(pictured: Frankie finds out she's joining the Alpha 1 trekking group during the Raleigh Potter sorting ceremony. The three wicked witches of Amanda, Julia and Peta lead the sorting ceremony... funny hats all-round)

They are as follows:

So that's the latest news but we know you're probably keen to hear about everything else...
First up: The expedition cook-off was won by the culi

Logistics food guru and cook-off judge, Julia (who has two Phds and is quite sure it takes both of them to calculate the food required for Raleigh India!), said the main aim of the cook-off was to encourage the groups to get excited about their food and not fall into the trap of two-minute noodles every night.
"It's really amazing what you can cook with not much, and the quality of food in India is actually pretty good," she said.
It was also Valentine's Day on the weekend and Saturday night Fieldbase was decorated up in paperchains and hearts for a party. Hobby, James, Sreejith, Petrina and PM Neil carved up the dancefloor to the cheers of everyone.
Venturers were invited to write notes of appreciation to their newfound friends on expedition, which were distributed on their return from trek training. The game gave a very tired, hot and dusty group of venturers a much-needed emotional lift.
And then there was trek-training on Friday and Saturday..
After their first day of trek, Mysore's famous Snake Sham brought six snakes - including two cobras - to the campsite to show the group and many had a go at holding some of the non-venemous snakes. Sham told the group snakes were crucial to keeping rodent numbers under control in India and said he was called out almost every day by residents in the area to retrieve snakes which had slithered indoors to escape India's scorching heat.
Pictured: Emily J and Tom D, at campsite, One of the trek groups takes a break en route to the summit of Chamundi hill, and (from left) Guna, PM Caz, Hannah, Holly, Jo D and Streejith walk through the village at the top of Chamundi hill .
And that's the latest news.
And finally, here's the answer to a few more Blog FAQs:
Reader Q: In some blogs, when I click the picture, it doesn't go big which makes it hard to see my friends. What's going on?
Editor A: Sorry, that was my bad. I made some of the photographs smaller as my laptop was struggling a bit working with the large images sizes. The pictures on this blog are bigger than last time, so when you click on them, they will enlarge so you can see everyone.
Reader Q: Can my friends/family respond to blog comments I've posted?
Editor A: Yes they can, and some already have responded to comments! The Venturers can read the blog comments, as they get printed out and put on a pinboard near the dining room. During changeover (so in three weeks) everyone can then write their response message in a book, which will then get posted to the blog by the editor.
So most of the blog comments from "Raleigh India", come from a Venturer. It should be pretty clear who has responded to what.
Reader Q: My comment hasn't appeared, what's going on?
Editor A: Yesterday we had a power failure of epic proportions and about 20 or so blog comments (to the editor's absolute horror) disappeared into the abyss of cyberspace. If your blog comments haven't appeared... please comment again and accept my apologies. I have learnt my lesson and will work to minimise the impact of India's fluctuating power supply on the blog. Anything comments posted on or after February 16 will probably need to be sent again.
And from the editor... To everyone who has posted to a blog for the first time: Congratulations! There are quite a few of you!
Dealing with the blog comments is the most rewarding part of my job as PRO, seeing the faces on the Venturers when they read a comment addressed to them is just brilliant and their responses have been heartfelt. Please keep it up!
Next blog is scheduled for about Friday. We will have the next batch of pictures from the static sites and the trek early next week, as the photographer and PRO will be visiting the Venturers from Thursday until Sunday.
Stay tuned!
Hi Emma (ALPHA 4)glad to see you are putting the gloves to good use!Nan said watch the elephants! We are so proud of what you are doing looking forward to more pictures, love from everyone back home,love you mum,dad,Ed and koko xxxxxx
ReplyDeleteHi Ed (Alpha 3),
ReplyDeleteGlad to see you've arrived and it's all going well,
Hope you have an awesome trek!
JR x
Hi Neil
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work.
