Hello good readers, hope life is grand. We've all just enjoyed a mega changeover here in India as we got to spend almost three whole days together, which is great as it was the last changeover of expedition, sob sob.
So once everyone had got back to field base from their phase two camps, unpacked and had a bloomin’ good wash, it was time to muster up some fancy dress outfits from nowhere and head off to the 80s disco for a night of prancing and dancing to A-ha and Cyndi Lauper.
L-R Sarah, Ameze, Clare, Caz, Elliott |
Back row L-R - Sean, Chloe, Sian, Rachel, Emily
Middle row L-R Ed, Ros (PM), Naomi (PM)
Front row - Anne-Romee, Scott, Lauren and Wieger |
Back row L-R - Jonny, Alex, Rob (almost!) Phil, Anna, Binika, Thatte, Sarah
Front row L-R - Georgia, Clare, Sophie |
Back row L-R - Georgi, Ellie, Laura, Martyn, Guy
Front row L-R - Danielle, Emily |
It was a bitter sweet night as some of our venturers were leaving us the next morning as they were only with us for the first two phases. Lauren, Daphne and Karla headed back to Bangalore along with Polly our Logistics Manager. We’re very sad to see them all go and wish them all the best for their next adventures which will hopefully be as fun as the last few weeks, but we doubt it!
The next day saw field base transformed into an English village fate as the graduate venturers planned and hosted a great day for everyone.
Martyn lets out his artistic side doing henna tattoos of his now famous designs. |
Sian, Anna and Emily tempt us with some cakes |
Felix, Ross and Katy with prizes to be won |
Sunil slaving away cooking chicken for over a hundred hungry people. We salute you Sir. |
Kate, Naomi, Jen and Becca are the baked potato crew. |
Serious concentration taking place during the pub quiz hosted by Jonny Williams and Phil Kay. |
After all the fun of the fete, day three of changeover meant it was time to find out where everyone was heading off to for their third and final phase of expedition. So without further ado, let me announce the teams for the last phase of expedition...
Charlie 1 - off to build bio-gas units and a tribal village house in Vellary
Back row L-R - Thatte, Jess, Emily, Felix, Wieger
Front row - L-R - Dave (PM), Sean, Laura, Genevieve, Sheena, Louisa, Holly, Kate (PM), Anne-Romee, Richard, James. |
Charlie 2 - off to build 15 eco-sanitation units in BD Munti
L-R - Sophie, Guy, Binika, Sian, Alex, Katy (behind ukulele!) Becky, Phil, Chris, Ross, Celine (PM), Book and Cat (PM). |
Echo 3 - off to dig elephant trenches and put up solar-powered fencing in Huskurhaddi
Back row L-R - Chloe, Rachel, Sam, Georgi, Simone, Sophie, Rob, Nic, Laura, Hugh, Kannan
Front row - L-R Alice, Scott, Stu (PM), Ros (PM) |
Echo 4 - off to dig elephant trenches and put up solar-powered fencing in Basava Pura
Back row L-R - Jonny, Andy, Sunil, David, Sarah, Ameze, Emily
Front row L-R - Maddy, Martyn, Ed, Ellie, Dan (PM), Clare, Mona (PM) Florine is also in this team but was already on the bus. |
Tango 5 - off to trek through the wilds of Kerala
L-R - Lisa, Anna, Ellie, George, Kieran, Sachin, Fieke, Elliott, Philip K, Lauren, Bryony, Stu (PM), Susan (PM)
Daan Hoekstra, Clare Evans and George Hudson are also in this group but can't been seen in the photo sorry. |
Tango 6 - also off to trek through the wilds of Kerala
Back row L-R - Gerogia, Louis, Andy, Ben, Georgia, Philip W
Middle row L-R - Karen, Eleri (PM), Danielle, Caz, Lucy, Lottie, Eeva (PM), Becca (PM), Alex
Front row - L-R - James, Rachel |
I spoke to all the teams this morning and they’re all settling in well and making the most of the places they’re in and people they’re with. The trekkers have already got a few kilometres under their belts, the diggers in the echo teams started work on the trenches today after setting up their camps, and the community guys also started work on the toilets today after meeting the people in the villages yesterday.
We’ll be heading out to see them on the loops starting tomorrow because we miss them already! We’ll bring you all he gossip from them as we can, along with photographic evidence of how dirty and smelly they are of course.
So that we don’t miss everyone too much here at field base, we’ve been distracting ourselves by digging away at the local school to help them build a new water drainage system. Whilst being watched by monkeys, we managed to dig up a whole family of frogs hidden in the dirt, those frogs follow us EVERYWHERE!
Kat (Photographer) and Mark (Country Director) digging away |
Naomi, Kat and I.
Look at those muscles! No, I can't see them either. |
Oh and last, but definitely not least, we all want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone that has sponsored us for the 10k run we’ll be doing at the end of expedition. So far you've donated a whopping £505 towards building a house for a tribal village family currently living in a tarpaulin shelter.
It’s an amazing response so we’re all very grateful and I’m keeping the teams posted on whose friends and families are donating. Thanks again, it’s amazing to know that we’re almost half way towards being able to fund the costs of the house.
To see the donations so far or to sponsor us just go here
I have a lot of blog messages from the folks here and will get them posted on here as soon as possible...
Kathryn has a lot more photos from changeover that will soon be uploaded into her albums, the link is at the top of the page on the right.
Bye for now, back soon...
To - Jonny Williams - Echo 4
ReplyDeleteHi Jonny,
Thanks for the FB update the other day.
Good to see more pictures on the blog ! - looks like you guys are having a good time.... I was particularly pleased to learn that you're upholding your intellectual traditions by co-hosting the pub quiz :) Seeing all your pictures makes me feel like a holiday (yes I know you're working hard as well...) - and I'm envious of your planned trip to Goa (although Eleuthera was excellent - so can't complain)
Good luck with the elephant trenches and solar fencing ! Write again when you can.
My best
To Becca Hulbert (Tango 6):
ReplyDeleteHey Becca!
I'm pretty jealous, I have to say... Hope you're having a great time in Kerala...
Big hug from Costa Rica...
Dave PM Charlie 1
ReplyDeleteHi Dave, hope alls well and youre surviving the heat.....exhausting working in that temperature I should imagine and I dont envy you. I guess youre very happy to be able to stay on at Vellary this phase as I know you were enjoying it there.
Have you decided on Goa yet? You have definitely earned some chill out time so I hope that you do.
Alls fine here - Sallys coming down to stay tomorrow and we're having a rugby watching day (final day of the 6 nations)which will be a good excuse for a catch up and a few laughs:)and a good reason for me to procrastinate from writing an essay!
Take care and miss you
Love Karen x
To Sophie L Echo 3
ReplyDeleteSalut mon ange! Comment se passe ton nouveau challenge, ce n'est pas trop dur avec cette chaleur?
