All the camps have been dismantled, the trekkers have hung up their walking boots and the groups have called in their last evening update which can only means we've finally come to the last night of the final phase on expedition. It's exciting but sad times here at the moment and I've had to hold back tears three times already today and the team's aren't even back yet, strewth. They're all setting of at first light to get back here as early as possible to catch up with everyone and celebrate - after we've all run 10k on Monday of course.
We went on a few more trips to Charlie 2, Echo 3 and Echo 4 at the end of this week so below are the messages that we picked up from them. We also went along to the inauguration ceremony at Charlie 2 in BD Munti this morning to open the 45 new eco-sanitation units that the teams have built over the last ten weeks. We'll bring you a full update on that tomorrow with some lovely photos from Kathryn. Ceremonies were also held today at Charlie 1 and the Echo projects to thank them for all their hard work so I can't wait to hear how they went.

From Samantha Anderson
To Mum, Dad, Tanya and Shelby
We went on a few more trips to Charlie 2, Echo 3 and Echo 4 at the end of this week so below are the messages that we picked up from them. We also went along to the inauguration ceremony at Charlie 2 in BD Munti this morning to open the 45 new eco-sanitation units that the teams have built over the last ten weeks. We'll bring you a full update on that tomorrow with some lovely photos from Kathryn. Ceremonies were also held today at Charlie 1 and the Echo projects to thank them for all their hard work so I can't wait to hear how they went.
The good work that the Raleigh teams in India are doing is being recognised over here as we've had some press coverage in The Hindu newspaper today. In the article, the lovely Philippa from Raleigh head office describes her time as a venturer in 2009 and the projects that she worked on.
Here's a link to the article and below is the amazing photo taken by Kathryn that was published in the paper - The Hindu article
Here's a link to the article and below is the amazing photo taken by Kathryn that was published in the paper - The Hindu article
And here's their messages to you at home...
Charlie 2
From Becky Barnes
To Mum
I can't wait to talk to you really soon. You probably still have a backlog of letters to arrive from me! I hope you have had a lovely time in Venice and are really well. I can't wit ti see Ruth and you. I'm an looking forward to earing about her travels and seeing your photos from the past few months as well! I am fine with the heat, no sunburn, no tan and many, many litres of chlorinated water so don't worry. Love you loads and loads, Bec x x x
From Katy star
To Janio Mooo
Moo! Am flying back from Bangalore with BA on the morn of the 27th April so deff stay out til then! Am planning us lots of exciting stuff to do. Will be able to text/email proper from 6th April so be in contact then yaaay! x x x
From Katy star
To Abi Morts
Thank you so much for the post and blog morts, it's so good to feel loved... The the other bobs they are lame!! Have a different phone number but haven't been using it much as it costs twenty pounds per text! Will email soon from 6th April. How time is flying! Loads of love x x x
From Katy star
To Weeksbob
Squeeks! Thanks for msg at last!! Glad life is tumbling along and you're all missing me better be! Jane arrives in less than 2 weeks then I'm home in exactly 4 weeks!! Get the BBQ out... Love love love x x x
From Katy star
To Dommer
Badger face! Exactly 4 weeks til I'm home, better start tidying and practicing cooking lots of puddings!1 Love you loads x x x
Echo 3
From Becky Barnes
To Mum
I can't wait to talk to you really soon. You probably still have a backlog of letters to arrive from me! I hope you have had a lovely time in Venice and are really well. I can't wit ti see Ruth and you. I'm an looking forward to earing about her travels and seeing your photos from the past few months as well! I am fine with the heat, no sunburn, no tan and many, many litres of chlorinated water so don't worry. Love you loads and loads, Bec x x x
