Special guest blogger: Dr Andy Gilbert
Hello everybody. Field base is very quiet today with most of our team out on loop visits - that is, visiting our projects. I'm filling in for the PRO Peta while she's out checking on how Alpha 3 and 4 are doing. The loops have taken out much needed supplies and also a tuck shop to allow our venturers to stock up on snacks and goodies. (pictured: Dr. Andy taking some time to relax at field base)
Unfortunately that means there are no new photographs from the project sites at the moment. However, we have plenty of news to bring you from each of the four groups. We should hopefully have some great pictures by the time the next blog goes up.Lama in Town
For us at field base, it was a big day yesterday when the Dalai Lama himself arrived in Mysore to open the JSS Centre for Management Studies. Country Director Gavin Shelton and myself headed up to see the 14th Tenzin Gyatso of Tibet in the flesh. We enjoyed his stimulating talk on world religions and were lucky enough to get within just a few metres of his holiness.(pictured: The Dalai Lama waving to Gavin in recognition of all the good work that he is doing for Raleigh)
Back at field base we have been struggling a bit with our skeleton staff. Several of the team have had to take on two or even three roles to keep things ticking over. Country programme manager Mark was drafted in at the last minute to fill in for one of the security guards.
(pictured: Mark Ashby prevents another vagabond from entering field base)
Meanwhile, our accountant Paul Billett has been getting to grips with some new building skills. He was called upon to rebuild one of the field base walls after an incident involving an elephant and a mouse. The mouse has a black eye but you should see the state of the elephant (and the wall).(Pictured: Paul the builder - can he fix it?)
To add to the pressures at field base, country director Gavin Shelton has been recruited to umpire a one day cricket match in Mysore today. He has sadly been unable to fulfil his usual role of toilet cleaning. We wish him a speedy return. (pictured: Gavin - Raleigh's answer to Tendulkar)
Well that's all for now from field base, here's the latest news from the alpha groups:Project news
Alpha 1 Misappuli Mala trek group: Alpha one have now completed three full days of trekking and despite their fatigue are having a really great time. Yesterday they reached Lakeside camp where they had the opportunity to relax for a few hours and wash their socks. Trek medic Andrew Cox had been impressed with his newly acquired sun tan from the last few days. He was horrified to see it disappear after a dip in the lake when he realised it was just dirt.
Alpha 2 Kalainhnahalla eco-sanitation project: Alpha two have been making superb progress with their eco-friendly toilets (this group are now nicknamed 'number two'). They have made a good start with the initial ten units and are looking to have the first few completed soon. Project manager Joey Maloney has also recruited the whole group into whitewashing the local school. Several of the venturers have reported it is so dazzling that they need to wear their sunglasses within a twenty metre radius of the building.
Alpha 3 Kappikadu tribal housing project: Alpha three have been working exceptionally hard digging foundations for their houses. They have now successfully dug four sets and filled them with boulders. They will be adding the cement soon. Overnight temperatures have been on the chilly side up in Kappikadu and several requests have been made for extra clothes and blankets. Unfortunately we were able to locate project manager Matt Sales' pink fluffy slippers to send out on the loop.
Alpha 4 Anaikatti elephant-proof fencing project: Alpha four have constructed their camp and erected bashas for the group to sleep in. Their entire campsite now has its own mini elephant proof fence powered by a car battery. They have also started replacing the full size elephant fencing. Early problems with the water tank have been resolved - special recognition goes to project manager Ivan Philips who was dunked head first into the tank. Venturers have since reported that this was nothing to do with trying to fix the tank however!
Well that's all the news from me. Hope you enjoyed the guest blog. Next week our friendly PRO Peta will be back with your next update and hopefully some great photos as well.Bye for now!
Hey Lu and all at A3,
ReplyDeleteGreat to hear you're all doing okay - cold nights might at least mean you can get some sleep! I'll be thinking of you as I sit enjoying the Indian Mysore coffee I just found in town. Mild yet creamy :-)
Speak soon,
Gonrod xxx
Hi Becks,
ReplyDeleteGreat to hear that you are well (if a little dirty and sweaty!) on your trek. 4 days down, 16 to go! Mummy is up visiting me in Durham and we're off to see Uncle Brian in Scotland tomorrow-I bet that seems like a million miles away! Jacko and I had a lovely Valentine's weekend (roses, chocolates and too much booze-what a cliche!) while M&D romanced at the Millenium Stadium for the England Wales game (england lost but it was a very good game). I wonder if there was any romancing at your end..!