Expect you'll be an expert in repairing/erecting fencing by the time you get home. We will certainly know "who to call"
Sounds like you all had a great Valentine's Party.
Love Mum and Dad
Hi Ella D,
ReplyDeleteCan't see your name on any of the groups but assume no news is good news. Taking a guess that you are one of the E names in the conservation group! Hope you see some elephants. Happy Birthday for Friday, we'll be thinking of you. Love Mum, Dad. I and T
He E, Erg leuk om de blog te volgen. Als je dit leest ben je weer terug met Alpha 3. Hoop dat het huis dat je gebouwd hebt nog overeind staat :-). Ik ben nu op m'n werk, dus ook veel groeten van DE collega's,; ze vragen geregeld naar je. Ik sleep ze allemaal mee naar de website! Tot op heden kijken ze beleefd mee. Veel liefs, lof joe, Hanneke.
ReplyDeleteDarling Johanna D.- All the family in England, Wales, Germany, Costa Rica, Colombia and I are very proud of you. Going trekking up there, would be a fantastic practice to going up the Andes in Colombia. I wish I was 1/2 my age and joining all of you in that wonderful adventure. I am happy to see you in the pictures, you are looking very well. I have sent the link to my colleages in Newham (who helped in your fundraising) and they think is wonderful. Loving and missing you, and of course, your cups of tea.
ReplyDeleteXXX MUM
To Alpha 3
ReplyDeleteNext challenge for Murgesh and Alpha 3 is MasterChef, maybe Snake au Vin or maybe not. Love Mum & Dad Matt X
Hey foolio (thts u emily) this is ur favourite brother leaving u a message :D !!
ReplyDeleteJust had a busy weekend moving ur stuff out ur room and paintinng it black... jokes lol. Hope ur having a great time digging holes and toilets - no honestly it sounds great. i've worked out tht i've only gt 5 months of sch and wen u come bac i'll be en espana so soz i wont be picking u up from the airport but u can 4 me lol. Dads banned me from my air rifle!!! so rabbie is safe for the mo... also i'm going 2 reading in the summer :P!!!!.
Just thought - wont the cows fall down those pits ur digging(remember delhi):P.
lots of love!!! and the cats also missing u
(btw ur CD player and subwoofer looks really gd in my room- any chance u could remmeber where the remote is ??)
To: Mum, Dad, I and T
ReplyDeleteFrom: Editor
Profuse apologies! My fingers ran away with me and I typed Ella's name as Alli. Have fixed it now, Ella is on the trek, they just called in for their evening situation report and have said all is well!
Cheers - blog editor Peta
Alpha 3 Hi Tilly Good to see you enjoying yourself. Just like to let you know I am a Granddad. David John Wallis born 12th February weighing in at 9lb 4oz. Both parents Helen and Ian and baby David are doing fine.
ReplyDeleteLove and Best wishes
Uncle Mike
Hi Ricci and everyone in Alpha 2
ReplyDeleteIt look really good what you are doing Coping with the heat ok and all that treking, Arsenal won 4-0
against Cardiff in the Cup last night
How Leanne ? is she ok?
Wayne may send you a message online soon.
It so good to see your pics on the blog
Looks as if you had a good Valentines Partieeeeeee
Aunty Edie sends her love
Take care son
Hi ricardo..wow u look great love the piccy of u n leanne..see ya hair still in plaits..lol not gone for crew then..NO DONT U DARE lol
ReplyDeletehave u sent baby a card hun..hope u didnt forget. Me n dad still doin the course its fun
whens it your turn rto cook hehehehe
we both fine
how many valentines cards did u get..i got one n lots of TLC say hi to our crew from hackney..we are VERY PROUD of you ALL
till the next peek..
love ya loads...mumxoxoxoxoxo
Hey remi!
ReplyDeletehope your well and having an amazing time! missing you loads!!