Ici 6 degrés SEULEUMENT, désolée je te donne la météo à chaque fois car il fait tellement froid cette année c'est fou! Tu as bien fait de partir!!!!!!!!!
Ici TVB, ta soeur a eu un A en math à ses mocks, elle était super contente. Ton pap et moi allons très bien, les PatMan sont rentrés de leur voyage à l'île Maurice. Ton père a commencé la gym today, il adore!
Comme tu sais il se passe mille choses dans le monde, les pauvres, il neige au Japon ce qui rend tout difficile. Mais dans le Middle East ça bouge, la France et le Royaume-Uni ont réussi avec l'appui des américains à faire voter une résolution à l'ONU pour une no fly zone sur la Libye.
J'espère que ton groupe est finalement sympa et que tu es aussi heureuse qu'avant. Tu nous manques beaucoup mais ne t'inquiète pas nous allons très bien. On t'embrasse très très très fort.
Love you very very very much!!!!!! Mam and Dad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Jennifer (comms)
ReplyDeleteGreat to see the update and loving that photo of you. Good to see you have been avoiding sun burn. I will need to post any extra things to you soon so have and think and get back to me. James moves next thursday, has hired a transit for 2 days, any excuse he loves driving them! Are you able to keep up with the Japan situation, tragic, and nuclear problem getting worse. Take care and much love Mum & Dad x x x x
to Sophie van Dorp charly two
ReplyDeleteHadie Fie, Heb je al cricket leren spelen eigenlijk? Ik zie je wel voor me.....Testmatch special tegen India. Iedere avond Raleigh tegen Indiaas (van-)dorp... Overigens mooie foto in de bus! Was even wat stilletjes tijdens jullie 3 daags wissel feest. Geen nieuwe foto's, geen nieuwe blog. Fokje was erg onder de indruk van jouw bikkelgehalte, ik moest haar eerst wel een beetje op weg helpen op de site hoor. Todh niet voor iedereen even toegankelijk. We waren verheugd met jouw SMS-je. Was je nog wel van plan terug te komen of blijf je in India? Niet doen hoor, grapje. We verheugen ons erg op jou terugkeer!!
Doei Dikke kussen van jaov en jao moeder (en de rest natuurlijk.
To Laura Oakley Charlie 1
ReplyDeleteHi Laura, Your letter arrived today Friday 18th. Just to let you know I have sent a small parcel of facepaints, stickers and colouring pencils. If the parcel does not arrive before you leave make sure you let someone at field base know it should be arriving and that they can open it and give the contents to the children. Enjoy your final stage. love Mum xx
samantha anderson echo 3
ReplyDeleteheya sammy
we see that you are in echo 3, this might be a little less demanding on the physical side
enjoy the digging :)
will be sending you a letter very soon :D
nan and grandad is coming on mon 21st to stay for the week, they will be looking at houses to see whats on offer down here, will let you know how it goes.
shelby is off to stay with tina tomoro so we will update you with how she got on too :)
dads eyes are ok but he now has a cold
c u soon, it is only a month and a week (ish) now ! that will go quickly !
love u and miss u
sean cullinane charlie 1
ReplyDeletehi ya sean just looking at your change over to charlie i you look as though your having a great time it was lovely to see you and the weather looks great to,the weather we've had to day was'nt to bad sunny then after tea it turned cold
we are all ok back home i'll keep sending messages
bye for now xx
To Sophie L Echo 3
ReplyDeleteHello ma chérie!
Encore un petit coucou! Juste pour te dire bon courage pour la suite du séjour!
J'ai écrit à Lori G. et je te tiens au courant dès que j'ai une réponse. Je crois bien que Sarah voyagera le 12 mai mais j'ai demandé à Lori de me préciser où elle allait. Il me semble qu'elle va en Thaîlande pour suivre une formation pour apprendre à donner des cours d'anglais et pour pouvoir ainsi voyager un peu partout.
Nous pensons tous très fort à toi.
Je t'embrasse fort, je t'aime très très fort.
P.S.: Veux-tu que je t'envoie ta crème pour ton visage, tu dois avoir tout fini.
Mam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To Georgi Tandy Echo 3
ReplyDeleteOk so left a message on the previous blog bit though was addressed to you loo making group so hope you get it as was a bit of a reply to your letter, so to put it briefly am sorry n i love you! Am going to st ives in a few hours so am typing this instead of sleeping so be happy =p, so see you in a few weeks then, and off i go for the next week to look at rocks =p xxxxxxxxx ps. you now look ginger in your photos XD dont dye it back till after i next see you! =L
To Anne Romee Charlie 1
ReplyDeleteHi lieve Schat,hoe is het daar op het nieuwe project? vandaag groepen op weblog!Ziet er weer erg leuk uit,paar oude vertrouwde volgens mij?Geweldig dat je bij het project zit waar je op hoopte, mazzelaar!Geniet er maar heel erg van, want het gaat nu opeens zo snel!Hoe slapen jullie bij gezinnen? of weer eigen kamp opbouwen met "poo with a view"?Hier alles z'n gangetje we zijn allemaal jaloers op je!Julie smste net vanuit Leiden,heeft het super leuk! Ik stuurde je nog een brief,durfde niets meer mee te sturen, weet niet of het nog aankomt.Ga woensd. met Pink en Mieke even bijkletsen over onze stoere dochters!Weer wordt hier eindelijk iets beter.Las Grm je brief voor,ze was zo onder de indruk!"dat soort dingen deed je vroeger gewoon niet, wat een kans voor haar"Kortom schat, al zal het af toe best heel zwaar zijn geniet van dit unieke laatste project alweer!Heel veel liefs van ons allemaal. Dikke zoenen mam xxx
ReplyDeleteHello my lovely girl, hope you're still doing well and enjoying all your adventures. I've been reading the blogs every day and love seeing photos of you... I am so excited to see you in April for our giant reunion!! Me and Amy talk about you every day and are missing you so much and are both so proud of you. I recieved your lovely letter and got your postcard yesterday! Thankyou so much it made my day :-). CELTA was so good although extremely hard work and very intense! But it's all done now so looking into finding a summer school job ASAP! Me and Amy saw your mummy in Pret the other day and we had a big cuddle and talked about you and how much we can't wait to see you when you're back.