From Katy star
To Janio Mooo
Moo! Am flying back from Bangalore with BA on the morn of the 27th April so deff stay out til then! Am planning us lots of exciting stuff to do. Will be able to text/email proper from 6th April so be in contact then yaaay! x x x
From Katy star
To Abi Morts
Thank you so much for the post and blog morts, it's so good to feel loved... The the other bobs they are lame!! Have a different phone number but haven't been using it much as it costs twenty pounds per text! Will email soon from 6th April. How time is flying! Loads of love x x x
From Katy star
To Weeksbob
Squeeks! Thanks for msg at last!! Glad life is tumbling along and you're all missing me better be! Jane arrives in less than 2 weeks then I'm home in exactly 4 weeks!! Get the BBQ out... Love love love x x x
From Katy star
To Dommer
Badger face! Exactly 4 weeks til I'm home, better start tidying and practicing cooking lots of puddings!1 Love you loads x x x
Echo 3
From Samantha Anderson
To Mum, Dad, Tanya and Shelby
We sadly haven't seen any elephants :( so glad nan and grandad have found some houses! YES YES YES that colour is fine! What's the price of it? The snake man on tv is the one we saw on trek training! Is shelby not staying with Tina then? I had D&V but am ok now after a course of antibiotics. Only a day left and we'll be back at field base - it's gone so quick, will soon be home. Oh but did I did see nelly's on the way to trek. Missing you, love you loads x x x
PS Oh and I'm travelling with Alice And Maybe Ellie, not Lottie x x
PS Oh and I'm travelling with Alice And Maybe Ellie, not Lottie x x
Echo 4
From Florine Boer
From Ameze Simbo
Hey Guys! I've been on Echo 4 for the past 3 weeks and the temperature has heated up! I'm still getting darker and I wear I actually have a tint of purple in my skin LOL! We started putting up fences today to protect the community from elephants and spend what free time we have drinking chai or mango juice at the local village. I've pimped out my basha my making my tarp into a mini canape and use underneath for shade, Our camp is in the middle of nowhere and there is NO SHADE ANYWHERE. Back at field base we've got a 10k run for charity then I'm going to Goa and Hampi with some other venturers for a week. I come home on Thursday 14th around lunchtime and I'm looking forward to a nice soggy packet of ships with a sausage and loads of salt, vinegar and ketchup! LOL some things never change :)
Love you loads, Amz x x x
From Sarah Churlish
From Florine Boer
Hi Mom and Dad
I'm writing in English to make sure the message will arrive properly because Dutch and my handwriting does not make it easy for the blog updaters.My time in India has been great! Today is my birthday and it is great! The guys from field base are here today so that is a treat! We have done some good work in solar fencing and I am enjoying my last days in this beautiful country and the last days in the sun until the rainy Haarlem. Have a great week and I'll see you soon!
From Florine Boer
To Anke en Piet
Hi Anke en piet, super leuk elke keer de berichtjes alles kleine verhalen over thuis zijn zooo leuk om te lezen. Hel weekend met oma en opa klinkt super leuk! Heb nu al zin om longs te komen met de auto, naar vlissingen! Over een weejke en 2 dagen ik alweer in NL, spreek jullie snel. Veel liefs Flo!
From Florine Boer
To Daphne
Hi Daphiee! Aan je belofte gehauden een blog message! Heel leuk! Deze fase is voorbijge - vlogen, weikelijk nog moor 7 dagen en ik ga naar Bangalore! Hoop dat de bday von je zus top was en geniet von NL, ik spreek je snel!! x x x
PS mij al gevonden op FB?
From Florine Boer
To Anke en Piet
Hi Anke en piet, super leuk elke keer de berichtjes alles kleine verhalen over thuis zijn zooo leuk om te lezen. Hel weekend met oma en opa klinkt super leuk! Heb nu al zin om longs te komen met de auto, naar vlissingen! Over een weejke en 2 dagen ik alweer in NL, spreek jullie snel. Veel liefs Flo!