Love you jess
Jo' D.- I do not understand why to go to India trekking when you could have gone with me trekking along the future olimpic park in East london every night, I don't find snakes or monkeys but there are plenty of juicy mice. Your mum insists on not opening the door or window for me after 11pm so I have decided to stay indoors after that hour. Come back home soon, that is damaging my street cred!. Well enjoy your trekking. MISSING YOU
ReplyDeleteHey Jo
ReplyDeletelovely to see your smiley face by the bus.Very envious of the sunshine! i am sure we can put eco-sanitation to good use on the farm! Hope the gloves are serving their purpose. much love Dad, Mum, Pete, Soph, Bea and Lola
Hey Jo
ReplyDeletelovely to see your smiley face by the bus.Very envious of the sunshine! i am sure we can put eco-sanitation to good use on the farm! Hope the gloves are serving their purpose. much love Dad, Mum, Pete, Soph, Bea and Lola
Hi Seb
ReplyDeleteAll sounds amazing. Happy bday for the 28th. Phoned BA you can change you flight free of charge once (subject to availabiltity) after that u pay £25.U have to phone the local BA office to change it.Enjoy yourself take lots of pics.Miss u love from us all
hey baby, hope everything is going ok over there. some of the photos look hellofa good!! cant wait to see them when you get back. miss you loads. love you S^2 ;-) xxx
ReplyDeleteHey Chris - always photographed with girls! Some things never change!! Looks like you're having a fab time - we're soooo jealous. Take care, Mum and Dad. x
ReplyDeleteLieve Lu (of eveline bloemendal zoals sommige mensen je noemen, vraag me in godsnaam niet waarom?!),
ReplyDeleteik had vandaag men eerste dag dat ik iets moest delen met je, maar dat dat niet kon! En ik vind het zo raar dat ik niet weet hoe alles met je is... Maar ik zag je op de foto, dus ik weet in ieder geval dat je niet verdwaald bent geraakt!! Maar ik wacht op de foto's van je badpak! Zorg goed voor jezelf Luschoen!
kus Lusok
Emily J - Great to see thumbs up! We think you must be on the elephant fencing section. Hope all goes well. Lots of love Mum & Dad
ReplyDeleteHi Zoe We are now moved from Marlborough and staying with Scholes whilst Beckhampton made habitable - long story! Great to see you on the blog - good luck and enjoy the housing project. Best love M, D & Megan xx
ReplyDeleteHi Leanne, it's excellent to see your photo. You llok great. We're all thinking of you. God bless, Michelle.
ReplyDeleteLeanne - Taylor says he has put credit on your phone, so get in touch if you csn.
ReplyDeleteJust sending some love to Pete so she'll stop complaining xxx
ReplyDeleteHi Hamish
ReplyDeleteHave tried unsuccessfully to post a comment, so I am trying again! Hope that you are having a fantastic time and enjoying your trek. We are all well & having another good time in NY although I am truly missing my shopping companion!! Have a great time & look forward to catching up with you soon. Lots of Love M, D & C xx
Hey Peta! AT & I cracked a Black Chook tonight. Wished you were here to share the booty! Missed you and toasted you! Love seeing your lively, smiling face in this blogothingy. Fish in water!
ReplyDeleteHi Ella D.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday for tomorrow 20th Feb with lots of love from Mum and Dad, T & I and Alex rang this eve as well. We are thinking of you.
Hope trek is going well and rucksack not too heavy. Watch out for snakes and scorpions. John and I just got back from Trinidad jungle where we met a snake or two!! Send text when poss. LOL Dad xx
Hellowy Jo!
ReplyDeleteaw i was so impressed you replied me! *feel ma luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurv* im sorry i did realise after that if you didnt have phone access you obviously wouldn't have net *i am officially an r.tard*
hope you are doing well and all,miss you badly! i'm going into da jungle from tonght btw im so excited! college trip. so depite being far we are slumming it together:D
i will send you a super decorated card soon
take lots and lots of care of yourself monkeyface! be good :)
p.s. its so nice to see you in the pictures! just leap in front of the camera whenever its around yeah so i can see your beastly face more:D
ReplyDeleteNot suprised to see you dressed as a witch. For some reason it suits you.