I LOVE YOU so much, sending you lots and lots of Canterbury love <3
Smoo/pipe/smooch/midget xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To Wieger van Rinkhuyzen - Charlie 1
ReplyDeleteLieve Wieger,
Vandaag een brief van jou bij de post: DANKJEWEL! Gewacht tot we alledrie thuis waren en met elkaar jouw nieuws tot ons genomen! Wat klinkt het allemaal fantastisch en zo blij dat het zo goed uitpakt allemaal. Brief deed er 12 dagen over, dus dat is snel. Hoop zo dat je ons pakketje toch nog krijgt, of de douane is er lekker van aan het snoepen haha. Hoe gaat het in nieuwe project, al veel contact met locals? Zagen gisteravond leuke foto's op blog van fieldbase-dagen en indeling nieuwe groepen. Leuke ketting draag je!! Wat zul je straks thuis moeten afkicken van dit avontuur. Zoals je zult begrijpen kijken wij erg uit naar jouw thuiskomst, zo gezellig!! Nou lieve schat, dit was het voor nu. Tot het volgende blogbericht, want brieven schrijven we niet meer. Heel veel liefs, Mam
to Fieke Haak, Tango 5. Hoi Lieve Fiek, misschien krijg je dit berichtje op de trek, misschien ook niet meer. Hoop dat de dikke envelop met inhoud is aangekomen.Zo niet, geniet er dan maar van in het vliegtuig terug. Hier alles goed. W heeft gewonnen, E heeft toneelweekend, het is lekker weer en we hebben even buiten kunnen zitten. Ik zal morgen nog een brief op de bus doen en dan is het al bijna de moeite niet meer.Kusss mam
ReplyDeleteTo: Caz Gothard, Tango 6
ReplyDeleteI don't know if you got my last message or will get this one, but it's good to see you're having a great time. Get yourself in more or the photos though! Can't wait till you're able to tell me all about it, bet you never want to go home though. You should find yourself some internet and facebook me about your adventures! Missing you lots Cazzy and everyone at home and my Noopinchat, the realisation that I'm actually not going home (ever) has definitely set in now. Talk to you soon pretty lady. Love from Josie xx
From: Josie Brinkman
to sean cullinane charlie 1
ReplyDeletehi ya sean how ya doing hope your still enjoying
yourself,it was sunshinig here today (sat19th)
but still cold,if you manage to get a message back to me can you let me know when i should send my last message if you cant dont worry i'll send my last blog message on 1st april we are all well back home i'll keep sending the messages for now xx
For Becky Barnes Charlie 2
ReplyDeleteHello love. Hope all is going well building toilets! I'm just off to Oxford for a couple of days to stay with John and Wendy. Lovely Spring day here today so I cut the lawn for the first time. By the time you get back winter will be well and truly over though I daresay it won't seem warm to you! sending lots and lots of love
Mum xxxxxx
To Stuart PM Echo3
ReplyDeleteNow then, thanks for greetings, had a good birthday at the races with colleagues then out for a meal tonight. Hope the elephant trenches are going ok and big enough for small calves (Ha Ha) Any ideas for what next?
Holly Peel charlie 1
ReplyDeleteHey holly sorry been manic last couple of weeks so havent been able to check the blog!!! Banffs awesome absolutely stunning covered in bruises from snowboarding but its really fun!!! Looks like the trek was amazing hopefully not too knackering and hope the dehydrated food was okay hope the last few weeks are awesome :)
To Sophie L Echo 3
ReplyDeleteBonjour ma chérie adorée!
Lori vient de me répondre très gentiment et je te copie colle une partie de son message. Sarah est avec Tilda en Afrique du Sud mais elle a du mal à joindre Sarah car S a laissé son téléphone se décharger complètement et maintenant elle n'arrive plus à le recharger. Bref, elle va m'envoyer les détails du vol de Sarah dans qq jours quand elle retourne à Londres.
"Sarah is leaving on May 12th for Bangkok with a friend from Marlborough named Cici... I know nothing about Tilda’s plans. As far as I know, the plan was to spend less than a week in Cambodia, then a month in Vietnam, head into Laos where they are meeting with some other friends, then on to Thailand. I can’t quite recall Sarah’s return date, but it’s around 20th July."
Je te tiens au courant dès que Lori me donne le détail du vol.
Il nous tarde à tous que tu nous fasses partager tes aventures. Il y a une photo de ton groupe sur le blog au départ devant le bus et on attend avec impatience la suite pour te voir dans le nouveau site où vous travaillez dur j'imagine, moins dur que le trek mais il doit faire très très chaud! Ici on a enfin eu une journée de grand soleil printannier hier, c'était magique!
Je t'embrasse très très fort. Mam xxx
to philip de koning tango 5
ReplyDeleteheeeee philip! Dat moet lekker geweest zijn, 3 dagen feesten! En nu naar Kerala, hoop dat je foto's kunt maken. De trek-foto's op het blog zijn geweldig, ik denk dat je ogen tekort komt.
hier alles oke, het is lente-achtig en weekend, dus helemaal top! Een heeeeel dikke knuffel
To Emily Howell (Tango Six)
ReplyDeleteI don't think my other message got through, I don't understand this thing!!!
Is Nepal a yes?! That's all i need to know, I can sort everything else with you after you finish but if it's a yes I will be there and leave around the 8th June too!!
ps. your thing looks INCREDIBLE! I am mega jealous!!!
Much love! x
Sunil Mistry India Echo 4
ReplyDeleteHi Sunil, Good to see you doing, what you know best.BBQ. Did you make sure it's not "lal lal" :)
Masi and everyone say hello. Would you believe I actually won something at the dog races.
Can't believe your on your last phase now. Have fun digging the elephant trenches.
Check text when you get back. Looks like i will have to wait a bit longer to see you and hear about all your experience.
Enjoy the rest of your travels.
Missing you
To David Gutteridge Echo 4
ReplyDeleteHi Darling
Sent your package off on Friday it will take 5-7 days so you might not get it until you return to Field base. Everything here is fine. I took part in a Quiz night last night and came 3rd not too bad out of 17 teams. could have come joint second if they had allowed 2 correct answers which were not allowed. The news focus has now changed to Libya with Gaddafi threatening to destroy the rebels and their supporters. We have fired missiles at military sites in Libya.
Good news from Japan an old lady and her 16 year old grandson have been found alive 9 days after their house collapsed but the death toll is still rising with over 8,000 confirmed dead and over 12,000 missing. Attempts to control the nuclear power plant are still going on.
Hope you are having a great time
James Bell Tango 6
ReplyDeleteHi Jamesey
It was great hearing from you!You look very well in your team photo about to set off for your great trek! I hope you have a great time and make the most of it!
British Airways said you have to change your flight through Expedia, sorry!
We love and miss you loads, Mom & Dad
Alex Lyne- Charlie 2- From Lauren Bell
ReplyDeleteHAPPY BIRTHDAY =) =) Hope you are impressed I remembered! You will be happy to know I made it all the way to Goa without too many traumatic events! Hope you have an amazing day! xxxx
To Sophie L Echo 3
ReplyDeleteHello ma chérie,
Juste un petit mot pour te dire que tu verras un peu Juliette après ton retour en raison du mariage royal qui a lieu le 29 avril. Juliette doit aller à l'école le mercredi jour de ton arrivée mais elle revient le lendemain soir, le jeudi 28 avril avec Emma et Gina qui restent chez nous pour la nuit. Elles repartiront à l'école toutes les 3 le lendemain après le mariage royal. Jean-Jacques arrivera quant à lui le jeundi 28 avril. Tout le monde sera très très heureux de te revoir!! Juliette est à la maison today et elle va très bien. Elle te fait des millions de bisous et te dit qu'elle t'aime très très fort.