Quick TV update: Dr Green,Romano and Kerry were all back on ER last night and James proposed to Dorcas in Larkrise but she doesnt trust him enough to accept. Hollyoaks updates to follow soon....
We all miss you lots and lots
Love you Hannah and Mummy xxxxxxxxxx
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ReplyDeleteHi Lucy on Alpha three.
ReplyDeleteSounds like the project is coming along. Don't forget to put a dated coin in the foundations for the next generation of Time Team. Told you to take your hotty! Must go, Dad's just fetched the chips (jealous or what?)
lots of love mumsy xx
Hi Hols (Alpha 4)
ReplyDeleteJust returned from our trip so sorry there haven't been any blog messages recently but hopefully lots of postcards on their way! Still nothing from your big sis I see - no surprises there! Will catch up with you once I've waded through the pile of washing!!
Lots of love, Mum, Dad and Jess xxx
Hi Tilly,
ReplyDeleteit looks like our last two messages to you have disappeared into outer space! So we are sending another one. Everyone back in London is so excited about what you are doing, and a bit envious, as we are stuck in cold old London. Helping the villagers with their building project is such a fantastic thing. The mountain scenery must be so beautiful and peaceful. You are going to have a lot of incredible stories to tell when you return. Hope your boots and "kit" are ok? We think you are a real star! and send you lots of love,
Mum and Dad,
He Edmée,
ReplyDeleteOh wat ben ik nieuwsgierig hoe jij het NU hebt!!! Heb je al olifanten gezien? Is het een beetje lekker slapen in die bashas? Volgens Peta had je het geweldig naar je zin ;) Ik probeer je te volgen met google earth maar ik weet niet waar nu precies zit. Was echt heel leuk (en grappig) je bericht te lezen! Het was even puzzelen maar ik heb het uiteindelijk kunnen ontcijferen! Je bent nu 1.5 week weg, al een beetje gewend aan alles daar? Ik ben in ieder geval nog niet gewend aan jouw afwezigheid! Ik ben nu hard bezig met het uitstippelen van mijn reis; er zijn zoveel plekken waar ik wil gaan, dat gaat me nooit lukken in die 4maanden!! Hier in Amsterdam gaat het prima, het is nu nog grauw maar de lente is in zicht, ik heb al wat vogeltjes horen tsjirpen. Oja, en ik werk weer bij ING. Ik ben super jaloers op je en ik wil ook zo snel mogelijk vertrekken!
Heel erg veel succes met het klussen!
Heel veel liefs. Je wordt hier gemist!
To Alpha 3
ReplyDeleteYou are sure looking after your PM; pink and fluffy what a result.
Mum Matt x
My darling Jo D in Alpha 1,
ReplyDeleteYours sisters and dad send you their love. They are following your adventure in the blog but cannot work out how to send you a message. I printed the blogs and sent it to your grandparents in Cardiff who are probably reading it now. Hope you are enjoying the beautiful views and the stars along the way, so different from London! I also hope your feet haven't got many blisters. We are all very proud of you. Love & XXX MUM
Hi Nadine (Alpha 2)
ReplyDeleteHoe gaat het? Zijn de spullen in orde en werkt alles goed? we denken veel aan je en aan je belevenissen van deze trip. Hoop dat je het fysiek redt. Want dat lijkt me echt moeilijk. Ben net weer terug van Zwitserland en moet bij de NPCF hard werken. iedereen in mijn omgeving vraagt naar je en leeft met je mee. Incluis je broer! zodra we iets nieuws te melden hebben, zal ik je weer mailen. Sterkte en met groet, je vader
Dear Rics and everyone in Number 2 (alpha 2)
ReplyDeleteLooks as if the project is going really well, If you were invovled in whitewashing the schols walls, then there a job for you in painting the walls in our front rooom awaiting you on your return lol.
Have you got the post we sent you yet?
Its really good that we cab catch up with all you are doing from the Internet cafe across the
road from the shop
Mum sends her love
Take care son ( write to thairell)
Love Dasd
Hi Em
ReplyDeleteHope you are enjoying putting up electric fences !We are really enjoying reading the blogs and reports. Looking forward to seeing photos! We are all really thinking about you and cant wait for news.Alex has disappeared to London for half term with Auntie Jennie and the cousins.I took holiday to be with him! So I have instead met up with friends for lunch at the Hop Pocket!Your bedroom is now really tidy ..first time for ages but I couldnt let the poor Spanish exchange sleep there in the state it was in!As Alex mentioned we had to also change the colour!!Only joking!Loads of love M
Hi Petrina
ReplyDeletehope you're digging the digging and having a great time! We're missing you. The house feels empty now when I come home. Otherwise everything is the same, except the weather is a bit warmer and sunnier.
