So we here at field base know that to date, there haven't been many photos from Alpha 2 on the blog. So today we have a surprise for all the A2 family and friends: A special guest blogger!
Chris Ashford (pictured, below) put pen to paper and sent this thoughts about working on the eco-sanitation project with project managers Joey and Caroline back to Fieldbase.
Since he wrote his blog entry, we have had word that the Alpha 2 gang have actually completed the brick work for 10 eco-sanitation units, well ahead of schedule!
The editor would like to thank Chris for taking the time to write a blog entry, and to Doctor Andy for acting as proxy photographer during his loop visit to the A2 site.
The cool morning air caresses my face as I awaken. I look to the left ot see the early sun peak over the surrounding hills, reflecting its beauty off the vast reservoir. As the warmth slowly moves in we prepare a traditional Raleigh breakfast. It’s porridge.
A bucket of murky water to wash in prepares us for a hard but rewarding days’ work mixing cement, laying bricks and trading witty banter with the masons which all adds up to a fantastic day at the work site.
The local community forever stands in front of our cameras and the children longingly want for a game of international cricket. The work day ends with a cool refreshing dip in the reservoir. Some of us sunbathe and others write in their journals. As the shadows lengthen and the breeze settles, the twinkling stars emerge after a well-deserved rest. The sky is lit up with a bounty of brilliance and even though the sun has disappeared over a far hill, we are warmer than ever. The sheer charisma of nature itself is enough to release all the worries and negative emotions we may have. We slowly all fall asleep and wait for the cool morning air to greet us once more. (picture: PM Caroline with Country Director Gav and fellow PM Joey Maloney at the Kalainhnahalla school where Alpha 2 is currently staying.)
(Above: That's not a chimney! That's Claire, Hannah and Chris in an eco-sanitation unit!)
So far at Alpha two (the Reservoir boys) we have completely constructed all bases for the units. We are now building up to the top of each unit. Besides building, we have also been embracing the local culture. Learning Kannada (the local language) has been a top priority of many of the Venturers here. However, we have only got as far as: Chinagiday – Super!Nero – waterand Binky – Fire!We at Alpha 2 believe in full food preparation and why waste our vast culinary skills? Tom D and I acquired three chickens and killed, plucked and gutted them for our Alpha 2 dinner party last Saturday night. Leanne – acting as head chef – promised and delivered a gastronomically pleasing affair. In the mean time, we will be visiting local temples on the weekend and above all, will be ploughing on with our primary project. And forever not understanding the Kannada language.
To all in the other Alpha groups and at home: we’re experiencing more than promised and all is well.
So now, for a quite whip-around the other projects:
Fieldbase is humming along with a facelift for the office which has involved Country Programme Manager Mark wearing his medical scrubs as a painting outfit.
Alpha 1 is marching along well, they have picked up their next food drop and will have the loop visiting them on monday.
Alpha 3 baked PM Caz a couple of cakes after a few tough days of work on site as a thank-you at the tribal housing project.
And at Alpha 4, they came to work today to discover some of the fence they had repaired had been damaged by elephants so they've had to get stuck into that. Forutnatley they're working efficiently and it won't affect scheduling at all. Tonight they're going to a local village to check out some traditional dancing.
That's the latest from Raleigh India 09C, our next blog is scheduled for Monday.
Both Loop vehicles will be out with the PRO and photographer so there will probably not be much in the way of new photographs but there will be another special-guest bloggger and all the latest news!
Ha Nadine (Alpha 2), hoe gaat het met je? Heb net de Raeigh site bekeken en ziet er allemaal spannend uit! Leuk om de blogs te lezen en zo te horen wat jullie allemaal meemaken. Geen idee of en wanner je dit leest, maar heel veel plezier en succes! xx Monique
ReplyDeleteDear Holly Hope I,m doing this right. Dont know anything about blogs, thats why I,ve written to you. What a fantastic experience you,re having but dont let the elephants know that you are iterfering with them--- you know about their mrmories! Lots of love from Grandma.
