During this phase the lovely Becca from field base has been out and about visiting our far flung teams of Charlie 1, Tango 5 and Tango 6 over in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Here’s an update from how they're all getting on...
Team spiderman (named after the mascot I'm guessing) rafted their way to victory but all enjoyed the day despite their face paints smudging the minute they got into the water.
If you want to see more photos of the other groups then you can see all of Kathryn's photos here - https://picasaweb.google.com/kgeels and there's always a link to these in the top right corner of the blog.
From Georgia Brooke-Hitching
For Tilda
Dear Tilda, Thanks so much for your message – it has been the first message I’ve got since I’ve been here. I’m day leader today and had to set up a human chain for breeze blocks woo! Love the guy gossip, did you get my email? Getting bitten to death otherwise not much goss to tell you. J Gtg miss you loads and loads xxxx love Brookie
From Emily Hodge
To Nicola
So nice to hear from you. Can’t write too much but having in amazing time here. Its going way too fast though. On community phase now, literally camping on a family’s doorstep and getting such amazing food cooked for us. 5 weeks and still haven’t been ill! Definitely see you in the 4 days I’m back .
Love Emily xxxx
From Martyn Parry
Hi Mum & Dad
Thank you for the blog messages and your birthday wishes, I had a good day. I’m ok, I believe you were a bit worried about me at the start of phase 2 but I’m fine, remember the blog isn’t just about me! I haven’t seen any tigers or elephants yet but I’m going to a tiger reserve tomorrow so maybe i will then. Speak soon Martyn xx
From Clare Lynch
To Joe
Hello Joe, Graham and Princess, am great thanks, having a brilliant time thank you. Yes everything’s going well, not been in a phase with Laura yet but. How are you’s? Love Clare
From Clare Lynch
To Chloe Bryce
Hey chick, am great thanks. How are you and everyone back home? I’m having an amazing time! Not been in a group with Laura yet but hopefully the next group but. Heard you done great in you dance show well done. Take care, love Clare x
From Sarah Churlish
To Andrew Churlish
Thanks for the blog message little brother. It means a lot. It’s good to know you’re following the blog – I was beginning to think you’d disappeared off the face of the earth. It’s great to hear you’re loving uni still.. Say hi to everyone. Missing you, love you loads Sarah xxxxx
From Sarah Churlish
To Stef
Hey! It’s so good to hear from you! It’s nice to know that you know what I’m up to. I’m going to a big town (after a tiger safari whoop!) so I’ll try and get in touch then. Missing our dates and yay you’re getting paid – that’s awesome! Say hi to the family, much love Sarah x x x x
From Sarah Churlish
To Dad and family
As always it’s great getting your messages. Check your facebook inbox (John will show you) and I’ll send you a longer reply as I’m pushed for time. I’m going to a big city in a few days so I’ll try and fill you in on Indian life. Desperately missing the fat boy breakfast. Have a butty and 5 beers for me! Lots of love Sarah.
From Emily Howell
From Scott Rae
To Marjorie Rae
Hello! So nice to receive so many blog messages. Having an amazing time on trek – it’s so challenging, but I’m learning a lot from it. Jealous you’re going on a luxury holiday and I’m sitting here plastering my feet with zinc oxide tape. Hope you’re having a fab holiday! Love Scott x x
From Scott Rae
To Jen, Alan and Jamie
Hello! Thanks so much for posting – lovely to head from you. Having an amazing time out here – trek is so difficult but we’re all surviving! Can’t believe Jamie has such a varied diet already – he eats more veg than I do. I sent a letter home for everyone – hopefully it arrived before M+D went on holiday. Will send another letter soon. Love and kisses Scott x x
From Sam Anderson
From Sam Anderson
From Katy star Stocker
To Dommer
From Book Hau-Laam
To Lucy Jiang
Dear Lucy, thanks for your message! It was such a surprise!! I’m good here, trying to fit in. How are you doing in HK? I’m on trekking phase and saw Shikku on Day 5. Kannan, Vijay’s brother is in my group as well. They all say hi to you J can’t wait to go back to HK! I miss the food!! Miss you loads. Book x x
PS see you on the Raleigh blog again!!
From Sunil Mistry
To Everyone
Hey guys, sorry ain’t been able to blog for a while, been busy! Finished the community phase now, built 15 toilets. I’m on trek now, climbed the second highest mountain in south India and survived! (just about!) I struggled a bit due to over packing my bag but gonna reduce the weight now by giving some of my stuff back to Raleigh to take away so I should fly along now. Loving all your messages, can’t wit to show you guys the pictures of the amazing views we’ve seen!
From Ross Conquest
To The Povey’s and the Conquests
Hi Everyone! Hope you are well at home. Really enjoying myself out here! As you have probably seen, I’ve finished Echo 4 and have been out here for over a month now! Seems to have gone so quickly. We managed to dig 500m of trenches and then put up the solar fencing as well which was a great achievement and all the local villagers showed up on the last day to give us flowers and thank us which was brilliant. Now I’m trekking (Tango 5) and have been going for about 7 days now after a 12 hour then 4 hour bus journey in 2 days. We climbed the second highest mountain n Southern India on our second day (which is more than twice the height of Ben Nevis) but unfortunately our view was blocked by cloud and our descent marred by lots of rain and cold weather! But it was worth it! All the other days have been beautiful and some of the views are absolutely stunning (all being in the Western Ghats of Kerala). Rest day today and so we have stocked up on chocolate and coke which we’ve all missed! Say hi to everyone at home for me (including the dogs) and keep checking the blog and thanks very much for all the messages; it’s really nice to know you’re all watching. Also I hope you had a good birthday Louise!
Love you all, Ross
From Louise Mohsen
To Sammie Hedges
Hi Sammie! Sorry I haven’t replied sooner, I haven’t’ had the chance. I’m on trek at the moment and it’s pretty hard going. Miss you and your house so much! Can’t wait for your letter, there better be lots of gossip! Can’t believe it’s March already and I’ll be seeing you in less than two months! Take care and love you x x x
From Louise Mohsen
To Mum
Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve blogged, I haven’t had the chance! Hope you receive my letter soon, it only took me four hours! I’m on trek now and I’ve found it pretty hard so far but think i’m slowly adapting to it. Today has been our rest day so have had the chance to wash clothes (they stink of stale vegetables) and myself which has been nice! I’m going to write you all another letter when I get back to field base. Still haven’t received Lucy or Sammie’s. Remember you can’t send me any post in the last 3 weeks so just continue blogging.
From Nic Richards
To Mum and Dad and others
From Dan O’Flynn
To Ma and Pa and Nick
Hi guys! Just to let you know the trek is going brilliantly so far, the walking is tough but very satisfying! The people and the scenery help to take my mind odd the aching feet! Hope all is well in Wolvo, send my love to Molly! X x x x x
Charlie 1 - Big diggers and day trippers
The loop trip started in the beautiful tropical village of Vellary to catch up with the group and Becca found half of them down in the huge 6ft deep hole they'd been digging for the bio-gas dome. The rest of the group were out and about in the village hiding clues for a treasure hunt taking place the next day. PM Dave keep the team entertained in the bottom of the pit they were digging, telling stories as they worked together to shift all the soil from the bottom of the hole and over the top.
The team are camping on the doorstep of one of the families and enjoying their fantastic hospitality and all of the local wildlife and the walks around the stunning tea plantations on their doorstep. As we left them they were about to head out on a day trip to a local tiger safari. We've since heard reports that no tigers were spotted but plenty of peacocks kept them entertained, as well as more of Dave's stories I'm sure.
Becca brings the Raleigh shop essentials to Charlie 1 |
Martyn, Elliott and Philip digging that HUGE hole. |
Sarah and Ellie shifting the soil while Martyn admires something on the ground. |
Ellie and Ameze still smiling in the soil. |
The team hard at work. L-R Martyn, Dave, Sarah, Georgia, Philip, Ellie, Elliott and Ameze. |
Becca with the local children. |
The bio-gas cow shed that the groups in both phases have been constructing. |
The house that the teams have been working on is coming along nicely. |
Tango 5 - Fishing, stretching and trekking
Becca joined the group on a much needed rest day to allow their aches and pains to ease a little. The camp they were staying at for the next two nights had a lovely fishing lake which the team made the most of despite seeing a four foot long water snake on the way to it. They caught three fish for dinner but disappointingly, weren't able to eat them in the end as the fish started dying too quickly due to a run in with a fertiliser bag, so it was another meal of pasta for them in the end.
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Nic, David and Felix catch dinner. |
The group were keen to make their bags as light as possible for the remainder of the trek and so once they'd picked out the essential items from the loop's food drop they passed quite a bit of it back along with about 80 litres of personal items that they realised they didn't need after all so hopefully they've been light as a feather for the remainder of the trek and skipped up those peaks.