On t'embrasse tous très fort. Mam xxxxxxxx
Hi Hugh,
ReplyDeleteInto your final phase, hope you enjoy it! Your postcard finally arrived, sounds like you are having a good time! Let us know what your plans are and that you have it all sorted with your return flight - some details would be nice! Have texted you about your next Navy interview.
Enjoy your final phase, take care and get in touch!
Love mum, dad and Julia. xxx
Andrew Jehring Echo 4
ReplyDeleteHappy trench digging. Dickie will be proud of you...maybe.
Scary haircut. Couldn't believe it was you.
Just been in London for the weekend for Matt and Amanda's wedding. Lovely day. All went beautifully.
Keep us posted of your news for traveling. Rugby was dire even if they won the six nations, the game was not showing England at it's best
Love Mum and Dad xx
Hi Louisa Mohsen Charlie 1
ReplyDeleteNice to see your pic on the blog - hope you enjoy the last phase in Vellary. Still no letter! sob! But Lucy's letter arrived on Tues and I sent it on to her. Nan had a fall last Tues and had to go to A and E but nothing is broken, only hip bruised so she is taking even longer to get around on her zimmer. Ben was very popular with the old ladies and staff at her birthday tea - which was the next day after the fall. I went to Ben's review at Southall on Friday they are trying to arrange a work experience for him and he may come back 2 days a week in Sept to do a mentoring and IT course. Apparently he is always talking about how he misses you at college. Weather was cold during week but springlike at the weekend. Caroline Quentin is on a 3 part series going round India on ITV and this tues is the 3rd par and she is filmed in Southern India so I will tape it for you. Ben wants to tell you he saw a movie called The Lincoln Lawyer with Ryan Phillipe on Sat.
We both send you our love and miss you lots xxxx
Lieve Daan, zagen je hand in de bus zitten, dat is toch nieuws ! Begreep dat je met mega zware extrabepakking aan je nieuwe avontuur begon. Zo gek, we zien en horen je niet en dan plotseling de telefoon zo scherp en duidelijk lsof je naast ons zit ! Super dat je ons gebeld hebt, echt fijn om heel af en toe iets te vernemen van jou persoonlijk. Hoop dat de laatste trip
ReplyDeletezo leuk wordt als je je er op verheugd hebt. Heb begrepen dat je in Thailand visa voorBirma en Laos kan krijgen. Zouden je heel graag weer thuis willen hebben even, maar reizen is zo geweldig, dus ga vooral ! Van Apa gehoord dat een voorvader van jou in de 17 e eeuw als eerste nederlander in Goa aankwam om handelsbetrekkingen te gaan onderzoeken voor Nederland. Grappig he ? Dikke zoen en zorg goed voor alle blaren, Mama
Jonny Charlie 2,
ReplyDeleteHello mate,
not sure what football updates you have out there do i'll bust out a league for u and newcastle results.
good to talk to you the other day. big news since then, i've been promoted and am moving to chichester in the middle of april. its the highest turnover store in the country in the summer and apparently the best position you can get as a trainee. usually you have to be in the company for atleast a year before you go there but look at me, 4 months and I nailed it. havent broken the news to Jim yet cos I dont want to see the lad cry, hes been on holiday for the past couple of weeks so waiting til he comes back in on tues to tell him. anyways mate, hope ur having a cracking time and continue to be safe and enjoy yourself!
1 Manchester United 30 18 9 3 64 30 34 63
2 Arsenal 29 17 7 5 59 29 30 58
3 Chelsea 29 16 6 7 53 24 29 54
4 Manchester City 30 15 8 7 45 27 18 53
5 Tottenham Hotspur 29 13 10 6 41 34 7 49
6 Liverpool 30 13 6 11 41 36 5 45
7 Bolton Wanderers 30 10 10 10 42 41 1 40
8 Everton 30 9 13 8 40 39 1 40
9 Sunderland 30 9 11 10 33 37 -4 38
10 Stoke City 30 11 4 15 36 38 -2 37
11 Newcastle United 30 9 9 12 44 45 -1 36
12 Fulham 30 7 14 9 33 33 0 35
13 Blackburn Rovers 30 9 6 15 39 51 -12 33
14 Aston Villa 30 8 9 13 37 51 -14 33
15 Blackpool 30 9 6 15 45 60 -15 33
16 West Bromwich Albion 30 8 9 13 41 56 -15 33
17 West Ham United 30 7 11 12 36 49 -13 32
18 Wolverhampton Wander 30 9 5 16 35 49 -14 32
19 Birmingham City 29 6 13 10 28 41 -13 31
20 Wigan Athletic 30 6 12 12 29 51 -22 30
) 4-0
(HT 1-0) Newcastle
Best 1-2
(HT 1-2) Everton
Osman (31)
Jagielka (36)
Nolan (13) 1-1
(HT 1-1) Bolton
Sturridge (38)
(HT 0-1) Newcastle
Lovenkrands (2)
Best (50)
(HT 0-0) Newcastle
Salgado (60)
Gutierrez (55)
Tiote (81)
Barton (90+2)
Barton (pen 68, pen 83)
Best (75)
Tiote (87) 4-4
(HT 0-4) Arsenal
Walcott (1)
Djourou (3)
Van Persie (10, 26)
Duff (67) 1-0
(HT 0-0) Newcastle
not the happiest of reads for you and really anyone can go down. united have lost 3 of last 6 and are still top. your missing a quality league mate. x
to sean cullinane charlie 1
ReplyDeletehi ya sean hope you enjoyed your BBQ and the quiz hope your having a great time you look as though you are(good) the weather back here is still the same sunshining but cold,every body back home is ok i'll keep sending messages xx
To Sam Anderson echo 3
ReplyDeletehiya hun i have a message from grahame......Hey hun hope all is well im really sorry havent got in touch sooner im a bit of a technophobe when it comes to things like this...hope your ok and looking forward to seeing you soon..Grahame
Keri says hey hun its all good over here really loved hearing from you the other day did not expect a txt from u at all so that was nice....me and garry are fine thanks and we r very happy still....drinks are defo in order when u get home, i think ur gunna b rather drunk rather quickly lol this could b a fun night.....mum has redecorated the living room and hallway and it looks really nice u'll have to come c it when u get home.....my twin nephews are due this week im sooooooo excited hopefully gonna go up in easter half term and c them if we can!!!! Any who hope all is well with u and i will c u in a month..do i still have time 2 write u a letter??????