ReplyDeleteHi Hannah darling, I have just seen the photo of you in the eco-sanitation unit. Your mortar work looks similar to Africa! You look well but have you lost weight? you certainly look as if you have. I know that you're a veggie but sometimes meat has to be eaten. Anyway, keep on having a fab time and look out for a package when you get back to the field base. Much love Mutti xxx
ReplyDeleteBy Andy Ashford
ReplyDeleteNice blog Chris! I really never realised you were such a poet! Its clear you are all having a wonderful time and making the most of your opportunity. Keep the blog entries coming - and, above all, have fun!!! Dad (make that "Proud Dad")
Hi lieverd (that's Remi, Alpha 4)
ReplyDeleteKim and I both independently thought today that you needed some encouragement: we reckoned that after just over two weeks, things might have become a bit tough. You probably miss Jess loads and the work must be really hard, particularly in the heat. But then we just read on the blog you are off to a local village to see some dancing and we realise it's us that need the encouragement: we want an adventure like yours!. Anyhow, we miss you, feel very proud of you and are waiting for a message! A letter is on its way to you. In fact it might have arrived by now, so a new one is in the pipeline.
Kim will send a separate message he said. Lots of love
mama and Chris
Dear Jo/Chinnu - hope you had a good journey and are enjoying being back with the crew! We are really proud of you.
ReplyDeleteLove from us all - Dad, Mum, Pete, Sophie, Bea and Lola
Dag lieve Esmee, Wat zie je er prachtig uit als metselaar met bloemen in je haar. Wie had dat ooit gedacht. We missen je, maar gaan ervan uit dat je het vast goed hebt ondanks al het zware werk. Hier alles best. Ben net een weekje in Ierland geweest en heb daar ook een avontuur beleefd. Dat vertel ik je nog wel. Hele dikke zoen mijn lieve schat. Mam.
ReplyDeleteHave a great one, it'll certainly be celebrated in a different style.
love from Mum, Dad, Mimi, Dom, Xanthe
Hi Tilly,
ReplyDeletewe have seen a couple of brilliant pics of you, especially the one of you and Alpha 3 mates, moving all those rocks! Sounds like the building work is really progressing...fantastic! Hope you are having some fun too. Back in England we can't compete with all the exotic wildlife out there, but a bit of sunshine has brought out a load of noisy frogs in our garden pond.
We sent you a letter about seven days ago, maybe you can let us know when you get it...cos it would be great to get a reply on this blog, and maybe hear a bit of your news too.
Loads and loads of love,
Mum and Dad xxxxx
Angel (Alpha4)
ReplyDeleteAngel i miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssssssssss yoooooooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. More than u miss me - Im actually sure of it. So sad. Keep learnin and growing :-)
Hi Allie Gal -
ReplyDeleteThinking of you!
What an adventure - can't wait to hear all about your trip!
Lots of love - Weezie, Uncle Jim & the Monsters
Holly Gottlieb in Alpha 4: Hello Holly - Lot's of love from a (much older generation!) cousin - was soooo impressed to hear about your trip and very much look forward to hearing about all (well, maybe not all!)your experiences when you are back. We all missed you at your Grandma's last Sunday when she made a party for Sheila's 80th birthday - but it was good to see your Mum, Dad and Jess (who I think are missing you a bit!) and some of your other cousins too. I tried sending a comment before but it doen't seem to have reached you - hope this one has more success - Much love to you and keep on enjoying
ReplyDeleteCousin Mavis
Hey shenola,
ReplyDeleteHope your having the best time and enjoying this once in a lifetime experience. Can't wait to see you when you get back. It looks baking out there boy...enjoy that heat coz it's freezing here lol.
Take good care of yourself
luv Acacia xx
Hiya Hols (Alpha 4)
ReplyDeleteI hope you impressed the locals with your dancing! I see Mavis and Grandma have blogged you so they've earned their brownie points! I'll get Jess to write when she gets home tonight although she needs to get thru' all her prep cos she's got a DoE practise walk on Sunday and Madame tonight! First Maths exam coming up on Tues so just hope she keeps her head. Can't wait for you to try all these curry recipes out on us - missing your risotto badly! Not missing the strange noises around the kitchen table though!!
If you haven't already heard, SlumDog swept the board at the Oscars, Kate Winslet got best actress and Duchess for costume design so the Brits are on a bit of a high at the moment. Tom Gallon's just been accepted in to the NY film academy this Sept although he's struggling with funding so it's a bit touch and go whether he'll go. Building work continues at The Horse - the pillar's gone and I'm meeting Jayne there next week to talk colour schemes and ideas! Oh yes - STILL no news from Edinburgh!!
Love you,
Mum and Dad xxx
hi holly.