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Sophie, Laura and Flo sort out the group's food. |
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While Dan (PM), Ross and Sunil investigate what music they're going to listen to while they cook dinner. |
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The team have been doing their essential exercises each morning before leaving camp. L-R Dan (PM), Kannan, Nic and Daphne |
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Nic, Daphne, Flo and Laura stretch it out. |
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Doing the all important, but not very flattering, hip stretches. L-R - Daphne, Flo, Laura, Sophie, Becky, David. |
As the Tango 5 trek has very little shade along the route, the group have decided to start walking very early in the mornings while it's still dark to avoid the heat as much as possible. So they've seen many an amazing sunrise on their travels and then been able to get to camp a bit earlier in the day to set up.
Everyone has found it a tough challenge but they've been working well together as a group and they all made it to the top of the second highest peak in India together on the second day, nice work guys! We look forward to hearing more of their tales when they're back at field base in a few day
Tango 6 - The adventures of Spider-Man and his sixteen sidekicks.
The group have now followed their blow up spiderman mascot for over two weeks of tough but hugely rewarding trekking, cycling and rafting for their phase two adventure. For the rafting day they split into four teams and raced to the other side, with spiderman with them of course!
Team spiderman (named after the mascot I'm guessing) rafted their way to victory but all enjoyed the day despite their face paints smudging the minute they got into the water.
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The winning team Spiderman - Chloe, Anne-Romee, Ed and Polly (PM) |
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Team Pirates - Stu (PM), Sean, Scott and Rachel |
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Team Kiss - Sian, Holly, Wieger and Lauren |
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Team tigers - Emily, Sam, Naomi, Chris |
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Possibly one of the reasons why team pirates didn't win - Sean, Rachel, Scott, |
There was also a tense moment at camp one night when Stu (PM) returned from their homemade long drop in a genuine panic (and not one of his usual pranks!) as he'd seen an elephant in there. After further inspection and a few nervous minutes for Stu, it turned out to be the smallest of calves wandering through the bushes. I can still hear the group taking the mic out of Stu from here!
Due to the air being a bit damp at night in Kerala, the trekkers have had to come up with different ways of trying to get their rarely clean clothes dry, so they've tried everything from holding pants over the fire to starting a sock spinning disco.
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The team taking a break at the heart shaped lake which they saw on the way up the Chembra peak. |
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Taking a quick break during the cycling. |
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Sean gets the group into shape. |
They're all now enjoying their last few days on this phase before heading back here to field base for changeover on Sunday 13th so we can't wait to hear that first bus to pull in to see them all again.
If you want to see more photos of the other groups then you can see all of Kathryn's photos here - https://picasaweb.google.com/kgeels and there's always a link to these in the top right corner of the blog.
In other news, Betty the calf is still a regular here although her buddy Eddie the egret Edwards hasn’t been with her for a while, so we think he’s off doing a guest appearance on Question of Sport maybe...
Thanks again for the messages that people have sent in about the blog, we’re so glad you’re enjoying it. There’s a lot of work on for everyone this phase so we’ve not been able to update it as regularly as before so apologies for this but we’re still trying to get all the news out to you as quickly as we can. Oh and a note to Steve Churlish - thanks for the note, made my day! No mars bars would be needed should we ever meet, a single chocolate hob-nob would suffice.
Here's the messages that the groups have sent back...
Charlie 1
From Elliott Leishman
To Robin
Currently in Tamil Nadu, living with an Indian family and building a biogas unit in a beautiful part of India surrounded by jungle, tea and coffee plantations. Got trek in next phase and looking forward to it, Miss you all and Lindy, tell mum and dad that I sent a letter to them today.
To Robin
Currently in Tamil Nadu, living with an Indian family and building a biogas unit in a beautiful part of India surrounded by jungle, tea and coffee plantations. Got trek in next phase and looking forward to it, Miss you all and Lindy, tell mum and dad that I sent a letter to them today.
From Georgia Brooke-Hitching
For Tilda
Dear Tilda, Thanks so much for your message – it has been the first message I’ve got since I’ve been here. I’m day leader today and had to set up a human chain for breeze blocks woo! Love the guy gossip, did you get my email? Getting bitten to death otherwise not much goss to tell you. J Gtg miss you loads and loads xxxx love Brookie
From Emily Hodge
To Nicola
So nice to hear from you. Can’t write too much but having in amazing time here. Its going way too fast though. On community phase now, literally camping on a family’s doorstep and getting such amazing food cooked for us. 5 weeks and still haven’t been ill! Definitely see you in the 4 days I’m back .
Love Emily xxxx
From Martyn Parry
Hi Mum & Dad
Thank you for the blog messages and your birthday wishes, I had a good day. I’m ok, I believe you were a bit worried about me at the start of phase 2 but I’m fine, remember the blog isn’t just about me! I haven’t seen any tigers or elephants yet but I’m going to a tiger reserve tomorrow so maybe i will then. Speak soon Martyn xx
From Clare Lynch
To Joe
Hello Joe, Graham and Princess, am great thanks, having a brilliant time thank you. Yes everything’s going well, not been in a phase with Laura yet but. How are you’s? Love Clare
From Clare Lynch
To Chloe Bryce
Hey chick, am great thanks. How are you and everyone back home? I’m having an amazing time! Not been in a group with Laura yet but hopefully the next group but. Heard you done great in you dance show well done. Take care, love Clare x
From Sarah Churlish
To Andrew Churlish
Thanks for the blog message little brother. It means a lot. It’s good to know you’re following the blog – I was beginning to think you’d disappeared off the face of the earth. It’s great to hear you’re loving uni still.. Say hi to everyone. Missing you, love you loads Sarah xxxxx
From Sarah Churlish
To Stef
Hey! It’s so good to hear from you! It’s nice to know that you know what I’m up to. I’m going to a big town (after a tiger safari whoop!) so I’ll try and get in touch then. Missing our dates and yay you’re getting paid – that’s awesome! Say hi to the family, much love Sarah x x x x
From Sarah Churlish
To Dad and family
As always it’s great getting your messages. Check your facebook inbox (John will show you) and I’ll send you a longer reply as I’m pushed for time. I’m going to a big city in a few days so I’ll try and fill you in on Indian life. Desperately missing the fat boy breakfast. Have a butty and 5 beers for me! Lots of love Sarah.
Tango 6
From Emily Howell
To Mum, Dad, Charlie, Sian
Sorry it’s been a while, am on my 19 day trek through Kerala – hands down the hardest thing I’ve ever done but also one of the best! Was hit quite spectacularly by the dreaded illness half way through which was tough, but am much better now. Miss everyone loads, hope you’re all well. Will try to be in touch when I finish this phase! X
From Scott Rae
To Andrew
Hello! So nice to hear from you! Our whole group were so excited to hear some celebrity goss – can’t believe the xtina news, isn’t she preggers? Having a blast out here, so much to fill you in on when I get back. Must be a relief to almost be done with exams – will soon be time to chillax! Can’t wait for 9th April – I hope Polo misses me as much as I miss it.
From Scott Rae
To Andrew
Hello! So nice to hear from you! Our whole group were so excited to hear some celebrity goss – can’t believe the xtina news, isn’t she preggers? Having a blast out here, so much to fill you in on when I get back. Must be a relief to almost be done with exams – will soon be time to chillax! Can’t wait for 9th April – I hope Polo misses me as much as I miss it.
From Scott Rae
To Marjorie Rae
Hello! So nice to receive so many blog messages. Having an amazing time on trek – it’s so challenging, but I’m learning a lot from it. Jealous you’re going on a luxury holiday and I’m sitting here plastering my feet with zinc oxide tape. Hope you’re having a fab holiday! Love Scott x x
From Scott Rae
To Jen, Alan and Jamie
Hello! Thanks so much for posting – lovely to head from you. Having an amazing time out here – trek is so difficult but we’re all surviving! Can’t believe Jamie has such a varied diet already – he eats more veg than I do. I sent a letter home for everyone – hopefully it arrived before M+D went on holiday. Will send another letter soon. Love and kisses Scott x x
From Wieger van Rinkhuyzen
To – M+P+D
Lieve 3 heel veel dank voor berichten! 13 brieven ontvangen! Heb er eentje teruggeschreven. Trekking is fantastic, helaas byna over... Ik geniet ven elke dag! Zondag 13 maart gaan we naar Mysore. Ik bel/sms dan. Lefs, Wieger.
From Sam Anderson
To Mum, dad, Tanya and Shelby
Mum, glad you liked your presents! So nice to hear from you and glad you’re all ok. Really missing you all. Trek’s nearly over now and I’ll try and call you when I get into Mysore. It’s a good experience but I’m not going to be doing it again! Hope your weather gets better so you can get the patio finished. Keeping it short as I’ve just finished writing you a long letter. Miss you all loads and love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Lieve 3 heel veel dank voor berichten! 13 brieven ontvangen! Heb er eentje teruggeschreven. Trekking is fantastic, helaas byna over... Ik geniet ven elke dag! Zondag 13 maart gaan we naar Mysore. Ik bel/sms dan. Lefs, Wieger.
