Here’s the first news of Tango Five since they set off on trek. It takes the form of a guest blog from Mel and Alice, dictated over the phone during yesterday afternoon's SITREP (situation report) call to Fieldbase.
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Mel and Alice exercising during trek training - strengthening their writing arms ? |
Tango Five Staying Alive
Our group of eleven misfits has set off into the unknown terrain of Kerala facing the harsh Indian elements. We’ve conquered the bloodsucking leeches, the twelve-hour storm, the baking heat and of course the leaky tents. Despite these challenges we’ve had an amazing time.
We’ve travelled 120 kilometres so far, trekking, cycling and rafting, and the views continue to stun us every day, even after a surprise six-hour night trek thanks to our PMs.
Throughout our trek we’ve gotten to know our guides very well and given them nicknames such as our freaky guide Michael Jackson.
We continue to grow as a group despite the increase in our pungent smells and grubby appearances. Only nine days left – what will India have in store for us?
I hope to have a brief news update from Echo Three by tomorrow. Watch out for more news - and pictures - from both Echo Three and Tango Five after Gemma, Ruth and Teija's visit to Echo Three and Dave’s and my visit to Tango Five next week.
Jess 12J tango 5 PM
ReplyDeleteWoop! An update from your trek - thanks Dave, Mel & Alice, its sounds like you've done so much already but also had some challenges! Can't wait to see the pics!
Got some awesome news, I got a job!!! Start in Nov its at Kingston Grammar school, so exciting!
Andy says hello! Saw your pa last week, him and mum were talking knees, yawn!!
To Carline Mohr Echo 3
ReplyDeleteLieve Car, we zijn zo benieuwd hoe je het daar hebt. Vandaag las ik op het blog dat ze jullie deze komende week komen bezoeken. Misschien krijg je dit blog berichtje dan nog mee. Hier alles goed. Wij zijn weer terug uit Woudsend (het is nu zondag 21 okt). Pap en Huug hebben gister de geluksvogel terug gevaren naar Lelystad. Er was echt nul wind op het IJsselmeer. Ze hebben zelfs de motor aan moeten doen, anders zouden ze niet voor het donker in Lelystad zijn. Mar is weer naar zo'n muziek festival geweest en was de volgende ochtend om 09.30 uur weer thuis. Ze heeft met Fleur en Lisa en allerlei leuke mensen van het CLZ de hele nacht opgetrokken. Morgen heeft ze haar scheikunde SE, ze heeft er totaal geen zin in.... (ze moet nog beginnen..!)Met Papoes en Mamoes gaat alles goed. Ik heb ze gister nog heel even gezien. Morgen iedereen weer naar school en aan het werk, we zouden allemaal nog wel een weekje vrij willen.. Nou lieverd, we verheugen ons allemaal op een berichtje van jou! HVJ 4 ever en we missen je hier!!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx mam
To: Quinten van der Ent Tango 5 12j
ReplyDeleteLieve Quint,
Hoe gaat het allemaal daar? Het duurde even voordat we bericht kregen over je groep maar eindelijk staat er wat op. Wat ziet het er allemaal cool uit! Ik lees over stormen en bloedzuigers! Klinkt als een groot feest!
Hier in NL gaat alles goed. Ben onwijs druk met werk en een groot project in de december. Ga volgend weekend naar Parijs met babs en papa en mama! Natuurlijk ga ik niet shoppen en alleen maar cultureel doen;)
Laat je me weten als je weer op het basiskamp bent!
Ik ben nu in Overveen waar ik nog even eet en dan terug naar Amsterdam!
Mis je wel hoor Quint!
Dikke kus je leukste zus! Bernou xxx
Carrot the Chung Shin,
ReplyDeleteHope you are doing well with everything. I guess you will only see this comment on changeover.
It's raining almost everyday here. Sometimes whole day, I guess because of the Ninth Emperor Celebration. IW is happening this weekend (26-28th) with smaller scale. I might go to Singapore in December for Raleigh SG Let's Take a Walk event. Will be walking for 50km - need to do a lot of trainings! Am really not confident on my fitness level. Kar Lye is going, and we are forming a group, hopefully there will be enough people for us to drive down there. Flight ticket is rather expensive. Oh, Lu Ying is coming to SG too! LuYi will be back to Msia by then but not sure whether she's following.