Lots of love Frank
Hi Hamish
ReplyDeleteJust a quick note to see how you are doing? We have just arrived home having had a fab week in NY. Jordan's family loved it and Cameron is very excited as he saw the NY Knicks (Basketball) TWICE at Madison Square Gardens. Dad & Cameron are going to walk "Incredible Miss" tomorrow then C back to school on Monday. Hope all well with you. Missing you lots. LOL M, D & C xx
Hi Andrew (medic)
ReplyDeleteThe bit on the blog about your tan washing off has had me chuckling BIG TIME... I can just imagine the rage and the look of horror on your face as you were in the lake! Hope the trek is going well .)
They are sorting out our allocations tonight. I will probably go on a community phase, which is fabulous. Glad my stint at FB is almost over as i'm itching to get out there! I have so many stories (already) to tell you when I next see you... back in drab London.
Hope you are well. I am fab. Still trying to get a suntan. Been looking for jobs in Oz whist at FB... oops.. Maura won't be happy (hehehe). Should get my ICU course first though, right? Pia has handed in her notice at work, bless her. I haven't heard from anyone else. I think Kristina Bodley is off travelling now.
Have you got an expedition 'pet'? We have a pig called 'Spider Pig'. He will be our dinner on the last night... yum, yum i have been helping to fatten him up!
Anyway it's 8.30 (late for us here!) need to get to bed. Phase 1 change over starts tomorrow it's going to be mad! Wish me luck. I am off on Wed but keep in touch, the drivers may drop the post off on their trips to us.
Good luck with the sprains and blisters!
Anna (CR!)
Hi Roo
ReplyDeleteHope all is going well and you are having an amazing time. Can't wait to hear from you on your return from the trek.
Two llamas now in residence at home!
Going to look at Norfolk puppies later today.
All well.
Lots of love
M, D, A, S, H xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Sarah
ReplyDeletehope you are having a lovely time trekking. You must have seen great scenes
Benjie is missing you , he is staying in your room most of the time
can you put some photos on the blog?
lots of love from mummy daddy and Nada
Hi Leanne M hope all is well. i'm actually starting 2 miss ya but ur out there making us proud, so stay strong, every one is well mum is missing u , u can tell. every time we go there Kearon is asking 4 ya. Anyways i need 2 know whether i should send some more credit? Taylor phoned mum, he wanted to put credit on your phone but was'nt sure whether u would get it. take some mor pics so we can c what ure up 2 other than posing wid man lol love ya Dionne Kearon and Kristen xxx
ReplyDeleteNot sure when you're back - would you like t... Thomas
Not sure when you're back - would you like to join us in Flims before Ecuador?
Love Dingoxxx
Hi Reem (Alpha 4)
ReplyDeleteGreat to hear on the blog that Alpha 4 is doing well. We are looking forward to the pictures which should be posted soon. I hope the bashas are comfortable and that they do keep the mosquitoes and snakes out. Amazing to hear you have your own mini elephant proof fence. That brings home you are in a real adventure with attendant risks.
Here all is well. Kim is busy planning his big trip and getting the various visas. I am back at work again, Kasia has just finished her stint at Demos and Kim can't wait till he can stop work at Ocado. The excitement of driving a fork lift truck lasted all of 3 days (or nights to be more accurate). And Chris is fine.
Everyone says hi: opa and oma, nana, Jack (we saw him in the Verulam arms. Apparently Jess had shown him the picture of you on the bus which she had on her phone), Jo and Maurice, and so on.
Opa and oma want to become bloggers as well. So watch out for the Dutch messages coming your way.
Lots of love
mama and Chris
Hello Roo,
ReplyDeleteHope it is all going well, have been thinking of you! Have a great time and can't wait to hear all about it! All my love from New Zealand
Laura xxxxxxxx
Lieve Claire,
ReplyDeleteHelaas heb ik geen idee of je op korte termijn al mailtjes zou kunnen lezen. In ieder geval kijken wij regelmatig naar de site of er al nieuws is. Wat grappig dat jullie ook in schoolgebouwen schilderen. We zijn zo benieuwd.Gisteravond hebben we Fleur samen met May in Utrecht ontmoet om haar verhalen te horen en foto's te kijken. Ze is veilig en gezond (wel amoebe) terug. Liefje we verheugen ons op berichten. xxxxxxxxxx Mamma ook namens Pappa
hi ricci cant belive u bin there 2 weeks feels like longer..hows the project going..hope u taken piccys..have you sent BABY card yet????