From Florine Boer
To Daphne
Hi Daphiee! Aan je belofte gehauden een blog message! Heel leuk! Deze fase is voorbijge - vlogen, weikelijk nog moor 7 dagen en ik ga naar Bangalore! Hoop dat de bday von je zus top was en geniet von NL, ik spreek je snel!! x x x
PS mij al gevonden op FB?
From Florine Boer
To Matthijs
Hee - leuk je berichtje te ontvangee. Hoop dat alles nog top is daar! Wens suus iig Happy Bday! Ik kon je nu wel allemaal vragen stellen maan dat heeft geen nut wont dit is de laatste keer op fase dat ik blogs ontvang en don op fieldbase. Is er een email gekomen over de uit leg von de disputenborrels? Veel plezier in NL nog 9 dagen! x x x Flo
To Matthijs
Hee - leuk je berichtje te ontvangee. Hoop dat alles nog top is daar! Wens suus iig Happy Bday! Ik kon je nu wel allemaal vragen stellen maan dat heeft geen nut wont dit is de laatste keer op fase dat ik blogs ontvang en don op fieldbase. Is er een email gekomen over de uit leg von de disputenborrels? Veel plezier in NL nog 9 dagen! x x x Flo
From Florine Boer
To Mama, Papa, anke, piet
Hi lieve familie
Heel erg bedankt voor de pakketjes. Beiden totaal vershillende pakketten, dat maakie het des te leuker. Bday was een groot success. Paketjes kaarten, blogs, taart, lied, snope, vloggetjes, ballonnen en toeter en nog maar 3 dagen en dan kan ik weel bellen! Super leuk dat jullie aan me gedacth henneh x x x Flootje
To Mama, Papa, anke, piet
Hi lieve familie
Heel erg bedankt voor de pakketjes. Beiden totaal vershillende pakketten, dat maakie het des te leuker. Bday was een groot success. Paketjes kaarten, blogs, taart, lied, snope, vloggetjes, ballonnen en toeter en nog maar 3 dagen en dan kan ik weel bellen! Super leuk dat jullie aan me gedacth henneh x x x Flootje
From Sunil Mistry
To Everyone
Hey guys, last few days left and I'm really enjoying it. Hope you guys aren't missing me too much! Been making good progress on the trenches and I'm going to watch the India Pakistan match at a local's house today, so that should be fun! Saagi, hoe your nose is feeling better and i hope you took a pic of it when it was hug! I should be back in the internet next week so watch out for me on FB! CYA SOON!
From David Gutheridge
To Mum and Dad
Hey guys just a quick message to say thank you for the car packages, both arrived today. See you soon - only a few days now!
To Everyone
Hey guys, last few days left and I'm really enjoying it. Hope you guys aren't missing me too much! Been making good progress on the trenches and I'm going to watch the India Pakistan match at a local's house today, so that should be fun! Saagi, hoe your nose is feeling better and i hope you took a pic of it when it was hug! I should be back in the internet next week so watch out for me on FB! CYA SOON!
From David Gutheridge
To Mum and Dad
Hey guys just a quick message to say thank you for the car packages, both arrived today. See you soon - only a few days now!