Serene is in same Alpha group as Emay - dive trek. Been following Raleigh B's blog but no update from their group yet. The others are doing well I guess, only see Alpha 2 and Alpha 3 updates. Alpha 2 witnessed an exciting Malay wedding. And Alpha 3 - needless to say, it is always amazing in Danum.
Shon Lee is back in KL and starts intern with TFM today. Dino is continuously flying here and there. She'll be back from Sabah today. And we are going out again today for Kar Lye's birthday. We had a party in her house two days ago. No one drunk albeit a lot of alcohol bought. Kar Lye bought 5 lihings from KK. It's so much tastier and smoother than tapai. The party rather turned up to be cooking competition between Kar Lye, Shon lee and myself. Kar Lye made fish pie which is very delicious. Shon Lee cooked very oily vege tempura. And I cooked soup, a bit tasteless chinese chicken wings and failed apple crumble. Sow Chan came back from New Zealand and she brought her friend over. Sulan came too..she's working in a wine shop until she confirmed her placement. I think you should apply job in wine shop as you can get free drinks. Her cheeks were already red before she came to the party. James said he will sponsor a carton of beer on Shon Lee's name but in the end he FFK, cilaka right?
Cigarettes' price increased RM 0.20 per pack from today (no difference to you,eh?). A retired insurance agent was killed by 5 gun shots in his car near Old Klang road here, it's scary coz it happened in bright day and its near my office.
Anyway, gotta go.
Message for Melissa 12J Tango 5
ReplyDeleteHey Bib,
It's Jess, how is it all going? Enjoying the blood sucking leeches? :P
I have great news for you...I am now a qualified teacher. So you need to call me Miss Viola :) I had my portfolio presentation today and I got a high distinction! I cannot believe it, I wish you were here to celebrate. Mum and I are watching You've Got Mail and miss you! Later I am going to the nut shop where it is fun.
Dad is painting their bedroom and they are sleeping in your room now! Hope your tent isn't too leaky! Glad to see you are representing Geelong over there too. From you blog it sounds you are working hard! Cannot believe you have done all that, it sounds amazing!
Went to pops for dinner tonight, you missed out on some funny moments, pop cracked it at mum over something that happened 30 years ago...good times.
Hope we see more photos of your group soon! Have fun and take care.
Love Jess (Mum, Dad, Sim, Pop, Boscy and Greggy Kempy)xx
Alice 12J Echo 5
ReplyDeleteWhoop whoop whoop we see you at last!! So good to hear what you have been up to.
My first attempt at a blog entry so sorry if I get it wrong.
I've sent you a couple of things via snail mail, which you should get when you get back to base.
I finally started repairing the flint walls yesterday but it is going to be a very long job. When I mend one bit another bit falls down. I realise how lucky we have been that the whole section by the well hasn't fallen down before. Don't expect it to be finished when you get home!
I played tennis this morning at Culford, I haven't played there for at least a year. Very quiet as it is the first week of half term. Really odd to go there without either of you being there.
It has been very gloomy here all week, very foggy. Forecast is for it to get much colder and there is even talk of snow coming. Wondering how hot it is with you. Looking forward to our holiday which is only a couple of weeks away now.
We think of you lots. Miss you Docie
Love and hugs
M and D xxxxxx
Alice12j Tango 5
ReplyDeleteWhoop whoop whoop we see you at last!! So good to hear what you have been up to.
My first attempt at a blog entry so sorry if I get it wrong.
I've sent you a couple of things by snail mail so you should get them when you get back to field base.
I final,y started repairing the flint walls yesterday but it is going to be a very long job. When I mend one bit another bit falls down. I realise how lucky we have been that the whole section by the well hasn't fallen down before. Don't expect it to be finished when you get home!
I played tennis this morning at Culford, I haven't played there for at least a year. Very quiet as it's the first week of half term. Really odd to go there without either of you being there.
It has been very gloomy here all week, very foggy. Forecast is for it to get much colder and there is even talk of snow. Wondering how hot it is with you? Looking forward to our holiday which is only a couple of weeks away now.
We think of you lots. Miss you Docie.
Love and hugs
M and D xxxxx
Hi crystal just a wee message 2 say well done you n the group should be very proud of urselfs :) brandon scott chrissy and myself r missn u .your house is perfect xx miss u so so much see u wen u return home 2 scotland xxxxxxx mum and ur brothers