From Sam Anderson
To Mum, dad, Tanya and Shelby
Mum, glad you liked your presents! So nice to hear from you and glad you’re all ok. Really missing you all. Trek’s nearly over now and I’ll try and call you when I get into Mysore. It’s a good experience but I’m not going to be doing it again! Hope your weather gets better so you can get the patio finished. Keeping it short as I’ve just finished writing you a long letter. Miss you all loads and love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From Sam Anderson
To Ellie Snowshill
So happy for you hun – it’s lovely to hear that you and Jack are still very happy together – I still have nearly 2 months to win my bet ut I’ll gladly hand over a tenner is you’re happy J Written you a long letter, will be posted at changeover. Glad you liked your charm – loved that message after! Glad you did well on your assignments – got my fingers crossed for your exams. Love you loads sexy girl and miss you x x x x
So happy for you hun – it’s lovely to hear that you and Jack are still very happy together – I still have nearly 2 months to win my bet ut I’ll gladly hand over a tenner is you’re happy J Written you a long letter, will be posted at changeover. Glad you liked your charm – loved that message after! Glad you did well on your assignments – got my fingers crossed for your exams. Love you loads sexy girl and miss you x x x x
From Sam Anderson
To Keri-Lou Smith
I’ll be home soon babe so you can talk to me again in a whole! J Glad to hear you’re ok and really nice to hear from you. How’s you and Gary? Tell Graham it’s easy and I expect one from him soon! Drinks when I get back babe no doubt. Love you babe and miss you x x x x
I’ll be home soon babe so you can talk to me again in a whole! J Glad to hear you’re ok and really nice to hear from you. How’s you and Gary? Tell Graham it’s easy and I expect one from him soon! Drinks when I get back babe no doubt. Love you babe and miss you x x x x
From Lauren Bell
To Bells, Rash, Ali, Hen, the Paynes
Thank you so much for all your blog messages and letters. Had many more trekking days, a bike day and a survival day since the last loop – still having an amazing time and can’t believe I’m in my last days of Raleigh!! L Please let Hen and Luce know I will have my phone from the 13th and let everyone else know letters are on their way! Miss you all and can’t wait to speak to you on the 13th. Lots of love Lauren x
To Bells, Rash, Ali, Hen, the Paynes
Thank you so much for all your blog messages and letters. Had many more trekking days, a bike day and a survival day since the last loop – still having an amazing time and can’t believe I’m in my last days of Raleigh!! L Please let Hen and Luce know I will have my phone from the 13th and let everyone else know letters are on their way! Miss you all and can’t wait to speak to you on the 13th. Lots of love Lauren x
From Sian Hilton
To Lauren Hilton
Hi, Thank you SO much for posting my application, fingers crossed! I’m still trekking, 2 days of cycling left and 3 days of trekking left. I’ll be back at field base on the 13th March and on the 16th for my final phase! Trekking is so hard, but rewarding. Just had a clean in a stream with everyone which is our standard cleaning technique on trek. Have you and mum got my postcards yet? I posted mum a letter a week ago, usually takes 3 weeks. Hopefully be on facebook for a few mins on 13th. When I’m home we can for on 9 hour walks in Rivington LOL. Miss you both, let me know if this gets published. Love Sian x x x
To Lauren Hilton
Hi, Thank you SO much for posting my application, fingers crossed! I’m still trekking, 2 days of cycling left and 3 days of trekking left. I’ll be back at field base on the 13th March and on the 16th for my final phase! Trekking is so hard, but rewarding. Just had a clean in a stream with everyone which is our standard cleaning technique on trek. Have you and mum got my postcards yet? I posted mum a letter a week ago, usually takes 3 weeks. Hopefully be on facebook for a few mins on 13th. When I’m home we can for on 9 hour walks in Rivington LOL. Miss you both, let me know if this gets published. Love Sian x x x
From Sian Hilton
Nick Mitchell
HI got your letter, takes 3 weeks to get back it’ll be easier to give you it at home as it’s just 4 weeks left now! I’m back at field base on the 13th so will try and get in touch then if our Tango 6 is quick at cleaning our equipment then LOL. So I’ll try facebook you. Love Sian x x x x
From Anne-Romee
To: Ledereen
Lieve allemall, Hier alled goed, ben nog in level! Prachtige maar loodzware trek. Nog 5 dagen dus daar sleep ik me wel doorheen. Groep weer super leuk. Al jullie lieve berichten beurden meerg op van daag. Kon dat wel even gebruiken, dus veel dank! Ook mama’s lieve brief met updates en zelfs een heerlyk t-shirt was een super verrassing! Ik ga genieten en leren van nin laatste dagen trek, want hoe lwaak het ook is, ik ga het missen. Geen zorgen, hiek komt alles goed. Heel veel liefs x x x Anne-Romee.
HI got your letter, takes 3 weeks to get back it’ll be easier to give you it at home as it’s just 4 weeks left now! I’m back at field base on the 13th so will try and get in touch then if our Tango 6 is quick at cleaning our equipment then LOL. So I’ll try facebook you. Love Sian x x x x
From Anne-Romee
To: Ledereen
Lieve allemall, Hier alled goed, ben nog in level! Prachtige maar loodzware trek. Nog 5 dagen dus daar sleep ik me wel doorheen. Groep weer super leuk. Al jullie lieve berichten beurden meerg op van daag. Kon dat wel even gebruiken, dus veel dank! Ook mama’s lieve brief met updates en zelfs een heerlyk t-shirt was een super verrassing! Ik ga genieten en leren van nin laatste dagen trek, want hoe lwaak het ook is, ik ga het missen. Geen zorgen, hiek komt alles goed. Heel veel liefs x x x Anne-Romee.
From Cloe Minshaw
To Jon
Ola Jon how are you? I have received your blog messages but I’ve been out on a phase for the past 13 days so I haven’t got them til today. I’m back at field base on the 13th so will be able to call you then. How is everything at home? Tell me the goss. How’s mum, send her my love. Is Jack alright? What’s the plan for his birthday? Got him a car yet... I joke.
To Jon
Ola Jon how are you? I have received your blog messages but I’ve been out on a phase for the past 13 days so I haven’t got them til today. I’m back at field base on the 13th so will be able to call you then. How is everything at home? Tell me the goss. How’s mum, send her my love. Is Jack alright? What’s the plan for his birthday? Got him a car yet... I joke.
I’m still out on trek and oh my god it’s hard. I will fill you in on the 13th. Can’t wait to speak to you and mum. Missing you! Give a big hug to Asbo and Taz for me. Love you x x x
From Cloe Minshaw
To Emma
You alright babes? Mate, I just got your blog message and I cried like a flippin baby, I miss you man! I miss you all so much. I can’t cope LOL. Tell me the goss? How’s gossip girl and 90210? Tell Lex I’m annoyed she didn’t text me about it. How’s porty life going? Oh my what are the pictures like, are they grim? Oh my hair is just awful, I look like a bloke, a full on bloke! I’m trekking at the moment and I’m dying I walk like 13k a day and tomorrow I bike about 25k! I get my phone back on the 13th so I will text you all then. So glad the op went well, tell me more about it on the 13th. Say hi to everyone for me. Miss you gelly welly nelly, love you x x x
From Cloe Minshaw
To Emma
You alright babes? Mate, I just got your blog message and I cried like a flippin baby, I miss you man! I miss you all so much. I can’t cope LOL. Tell me the goss? How’s gossip girl and 90210? Tell Lex I’m annoyed she didn’t text me about it. How’s porty life going? Oh my what are the pictures like, are they grim? Oh my hair is just awful, I look like a bloke, a full on bloke! I’m trekking at the moment and I’m dying I walk like 13k a day and tomorrow I bike about 25k! I get my phone back on the 13th so I will text you all then. So glad the op went well, tell me more about it on the 13th. Say hi to everyone for me. Miss you gelly welly nelly, love you x x x
Tango 5
From Laura Bryce
To Chloe Bryce
Hey Babie J
How are you doing hunnie? Hope you’re behaving missy! :P Not long now til I’m home to see ya! You helping out with the wee man? Been going to school? I’m in the middle of a trek at the mo and we climbed the second highest peak in Southern India :D Was tough though but ‘m still kicking, can’t wait to see you babe. Love you loads, big sis x x x x <3
From Laura Bryce
From Laura Bryce
To Chloe Bryce
Hey Babie J
How are you doing hunnie? Hope you’re behaving missy! :P Not long now til I’m home to see ya! You helping out with the wee man? Been going to school? I’m in the middle of a trek at the mo and we climbed the second highest peak in Southern India :D Was tough though but ‘m still kicking, can’t wait to see you babe. Love you loads, big sis x x x x <3
From Laura Bryce
To Dharmnedra Patel
Hello :) How you doing? Missing you and your wee flute thing :L How you enjoying being back home then? That’s me half way through trek and I’m still ALIVE! Lmao. Take care and speak soon x
From Sophie Lethier
To Dharmendra Patel
Hey homes, thanks for your message, really brightened up my trek! I have so many blisters you wouldn’t believe. Anyway, hope you are well and that you got home safe. Your presence is most definitely missed! Take care x
From Sophie Lethier
To Sarah Gibson
Hey my lovely, hope that Tanzania is going well and that you’re going to see Tilda soon. Just to let you know, I think I’ll join you in Vietnam on the 12th May. It sucks that we won’t see each other for 2 months though. Also when are you going to Thailand? Just so I know whether to go with you guys or before you arrive to south Africa.