Love and miss u loads Keri-Lou Smith
Binika liu - charlie 2
ReplyDeleteHello my beautiful princess!!! Hope your still
Having fun!!! I miss you so mich and cant wait
To pick you up from the airport!! I hope enjoying
Your last phase!!! Plus enjoying all the tasty food!!
I think palace garden maybe on the cards when
You get home and a big dirty sunday dinner at carvary
Just how you like it!!!! Cant wait to give you a
Massive cuddle!!! I love you so much darlin!!!
Enjoy the rest ov your adventure!!!
Take care my sweetheart!! I love you more than anything!!!
Celine (Charlie 2)
ReplyDeleteHi Mum, looking well in the pic, well i can only see your head, so from head up :) Hope you got loads of alcohol gel with you for this adventure, yuck!! santitaion building. Everything is grand here, starting my rcn rep training in april, so i can you on the conferences and see the antics that you and marie get up to, lol!!
Rab and I booked salt therapy sessions thru groupon so prob. doing that next week and also got him an offer for sports massages!!
Can't wait to see more updates!!
Lots of Love Janet and Rab xxxxx
ps hopefully you can see my profile pic attached to comment, its a quote, very appropiate and inspirational!! xxx
to Fieke Haak, Tango 5. ha lieverd, heb net ontdekt waar op de site veel fotos van jullie expeditie staan. Waauw, dat graafwerk van Echo 4 is wel indruwekkend zeg... Ben heel benieuwd naar je trek - ervaringen, na de armspieren de beenspieren trainen. Heb nog een brief gepost vandaag. Zal je wl pas lezen in het vliegtuig. Kussies mam
ReplyDeleteTo Sophie Leth. Echo 3
ReplyDeleteCoucou ma chérie, c'est l'anniversaire de Dad today, c'est un jeune homme il est en pleine forme! Nous allons déjeuner tous les deux dans le quartier de Covent Garden puis nous irons à l'opéra comme prévu avec Juju pendant les vacances.
Lori m'a répondu avec tous les détails du vol de Sarah. Elle va voyager avec son amie le 12 mai de Londres à Bangkok. Elle rentre par Bangkok le 20 juillet à Londres. Si tu veux aller aussi en Thailande à ce moment là et rentrer à la même date je peux voir si il y a de la place sur le même vol que Sarah ou sinon Lori a trouvé une très bonne offre pour toi, un vol de Londres à Bangkok avec deux nuits gratuites à l'hôtel comme ça vous pourriez dormir toutes les 3 dans cet hotel en arrivant à Bangkok. J'attends de savoir ce que tu veux faire pour contacter l'agence qui propose cette offre (le vol doit surement avoir une escale, les vols directs sont plus chers - Sarah et son amie ont une escale à Bombay de 3 heures avant de repartir pour Bangkok - c'est souvent le cas avec ces vols charters).
Comment se passe le travail? On a hâte d'avoir de tes nouvelles.
On t'embrasse très fort xxxxxxxxxxxx On t'aime fort M and D
To Ellie Burton Tango 5
ReplyDeleteHyah sweetheart
Hope you are enjoying the next and last phase of your stay in India trekking through the tea plantations, up into the hills and further on towards the mountain peaks. Expecting to see some awesome photies when you get back. Hope the tummy bug bug has now well and truly packed its bags and is leaving you now to enjoy the rest of your travels.
Had a visit off Dymock yesterday. First time out since being wintered over inside. Apparently suspicious of the route he was taking until at the bottom of our drive and then realised where he was going. Still has his winter moustache which makes him look quite distinguished. Left a present too....which will come in handy for the roses! What do they say about children and animals?? Anyway he will be back sometime in the summer. Just have to reinforce the fencing since last year's attempted break for freedom!
Take care
Love you
To Becky Barnes
ReplyDeleteFrom Roz
Hi babe! Just seen some new pics of you! Look like your having a fab time! so happy for you!! Hope you have got my letters!!
I keep checking on here to see if my comments have uploaded but i cant see them...hope you have got them i have sent quite a few!
Got your postcard the other day! was so nice to have something from you!! And love that you are still wearing the good luck charm! Well done Barnes, it seems to be working, but i'm guessing your making your own luck.
So glad that your happy and having a wonderful time.
Thinking of you darling, cant believe i will see you soon! Let me know somehow if you are still going to Sri Lanka with your mum and if you need someone to pick you both up from the airport.
Lots of love
Rolly xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Georgi Tandy.echo 3
You are looking amazing in the latest photos. ??skinny jeans! Can't believe you are on final stretch. Have just completed your accomodation application. You are number 74!! So hopefully that's good enough! Have just gor back from a weekend away...by the sea. Will sort out holiday this week. Love you and looking forward to you coming home, even if you don't want to!! Miss you. Mum xxxxx
Sarah Churlish (Echo 4) - LO Princess, been out of the loop for a few days on my barge trip with me mates so havn't managed to get any messages to you. I have sent an air mail envolope with your new flight details on - any snags please shout. I think it may have worked out well as I am due to be in Trinidad on the 6th April until the 11th so would have missed you coming home - couldn't have that. By the time I get home I will have been away for a 9 days so will be glad to get back. You are still looking as if you are having a brills time, which is good to know. I will keep a lookout for some more photos and will try and get you a letter off over the coming week. Stay chilled, loads of love D x x x x x x
ReplyDeleteTo Sophie Leth. Echo 3
ReplyDeleteCoucou it's me again!
Lori vient à nouveau de m'écrire, elle est tellement sympa. Bon, Sarah serait folle de joie de voyager avec toi et son amie est tout à fait d'accord. Lori m'a précisé le plan de Sarah: "I've been told the plan is to go Bangkok, then on to Cambodia for a short time (a week or less), a month in Vietnam and then on to Laos and over to Thailand...They will be meeting up with Cordie D. (who Sophie might know) on June 16th or 17th along with 1-2 other girls. That is the sum total of what I know, but I know Sarah would be thrilled for Sophie to join them.
Voilà ma chérie j'attends tes instructions pour te boucler un vol!