I hope you are happy now. 1 of 71
Garth: you'll be happy to know I was wearing the stripey black-and-red Wizard-of-Ozesque socks to complete the look.
ReplyDeleteHi Ella, Happy Birthday for yesterday! Hope you are having a brilliant time and all is well! Lots of love, Alex xxxx
ReplyDeleteTo: Alex Maston Martin Wilton (17.02.09 18.45pm)
ReplyDeleteFrom: Emily Wilton
Hey Alex. God you are embarrassing! How's school? What have you done this time for Dad to ban you? Why you going to reading?? Having a great time sleeping in basha beds at the moment and today started work on the fences. It's really fun. How's Carl? Can you get him to write on this blog? Give my love to everyone and I'm missing you all lots.
Ps remote is in my room but has no batteries!
To: Mum, Dad and brother of Edmee
ReplyDeleteFrom: Edmee Schimmelpeninck
Hi lieve familie,
ik heb nu twee nachtjes in de open-lucht geslapeu, alleen een muskieten-net. Whilde mijn ogen niet dichtdoen vanwege de prachtige sterrenhewel! Hoop dat alles goed gaat met jullie. Heb een leuk groepje. Vanabond kip!
Heel veel liefs!
(To family from Editor: I hope my Dutch typing is ok. Edmee wrote her note to you whilst sitting in her basha at the Alpha 4 campsite and the handwriting is a little hard to read! Best wishes - PRO Peta.)
To: Mum & Dad (18.02.09 05.35)
ReplyDeleteFrom: Emily J
Just been getting the camp together on the Elephant conservation project, it has been hot and very basic which is all very strange but finally starting to settle into a normal routine (if you could ever call this normal :) Miss you both loads,
love you tonnes and tonnes
Emily xxxx
To: Lu
ReplyDeleteFrom: Eveline
Lu lu lu lu lu! Ik mis je! Heb een brief geschrevennaar ie romantisch he. Daakin staat ook adres van fieldbase, dan kan je alles van ie afschkijven en weef ik meteen hoe lu is doing. Het gaat heel goed met me. Wel hakd werken maar het is hick zo mooi! Meer details staan in de brief
lu lu luf joe
(Editor's note: I am typing verbatim from Eveline's note as I don't speak Dutch, hope it gets across ok as it's not familiar to me. Best wishes - Peta PRO)
To: JR (I think, Ed didn't write on his comment)
ReplyDeleteFrom: Ed K
Heyo guys, the camp in Kapikadu is slowly starting to resemble something from Shipwrecked and everyone is working hard in the heat. One set of four foundations done, only 10 to go! We can receive some small parcels so get some haribo in the post! Stay safe, love Ed K x
To: Mum and Dad
ReplyDeleteFrom: Zoe
Hi Mum and Dad,
We're slowly getting things organised in camp and the building is coming along in leaps and bounds. Unfortunately I've managed to put my back out, I'm feeling pretty sorry for myself and have spent the day making "occupied" signs for the long drop, washing etc. How do I contact you? I now don't ahve an address or phone number! Thinking of you both and give my love to all the Hamersleys,
Lots of Love,
Zoe xxx
(editor note: To the Hamersleys, I know you have posted a few times and your posts got eaten by the blog monster - an unfortunate incident involving power shortages and computer rage. I explained this to Zoe - whose back was much better today - so she knows you have posted more times than have appeared. Best wishes, PRO Peta).
To: Lynda and Frank
ReplyDeleteFrom: Petrina
Thank you for the parcel, I needed zip trousers! It's VERY HOT over here! I've just finished a day's work which involved moving boulders about twice my weight to start building the foundations of the houses. We get the day off tomorrow (WOOHOO!) and are hopefully going to go swimming.
I've been eating curry and more curry - I doubt I'll ever be asking to go out for an Indian meal again! It's all vegetarian though which is nice.