From Sophie Lethier
To tout le monde
Salut! Merci beaucoup pour tous vos messages, ici tout va bien – malheureusement on a en 3 jours de pleine! Mais on a vu des elephants (incroujable). J’ai mal au dos, au pieds, au genoux, en fait un peu partons mais je m’eclat donce je m’en fou! J’espere que vous allez tous tres bien. Gros gros bisous. Je vous embrasse tres fort et vous me mangues enorthement, Soph x x x x x
From Becky Barnes
To Friends and Family
Hello :) How you doing? Missing you and your wee flute thing :L How you enjoying being back home then? That’s me half way through trek and I’m still ALIVE! Lmao. Take care and speak soon x
From Sophie Lethier
To Dharmendra Patel
Hey homes, thanks for your message, really brightened up my trek! I have so many blisters you wouldn’t believe. Anyway, hope you are well and that you got home safe. Your presence is most definitely missed! Take care x
From Sophie Lethier
To Sarah Gibson
Hey my lovely, hope that Tanzania is going well and that you’re going to see Tilda soon. Just to let you know, I think I’ll join you in Vietnam on the 12th May. It sucks that we won’t see each other for 2 months though. Also when are you going to Thailand? Just so I know whether to go with you guys or before you arrive to south Africa.
From Sophie Lethier
To tout le monde
Salut! Merci beaucoup pour tous vos messages, ici tout va bien – malheureusement on a en 3 jours de pleine! Mais on a vu des elephants (incroujable). J’ai mal au dos, au pieds, au genoux, en fait un peu partons mais je m’eclat donce je m’en fou! J’espere que vous allez tous tres bien. Gros gros bisous. Je vous embrasse tres fort et vous me mangues enorthement, Soph x x x x x
From Becky Barnes
To Friends and Family
Hi Mum, Ruth and friends and scissors, I hope you are all very well. I can’t wait to see you all again – over halfway through my travels now. Trekking is a big challenge but seven days in and I have grown in confidence. The views are amazing and being unable to wash very much makes me ready for any festival this summer. Please keep writing and blog messaging as it really gets me through. I hope my letters are arriving with you. Ruth I hope your travels are fantastic and Amy and Smoo, let me know how CELTA is going. Love you all loads. Becky x x
PS. Roz – I am still wearing our Bali bracelet and Gina are you in India?? I have a lovely guy to travel with after and we need to make plans. Email me and I’ll be able to check it at changeover around 13th. Love love love x x x x
PS. Roz – I am still wearing our Bali bracelet and Gina are you in India?? I have a lovely guy to travel with after and we need to make plans. Email me and I’ll be able to check it at changeover around 13th. Love love love x x x x
From Katy star Stocker
To Old man stocker
To Old man stocker
Happy birthday daddio! Sorry I can’t be there (or even send this message on the right day) but I’ll be halfway up a mountain! Have a great day and think of me when you’re having an Indian! Love you lots x x x x
From Katy star Stocker
To Mothership
Ma! Looking forward to receiving the bradders news and catching up on all the exciting goings on eg sock stolen from bank. Climbed the 2nd highest mountain in (southern) India t’other day! Unfortunately, it was so foggy we couldn’t actually see anything!! Have been wearing the same pants for 3 days, mmm sexy... missing clean running water! Love you lots x x x
To Mothership
Ma! Looking forward to receiving the bradders news and catching up on all the exciting goings on eg sock stolen from bank. Climbed the 2nd highest mountain in (southern) India t’other day! Unfortunately, it was so foggy we couldn’t actually see anything!! Have been wearing the same pants for 3 days, mmm sexy... missing clean running water! Love you lots x x x
From Katy star Stocker
To Dommer
Hey badgerface... trekking, trekking, trekking and it’s quite a struggle! Missing home comforts eg hot running water, a comfy bed, a level surface to walk on! Looking forward to receiving your post, hope you’ve included one of the kits! Been thinking about summer, we should volunteer at a festival or two (inc Glasts!) if you can get the time off work (and me off non-existent job!) Has any more money come in for my baldness? Love you loads and loads x x x x x x x x x
From Book Hau-Laam
To Lucy Jiang
Dear Lucy, thanks for your message! It was such a surprise!! I’m good here, trying to fit in. How are you doing in HK? I’m on trekking phase and saw Shikku on Day 5. Kannan, Vijay’s brother is in my group as well. They all say hi to you J can’t wait to go back to HK! I miss the food!! Miss you loads. Book x x
PS see you on the Raleigh blog again!!
From Sunil Mistry
To Everyone
Hey guys, sorry ain’t been able to blog for a while, been busy! Finished the community phase now, built 15 toilets. I’m on trek now, climbed the second highest mountain in south India and survived! (just about!) I struggled a bit due to over packing my bag but gonna reduce the weight now by giving some of my stuff back to Raleigh to take away so I should fly along now. Loving all your messages, can’t wit to show you guys the pictures of the amazing views we’ve seen!
From Ross Conquest
To The Povey’s and the Conquests
Hi Everyone! Hope you are well at home. Really enjoying myself out here! As you have probably seen, I’ve finished Echo 4 and have been out here for over a month now! Seems to have gone so quickly. We managed to dig 500m of trenches and then put up the solar fencing as well which was a great achievement and all the local villagers showed up on the last day to give us flowers and thank us which was brilliant. Now I’m trekking (Tango 5) and have been going for about 7 days now after a 12 hour then 4 hour bus journey in 2 days. We climbed the second highest mountain n Southern India on our second day (which is more than twice the height of Ben Nevis) but unfortunately our view was blocked by cloud and our descent marred by lots of rain and cold weather! But it was worth it! All the other days have been beautiful and some of the views are absolutely stunning (all being in the Western Ghats of Kerala). Rest day today and so we have stocked up on chocolate and coke which we’ve all missed! Say hi to everyone at home for me (including the dogs) and keep checking the blog and thanks very much for all the messages; it’s really nice to know you’re all watching. Also I hope you had a good birthday Louise!
Love you all, Ross
From Louise Mohsen
To Sammie Hedges
Hi Sammie! Sorry I haven’t replied sooner, I haven’t’ had the chance. I’m on trek at the moment and it’s pretty hard going. Miss you and your house so much! Can’t wait for your letter, there better be lots of gossip! Can’t believe it’s March already and I’ll be seeing you in less than two months! Take care and love you x x x
From Louise Mohsen
To Mum
Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve blogged, I haven’t had the chance! Hope you receive my letter soon, it only took me four hours! I’m on trek now and I’ve found it pretty hard so far but think i’m slowly adapting to it. Today has been our rest day so have had the chance to wash clothes (they stink of stale vegetables) and myself which has been nice! I’m going to write you all another letter when I get back to field base. Still haven’t received Lucy or Sammie’s. Remember you can’t send me any post in the last 3 weeks so just continue blogging.
Love Louisa x x x
From Louise Mohsen
To Lucy
Loved your last blog message, sorry I haven’t had a chance to write back sooner, everything has been so hectic on trek. I hope you got your last essay complete, I prayed that you wouldn’t leave it til the last minute but I’m guessing you did. Oh babe, every time I moisturise I think of you, but don’t worry about the make-up side there’s never any time to put any on!! I have a zillion mosquito bites at the moment and the more I scratch the more I realise than my supposed tan is just pure dirt! Please write to me soon with all the details about Bristol...haven’t received your other letter yet but hopefully when i get back to field base. I’m going to write you a letter anyway. Remember not to send me any post in the last 3 weeks! We climbed the second highest mountain in southern India a few days ago, very painful. Can’t wait to hear from you again x x x x
To Lucy
Loved your last blog message, sorry I haven’t had a chance to write back sooner, everything has been so hectic on trek. I hope you got your last essay complete, I prayed that you wouldn’t leave it til the last minute but I’m guessing you did. Oh babe, every time I moisturise I think of you, but don’t worry about the make-up side there’s never any time to put any on!! I have a zillion mosquito bites at the moment and the more I scratch the more I realise than my supposed tan is just pure dirt! Please write to me soon with all the details about Bristol...haven’t received your other letter yet but hopefully when i get back to field base. I’m going to write you a letter anyway. Remember not to send me any post in the last 3 weeks! We climbed the second highest mountain in southern India a few days ago, very painful. Can’t wait to hear from you again x x x x
From Nic Richards
To Mum and Dad and others
I will keep it short as we are relatively in touch now. Climbed three peaks on trek. Amazing views and we had a nice rest day today. Over 400 pictures so far so journal is not really needed/not enough time. Saw a huge snake today must have been 2-3m long. Also caught a fish and a crab. Don’t mean to brag but only one to manage it out of our group, especially with a seasoned fisher. Football results are always great and hope you have managed to sort out the ipod. Hope all is well, love Nic x x x
From David Gutheridge
To Mum and Dad
Sorry I didn’t get a chance to ring you before I went on phase but things have been so hectic around here. I have been put on the trekking phase and at first was a bit disappointed but really I’m loving it and seeing so many amazing things. Anyway, I will be able to ring at changeover. Can’t wait to hear how things are at home.