Je t'aime fort xxxxxxxxxx Mam
To Wieger van Rinkhuyzen - Charlie 1
ReplyDeleteLieve Wieger,
Wat heerlijk om jouw stem gehoord te hebben, klonk goed en sterk. Wat geweldig om tijdens laatste project zo te ervaren dat het belangrijk is wat jullie (Raleigh) daar doen. Wat zal die familie blij zijn met hun nieuwe onderkomen straks. En datzelfde geldt natuurlijk voor de koeien!! Komt de rijst inmiddels je neus uit? Een aardappel zal weer vreemd zijn, haha. Geniet van de laatste weken, David bericht je nog over standen voetbal en zijn te gekke stage. Dag schat, XXXXX Mam
James Bell - Tango 6
ReplyDeleteHi James! got some good news: i bought us tickets to reading uni summer ball! :) ellie goulding and professor green are headliners outside and chase and status are doing a DJ set in 3sixty. Should be good...!
and i have even greater news! i also got us tickets to reading festivalll!!!!! i managed to get tickets online 10 minutes after they were put up so you can only imagine how chuffed i am with that haha :) here's some line up info:
friday - my chemical romance, thirty seconds to mars, the offspring, deftones and rise against.
saturday - the strokes, pulp, the national, jimmy eat world and the pigeon detectives
sunday - MUSE!!!!!!!!!, elbow, friendly fires, enter shikari, the view and taking back sunday.
and features from russel kane and lee nelson (the chav on tv)
obviously thats not everyone, i just wrote the ones that i think you like/heard of at least.
try and not be too disappointed about the line up (lots of people say its rubbish but i dont mind it..) cos i'll be there!!!!and so will Grosser, Keir, Matt, Lauran and Amy! (so far, we are yet to hear from reynolds and chris plus grosser said paine's travelling at the time so he can't go)
very exciteddddd! but first, looking forward to you coming home! love you lots!!! xxxxxxxxxx p.s. whats the latest? how's your trek going??xxxx
To Sarah Churlish, Charlie 1
ReplyDeleteHey churlish! Thought id leave a comment on here and let you know that we all miss you at Costa :] Had a look and a read at some of the stuff you're doing and im still so jealous! Im assuming that youre on the final stage now and i cant believe its gone so fast!
Its actually been nice and sunny here in Durham the past few days, and i wish i had my friend here to wonder about in the sun with :]
Well i just thought id write to say hi and hope that youre still having an amazing time. Cant wait to hear about everything when you get back! When is the date you come back? we need to arrange birthday plans :]
love lots, take care
Lauren xxxx
To: Georgia Zervudachi Tango 6
ReplyDeleteI hope the trek is going well - it must be so incredibly hot there, the weatherman says 37 degrees in Mysore! I'm sure you are coping and having an amazing time despite the heat.
Just got your community phase letter (dated 4th March and caked in cement and mud). Jamie very happy. I'm hoping there wasn't one inbetween that's been lost...
I'm so glad to have finally got some proper news and stories from you. Your time sounds even more amazinger than I could have imagined.
I miss you very very much. I haven't got news really other than that I have a lot of work. Plus I don't really feel like my stories have got anything on yours.
Courage. Just keep swimming.
(as ever) I can't wait to see you and hear your stories in person. And see the photos that your camera didn't delete...
I've caught it.
P.S. With reference to that last bit: I hope you remember what your indian venturer friend Sachi(r/n - not sure of your handwriting) suggested you write me...
to sean cullinane charlie 1
ReplyDeletehi ya sean how ya doing thank you for your letter we got it 21st(march)it was luvly to read glad you bought yourself some sandles looks as though your still getting the weather,it has been luvly weather here sunshining all day everybody back here are ok i'll keep sending messages xx
To Scott Rae, Echo 3
ReplyDeleteFrom Nic
Hey little bro....I heard this week you haven't got a lot of messages...I promise I did try to message a while back! Sorry if you felt unloved ;o)
I can assure you we've not forgotten you here - thinking about your fabby adventures everyday as I battle to bring up the leaders of the future...nightmare!
Can't wait for you to be home - we have major gossiping to be doing...seriously, my life has been like a soap opera - I hope I remember all thats been happening!
You are looking amazing, very refreshed and happy! Hope you have remembered to keep a diary, I'll get the cider in the fridge for when you're back, a pizza in the oven and we can get to your favourite haunt for some dancing ;o)
Best go, miss you heaps bro, love Nic xxx
To David Gutteridge Echo4
ReplyDeleteHi Love
I have finally been able to move back into our own room as the new carpet has been laid, but we may not have enough time to redecorate your room. Nanny is a lot better and sends her best wishes.
The news is very much the same as yesterday with the struggles in Libya taking the headlines. I will send off another package tomorrow with a newspaper enclosed. Hope you are well and the weather isn't too hot
Love Mum
To Scott Rae, Echo 3
ReplyDeleteYo dude! Loving the pics from the 80s party. You look fabby doo! We were chatting about how it doesn't seem like that long since you went and you only have a couple of weeks left but then when we thought about it, we haven't seen you since the middle of January! That was ages ago!! Jamie was only 4 months old. You are going to see huge changes. His other bottom tooth has started to poke through now. He's not been great actually. Not because of the tooth but because he has his first proper cold :0( He has been coughing and sneezing all over the place, poor wee thing. On the mend now but has been feeling quite sorry for himself. We've been laying quite low because of that. Didn't do much at the weekend. Mum coming through today as I have a course tomorrow and she is babysitting Jamie. Looking forward to seeing more pics and hearing all about your travels. Hope you don't get trampled by an elephant. Lots of love, Jen, Alan and Jamie xxx
Charlie 2
Hi Celine your happy smiling face says you must be enjoying yourself, will you be coming back as an Eco warrior?- Back to life in N I as it was in the 50s. Went to Denis's funeral in Epsom on Friday 18th, very sad day. Spring has finally arrived in North Yorkshire, weather sunny and warm. After the day job I'm trying to redesign the garden as so much has been lost with the severe winter temperatures. Teresa & Andrew have recently returned from a Canadian Skiing trip where the Canadians commiserated with them re the very harsh winter in GB. Everyone sends their love. Enjoy your work Love Rosetta xx
To: Sam - Echo 3
ReplyDeleteFrom: Dharmendra
Hey hun. I got your letter today (on Tuesday 22nd March). It put the biggest smile on my face :D I'm glad it didn't get lost in the post because you wrote the last letter of my post code as V instead of U :P At first I was confused when I read the date on it because you wrote Monday 7th Feb which was when I was still in India so I guess you meant Monday 7th March. LOL.
I would love to have been on the trek with you guys. I am so jealous that you lot did rafting! Seems like you all had a blast! I love cycling. Doing it uphill doesn't bother me. Gives me a buzz. You need to tell me plenty of stories and gossip when you get back ;)
Krishna freaked out when she saw my beard! HAHAHA. She was like "OMG NO!!!! YOU LOOK LIKE A TERRORIST! SHAVE IT OFF!!" LOL. I would have kept the beard for a week after I got back but my mum wouldn't allow it because she says I look barbaric! HAHA. So I shaved it off a few days after returning home.
I'm not sure if Gerogi already told you but Krishna and I broke up 2 days after I came home but its okay because we're still friends. I'll explain it all when I see you in person.
Looking forward to seeing you again :) I miss you so much! Take care darling. Mwah!
To James Hollins (Charlie 1)
ReplyDeleteHi Jimmers!
Just wrote you a mammoth comment but it didn't send! So I'll just have to re-write it and make sure that I don't forget any of the witty comments that I wrote the first time!