Missing you both,
Lots of love,
To: Sevim
ReplyDeleteFrom: Petrina
Hey Sevim,
You better be checking up on your boi (lol). Missing you lots! Hope Oxford isn't over-loading you with work. Your letter should arrive in about a week.
A-Town Down
Hey Johanna! Been keeping track of how you're doing, so well done so far! i've never felt so proud of you, keep it up. you're the stongest woman i know, so i know you can make it all the way! i'm rooting for you all the way. never forget that i love you and will never stop believing in you. Loads of love, Russ-Russ XXX
ReplyDeleteRemi ...
ReplyDeleteHello lover hope you well and having the best time! :) missing you loads as always! Saw jack the other night in lloyds and was showing him all the photos of you in India! Hes missing you too!
Not to make one jelouse but tomo is pancake day so i hope they treat you all, if not ill eat lots just for you with nutella and jam :p
Looking forward to hearing from you, hope you get my letter and the photos ive sent!
Hope your not too tanned as im soo white, i need to go away before you return!
Anywho ill speak to you soon hopefully!
My family send there love!
Love you loads xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Lieve Eveline, leuke fotos. Slaapt Alpha 3 ook buiten? Tanja en ik zijn geheel gebrainwashed en praten tegenwoordig in Alpha 1,2,3,4-taal. 's Avonds slapen we in onze basha en douchen doen we met een teil boven ons hoofd. Filmnieuws: het is net weer Oscar-night geweest. Slumdog millionaire (Engelse film, speelt in India!): beste regie en film en nog 6. Kate Winslet en Sean Penn beste acteurs. Veel liefs ook van T en A, Mamma (ook wel eens leuk om op te schrijven).
ReplyDeletehai eveline, had net een mooie engelse versie gemaakt maar die lukte niet.
ReplyDeleteHet blog lezen maakt me jaloers!! wauw! Geniet van elk moment!liefs helen
Hi to JOEY on Alpha 2, Hope you doing okay Joe, and enjoying yourself, Will let you know how the REDS get on tomorrow, we played crap against City. All the fambo send there love, Reyhan sends a big ABCs kiss back to you, and Chabs a big hug,and Tom a a pat on the back, been reading the blog on the project,your looking well,take care and lots of luv from the fambo,Mum.xxx
ReplyDeleteYo Angel (alpha 4) - wat it do? I got your letter this morning. Danke schon. Let me know if you've received mine - I cant see you in any of the pics :-( but it sounds like you're having a good time so thats good. When I got yor letter I was behavin like a foolish child bare smilin and excited (loser i kno). But erm yh holla back at me on this - Ima give Maurica your fb details and do the other stuff. I've actually missed you can u bliev it? Shocking - but yeah my letters are full enough. How often dyu get to look at this? Holla back asap. Much love,
Emily J! looks like you're having an amazing time! loadsa love
ReplyDeletejosh c xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Zoe, just been scrolling through the blogs and found one from 22nd from you which we seem to have completely missed!!! How is the poorly back now? Peta (PRO) posted a note saying it was much better so hope that continued. Mum says she TOLD you to look after it (cluuuuck, cluck cluck, cluck!). Mum is being looked after by Meg at the moment which consists of climbing on beds, rushing to the door whenever anyone moves, trying to will that cheese on the worktop to jump into her gob (told her spaniels don't like cheese but she doesn't believe me) and being an oik (Meg, that is, not Mum). Love Mum and Dad and licks from Meg XXXXXXX
ReplyDeleteHi joey, tom here hope your having a ball in india, i can see that is is roasten hot with the picture on the blog.(wow your shorts are lol :D ) all the fambo sends loads of love and a bigWELL DONE with the project
ReplyDeletehope i see you soon xxx
tom here again liverpool won sunderland 2-0 and if you dont yet no liverpool won real madrid 1-0 Bye
ReplyDeleteGO JOE