From David
From Florine Boer
To Anke Vershoen
Hi Anke, ik ull je alvast heel erg feliciteren met je verjoordag oonkomende zaterdag. Ik hoop dat je nog wat famille boer ontvangt op je verjaardag gezien de helft het land ult is. Ik kom snel een keer met een vriendinnetje of met mama in Vlissingen lugeren als het mag xxx Flo veel liefs ook aan piet natulvlijk.
To Mum and Dad
Sorry I didn’t get a chance to ring you before I went on phase but things have been so hectic around here. I have been put on the trekking phase and at first was a bit disappointed but really I’m loving it and seeing so many amazing things. Anyway, I will be able to ring at changeover. Can’t wait to hear how things are at home.
From David
From Florine Boer
To Anke Vershoen
Hi Anke, ik ull je alvast heel erg feliciteren met je verjoordag oonkomende zaterdag. Ik hoop dat je nog wat famille boer ontvangt op je verjaardag gezien de helft het land ult is. Ik kom snel een keer met een vriendinnetje of met mama in Vlissingen lugeren als het mag xxx Flo veel liefs ook aan piet natulvlijk.
From Florine Boer
To Matthijs
Hi Lieve Matthijs
Je bent al opgemerkt alv eg opvallend vaak aenwezige blogger door al mijn famile gewoon omdat je die blog niet begrijpt haha. Hoe is het daar op Laurie? De trek is niet so erg als ie dacht en red het prima zo, het is ook zo super mooi hier, echt geniek! Leuk al die groetjes von iedereen mis iedereen echt zo erg von laurentius en heb acht sininde eerste avanden! Ik mag niet langere dingen schriven, ik spreek je snel xxx veel liefs Flootje!
From Eleri Evans
To Catherine Playfair
Hi Catherine, heard you got home safe and sound. Hope all is ok and your foot is improving. Enjoying trek but missing you here. Take care and see you back in London soon. Love from Eleri x x x
From Dan O’Flynn
To Colette
Hi Lettuce! Just got your message about Thailand, ‘YEAH BABY!’. Amazing news, can’t wait to see you! Hope work is exciting, have you met anyone famous yet? The trek is going really well, writing this message from our rest day campsite, Chatarangapura (you can say THAT again!) Seen two snakes but no big spiders. The scenery is brilliant – could see Tamil Nadu from the top of a massive ridge yesterday, not too injured so far, fingers crossed for the rest of the time! Miss you lots, love you! x x x maoam x x x
To Matthijs
Hi Lieve Matthijs
Je bent al opgemerkt alv eg opvallend vaak aenwezige blogger door al mijn famile gewoon omdat je die blog niet begrijpt haha. Hoe is het daar op Laurie? De trek is niet so erg als ie dacht en red het prima zo, het is ook zo super mooi hier, echt geniek! Leuk al die groetjes von iedereen mis iedereen echt zo erg von laurentius en heb acht sininde eerste avanden! Ik mag niet langere dingen schriven, ik spreek je snel xxx veel liefs Flootje!
From Eleri Evans
To Catherine Playfair
Hi Catherine, heard you got home safe and sound. Hope all is ok and your foot is improving. Enjoying trek but missing you here. Take care and see you back in London soon. Love from Eleri x x x
From Dan O’Flynn
To Colette
Hi Lettuce! Just got your message about Thailand, ‘YEAH BABY!’. Amazing news, can’t wait to see you! Hope work is exciting, have you met anyone famous yet? The trek is going really well, writing this message from our rest day campsite, Chatarangapura (you can say THAT again!) Seen two snakes but no big spiders. The scenery is brilliant – could see Tamil Nadu from the top of a massive ridge yesterday, not too injured so far, fingers crossed for the rest of the time! Miss you lots, love you! x x x maoam x x x
From Dan O’Flynn
To Ma and Pa and Nick
Hi guys! Just to let you know the trek is going brilliantly so far, the walking is tough but very satisfying! The people and the scenery help to take my mind odd the aching feet! Hope all is well in Wolvo, send my love to Molly! X x x x x
ReplyDeletei am so glad i've just seen an update including you!
what can i say, you look INCREDIBLE love!!! also, i am kind of impressed/jealous of your guns.
i am so so glad to see that you look so comfortable and just, fun, over there!
i've been writing a letter to you for the last three weeks ahahaha, i WILL send it on monday, i will!
love you long time sister, gretel xxxxxxxxxxx
Katy Stocker Tango 5
ReplyDeleteHi Baby, I hope the trek isn't too bad, it sounds like it has been hard going but I guess that it is making a real man of you...or rather woman! I expect you are looking forward to the next phase, it should be a good way to finish. Lovely to see a pic of your smiling face, well at least your hands covering your smiling face! I hope the boots have worn in but I suspect there are plenty of blisters,mossie bites and interesting smells!
Thanks for the birthday wishes, I had a very nice time,we will have to go out for a joint birthday celebration when you return. Hopefully you will have your new sim card when you get back to base and you can send a text. I have send you another letter and pic of the site hut, it's very impressive...not!
Will write again this weekend. Love you loads. Dad xxxxxx
sunil mistry, india, t5
ReplyDeleteyo bro, good to here your fine. keep having fun but why are you being climbing the second highest mountain? you should be climbing the highest!! lol
any way bad news. hence the late reply.....i've been in denial. lol. Arsenal lost against barca on tues 3-1 on the night and 4-3 on agg. we also drew to sunderland 0-0. Good news is man utd lost to both chelsea and liverpool! YAY! which means were 3 points behind leaders with a game in hand. were also playing man utd in the fa cup quarter finals...should e a good game and will report back once ive hopefully finished celebrating!
keep up the good......trekkin i guess.
c u soon. btw all things are good here and everyones happy :)
To Stuart, PM Tango 6
ReplyDeleteGreat to read the latest blog - it seems ages since any contact was made and we were wondering how things are going - so would love to hear more about you, the long drop and the elephant - it sounds like the kind of story that will travel well and develop over the months in the pub. Simon and Anna are coming up this weekend - someone's christening. He was in Munich last weekend on a stag weekend - apparently it up with Prague as one of the best places. David & Margaret are also coming over - they head off to Australia for 8 weeks next week. We're out for lunch with Peter & Margaret on Sunday but otherwise should be around if you get access to a phone.
Love Mam & Jonnie
for Becky Barnes Tango 5
ReplyDeleteSo great to read the blog - how amazing to climb second highest mountain in Soutern India! I love to see photos of you on the blog. all well hear and sending lots of love and hugs
Mum xxxxxxx
to sean cullinane tango 6
ReplyDeletehi ya sean how ya doing by the look of your blog photos your having a great time(which i dont blame you)we are all alright back home,the weather at the moment isn't raining but windy,i will end now but keep sending messages lots of love from us all back home xx
To Lauren Tango 6
ReplyDeleteFrom Mum, Paul & Aunty Shelah
What amazing photos. You look very happy Lauren having reached the tops of those peaks. Thanks for your messsage. Can't wait until 13th so we can hear your lovely voice and tales of the trip. A parcel will have hopefully arrived for your return to camp. Staying in Limoge and just about to set off on a trek with Aunty Shelah. Being thoroughly pampered and food is exceptional as always!
Thank you again to the support teams for keeping us at home updated with news & photos. Lots of love
To Wieger van Rinkhuyzen, Tango 6
ReplyDeleteLieve Wieger,
We waren zo blij met een update, want vonden het al té lang duren en vroegen ons af hoe alles gaat. Dank voor jouw blogberichtje, waaruit wij opmaken dat je het super naar de zin hebt. Mooie foto van een "beklimming" met jou voorop. En wat een natuur.....we zijn jaloers. Hier alles prima. Gisteravond was Grote Avond en David at hier met 7 vrienden in smoking, zo gezellig. Heb je pakje inmiddels ontvangen? We hopen op een sms of telefoontje vanuit Mysore, maar lukt het niet, don't worry. Heel veel liefs van hier en maak er nog wat moois van!! Pap, David en Mam
To Wieger van Rinkhuyzen, Tango 6
ReplyDeleteVergat te schrijven dat we goed zagen dat jullie met lijf en leden "Tango 6" vormden!!!
Dag schat!
Hello Holly,
ReplyDeleteI have just read the report on your trekking phase. It looks real fun and makes me wish I was also in the outdoors. It is still winter here. You hair also looks nice in its natural state.