Thanks for your facebook message, was incredibly detailed and I now know an incredible amount as to what you've been doing...How was the tea factory? Do you now love tea and know an incredibly large amount about it? (I hope so)
Mother tells me that you've written me a blog comment but currently as I'm writing this its not up yet, so I'll probably send you another message once I've read yours!
Glad that it's still very hot, tis a whole 17 degrees here today, positively roasting! (I'm still in tights though so maybe not that hot!). Try not to get too tanned or you'll soon be matching Milo in your colouring! He says hello (gruffly) btw.
Have fun with the next phase and building stuff! What I've done is erect a small shelter out of coathangers and towels so as that I know exactly how tough it will be for you building bio-gas stuff and a house (I did it in a coat aswell to represent the heat of India).
I noticed on basically the only photo of you, that you were being ridden by another male..glad to see you're maturing well! haha.
Anyhoo, enjoy the next bit and I'll send you another message probably later today! Lots and lots of love Sarah xxxxxx
To Georgia Brooke-Hitching
ReplyDeleteHappy, happy birthday my gorgeous, lovely, bouncy, wonderful friend!
Have an amazing day and don't forget how much I love you!
Oodles and noodles of love all the way to the moon and back!
Em xxxxxxxxx
To Philip Warringa, Echo 3
ReplyDeleteFlippie! We hebben eindelijk lekker weer in NL, zonnetje en 15 graden, heerlijk. Ik hoorde van pap dat je hem ff aan de lijn hebt gehad. Je was zo enorm enthousiast dat ik op slag jaloers werd...jij maakt echt zo veel bijzonders mee! Kom strx maar een dagje naar Utrecht om al je verhalen te vertellen.
Ik ben (weer) druk druk, de golfcompetitie begint as zaterdag en ik mag meteen de eerste wedstrijd tegen het team van Sophie, spannend! Papa gaat Romee caddyen. Ik heb er al echt zin in, hopelijk winnen we ook nog :D
Met studie gaat ff wat minder, ik loop ernstig achter maar dat komt ook omdat ik op trainingsstage ben geweest en gewoon veel met golf bezig ben. Zoals je weet komt studie gewoonlijk altijd weer goed, dus daar hou ik verder mijn mond over. Top trouwens dat je nog een herkansing krijgt in Maastricht!
Ik denk aan je! Ik mis mijn broertje...
liefs leo
To Wieger van Rinkhuyzen Charlie 1
ReplyDeleteHai Wieg,
Ik hoorde net van Mam en Pap dat ze al weer een paar keer met je hebben gebeld/gechat! Dat is oneerlijk, dat wil ik ook :)!! Hier nog even wat voetbalupdates. Niet alleen van afgelopen weekend, maar ook van het weekend daarvoor, want die had ik nog niet gestuurd:
Datum Thuis Uit Uitslag
vr 11 mrt, 20:45 FC Utrecht FC Groningen 1-0
za 12 mrt, 18:45 Heracles Almelo Excelsior 4-1
za 12 mrt, 19:45 Roda JC Kerkrade AZ 1-2
za 12 mrt, 20:45 Vitesse SC Heerenveen 1-1
zo 13 mrt, 12:30 De Graafschap ADO 1-0
zo 13 mrt, 14:30 FC Twente VVV Venlo 2-1
zo 13 mrt, 14:30 Feyenoord NAC Breda 2-1
zo 13 mrt, 14:30 Willem II Ajax 1-3
zo 13 mrt, 16:30 NEC PSV 2-2
Datum Thuis Uit Uitslag
vr 18 mrt, 20:45 AZ Vitesse 3-1
za 19 mrt, 18:45 NAC Breda FC Groningen 0-1
za 19 mrt, 19:45 VVV Venlo Willem II 0-0
za 19 mrt, 19:45 Heracles SC Heerenveen 4-2
za 19 mrt, 20:45 NEC De Graafschap 1-0
zo 20 mrt, 12:30 ADO Den Haag Ajax 3-2
zo 20 mrt, 14:30 PSV FC Utrecht 1-0
zo 20 mrt, 14:30 Roda JC Feyenoord 3-0
zo 20 mrt, 14:30 Excelsior FC Twente 0-2
En nog de stand per 21-03:
Club Wed. w g v p v-t
1 PSV 28 18 7 3 61 72-26
2 FC Twente 28 18 6 4 60 54-28
3 Ajax 28 16 7 5 55 56-26
4 AZ 28 14 7 7 49 43-34
5 ADO Den Haag 28 14 6 8 48 55-41
6 FC Groningen 28 14 5 9 47 54-43
7 Roda JC Kerkrade 28 11 11 6 44 49-37
8 FC Utrecht 28 11 8 9 41 43-35
9 Heracles Almelo 28 10 7 11 37 52-48
10 NEC 28 8 12 8 36 44-47
11 SC Heerenveen 28 9 8 11 35 50-45
12 Feyenoord 28 9 7 12 34 37-47
13 NAC Breda 28 10 4 14 33 36-49
14 De Graafschap 28 8 9 11 33 27-45
15 Vitesse 28 7 8 13 29 34-48
16 Excelsior 28 6 4 18 22 32-57
17 VVV Venlo 28 5 2 21 17 24-59
18 Willem II 28 2 6 20 12 28-75
Nou Wieg, geniet nog maar even in India. Het gaat weer zo snel voorbij.
David (&Pap&Mam)
Hi Ross
ReplyDeleteHope things are still going well and you have recovered from the treking. We have enjoyed seeing the latest batch of photographs and news. I hope you are running in this 10k run as we have sponcered you. I can't believe that in another month you will be home again. I guess from your email that you have been checking your mail. Any news on work? Grandma came over for her birthday and we showed her all the blogs. Rob and Alice are well. Rob has a serious black eye from the match on Saturday. I hope you have received your parcel or maybe it will be at base camp when you return there. Nicola is ok, still backwards and forwards to Bedford. Lily has hurt her back and is on tablets and hopefully with lots of rest she'll soon be running arround again. Poppy has come out in sympathy with a sore paw and is hopping arround and being really pathetic. Look forward to getting more news from you and looking at the pics. We check the blog every day! How sad is that? We miss you loads but glad to see you are having a good time.
Lots of love & kisses
Mum & Dad xxxxxxx
To Scott Rae Echo 3
ReplyDeleteHi Scott
Hope you got my snail mail! I had tried several times before to post a comment for you here and for some reason, failed! So I decided to send you a paper letter. Anyway, I thought I would try and give it one last shot so hope you get this one. Have been avidly reading the blog and what a brilliant time you all seem to be having. Can't wait till you get back and tell us all about it. Save it all up till we go to Crieff so you can regale us with all your adventures when we're all together! Was telling Mum about a TV prog on tonight in which Caroline Quentin travels through India. This is part 3 and tonight she is in south India taking in Mysore and Kerala so we'll be watching with great interest. Not long till you come home now, Scott. Can't believe it's almost 10 weeks since you left. Enjoy the rest of your time there and I look forward to speaking to you soon. Take care. Love, Pam x
To PM Dan
ReplyDeleteHey love, just a quick message to say you're getting TOO SKINNY! Put some meat on yer bones!