From Ameze Simbo
Hey Guys! I've been on Echo 4 for the past 3 weeks and the temperature has heated up! I'm still getting darker and I wear I actually have a tint of purple in my skin LOL! We started putting up fences today to protect the community from elephants and spend what free time we have drinking chai or mango juice at the local village. I've pimped out my basha my making my tarp into a mini canape and use underneath for shade, Our camp is in the middle of nowhere and there is NO SHADE ANYWHERE. Back at field base we've got a 10k run for charity then I'm going to Goa and Hampi with some other venturers for a week. I come home on Thursday 14th around lunchtime and I'm looking forward to a nice soggy packet of ships with a sausage and loads of salt, vinegar and ketchup! LOL some things never change :)
Love you loads, Amz x x x
From Sarah Churlish
To Dad
Yeah, I got the message twice and the other one explaining that you'd sent the first one haha. It sometimes takes a while for the blogs to filter through as we only get them when field base come to see us. Thanks again for sorting insurance and yes I will bring you back to India. You'd absolutely love it! But a boomerang> You know I'm in India right? I'll get you something Indian haha. Ah gutted I missed John's barbershop!! I'm sure Andrew loved his free lunch and yeah good luck with your plan of having Andrew home, as if Andrew being home will stop the beer haha. At least the dogs will survive though. If you're sending a letter, remember I leave on the 5th so may not get it in time. I've loved Raleigh but am looking forward to exploring India independently. I'll let you know my plans when I know. Love to you all x x
From Sarah Churlish
To Johny Pon the stupid one
Seriously dude, my tan is mental and I actually have muscles - I'm practicing my punch to beware, Paz and Jonny are training me. Only a few weeks to go. Gutted I missed your barbershop - bet you looked stupid. Get a Lancs trip sorted. You're on your Easter hols on the 16th right? Hope alls well at home, much love x x x
From Sarah Churlish
To Stef
Stefanie Matilda! How are you? Yes, I'm travelling after but no it's not properly sorted yet. I leave Raleigh on the 6th then I'm going to Goa and Hampi and Bangalore with a group of 10 of us and will be back on the 16th April. Haha your dream sounds mental, you should maybe lay off the cheese before bed. Elephant trenches are hard work but good fun as I'm with a really good group. We had an elephant near camp the other day while we slept which is exciting but scary. Congrats on the job knew they'd want to keep you! Hope all is well and I'll see you in a few weeks. I've send you a letter full of gossip :D Love to all, including Laura - I know she's rubbish but I love her all the same haha, Miss you x x x
From Sarah Churlish
To Bex
YES! I'm back on the 16th April and yay you're home! Get organising a trip missus. And OMG about Jenna! She's so funny. Elephant trenches are good, slow progress because it's so hot now but it's good fun. Yeah we need to travel together, we've got plenty of time to sort it though. Your trip sounds amazing, it's such a shame you had to cut it short. Can't wait to hear all the stories and cant wait to see you all! Lots of love Sarah x x x
To Johny Pon the stupid one
Seriously dude, my tan is mental and I actually have muscles - I'm practicing my punch to beware, Paz and Jonny are training me. Only a few weeks to go. Gutted I missed your barbershop - bet you looked stupid. Get a Lancs trip sorted. You're on your Easter hols on the 16th right? Hope alls well at home, much love x x x
From Sarah Churlish
To Stef
Stefanie Matilda! How are you? Yes, I'm travelling after but no it's not properly sorted yet. I leave Raleigh on the 6th then I'm going to Goa and Hampi and Bangalore with a group of 10 of us and will be back on the 16th April. Haha your dream sounds mental, you should maybe lay off the cheese before bed. Elephant trenches are hard work but good fun as I'm with a really good group. We had an elephant near camp the other day while we slept which is exciting but scary. Congrats on the job knew they'd want to keep you! Hope all is well and I'll see you in a few weeks. I've send you a letter full of gossip :D Love to all, including Laura - I know she's rubbish but I love her all the same haha, Miss you x x x
From Sarah Churlish
To Bex
YES! I'm back on the 16th April and yay you're home! Get organising a trip missus. And OMG about Jenna! She's so funny. Elephant trenches are good, slow progress because it's so hot now but it's good fun. Yeah we need to travel together, we've got plenty of time to sort it though. Your trip sounds amazing, it's such a shame you had to cut it short. Can't wait to hear all the stories and cant wait to see you all! Lots of love Sarah x x x
From Sarah Churlish
TO Lauren Buckley
Hey Lozza! So good to hear form you, how's it going at Costa? Been thinking if you all when I've been walking through the coffee plantations and picking the Robusta and Arabica beans (I sounds like an expert ha ha) Yeah I'm about to finish the final phase now on Echo 4 so I'm living in a basha and digging elephant trenches - it's good fun. It's gone crazily fast and I'm travelling for ten days after so I'll be back on the 16th. I love it here - such a relaxed way of live, it's getting hot now though, Hope all is well with you. Can't wait to catch uip. Lots of love Sarah x x x