Anyway keep having fun. Lots of love. Dad
for KATY STAR!!!!!
Well, you haven't sent I a message back from my last one. I'm not taking this personally or nuffin' but I just hope that doesn't mean you didn't get my message. Jane left you one too around about the same time... I hope they got through to you.
Also disappointed that you are YET AGAIN only in one photo! I also gather that, from the hands over face, treking is not growing on you remarkably. Never mind mate, they'll let you go home soon and then CLEAN PANTS AHOY!
Saw Dommer in town at the weekend and he seemed well and said the kittens were all cool which I thought was mildly ironic considering how stressed they made you over christmas. Maybe he will have fully trained them and got them toeing the line for you by the time you get home and you will return to a nest of tranquillity!
Us BOBS miss you. I am going to see Jo BOB this week for the first time since you and me went away - how silly is that.
Looking forward to you coming home and it will be lovely lovely spring and we can have parties and BBQs and the like.
Lots of love, keep enjoying yourself me BOBBER!
To Sian (Tango 6)
ReplyDeleteHello. Good to hear from you. It sounds tough, not long now though. No letter or postcards yet. I've not heard back from your app's yet as it has only just closed but if you are shortlisted the assessment centre is on the 12th April. Not much news from Bolton. I'm at stooopid uni, writing a stooopid essay! Mum is STILL moaning about her foot. Daisy is just being Daisy.
Love Lauren xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To Elliott Leishman Charlie 1
ReplyDeleteLovely to see new photos of you and what you have been up to. It does look like quite hard work, but I am sure you are enjoying it. What an amazing experience. Have sent emails to you so check them out when you can. Cannot wait for letter. Lots of love from everyone here.Hope you received parcel. Love Mum and Dad xx
To Katy Star Tango 5
ReplyDeleteHi Katy sounds like you are having rather a tiring time but think about those lovely strong leg muscles you will have. It's getting a bit worrying that we only see you with your face covered, have you come out in lots of spots! We had a lovely weekend for the old man's birhtday. I did a roast instead of indian and we all ate too much and enjoyed a few bottles of bubbly. Then we had to have breakfast which Dom joined us for. We had to persuade Claire that she could manage to walk up to the plot and she was very happy to get a lift back with Joanna. After this little jaunt where Joanna and John had a play in the digger we went home for fish fingers in pitta bread with mayonnaise, that's a new one on me! Sue and Mike's Felicity had her baby girl on fri 4th,all well. She is called Amaya Grace Nzisa. Amaya is japanese and Nzisa is swahili. We hope they will visit at Easter. Lots of love, Auntie Suexxx
To: Laura - Tango 5 (Phase 2)
ReplyDeleteFrom: Dharmendra
Hiya :) I'm doing okay. Home is fine but its not the same as India :P lol. My chanter (wee flute thing) and I miss you too :D
You're a tough young lass. Now that the trek is over, you can look forward to the environment phase :)
Have fun! Catch you later :)
To: Sophie - Tango 5 (Phase 2)
ReplyDeleteFrom: Dharmendra
OMG! I hope your blisters recover before the next phase. I should have given you my blister plasters before I came home because I only used one during my phase :P By now you're probably mummified with zinc oxide tape. LOL
I'm glad my message brightened up your day during the trek :) Reading your reply to my message definitely brightened up my boring day here in London :D
Yeah I got home safe and sound.
Awwww I miss everyone's presence on Raleigh as much as they miss me.
Have a fabulous Echo :) Take care
To Stuart PM Tango 6
ReplyDeleteHi Stuart,we sent a message while skyping with Paul in NYC but I don't think it got through.The photos look amazing and you are clearly having a brilliant time.You are looking very fit in all senses of the word.Paul,Meg,Jane,Richard and Matthew send their best wishes.You could go home via Australia and the states!!!!We are off to Australia on Wednesday and are really looking forward to it.Enjoy the rest of your stay.Love and Best Wishes Uncle David and Auntie Margaret.
samantha anderson tango 6
ReplyDeletehi how are you, just had update seen lots of photos off you, seems like your having a great time even though you found this one hard, nearly over ready for the fencing trek,your colour looks good are you on lower factor now, you said your going to ring it will be good to hear your voice, we are out till 3pm monday, from 1pm -4pm tuesday, dads having his eyes done
we will wirte soon, tanya has received her exam grades :( will tell u about them in a letter
hope u have received our other letter with the parcel :)
missing you loads lots opf love & kisses xxxxxxxxxxxx mum dad tanya shelby
Jess gibbons Echo 3
ReplyDeleteHi jess how u doing, are you really skinny now?
Hope you have made lots of new friends, can blog us back when you can. My eye is bad again at the moment I have more new drops to put in and have to go back again next Thurs (17th), but your dad is o.k. and still poodlying along. We are still following everything on the website and it all looks good. Lots of love everyone at home xx
sunil mistry, india, T5
ReplyDeleteheyy sunil!
Hope your good! looks like your having a blast outt there, by the sounds of the blog the project seems great! need to see you in more photos though! :P cant wait to hear everything when you come back and see the the pics, although youll probebly be wishing you were back considering the weather here!! lol.
Oh and to let you know i chose leeds in the end and have offers for both courses! XD wooop!(just to put that in there :P)
EEEnjoy the rest of your trip :D from vani xx
to sean cullinane tango 6
ReplyDeletehi ya sean how ya doing hope yuur still having a great time we know your having great weather(i can see with the photos)the weather here is'nt to bad at the moment a bit windy,take care i'll keep sending messages everybodys ok back home take care luv from us all xx
To Stuart tango 6 PM
ReplyDeleteNow then Stu it's your brother here. Hope your still having a great time i'm sure it beats sitting round Gary's in BP. I am jealous of all the great things you will see and do over there but at least I get to have roast dinners and take aways whenever I want.
Went to Munich last weekend and drank my body weight in German beer which was class. Also managed to go all weekend without mentioning the war or the world cup (very pround of myself).
Remember life is not a journey to the grave. Take care. Simon.
To Anne Romee Tango 6
ReplyDeleteHallo mijn lieve schat, wat waanzinnig je vandaag "eindelijk" weer even te zien!En hoe! super stoer, stralend op de top van een berg!Het ziet er zo waanzinnig uit.En natuurlijk je berichtje, dat het zwaar is, maar goed met je gaat!We waren zo benieuwd! Toen wij dit ontvingen (zatd) was het nog maar een dag...Als je dit ontvangt ben je alweer klaar en heb je het volbracht! Wat zal je voldaan zijn, echt top!Hoop je wel even te spreken laat maar weten of we misschien kunnen skypen of zo.Ging vandaag met Caro naar modeshow Mart Visser, zo gelachen!Met jouw bruine blouse met witte stippen, had je niet gedacht he?!Wel even heel anders dan waar jij nu mee bezig bent! Nou schat, we vinden je super stoer,hoop dat je laatste project weer net zo leuk wordt!Heel veel liefs van ons allemaal,hele dikke zoenen, Mam xxx
To Bryony Wilde -Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteOH! Hows it going? Alright? How are you doing loves?? SO great to see your reply on the blog!! Do you know what you'll be doing next?? I have sent you a wee letter, not sure if you've got it yet? Hope you get it sooooon!! Not too much to report this side of the world... Oh well apart from the other day at work I saw a guy who could potentially be described as a "bit of a hottie" and I automatically checked for the wedding ring..! How bad is that?! Sadly, the ring was present. Thats what you get for trying to be a grown up!! It. Is. Rubbish! Ha...! Thats it from me. Just a quickie one.. and to say thaaat I love you, obviously, I think about you all the time annd I miss you an obscene amount, it is unbearable. But the thought of you having an amazing time is pulling me through. Just. Hope you're well chica..will write again soon no doubt!!! Love you <3 xxxxxxxxx
Hi Louisa Tango 5
ReplyDeleteGreat to get your message. Must take incredible endurance all that mountaineering. Even Uncle Vincent has finally found the website last Friday and was impressed with reading the blog about you climbing the mountain!. Spoke to Helga on Saturday and she says hi. She doesn't seem that phased by Chiara going to Madrid next Sunday. Lucy, my surrogate daughter, rang yesterday (Sat) to keep my morale up and I also went to see Alison, she sends her love and is impressed with what you are doing. On the whole I am just about holding it together with you away. I was looking for the pen in your room with Alex's name on that came from auntie - did you have the photos of ice skating on it and where is it? I found the lid near your speakers which I thought was pretty miraculous but I think the odds are against me finding the pen unless you tell me where you put it as its like looking for a pin in a haystack! Weather is quite springlike this weekend and have been able to turn the heater off in the evening for the first time. Still waiting for your letter. Miss you lots. Good luck with the last phase, sounds like you have done the hardest bit.
Mum xxxx
Hi florine
ReplyDeleteSuper je weer even aan de telefoon te hebben en te horen dat je het zo leuk hebt gehad .