ReplyDeleteorient won saturday...arsenal could only DRAW with sunderland...lmao...cant wait to see new piccys on the blog hope they are soon..
Me n dad doing ok..hows the food are u eating ok? and is the kit holding out ok...
do u know wot ya next project is gonna b?
i envy you cos u have OUR SUN...lol can u do a dance and send us some of it..lol
take care darlin love n miss ya loads but i know u doing a good job im VERY PROUD of you and all the HACKNEY CREW....
love mumxoxoxoxox
Hi Ella (Alpha 1)
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like you had a special birthday - i bet cake never tasted so good! We are in awe of your group's trekking stamina. Walking the dogs will be a doddle after that. Spring is starting here - snowdrops, daffodils. we missed you yesterday at Grandad's 89th Birthday, everyone sent their love. Lots of love Mum, Dad, A, T, I
Joe Maloney, Alpha 2.
ReplyDeletenow then skid! hows it goin joefish, me an rey are kickin it, off back monday. not missin nowt here, say hello to all your new mates, make the most of it, see ya at the weddin, take it easy on the sun tan, leave some rays for the others, rey just seen a pic of you and said joju. miss you, take care, loadsa love Denise & Reyhan
Hi Zoe, lots of love from everyone in Alloway. We have all congregated at Sue and Pauls following the service in Ayr. Mum has been printing off pictures of you from the blog except one she says you will hate.....so I'll print that one!!!!!!! Thinking of you and hope all is well. Love Mum and Dad
ReplyDeletePaul Here..... Mum and Dad have come north once again to test the quality of the roads, water and compnay....all have been found wanting! We are struggling hard to stop them giving their coughs and colds ( real and unreal ) and we were delighted to see you enjoying yourself in a far flung land.. Sleep tight and mind the leeches don't nibble your toes off. LOL Paul & Sue
Holly Gottlieb in Alpha 4: Hello Holly - Lot's of love from a (much older generation!) cousin - was soooo impressed to hear about your trip and very much look forward to hearing about all (well, maybe not all!)your experiences when you are back. We all missed you at your Grandma's last Sunday when she made a party for Sheila's 80th birthday - but it was good to see your Mum, Dad and Jess (who I think are missing you a bit!) and some of your other cousins too. I tried sending a comment before but it doen't seem to have reached you - hope this one has more success - Much love to you and keep on enjoying
ReplyDeleteCousin Mavis
Angel (Alpha4)
ReplyDeleteAngel i miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssssssssss yoooooooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. More than u miss me - Im actually sure of it. So sad. Keep learnin and growing :-)
Dear Allie,
ReplyDeleteSo exciting to read about your project allocation! the three-day trek sounds amazing-so glad you had a chance to wash those Juicy Socks:)You must have seen amazing places...Cannot WAIT to see your beautiful pictures and hear the stories! I'm not sure I have ever been prouder of my little sis for throwing herself in such a fun and purposeful adventure. Sending much love your way...gros bisous mon amour. Laure-Lyne
Joey Maloney Alpha 2,
ReplyDeleteHi Joe, hope your well, have been checking to see if my messages to you are coming up, but can only find 1 from our Dee, dont know where they are, our Tom is on his pc now, and he is gonna send you a message too, so just hope your getting them, all ok here, the fambo are thinking of you and send their love, take care Joe speak soon, luv ya, mum.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Joey Maloney Alpha 2,
ReplyDeletehope your getting the messages ok Joe, Tom is on his pc now and will send you a message, all ok here, and the fambo send their love, it'll be nice for us to be back together for the wedding in Turkey,take care Luv ya Mum.xxxxxxxxxxxx
Joey Maloney. Alpha2,
ReplyDeleteEURIKA, made up the messages are getting through now Joe, not sur if your still bog building or out in the wilds, but whatever it is, enjoy it and make the most of it,Jo & Ian are gonna try and get on the blog, so they will prob send you a message, afraid the reds are still level 3rd place with Chelski, but hey ho, take care luv and will speak soon, Luv Ya, Mum.xxx