From Sarah Churlish
To Mum
Yay you finished one! Only one left then you're done. It sounds like the stress is sending you loopy! I've been telling everyone about cowboy time, it's now openly acknowledged in the group. No elephants yet, I'd love to see one from my basha though walking through camp. It's so hot here now, think it's pushing 40 degrees. I'm hiding in the shade trying to find a breeze at the moment., Say thanks to Dad for posting the flight stuff out, I'll keep an eye out for it. Hope he enjoyed his boys barge weekend haha. Looking forward to seeing you all. Still loving it here and I'm really exited for a week of travels, say hie to the idiots for me :D love you loads Sarah x x x
From Andrew Jehring
To Will Jehring
when arriving at the E4 campsite I thought it would turn me mad with crippling heat, barren landscape and harsh winds, However on reading your blog messages it's clear what mad is and though I'm bald, I'm far from whatever the hell you are. Get a grip, IN other news let's give a big shout out to 'Kat Lion' who apparently is an avid follower of our blog. On the subject of my bag, it broke before climbing the second highest peak in south India in the first week and then was attacked by shampoo last week, a far cry from the shelving plan. Just read Dad's blog, it seems he's gone as mad as you so I best get on and bring him down. Toodlepip brother x
From Andrew Jehring
Hey Lozza! So good to hear form you, how's it going at Costa? Been thinking if you all when I've been walking through the coffee plantations and picking the Robusta and Arabica beans (I sounds like an expert ha ha) Yeah I'm about to finish the final phase now on Echo 4 so I'm living in a basha and digging elephant trenches - it's good fun. It's gone crazily fast and I'm travelling for ten days after so I'll be back on the 16th. I love it here - such a relaxed way of live, it's getting hot now though, Hope all is well with you. Can't wait to catch uip. Lots of love Sarah x x x
From Sarah Churlish
To Mum
Yay you finished one! Only one left then you're done. It sounds like the stress is sending you loopy! I've been telling everyone about cowboy time, it's now openly acknowledged in the group. No elephants yet, I'd love to see one from my basha though walking through camp. It's so hot here now, think it's pushing 40 degrees. I'm hiding in the shade trying to find a breeze at the moment., Say thanks to Dad for posting the flight stuff out, I'll keep an eye out for it. Hope he enjoyed his boys barge weekend haha. Looking forward to seeing you all. Still loving it here and I'm really exited for a week of travels, say hie to the idiots for me :D love you loads Sarah x x x
From Andrew Jehring
To Will Jehring
when arriving at the E4 campsite I thought it would turn me mad with crippling heat, barren landscape and harsh winds, However on reading your blog messages it's clear what mad is and though I'm bald, I'm far from whatever the hell you are. Get a grip, IN other news let's give a big shout out to 'Kat Lion' who apparently is an avid follower of our blog. On the subject of my bag, it broke before climbing the second highest peak in south India in the first week and then was attacked by shampoo last week, a far cry from the shelving plan. Just read Dad's blog, it seems he's gone as mad as you so I best get on and bring him down. Toodlepip brother x
From Andrew Jehring
To Dad
On receiving a large blog from my 'loving father' after being ripped by my cousins and my brother, my heart rose. Well, I feel pretty crushed now. Unfortunately, it gets worse, at Mysore I decided to buy a protein shake before shaving my hair off and then smuggling dumb bells on phase and building a bamboo gym. Also, I'm running 10k everyday for a particularly not fun 'fun run' at the end. Maybe I should have gone to Smethwick. I hope mother has recovered from the shocking pictures and with that in mind it's probably best you don't let her know how much I'm enjoying wearing a skirt these days... Your loving son x x
On receiving a large blog from my 'loving father' after being ripped by my cousins and my brother, my heart rose. Well, I feel pretty crushed now. Unfortunately, it gets worse, at Mysore I decided to buy a protein shake before shaving my hair off and then smuggling dumb bells on phase and building a bamboo gym. Also, I'm running 10k everyday for a particularly not fun 'fun run' at the end. Maybe I should have gone to Smethwick. I hope mother has recovered from the shocking pictures and with that in mind it's probably best you don't let her know how much I'm enjoying wearing a skirt these days... Your loving son x x
Hi Ross
ReplyDeleteI cant' believe you have nearly finished your time at Raleigh. When you get this you will be back at base camp preparing to do the 10k run??? Hopefully by now you have your plans set fo the next few weeks. We sent you a parcel with some bits & pieces for your birthday, but unfortunately they have been returned. We have sent on your cards so I hope you get it before you move on!