Hier gaat alles goed , de konijnen wachten op je en het begint weer een beetje lente te worden.
We gaan komend weekend naar Onno in Zwitserland even bijkomen en een naar we hopen nog een paar dagen skiën
Voor jou nog een mooie uitdaging voor de boeg met je environmental project
Veel liefs papa en mama
Jonny Charlie 2
J.. once again thanks for the message...glad your having a good time and very good luck with the elephant trenches...hope you dont get trodden on.
I´m in malaga at the momento and it has been pretty much raining non stop. Definitely no tanning for me, so you will easily beat me unfortunately. However I have been learning spanish. ´´ Jonny es abuirrido´´ :)
I have one piece of very important news....i have learnt all the capital cities of europe so now i am just like you but probs alot better. Just so you believe me the capital of maldova is chisinau.
It´s sad that you wont be returning for longer but i think i will just about survive.. hope you do though.
At least you have one friend again. :)
For Georgia Brooke Hitching
ReplyDeleteFrom Zahra
Hi Brookie!
It looks like you're having an amazing time. You are so brave!
Was just wondering if you had heard back from the Coulsons or if you wanted me to follow it up?
Also just thought I'd ask you, air tickets to Uganda are about $200 unfortunately. we don't have a Ryan air or anything :( :P Are you still up for it? I was thinking of contacting the lady some time, so thought I'd just ask you.
Muchos love xxxxx
Alexander Vostanis - India
ReplyDeleteGreat to hear you this morning. Changed your flight to Thursday 21 April, also from Banghalore, same time 6.30 am, and same booking reference. When I get email confirmation, will forward to your email address.
Enjoy the treking
xxx dad
Sarah Churlish - Charlie 1
ReplyDeleteHi Sarah. It's brilliant being able to follow what you are doing in India. It all sounds great! Can you believe that we had snow.... yes, snow... last week?? It's a shame you didn't get to see any tigers - that would have been amazing. I'm off to see a 'people-aggressive' 11 stone male Great Dane in the morning, so that should be fun.... not! I'll try to make sure I get home with all my limbs still intact.We've been to Manchester this weekend to see Vin Garbutt on Friday, then to Old Trafford to watch Man U beat Arsenal and knock them out of the FA Cup. It was good, but not as good as watching Sunderland (even when we lose). Missing you loads, and can't wait to see you! Love you loads! M xx
To Ed,
ReplyDeleteHAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY!! We hope you enjoyed your day, no doubt it will be memorable. We all miss you.
Lots of love,
Cat, Jen & Lib XOXOXO
Sarah Churlish (Charlie) - Hi Princess, great to see you still working hard, digging holes now eh, loads of jobs lined up for you when you get home. Got your message thanks, don't get too wrapped up with trying to message home, the blog has got you off the hook there. We can see you are still ok and having a great time so thats enough for now. No doubt its a full on day from the moment you get up to the moment you crash. Just about to enter the last phase, come around quick hasn't it? Miss having you around loads so looking forward to your home coming (whenever that might be). I think you made the right decison going for the full 10 weeks, you would have been gutted if you had to leave now. Been to Manchester for the weekend which was good. Breifly saw Andy which was also good. We've got the fat boy breakfasts lined up don't worry. Love you and leave you for now and will write another letter soon. Love you loads Princess and still give you a thought every day. Loads of Love D xxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteto sean cullinane
ReplyDeletehi ya sean how are you hope your still having a good time the weather looks great,it's been sunshing today a bit cold everybodys asking after you,we are all well back here i'll keep on sending messages missing you xx
Sarah Churlish (Charlie 1) - Just got your text. Glad you got the bag of goodies, we thought it would take longer that that. If you want me to change your flights let me know (I won't do anything until you say so). We will need to co-ordinate this together somehow as I might have to ring you a few times as I am searching for flight times etc. I will let you sort that one out. Enjoy your sticker book. Loads of love D xxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteTo PM Dan
ReplyDeleteWas soooo lovely to hear your voice just now, really cheered me up as I had been feeling rubbish this morning going into work! I wanted to tell you how much I miss and love you, but slightly awkward in an open plan office!!
Hope to be able to chat again if you have time. Good luck in the quiz!!
All my love
Your Letts xxxx
Robert Nolan C1 (2nd phase)
ReplyDeleteHope you enjoyed your community phase project - didnt see you in any of the recent pictures; I hope you still have your remaining eyebrows intact!
We got back from Vancouver last week and just about recovered from the jet lag.
I guess you will have started your third phase by now (E1,2 or 3?)- Good luck with that.
No responses to your and my emails to Edinburgh and Newcastle. Should hear this week the result from Cardiff!
Keep well and hope you are ok!
To Hugh Pithie
ReplyDeleteHi Hugh,
Hope the next phase of the project is going well. Sounds as if you will really enjoy it! Let us know if you have any difficulties with your flight. Email or text us.
Have looked at the photos - amazing what you are all doing!
Miss you and looking forward to seeing you again.
Keep in touch.
Love mum, dad and Julia. xxx
Hi Louisa Tango 5
ReplyDeleteCooked turkey stirfry today, got the recipe from your little book. I miss your cooking! Meals are so repetitive without you! (however I don't miss the messy prepping). Went to Nan's Home yesterday - touched fingers with the tea boy as he handed me a tea and our eyes met!! Which cheered me up as Nan was pretty miserable. Hopefully she will be in a better mood on Wed when its her 89th birthday - Ben is coming to the tea they are providing but threatening to sit "in his usual spot" i.e. away from the old dears in the lounge and near the pretty staff in the kitchen! Shocking news about the tsunami in Japan. Its been all over the news. Went swimming with Ben tonight, he loves splashing me as he swims past and swimming under me and being a bit of a tsunami himself. Have just read the blog that you are going to be doing a sponsored walk. Will sponsor in due course. We have got Red Nose Day on Friday. xxx
Hi Louisa Tango 5
ReplyDeleteOh it made me so happy to hear from you! I swear it nearly made me cry! haha I haven't been able to check the blog the last couple of days so it was a nice surprise! I wrote you another letter but I ran out of ink! getting some today and I have even more gossip for you so I'll update it! I'm soo impressed with all the hard work you're doing! oh you will be pleased to know that I am sticking to my diet ha ha! lost 9 inches! I'll be a size 8 by the time you come home.. lol :P I've tried to leave you a few comments but for some reason they haven't been showing up so I'm hoping this one does. Missing you sooo much! counting down the days til you're back!! love youuuuu! xxxxxx
To Becky Barnes
ReplyDeleteHello darling girl. It's Amy here. just been staring at your gorgeous face and longing to talk to you! i hope you have recieved my letter, if not i hope you get it very soon. You look like you are doing so well, i cant believe you are over half way through! Its looks blooming tough but i'm sure you are rising o the challenge as always Barnes. people have been asking after you. wayne and steve were asking how you are. and we all cant wait for your return! and vick and dave have broken up and ben has moved in! All is well here. me and smoo finished last week and we loved every second. Topshop have cut me to 4 hours so im spending this week job hunting and looking after grandad. i'm hoping to get a job at concorde (where we studied) over the summer so fingers crossed! if not im looking to work at another summer school. also i managed to have a daliance with one of the guys on the course (matt) i dont want it to go anywhere, but you will love him, he is really funny. I just want you to know that i'm always thinking about you and im with you in spirit even though you might feel a million miles away from everything. we all love you so much xx
to Florine Boer
ReplyDeleteHi Flo, leuk dat we je het weekend aan de telefoon hebben gehad en helemaal super dat je zo enthousiast bent. Zijn benieuwd wat je de laatste etappe gaat doen. We lezen het wel. We zijn het weekend met opa en oma naar paleis soestdijk geweest (hebben natuurlijk op het bordes voor de foto staan zwaaien hahaha). Daarna zijn ze mee naar ons gegaan. We hebben super zonnige dagen gehad en lekker wat kilometers op de boulevard gemaakt. Zondag zijn Wendy, Sidney en de kleine prinses geweest. Dus dat was een gezellige volle bak hier. Nou Flo, succes met de laatste loodjes. We gaan met mama nog wel organiseren hoe we elkaar allemaal ontmoeten als je terug bent. Komt goed. Zet 'm op. Liefs van ons allen. Anke
To Stuart PM Tango 6
ReplyDeleteNow then stu hope everythings still going well and you are still loving the walking as much as forest gump.
Just a couple of things for you to mull over in your fly net.
1. We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public.
2. Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.
3. The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
Just a few pearls of wisdom to inspire your team.
Take care, your favourite brother
Ellie Burton (Echo 3)
ReplyDeleteDearest Elles of Bells!
I’m glad my letter made it to u safely, hope it was a ray of sunlight to ur day :D, not that ur day needs any more sunlight... Ur actually tanned in ur photos! Its crazy, its like who is this hot beach babe who has replaced my gothic princess! I’m going thru a bit of a Gothic phase right now, when ur back and returned to ur English rose self we must have a gothic themed shoot! Pics of us talking to painting and reading ancient manuscripts, etc.
