at the top of the premiership but looking a bit shaky in the champions league. Lewis Hamilton has moved to Mercedes and Lance Armstrong has had his Tour de France wins taken away.
We all miss you and lots of love.
Hugo, Theo and Basty
(also Bondy came to stay in bristol last weekend and him, Pugh and Dylan send their best)
Carline Mohr echo 3
ReplyDeletehoi car,
ik zit weer lekker achter mijn bureau te leren... en ik heb 2 keer per week tot 5 uur les:( en ik heb volgende week maatschappelijke stage en moet dementerende ouderen gaan verzorgen.. yeey... maargoed verder alles goed met me hoor! Friesland was uiteindelijk nog heel chill, niet heel veel buiten geweest en niet heel veel meer aangehad dan mijn joggingpak maar maakt niet uit:p Daarnaast fiets ik deze tijd even op jou fiets omdat mijn fiets gejat is, maaaaar het is mijn eigen schuld dus ik moet zelf een nieuwe kopen. Ik zal goed op je fietsje letten hoor, ik ben wel erg sexy met dat gele rekje en de bloemetjes! Ik las dat je soort hut ding lek is.. arme jij! Ben je het al zat daar?:p ik ben echt heel erg benieuwd hoe het eruit ziet daar en hoe je het hebt dus hoop snel wat van je te zien/horen!
xxx hugo
Echo 3
Thought I'd leave another comment as I said I would.. Glad to hear you're still laughing! Uni is going great and I'm having fun replacing you (aha only kidding). So strange having to be nice to you! Can't wait for the abuse to start again when you're back.. 48 days now?! (Yes I did have to Google that(other search engines are available)) Hope you're missing me out there and my brilliant jokes.
Upload some photos for me to laugh at, hardly seen you in any! I'm currently half way through creating a website using XHTML and loving being a geek. I'll have to teach you over Christmas.
I BAKED WITHOUT YOU. It was an angry bird cake! Crazy, I know! The icing didn't go as planned.. I got stressed out, you know, being the perfectionist I am! But it was a success with everyone and now they all think I'm on the wrong course! Aha..
Sorry for the essay, just making sure you kinda know whats going on.
Take care of yourself, Ninjamouse sleeps on my bed every day, she's missing you nearly as much as I am!
Lots of Love
The better half of Double D (;
Echo 3
ReplyDeleteHi Hinesh,
It was really good to read about your comfy abode and cheerful friends. You guys must be having a lot of fun. Brilliant account. Keep writing. Looking forward to the next report.
Lots of love
Hi my goofy nephew Hinesh
ReplyDeleteLoved your blog which had me in hysterics! My stomach was cramping and tears rolling down my eyes....too funny, brought back my own memories of "long drop". Keep up the goodwork, proud of you as always.
Love giramasi
Daniel Smout J12 Echo 3
ReplyDeleteHi Daniel
Just had a pie and thought of you!
Was great to get a mental picture of your camp (nicely written by Hinesh) and we have google mapped it and seen the area for ourselves. It makes coming to work even more enjoyable - no rain here yet but am sure we are due a Wigan monsoon soon. The Hursts, G & P are off to the UAE on Sunday - there'll be no rain there and 5* all the way - they were going to invite you but you had a previous booking! Hope you're having a great time ...missing you on a Monday evening. Keep smiling. Love from Mum, Denise and Christine xx
Daniel Smout - 12J (Echo 3)
ReplyDeleteHi Daniel
Hope you're still having a great time, you sound as though you all are, despite the rains and all the children wanting to play!!
Taken your car for a spin, used all the petrol and filled it up with the money I found in the jar, in the boot of the car, hope that's ok!! Haha
Still very cold here, forecast frost tonight and very cold all weekend. We're all off to the footy on Saturday v West Ham, got tickets through school so we're all going (even Angus & Ollie) !! They lost 2-1 last week against Swansea, didn't play very well and right near the bottom of the table.
Went out to Basmati last Saturday with Jo,G&G and bumped into Matty with all his family in there. He says he's having a great time up in Glasgow and was asking all about you.
Els says: Holly was asking about you too in Tesco!
Half term for me next week. Jo and I are off to York for a couple of days during the week and then going to see Graham in Brum at the weekend - we might even end up at the bar you were dancing on stage lol.
Bye for now, lots of love.
Dad, Jo, Morgan, Els, Merrie & Archie xxx
Jocelyn Echo 3
ReplyDeleteHello again,
Here I am sitting on Friday morning (!) in Tom's office trying to work - well a little- . We have made it through the first 5 weeks of the year! My first year students are on self study for next week, so I can relax a little and get prepared for the next 6 weeks up to Christmas.
It is really autumnal here now, lots of mist and drizzel, really miserable. It is supposed to be sunny tomorrow, but the price for that is frost! See, you are missing nothing. Tom is working hard, both for uni and for Dad. He's off to Newcastle with his mates as we speak.
Jess Sean and Bebbles cam on Wednesday night. They are all fine and your little double is beginning to talk a lot, although there is a lot of Beebelish mixed in woth words we also know!
Can't wait for more news from Echo 3. Perhaps there will be some pictures too! Love you lots
mum,dad and tom too xxxx
To Emma 12J Echo3
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed the video, especially your new acquaintance, Daisy the cow!! Hope you are surviving the bashas, the long drops and the monsoons. Glad to hear that you are keeping everybody entertained with your warbling! We have succumbed and opened our goody bag, thanks for your thoughtful pressies, we are in a positive frame of mind and thinking of you often. Enjoy your return to base camp and more luxurious facilities. What happens next?
Lots of love Dad & Dawn xxx
Hi Joss,
ReplyDeleteGreetings from sunny (ish) wivs. Nice to spy your cheeky face on that video. Also good to see you are getting some digging practice in ready for helping with our new garden when you get back.
Beebs was pretty fricking devastated when you left. She threw herself off Sean's chair and broke her wrist the day you flew out. In true monkey stylee, she was pulling herself up on tables and desks using her broken arm when we were in the A & E, so the doctors were pretty surprised when the x-rays came back showing it was broken. It was a bit sad on her birthday with her arm in a cast and she had also injured her foot so she couldn't walk. She didn't seem to mind though and as she is basically a troll she is already all healed up and climbing all over everything as much as ever.
I see you have a couple of days off coming up next. Hope you have some good relaxing times and I will be spying on your progress now I know about this blog.
mucho love from Jess & Arabella (& a smaller bit from Sean) xxxxxxxxxxx
Zeg Joris, ik zit me rot te zoeken naar een boomlange figuur tussen small locals, maar kan je nog niet vinden. Krijg opeens het vermoeden dat je gewoon ergens in een vijfsterrenhotel aan de kust zit en een stand-in hebt geregeld. Wat op zich nog niet zo'n slechte gedachte is. Kortom, laat je zien, ik wil je zien genieten daar, of lijden, whatever....:)
ReplyDeleteLaterrrrr Machiel