Nicola and I finish school for Easter next week and Rob has been asked to play for Leicester Academy in Ireland against Leinster and then seeing the Hineken Cup game in Dublin. Great weekend. Lily is still having problems with her legs but we think there has been some improvement. We were going to Glastonbury for a few days in the caravan but we have had to cancel. Hope to hear from you soon and that you enjoy the rest of your trip. Love you lots Mum & Dad xxxx
To Georgi Tandy
ReplyDeleteHeya georgi, so back home now and yes am v drunk right now, was ellie goodwins bday yday, was sophie n jennys today and is will rees on tues who i met at ellies so woo =p. missing you loads and loads btw and love you loads just though would say before you get back then so hope you recieve this last blog message, and also i met James in a bar then tonight =p, you have a pretty cool bro btw then, as he pretty much grabbed me and said hi. anyways see you soon and text me as soon as you can as i will be staring at my phone lots as have even found what tried working out what time your flight arrives in england ok as am missing that much! Loads of Love from Rupert (me) xxxxxxx ps mewmewmewmewmewmewmewmew
To the Indian Blog Organiser
ReplyDeleteI thought I must get in touch I have become hooked to your blog and all the great work Raleigh are doing in India; my son is in Costa Rica at the moment so every morning I look to see what's happening, and so started reading all the blogs. The ones from you have been truly inspiring, the trips have really come alive and the pictures have been a real advert for a beautiful country. Thank you and please pass on my comments to all involved. Good luck with your work in the future.
To Katy Star
ReplyDeleteHey BOB,
Wow - to go on facebook and see comments from you! I laughed about your hair! is it not grown back much then hey? I am amused, Im sure it looks lovely bob. Are you working on your tan now you've managed to scrape all the mud off? The bobs are all very looking forward to you coming home, we really have all missed you very much so don't you worry about that. Where there might not have been messages (mostly due to technophobia I think!) there has been lots of thinking of you and saying 'God, it'll be better when Katy's back, wont it' because in truth none of us actually like each other... you are our glue.... I don't know how Jo and Alice have coped with this realisation having gone as far as moving in together and all...
glad you enjoyed my messages, though I think one of them didnt actually get through to you because I didnt see it get published on to the site, instead there was just one starting 'ps...' which obviously was postscript to a much longer post which had started with the more formal 'dear bob...'
With Jane at the moment having brought your malaria tabs and eye juice and stuff - how exciting that those things will be with you in a weeks time! they are lucky....
Well, best not ramble and take up all your computer time.