ReplyDeletehow are you?
theres something really scary...
also i was going to pull a prank on her and put bleach in her shampoo. what else should i do.
what shall i get for mums birthday from you also?
write back soon
lots of love
jess g
Joey Maloney, Alpha 2,
ReplyDeleteYo Joe. been writing on this a few times but you know me and pc's, just hope the messages are getting through, and to let you know we're all thinking about you, are you still curry munching, thereds did okay on Wednesday, we;ve got a 1-0 lead for the 2nd leg, you take care, luv ya loads, All the fambo,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteYo Joe, hows it going, just seen a pic of you on the blog, you look well, the reds did ok on Wednesday, 1-0 lead going into the next game at Anfield, hope you got the other messages, Take care and enjoy, lots of luv all the fambo.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To Uncle JOEY, Maloney,
ReplyDeleteWe love you loads, hugs and kisses, from Tom, Charli, and Reyhan, ABC's JoJU,xxx
Hi Zoe - Letter in the post - enjoyed receiving yours yesterday. Getting sorted with move etc - OK to address to White Gables as post being forwarded - new address in post. Good luck with the projects - good to hear of your news via the 'Blog'. Love Mum & Dad xx
ReplyDeleteDarling Jo (Alpha 1) Your grandma Janis phoned me yesterday. She has been enjoying reading the printed blogs I sent to her & your grandad. They both send their love and she said she will be showing them to Cathie. I have some others ready to send on Monday. Hope everything is OK with you there. Love & XXX MUM & Chandler
ReplyDeletehappy birthday to u !!
how r u ???
what india like ???
have u seen any cool animals??
have a great day
happy birthday
miss u lots
love u lots
xanthexxx (best little sister)
happy birthday sarah!! s^2 xxx
ReplyDeleteHi Emma(alpha 4) looks like you have your work cut out mending fences,everyone here ok,and asking about you.Hopefully you will be receiving a letter from us soon,Gavin txt me to say his letter you sent took 2wks.We are looking forward to more pics on the blog.Anyway you take care,thinking of you,love mum,dad,Ed and koko. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteHi Ella,
ReplyDeleteGot your letter, the one you wrote before setting off on the trek. Hope you haven't needed to use the blister plasters, can't wait to see the pictures. Dolly is missing you.
Lots of love from Mum and Dad
For Edward Kneale (ALPHA 3)
ReplyDeleteWhat Oh India Wallah? Hows it been out in the bush? Hope you've been using your deodorant!? Have you organised a base camp cricket team yet? Apparently the monkeys are good at fielding. Birthday weekend went down well, Margaret with her arm cast (due to broken wrist when skiing!) and family all say hi. How are your guts standing up to the local diet? D&V yet??? Sleeping in a basha or hammock??? Do you have spam?
Everyone is fine here, send us an email soon.
Lots of love
Mum, Dad, Lucy and Rich x
Lieve Nadine,(Alpha 2)
ReplyDeleteDie wc's zien er bijzonder professioneel uit, hoop dat je
hier tzt ook een muurtje komt metselen. De crocusvakantie is voorbij gevolgen met veel leuke dingen.Hoop dat alles goed gaat, de buurt leeft mee en veel groeten van Fons en Annelies. Doeiiii
xxx Mats
Happy Birthday Seb
ReplyDeleteGreat to read all your news on the website. So good to see pictures of you. Seems a great crowd of people you are with. You are all doing a great job. We all are very proud of you. I think Ben was quite envious. Look forward to hearing news of the rest of your trip. Please take care of yourself. My grass needs cutting!
love from Nan x
ReplyDeleteJust a quickie to remind you about all the things I nagged you about. Hope all's well. Missing you.
Hi Em ( Alpha 4)
ReplyDeleteHows things? We keep reading the blogs and look forward to getting your next letter! Were you salt or pepper for the fancy dress?!!Missing you loads especially your cooking!Alexs is off to Liss' party on friday. Dads' painting the bathroom. Saw Nessa and John on Sat night-they asked after you as everyone does.Take lots of photos. Lots of Love M,D and Alex -xxxxx
Hello my dear raleigh o9c expedition participant this is siva from madurai. raleigh 08i expedition HCV. i wish you best of luck for the phase 2. i miss my raleigh friends.
ReplyDeletehello Gavin, Mark, amanda, vijay, deepak, Ivan, julia, om(cook man), girish manju, manju 60/60 i miss urs. good luck.
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