Btw I must praise u, ur wood touching skills have been genius so far, & I’ve got to the interview stage, I had it the other day, I sooooo nervous but I think I did ok... Keep touching that wood and maybe just maybe I’ll do the home stretch.
Feels kind weird talking about me so much, cos I totally wanna hear about u!! Giving music lesson to kids and stuff :D, but I know this aint the best medium for epic story telling... when ur home we’ve got to have a MAMMONTH tea shop session and sleepover 4 u to spill the Indian beans! Thank u 4 giving me that lovely little fb update, gutted I missed the chance to instant message with u :( I was sorry to see that urve been feeling ill, I hope your all better, I guess all that physical work and the heat would hamper anyone, I hope there looking after u ok there! Mums been enquiring about ur health numerous time :p...BOOOOOOZE! Just 4 u!
Missing u like crazy and thinking of u loads!
When shall we two be united?? Times and dates please.
xXx love love love xXx
Dear Ameze Simbo,
ReplyDeleteI forgot to mention; Your care package should be with you by now. Look out for it.
ReplyDeleteHow are you? We're at yemi's house....its a mess but we're getting ready to go to the dance show and he's so cool! Love you and miss you lots
Geez, Kimzeeze, and Yeez
To Sophie van Dorp, Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteHaaaa lieve lieve fietje!!
hoe is het met je? had je ons vorige berichtje gehad van rosa mij car gi eem en suus? Hoop van wel! hier blijft alles hetzelfde, behalve dat ik een blauw oog heb omdat ik een kopstoot heb gehad (per ongeluk, niet gevochten) op de hockey, best jammer en amusant! Verder loop je Robin net mis als je terug komt, ze heeft een baan gevonden in Curacao bij een resort daar en gaat daar vanaf 28 maart 3 maanden werken! ontzettend gaaf! verder gaat het dus zn gangetje, Lau had haar toets voor decentrale selectie aan de Uva, maar nog geen uitslag. Jeroentje heeft verkering met Lisa uit zn klas! zooo schattig! hoop echt dat je dit leest, ik mis je heel erg en hoop dat je het daar naar je zin hebt! tot snel schattie en geniet ervan! dikke kus Annelot
To Bryony Wilde (was Charlie 2 now eek, might have changed teams)
ReplyDeleteHi Bry!!!
Looks like you are having an AMAZING time in India!! Wow! I might need to pick your brains about building walls when you get home - have an assignment to do drawing some landscape details and may need your pearls of wisdom about mortar..!! :-) Keep having an awesome time. I want to hear all about it when you get back! Take care, lots of love xx Linz
Alice Corby Charlie 2 Hello Alice oh your back at camp, sorry my letter wont have got to you, I will write again this week so that you get a letter before you finish . Lots of love mum
ReplyDeleteheey laura hope u r enjoying your self it has been so boring without you cant wait to see u hurry up n get back here loads xx see u soon yur wee sis (L) x hey laura just to let you know ive tried tae send you loads a messages but they aint got through so has mum anyway we are all thinkin bout you hi tae claire uncle joseph grimbo and princess OH AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY.XXXX
ReplyDeleteTo Scott Rae...Echo 3
ReplyDeleteHi Scott,
Well sadly thats us home now after a fab holiday.We got your lovely letter this am (it obviously came while we were away) It all sounds fantastic, exhausting, fun, scary, friendly...You will certainly be bringing home lifetime experiences! This note will get to you while your digging the elephant trenches! Cant believe your now on phase 3 and only have 3 weeks left! My goodness you will be soooo fit! I have a lovely tan but i'm sure it will have gone before you come home. I hope you are coping with Indian heat! Our resort in Antigua was very luxurious but sadly i'm now away to do a mountain of ironing and cook the dinner (spag bol). I'm Jamie sitting on wed while Jens at a course..Im dying to see him again. Apparently we missed snow while we were away but today is very spring like..I even went out today with no scarf and gloves! Can't believe you didn't get the early msgs..We all sent plenty! Poor thing, you must have felt soo neglected! I promise I will buy you the biggest beefburger and chips when you get back! Lots of love Mum x
Ha Fiek. Het is zondagmiddag 20 maart 2011. Ajax speelt tegen ADO (uit), en staan nu (in de rust) met 1-0 achter, dus de stemming zit er hier goed in. Ik ben gisteren teruggekomen van een weekje Washington, dus nog een beetje slaperig. Zon schijnt en het is ongeveer 8 graden. Opa en Oma waren gisteren 56 jaar getrouwd; ze hadden je brief ontvangen, heel leuk! Met Opa gaat het nog steeds erg goed. Hoe is het bij jou? Heb je nog blaren gehad? We hebben al een paar balonnen gekocht voor op het vliegveld, en Willem is in de tuin een groot spandoek aan het schilderen. De tekst zal je dan wel zien. Hou je taai, geniet. xxx Tom
ReplyDeleteTo Guy Scott. Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteHI Guy darling, how is your last assignment going? I am missing you loads, of course. I have sent you the change of flight - to the 14th, same time of day sadly - 6.30am! all mad keen rugby fans are starting to turn up, Will Haynes is here and the others arrive tomorrow and Wednesday. wish you were here darling, need a sane (ish) person around here!
Love you, and have a brilliant last few weeks, Mum XXX
To Becky Barnes Tango 6 From Heather Colbran
ReplyDeleteHi Becky,
Congratulations on your climbing achievement. Really well done! I hope you are now enjoying the next phase of your adventure.
Jeremy and I have just returned from an interesting few days in Newcastle where we attended a celebration of the opening of the new Tyne Tunnel, which J has been working on for the last year or so. We had a good time, but it hardly compares with what you've been up to. Of- course you are a little younger than us! Look forward to hearing the next installment of your news.
Love Heather
Hello Alice I have just got your lovely letter.... Yes I will do my best to get what you asked for, to you before leaving base camp .... i have spoken to Pip @ Raleigh to find out what happens to it if doesn't arrive before your travels as I suspect it will be very close. I have today off and I will check out other ways of getting things to you. i will write again, so that you have news, Have you got someone traveling with you or don't you now yet . . Lots of love Hugs mum X
ReplyDeleteTo Celine Barr
ReplyDeletei scan the website every few days and it looks totally amazing what you are all doing, it looks like ur all working hard. Your not missing much here, thankfully the weather isnt too bad, and the lambs are skipping all about in the fields.
hope your not missing home too much, i know Janet is but you will soon be home.
take care
claire mcquillan rcn.
Dear Raleigh -
ReplyDeleteFrom Clarissa Z
To Georgia Zervudachi Trek India T6
Hi Georgia Darling.We love getting your wonderful letters and are longing for some trek photos. I caught a glimpse of my boots in one of the photos, they looked great but nothing to match your smile. They are booked for another outing in April - the South West Coastal Path can't be too daunting for them. More importantly I hope you are having such an amazing time you don't notice the hills. I am "Presenting" again on friday and am practically my own IT specialist these days! Wish you could come.. my Prof bought her daughter last week ( she is 3 though!) She was amazing and sat and listened and played quietly for 3 hours. There are a few strikes going on about pensions. First Day of Spring was unbelievable, sunny and the moon has been closest to the earth for years - I guess your full moon was a different day. Turf beginning to buzz plus fab plans.Passed on your message and I ended up with a tray and some visits backstage to help out. What fun. A Level choices all happening and Alex 16 in a week. He's at National Rugby 7's to celebrate on the day. He gets back from Spain the day before you. Emma Evans coming for a sleep over tonight. Absolutely everyone asks after you in awe and sends so much love. I'll start stocking the fridge with your orders. Mum xxxxxx
To Georgia Brooke Hitching
ReplyDeleteDear Brookie
Happy Birthday! Hope you have an amazing day and year
Lots of love xxx
To Samantha Anderson tango 6
ReplyDeleteJust asked Phill how you were getting on, he said put a message in yourself so here it is.
Well been thinking of you last few days, reason unknown. Hope you doing well and keeping safe. Enjoy yourself, all our love, Mum and Dad.
(btw phil put a message up before but doesnt look like it got through so he'll go to your mums)
From Paul Smith
Hello Alice Corby ... I have sent a message to Jack, and a short note on its way to you. I have heard that your camera has been repaired, so I wont send anything, unless I hear anything different from you . Lavender and Benvoilio send lots of fur and purrs and no you cant have your white cushion back, when you get back! all is well here, hope you are enjoying this phase. it is going so quickly. I'm looking forward to more updates on the website lots of love mum x
ReplyDeletetango 6 samantha anderson.
ReplyDeletejust wanted to say hi thinking of you and really still missing you not being here.
hope thats ok to say? you will be done soon and then you get to enjoy the last month. remember what i said and enjoy it you earned it. you have not missed much here but at least the sun is coming. i would have wrote a letter but not sure what to say. have a amazing last month. jason. x