Much Love Bob, really looking forward to seeing you
to philip de koning tango 5
ReplyDeletehee philip! hoop dat je nog een paar leuke dagen op field base hebt. 10 km hardlopen in de hitte, is dat nu een eitje, na de afgelopen 3 weken?? veel plezier in ieder geval! Bel je wat je gaat doen en met wie? verheug me er op je weer te horen. hier alles oke, het is echt lente, heerlijk! tot gauw, liefs, xxxx
To Wieger van Rinkhuyzen - FB
ReplyDeleteLieve Wieger,
Wat heerlijk om jouw blije gezicht eindelijk op Skype te zien!! Hoop dat je nog op tijd was. Nu de voorbereidingen voor de 10K run? Zal niet meevallen in die warmte, maar...... zet 'm op!! Je hebt zoveel energie, dit pers je er nog even uit. En dan......inpakken. Zal toch wel emotioneel zijn om alles daar achter te laten, maar jij bent een waanzinnige ervaring rijker en klaar voor de volgende stap. We kijken uit naar woensdag!! Meet you at the airport........
met of zonder hello goodbye. Dag schat!!
Veel liefs,
Alice Corby Thank you for the lovely phone call .... just got flowers from Jack.... Hope your travels go well , I guess if you can get to a internet cafe then you can always e-mail. have fun and take care lots of love mum xx
ReplyDeleteTo Alexander Vostanis
ReplyDeleteHi Ganga, hope everythings ok,we're all fine. Interested to find out how you get on with the 10 k run! Try to ring; i've topped up your phone. We could do with knowing your plans in a little more detail and it would help us to perhaps know a couple of names that your'e travelling with plus, maybe, their (or home ) phone numbers. It's fine to give our numbers if any other people want some contact numbers. P has been round crosscountry today,horse went well and K has tennis match (not happy !) Really looking forward to hearing from you.lots of love, Mum xx
Sarah Churlish (Echo 4) - Thanks for the message princess, great to hear from you. Sorry for the travelling lecture but it had to be done. Well you are nearly done, I bet there will be many tears when you all part. We now have a plan (eventually after much gnashing of teeth)to pick you up. Both me and your Mam will be in London (Gatwick) on the 15th, your mam on a course, me being me, Andy sleeping off hangovers at home & John setting fire to the house. I will come across to Heathrow to pick you up on saterday then take you back to the hotel at Gatwick where we will all stay another night, then travel back home on Sunday evening after your mam's course has finished. We looked at various ways of doing this and this is the best combination of events, and cheapest for you. We (me and thee) just have to occupy ourselevs on Sunday which I am sure can be done, there will be no shortage of things to talk about. We must keep in contact though, probably through facebook before you leave the country at least once, just to make sure its all still happening. Try and make contact before you leave Raleigh if you can and enjoy your last few days, say hello/goodbye to all your new mates I would have met had you been in this country or had I been there, I am sure we may get to meet them in the future and apologies in advance. Love you loads and can't wait to see you, please be careful when yout travel and keep an eye on the FCO website, there is a lot going on on the planet which could effect you. Speak soon hopefully. Love D. x x x x x x x
ReplyDeletesamantha anderson echo 3
sorry i couldnt speak to you this morning, you know what im like on the weekends, not up till 10 at the earliest :)
have seen some photos of you on facebook that your friend dharmendra has taken and tagged you in :)
quess what, swarovski has brought out peter pan collection including him, tinkerbell and the title plague :) you have to buy it! tinkerbell is completely different to the one you already have, she is very elegant with a little green dress on, they are lovely, definately think you should get that collection :)
thankyou for my card and little bear, he is very cute, it was really nice to hear from you this morning, glad you are better
nice to speak to you this morning, what savings do you have to put towards a car?
all (and shelby)...