Hope you're enjoying being back in Basavapura, and that you've caught up with all your friends there. How are the trenches coming along?? You enjoying being back in basha avenue?
Things here are ok, have been involved in more high level stuff, and it's not getting any easier! There's another letter winging its way to you with more in it.
Tongiht am off to a Brazilian BBQ with Penelope and friends from primary school. Her South American night was amazing, Jose cooked us a feast, with Equadorian potato cakes, argentine pasties, beans, columbian rice and the biggest, juciest stakes i have ever, ever had. Plus, he made his own nutella and caramel ice creams, all rounded off with caparinas and mojitos! I was stuffed! We'll have to go for dinner when you're back! Me and Kate went to a zumba class the other day too, which is a dance class to a mixture of latin/african/carabbean music, was awesome.
Havent had a chance to look at what visas we'll need or how we'll get them. Apparently you can get Cambodian visas on the border, but it's not recommended! I'm soooo looking forward to it, will start doing some research when i've got a minute.
Hope you're well and you've recovered from the trek!
Lots and lots of hugs and kisses, maoam to the max, face on face.
Letts xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To Miss Bryony Wilde
ReplyDeleteHello missy. Hope things are well. Still trying to work out this get in contact thing. Not sure if you got my last message either. Anyways. So I am back home for easter (but no one is home yet)and I shall be back in the pasty shop nearer easter time for some more fun. Hope you are getting a lovely tan out there, I am sure you are. And I want to see pictures!!
Can't believe this time last year it was you so close to finishing Uni. Maybe this time next year I will be in India lets keep the fingers crossed ;)
Lots of Love from England
Lauren W x x x x x
To: Scott Rae
ReplyDeleteThis is the third time I've tried to send a message, I have no idea what is going wrong (or maybe I'm being censored!).
It looks like you are having an awesome time, and we can't quite believe you've been away for so long! I am intrigued as to what an elephant trench is? Are you sun tanned and golden brown? Or sun burned and lobster red?
We've all finished now, and just got our results yesterday... All good news here! Although extremely hungover today... Also, I'm starting with paeds in August!
PS how does dinner and polo on 9th April sound?
TO Bryony Wilde tango 5
ReplyDeleteHALLO There darling, Hope you have shaken off the awful bug and you are managing the trek. It must be hard in the heat over there. Just got back from Ideal home and had a great time. Nice to get out of the box !!!(N.Devon). Bought a few bits and hotel was good. For once first great western were on time!!! I expect the time is going so fast for you now??? Always thinking of you and wishing you good luck . Loads of love from Mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Hope you get the card when you get back. Got your lovely letter on the 18th March !!!
to sean cullinane charlie 1
ReplyDeletehi ya sean how are you hope your having a great time you're defintely having the weather, we haven't done to bad today had luvely weather sunshining all day it was like a summer (22nd march)everybody back here is asking after you,told them your having a great time every body back home is ok i'll keep sending messages xx
Martyn Parry Echo 4
ReplyDeleteHi Martyn how's the digging going seen any more
elephants.Time is flying by and it will soon be time for you to come home.Mum and I were impressed to see you have learnt a new skill as a tattoo artist.Do you fancy going for a curry when you come home lol.
look after yourself
Mum & Dad xxx
To Georgia Brooke-Hitching Tango 6,
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday! Hope you are having a wonderful time and have had a fantastic birthday. Looking forward to hearing about all your adventures when you return.
Lots of love,
Hannah and Tom
P.S We have an apartment in New York now-look forward to seeing you there soon!
To: David Gutteridge Echo 4
ReplyDeleteFrom: Nigel Smith
Hi David
Sorry that you haven't been able to contact me on my usual email addresses, as some have been closed. Went to Chris's 21st recently. Very good party. Sara drank too much and was absolutely plastered, literally legless! Chris bought himself a RIB, so we might be able to go sea fishing in Christchurch Bay during the summer.
My horse racing is going well. I missed a £25,000 jackpot by four and a half lengths the other day and my selection process is improving all the time.
You can email me on nigelpwsmith@yahoo.co.uk
Looking forward to the new F1 season starting next week. Hope you get a chance to watch the Grand Prix.
Lots of Love
To Elliott Leishman Tango 5
ReplyDeleteHi Elliott, thanks for the lovely letter and your message, it was so nice to hear from you. Rang Andy's Mum and she will pass your greetings on. It looks like you are having a great time, and I hope the weather is not too hot for your trek. Enjoy yourself and take care. Always thinking about you, and can't wait for more pics. Lots of Love Mum & Dad xx
Alice Corby Echo 3 HELLO HELLO xx Friday 25th March noon. Its bright and sunny here I have just been to the post office and sent a letter and a treat. I am hopeful that it will get to you on your return to base camp. I hope you have seen lots of great things. I will have a look at the train stuff over the next couple of days and let you know. I think that you should be able to get a international phone card and make a call from some where, it would be nice to know that you are safe once you are on your travels . I will write again in a day or two Lots of love X mum
ReplyDelete(Sarah Churlish)- Echo 4. Insurance done, extended to 16th April. I must say youv'e been very well organised with all this. You do realise now you have said you will take me there one day I regard that as an unbreakable promise (youv'e seen Harry Potter). I am already packing my bags. I have just been talking to someone who goes to Thailand a lot ands its amazing how cheap it can be. I've got super, megga itchy feet now (I blame you) I need to get going with some travellin . . . take care Princess, great to hear your voice, missing you loads. D x x x x x
ReplyDeleteto Fieke Haak - tango 5. freddddd!! haha met mijn brief is het fout gegaan:P las je mail, ben echt benieuwd naar je verhalen en foto's als je terug bent!! en dat is over een week al gelukkig!!! succes nog met bergen beklimmen enzo en veeel plezier, tot volgende weeekkxxxxx Kir
ReplyDeleteSunil Mistry India Echo 4
ReplyDeletehey sunil
hows it going? looking good with the whole bbq thing:P and like your mum said: no more "lal lal" you did save me some chicken right? cos if not...
just bit confused with the whole group thing cos i'm pretty sure it keeps changing? but "oh vhell..." just so long as you get the messages?
cant believe your nearly finished but just shows how time flies cos we're having fun:P nah just joking, miss you really!
enjoy the last bit!!
see you when you get back
from sangi (and the rest of them but i'm the best so you know...) :)
Sunil Mistry Echo 4
ReplyDeleteHey mate, hope your still enjoying yourself! Saw the picture of you enjoying a bbq, i'm betting you ate all that chicken right? lol.
All the guys here are thinking of you and looking forward to you coming back.
Take care,