now you can relax and go off on your three week holiday, enjoy and take care
it is only three weeks and a few days till your home now, looking foward to seeing you :D
miss you and love you
to sean cullinane
ReplyDeletehi ya sean thank you for your text on sunday(mothers day)thank you for the last text,hope your ready for the run on monday(4th)hope you've had a good time the weather has been good today everybody back home has been asking after you i'll send the last message tomorrow(monday)bye for now from everybody back home xx
To David Gutteridge Echo 4
ReplyDeleteHi Love
Just a quick note to wish good luck for the run today. Thinking of you
Hi Louisa
ReplyDeleteHope the run/walk went well. Mothers Day Ben and I went for a meal at the Slug and Lettuce in Kingston. Seemed strange without you. On Saturday we saw Jack's band play which was good and Ben liked the female singer. There were a couple of other performers we saw as well at the fete. Pip got back to me this afternoon, unfortunately, the job with Oscar won't be carrying on in the summer term, I'll explain more when you ring. Pip wishes you her best and says if there is anything she can help you with give her a ring when you get back. I'm sure you will find something else when you get back, don't worry. Enjoy your party Love Mum xxx
Dear Ameze,
ReplyDeleteNo shade...I don't think I could take it. Purple? Wow can't wait to see that. Hope you're enjoying your time left in India. If you can stay in a lovely 5* hotel while you're holidaying. Get a massage and everything. See you when you get back!
to alex vostanis,
ReplyDeletehi voz. I PASSED MY DRIVING TEST!!!!!!! waheyy :) i'm so excited and happy!! i hope your run went well and your knee isn't hurting. it would be lovely to hear from you if you could call when youre travelling but dont worry if you cant. i miss you!! loads of love, emily xx
To: Alice Corby (Echo 3)
ReplyDeleteHello Alice. Thanks for your message. Mum said you had called, and read me your letter. Well done on the trek. I guess you are getting ready to leave now? Let me know if you will be able to get to an internet cafe once you are on your way. Our address is:
Balsfjordvinden 68
The sun is back here now, not dark until around 9pm and the snow is starting to melt. Might be over for a visit in July/August so will let you know.
Hopefully speak to you next week, good luck and have a great time.
Lots of Love,
Jack and Kjærsti.
To Georgia Zervudachi
ReplyDeleteI love You.
P.S. I don't think my texts are getting through; that You did the 10 km in 55 minutes is amazing. Please come home soon so that I can stop re-reading Your letters. When exactly are You back?
To Bryony Wilde - tango 5
ReplyDeleteHello lover!!!! Thank you soooo much for my letter which arrived today!!!! Not in the best conditions i will say - was sealed with a plaster!!! hahaha loved reading and re-reading it!!! Has literally made my day. Sounds amazing what you are getting up to, i am so proud of YOU!!!! Keep up the amazing work, just think you have adventures on the way!!! Life is ok at the moment, im on easter leave which is amazing so hoping to meet up with the beaver clan - although it won't be the same i.e it will be missing a bryony beaver!!! Have started my driving lessons which is exciting! Although sad news is that Aston has taken off to the land of afghanistan so am feeling a bit down in the dumps! But look forward to seeing your lovely face again and hearing all your gossip in person!! Not to mention those buns of steel!! Love you MASSIVELY - hope this finds you well!!!
love kate xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To Ros (PM)
ReplyDeleteHi sweetheart. Congratulations on finishing. I guess you're busy partying with the rest of the staff. I hope you've had a fab time and I'm so happy for you. I got back from doing half a phase in the jungle with a really nice group of venturers. I had to bring one of them back to fieldbase though via the hospital. It's all ok though and they are going back to their project in a few days. We managed to set up a really cool jungle camp before I left. Pimped it with a poker table, bar, gossip corner, swing and a jungle gym. The phase was the easiest so far. I'm seeing out the rest of the time in FB as medic until everyone returns. It gets pretty busy here during the day with all the phone calls. Most of which is pretty minor. I'm also hoping I can add a few more words to my rubbish spanish language skills before I leave. What are your plans now? Are you heading off with some of the VM's. Give me a call here if you get a chance. I really want to hear your voice. It's been far too long for my liking and I'm missing you more than ever. I got your lovely card yesterday. It really made me chuckle. Well needed after a long day on the road back to FB. Can't wait to head out for our India adventures. Take care hunny.
Mo xxxxxxx